hr "Sj-jiIJr .! . 5Jj ittitfttftttt HraUi A Close Ad Will Don Today? & News Today Member of the Associated Press, JMfteeaUi Year, Ne. U9. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER IB, 1BS1 price five centi T JI DENTS WITH FUMS OVER SUNDAY lUrry Mrssnor, cashier ot tha Al- Atgomn Lumbar company at i-., .i- ii.. i.. fi... thiM " ' . .. . .. ' .... u.r -na - ................. lUSgDr UI HIP IDIk HMH JOVVUIUM when a nbotgun exploded "while hunting. Mesnner la 26 year old. He was accompanied on tbe hunting trip by Henry Hundn. 'They had ut one gun. nuude bad been about to uae tho weapon but a horse got In tho way of hla target. When It cam Messner'e turn to fir the tbe gun barrel exploded, ahatter tog hla hand. !( wm brought here fbr treat ment Doy Wounded by JM Ollbert, tbo four year old eoe of Mr. and Mm. J. W. Jonaa ot Dairy, wa accldently shot In tbo loft ldo flsturdsy whtlo ecufrilng with bit six year old brother, John, over tho possession of a .22 callbro rlflo. Tho accident happonod on tbe farm near Dairy and tbo child -was brought to tbla city for treatment by Dr. Warren Hunt. The bullet etruek the loft aide aide and followed outside a rib to tbe breaat bone. Tho bullol wm re moved yesterday aftornoon. The wound te not aorlous. County Court Denies The Petition for 2 Justice Courts Tbe county court Saturday urrnln.t dealed tbo petition of some 40 Ux ria fur thn division of'.th Link vlllo Judicial township, iwhloli In clude all Klamath Fall, Into two townihlpi. It waa thn expressed deelro of the petitioner to have Ltrk river aervo aa tbe dividing line for tbe two proposed townihlpi. Crea tion of the new district would have meant the appointment of aucthar juiilce of the pcacn and another con stable. Architect and Owner Here to Plan for' New Hart Building If. II. Hurt returnod last nlgbt from Sacramento, accompanied by W. I. Coatee, Fresno architect, and sur vey ot tbe ground for tbn new build ing at the corner of Seventh and Main street wm started tofuy. Con sultations with material men wero held today. Tho building Is sche duled for completion by Docsuibor 25. Clothing Solicited For Russian Relief J. H. Dickson, pastbr ot tho Em manuel Daptlsl church, hM been ap pointed local solicitor for tho relief of Itusslan famlno sufferers. Tho Immediate need Is for clothing and donations ot any article ot wear will bo recolved at the parsonage, lilt High street or arrangement can be mado for collection by calling B0IJ, Tho box thatfwlll be sunt ftoin here must bo forwardod not later than the last week In Octobor, fur It li sche duled to leavo Now York tkc firat week In November. Tho H.y. Mr. Dickson doslres to get at much of the work of collection d'.no this wctk aa I pesslble and requnt Ml who have clothing to glvo to make dona tions at tbo earliest pouible moment. $2500 Income Tax Exemption Approved Senate Committee WASHINGTON, 8ept. 12. Tho senato flnanco commltteo today voted to retain tho 32 per cent max imum incomo surtax rates fixed In tho houso bill. It nlso .approved tho house 111 provisions for Increasing from f2000 to $2500 as tho ex emptions for hoade ot families hav ing an annual not Incomo of $5000 or less, and also Increasing 'tho ex emptions on account ot dependent. ttom 800 to 1400,. , Oregon Towns are Hit by First Cold ' Snap of Season PORTLAND, Bopt. 13. Daknr. Oregon, la Iho coldest upot on (bo woalhor ninp today with tho '.her momnter at 22 degree at 8 o'clock this' morning. A killing frost wan roportod from there. Umatilla reg istered 32 degrees, tbo Willamette valley felt tbo nippy weiithor and Haleru 32 degree, all ot which rop resents qulto a decided drop In inn temperntura compared wltb a few day Q WALLA WALLA, Bopt. 12. Tho lowest temperaturo tbla morning wan 3,6 degroo and all Under plant aud vegetable wro klllod. Throe Inchos ot anow fell yostor day In tbe Illuo mountain! and tbo anow capped hill "worn visible from tbo city. YAKIMA, Wash., Bept. IS. With a temperature of 31 degree - last nlgbt, represents tho coldeet Sep tember weather felt hero ilnco 1919, AT STATE UNE Oregon doer hunter who plan ex cursions Into favorlto feoor luntlng grounds In tbe state of Callfornlu aro advised that despite tho fact that a non-resident hunter can tecuro a 110 license to hunt In California, tho kill cannot be brought back Into the slain of Oregon owlnit to tho entotco- monl of tbe provisions of the Lncey uct, a federal sta'uo which forbid tbn transfer ot blrjta, t.tasts or fish from pno state to another where a Boviiinlgn state forluO.i '.ho transfer California has sucii n law. A number of locU klurm'.h K.ills sportsmen have exporknce-l difficul ty at tba state II lo Ahiu tlfy at temptol to bring bacU their LIU. All direct rLd indirect routes to this state an being wat jVJ tor vloUtlons of the act Last night, along tbo marsh road betwoen Merrill and tbo roato to Medicine laVn, nffir.irs from California halted wry automnhllo which was headod towards Oregon and searched It for violations of tbo gsme law. It Is roported unofflclAlly that Kla math county sportsman havo spent over (1,000 seourlux namn llcvrses at Dorrls and tbnt tboro Ii much chagrin when they find out that thty can kilt but cannot convor tbelr upoll homo. A kill make difficulty ntlier wlso as California law .lif'iltoly states that gamo shall not In per mitted to spoil or bo thrown awuy. A boavy flno awaits an otfendnr ot this clauso. COUNTY HUPKIUNTKNDKNT AND LAWYKIt AUK MAIUIIKD Charles J. Ferguson, local at torney, and Miss Twyla Head, county school superintendent, woro married Thursday at Treks. California. wo their announcement to friends when they returnod hero Saturday ovonlng. flPIUNG LAKK COUPLH AUK VIBITED IY THK BTOIIK Mr. and Mr. Joe Cass, rcsldonts ot the Spring Lake district, aro the parents of a ten-pound boy. Tbo proud father eay tho lad Is bound to mako a good troublo shooter for the tolcphono company an ho Is husky enough to climb a tdlophono polo right now. Mira. J. J. Cass, ot Gait, California, mother or Mr. Cass, Is a visitor at the Cass homo. . DEATH LIST IN TEXAS FLOOD NEARS 100 MAIIK DALLES, Tox., Bept. 12. More than CO porsong perished In floods In Central Texas, excluslvo ot Ban Antonio whero 9 bodies havo been rocovered. Million ot dollars In damage resulted to crops and live stock. aUAIIDS FIRE ON 'SKULKER THOUGHT TO DE GARDNER M'NE,IL ISLAND, Sept. 12. Soarch for Koys Gardner contorod around; tbo eastern portion of thq Island today, following report that guards , fired on a durglng figure thertT Inst night ,,..,,. W N ITC FEARS BROTHER W HAVE DIED IN HOTEL FIRE II. R. l'ollock of Hanlstlquc, Michi gan, has written to tbo Lakoslde Lumber company of this city, expres sing fear that Clydo Pollock, who was In thn employ of thn Lakcsldn com pany when ho was burned to death In tho Hotel Houston tiro, Soptomber C, 1920, may have been bis brother. Clyde Pollock, brother of tho In- qulror, loft his slater's home In Chi caga a fow months before tho fire and baa not elnco been beard from by friends or rolatlves. Tho description glvon In tho letter tattles with tbo description ot the Hotel Houston tiro victim, aa It la rememberod at the Lakealdo plant, said Nelson Itounsovell, manager, to day. Tlounsovot believes that ho will bo able to comply with D. It. Pollock's .i.,.-S A. HHn Plun tMltlrai ; d' .; cL:;..o'n ;h.;h To.. . .... , . , , ...... ,...,. .,... iock couiu irainnuiaiui luouin un ..h . ir .. ,.. hi. i,r.hBr- checks camo through tha recent flro; at tbo Lakcsldo plant In tho com pany's safe and Mr. Itounsovell bo llovcs ho may find somo of the check Issued to Pollock among thorn. Dy rather queor coincidence tbe lottor In which Pollock asks for In formation was dated at Manlstlque on September C, 1921, Just one year to the day after tbe Houston Hotel holocaust. Foreclosure Action Filed by Bly Mam A suit to foreclose a nortgasjc upon thn ranch of B. fC. Hs.niaUsrf lind wife, waa filed In tho " court Saturday afternoon by W. H. Casobcer ot Dly. Action V tinned tho defendants alleged failure to pay an alleged note of $4,000. '.ho peti tion states. An action to recover monty war filed by the Dullock Mercatitl'o vo;n pany against J. a. Noblo for tho vurn of $35.60 and $15 cost. Judge Kuydondsll signed na order of dismissal In tbo case ot S'evo Stukel against F. II. Jobea, Carrie K. Jobes, et al, Saturday. Anfin ri n 1 1 n r n I'UIIU Lll IIULUI Klamath county' wheat crop tbla year Is estimated at 160,000 bush els ot spring wheat and 18,000 bushels of winter wheat, In a re port of F. L. Kent, agricultural sta tician ot mo aepartmem oi ngn culture. The acreage is given as 1000 for winter whoat and 10,000 tor spring wheat. Oregon's yield of wlntor wheat thl year will total r7,816,75 bushels, from an acreaiso accregat NHT Ing 728.27G acro. and tbo yield of.trlct nro tbo happy parents ot a spring whoat -will bo 4,629.725, Pl hoy born to thorn on f,m -mi n7R ,r. vtrtirt hich ..- ---.-.- . .. w . aro subject to revision, for tho var ious counties, aro given in detail tor each county. Spring wheat yields havo been disappointing, said Kent's review, with more or less re duction In the earlier yield prospect In nil parts of tho state. Castle Rock Man Knows Roy Gardner Luther Huntington of Castle Fock, Wash., was In town today attending to tho moving ot a house ho owns In First addition. Huntington states that tho famous Roy Oardner, who re cently escaped from McNeil's Is land In Washington, Uvod within n uuarter mile of hla homo during allttho time when the officers wdre oarchlng tar him noar Castle Rock. Oardnor was a dally visitor at tbo Huntington borne whero he chatted about tho chaso that was going on "for that shadow. Gardner." Hifnt- Ington says that a neighbor ot his on going to town, and aeolng des- crlptlons ot Oardnor told blm that tho visitor was tho sought for fugitive. DECISION; ' INJUNCTION IS EXPECTED SOON Decision within a week on thqi'-"" ""'t ""' "- - .. , j, .,.. ., i,,,im of the faculty of the Klamath coun motlon to dissolve tho Injunction. ,,,i ,,., u. .,. ... , ,. tri. .,. ........ " Vf niKh school, wbero her ability which "rtraln. the Klamath com- rccognlzJ. ty court frtm exPondtag r wun-. q. ' J WVUVJt WAl-CLifc LUU fWWWV tMunvu-i od by tbo supremo court for pre- nervation of tbo building on tbo Hot Springs court houso Is expected, within a week, according to at torneys who returned yestorday from Jacksonville, where tho mo tion was argued Saturday before Judxo Calkins. Frod Mills and B." L. Elliott appeared for tbo county j court and C. F. Btono appeared for Frank Ward, tho tax payer on whoso petition tbo Injunction was granted last December. Mr. Ward was tbo only other Interested' party nr.sent. Mr. Hlonn urrcd tbo necessity ot 1 ui-i m. Tti tho levies proposed In tho last bud- . ... a-t- ot. $50,000 for tho Hot Springs building and IH.000 for mlscollan eous purposes. Altnougn inese lev ies wero oxpurged from tbo Mix rolls boforo tho present collection began, bo held It might bo possi ble for tholr Inclusion In tho assess ment rolls still, cither as delin quency payments or perhaps In tbe collection ot tho second Installment. The Injunction also forbids tbo oxpendlturo of the much dlsputod 1918 levy for courthouse purpose, about $10,000 of which is still on hand, and as leng as It exist ef fectually prevents carrying forward any building plans in connection Ith tho Hot Spring structure. Jury Disagrees in McMahon's Trial The pollco court Jury In tho trial of J. J. McMabon, rtpiy of tbe rtnto nutoraobllo departpiont, tr.ilid to roach an agreement nnd cu uif charged lato Saturday cvi-ulug by Pollco Judgo Lcavltt They sfi-nl three for conviction nnd thri-o for acquittal. McMahon was chars'"5 by Percy Towmbley, laundry wagon dri ver, with turning his raot.-cyele In tho mlddlo of' tbe btoc!c nu Mnn street, betweon Tenth ami Eleventh. Retrial ot tho cac, t':l JudRo Leavltt, would, depond on ttiu desire ot the city attorney. I "txK;i vuu or aiunn MAKES 8 FAMILIES GLAD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward are re joicing over tbo arrival ot a llttlo daughter, born yesterday morning. Congratulations aro being receiv ed by Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Adtts son, 668 California avenue, over tbo birth ot a 9 pound baby boy. Tho now arrival, has boon named Don ald Newburn. Dr. George I. Wright roports that both mother and baby aro doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schrolncr, residents ot tho Spring lako . dls- ' Sunday morning. Dr. aoorgo i . ... Wright was tho attending phye! clan. Saw Mill Burns, ' Loss Is $125,000 i TIMDER, Ore, Sopt. 12. Tho' J J. A. Trouty Timber company' camp sawmill was destroyed by tire yes terday. Tbo loss Is $125,000. It was announcod the mill would bo rebuilt. THRESHERS ARE BUSY IN SPRING LAKE DISTRICT Threshing crows are reported to bo busy In tho Spring Lake district Crop yields aro said to be tho largest in several years. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED UY CULINARY ALLIANCE - At tbelr mooting this aftornoon tho local Culinary 'Alliance clocted Hert McDonald president, replacing Urohn F. Miller, resigned, and T. H, malloway, secretary'' and business ngont, 'in place et H. M. Wiggins, resigned. ' Mrs. Carrier Gets Position in Santa Rosa High School Thn faculty of tho Control school suffered a distinct "loss last wock through tbo resignation of Mrs. Es-. tullo Carrier, who has accepted a' position ns teacher In tbo Santa i Rosa high school. For several) ! VAnM ILffsi Pnln rna m mamIui wl( bo keenly disappointed to Icam of hor decision not to return herd, but will bo glad to know that hor splendid talents aro not to bo lost by retiring from tbo profes sion of Beaching. ELECTRIGAL MEN Tbo Oregon Association ot Elec trical Contractors and Dealers of tbo Fifth Oregon district mot today In tho chamber of commerce rooms for tho purposes o fdlsousslng tho elec trical situation also to map out an educational plan to encourago tho uso of electrical devices In tbe homo. A. D. Cunningham ot.Jtodford was chairman of tho mooting and S. C. Clark of Grants Pncn, secretary. Tho Meeting today waa but a con tinuation ot tbo last mooting hold somctlmo ago In Medford whero tho question ot standard specifications for wiring homos and business houses was brought up for consideration. Today, tho "Electrical Home" Idea was discusses! for Klamath Fall but this proposition ha never been gone Into dcoply enough hero to proper ly exploit it. before spring, say J. C. Thompson, division managor of t,ho California Oregon Power company' Secretary- Clark or Grants Pass tated that tho Idea of cooperation between cloctrlosJ .dealers and service muons was usKinR root In this elf and It wa nvorklng ndvantagoously to all parties. The same system could bo used hero and tbo dealers in elec trical devices for the homo and for advertising fieatnrcs could bo highly developed, bp- Joint action. During tho fair In Jasepblno county, Octo ber 1 4-1 C. and 1C Inclusive, tno deal ers had all gone togother and socured a booth at the. grounds, In which all electrical devices could be featured and a course ot public Instruction nnd education followed out. Clark urged cooperation strongly to the lo cal dealer between them and the ser vice station. "A fertile field for development." is his opinion of Kla math Falls. Thero waa a strong sontlment formed at this meeting on tho co operative plan and a concensus of opinion, gathered from members pro- Bent, wag that this movoment would very likely culminate lnn concerted movo this coming spring, not only In Klamaht Falls but in tha county as vroll. Tbo session closed at noon and tbn visiting member wero tnkon to tbo Rex Cafo for a luncheon. Tho nex: meeting will assemble at Medford Bomettmo during tho "Home Demon stration Week,' now bolng planned in that city. Thoso present wore: A. B. Cunningham, Peoples' Electric Co., Medferd: D. W. Paul, Paul's Electric Co., Modterd: F. A. Hurlbut, Pauls Electric Co., Medford; D. A. Ronar, Medford Electric Co., Med ford; ,J. B. Jordan, Jordan Electric Co., Ashland; H. L. Walther, division manager of tho California Orogon Power company, Medford; S. G. Clark, California-Oregon Power com pany, Orants Pass; W. D. Mor'larlty. Field Manager of tha Northwest Elec tric Servlco League Boattle, Wash. Among the local pooplo present mere, W. D, Coburu, Comet Electric com pany; Charles D. Garcelon, Tho Elec tric Shop; J. C. Thompson, Dlvlson Manager, California-Oregon Power company; R. 3. Sheets, Link Rlvor Electric company. IRISH PARLIAMENT SENDS REPLY TO LLOYD GEORGE DUBLIN, Sept. 12. A courier left today for Iverness, Scotland, with the DaU Slrennn's reply to Lloyd Oeorge. IN CONVENTION N I T I SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt.. 12. Rooked on a murder charge, Roscbe (Fatty) Arbuckle is held in Jail bcro In connection with tho death Inst Friday ot Virginia Rappo, film actrcsK, who died, said District Attorney Brady and othor author ities, of Injuries Inflicted by Ar buckle during a party In Arbuckle's sulto In a local botel. Investigation Is scheduled be fore tho grand Jury tonight. The coroner's Inquest will be held Thursday. Twenty-two witnesses aro being guarded by deectlves. Tho format complaint charging Arbucklo with murder was sworn to boforo Police Judge O'Brien. The complaint was signed by Mr. Bam byana Maudo Delmont, a friend of tho dead actress. Arbucklo's appearance in the po llco , court was delayed .until Bor tllllon measurement had been tak en and be bad been photographed for tho roguo's gallery. New York, Sept. 12. Henry Lebrman, film director; who wm en gaged to marry Virginia Rappe, said bo would devote every minute he could spare to pressing Arbuckle's prosecution. ' MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Bept. 12. The board ot censors here have barred Arbucklo' film from exhibition un til ho clear himself of causing the death of Miss Rappe. LOS ANOELES, Sept. 12. Pic ture houses lMt night cancelled tbe engagements ot the latest Arbuckle pictures. MEDFORD, Mass., Sept. 12. Mayor Haines today notified local motion picture theatres that all Ar bucklo films -would be barred until Arbuckle's caso had been disposed ot by the courts. Ted While, managor of the Strand, said today that he had sent a wire cancelling tho Arbucklo comedies that he had booked, one of which was to havo appeared next Sunday. F. U. Patrick, of tho Star theatre, said they bad reached no decision. Council to Talk Sidewalk Repairs Tonight is tbo regular schedule meeting ot tbo city council and a number of Important Items are to be brought up for second eration. Manypeoplo In the city have dis cussed tbe sldowslk situation and tbo noed of repairs to many cross ings and walks before the snow comes. Flro matters and paving subject aro ecbcdulod for dlscuv slon and action, along with sldo walk repairing it la said. Litter in Garret Threatens .. Home Tho tiro department was called tbla forenoon to the residence oc cupied by Earl Rlchey at 624 Wash ington street to extinguish a tire In the garret ot tbo house. The flro men found tho garret well llttored with ashes taken from tho chimney at Bomo past cleaning, also tho stove pipe, which runs from the baser mont to tbe garrot, then bends across to tho chimney, bound round with rags, I Tho tiro was put out with no dam ago to tho building. Tho Rlchey family moved Into tho place yester day. Up to a month ago, the place was occupied by A. R. Morrison. JURY CHOSEN TO TRY $10,000 DAMAGE SUIT Trial of tho $10,000 damage suit ot Elmer Ayors against J. J, Stelg er, In which alleged breach of a logging contract Is 'the basis ot ac tion, started today ,tn tbo circuit court. A recess was declared Until tomorrow late "this afternoon after the Jury had been chosen. P, At 5 o'clock this afternoon a nati uralltatlon U scheduled) J .1 i