The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 08, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    nfcUlWDAY, RKPTXMBER , lMt.
iMi wo
The Evening Herald
.City Editor
Published JMr except Bunder, by
fee Herald Publishing Compear of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Streot.
ntered at the poitottlco at Kla
ssath Falls, Ore., tor transmission
through the Balls aa socond-class
woRin's ni
The Associated Prea is exclusively
titled to the use for republication
it all news dispatches credited to It.
tr not otherwise credited In this
paper, and also the local nows pub
tsher herein
ItoW WHAT TxsViist I .
aml B jJpL 'J y
They havo a new crop in Mcdford.
California has long found it Is a par
ing crop. California is constantly
adding equipment to bandlo it. Kla
math could cultlvato this crop, if wo'd
stop raising rumpuses over non-essentials
long enough to giro a little
attention to its importance. Wo re
fer to the tourist crop. Mcdford has
found it a paying proposition. The
Mall Tribune under tho heading.
"Mcdford Is Prospeous," says of It
Mcdford has enjoyed a sum
. mer of unusual prosperity.
Whllo tho rest of tho country
has suffered a devastating de
pression, with business at a
standstill and millions "of unem
ployed, there has been, relative
ly speaking no unemployment In
Southern Oregon, and even tho
normal mid-summer let-up has
been absent.
What Is tho reason? Ono rea
son is, Medford enjoyed no war .
prosperity, and tborefore has
had to suffer no post war defla
tion. With hundreds of men
employed on irrigation and high
way construction, the labor de
mand has been maintained at a
" "high level throughout' the year.
But probably the most Import
ant reason Is the great Increase
in tourist travel. It is a safe as
sertion that during the past four
months the population of Jack
son county has been Increased at
least ten per cent by transient
travel. There has been a cons
tant stream of automobile tour
ists In and out of tho county,
with an average of 500 visitors
stopping In Medford and its vici
nity every 24 hours.
These tourists have purchased
their supplies here, and conse
quently left their money here.
They save stopped at local
hotels, have stopped at the local ,
auto camp ground, and even at
Crater lake they have drawn up
on Medford, either as campers
r u hotel guests, for Medfo""
is the distributing center for
this part of the state.
In other words at least half a
million dollars in cash, from tho
ontslde has been dropped In
Southern Oregon this summer.
Not all of this has remained
here, but a large proportion of It
has. Naturally, evory business
has secured a certain portion,
and a healthy business condition
has been the result.
No one can study this situation
(without realizing that the tour
ist crop Is one of Jackson coun
ty's greatest assets. And any
thing that will Increase that
tourist crop, from extending the
Crater lake national park to
improving Medford's auto camp
ground, deserves the hearty sup
port of evory public spirited
An Apple a Day.
They tell us.- said Mr. Bllltops,
"that an apple a day keeps tho doctor
away, and I guess that Is so; I am
sure that an apple a nlgbt promotes
sound and restfusl umber.
"We keep our apples In the Icebox!
The last tiling that Mrs. Bllltops, ever
thoughtful Mrs. Bllltops, docs In mak
ing ber rounds before retiring for the
nlgbt Is to get an apple out of the Ice
box and place It, with a fruit knife,
on the dining-room table for me.
"Nightly the last thing I do before
going to bed Is to go out Into the din.
ing room, seat myself comfortably,
and eat that apple; leisurely. I find It
cool and refreshing; In every way
agreeable; and having eaten It I turn
in and sleep delightfully.
"An applo a day keeps tho doctoi
away. An applo at night makes you
sleep right."
Let'a Tajk Piano, with Earl Shcp.
poets tor tho world's wheat supply,
whllo not so satisfactory as was
oxpoctod during tho first part of
tho current season, show nt tho
present tlmo no cause tor serious
alarm. Estimates of tho quantity
of wheat harvested In SO coun
tries, Including 'tho United Statos,
for 1921, total2.461, 430.000 bush
ols, compared with 2,384,143,000
bushels harvested last year, ac
cording to data compiled by the
bureau of tho markets and .crop
estimates, United States department
of agriculture.
Tho 20 countries included In this
cstlmato are tho United States, Can
ada, Argontlna, Chile, Uruguny, Bel-
glum, Bulgaria, Finland, Franco,
Orcece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Bri
tish India, Japan, Algeria, Tunis,
Union of South Africa, Australia,
and New Zealand. Thcso countries
produced approximately 88 per cont
of the known wheat crop of tho
world during tho years 1903-13,
according' to the annual average
production records of the bureau.
Drought Was Serious Menace
Although tho long-sustalnod
drought throughout tho greater part
of tho northern hemisphoro was a
serious mennco to tho various crops
In many countries ,tho fall-sown
wheat has not been affected adver
sely so much as was at first sup
posed. On tho contrary, tbo fall-
sown wbcat managed to obtain a
firm hod on the soli and a fairly
vigorous growth before tbo bo
ginning of tho drought.
nearly an or nortnern and cen
tral Europe will havo larger wheat
crops this year than last, accord
ding to tbo last estimates made by
tho bureau, Belgium and Qreeco be
ing tho only countries In which
smaller'crops aro expected.
Outside of Europe, British India
was most seriously affected by tbo
drought. Tho dryness and tho hot
winds that havo prevailed through
out most of the growing 'season
havo resulted In tho very low yield
of 250,469,000 bushels of wheat, or
about 50,000,000 bushels less than
tho quantity normally consumed in
that country. With the rlco crop
also seriously affected. India Is ex
pected to Import wheat this year
instead of exporting it. In an avor-
ago year before the world war, In
dla exported over 50,000,000 bush
els of -wheat.
in 'Canada tho total yield of
spring wheat is estimated at 273,'
020,000 bushels, of which 264,137.-
000 bushels were grown in Saskat
chewan, Manitoba, and Alberta. Fall
wheat, grown almost exclusively In
Ontario and Alberta, waa estimated
at 15,493,000 bushels. The total
wheat yield of Canada for 1921 is
therefore 288,493,000 bushels, com
pared with 263,189,000 bushels last
. RossLin Crops Hopelejs
A very unsatisfactory featuro in
tho present .international situation
Russian crops. Unofficial reports
Is the hopeless conditions of " the
state that during last autumn and
tho spring of this year only a very
small area was sown to ths var
lous crops resulting In a faluro to
produce sufficient food for tho
country's neoijs It is also reported
unofficial that a considerable
rmount of wboat will yet ht im
ported by Ilussla this year. But up
to the present tlmo tbo amount fit
wncat, as wen as ,otber foodstuffs,
which will be Imported la conject
ural, and tho bureau of markets uud
crop estimates is unaDlo to mako a
doflnlto statoment concerning it.
In northern Africa, the wheat
crop was genorally largor than last
yoar. In Algeria ( threshing results
show a bettor ylold than was ox
poctod earlier in tho season. In
Tunis, bad weather reduced the
yields somewhat from those expect
ed earlier, while in Morocco the
crop was genorally reporte'd as sat
isfactory. According to estimates
published by tho international insti
tute of agriculture at. Home, these
three countries aro expected to pro
duce, for 1921, a ylold of 66,138,
000 bushels of wheat, comparod
with 36,743,000 bushels In 1920.
Twins' Mother Returns to Screen
SBBBBBHH9EfifNBEVLirv Nfi. f in""sdSX BBBBBBBh sTrt hSwSSt
m wwmw t ivwvl
I '
..!. 4. ,W
,h ,V '-.'V
ww-h .-
V t --
Cleo.Rldglcy lft the wresn four rs aso to marry James W.
Home, aSllrcctor. .Sa haa remain" .way pUylng the real Ufa roU of
mother to twins, but returns to rest aft as a villalnsta In Th Woman
In ths Case.-
ROSEBURO, Sopt., 8. Lieuten
ant Shannorior tho Salvation Army
corps gave his farowoll address Sun
day. He plaus to leave next Thurs
day for Klama'th Falls, whero ho will
organlzo an army corps. Captain
Fbrd and wife aroenjoylng a trip
north and will return here tho mid
dle of next week to resume their
NOME, Alaska, Sept., 8 Possibi
lity of devcolplng a supply of oil
within tho Artie Clrclo In Indicated
aa reports received hero contlnuo to
descrlbo tho apparent scopo of tho
oil field bollcvcd to oxtont from
Walnwrlght Inlet and Point Barrow,
Alaska, to tho eastward. A vast area
of Alaska hitherto considered worth
less may prove tbo most productlvo
part of tbo torrltory, according to
prospectors' reports.
Tho first doflnlto Information was
brought to Nomo In August by a pros
pecting party headed by It. D. Adams.
This party roportod that oll-benring
formations stretched from tho coast
to tbo western boundary of Alaske,
whero they seemed to morgo Into the
Fort Norman oil development ou tho
Tho heaviest oil seepages were
found near Capo Simpson, on tho
Artie coast cast of Point Barrow,
whero tho Adams party staked claims.
Tho seepages .occurred on sovoral bar
ren hills. On ono tho oil was seen
to rise at a point near the top and
flow downward Into a lake. So con
spicuous was this seopago it could
be discerned plainly at a great distance.
Tho most peculiar thing about
these ) seepages, according to Mr.
Adams, li tbejr variety. They
run variously dsrk green, bright yel
low apd dark brown. The party col
lected fifty gallons to be shipped to
San Francisco for chemical analysis,
Mr. Adams, while optimistic over
tho prospect of establishing produc
ing flleds, points out that only intense
geological work ana numerous test
wells would locate tho main sources.
Evon then, he added, there would be
the difficult problem of transporta
tion', which, however, need not bo
Two Standard Oil parties from Cal
ifornia put in the summer exploring
some of the territory covered by the
Adams party, and made similar re
ports of conditions.
Since, flvo years ago, a teachor re
ported a "iako of oil" near Point
Barrow, and natives added moro
startling details to the story, there
bad been sporadic prospecting for oil
north of Nomo.
Strand Books Big
Show For Sept, 13
Tho Strand thontro Tuosday, Sep
tember 13, will presont "Tho Bell
Boy," a two act musical comedy,
featuring Johnnlo and Irene Oalvln,
also a clcvort dancer, "Dainty Toot
sle." Tho shows last two hours and
n clevor orchestra carried by tho
Oalvln World of Follies, will fur
nish the music for tho musical num
bers In tho plays each night. Shows
start at 7 o'clock and 9:00 o'clock
each night.
Jamos A. Oalvln, tho owner,
makes tho following announcement
regarding the shows;
It Is with tho gratification that
I again hnvo the plcasuru of pro
santlng Johnny nnd Irono Oalvln.
supported by Tho Oalvln World of
Follies, blggor and bettor this sea
son than over before Neither tlmo
nor money has boon spared la mak
ing this organization tho strongest
and best equipped show on tho road
today. Ah In previous yoars, our
musical numbers, wardrobo, sconle
Invotrturo and electric effects will
be found to bo of tbo highest or-
dor; everything brand new this
season. '
I personally guarantee each and
overy production as high class,
clean and moral.
Hereafter The Reraia will publish
the mean and maximum tempera-
ures and precipitation record as tak
en by the U. S. Reclamation service
tatlon. Publication will cover the
day previous to the paper's issue, up
to 6 o'clock of the day.
Flanders to Keep
Job on "Dry Squad
PORTLAND, Sopt., 8 Announce
ment Is made of tho rotentlon of Jesse
H. Flanders as cblot of tho field force
of the Fodoral prohbltlon enforce
ment bureau of Oregon, under Direct
or Joseph A. Llnvlllo. Flanders, un
der directorship of Johnson Smith,
baa hold the office of agent In charge
alnce national prohibition took effect,
and Mr. Llnvlllo doclded to retain
him becauso of his oxperlenco.
Are Planning
that new home or remodeling your old one
be sure to specify a beautiful hardwood
At the following' rock-bottom prices,
you cannot afford to deprive yourself of
the pleasure and convenience and beauty
of a Long-Bell Forked Leaf Oak Floor,
1S-16XSU Clear Quartered White Oak fHOO.OO
IR-tflxSM Clew Plain White Oak 180.00
18.10ASU N. I'Conr. Oak 70.00
xa Clear Quartered White Oak 100.00
faxS Clear Plain White Oak 110.0O
These exceptionally low prices iwo Iras than on would pay lor
i good carpet.
Tills flooring can also be laid right over )our old floors with
out trouble and litter of tearing out tho old flooring.
We havo thla stock stored In dual and niolalurr proof bla
awaiting your inupcctlon call phone r write for Illustrated
booklet on the rare und finish of "Tim Perfect Floor."
Our, lumber store Is Incited at Main and HprUg Mt.
Phone 107
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
At last the good old American
dollar is gottlng a lot more com
mon cents. '
I-ct'a Talk Piano with End Shep.
Baked Bms
& LimeJi!
- baked fojusf-fhe
rght- "turn"
You' ike
Me vray
ffieyr strml
All electrical appliances mutt go before
we open our new store.
Some of. these articles wsro slightly damagod by tiro but arc
practically as good a new. Everything will go below cost.
Washing Machlnea ,
, Vacuum Cleanera
Urn Bets
Curling Irons
Watflo Irons '
Emorslon Hootors
Electric Sewing Machine
And numerous others.
Come early to get your choice
Opposite Poatoffice
Our building will bo ropatrod nnd aa soon as completed we
will open with a complete now stock.
fVVUWsVVi'ili " Ms.asaaaaaa
Omtf&wfa Jt
Saturday Eve. Sept.
10. Proceeds to be
used for Malin
Union High School.
Music by Jazz band.
3Mth only matter of abort tbMw
Don't wait until paina and acbaa
faecoma incurable dlaeaaea. .Avoid
painful consequencea by taking
fbs world's standard -smsdy far Udaar,
lvr, blsddtr and uric acid trouble-tha
National Rtmsdy of Holland sine 16M.
Ouarantssd. Three slss,,all
Usk 1st U mm CUM MgU