The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 07, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    AVKDNKHDAV, HKITKatllKtl 7, llat
Twenty-five Year Ago In Linkvillo
1 lDJS-IluIck four, guaranteed
first class condition, Rcnl bargain.
WANTED Olrl for general hotiso
work In smnll family. Phono 401
WANTED Woman nhd daughter or
two womtm to cook for small crow
1 1917 Hudson Super Six. n real' in logglnc canm. llox N. Hcrnlil of
bargnln and guaranteed first class flco. C-7
condition. Terms. i ...
11920 Seven passenger Chandler. F0U ilKNT I room furnished npart
Llko now. A real bargalii i with terms. , ,uonU ,,,rono 273J c.s
Inqulro of J. C. WIUOHT Olti
JBUIl 1 tl.ll.l.O .kill niill.HIl V W. n!t.l C... ... ...I- I...... I.. I
7Tir. AND KliAM.VTH AVE. "" . juur ui ,.i..-!i iu
I enso. Owner may hav samo by '
calling nt Herald Offlco and paying!
for this nd. 0-7'
FOR SAMO Lot 25X110 on Spring
street. Itallroad Add. . Sacrifice
J7C0 for quick salo. H. Kindred.
5CC1 Grove St., Oakland, Calif. 1-7
.Oak St.. Two furnished rooms,
wood, water, light Included, $2f.00.
FOR SALE Threshing machlno belt
1B0 foot lone in good condition.
W. H. Ross, 90C Main St. 2-tt
FOR SALE French Hand 1-aundrr
and Cleaning business. Good pay
ing proposition for man nnd wife.
Prlco $7110.00. JS00.00 cash, bal
nnco terms to suit. French Hand
Laundry, 123 N. 4th Street. 3-7
FOR SAI.H 1920 Dodge touring car
Now rubber, first class mechanical
condition. Inquire Houston & Phelps
CITY GAIUSAGK When you wmv
garbage rcmorod, coll lOl'.ss.
term with us and ono year nt a
good salary In a business office
makes the best Two-year Course.
Winter torm begins Sept., 15. Jlod
ford nuklucss College. Mcdford, Ore.
$1000 For Salo, my Rco Speed
wagon, 11000: condition; you can
nek any one of the thirty-two picnic
kers who rodo Labor Day from boat
landing to town on one load. Call
Arcado Hotel. c-S
FOR SALE 1920 Ford coupe, good
mns rem wooi wanted.
Krtnln.l will tin rnrnlvltil liv llin
undersigned for ten cords of IG-lnchl
llvo body wood, dry, doltvored nt tho!
ntii.Al In .11., .In. 17 flttl.....! '
All bids must bo recolred by tho un
dersigned beforo 12 'o'clock, noon,
September 15, 1921. Tho school
board reserve tho right to reject
any and nil bids.
Clork. School District No. 37,Mtd
land, Oregon. C-S
Strong Teams of
Grid Warriors' are
Promised This Year
rfirfj,j' ttlBBt IT 11'. ' fi
tf5T -. IvHttT Cf HAY &taC " tirv Vw tAl'LV tV-MAGUO wfttv. m . "
.uf,,s-.... '.HJiu.- i
Township .1RU ltnnito 131', Wllln
metto Meridian, and tho tlmlior thoro
on, imdor tlni provlnlomi of tho act
of Jiiuun 3, 1S7S, nnd nets nmuiidii
tory, known mi Ihq "Tlmlior and
fit (i no Law,'' nt micli.viilno ns might
bo flxod by lUHunlnomont. and that,
pursuant to nucli npplloiiion, inn mini
331), :i2n, naii. 31n, Illli, nil In lllock
7 of tho Rnllroad Addition to tho
City of Klamath Knllsi Orngoni Lots
1 nnd 2 lllnclc 1, !md Lolh 1 nnd 3
lllock 8 Itallroml Addition to thn
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon nd
that acrnattn property boiindnd by'
IllKhlh nnd Ninth ntrnoln and Walnut
J Ail. F. UUltOI-03.
S421-T-1 l31-3S.B-ia-10
foreign language school. Anorlcan
history, American governmental In
utltudo nnd Amorlean Ideals, will
Tho City Knglnror pursuant to
I itBimliitinn t)f tho Common Council
. . . ..... . . i , ' hi'ruUiforn 'adopted, hiivlni; tin tho
1.SO0 feet each bofoi tho botteh Ib UI ,,.. ,)f Au,.UMti u2l. filed plans.
reached nt Willow Camp speelflcitlotiN and estliiinteii of tho
!. rnrnrrt fur tlui cnnive U held cost of ImprovllliC Ortk AM'llUn from
bo covered In tho lectures. Mason Hrtell. who run It In lf'V,,!.rr"t. U,r,il,K.,U,'SyLyV,,,.l;
3tudontB "will ho told ot tho Hves: mis In 17 minutes and Ml Kocondf. , , ,, ntruet, Buventh ittrcvt fiom
of great Americans, and America's Hartwell, running aa scratch nmiii Klutnnlli A"a'nun In O.ik Avenuo,
educational Imtljtutlons will bo ills- nt year, finished In Rcconi) -position Klehlli s'trent from Walnut Atomic to
"7Y , , , , -' " -," W,U l, jl&Mhr to (ia'k KioVln'!
Tli.o Instltuto wnj opened with nn nt ,Crntch again this yoar nnd will jr)mllnir IntcrraocMon. nnd tho Conn
nddress by Sam II. Cohn, assist-' ru under tho Olympic Club's colors ell having tahon tho same under
ant superintendent ot public In-j Although tho coursa li so sovoro Indt'noment, and finding said plans,
traction, who has charge of tho lt ,:irtI1 lWUn gome 300 steps I SSpV"3to55-U" n"'1 """"" l U
supervision of foreign languago roV0ll Inlo lm, hill runners finish In , ,. T ,'.,.. iipuni vimi tlmt
.ni.nni. . r-n...i- nii..,.. ,.kni .......I " iii.iii.iii, mai
D..uu. v. ........ w...v.a "! Kooii pnmrai conumon. nun in weeKs snld plans, Bicrflcntlons nnd trttl
PORTLAND. Ore, Sept., 7 Foot
ball teams ot tho University ot Ore
gon, University of Washington, Oro-
Crtti nffrlrnlliir.!! rnllnen nnil Wimh-
Ington stato collogo nro belnRiwl" ,cclur beforo tho Japanese are: ( ))f ,ra,,B (i elimination by phy-innt(.H for tho Improvement of Oak
strengthened and trained this year
with tho ol4
gatlons on
bring back to tho north somo ot
Miss Richardson ot tho stato do-
ct of sending ngKro.;i,,ar,'nc"1 "wjf lructoii. Dr. H(rotC7c
To tho field that will "' a' "'V1- ' W",T,T p"'
,n ,i, .... f'1'''0'- C- I'- "Kb of tho University
sUcal examination. Iist year there ,Q"""m "'x,,, m:r'1 rlV
ntrios and .121 men finish- N)t)lU StruPt Scrm,(h stre,.t frm
IMnnifitli Avonun to Oak Avnnu),
luighth Street from Walnut Awnue
hn hnrah thUt m .nlTo.l i.t ul t-miioriua nnu nr. 11. u. i-arKins ii,u.tM .m.iivi. r.inmui, 10 Dak Aenue nnil Mnlli filrnol from
. h , ',,. . ,,,, ,of tho University of California and GOOD IX Alll.OXA. Klanintli Avontiu to Oak Avenue, In-
.S....,!.".1"'.?' Ca""Ur. II. II. Perkins of tho Ban, OI.OIH:. Art.. Sept.. 7A rapid 'ud,nK """rnyMllon.. bo nnd tho
fomla.and Stanford University.
It Is predicted that Washington
Franclico Y. M. C. A.
flm AM.t .. i..l. -.. .....Rtnfn tlll mnln n flphl niftlnl Ifin
now. Inqulro Box C. C, Herald. University of California that may Airplane Carrying
change from parched to Hi "" 1 7- it wriiTii ' nn vimi
, ... .. ......... ...,r.i...
t!l !,hrtaVnf,orir, t0, ,h n.r.lh all!,0U8hl Scrum Saves Lives- ,oi
v.v ,.... !lho California 'aggregation Is ro- - . .. . ',,'
;! ;J; ,.p'N a strong as tho ono which Of Four Chddrcn
mmunlcatlon of Klamath!., , .,7. ., ... I ,ln
Special communication
Ixdge. No. 77., A. F. &. A. M.. Wed-
nesoay, September7, at 2 o clock p.
rn. and 7:30 o'clock p.'m. Work In
Master Mason. DInnor n Whltb
Pelican Hotel, C:30 p. m. Dy order
01 t . ai. u.u. Gacbagen. Secy,
best parturo known In recent yearThal the Common Council hernby drt
Is tho result effected by tliu reconlielareit its liitontton to Improve said
heavy rains In tho cattle districts portion of said streets In accordance
of Arizona, says tho report of tho ! r.!1.-.1-1 r;i'",1' IM"'"I,-J'I -
nltcd States weather observer. Iho' ,. of ,.., ..... .,.. ,lf .,.,,
increased waton supply In nUo valu-Utreets with Wllllte. Asphaltlc Con-
qp.Tm, , ii',. 1. c . - . inblo to livestock men nnd farmers, crate, Ilithullthle or Concrete. Tho
HIjATTLh, ttash.. Sept. TO ,..., .... . . ..... ...ll,...!..! rftl nf Iml.rnvlnr' nt -il,l
vo.-ir rnrrln.l .h U-n.Mn.ln c v thn llvo- r,f f..n, ,1,11.1, i iHimuuuin utu inui .imuiii. vumu, --,"-- ,--,- ""- "",. . . "
to the top In the northwest will bo airplane, recently raced 100 miles ,0 ",,,,' m pro8peroU11 oar "' llto. Asphaltlc Concroto or l-,thullthlr
In l,n tlnn.,ln .1.1. ..., I. . llirmi.l. fn ..n.l ....... I- . I ''' " S Satll. i,. l,U 1 02.1 i-l-Df. : llin !
oMhn fmprovoinnnt ot snld portions
of snld streets with Concrete to bo
190.751 95. Snld cost Including grad
ing, rolling, curhlnc nnd concrete.
last year was tu'e sensation of foot-;
ball. Tho men whoio playing last
In tho llno-up this scasen with fow through fog nnd storm-from Kent.
c;7 exceptions. Glllls. powerful full-jWash., to Yakima, Wash. It car-
"'"" jimiirtuij ! UU IVlUUU'll lJT U v.m hj un luihw, ww IJIUUlIt UL BUT'
JL1.SO.VS, Arri:.TI()X. youngrter of promise named lllckoy, unl, Which If administered In llmo.
RtlAPl! rnmTYlllnf,nlln 1 -I -. I. m. H , .....I.. . .. .. I. ....... !.--. . .. ....
T i " -.......iiuu ui luiiuaiuuu iu uuuaiun 10 ncany a mil " nuiwu wuuiu savo ino cuilu
cfcnlnc BiDnri'VAInF.l!!',a?trolor of vetnn. thero Is a strong ren from death of Infantllo puraly
P.m Worln thoCi;n9tered Ap0p?enOcoiE,ll,a,, ot ,ast 3r' frM"raen Vt- '"' T" '"' " 'cry
degree Uy order of W. M. . L". L.,nc 'or P03ltIons. . . jln tlmo.
Gaghagen. Se:y. C-7-S-9I Although tho University of Ora-i ''r. Paul A. Turner of Seattlo.
FOR SALK First year hjKh school gon ha3 lost many regulars, In- "tato director of health, rccolvcd a
' Knslsh Inoulro iIpm Am In cluUlnK Bl11 Steers, rodoubtablo .telegraph at 2 p. in. from Dr. II.
-5. . I"q,!!roIi!!aIdo,f:8;101 quarterback. trcng team Is In Smith of Yuklraa asking for en
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room.1 1"05Pcct- Manerudo may again ro-,ouK1 cf tho scrum to anvu four
1 1 Ph connecting phono and , turn to school to repeat his sue- children. Ho wanted It rushed. Dr.
bath. Phono 435. c-7 cesses as star quarter and marve- Trner oxamlnod n tlmo table aim
FORSALI-Al pacing business now10'""1 klckor an Charllo Parsons, fa" u,nl ,ho rnllroad would bo too
and accoml hnml irnn,? c.'.. ..'Is expected to brine strenirlh in thn late. Ho thought of tho alrnlano.
right man. Will sacrifice See Dick. (organization. Second-7ear men look, A pollco motorcyclo with a burlyl
Cth and Klamath. 6-9 '.very promising to tho coach. " father advancing Its spark sped!
I-t't Talk Plaim with liirl Hlii-p-
WIM ".
I7TT - Tho Oregon Aggies aro not say-,nway ,0 Kcn' w'th tho scrum, and
Ai.!SatcAuc rcb-but do,ns le,s ot w;fhl 3-3C "e:bcrl ,,un,cr'a P,an ,oft
show many good things. Have i a Coach ""orford la keeping hls'tno KrounU. He climbed 11.000
look In. c.3.' plans tccret. end with Guy Rath-)001, abevo tho clouds, nnd with tho
- .jburn, bla ns3lstant, Is supposed to poaK ol "' Rainier guiding him
rnA w',c 'room nouse, izgoo.00, ' e making preparations for a team " nwn ,0 lI"J southeast. Tho
"vy i,AU, oaianco like rent. j that will carry tho fight to tho! erouml was not sighted again until
C room Plastered hou.nin Mm. a, i,i icnem''8 oal nnd over. !tho Cascado mountains had been
$2000.00; samlbamount down, easy I T1j0 University of Washington nn"ol .but tho llfc-glving fluid
terraa on balance, .which failed to win a gnmo lasll wa' loHvored to Dr. Smith at -1:50
.. A1,s0 t (yoar In tho Pacific coast conference.1 P- m- '
lot ChMp ;nana,arsobarnoBOoJ;has engaged Enoch Ragshaw as: Infantile paralysh, ha, caused tho
Ai.n lloai coach, and ho 1 inatllllnrr tho dealh of "oro than 2C children In
0 acres. Close In; under ditch. td:0rdl0 B,lrlt lnt0 bis material. H0,ton d'0'8 ,n Washington state. To
VL '
im p
- -''SW
i TV
VJ.- -
vvC5W?" ilfu-
-MwiuiM. . .r j
water right paid up. Tho prlco Is sa,ll tbey expected to "do."
. Also
Good Chalmers car for sale or trade.
Real Extato
fl20 Morn i.,onc 270W
WANTHD Olrl for housowork.fam
lly.of three. Phono 189.. 0-8
Training Japanese
In U. S. Citizenship
Japanese Y. M. C. A. in 'San Fran
cisco Is giving a two-weeks' courso
of lectures on Americanism for tho
training of Japanese men and wom
en who wish to pass tho examination
fight. It, serum was rushed hero
from Rochester, Minn.
Athletes to Run
Stiff Marathon
WANTED Third year High school
. ookB, civics, physics, and typing
' 'm. "ta,a ",C6.8.ZU07r nder ? nW Ca,'f0rn,a ofsovenandven-rmle;
law ot t"080 """"m t teach in n ,rith two climbs of ab'out 1,000 and
MILL VALLEY. Cal.. Sopt., 7
Tho seventeenth annual Dlpsea cross
country raco will bo run from this
town over tho Marin county hills
Hcptombor 18. It Is a gruelling con
and tlmlior thereon linvo been np-'iiml Oak Avonuo) also I.oln 0, 7, U,
ptalsod, Hovon Hundred -uul Sixty t, 10, lllork 77, Lots 1, 2,
Dollmn, thn tliubur entlmateii uuuf.i ;i, i, o, iiinok s.i, i.otnu, i,,, v, if,
board feet nt $1.00 per M. ami ttm lllock 7N, Loin 1, 2, .1, I, n, lllock
land IIOO.QO; thnt niild nppliriiii' w'll J 83. nil In Kliunalh Addition In thn
otter flnnl proof In ntiip'rt of Mi , city ot Klamath I'iiIIm. Oregon! nud
appllratlon and sworn r.'nt m lit tm tlui Kouthennliirly hnlt of that cortaln
thn 30th liny uf Orlniinr. I ".'1. Imfor" nornngn hlork bounded by lllonk 78
Hert C. Thnuinn, I' ' CiiiiimUiilounr, Klnmnlh Addition. Walnut nnd Klnl
ntKamatli Falls, Ohkoii. ninth Avejiuns nnd Ninth stroet: nlm
Any person Id at liberty to piotest 'olJ s-., ,1,1l,r, ,3' "tl J' H- ,,'"ck
thin purchase hoforii entry, or M. Ci Uunnl Aildltlon tn tho Clly of Kin
(lato n contest nt nny tlmo before ''H; I'',i?,,i OrcKen: also LiiIm 1. 10,
patent Iwium. by Illlng n eorniliorntod 'lln.r' .7T'!'0,I c. " '"'irU 78, Lots
nffldntlt In this office, alleulng fafts ' W?, ' r'- ". "tnrk 83.
v.v.ieh'woiild defeat the entry. , l-1' s- '"'"''J , ' ,',l " ,,l,,c,c
Nntlro Will lm published for nine'-'1 iMimn n nuiiiunii in ii n cur in
iiBonillto weel; In tlm Klamath Kll!m" ' 1 alls. Orpgnii; nlsii LiiU
I, in, lllliru (ft. j 'iiri i, in, ninrK ISA
lots I, 10, lllork '..In Klamiith Ad
dlllnn tho (Uy or KluiiMith 1'iillfi,
Oregiiu. nnd Lots 9, l. lllock I, llol
IIMer Addition to (ho City nf Kla
math Fnlln, Oregon; also Lots - 8,
10, lllock 3, Lots 7. R. lllock 0, Lot
P, lllm-k 7, Canal Addition to thn
Cltv of Klnmnth Fiill'i. (irrgnn, nnd
l.nln 1, 2. 1, llolllsler Addi
tion and (lint rnrlnln acreaitn pro
perty nhuttlng 101 feel on Klnmnth
Avenue nnd 110 feet on Ninth Hlreet
In tho arrengo blork hernloforn len
rrlheil as bounded by lllock 78, Kin
math Addition, Wntritit Avonun. Kla
math Avonuo ami Ninth Strccit; and
that said properly nliov listed and
ileKcrlbod bo nnd hereliy Is declared
to ho assessed for the cxpiuno of
n.ild liuirovnment.
And bo It further rnioltod that
Monday tlm I9lh day ot Sept., 1921,
nt tho hour of iilghl o'elork V. M.. nt
tho Council (Minmbern nt Hie city
Hall bo fixed ns tho tlui" nnd plnro
for thn hcnrlng or objection and
remonntrnnreH ngnliiNt tho said pro
posed Improvement and thn Pollen
JudRO I herotly directed to cailso
liotlco of raid hearing to bo publish
ed ns by Chnrtor Provided.
State of Oregon,
County ot Klnmnth.
Hty of Klnmnth Falls. ns.
I, V I. Isuvitl. pollm Judge bf
Iho City of Klnmnth Falls, Oregon,
do hereby certify that tlm foregoing
Is tho duly enrolled copy nf n reso
lution ndopted by tho Common Coun
cil on the 22nd day nf August, 1921,
declaring Its Intention to Improve
Oak Avonun from Sixth Street to
Spring Street, Walnut Avenue from
illtth Street to Ninth Street. Kovonth
Streot from Klamath Avontiu to Oak
A von tie, Eighth Street from Walnut
Avenue to Onk Avenue, and Ninth
Street from Klnmnth Avenue to Oak
Avenue, Including Intersections.
Pollcu Judge.
Ypu nrn hereby notified that thn
Hoard of Equalization will attend on
R.ntfmlinr 1" 1fl?1 film niirin.l
AND III: IT FURTHER RFflOLV-' Monday In September) nt thn county
hi), by tao Connnnti Council that the. Judgo'a offlro In tlit oldrst court
following nvrrrli). it prni-nrty bn nud ! houso, nnd will remain In session for
11 m nvrooy iicoinre.i uanorillvt! by thirty da from that dnto for 4ho
said Improvement, to-wlt: purpose of etnmlnliig tho assessment
Lots 0, 7. 8. P, 10, lllock 83, Lota rol, 'r "'o year 1921. and rorrert
5. 7. 8, O. 10, lllock 82, Lots I. y. I 'itt "U errors In valuation, deacrlp
3. I. 6, lllork 91. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, r. I '" or qualities of land, lots or other
lllork 9li nil In Klnmnth Addition to ' property analysed by tho assessor. It
the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon; I hull ho thn duty nf all pen.ons Inter-
Lois j, 2, a. i, 5. C, 7. 8. 9, lllock I rK,e'i w .ippenr at uio iimo und place
Holllster Addition, Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, ri,!innnln,0,l-
muck i, i nn ii i Antution, Lots S. 9.' " " ""-li hkhiihi . niniions iix-
Helen Orygtonc, 1C, fled when
four bandits entered K. Oryglenc's
Chicago r.aloon In search ot $20,
000 ho kept there lo ensh pay
checks. Hut before stio screamed
and frlghtcnod tho bandits, tho
girl coplod their nuto license num
ber, That's why tho four landed
n Jail.
Department of tho Interior,
Not Coal Land.
U. S. Land Office ..t Lakovlow, Oro-
gon, Aug., 22, 1921.
Notlco la hcroby elvon that Cecil
O. Caldwell, whoso postofflco address
Is C29 Main St.. Klamath Falls. Oro-
gon, did, on tho lCth day of October,
10. 11. 12. 13. lllock C. Cnnnl A.I
.dltlon. I.ot8 8, 9, lllock C, Cannl
ouiiiunn; i.ots in. ID. 1c. Id, 2n. 2b
-c, -u, io. i.ois an, sit, 3e. 3d.. Lotn
la. in, ic. t4ii. Lots Da, fib, Cc. fid,
I"t 0o. Cb. Ce, Oil, Lots 7n. 7h, 7c,
7d, lie, Sd, Lots 9a, 9b. 9c, Oil. all In
Jllock C; Lota la, lb, Jo, 2n. 2b,
3a, 3b, Aa, 4b, Ca. fib, Cc. 6n, 6h,
7n, 7b. 8n. Sb. also Lots 39a. 39h.
39c, 40a. 10b. 38a, 3Mi, 37a, 37b,
3l!a, 3Cb. Sfia. 3fib. 3 In. 34h. s.ln
J3b,. 32n, 32b, 3 Iu, 31b, all In lllock
C. Railroad Addition to tho City of
Klamath Falls, Orgennj Lota 13n,
13b, 13c, 13d. Lots Un. Ill, iir
14d. 14o, Lota 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d,
'oJ lln, lib, lie, lid, Lots 10a,
vu, iuc, iuu, Lots Pa, 9b, 9c, 9d,
Iils 8a, 8h, 8c, 8d, In niock 4 of
Railroad Addition to tho City of
Iflilfnnlh L',.11. n..M .... ..
13b, 13c, Lots 14a, 14b, 12a. 12b,
lln, lib, 10a, 10b; 9a. 9b. 8a, 8h,
also Lots ICa, lCb, lfie, lfla, 13n,
13b, 13c, 14a, 14b, 12a, 12b, 11a,
lib, lOn, 10b, 9a. 9b, fa, 8b, nlso
ICa, lfib. lfic. Ida. lfil. 17 171.
18a, 18b. -19a, 19b, 20a. 20b, 21a,
MI. nil l lll.t. n .,-.. . . . ..'
x.m. m. ., ifuijjL j Liiiirdnn Afl.ll
tlon; Lots 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, lln,
"i . iuo. iuc. iuu, n, 9b, 8n,
8b, nnd Lotn 13, 14a, 14b, lfin,
1Gb. ICa, 10b, nil In lllock 2 Rnll-
roau Aiiumon; la, lb, 2n, 2b, Ca,
cd by tho assessor must bo filed with
Iho hoard during thn first ten days
ot said session.
W. T. LEE,
Assessor of Klamath County.
:.'.-! 1
1920. flln In lhl nfflr.. fluinrn Hi,..,...
mont and Application. Nor bllC 12, 8a.' ,,.' ?",' ffi,' 'Ja, 10b's'
to purchaso tho SHNW'4. NWU 39b, 40a. 40b 38a 38b a?i i?h'
8WK, Sec. 25; NESEU, Sec, 20,l3Ca: 30b,' aofc "b.' aft Sb,' 330.'
Healed proposals will bo rocclved
by tho Common Council of tho City
of Klamath Falls. Oregon, for the
purrhnso of an Isstin of C0, 000.0
gonornl obligation bonds. In deno
minations of 11000.00 or tCOO.OO,
maturing In fifteen yonrs from Au
gust 1st, 1921, without right of prior
redemption. Ha Id Isauo to bo know.
ns "Klamath Falls, Sower Ilondn"
nonriiig n rate of Interest of 0 nor
cent per nnnum, pnynblo soml nn
nunlly. Iloth principal nnd Interest
pnynblo at the Oregon Fiscal Agency
In Now York City. Said IioiuIh nro
Issued and disposed of umlnr th
churtor of said city.
Each proposal to purchaso must bo
filed with tho Pollco Judgo of said
city on or beforo 8 o'clock P. M of
Octobor 3rd, 1921. and bo accomp
anied by n cortlfliid chock on somo
rosponsiiJio unnKtng Institution for
C per cont of amount of tho proposal.
Snld issuo will ho disposed of nt not
Iohh than par nnd nccurod Intorost.
Tho council reserving tho right to
reject any and all proposals.
Pollco Judgo ot tho City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon. 31-30
Tom Has .Another Gueis
l? 1 ' w7 ". . ri BUT I HAVE A
1 a
x,, orne i
M? . " ,J4KU
w t