The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 09, 1921, Image 1

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iSljj? lEtinmg Mtvuth
Member of the Associated Pre.
Ho, ear.
to rem loss
in shipments
Ths BonUitrn Pacific railroad bad
taaUlated contest, J. J. Miller,
local agent ot the eyateen says, In aa
srtbrt to help reduce fmtsht ratae
aaa particular) tbe loaa to ihlppan
ana th company on freight ehlp
xaaat. Th contest will be staged
nawag the company agaata all oyer
tha system and tha dletrlot ara or
aaali nndar tba divisional plaa.
It la tha bopa of tha railroad com
neay to eUmulat lataraat among tha
aetata ao that divisional control of
tha orar, ahort and daaiaga loaaaa
will ba laaaaaad by hating aach agaot
laaaict tha ahlpmanta to aaa if thar
will enffer damage la shipment; to
1e carefully tha bills of lading to
know that tha ahlpmant la mad to
tha right partla by tha ahortast
routa and to check carefully the In
coming shipments to avoid long or
ahort conalgnmanla,
Kach agaat will endeavor to aatltt
tha ahlppar by aiplalnlng how beat
tha consignment caa ba Mint and how
It abonld ba paekad ao aa not to euf
far damage In transit Tbla aratam,
tba company advisee tha aganla, will
ba moat valuable aa the burden la
than placad on tba company employ
aaa wblla tha conalgnmant la In Iran
alt. Mr. Millar states that tba loaa to
tha railroad In the abora rtapact la
oae-half of the groaa recolpta of the
ahlpmanta accepted and tbla Item
alone costs the system too much
aoaay and la one feature In keeping
up tha high freight ratea. Redur
tha loaa to tba lowest possible mini
mum and the rates can accordingly
as swid.
Janata ta aach dlvttlsa ar entered
la tha contest and It lit tba hope of
tba Bkaata division group, In which
Klamath Falls Is situated, to carry
off1 tha high honors In the lessened
loaaea of freight shipments on future
consignments. Mr. Miller states that
Klamath Falls outbound consign
ments have fared very well In tha
past aa eloee Inspection baa been
by local employeea.
Organisation of the officers and
directors of tha Klamath Basin Oil ft
Oaa eompany-waa perfected laat night
la tha offlcea of the Dunham Auto
company at f03 South Blxth ttlreet
at which time, George Qrlssle waa
ejected president; Fred Houston,
vice president; Theodore Case, secre
tary and Oeorge Chamberlain, trea
aurer. The directors cboaen ware
Oaorge Gristle, Fred Houston, E. A.
Dunham, Robert Cheyne and R. J.
Tha articles of Incorporation were
received from tha secretary of state
tbla weak and tha capitalisation of
1100,000 approved, also the license to
eeil alock. According to H. M. John
son, appointed field manager, before
tha articles of Incorporation were re
ceived Investors were found who In
stated on depositing money for shares
la the concern, Tbla money waa turn
ad over to the treasurer today and
stock certificates Itaued,
Mr. Johnson states that the com
pany will sink their first well on tbe
Qrlssle place, 4Q0 yarda southeast
of tha Siemens' well and that a large
sis Okelt rotary combination drill
ndll be used. Drilling, Johnson says,
will ba started iwithln four weeks and
will continue ail winter,
Vote for Holiday,
Work Ju$t the Same
In recognition of California's Ad
mission Day, which is today, Callfor
alaaa at tho main office of tho California-Oregon
Power company, head
ad by Manager Thompson, took a
vote for a vacation. Results were aa
follews: Callforntans7, Oregonlani 1,
aad 1 native of Rocky Point. Aa far
as is': known tbe whole force was oa
deck this morning.
Federal Officer is
Suicide Following
Raid on Smuggler
NEW YORK, Sept., 0 After a raid
by federal prohibition and narcotic
agaata oa tha Greek etaamsblp, King
Alexander, In wbloh seven members
of tbe .ship's crew ware wounded,
Freak J. FlUpatrick, chief nareotlo
officer here, who bad taken part in
tha raid, committed suicide at a near
by pier.
Federal officers said they knew of
ao reason for tba ealclde except that
tha aioltament aad atrala of tha raid
had temporarily deranged FIU
palriefc. Liquor valued at $60,000 and
drugs at 176,000 ware confiscated.
Mora than a score of sbota ware ex
ckaaged by tba eraw aad It federal
agaat," Nena of tha federal agaata
were hurt.
Tbla morning at 10. o'clock, tha
trial of 8tanley, Manley and Pren
tlaa Puckett, charged -with alleged
operation of two Starling motor
trucks, also seml-trallor, on Aug
ust It Without a vehicle license, waa
heard before a Jury composed of
Harry W, Poole, George Bratton,
C. L. McWllllams, A. C. Hcnllne,
A. L. Satflcky and O. W. Perkins
In Justice Oegbagen'a court. Tbla
trial wa the culmination of a ser
ies of arreeta made in Klamath
county br J. J. McMahon state dep
uty traffic, officer.
Tha defendants alleged that aa
they had sent their money Into tba
secretary of state prior to the arrest
aid-'no pistes bad been received
from HaleaV It waa not their Intent
to evade the state lawa wittingly.
The proeaculloo baaed their action
upon the actual fact of ao licenses
nor receipts for same. Arguments
were msde by both aides.
Oaa praaaure sufficiently strong
to lift a column of water, nearly 1000
feat deep aad averaging eight Inches
In diameter, nearly 10 feet waa re
vealed when tha drill penetrated tha
cement at tha Siemens well at noon
today. Tbe water column rose to
within X0 feet of tba surface, then
sattlad back to 100 feet from the
top. The average level la a 6 feet
from tha top. Tbla la, taken to In
dicate that tha water flow la checked,
Tba bailer la operating thla attar
noon and it will not be definitely
determined before tomorrow If the
cemont. will hold thla time.
Strength of the gaa pressure was
also shown when the drillers first
etarted work thla week. They found
cement 210 feet up In tba casing, evi
dently forced to that holght by gas
Underwood, Hughes
Lodge and Root
To Represent U. S,
WASIUNOTON, Sopt., 0 Senator
Oscar i Underwood, Senator Lodge
Kllhu Root and Secretary of State
Hughea will ba tbo four representa
tive of tha Unltod States at tho
Washington conference on tbe limit
atlon of armaments, It was official
ly announced today, Delegations
from all nations attending will, prob
ably be limited to four members.
Babe Ruth hit bis 6i th home run in
today's game here, ho equalled his
record of last year. The 64 th homer
laat year was gathered September 29.
'HELENA, Mont., Sept., 9 With'
rata or snow in 'many parts of tho
state and unseasonably low tempera
tures, Montana is having the first
autumnal snow of the year. Colder
weather tonight is forecasted with
possible freetlng. '
Tha County Fair Hoard bare an
nounced through Secretary U. D.
Hague that much tatereat ha the
county oaa bean atlrred np orar tha
coming fair on October 6, 6 and 7,
Inclusive and many farmers who had
fine stock, Intended to exhibit than
for soma of tha attractive premiums
offered la tbe cattle division.
The qnestlon of flaaaeea waa
brought np yesterday afternoon aad
aba waa aakad bow much money had
bean turned In by tbe soliciting com
mlttaea of tha chamber of commerce,
following tha meeting of August 26,
at which time tbe chamber agreed to
raise tba funds which would ba de
rive! :ion advertising in tbe pre-
mtum list. Secretary Hague stated
iuv bud unu jwjitcu uu muuey uy
to yesterday but that aba bad under-'
stood that a. committee had been do-T
legated to solicit. Tha financial
question' Is one which ia vital In the
conduct of a fair, Secretary Hague
slated, and a report waa expected
from tbe chamber some time tbla
week on tbe progreaa of the canvass.
Tbe question of exbtblta ia atlll a
matter which worries tha board and
tha farmers ara urged to aave their
prise plants, eunflowera, pumpkins,
choice grain and hay specimens for
exhibition purposes, Tba flower
which ara raised In this county also
are a feature which Secretary Hague
urges attention to now aa frost aoon
will nip tha plants. Sara tha flowers,
Becratary Hague urges.
One other feature to which aha
brlnga attention la tba display of
needlecratt and fancy work of all
aorta. Article et at leerta la thla
division ara -wanted. It i reported
that many fine displays ara to be
bad in this county. If so, enter
October 4 ia tbe date set by tbe
Klamath Drainage district for a
meeting or the aaaalltation board at
which time th budget for tha year
1122 will be discussed. At the meet
ing, September 6, tbe board of equali
sation, P. L. Fountain, R. E. Smith
and K. Sugarman estimated that tbe
total amount uf money 'needed by
tbe district during tbe fiscal year be
ginning January V, 1922 and ending
December 31 would be $8,368.81,
covering several services, materials
and supplies.
President M. Motachenbacher loft
yesterday to post the drainage dis
trict with notice in compliance with
Chapter 118, Section 7328, Lawa of
Oregon for 1921, which require the
amount of tho expenditures for the
three fiscal yaara next proceeding tbo
current year to be stated. The no
tices to be posted state that from
March 1918 to 1919, the sum of
H, 648. 30 waa estimated to be ex
pended; March 1919 to March 1920,
16,661.71; March 1920 to March
1921, $7,600.92. Tbe expenditures
mado from January 1 to June 1921
wore only $3,227.68 wblje tbe budgot
allowance was placed at $8,866.
Secretary DeLap stated that tho
prospects for the sale of the bonds
were excellent now that a water right
had been obtained from the Unltod
States government. It waa not ex
pected that much would be dona tbts
year, but after the meeting of the
equalisation board In October, and
tbe state engineer haa vised the
proposition and placed bla approval
on it, tbe bonds would then be placed
In the market to secure funds for
active work In the spring of 1922.
Secretary DeLap atatad that he be
lieved that money would be forth
coming as soon aa tha bonds were in
the market aa Webyl-Zuckerman and
company of Stockton, California,
owned 2,000 , acres of tho Klamath
Pitfalls for tha unwary yea,
araa for tha wary can ba found
wltkont an undue amount of eeerob
lag la almoat aay block of Kla
math Falls sidewalks, outside Mala
street, and there are portlona of
Main street that have not a great
deal to brag about. There' a stretch
oa tha south side of tba ilreet
between tbe Winters building and
aVghlh. atresia where tha pedea'.rlan
net steer a careful couree, for
' But this article calls attention
mainly to the wretched condition
of tha board sidewalks In tba dla
tricta off Main street. Pine street
has a number of traps for the pad
rttraln. Boards are loose every
leW pacel ,nd with two .persons
walking aide by sldo, if one lags
a tep. tbe other U vary likely to
step on one end of a loose board
aad raise the other end to a height
that will trip hla companldh.
' Protruding spikes to catch tbe
stapa of the wayfarer ara an un
limited source of danger. The writer
foreeook his usual cautious custom
of keeping to tbe street and taking
cbancea with autos yesterday, and
braved a trip around the Bellman
property, between Seventh and
Eighth on Pine, for tbe purposes of
investigation. With forewarning of
danger, the trip was made safely,
but the condition of tbe sidewalk ia
a disgrace. There can be no question
that property In the heart of the
city la valaable enough to bear the
coat of sidewalks. If the owner can
not pave It, the city certalaly has
condemnatory powers. -
The Uotallng block .-"Eighth
street, between Pine and High,' ta
aa bad. North and south of this
block the sidewalk is laid, but the
property owned by Rlehsrd Hotel
Ing, of the wealthy San Francisco
family, evidently cannot bear the
South of Klamath avenue there
are broken boards Innumerable In
tbe board sidewalks. Some of tbe
holea In the walk are large en
ough to let a person's body through.
Other are etx Inch cVevaaaea, visi
ble now but veritable traps thla
winter when tbe anow lay across
them. ,
It does not take a prophet to pre
dict that sooner or later, probably
sooner, there will ba an accldeat
resulting In a heavy damage ault
and tha city will pay for ita na-1
gleet. There's a possible broken leg
In any one of a doxen blocks that
are frequently travailed, and there's
a possibility that if soma elderly
person is tbe victim tbe oonae
quoncea would be more serious.
Gets Sixty Days for
Theft of a Horse
PORTLAND, Sept., 9 Fred Jack
son, Indian, aged 20, of the Kla
math Indian reservation, was sent
enced to 60 days' Imprisonment in
the Multnomah county Jail by
United States District Judge Bean
for stealing a horse on tbe reserva
tion. Two other Indian boys, Bybee
Butler, aged 16, and Thurman Jack
son, aged 17, implicated in tbe
theft, were released because of their
youth and returned to the reser
Monday afternoon, Culinary At
llanca Union will meet in a special
meeting at 3 o'clock in, tho labor
council rooms for the purpose of
electing a president of thla orga
nisation. Matters Important to tbe
union will bo taken up also at this
time, it Is said.
district land.. This company J said
to bo the largest producer of pota
toes and onions on tho Pacific coast
with branch offices scattered all ovor
the weal. With a large corporation
holding, a body ot land as large as
2,000 acres, thay would, bo Instru
mental in pushing tha project,' ac
cording to Becratary DeLap. '
State Traffic Man
Arretted Again for
Turning in Block
' J. J. McMahon, stale deputy of
the automobile department waa ar
reeled laat night at 6 o'clock by
Traffic Officer McLaughlin on a
complaint filed by Percy Twombly,
alleging that tba state officer vio-
1 1mlA traffic ralaa "with. Inrnlnr
to tha left la tbe atreet -without
giving any netice: or Indication of a
turn between Intersections," the al
leged violation taking place between
Tenth and Eleventh on Main street,
August 17.
In tba previous trial in tbe po
lios court Judge Leavitt held the
traffic officer not liable, aa there
waa no ordinance to make thla ac
tion an offanaa.
. - t . "
Warning baa boon sounded by
State Game Warden .Ilurghduff that
deer hunters must tag their , kills
with tbe portion of the license
Issued for thst-puiyoso Immediately
when a kill Is made or 'the viola
tor will be subject' to a tine. " :
Thla tag must be placad on tbe
horns of the aniaa.l'at once and In
case the animal Is 'strung up and
left In tbe woods; a warden can
toll to whom this?-kill i belongs.
Should he find oneniot labeled tha
hunter will como in for, a stiff 'fine
aa tbe hunting lawa prescribe this
action to assist thal'wafdana- tn pre
venting game hogs killing mora
than tbe limit. t
A number of vloliasraiaave been
found this season by Raople . who
were cmroiesa quo 'wluhu ww
over' the "first dear" .bpt,thjy,d
Uy complied -with the . tagging re
quirements wbea "otaer hunters
warned aMali.:w'
George. McCollum yesterday
brought In a. beautiful specimen of
the mule tall deer, a four pointer,
which he killed five miles below
Keno on tbe Klamath river. The
deer had been ranging all aummer
near bis mill on tbe river and Mr.
McCollum hadgdeslred to hare be
head of this animal for bla den.
Friday laat, an opportunity waa
Siren him to secure this prise aad
ha did ao. Resident In that sec
tion aay that thla deer la tbe larg
est they have aaea for many years.
It la aald that a tape stretched' be
tween the polnta on the horn meas
ured 28 lnchea,
A, C. Yaden waa a fortunate
hunter tbla year, aecurlng two
bucks, one laat Friday and one
Army Goods Store
Leases Quarters
Max Welsa of The Army Store
stated today that ho has secured
a lease for three years on the build
ing formerly used 'by the Deer Head
Grill and expects to more to the new
location October 1st. The building
now occupied by tho Army Store
will be removed from its present
location to permit of tbe com
mencement of construction work on
the new Hart building.
There seems to be some conflict
In this arrangement, as tbo an
nouncement was made yosterday
that the Deer Head would be re
opened under the management of
Bert McDonald, who has purchased
that establishment. Mr. McDon
ald's lease cornea from the receiver
of tho grill, wbilo 'that to Mr.
Wefts comes from J. O. Bcardsley,
tho owner of tho property.
Tbe smoker held last night .in the
Moose hall by the Culinary AUI
ance was well attended and enjoyed
by all tbe participants. The meeting
was a get together social In which
union men and the citizens ot this
city intermingled and enjoyed
themselves to the utmost.
A danco was started at 10 o'clock
and tbe crowd present spent the
evening In this amusement. Re
freshments were served through
out the meeting and It was after
midnight before; the smoker ter
minated. .The concensus -of opinion
was that this affair' was one of the
best arranged ,084 (most enjoyable
affairs ot the season.
i mmm
PORTLAND,- Sept., i Wanaclsl
plana for that ijS,aaoltl war
formally Uustckad a th reeaK of'
.the confer ef state del aaa tea har
yesterday. Th exposition capital
stock ieeua will b $1,960,000.
Portland wll raise $1,000,000 by
private sabacrlptloa aad $2,000,000
by taxation. ''The state at large. In
cluding Portland, will raiee th re
maining; Yt',000,000 by a one-mill tax
levy for tar yaara.
Jullaa L. Malar waa choose per
manent chairman aad Robert B.
Smith, secretary.
Plans ar beta investigated for
a special dly election la Portland
in November to car for Portland'
share ot tha expedition tax levy.
'and 'a special session -of th Igu
lature In January to deal with tha
necessary constitutional maaaarea
and prepare maaaarea for th ato
pic to vote on In May.
It haa been suggested that It th
legislative session la called it will
be with the strict understaadlag
tbat the affairs of the snoeKin
alone ar to be considered aad tha
legislators will b aakad to glv
tbelr services Just as th delegate
who cams to th eoafareae ysstao
day gavs theirs.
Chairman Mtr today aaaoaaesd
receipt of maaaag from araral
coaat cltls offering aasfort for th
exposition. '
moons wocnor
The Uaeota Market, whiek reseat- '
ly advertised that K waarid dress, eat
np aad slac la M etaraa all
backs whose saaraaa wlsksi task asr-
vle,' I displayraaT HsV
second buck for1 ta season. Tha
deer waa killed by T, V. Patrick.
Following th application for a
writ of review in the county court
in the ease ot Thomas L. Cleveland,
sometimes known aa T. L. Cleve
land, sometimes aa .James Sampler,
filed by Attorney William Marx
September 1. In which the decisions
rendered agalnat tha petitioner ta
Justice' Oegbagen'a court "were un
satisfactory In the attachment eutta
brought br Roy Pouch of the "Busi
ness Service Bureau" and John Ir
win, the two latter defendanta thla
forenoon' filed motions to qussh pro
ceedings in tbe county court
aralnst them. Action on the matter
will be taken-'tomorrow by Judge
nunneu, wnea . we county court
convenes at 10.- o'clock.
This afternoon at 6 o'clock, Secre
tary L. B. Hague ot the county fair
board will address a woman's meet
ing at the chamber of commerce on
bow tho women of this city and
county could assist In making the
county fair October 6, and 7 a de
cided auccess despite the late atart.
Traffic Officer McLaughlin stater
that automobiltsts are not eomplyinf
with, hla request Jbat In passing
school grounds, the speed limit
should be ten miles an hour or less.
Some are tearing- by at high rales
of speed and the violators are to be
picked up. "Drive Slow," he urges.
C. C. Low stated today that hla
son, Lloyd, was not feeing much
better than what he was yesterday
and that he had endured much pain
with the severe attack of tonsllltla
which set In after fie had been
drenched by water during the tire
of tho Lakeside Lumber company
laBt Saturday nlgkt. ,
' Catholic sorvlces will be held
at Merrill Sunday morning at 10:30
o'clock, with the Rev. Father J, V,
Molloy officiating.
OREOON Tonight and Saturday,
fair; warmer Saturday; "