rAjta three THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON ATUnDAT, STTXXBCX 19, IMS "M"'irrtrrrirTrrVVyvvvjVi'ur V The Office Cat Jn 11V JUNIUS Porno Th roads I ride -with thee, UMr heart, Are but a bunch of bump to we, 1 count them ovur, uvery Jolt opart, Through long etornlty. Sash foot butup, eusli yard u jtrk, 1 count them over as 1 mutt, On every road unto tb end to tlnd spring bat bust. O awful ytkes, O worn-out rosdu, O battered car that pitch and tot O Itt ui urge ttio couutry's three comlth To coma ncroit, swoetbeart, To coma acroiu! My boat hat ouo of thoto tulta made out of alrplano cloth, chlrpt Vera Tliompiou, It that tho rus aon bo goes up In tho air to outy? Secretive Lips that touch liquor novor toll wbnro they got It, . i Ilueala want to coma to Hard Ing'a party. Wo didn't know the bad anything to wour. Ita easy to meet eiponson theno days. You run onto thorn erory tlmo you turn around. Thoan Lively ProfrwMrn Deep In a ponderous calculation, the profottor loaned over bit detk. Ono hand hold hit massive brow; thn other guldded tho pen cil. Suddenly thn library door wot flung open, nnd ' nursu onterod, amtllng broadly. "Tbera'a a llttlo slrangor upstair. profottor," thn announced; of courts referring to tho very latent arrlral, "EM" grunted tho man of learn Uf, poring deeply orer hU problem. "It'a a little boy," remarked the aurae, atlll smiling. "Little boy," muted the profes or. "Little boy eh? Well, atk blm what b wanttt" Outbursts of Everett True fWjAAAAAlWWVW By Condon J AUA M kx- rrai rii4i i. rirv ,1'. UrrO('P A LUnMAi AUTHOR WHO SXS "a. OtoOTJ HUSBINDS 'A(iS rao X jvrJ tSjjirt''T' ' ' ' Ilil7 nrVMAMMMAMMMWWMMMMMWWWWWM Ofllce Phone 177W Rei 177X Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and flnrgeoa White Ililldlu'g Klamath Fa I It Oregon jmili.Vj0m0j0t0t SOU SAW A luOMN H LCT' XS ' UtfZoXtS THAT . gl VeS. 4CS,ltl ioHAT'S Hee NAME : If T" , M.cm Yr l&V Z)Jj)&ecH DePLUMfi m:.'u.:,.yrA-, 41 ! M! tTtftMTTTTf f ft Portraits and :: Enlargements ',', Art frames nnI framing. illlENLlNE PHOTO SHOP ; Opposite oourtlioiuo ; ; PlionoOd 027 Main M-l DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. 0. F. Temple WILL- Take out Cellar or Pill In Lota CON MURPHY 017 Mortimer fit. Phone nil-W FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 434W. X-Iliiy Labr.raror Looml Illdg., KJnma'li rail Premium, Dairy Oldest Retail Dairy In Town Phone 22-F-2 GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time, 511 Main St. Klamath Falls Excavating Teaming Let ot make you a price on, dig glng that basement, or etber M caratlng you contemplate. We alM do team work of every deterlatloi. Phone 426-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds Is Our Sds" PHONE 154 Corner Mafn and Coafsr I Klamath Falls Cycltry I We are here to terra yon, and aim to terre you right. Motoreyelee and Uleyclet, Parte and Aceeaorlea, Tiros and Tubea, that will stand your Inspection, aa we carry the bctt In our line. lie pair shop, w connection with narlay-DavldJOn Borrlce. PboMe S7S 1SI0 Main St. . Klamath FaiJe O. E. niHMARK Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. I I7B MAIN HT. PRONE B4S-W Frequently a chorua girl's auc eeea dependt upon bor underatund tag. We see by the nirwtpapera that Owen Moore baa been raarrlod. And we venture the prediction that port ty toon be'll bo owing atlll More. And commenting furtbor, death brings its own reward, whllo taxes bring nothing moro than a rocclptod bill or a law ault. A Jewish toldlor'wot taken to a hospital, Tho dlngnotlt showed him to be sufforlng from a bnd caso of tnfluenta. "Send for tho prlost," Isldor rnoanod. ' "Tho priest?" queried thn doc tor. "You mean tho rabbi, don't you 7 "Not" yollod Isldor. "Do you think I should want to giro tho flu to tho rabbit" Pigs Squtal for Squalls. Animals will often lull lit nil we want to Idicisv about tlio weather. Wntcli your dog. If ho refute food In the tnnrolnc and Is found sulito qucntly chewing grutv on ilin lawn, a downpour may ln nnllclpntcd. Hliovp will scatter fnr nnd wide over n tIII atde durlns fair and settled wrathcr, but prefer to huddle together under shelter when a storm npprntirlH1. Home pooplo toy that tho IiIkIht the throp on the bllltlde, the Uncr tliu wctthcr. If rattle go reluctantly to pntturo In the mornlnr. or lie down early In the dsy, tmd weather Is Imminent, at It I when the morning's milk supply Is ttpnty, nr the benMs thonmclve low mimI look at tho sky. Plgt, 'if cuurke. am Infallible barom eters; iliey Mincal nnd gmtit Inrts santly wlicn ttortut nppnmeli. AT THE CHURCHES Somebody doclaroa that tho young men ana noys or America aro mis country's groatost asHota And wo daresay tho flappers aro our great est liabilities. TImi Crowded Social Ilour from tbo La Hallo, 111., Trlbuno An lco croam Boclnl will bo bold Thursday night on tho lawn of tbo Ogleaby Uaptlst church. A Rtauiar stunt lerguon rvo Just been reading that tbo nvlntors today can do any thing a bird can do. Yes, sir, they've got the thing down so flno that there Un't a bird ntlve that has anything on ' them. fltxgernld ZatsoT Well, when you M an aviator fast ntloep hanging onto a branch of a tree with one foot, ' than I'll come. and, tako n look. Amer ican Legion Weekly. No cbangca will b'maao In this column unless tbo copy is at The Evening Herald office by S o'clock Friday evening. C HACHL'I) IIKAHT OIIUIICII, cor. of Eighth and High, Iter, Hugh J. Mar shall, Ilov. J. V. Molloy. BUMMER HCHKDULR 1st Matt at 8.00. 3ud Matt at 10:30. Evening services at 7:00. CimiBTIAN HCIKNCi: society of Klamath Falls hold services In, the lower rpom ot tho Library building, corner ot Third and Main streets, every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Tbo Sunday school tcstlon It from 9MG to 10MC every Sunday morn ing. Tho subject for Sunday Is: "Substance." Tho froo roadlng roam nnd frco lending library Is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. MUST IIA1TIST CllMtCIf. corner Washington and Eighth. A. F. Sim mons, pastor. Itcsldonco 612 Califor nia avonuo. Tho First Uaptlst church moots for worship ovory Lord'n Day at tholr place of worship, corner ot 8th and Washington stroots. 1 At tho First Ilnptlst church Lords Day, Soptembor 4, 1021, will bo ob served as follews: Proachlng nt 11 a. m. II. Y. P. U. nt 7 p. m. Preaching at 8. p. m. MimiODIHT KPIHCOPAL CHUItCH Tenth and High, Ilov. S. J. Cbanoy, pastor, 1005 Hlch St., Phono C37-W. .FIRST PIIK8P.YTERIAN CHCnCIT corner Sixth and Pine streets. Rer. Arthur Rice, mlnuitor. KMMANUKL IIAPTIKT Church Klovcnth nnd High stroets, Rer. J. II. Dickson, pastor; High St.; Phone COSJ. Church school at 10 a. m. Beulah Jarvls superintendent; Morning wor ship nt 11 a. m. -with preaching by tbo pastor, Subject of tho sermon, "Tho Rich Young Man." Evening worship at 7:30. A live song service nnd roynl iwelcomo. Evening dls- i courso, "What Is Yodr Llfo? Rlble I study nnd prayer meeting Thursday ovenlng at 7.30. CHRISTIAN CHimCI!. cornor 9th and Pine streets, C. F. Trimble, pas tor, 2107 Wantland Ave. Phone 233-11. DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN A.NI) HCUaKO I. O. O. r. Snilding Fbone MO ItMldcncc VIS Pine St. Phono SliO.rt. DR. a A. MASSEY Fourth and Pine Hu. In Warren Hunt Hospital Otf. Phone 497 Res. Phone 8111 J. C. CLKGHOUN CIVIL ENOINEER AND BUllVfYOR Phone 192J 133 S. Riverside Coe's Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars Country Trips a Specialty rno.vE its United Cigar Store 020 MAIN STREET WMssasAsssAAAsssaAssAsasktjAtatavasMstjsaMta K0C-4UCRVICE aOBN, ATTKimOIf Klamatb Post No. 8, American Legion meets at tbo City Hall on the first and third Tuesdaya ot each month. Ex-service men are lnvlttd to at tend tho meeting. For membership cards or Informa tion ex-tervlce men are requested to see or wrlto tho following efficers: J. II. Carnaban, Commander. Roy N. Foucb, Post Adjutant For rollef of employment see or write the Chairman ot Tbe Relief and Employment Committee, Francis Olds,, caro Lakeside Lumber company. PELICAN BAT BCB Fare I Be aacb way Leaves Rex Cafe Leaves Pelican City 7:45 a.m. S:00a.ao. 11:45 p. a. 1:00 p.m. C:00 p. m. 6:10 p. a. Beckard Heart Berries) Phone 77 ts-tt L. D. Gass, M. D. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT QliAHNKtl FUHXIHHKU I. O .0. F. Dldg. Pbone 9-W Rooms 202, 203, 204 Ree. Whit Pelican Hofl, Phone B Holliday Dairy WhnlcMiilo nnd Retail ..Pnsturlzcd Milk and Cnvun.. Phone 501-J. Klamath Lodga No. 1S7 L O. O. F, Meete Friday nlgbt ot each week a I. O. O. F. ball. Mb and Main streets Chas. Newman ............N. O. W. C. Wolls .1 .V. O. O. B. Mangue ............8ocy W. D. Coter .... ... .Treas ENCAMPMENT H. V. Drown ... .......... C. P, J. V. Drewbakor ................... ..S. W, L. J. McClure Scribe Nolo Otterbeln ..... ........ Treasurer llL4 .x rODAK WORK ILeaveYour Filttvs Before 9 OciocK-Your A.M ncturas are rt?adv ar o p.! Underwood mm WsL-. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Tfffw I 1 ' CHIROPRACTORS I J!WFHT Y J WHERE. PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY TMEIR DRUGS DRS. (MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVER UNDERWOOD'S Phone B80-J. Seventh Mala FILZ' SCHOOL OF POPDLAB. . MUSIC I have constructed thru years ot experience tbe only 'course that teaches you to play i the , piano by NOTE and by EAR. In 10 'to 20 les sons. Write for particulars, 701 lltb St., Klamath Falls, Oro. Pbone 367R. SAW MILL ENaiNEERINO CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod era w mills, planing mill and box lanu. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 4-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near S. P. Depot Klamath Dye Works Phone 406 OUR CLEANING, PHKSSTNO AK0 REPAIRING WILL MAKE YOUR CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATH HKRIiOCKKD Roods Called for and' Dell wrftS 4SI Mala Street Dana Walls DR. L. L TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAI Day Phone, 407 -Night Pbone, ok E. D.LAMB PHTBICIAN AND SURGEON Pkonal7W 17R Rooms 1 mad a White BnlkMas MWaaMsA4Vss4jaftAsAMs DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Witacarvar nuHra SM Dr. P. M. Nod raoini 4 Over Ui DR. J. G..GOBLE The well-known Optletaa now located la K. D. Block. 1313 Main. Phone II-aL on. a A. Dearist L O. O. V. PHONR4M uZi CHIROPRACTOR " Dr. Lola O. Bridges) s Over First State and Savings Bank Suite 10S Phona lOt-J Let Your GLASS trouble, be Mine CE.STUCKEY Re-Glazinf and CabiirH Making Phone 477W j Jiieventn and Jftne QGAR STAND l O P E N A L L N I G H f 77 CENTRAL HOTEL GUY GARRETT, Mgr Steam (foaled RATES Transient 75 cents up By Week $4.00 J o p E N A L L N I G H T U.J NEWSSTAND VaeWMVa1VtfWMVJ1VMsss4tjAMMSrMs all the latest news ...vfaW., If It's Loose We Will Move It O.K. TRANSFER CO. 124 3, Sixth St. Phone y v if v