.. ,,,,?, , W!?.'4,5,-V"TfcX?)KBr,-JW: 'lMWWK-i., ! i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OftEGON -."r- .- . r , t riHM Mora&Y, smnmmmn i, imt. 1 Wear Better Clothes wear better; clothes for the same reason that you buy better gat for your automobiles-better coal for your furnace the "quality" grade of anything ,. H "aasnaMsf ASSSSSm al l HHI you wear or use. T Personal Mention I t : Dr. Ocorgo Mallctt, local chlro- jctlc practitioner, has returned fMK Lakevlew whoro bo passed a I ntk on professional business. , Mist Haxol Conners. bead of tbe Herald business o trice staff, Is enjoy ing a, week's Tacatlon. Announcements baTo been recelvod by friends of Miss Adelaide Schubert, of bar marriage recently to Herbert Brers, a druggist. In Modesto, Cali fornia. Mrs. Brers Is tbo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schubert, and a girl who made many friends hero daring her school days. Sho Is gra duate of the Klamath county M7I1 school and of the nurses training achool at Fablola hospital, Oakunl, California. For tbo present the roung people will make tho'r hom a the Sequoia apartments In Modes to. Mr. and Mrs. Del Gammon wrro hosts yesterday tor Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Colter on a motor boat trip on the Upper Klamath lake. Mrs. H. E. Wood of Portion I Is her for a visit with Miss Madge DLxcm. Mrs. Wood was accompanied here by her husband, whe relumed yesterday to Portland, leavlai; Mis Wood to follow at a later dato. Mrs. C. C Low was a passenger on this train bound for Portland) where aha will visit for an .Indefinite Urn with friends. 0. W. Harrington was among ar rival from Portland last night wboj la-registered at tbe White Pelican hotel for the day. Mlsa Myler Calkins and Miss Claw Calkins, George Stevenson and W. B. Lehman woro visitors at Crater lake over the week-end. Before coming home -they mado tho trjp around tbo rim and report .It to l-e a (wonderful drlvo, but tin. It w:a very cold yesterday. Mlsa Wanda Brown, Miss Wllso . KImer Pendell, Howard Wines uuli Mr. Howard, all new members of tbo high achool teaching 'staff and Mis Juaslta Howe Journeyed to Critter lake this week-end for tholr first view of that nature wonder. George A. Baleson, H. N. Nort;n, Frank Grady all of Portland and booster far tho 1925 International fair aro guests at tbo White Pelican hotel, having arrlrod last night. Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Wblto of Benl da, California, spent last night In Klamath Falls on their way n'prtli in their car bound for Crater hike and other points. J, Oleson Is a business visitor hero from Ban Francisco today, t H. H. Hart, D. W. Cross of Sacra mento and W, D. Coatee, Jr., of San Francisco are a group of California business men who aro stopping at ' tbo White Pelican hotel this week.; Mr. Hart Is planning for .tho bulldhv; of a new theatre at tbo comer o; 7th and Main streets. B. W, Paul and A. B. Cunningham aro city visitors today from Medfoul P. S. Puckett is in town on mnt. ' , ; " ters.aflbuslness from tho Puc'coti io ruc;coi: J Itpna HUM cense FrI- I jsretBtrf camp near uucssa BMen 01 'Miller nnd Miss were Issued a .marriage, lice day god war married Saturday by tho Itcv. S. J. Chancy. Both are residents of tbo Agency and Ml -a. Hill Is tbe granddaughter of an In dian chief, who won fame as a friend of tho whites In tho early days of the settlement of Klamath county . Another license was issued So Percy Gordon Minis and Miss Lavlm.t Dorothea Graham, September 8, ami they were married the same day 0 the Ror. S. J. Chaney. Mr. and Mrc Minis will reside in this city. Jim Hilton and small son, Lou wero hunting qvor the weok-end, but wero not fortunato enough to bring in any deer meat upon their return Lon; who, la twolre years old, brought down a 4 point buck with his twenty two rifle, last week while on a pll grlmago after birds. Mrs. C. W. Murphy, who has been hero visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mer man Foster, left this morning for Weed, California. Miss Elona Underwood of San Francisco stopped orer here yester day for a brief visit with Miss Lydla FIcke, county health nurse, on her way homo from Portland. Miss Un derwood continued her Journey to San Francisco this morning. John Stewart returned this morn ing to Sacamcnto where ho will enter school. Ho has been here this sum mer with Mr. ana Mrs. C. B. Crlsler and with his father, J. L. Stewart. Mrs. Qeorgo W. Conrad left th'.t morning for Holbrook where she wilt make arrangements for moving hero to occupy her now home on Tenth street. .Mrs. E. L. Paddock returned last night from tbe Sycan marsh where she spent a couple of days with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Manwardt, and Mr. nAl Mrs. Fa. Markwardt, Miss Gladys Markwardt and Cc-orgo Fisher went bunting this wsok-end, but didn't get any game. J. W. Moorman was in town this morning from his ranch a few miles out of town after supp'les. S. C. Hub t man nnd M. C. Mi.ler wero county seat business visitors from Merrill Saturday. M. L. Miller who operates a vnch on the Midland road spent Saturday In town looking after business affairs and purchasing supplier. Mrs. Ethel Plasll camo into town from Malin Saturday on a shopping tour. '' Charlea E. Spldel drovo in from bis ranch In tbe valloy Saturday and purchased supplies. C. V. Kelson,1 a prosperous ranchor from tho Wordcn country was In tbe city this morning after supplies, Mrs. Mary Griffith, tbe woman who mad Eagle Rldgo Tavern a famous stopping placo for tourists, is in town vlsfUns her son, Robert W. Clay anl othor frlonds from her new home in San DIogo, where she and her hut band aro proprietors of tbo Keystom hotel. Mr. Griffith did not conio this tlmo as business prevented him doing bo. Miss Alice McCourt, Mr. and Mrs. George Watt and Dr. Tborno of San Francisco, spent the- week-end ot Crater lako. Mr. and Mrs. 55. K. Powell, Mr, and Mrs. -H. E. Wattenburg, Mrs, Jennie Hurn, and Mrs, Thomas cheap CLOTHES ALWAYS TURN OUT TO BE THE MOST EXPENSIVE. One good suit will outwear two o fthe cheap kind and . you also have the satisfaction of feeling and knowing that you LOOK right in a good suit of clothes. Kuppenheimer Good Clothes ARE THE REAL "INVESTMENT IN good appearance." For over fifty years their makers have maintained a quality standard which has, today,- become the quality-value standard of all ready-to-wear clothing. K.K.K. Hampton plcnlckod in tho Malin, Merrill and Poo Valley sections yes terday. Mlsa Lorctta Jennings, Miss Bet tlo Koycs, and Messrs' Galscock and Smith wero Klamath Falls folk who spent a pleasant ontlng at Crator lake this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood Eber loin wore out of tho city over tba week-end on a vacation visit w Crater lako. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Koppen and Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Newell, ot thn U. S. R. S. staff hero, spent Sat urday and Sunday at Medlclno la&o and Glass mountain. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freytag Jr., and Misses Inet, Era, Adda and Barbara Jenkins, Miss Ruth Ltnsey and Jobn Nelson and his sister, Mrs. Ora Cof fee were vacationists who enjoyad tho week-end at Medicine lake Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Eiplnom, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dennis, and Charlea Do Groote, enjoyed the wee!t-cnd at Puckett'a in search of deor. They report they had a very enjoy ablo time. , C. C. Williams, traveling agent for tbe traffic department ot tbe Southern Pacific railroad company. Is hero on business from Sacra mento. ' Mrs. IL R. Reynolds Is hero from Portland In connection with iorct business Interests. Wanderlust Keeps Terrier Traveling KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept., 12 Mrs. Edward Beardan noticed a fox terrier wandering about tbo street hore. Sho stoppod her car and tbe dogwithout waiting for an invita tion Jumpo'd in beside her. At I be Animal Refugo on tho Kansas sldo, it was found that ho woro a license tag Issued at Beauregard,. La. Corres pondence with tbo tax collector lo cated tho owner and brought tho In formation that tbe dog was a runa way that seized every opportunity to take long Jrlves. His owner wrote 'I can't keep that dog at homo. He eeema to know when any one Is leaving for a motor trip and always finds aomo way of Joining them.' Ho told of having frequently sent for tbe dog many miles from his homo. Tbe trip to Kansas City seem ed to bavo beori his longest ono. The Strand i THEATRE TONIGHT Tbe season's most unusual scree? offering. Maurice Tourncura Masterpiece "WOMAN" 1 Thig plcturo should be seen by every man, woman and child. The greatest moral lesson to this plcturo ever tfeen in tho history ot plcturo ALSO FORD WEEKLY AND COMEDY Prices One-third STORE T PROBLEM LOOMS NEW TORK. Sopt,, 12 Half a million men will bo Idlo In Now Yoru this winter, In tho opinion of rollablo 1 Investigators, and tbe city has svt machlnory In motion to meet this situation. In addition to" rellof measure. pUtnnod by a special city committor ' named by Mayor Hylan, S3 charity organisations havo decided to port their resources and establish a gene ral clearing houso In order to avoid duplication of effort and handle tho problem efficiently. I Tho Merchants Association of New ' York and the Brooklyn Chamber ot Commerco have Joined hands with tho Central Trades and Labor Coun cil and tho Building Trades Counc'l to formulate a practical program. These organizations bollovo tbo altua ' tlon can bo met partly by pushing building projects, thus giving em ployment to thousands. Tbe problem of tho ex-servtco man Is at tbe heart of tbe ontlre situation, I said Major William P. Doegan ot tho American Legion, ono ot tbe member ot tbe Mayor's committee. Ho said 76,000 former soldier wereJ out of work during the summer and he fears the number will bo increased to between 100,000 and 125,000 by mid-wfnter. "Wo bavo no funds to help them," ho said, "but we never let a man go away wlhout holp, oven It wo have to dig In our own pockets to holp them." I Dnwn on thn crowded East Bide. tbo Bowory lodging houses aro al-1 ready filled, to capacity each ulbt.( "Men out or worK aro sleeping every where in tbo opon, In overy park, on every plor, in alloys, In stonvirris 1 and any place thoy can buddlo out of way nnd rest," said Major Underwood of tho Salvation Army, "Thoy can not do eo when It becomes cold." WEATHER REPORT OREGON Tonight and Tuesday, fair In tbe west; fatr and .warmor in the east. ' ' o- NEW TODAY STRAYED FROM HOME 3 months old Golden Cockerol Spaniel puppy, Reward for his return or, Information as to whereabouts. A. L. Wlsbard, 1939 Auburn Avo., Hot Springs ad dition, or 121 N. 8th. 12 LOST Thursday night pair of now, Innv 1vrnit hnotn and nalr of over alls, between Klamth Falls and Keno. Leave at Hawxnurst lyaraot, iz ; , i LOST Sunday, Ooodyoar tiro and rim for Ford car. Finder ploaso roturn to this oflco. Roward. 12-13 FOR SALEi riano $196 cash. Phone C21R. Aprt. 2, Evans apartmonts. 12 WANTED Woman to do washing and housework. Call 1006 Pine or phone 637M. 12-13 w una WANTED Chambermaid, must bo experienced. White Pelican Hotel. 12 THAT'S WHY WE SELL THESE FINE clothes we're proud to offer the men of this community the STANDARD of value, satisfaction, wear, economy and right price. New fall styles in suits and overcoats now ready. Lower Than LEADING 5s2 CLOTHIERS die Iiobmi of Kappoahelmec food clothe WANTED TO RENT 7 room fur nished houso. Box C, Herald, 12-10 FOR RENT Completely furnished 3 room apartment, prlrato bath. 54 Main. Phone 100R 12-13 FOR BALE Richly bred St Mawes registered Jersey bull calf. Dairy ing beata beef. Roturna each month, Original herd and Increase left. R. D. Snuford, Ashland, Ore. 12-16 O. E. H. NOTICE. The regular meeting of Aloha Chapter, No. 1, O. E. B. wll be bold Tuesday evening, September 13 at 7 -30 o'clock at Masonic hall. Visitors Welcome. Kale D. Poylon, W. M. is THE KLAMATH Grain Exchange BOLDISCHAR & VOCHATZER Sole agents for the Globe Milling Co., San Francisco, Cal. A 10 million dollar con cern the biggest in the west. Malta Office: Loala Uoidlsrhar Malin Htate Bank Molln, Oregon. We will buy your grain at Top Market Prices Wheat will be bought outright on ' Federal grades for all other grain, samples must be furnished before quotations can be made. Weight receipts and certificates of Federal Grain Inspectors guaran tee you an absolute fair deal ' You can draw up to90 when' shipping your grain from Klamath Falls. Our business is to move your grain and get outside moneyt into Klamath County. , Sample bags furnished upon re quest. ' lloferenco: , Marshall Hoopor, First Htnto and Savings Bank, Klamath Falls, Ore, i t ' - .' Last Fall NATIONAL METAL WEATHER STRIP Thoeo desiring to placo orders for this weather strip may do no by calling or writing to the Herald and I will call and see them on my mlurn from Dorrls. tbe latter' part of this woflk. Orders placed now will be Installod about October 1st No Installation can be made this year unless tbo order Is placed while I am hore tbls time. If you do not know about tba merits of tbe National Weather Strips, I will be glad to call and ex plain It to yon and make an eatlmate of the cost of placing It In your build ing and rcrfor yoj j antiy people in this city who bava it already Install ed. Kvery one of theaa user wll tl you thoy would not get along without It, even If the cost waa many times what It Is. T. L. Collier. 2 11-17 H. Fallal OfTk aiul War, heuse: . Geo. W. Vocfaataer lUldwla Warehouse, Kla math Fall, aoruw from H. V. Depot.