rt' X :- ft.. '. .,. I f? I I 3ttj Ituning Hsrali A Clou Ad Will i Do It Today's Neufs Tmdmy 1 Member of the Associated Press. t 3 "VS KMheeatli Voir No. 01 JO. KLAMATH FALLS, ORKOON, TIIUR8DAY, HKITKMNMR 8, iMf . PRICK FIVE CKNTI SHASTA MLLEY ST0RA6E WOULD .FLOOD KLAMATH Farcy Cupper, Oregon stale engi neer, (iml W F MeClurt, California tut engineer,- arrived here last night to Investigate condition In eonnkctlon with using the water of the Klamitlh watershed for irrtga tlou of the proposed Hhata Valloy district lu Siskiyou county, Cult tornta. !Urlf ttil morning 111 engineers' party left for a trip of observation around Uppor Klamath take with I. O. Crawford, chief anglntar of the California-Oregon Power company. Through persistent effort tha res ident of tha Shasta Vallsy bay ralaad a fund of $50,000 to finance a loTMtliaUoo of the feasibility of the district. War ,lt I purposed, would be taken from the Klamath river below Keno and carried orer the mountain 'range and dropped Into the Shasta Valley. The Herald learned ycaterday for tb flral time, from a source that la 'believed authentic, that In carry ing out this pro J oct It la planned to raise" the IatcI of Upper- Klamath lag fire feel" higher than the max Imum provided In the contract be tween the United Slates and the California Oregon Power company, which la 4141.8 feet. If tbla la true ll I obvious that It would mean tha Inundation of thousand of acre on tho Upper lake, unless a costly diking syi- tarn, cost of which would appear tor be prohibitive were Installed. There are estimated to be 118.0001 Irrigable aero In the Bhssta Val ley project. It I probablo that a raise of five feet lu tho lake level would overflow or water log and alial amount nf laml bordarlnc thn ..Upper Make. ,whfch I wort .sllhaW tilled) under reclamation or reclaim abla. It would drlva from the shore of the lake flvo established lumber manufacturing Industries and pro vent the establishment of similar enterprise which are contemplated In the next few years, meaning tho extinction of an aiiuual pay roll totalling Ii tin Orcein of thousands of dolUrs. 'There I mi question that KIs mi Lb Would oppose such project solidly, and the aupport of all Ore gon would bo behind II cltltons. Thinking persons have begun to awaken to the possible danger of tha situation. At the present time the Hhdstu Vulley project I In tha embryonic slugo. It hits "never boon declared feasible by a com potent engineer and It has been estimated that the cost of watering tho lands would be prohibitively high, Sumo statements havn njacod tho churges at 8100 an acre, llowovor. tho pro moter of the project aro welt org anised and aro taking an acllvo In terest I nadvanclng their organisa tions, while Klamath aontlmont, ox aa'pt In the caso of persons whose Interests are directly affocted, Is apathetic. ' ' Gardner Kts Still Sought on Island k ill'NUnVS ISLAND, Sept. 8. Of- Hears ara guarding the west aide of tha Island today, following a report that Gardner's tracks were found there. Power boats continue to clr cla the Island io prcvont the escape of tho prisoner to the mainland. Offleora believed that they had a definite duo in a report of my terloua shots on tho wost ildo of tho island early this morning, fol lowing a 'report'that a skulking man had been seen thore yostorday. A largo 'posse bonded by Postal In spector vCaso went 'to the scono "with a largo -p6so. Seventy Attend 192S , Fair Conference POIITLAND, Sept. 8; About 70 delegates, representing clvlo and other) organisations thoughoui the state, 'are conferring hero today on plan's- for' financing tho 19(86 ex position, 'The conference was har monious, Qovuruor Olcott presided. Says Aloofness1 of United States Hurt Progress of League UHNKVA, flnpt. 8. Charge that the "purely ncgstlvn" posltlou of the Unllod Utah ha caused a dolay In the application of mandate by tha league of nation wero jnadn by lorl a Hubert Cecil, representing South Africa ,at today' nosston of the league assembly. Iljnlmar llrsnl lug of Sweden charged that the league had been' extravagant and that It had discriminated against nation which remained noutral In the world war. Ha also criticised tho council's award of tho Aland Islands to Finland. MM SITE TESTS ABE HAW An engineer craw loft yesterday for the Malone ranch In Laugall Valley to make tests of tho Lost Iltver bed near there for a foundation for the Langell Valley-Horsefly Irrigation dlatlcta' diversion dam, which will be built thla year It a satisfactory con tract for the use of Clear Lake water I received from tho government. Tho site which will be tested Is said to have aurface Indications of hnrd rock foundation and present no engineer ing difficulties to built the dam. The government' contract I ex pected here In a few day and, If satisfactory to the directors, will ho submitted to the land owner at a pecll election, If the elector rati fy the contract It I said that work on tho dam and Irrigation ditches lll h. rfntiM Ihta viisr. II la nmnnawl , ' ,. iu vivi nuuui ,vvu wiri in niu Langell Valloy district and 4,000 acres In thn Horsefly district from the Cleir !ako resorvolr, Tho.sloraga dam hn long been built, controlling tyTaUgtn he river channel- Tl diversion dans sltoJsaboul flvn miles below. i Cost of thn diversion dam and run als, under tho contract, will bo pro rated between the two districts, Horseflr paying about fonr-olovnntb. After tho water ha been used on land in the eastern parts of the dis tricts it will flow back Into Lost River and be taken out again abovo Ilonanxa for ueo ou some 4,000 acre of Horsefly landa In tho direction of Dairy. The whole project, of course, do pends on the nature of tho contruct submitted by the gotornment. CEMENT II Visitors at tho Hlemonn well thla morning found drilling progressing, with tho drill about nlno foot from tho bottom of tho casing. It was re ported that the cement nt this point had sot woll. Nell Campbell, manager of tha operations, wan firm In his bollof that tho cement would hold this tlmo and became more enthusiastic as tbo drill wont deeper, It waa said. 1 It was rathor expected that tho drill, might be through tho cement block by the end of tho today, al thought this Is not definite. Women's Councils To Gather Nov. 16 BERKELEY, Cat., Sept., 8 An proximately 100 coIIorob and unlver- nltlos aro expocted to Bend dolcgates to tho second annual Intorcolloglato conforenro of womon'a council of tho westorn states which' will bo hold in Borkoloy Novoinbor 16-18. Plans aro being formulntod by thn women's council of tho University of Califor nia, of which Miss Isabel Woodbury, senior student, Is chairman. Tho Unlvorslty of Nevada, Uni versity of Oregon, Unlvorslty of Washington, Stanford University and tbo Unlvorslty of Southern Califor nia already havn announced tho selection of dologates, A topic for dlscusslou will bo as- slgnod to each collogo represented, and It will bo n subject In which all tho Institutions aro concorned. Tho deans of womon will moot In soparata conforenco but one Jolut meeting Is being plaunud. HFJ II OFFER VARIETY OF FARMSTUFF Markntmnster Mr. Bon Hond has announced that for tho Grand Cen tral Market Saturday, a wldo range of Vegetables, frulta and poultry products will b avallablo for tha patrons to choose from. Advice from farmer who, am coming in Haturday statn that thoy will fur nish flvo pound of strained . honey for 90 cent providing container Is furnished by purchaser; comb hon ey at 25 cents a frame; chickens, oggs, butter; apple of all varieties Including crsbs, wild plum, pears, plums, Dutch cboese, mustard pickles and some home cooking and baking by Mr. Eastman, who Uvea near thla city. Tho markotmastcr states that the farmer should coma early thla' week and display their produce nrnnerlv n thnl ntirphnnnm rn MO what Is offored. Particularly I thlsjcablnefa reply to e Valera'a latest true 'In the case of egg and' but', note, transmlttod yesterday. Invites tor. Last Saturday peoplo were seeking egg and tho farmers fail ed to uncover tho one which were In crate so thst thoy could" be seen. Many peoplo overlook pro ducts hslf displayed, tho market master ssys, and she urge tho farmers to try to get tbelr goods out so thoy can bo seen. In view of the fact that demand for product raised on tho farm In thl county has grown slnco tho Inception of the markot, Mrs. Bend ask thst as many farmera as can attend, do so and bring some of tholr neighbors' produce along with theirs. A largo crowd of buyers I anticipated Saturday, the market mnstcr adds, and patrons aro ad vlned to bring containers for liquid products wnich will be sold !" Knickerbockers for. Street Wear Soon Foreseen in 5. F. SAN FRANCISCO, Kept., '8 Word having cpmo from New York and othor eastern cities that business and professional women have adopted knickerbockers, San Francisco wo men who bavo used a sort of modi fied masculine attire in hiking, rid ing and golfing, aro said to bo con sidering tho uso of "knlckor" for street wear. Several store bavo tho new up pare! on display, and ,lt Is said to find favor with women w ho feel reb ellious' against the reported decree of Paris that aUrts be lengthened, thereby hampering freedom of move ment. While tho dress ruformors hnw boon debating, ,Mlss Doris Uothwell, an artist of San Francisco, has acted. Mis Rothwell has adoptod tho garb of Chinese women, and says aho finds it "wears llko Iron," and, enables her to movo faster. Besides It Is cheaper, and It was this factor that first caused Miss Bothwoll to adopt It. Whon Invited to a formal affair, sho said aho bought a Chlneso silk suit for (20, and liked It so woll shri roplenlshod hor wardrobe completely with Chlneso costumes. 'For. a street suit of silk and wool sho said sho paid 10, a work Bull cost $5 and sovernl extra street coats woro pur chased for 15 and $10. When 'going out on cold nights, sho puts on an oxtra coat or two. I,YI,K APT& HAH HMJK VIM'. Tho f Iro department was called this afternoon at 3 o'clock to extinguish a fluo which caught tiro in tbo Lyle apartments at 607 High stroot. No damage was dono. M'DONALD BUYS QRILb. The Doer Head Grill at 619 Main Btroet this afternoon passod Into the hands of Bert McDonald and will In tho future be conducted by him. While Mr. McDonald has not statod his plans, It la intimated that ho will remodel the grill. TAHjOH SHOP MOVKS J. A. Qoldsmtth has opened bis tailor shop on thVthlrd floor of thn Wintont bulldlug, room 310. PEACE NOT VET HOPELESS SATS ENGLISH PRESS IONIK)N, Kept. 8. Nowspaper hero express satisfaction that the door to peaco baa been left open by thn nritlsh cabinet's reply to Da Valors, which invites further con ference on condition that Ireland re main within tho British empire. DUBLIN, ept. 8. Sinn Fein leaders ara Irrltalod because the British and American press repre sented that tbey rejected tho domin ion statu for Ireland and insisted on separation from the British em pire. They declare that their note indicated a willingness to enter the British commonwaalt on satisfactory terms. IVKRNES8, Scotland, Sept 8. Official confirmation waa today glv- en tho statement that tho British tho Sinn Fein representatives to fur ther conference. TuleLake Land to ' Be Protected From Speculative Greed Klamath Post No. 8 of the Amer ican Legion hold one of tha best meetings In It exlstonce, officers of tho post say, at tha dty halt last night, tho occasion being tha call sent out for the momber to consider tho bonus, proposition pass ed June 11 in tho state. Speakers urged tho members to select tho loan feature aa best suit ed for tho men in this district and a canvass conducted by J. H. Cama an and Roy Foucb,. revealed the fact tbat but three men out or su desired tho cash feature. Th'o meet ing last night was called in view of tbo fact that within tho next 90 days, money will be available and applications should bo mado out now for the loan feature aa much Investigation along legal lines is no cessary beforo a loan Is made. Roy N. Foucb stated tbat the First Stato and Savings bank an nounced last nlgbt that they would furnish a tablo and a clerk to write out tha applications for tho .appli cants. Tho bank Is now preparing a place for tho clerk in their lob by. Tho First National bank of thla city, SUte Bank of .Merrill, have also stated that they would pre pare places to make out the appli cations. J. U. Carnahan, Roy Foucb, M. L. Johnson and William Oanong volunteered to assist applicants also. J. H. Carnahan stated tbat ho had a' personal interview with Secretary Fall regarding tho lands of the upper marsh, Tulo lako and tho low er marsh in which tbo secretary statod that ho would try to have tho tlmo oxtendod 8 years for tbo benefit of the ex-servlco men. Sec retary Fall, Carnahan says, urged tno ex-servlco men not to 'spec ulate" with tholr Oregon land and will ask congross to remedy this fcaturo so that no ono can abuse tho benotlta of tho Oregon land which will bo thrown open to the ex-servlco men. The Klamath ex- service men all agree that this fea ture should bo remedied so aa not to havo the tine lands in tha Tula lako region mado the proy of spec ulators, t .Another mooting of the post will bo held tho last Thursday in this month on September 29 at which time tho bonus law will bo discuss od further. New Born Child is Thrown From Train SALEM, Sept., 8 Tho body of a new born baby boy, which had been thrown from a window of tho north bound Southorn Pacific train, Num bor 16 at Turgor, Oregon, was found on tho right of way. A charge of murder lu the first degree will be placed against the guilty person It found. WHKAT PRICB PORTLAND, Sept. 8. Wheafc is quoted today nt $1.16. Sheriff's Deputies Clash With Miners In Illinois Field KLIZABKTH TOWN, 111.. Sept, 8 Coal miners of Eldorado and Harris burg, It' wa reported today, aro pro paring to continue tbelr march on thl city and on Koslclalro to' "aid" tho atrlking flourapar minora. 8harp claahee between the miner'' van guard and tbo sheriff outposts wero reported to havn occurred yesterday, and tho two town slept with ISO deputies scattered throughout the outskirts. The miner numbered 800 laat night with reinforcement' ex pected to Join them at any time,. THIEVES TIP, . Last nlgbt between 8 and 8:30 o'clock, burglars etfoctod entrance to the Diamond Tire anc) "Vulcaniz ing company at 707 south Sixth street, jimmied tho cash register and secured $30 In cash, overlooking $20, in another part of the till. Tbo theory advanced Is that the burglar or burglars wero fright ened away In tbo midst of their wprk. This is according to police report. A nlgbtwatch Is maintained In tbat district and It Is thought tbat tho robber or robbers waited until inspection was mado, then broke Into tbo' establishment. A haramor and a cofd cblael aro missing from the 'place and these articles were possibly used In breaking Into tho cash, register. ' The sheriff's office bad no re port ''of the robbery at 1 o'clock this afternoon and Smith brothers, who operato tho ahop, had no in formation to give out on, the rob- It waa said on tho street that orer $600 in cash wan removed from the register and that the sate had been blown. Smith brothers refused to verify or deny this ru mor when asked about It. Father Sues Daughter In Justice Court, Loses A Jury consisting of George Blohn, John Shannon, Frod Noel, T. O. Hague, R. J. -Sheets and Fred Houston this afternoon heard the evidence in the case of W. M. Swartzfagor against Lootha Ballard, In which the plaintiff sued for tho sum of $63.25 alleged to be duo him tor services rendered. Tho .caso had an unusual turn In It as the plaintiff Is the father of tho defendant. The plaintiff con tended tbat he agroed to furnish room "and board tot defendant and sons at the rate of $30 a month, providing he' did tho cooking. Tho daughter wa to buy tho homo the father lived In out of bor soldier allotment money from the govern ment, but waa alleged by tho plaintiff to havo violated her agroemont. Tbo alleged violation of tbo agreoment waa between May 1 and July 16. A counter claim filed by tho do fondant demanded $100 from the plaintiff for services performed. Tho Jury returned a verdict of $1 for defendant. Tree Dweller Gets Cold Sympathy SAN FRANCISCO, Sept., 8 Pollco judges of San Francisco have no sym pathy with before-Adam stunts when perforated In tho city parks. When Sam Kumfuft was hailed bo fore Judge Lllo T. Jacks recently charged with having made his homo In a treo In Columbia Square, tho court waa moved to protest. Sam bad dono It before. t "I am told by Judgo McAtee that ho .warned you three week ago to movo on," said Judgo Jacks. "Why boycott tbo rooming houses? Why didn't you movo?" "I did." replied K,umfuft; 'l moved to another branch." "Woll, this time, movo out of that tree, and every other treo," ordored tho court. ANOTHER FOR RUTH PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 8. Babe Ruth mado 'his 63rd borne run in today' gamo bore, MOTE 53.756 WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AS FAIR PREMIUMS The county fair whlclu wllljbej held October 5, C and T inclusive on thn Altamont ranch Jus): nasi of the city Is going; to surpass the expectations of many Klamath coun-l ty people, Secretary IvD. Hague of; the fair board announces. 'A' total of $3760 In premiums will be gletii to exhibitors, and 1160 rlbbon'swllll be awarded, and these fac'tV win' astonish many people who thought) that 'with such a late start the Ufr would only be mediocre. , fi The .premium list is back fro the printer for, the final revlslo and It Is expected to be. ready, for, distribution beforo long,-' now that the printer haa It ready to print and assemble. Tho booklet will be very attractive and the list of premiums contained cover a wide range of ex hibits. ' R. C. Oroesbeck, president of the Klamath County Automobile' asso ciation advised the fair board yes terday tbat owing to tho fact that tbo members of the association would bo unablo to arrange for tha decoration of antoa in the parade or manage tho details' of 'the par ade, this matter would have to be taken. In hand by the board and Mrs. Hague ha sent out a county wide request 'to the farmers to dec orate their antoa for tho fair in any manner they can and snggests thst farm products be used such as In auto covered with Sudan grass, or with corn stalks, sunflowers, or a "pumpkin car," ia fact wUh any decorations which would be .sym bolic of Klamath county agriculture. Secretary Hague would appreciate the notification from any persona desiring to assist' la this jaaaner The kfecUoVof the tievn for(hu fair, to be conducted by popular vote as announced eorllur in Tha Herald, has taken on a new phase and from advice received by the board tha peoplo In many school districts aro backing their favorito daughter to atep out and win. En tries have been received from all over the county and ballots aro be ing, sent out to the schools In, the 64 districts with-' Instructions how to vote, and whero to vote, it la planned to have the ballot boxes In each school and havo tbo children assist In the sale of tho. ballots. A list of tho entries will bo pub lished in The Herald Saturday and their respective standing in tbo race. Altamont ranch ia being mude roady now tobandlo tbo exhibit and arrangements are boing made to tako care of the livestock which will be displayed during ho throe day exhibits. 1 Secretary Hague announces (hat concessionaires can now pntor tholr bids for places at tho fair grounds but assuranco must bo mado that no concession will bo of a gambling nature. Tho fair board deslro to havo amusements which ara froo from this fcaturo. A merry go round concession his been sought by the bosrd tor tho children. No deflnlto arrangemonts havo been mado regarding the catering scrvlco on tbo grounds to dato and this fcaturo Is one which will havo to be settled early, Secretary Hague states, as th'o chamber of commerce plan to have their forum tlioro on Wednesday, October 5, if suitable The fair board states that they are working to tbla end for thoy fool tbat It would greatly atlmulato In terest in the fair. Marshfield Pastor Arrested in W Va. MARSHFIELD, Sept., 8. Tho ItoVc Jesse T. Anderson, who mys teriously disappeared In Portland, three weeks ago, and for whom a wide search has been made, wng ar- rested In Clarksburg, West Virginia, last night. He Is being held f6r the local officers, MARSHFIELD, Sept., 8-M non-; support charge wob tllod against An derson also, A message wired tho members of the congregation today gays, "For God's sake, liolp- 'Wljl return and explain all."