The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 07, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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fiCPic tJJkiir
PAam rovm
mmnmw mm im.wn iNHmnnwmttm
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The Evening Herald
vaan soule
-City Editor
Publlshod, Ually wcept 8undy, by
Ea Herald Publishing Company of
uaath Falls,, at 119 Eighth. Street.
- ' -.
Batered at, the, postottlco at Kla
mtb Falls, Ore, ipr transmission
tarouith the malli ,a second-class
i riti:ssi
The Assoclatcd:Prn-s,ls exclusively
nulled to tan use for republication
t all nows dispatches credited to tt,
r not otborwiss credited In this
paper, and also the. local nows pub
lisher herein.
The Nev
1 ' : 1 . -.- n . .
lit :?5? bFb5BO 3
ISr "x ft
Elks Planning for -Winter
Announcement waa. rasdo yester
day afternoon by Exalted Itulor
Harden that th-ast midsummer
Monthly meeting, of- Klamath Falls
lodge 1247. 11. P. O. E. will, bo
eld at tho lodge rooms at 7:30
o'clock tomorrow ' evening. Only
routine work will e taken up but
beginning noxt mo'nth, activity In
social and fratornat lines will be
gin. Exalted' Ruler 'Harden slated that
daring thq' coming winter 'session.
number of Interesting cntortaln
ati would takcPpIa'ce and v,ri hat
asaong the opening numborrJ tho
sneetbers of the 'Elks ' who wero
oi enrolled on the local lodgd rills
would be: called to put, .on -an 'en
tertainment, for ,tho "bpme,imem-
on.- no mamayi rails member
WMld participate In tho arrange-
meats,, tho evening- to bo eatlroly
' given over to the plans of, tho oot-
aldo, members. "' -1
iard tSeautification
J geripnml pention
K wr b gBt3 f
WUfcJwJ,fcAw.'.x fftfU
Hcre'a William J. Dums, tho new.
chief of tho Secret Service. The'
picture was snapped at tho White
House just after ha had left a con
(rtnu With President Harding.
Women Will Meet -Friday
to Form
Plans to Aid Fair
Tho forum of tho chamber'fof
commerce- today was woll -attended
A mooting ot women under tho
auspices ot tho 'women's auxiliary
ot tho chamber of commerco will
bo held Friday "afternoon at 3
o'clock aU'thor chamber to stimu
late interest among women In tho
county fair, to bo bold October 5,
6 and 7. '
'Mrs. L. I). Hague- will speak on
"How Women -can 'Assist In Making
the 'County Fair a Success." 'Sir's.
Wallenberg and fi. 'B. Hall will
also' 'discuss the' matter of 'aiding
the fair. A mnslcal' program con
sisting bf a Tocal number by Mrs.
A. J. Voyo and violin- selections
by Mrs. Julia Barlow and Harry
Borrell, will be given.
Sunday and, Monday Klamath
Faltaml ;,tho jatjrroundlnK country
wn'ij unconsciously host to ouo ot
tho most distinguished railroad man
on 'ih'o 'corisT, 'Chnribs Jncobus and
WlliT, Ul UIVIIIllVl, V.llllUlilllS, WIIU
nro making a tour''of'"OreKon, Wash
Ingtbunnd British Columbia. 'While
In tho city Mr. nlul Mrs. JacoIiuh
woro tho guos'ts ot Mr. nnd Mrs.
l.esllo Horotb, -who tindortook to
show (hotn tho lutorostlng points
ot Klamath county, and succeeded
so Well that tho visitors woro do
lighted with tho rcsourcos, ctlmato
nnd country hero.
Miss Pearl Dow, who has boon
III In n Sun Francisco hospital tor
tho past year, has so far "rocorored
that alio Is homo oaco moro with
her parents, Mr. and Mm. II. P.
Uow. '
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. McClay woro
In tho city Inst night purchasing
supplies for their ranch In tho
Mr. nnd Mr a. II. II. llndclltto. ot
Pine ltldco haw boot spending a
fow days with Mrs. Badcllffo's par
outs.', Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Hall at
tholr homo on Jefferson street.
Li M. Hammond accompanied by
his son, E. M. Hammond and wlfo
woror-ln' town yestorday afternoon
from1 Merrill purchasing suppllm
and Incidentally to get hunting and
fishing llconsca.
"Stovcri Cherchov; who rosldoa on
tho Merrill road, was In town yon
terday and procured a hunting li
cense from the county clork.
Miss Emma" Uumgarth, who has
been employed Jn .tho Shepherd
Music house for" tho past two
years, left on tho-morning train for
Los Angelos whoro'sno expects to
enjoy sovor'al'"weks"vacatlon.
. Sirs. Ev B. Rnmsby loft this
morning tcr Borkoley whoro sho
will visit, for somn tlmo with hor
daughtor, Mrs. S. E. Martin, who Is
spending tho wlntor la tho Califor
nia city.
Mrs. ,11. ,C. Arnold was a pas
senger on tho morning train bound
for Ilii)-mond,,Washlugton, accom
panied part way by hor sister. Miss
Inez Elliott.- wbo,.wi ,teach In La
Grnndo this coming year.
Mlssr Octav;n , Do Lap left this
mp'nlng for Berlkclojr, California,
wh'orp sho wlti.vfslt for a fow days
he'fero "going" on to Turlock, Call-
Crawford, lloselta Crawford, Hay
Ilcakly, Irving Crawford, Hoy Koov
or, Mark Morgan nnd Albert Holn
king wero all momborn of u Jolly
party ot Clilloquln young folk who
returned recently from tho big
lliickloborry mountain, Thoy woro
known h tho "llow-do-Dow bunrh"
during tholr trip In tho mountains.
W. A. Dolioll piloted Jnmiv Lowls,
a member ot tho Dnnforth-Clurk
Cotton MIIIh company ot lldjtou,
Into tho lava beds on n nlRlitKcoIni;
trip yestorday, Thoy woro uccom
pnnlod by (loorgo Forgo nnd Oscar
Smith. Mr. Smith Is h representative
of tho Diamond Tiro company.
Lakeside Company
Doing Usual Trade
The Lukesldt number company's
retail business has not fitlliui off In
Ihu past two days on account uf the
fln that divlroycd tho plant Hutur
duy nlKht, said NcIhoii It'Minsovoll,
munngor, today. A temporary of
flco Is going up and satut handled as
usual. Nonu of tho lumbor KtocK
Ayaa burned, oxrvpt what was Inside
tho building, Tho safo wau opolicd
this morning and thu content i found
In good shape, oxcopt for dauini;'
by water. In a fow days, B.tld Mr.
Ito'untpvell, a supply of doom and
windows will bo received. Other
materials will bo added and the sains
department wilt go right on, Em
ployees of tho company nro busy on
tho office building. I'ermunent
building plans depend on Insurance
adjustment and thero no ground for
a statement at present, said Mr.
Autoists Must Pass
Schools Slowly
Traffic Officer Mclaughlin has an
nounced that with tho opening of
tho city schools autoists must slow
down when passing tho school
grounds nnd Immediate vicinity. Ton
miles an hour Is tho limit nnd a
chock 1 1 being kept on tho traffic
passing by, ho says.
PORTLAND, Sept., 7 Wheat Is
quoted today at $1.10 to Jl.lf..
11V VIRTUE of an execution duly
Issued by tho Clork of tho Circuit
All electrical appliances must go before
We open our new store.
Somo of tliemi articles wero slightly damaged by tiro but aro
practically us good as now. Everything will go billow cost.
Washing Machines
Vacuum ClenliorH
v Percolators
Urn Sets
Curling Irons
Wafflo Irons
Emersion Healers
Electric Hewing Machine
And Humorous others,
INniM' early In get )uur ctiolt-o
Opposite Postoffico
Our building will bo repaired and as soon as completed wo
will ripen "with a complete now stork.
fornla. whoro sho will tako ui hor
duties as an English teacher In tho court of tho county of Klamath, State
of Oregon, dated tho Ctb day of Sop-
Wool Growers' Will x
Hold Important
t, - 'Meeting-Saturday
TllOr Klamathr Count vWnnl nrna--
. .. . ".-- .. JS. .-J. VI r tV.' .-..- Iril T-i1-. " -"
mj ui.-ur mo speakers, jjr.w.iV. association- ill hiclnoxt Satur-
or ana w. a. Jiiougn, aiscusji yarUl uay ,youlng, September 10, nt S
l)oautlflcatlon In-Klamath-Falls. Tlie
mbject was'""Frult( Trees" Sbado
Trocs-nd 'Shrubbery ' .;'"'.':
Capt. 0. C. Applegate displayed
a vory Intorosting exhibit; of vSudan
bamtrar had many oxblblts ot lo-
1 trult grown In tho city. W. A
Del tell presided at tho meeting to-
tig Masonic Dinner
Tonight; Local Lodge
Plans Much Activity
Tho White Pelican hotel this
vening ot 6.30 o'clock will bo tho
acono of the gathering of tho Ma-
onic Hosts of Klamath county and
Ibis city In a get together dlnnor
rty at which covers have been
laid for 75 guests, according to
lames Mllno, assistant manager cf
luo botcl.
This month, tho Masonic bodies
pf this city will put on much work
in all tho degroes in tho "bluo"
Jodgo work and this afternoon work
vas started in tho Maidor Mason
logroo nnd aHcrojdnDefitonjgb.ti.t
p". hi iuo same uegreo will be
Riven. Last night,. ,tJQf- Fallow
Kraft dogroo was admlnistorod to
numboefpf r.can4Idatos, Krldav
light, "a nuinbor to "neophytes will
Induced .tlrttQ.vtho.mystfirlea of
ho EntereiT Xppron'tico degreo. ''
-f ''Tlir'-ltl'!ITTM
rtnip.-U'ill. FI.NKD 87.50
o'clock itSn-taO City hall to consider
grazIht''a'116tmciUs':Tn tho'Mddpc Lnva
l'Xi.nL 1V""I ' I' ' ".. ,,'""
' fi" lr"1 fj.laH"(ai i.uany im
portant problems that mny ihavo a
lpojraanenjjfM'ljponjbo wool grow,"
-uiB-auuiry-aro to-De taken-up;says
soclatlon. Tho meeting will bo limit
ed to members of tho association, ho
Gulinar.vrAUianht B
CSmdfo'r ahMcta Evi
Plans for a smojjtor ThursJ night
wero announera touny, uyfHocrcta
J. II. Miller irtlfo Ciiriiftry-Sdllan
at Mooso Hull, at whlchrganlzi
labor and trlonds of'lt have icon In
vited to attend, tt fntettalnmont
be Iroo of charge. TTo smoker boglijij
at 10 o'clock and It is said that sou
high school.
Mrs. E. T. Clvan Is visiting hero
for a few days from Illy with hor
sister. Miss Agnes Drlscoll.
Mrs. Eugcnb Robinson ot Bonan
za Is H county scat visitor this week
on a shopping 'tour. '
Mr. and. 'Mrs. James Polton arc
down frcm Fort Klamath for a cou
ple ;f todays; .Jhoy aro guests at
tho WhffiJ Tc'llcan hotel.
Wbftlatch waJJIn
tcmber, 1931, In a certain action In
tho circuit cuort for said county and
statu, wherein Fannlo J. Pickett as
plaintiff recovered Judgment against
II. 1. linyos, personally, and lis ad
ministrator of tho estate ot Sarah
Jano Hayes, decoaeed, for thu sum of
Five Hundred Dollars, with Interest
at 8 par cent per annum from July
30, ljtl'J, attorneys foes In tho sum
of flGO, togothitr with I31.C3 with
Interest thorcoa at C percent per an
num from Juno 11. 1931, ;iud costs
and disbursements taxed at f!9.K0
A. A. Wbftlatch watf In town thli
morning jvlth a coyoto hldo after on tho 3rd day of Septumbor, 1921.
mo ooiiniy utio on thn-samo
J, A. Gordon, vlco-prosldont of
tho Fjrst NntlonnU bank, has ro
turnnjfrora an extended vacation
at hlsSqmrner camp'o'n.tho shoro of
mo uaKo o- mo yvooub
.CuavHIllyerrwasI .fn town last
ovenmgtfromlhls' ranch on tho Mor-
rllffjroaBf'nfty'r upnjlcs.
OavOftlSk'lidn was a. cnnnlv unnt
vIs("tor5?tlig mortTlh:, :from Valnax.
Mrs. Freci Wygant-Ioft this morn
ing for-Roscburg whoro sho was
called 'by tho Illness of nor mother.
classy boxing houtsfwlll Cgjatagu
SecrotarVJttlIef staltTd Viat th
smoker was ono which ho felt su
would appeal to the laboring moj
of tho city and that ho lookod
) St
Not! co is horoby glvnn that 1 will
on tho Cth day of October, 1931, at
tho front door of tho county court
houso In Klamath Kails, Klamath
County, Stato of Oregon, at 10 o'clock
In the oronoon of said day, sell nt
i'uuuu uucuuu to mo iiiKiiosi uiuiior,
for cash, tbo following described pro
perty, to-wlt:
Lot ono and tho southeast quarter
of tho northeast quarter of Section
4, township 41 south, range 10 East
of Wlllamotto Meridian, In Klamath
county, Oregon.
taken and levied upon as tho pro
perty of tho said dofondants. or as
much thereof ns may bo necessary to
J. J. Ray was In town du busl- satisfy tho said Judgment In favor of
mvsT yentoniay-''from'' k'irkford. " Fa,nnI ,J' ,,,lckett Bnln' ". detTU
Mil wis rnitu IIHUILUI IIILIl'UU, UKUl!JUr
Avlth all toHU and dlftluiniomontn that
Rseognlzts Thsre Are Hlohtr Thlnat
In Llfs Thsn Practicing Buying
and 8lllng.
The rcnl Turk, unlike Hie so-called
uoiigrel Turk, does nut have to Ini-pri-KH
his sviiso of superiority on oth
ers. And, r.llliousli the latter Is nl
wuys eager to do business with ymi.
nccnrillng lo .Mr. Herbert Clbhons In
Asln, the real Turk Is often qultu In
different. Some real Anatolian Turks nro mer
chants -in. I sit In the bnznnrs. Hut
they will not go out of their wny to
make n sale, nnd they renlly do tint
care whethero'ou buy or not. Oflen
they iKtiore strangers; sometimes they
ri-biiff them. When yon meet with
thin type In tluiliaiann when; all llio
Jews and (icntlles are hard nfler your
money, It Is Hko 'iC dniB of cold nil
ter In your face.
(hire in a little open shop I saw n
rug that attracted me. I started to j
enter, but I hi' crouched figure on the ,
mat put out n IpniMlncered left hand,
grasped 111 inly my nnkle, and removed
my font outside the threshold. I I
thought there mini be some supers! I- .
Hon iiImiiji which fool went first: fo
I tried Mi other. The snmo left hnnd ,
proved ngnln lis strength. All the
ulillo the merrhnnt did not speak or I
look up. Ills right hnnd wns string- ,
log liends, nntf Inr was smoking n nar-
Thu orlglnnl reclpo for tho fa
mous perfume, eau-do-cologue, was
discovered by an Italian living In
-- - -J- -----
T. A. Illako a fanner In tho
Olene section drove into town yes
terday for supplies for his thrush
Jog crow. '
Misses Clara Miller, Jaunlta
Crawford, Mona Skcen, Naomla
have or may accrue.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
Soptombor 7, 1921,
L. L. LOW, Sheriff,
by Burt E. Hawkins, Doputy.
Sept. 7-14-31-38. Oct. -5
Ho simply did tint want to bother
"mi on-, nun my siioe nun nun nun
I wns n fmngeii (Eurnpi-nn). Lnter
I got to know that old bird, nnd we
laughed over storjes together. But
ho never asked me to buy anything,
mid 1 did not want Id risk his friend
ship by making n fecond try for tho
rug. There nre more Important thing
In llfo thnn buying and selling.
-served pipin 6 hoi
with pure crf&m
4rvt- pnVe
in mv
are serve
ward lo,AlarB &lendanc..?Ho
sufca tho poop'lo "that lib Expense
a'w.naU'r frill bo liJCy'r,rJed.'by ani
ono wlib attends tho smoker. 1
iniiiiivauiu rires
S'tfiKSiS'-1? 7.1
Eirc& near ..Onamlu. Illllmiiti. and
J'ohiiB Dllo aro rcpVrtod'unu'br con-
DIHTUItBINa-THIj'EAUft. trpJ,vnd.ihtor.Uro flgUtcrjf.-ro hold
f ""' "lne fllSlr'ow'h nnnV"'-'fti51 W 'PK,
The city
I7.C0 last
Ing fliolr'own ncarw "Sb'laha. TSo
,roasiry,vas -nrlchfl(J1,.tf UI'ry, ,autliorlvieo arc InvcS
lifgbt by T.ho nloa of tlfea'tlng 'tho rfelmrt that tho fli.
itullty to disturbing tuo,.p6aco o'fwl-ip, I.Satrpycarrw,,t9',n03i'csto
Frank WaaJilngton," colored', ai--' da?' was' of irfcartirary-tfrlgln nol-
Tcstod yestorday forenoon charKod watistanuing tho forest tiro wi
Svlth having Unowlodgo of tho orl- hurlug on tho outskirts of town.
ln ot tho jihootlng near tho heat
Jng plapt Jon Fourth stroot jJJon-;
nay nigni. - wasntngton uppoarcd
ioforo Pollco Judgo Lcavltt und
jplouded guilty lo disturbing tho
fewoxrtMJw.shBOtia; cliaTEo.iiaa
, Yfothluir, tileusiU a i-.lilni,r wii
lslJi''haat(j'ccdBlon''to stop at a hotel
llko bolng assigned to sulto 1G.
Marion's Happiest Couple
sTj lglglglgllgHHHBsHmsssssssssHI
sssHr, X SX'ti. 'gsssBlBssssss&BsHsssliBlssssssl
Hss PJsssssHssMisllssQHsslssss
sF K 'ssBflffSsHsflsBBBissssl I
W5 A'i'ti Uv'MM? ' MIMt JgMMisBMssssssH
sWsPPgsWHsBBsBHgWgBtsWHBHBgsBsBBBf i..M$XKbLJif t&Ss4r : 9s wM
VbU picture of 'Drf dcorBO T, Harding and hti brldo was mado unou
IliAtr rAtllrn to Marlon. O. Tha nrr.sli1ent'fl fnthnr. whn 1h 7fl. nlnnivl tn
P-e-y-Mewreer M Wi "to-marry, Miss AUco Beverns. 62. Sho was UU omco at
tenawt tor a xumocr vi year.
What the Western World Calls "draft"
Is Practiced by All Clasces In
That Country,
Ono trult firmly Imbedded In the
C'hlnesu character which tho foreign
business man nnd the housewife both
hnvo to contend with In tho weakness
for "squeeze." It It tnld by foreigners
that tho ClilncsQ merchnnt, .coolie.
politician, fisherman, chauffeur nnd
beggar would rather mnko $1 by
"squcczo" thnn $10 by tbo samo
amount of brain work or manual la
bors Squeozo Is Chinese for graft It Is
n word In Hint International Far East
ern tonjjno known ns ptdgln-Engllsh.
But squi-ezp Is something moro than
Kraft. Its political plinso might lift
termed graft, nnd that form of squeczo
Is what makes tho military governors
of tho provinces nnd the politicians of
Peking nnd Canton so fat. Most Ch.
rieso politicians would hnvo been ac
ceptable In tho eyes of Julius Caesar,
hml tqucczo Is the reason for some of
tho corpulence In China.,
Squeczo Is tho Chlneso trnpslntlon
of "as much ns tho trnfllc will bear."
It Ih u facjor In Chinese business, ns
much ns supply and demand, or profit
mid loss.
Take Home & Dozen
Dovghnute SO?
t Getting Action,
A doctor received n note asking him
to go at (inco to II ctiso of HlllllllpOX,
but lo his Mii-prlso, on arriving ill the
putlent'H bedside ho found that -it
wns merely u case of rheumatism,
'Hint this Is very plainly not Kiunll
pox," ho snldv
."Well, doctor," replied ,tiio ninn, ns
lie Hlmlllvil ono foot over Ihu oilier, "to
loll you Ihu truth, wo knuw II wiih
rheuiiiutlHin, but nobody In tho house
could spell the word, nnd wo tliounlit
sinullpox would do Jist ns woll unill
you ciitnc, mid prolmlily bring you
You aro responsible for
tho sight of your child and
should tako Hloph to sea that
ho Is not handlcappod In
hcIiooI work by defective vis
Ion. Buckwitrdiioau In study, es
pecially, should ho taken us an
Indication of possible uyo
trouble whllo ovoii tho clovor
scholar who frownu whllo
working, or who Huffora from
frequent headaches, muy bo
uuffurlng from oyo struln,
Tho oyos ot ovory child
Hhould bo oxamlnad to mako
quito fuiro whothor glasiics nro
neudod or not.
Phono 149-W. 700 Main BL