I J fAClmssAdWUl i Do H Ftfthtecntb Year 41111. Tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Uif Uvmiim Herald Member of the Associated Press. 7W.tfw TeeVy i ""2.-, " IT' W1 m ETTOBE PERNWHEHTLT ESTABLISHED Conversation In a group at th Orand Central Public market thl morning turned to th altitude th merchant might be expected to tek toward th market. Some one amid tby would expect the merchant to look unfavorably upon tbe mar ket aa a competitor.' "It Htni to me," aald Uurr Wastbrook, of Merrill, one of tbe gToup.V tbat If tbe mercbanta aaw tbe matter In IU true light they'd b down here every Saturday with a braaa band to bolp keep thla mar ket growing." And bo demonstrated hit Idea fur ther by drawing a fire dollar bill from hU pocket, explaining that It was money tbat would not hare been In Klamath Fall, bed be not been able to transform farm pro duce Into currency at the market. "Ileforo I leavo town I'll apeud tbat money with aomo merchant, possibly two or threo. Farmer Siottx Fall Hit by Tornade: 3 Dead. Property Loss Large HIOUxVaLLB. 8. D., Bopt. 10 Two; man were killed In weat Bloux Fall and many farm building ware dutroyed by a tornado wbleb aweot me country aide J tut outaldo Bloux Palls ..last night, the towna of 01 He. Hartford and eaat Sioux Pal la are reported bard bit. Later reporta are three men kill ed br tbe tornado and on mUslng. OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 10. Ileary damage la reported to have been done near ATOca, Nebraska, by a tornado Uat night. KLAMATH PALLS, QEMQON, aUTPKPAT, MKPTKMBKft mTuJm roniiEr DIL OUTLOOK IS ENCOUIUeiNS 11 - BEMO OPPOSES nucm nv OMTTI TILES INVOLVE in II su MESS' DEATH HAN KIIANCIBCO, Bopt. 10. 1'ollco today are Investigating the death of Mis Virginia" nappe, mo tion picture actress; in a eanltariam can't grow tea, coffee, sugar or a yesterday, after attending a party hundred other staple tbe grocer rooms of Iloacoe (Patty) Ar- aella. They cannot arow clothe, buckle, at the St. Krancls hotel. Manager A. L. Michael of the Toa na Valley Oil company waa a visitor thla afternoon rn the offjoea of Beore Ury w. 8. Wiley of tbe coanaar nd be report tbat steady drilling la taking place at tbe well. The drill waa this foreseon going through a cryatalllxed lime rock formation pro nounced by Capt O. C. Applegate to be calclte. Michael aaya tbe drlltlsr is yrr nard at thla stage and U making alow progress. The well la now at a depth of 1210 feet. The formation struck too last few days, tbe calclte, baa an encourag Ing turn to It and,' with tbo email flow of oil which haa been constant lyly found on top of the water all through the operation, glres the Yon na Valley people belief that when the drill haa penetrated deep enough DIHNO LIKE BIND; Bept iuti aaM-M-a-a-M , 10 Traffic Officer on Trial Before Jury In Police Court The trial of , J, MoMahon, deputy automobile officer of tho state, was started thla afternoon before I'olleo Judge Learnt at 1:30 o'clock. The deputy la charged with' an infraction of the automobile lawa by making a torn to th Uri in .. .,..,.. -t.L Elimination 0flo. J. " . r.r".",lu: SZ&JJ$tFZ aoattbilitte of th Capqaa river, uL .rZTvT AUfB" "' and of tbe flhlng.privUg. b - -5..r?ntb. on Main i-. tmriuai ,ku sworn oat against tbe state officer by Percy Twombley. i Viamona iaae, ware lb reaaona which prompted tbe Bend Commer cial club to go on record at today meeting opposing tbe Inclusion' ot the lake and surrounding territory fa. th fFa- I.afca tiatfnri.! i-fcr The matter haa been before tbe club etVora! times before, and waa one fevered and once opposed. Present interest waa created by the aa Boaacetnent that Secretary of the Iaterlor Albert B. Pall win reoom-; mead to congress tbe lnctaslon of; inis, are in iua para:. t Tlte argument of tbo clab was raa med up by H. L. Plomb, Deschutes At the special kestenc of Prose cuting Attorney Brower, a Jury case was made and a Hat of Jurymen sum moned to appear this afternoon. Tbe Jurors are: Pred Bueein. R. J. BbeeU, Robert Clay, Charles Rob erta, xa vannlce and J. 8. Mill. 11 JUSTICE OF PEACE OISTHIGTS TO BE CREATED HOB t shoes or farm machinery. Most of tbe money the farmers receive In the public market will bo spent for tbeso things before the farmer leave town today." Ally of Morrhaata Another member of tbe group aid be thought tbat In tbe public market tbe local merchant bad hla atrongeet ally against tbe mall or der house. The market bring tbe farmer to town and furnishes ready money to buy with. Tbe local mer chant U In direct lino for tbe farmer's trade. If he will but make a bid for It. If It wore not for tbe market tbe same farmer would sot be here. He would be at the near est postoftlen filling out a money order application addrrucd to some mall order house. In any event the Grand Central Public market la here and It looks aa if It u here to stay, Tbe mar ket did a land office buetnesa this morning. Kggs and chickens were snapped up by eager buyer almost at the door. Duyrre Kagtir E. N. Woodhouso of Merrill eold I3S worth of honey as fast a be could take It from the crates, he aald. A growor from the Hlg Marsh brought In a whole two-year-old beef and In a couple of boura all tbat was left was a couple ot soup bone and n chunk or so ot brisket, ana lato buyers took that. ' Vresh milk was a new com mod Ity on tho market today and going well. A barret of homo made elder ,waa on tap and surrounded by a crowd of marketers In search of It soothing refreshment, dreen corn went with a whirlwind rush and tbo staple vegetables, frosh and crupj irom tno garden this morn Ing, found eager buyorr. PnrtmiuKTit IwiUtiitlon It seomod doflnltoly cortaln today that K h. Cramblltt, an exper ienced public market operator from Portland, will tako chargo of the project and make It a permanent and daily Institution. Mr. Crnmblltt'a market in Port land has been running for a number of year. and Is now a amootbly op- eratlng concern that does not re quire hla personal attention. He eea a big opportunity for a public market In Klamath Falls and this morning said that ho had Just about Monday. It la said that women in tbo party declared Arbuckle and MUa Rappe went Into one room of tbe suite and tbat tbe door of tbe room waa thereupon locked. Later cries were beard and sound of a scuffle in side the room came to thntn. They pounded upon the door, It la aald. They said that Arbuckle finally admitted them They aald tbat tboy rarw Mies Rappe Jin oni the bed, only partial ly reosdotts. It M said, her clothing wsa Jorn, even to her stocking. hnwa placed In a cold bath, but tbl.i did not revive her and ahe waa taken to another room put la bed aa a payalelan called. NLater the actress waa taken to the sani tarium where she later died. Arbuckle In a telephone message to tbe police last night, denied thane statements, saying he waa at mo time alone with Miss Rappe. and tbat hla conduct waa not objection able. He started by automobile early today from Lo Angeles to explain. An autopsy revealed that Mis Rappe died from congested lungs, superinduced by peritonttu. The stomach Is to be analysed. Patty Arbuckle Is to be "held In custody." but not arrested, pend ing the outcome of Investigation of Mlas Rappe'a death, the police announced. oil will bo encountered, la. navlnc. national forest supervisor who read quantities. ' 1 Secretary Meredith's report on- tho At a depth of feet, Driller Mm ,nt,0,, outll -bo IleT Oeonre Hartley ears that a. m.iivir, Pr - " ervlce. Ta-Vland pro- of anthracite coal waa encountered. poMd t0- bo c,ua"- ' between rumples burned made a good fire and burned to a complete aab. Director Sperretorn haa bad to wire to Pittsburg, Penn., for the or der of 8 Inch csalng after futile 'ef forts to get it In the weat It Is' not known when tbe shipment will reach here. Tbe directors, MIcheal ears, are encouraged over tbo penetration of tbe calclte formation, aa It Is said to bo a favorable Indication of tbe presence of oIL CEMENT HOLDS -r v ' tfcSt well are that tbe cement appear to bo holding and drilling Ja under way. Early thla morning the water waa at a higher level than last night, crea tine an Impression that the cement waa leaking. When iwork started, however, tho water receded to nor mal level, Indicating tbe drillers aay, an Immense gaa pressure below. Head of Big Power Corporation, Vititor Diamond lake and tbe summit of the Cascade. Only tbe area Immediate ly surrounding the lake la of scenic valne. Sheep aro excluded for a mile back from the lake, a apace which I reserved exclusively for camper. National parka should only be cre ated where the eoenlc feature are unique, of national Importance, and paramount to all other utility, waa Secretary Meredith' argument. They eaould not be created for purely ad- Tortlalac purpose. Planing,- rather than scenery, 1 the) desirable thing at Diamond lake, aeeaysilng to J. A. Baatea and Clyde aMar.'whcrr.ava-'r ot tha IBE U WELL INSOBED OSS If IS Lateet ToporU freaa the Siemens 'on r D. O. McY"beron. to Truck Operators Cleared by Jury Puckett brothers won their case In the Justice court yesterday after an all day trial In which they were accused of operating two Sterling trucks, also seml-trallers, without li censes from the state. Tbo Jury returned a vordlct "of not guilty. Tbe case waa filed by J. J. Mc- Mahon, deputy of tbe state auto bllo department. It appeared de fendant haa applied for llconse plates but there was a dolay In the mall. R. 1L Ballard, rice preaetdent and general manager of the Southern Cat Ifornla Edison company, gigantic electrical concern whaaa lateet pro ject la ta asuTsaaaaT the Color river to develop SOO.etO norsepower, waa a visitor overnight at the Whit Pelican hotel. Mr. Ballard In 1910 waa president of tbe National Elec tric Light association, an organ!' tlon of the big power producer of tbo nation. He waa accompanied by MUa Ballard. The party had visited Crater lake. It la not known that MV. Ballard visit had any tpecial algnlflcanoo aa to the future use of Oregon stream for power development. 9207 Raised for . Fair by Solicitors Secretary L. B. Hague stated that thla morning tbo chamber of com merce soliciting committees turned tho sum of 1207.50 over to the fair board for uso In defraying ox- made ud hla mind that thl. u th.l 'n,w" wuani to tbe fair. The nlaca h haH inn. h.n -..bi-i. .committee nottnea , ner that an ad dltlonal sum would be turned over oa tbo canvas had not been com pleted. ---------- rrrrn iVin.min.-Lmr oppoae the Inclusion of tile territory in the park. Mr.! McKay declared that the con-i cessionaire alone would profit by the change. He characterised the movement aa propaganda on the part of the park service and the Medford chamber ot commerce. R. S. Hamilton took' the same view. Tne argument that the concee- lonalras would profit waa pointed out by R. W. Sawyer a evidence tbat more tourist would b at tracted to the lake If It were In the national park. If the tourist 1 to be considered first, aa tbe club ha outlined in lta policy on other mat ters, anything abould be don walob. would bring them her. Mr. Sawyer waa ot the opinion that the In clusion of the lake in tho park would have thla result. Ho quoted Walter Prltcbard Eaton to tbe ef fect that "you cannot have aheep and tourist both.", Mr. McPherson's motion, tbat tbe club go on rocord aa opposed to the Inclusion of the area, and that The fire department waa called to the Klamath Foundry .' Steel works on Spring- street last night at 7 o'clock to'extlagulah the tire. which orglnlated in the core roof of tbo foundry while all employees were absent and which raxed the build ing entirely to the ground. The loe was eaUmated to be 110,000, cover ing machinery, building and a aerie of patters watch were trT the eouree ot construction. B..Mr I fall, the maaager. stated tbat ta low waa parfuilj covered by Insurance hi ta inter Jjuaraae eompaarcic SMttte aad that oa both bnHaaV-Oha-xeaehlne ahep aad foundry, f 9.000 wa carried. A aew policy of 11.000 -waa taken out re cently but Hall did not state whether a portion of thl ram applied on the foundry. The concern I ownod by a local company and H. D. Mortensen U pres ident. Manager Hall stated that a meeting of the director would be called to arrive at a decision on the qucetlon ot rebuilding. Thla meeting would b called soon as President Mortensen could arrange It. Seven men are employed, four In tho ma chine shop, threo la tbe foundry. Mr. Osqar Peyton discovered tho fire and telephoned Mr. Halt at hla residence and while Hall waa on the road to the fire, Chief Ambrose states, the alarm waa turned In from some other source. The department made a faat ran bat when the White Pelican hotel block waa reached, tho entire building wa a man ot flames and almost beyond saving. An at tempt wag made to uso tbe fire plug at tbe edge of the foundry building The county court waa. iireifil on September 7 with petlUoa' bear ing 4a" signature of weU-kaewa, taxpayers and eltiara rqatla a gerrymander of the prsssat I Jf.fr. vllle-Judlclal dletrlct. At r at all tbe legal btulae ot the district i handled In the court presided ovr by Justlco of the Peac Lam L. Oaghagen. Tbe teaor of the petltiea tlted Wednesday la the eouty erart 1 to the effect tbat a the antao In this court ha grows to sack pro portions that th octle caaat aaa dle all of H aa, espedltely aa It could be were th present dtetrtei divided' lato two dlvtetoa, one to be known a "The District of Kla math Pall,' embracing all the cor porate limit east of the Link river, and tho other "The Link River Dis trict." including all the corporate limit lying weat of Link rivar. According to Section 3Slt of Chapter 31, Lawa of Oregon ltJi, tbo county court 1 empowered 'to act upon tbe radtetrtettea- of the Judicial district a it sees fit when petitions are brought before it. It Is said that with th county- court graatlBK saratIon ot thm district. Justice Oaghagen would be compelled by law to movei to the district west of Link rirr a k w elected for th Link rtvor dis trict and by law, a would bar to both reside aad open aa office ta tbat dlvlsloa. u.I understood that the coanty eoart acted favorably a pod ibw petiuea aad that thla at teraoea, the ebart order eatablka Ing th aw district will s signed. FLCtSlEPS SAN Mill: 11 ABE BEAD secretary wire to Oregon congress- ,ul lno u"raei n ? nerco and car- men to this effect, with th . ,,ou uu "" "r "' wino, me oe place ho had long been seeking. A few moro Interview with farmer, ( it seemed, would clinch his decision to say 'here'. The men be had apoken to were enthusiastic and there en thusiasm had evdently communicat ed Itself' to him. t '"Tho Portland market run ao smoothly," said Mr. Cramblltt," that It doosn't nopd my attention, It , baa proved a success, and the 'men wbo were Its strongest opponents five or six years ago that Is the merchants are now -my fastest , Mends I Plana tpi far include .a grocery, oaaery, iruit stand, dairy store and jmoat markot.as 'permanent' daily in stitution. Theso shops will, line J tbe walla of the room now used aa a market, und still leave room In tbe contor for 3B stalls, which will bo used by farmer on market day. The genoral market will bo hold each Saturday, an at present, or oftonor If there la demand. Tbero will be a warehouse for storing potatoes, onions and other non-perishable farmstuff and a cold storage room for meat, eggs, chick ens, butter and other products that require refrigeration. ' From three or four stalls the market has grown In a couplo of months until 20 or more producers are regularly attending and the number ot buyers is growing week after "week, ; v. sons, waa carried. Following- that acUon, Mr. Plumb remarked tbat If grating Interfered with any enlo point of Interest In tbe 'forest, tbe sheop would be elim inated from that place aa soon aa It waa called to the attention tof the forest service. The remark was ap plauded. - One Civil and Two Criminal Cases to Be Tried Next Week Tho circuit court, which convenes Monday, haa but two criminal cases docketed for trial in the first week ot lta session, th case of tbo Bute against Port Summers, Indian police man, and Fred Duke, charged with the alleged appropriation of a rifle belonging to Alva Cox when the lat ter waa arrested May IS on the In dian reservation by Summors; and the long (tending cm of th State against Pred O. Kaempke, alleged to have held up a .rooming house at 338 Oak street. alnt J. J. Stlger. will bo beard "? ?"'y'W0 ulWlnkav. were Plaintiff asks 'damage of io.l6 -. for alleged violation of a logging con- NOTE There aeetns to be change In sentiment In the Diamond lake annexation .matter, and other communities are realising tbat the queatlon ia a big one. and needa more than superficial probing. (CoiUnued to Pan 3) FIRE WIPES OUT BUSINESS ' SECTION IN WASCO CO. TOWN THE DALLES, 'Sept. 10 The county, was swept today by fire ot partment was forced to run 1300 feet of hose from the plug east ot there. Water pressure, tbe chief said, was Yery low. Manager Hall aald that tho foun dry was built three yeara ago. Asked If any lnflamable material was In tbe building at the time ot tbe tire, be aald that a barrel of tar had been placed In the foundry room In the southwest corner ot tho building, with the Intention to placo another coat of tar oa the root Monday. Tho huge clouda ot black smoke which hung over the flats for' an hour after tbe fire came from this material. No damage was done to tbe machine works and this morning, tho men re ported for work. Chief Ambrose of the fire depart ment stated that no employees of the department were injured and the rumor that two n-en were burned was without foundation. SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Sept, 10 Twenty-two are known to be dead and several million dollar damage to Property 1 estimated aa the result of a flood which swept through San Antonio last night following more than 48 houra of unprecedented rain fall. Two thousands are homeless.. Some police estimate places th list of dead aa high a flv hunderd. Troop are patrolling th city asi aiding In tbe rescue jrerfc., Theater supply and electric lights ar c off. The water from the San Antonio river and Olmos creek flooded tho buslnc,! section for many block to a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. The San Pedro river on the west sldo of the city, which runs through the Mexican district. Joined tbo water through tbe southern part ot the city. The water stood fifteen feet deop In tbe lobby of tbe Gunter hotel a block from the river. Both bank of tbe Ban Antonio are strewn with tho" wreckage of bouses. Additional loss of lite Is reported from the valley south of the city through which the river flows. Labor Council Chooses Officers I tract. JU' Keadan" returned '--" vra jjaview wnera he haa been holding court, report sEsnva Gardner M'NBlL ISLAND, Sept. 10. Roy Oarduor waa seen 'br orison m-.i-.i-. Ua( night, -according to their .report. Heaad; n Jorating tor chicken. ALLEGE! HOLDUP MEN ARE1 I 11... t I r i J- ; I muvno OVER TO GRAND JURY Olenn Reynold and Jack Morrison, accused of a holdup near Ft. Kla math, walvod hearing In te Justice court thl afternoon and were bound over to the grand Jury, with bonds nxad at fl5Qd. - PERMIT TO SELL OIL STOCK NOT HERE YET An -error was made yesterday In thesUtemeai lay, regard to the for- and Gas company, oa to the secur ing ot a license to sell stock of tbe company. The license haa not been received but It la expected that It will be applied for Tuesday. The stock mentioned was' the amount tak.eai.br -th" -Incorporators'. . . , The Central Labor Council met last nlght,ln executive session and among tho matters passed on were the se lection ot new officers tor the ensu ing six months. Bort McDonald was chosen president and W. 8. Conklln, secretary. W. E. McAboy resigned tho, presidency owing to conflict with personal buslnoss and Arthur Wig gins .former secretary has removed from -tho cjty, necessitating new se lection for 'the two plates. ' , The barbers' union delegate, Eddie II. Clark and the delegate from tho culinary allance. II. D. Francis, were admitted to tbe council. The action taken by the culinary alliance in de claring u strike on the Jewel cafe ya; radortiad, by the council. f . ' H r