M o t ?' 1 pia rivn 1 COPCDS TO MIX " MITH PLUMBS ii i i rj THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATUrtDAY, SEPTKIBKn IS, 1WM At Hbo mooting of (ho baseball managon- Thursday orontnir, a do cMonl was made to contlnuo the league) gamo unui somc-iimo in ue taker and to .play ono full round bo aHen tho game tomorrow, wbon the CppcoB will crosii bain with the riamooDH. , feWlth ,tho doelslon to. play a full round, there In un opportunity yot tor thn Plumbobs U figure n pen nnnt'wlrtnorn from what ha trans pi red within tbo pant two weeks, a big surprise, may n-walt tho Copco who Iguro thnt winning thlc gamo will, put (horn In rt notch wboro no tonm can roach there with on ordi nary .run o( luck. Tho, Copco toara nro nald to bo J not tulllvof ginger and pop follow Ing tholr layoff of two weeks and on -anny of thorn liar'o bad thu for tuned" to securn a door In tho wtiodif,"'' thn raw moot has atlrrvd them to thn lavage degroo that they nil feel that they con alam tbo ball 308 yard north of tho acorn board, nlloo'at they boait of that ablllly. "The lineup of both team baa been kept under cover by both. Man mora Thompson of the Copco and flwaascn of tbo I'lumbobe. Ilotb manacorn any that the nlnu Inning garao tomorrow -will ho n hot eon teat from Mart to flnlab. Tho gams will bo called at 2 o'clock p, m. .. m -, Boxing Commission To Consider Sept. 19 Bouts Monday Night It, II, Crump ha applied to tho boilng commlfulon for a permit to stage a four round flyweight boilng ronton!, onn six round eoml-wlndup and onn main evont of ten round on Hoplomber 19 at thn Hcnndlnuvlun hall ond baa aubmlttod thn name of two of thn boxoni who am oipcctod to appear, llobort It. lions nnd "Hob" Allen. .The boxlntc commission consisting of Fred Boulo, chairman, O. M. Hec tor, K. Hugormon, Dr. II. I,. I), fltow nrt and Fred Houston, will moot Monday night at 8 o'clock with Pro motor drump at Dr. Stewart's office for a full explanation of thn prtipoal tlon. Housing Shortage i .Aif State Prison HIOIIX PA 1,1 A, H, !., fiopt., 10 ?'lto hdUntnc ehprtano liiis. reached hn Heiith 'Dakota ronljontlflry ilullt to' acconihilat'o 21fi prisoners, (ho Inatltutlon la now caring for 301, r' Ith lli'u proapect of npproilmaely 00 morn being milled by thn first of tho year from thn fall term of elr pill courts. An old fhlrt factory, which ban been In dlsuso tor years, la being rninodcjlcil Into a coll jlormltory, which according to Warden (leorgo Jameson, will. Ukn rnro. of tbo ex pcetcd increase In tho prison popu lation nnd n number of truatloa ore being housed In outbuildings both innldo nnd outside tho prison walls, in (I on tho prison farm n mllo away until tbo convortod factory build ing la ready, for fcccupnney & HBAIl QAI.VIN'B UBAUTV Chorus nt tbo Btrnnd, beginning Tuesday nlKht. 9-13 NEW TODAY I.OBT Pox torrlor, black and tan with white bfon-t nnd bob tall, ffamo "Uuator," Information or re tlirif "would bo appreciated by Hattlo Hall) 018 I'lno ntroet, or phono 122M. ' "" ' 10-12 I.OBT -2 rolls linoleum botwoon MIU Addition, KJumath Falls, nnd OorrlH, Cnllf,, on August 20, 1021, Kindor ploimo return to'CltTransfer offlco and rocolvo Toward. r 10 WANTEt Would hlro n carpontor nt a roaaonablo wugo. llox 30, Mer rill, Oregon. , , 1017 FOR BAM .1020 Old-mohllo, clan lost car In Klamath Falls. 0 now tin. Spot light and bumper. II, 1RO.O0 Your bw'ntorms. Apply Joo tor'o Borvlco Htatlon. 11th and Pros poet. 1213 DON'T MIBB flaltln'w Musical Com edy nt Btrnnd Thoatro beginning Tuesday night, 013 A 0001) lKt) AND a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main Bt., and nt Colonial annex, .741 Walnut Ave. All outaldo nlry, room., 10 WANTED Ily a achooltboy, 1R a job boforn and aftor school and Batur day. Phono 4C1M. Ixuli Potenon. 10 CALVIN'S MUBICAI, COMKDV la a woream. flo It at tho 8trand.be ginning Tuoaday night. 013 FOR BAI,B Cadillac Speed truck can bo aeon at work any day, priced for quick aalo at I9G0.00. Inquire for Mr. Bchmldt at Imperial garagn. 10 FOR HAI.tV-I'lums, crab applen, awoet npplea and other klnda. 834 Conger Avo. 1014 CALVIN'S MUSICAL COMKDY la a acream. Boo It at tho Strand be ginning Tuiwday night. 913 NOTICH. Tbern will bo a aprclnt meeting of tho Woman'a Auxiliary of thn Ame rican legion, Tuonday ovenlng, Bp tembor 13, at 7:30. octock In tho 1. O. O, F building. Tbo prenldent ro quooUi all mo in born to bo present an buslniMM of Importnnco will corno bo forn tbo meotlng. 1013 VINA COZAD, BC'y. School Children's Sight - You are responsible for thn night of your child and tihould tnko atepa to aeo that bo la not hnndlrapped In school work by defectlvo via- '. . - ..'- " I)ackwardnoss In study, C- poclally, should bo taken as an Indication of possible oyo trouble whllo oven the clever scholar who frowns whllo working, or who suffers from frequent headaches, mny bo suffering from oyo strain. 1 Tho oyea of ovcry child should bo oxamlnod to mako quite auro whothor Rlanooa aro needed or not. FOR SALK 2C0-3000 Bavago rlflo. Now. Ilnrgaln. No. 10 I.oomls Hldg. Kamath Falls, .Oregon 1016 FOR BALK Romlngton Typewriter. Practically now. No. 18 Loomln DldK. Klamath Falls, Oregon. 1016 OALVIN'S MUSICAL COMKDY will bring Its own orohostra and band to tho Btrand, Tuesday night. 913 FOR RRNT Ilodroom with frfrnaco boat, uso of bath, tolopbono and alt ting room. 1003 High street. I'honn 288M. 1011 H. J. WINTERS ORADUATK OPTICIAN Phuno 149-Wj, 708 Main St. Make The OREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORT. LAND POPULAR SPACIOUS LODDY 'At the Center of Everything I1ROADWAY at STARK ST. Wo suggest yov jrrlte, phono or wlro tor reservations Arthur II. Moycrs, Manager Careful Banking A Conservative Bank it not necessarily behind the times -;,' 7 This Bank is thoroughly modern, yet, it is a ronser vative institution. The offi cers study the needs of the community and are always ready to assist in meeting them. i -i The depositors interests are carefully safeguarded. ' &hy The First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. OALVIN'A MUSICAL COMEDY will bring Ha own orchestra and band to the Btrand, Taesday night. 9-13 The Rex Cafe $1.00 Special Sunday Dinner $1.00 i Crab Cocktail Soup CMckcn Suprema Holnz.lllpo Olives Dill Pickles Cavlcro Canopies ' ' Combination Salad Cholco of 7- p, Spring Chicken, n La Maryland ' Ilroudcd Veal CutleU, Country Gravy 1 Chicken Frlcassoo, Dumplings ! ,V. Cream Mashed Potatoes Steamed Head Rice r. .Cholco of ' 8trawberry or Vanilla Ico Cream. , Cnruicl, Chop Sucy or Marsbmellow Sundao 'Assorted Pies Iced Tea Coffeo Tea Chocolate Milk 1 jtJWWSfWWVWWWWWW''' I J;; Cooking Electrically the ideal method ;; v ' Electrically equipped kitchens hold no terrors for the housewife. They are cool, cozy, and comfortable in &fne summer. They eliminate the drudgery, the grime and the nerve racking tension caused by wood j stoves. The, expense is surprising ly low. Let us tell you about it. The California Oregon Power ii a !i Company ,JS-tr.i v sftoait,v. 'Let us be your servant?. The t Long Distance Way The keen minds of the business world are constantly looking for better , and more efficient ways of handling trade. In all the channels between sup ply and demand, between producer and consumer, there is always the effort to give service quicker, better and cheaper. In this struggle for commercial su premacy success comes to the man who makes the best use of his resources. Try the Long Distance way. It eliminates time it saves expensr it gets results. It has , become the recognized efficient way of securing prompt and satisfactory results in the business world. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Don't fail to read the Herald CUuified Ada. MONEY TO LOAN ON IRRIGATED FARM 8 PER CENT to 9 PER CENT SEE ARTHUR R. WILSON 517 Main St. Representing William MacMaster ' JEWE CAFE Special Sunday Dinner Served in an Appetizing Manner k m a a l t t t j i I 1 liiAiiAitiil $1.00 THE FOLLOWING MKNV AWAITS YOU, Swaet Pickles Orange Shrimp Cocktail Chiskea Consomme Ripe Ollres I I Fralt Salai I Cholte of Chicken Frleaaeee with Green FeM Roost Chicken with Celery DroosUg Baked Ham With Southern QraTT . '..V Candled Sweet Fotatoea DKHJUCT Cholte of ' Orange Lemoa Crash rrult Jello With Cake Tea Coffee l- Iced Tea 1 a"' tbrsWk tAjuiAnrii-ir-i-rri-r-r-frii,,,,,',,,,'"'p''www,ww'w yVVVVVV)vlw!.vtyj I - v i f,