IVMDNKrlDAV, 8KPTKMI1KK 7, HW81 vmik rvvo '""TWTTVT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ME PORTAL DEDICATION IT MKW LINE HALF A LOAF, While You ' V I f EAT "TMS.OVOi CfcOST ' I. ' i t BLAINE, Wash., Sept., 7 Hccog. Itlon of "tho ono-noss of tlio English speaking' raco" vna marked In tho dedication oC tho Teaco Portal yester day comnjonoratlng- one hundred years of jicaco bttwoon Great llrltatn nd tho United States, Samuel Hill, who presided ovor tho oxcrcisek, sold pon taking tho stand. Mr. Hill said : "War satisfies neither tho v'.-tors nor tho vanquished. 'Terfect pcaco nlono sattsflos The instincts of human kind havo not been changed 1)) education and only slightly modified by rollglon. Whtn war holds sway thoro aro no reli gions. Tho. dominant thought not the most widely nccepted rollglon an.ido Its wav by uon-rcslstnnco Ml groat movements must so proceed It they aro destined to prevail. "Tho ceremony In which wd tnl:o part today marks tho recognition of tho one-ness of tho EngllMi spanking raco, and Its triednshlp not alone for the white, racu but Its earnest dcslro to bo nt pcaco with all tho world "Franco and England live together i Tm harmony in Canada. United Stntos and Canada side by sldo for throo thousand miles wish for no better neighbor. Ttolgium sought as n mutual friend by United States and Great Britain onohundrcd years ago stilt hplls tho frlcnsdhlp, nye. tho jitfoctlon of both. Old things hao paused away. Sclenco has laid biro the most hidden parts of tho world and across and under the sea. over Taat continents and through tho air the humnn toIco Is dally heard. "May I not express tho hope that iwhoro science tho arts and religion havo failed to control the passions of man, that that still small voice which spoke t Socrates, Plato, Sava arola, and tho other wlso men of aid, to tho red man of tho plains, nnd la tho forest of North America, to tho Burlot nnd Ostlak In Siberia, which I felt rather than hoard In tho vatl-an-at Rome and In tho Shrine at, Nlkko' may foreshadow a' deeper aplrltnal lire. "Kach country under It? own flag, its ot.n faith if )ou will, recognizing the power which Is over all nnd doth all unite. May I not volco tho con cept of tho part my own country ahould take when I say: "Our fathers fought with Wasblng- ton, With Lincoln our sons died. Hut at tho birth of freodom All arms woro laid asldo. In other lands men fought for power. And somo for kingly state, America thine aim enduro, To make the people great. For tbco no foreign conquest. No fratricidal strife. No anarch, no oppressor, Strikes at tho Nation's life. Bo thine, O Star of Destiny, Child of great nntures plan, To show tho Fatherhood of God, Tho Ilrothcrhood of, Man." Museum to Become Research College LOS ANOEL.ES, Cal Sept., 7 The Southwest Museum, a Lor. An geles, Institution of folklore aro and aaturo will bo como a university of research, according to the plans of Dr. Comstock, director of tho Mus eum, who Intends to call for research facilities that should attract indus tries. Tho musoum's research libra- rv nrhlMta urtll nffnr.l valnnhln sources of study for architects, jewel-1 ?r,Cr tko advantage of redact-e-rs. furniture designers, interior d0.l at)s and Idle steunwhlps. Most corators. dressmakers, milliners and!0 ho !"" " ' V"' tboso who work in tho flue arts. Public schools will bo encouraged to mako tho Museum their labora tory of sclenco nnd studio of fine arts, as well as tho,club3 for organi zations who may tnko active Interest I. 11. The Southwest Musoum has many exhibits othor than collections from Its locality. Art objects, such as Navajo Indian baskets, Alasknn To torn pole's, Chinese architecture nnd European valuables aro In this In stitution. Tho natural history sec tion, nccordlng to Dr. Comstock has tho finest collection of shells In tho country, tho largest In America. During tho first fifteen montlu of their exlstonce, tho 90 public employ ment offices established by the Dom inion Government in tho principal titles of Canada succeeded in placing 00,000 workers is Jobs without cost to either employers or workmen. ' Talk Flaao with Karl ra- -rw. E PORTLAND WOMAN SAY8 BODY KNOWS HOW HHK 8UF KKBKD FOB MANY YEAItS. "No ono but myself knows what I suffered from nervousness and Indi gestion for many years, but, thanks to Tanlac, I am in perfect health now," said Mrs. Bertha Carlson 691 Qulnby St., Portland, Ore "I had so llttlo appe'ttte I bad to forco myself to cat cnongh to kcop alivo. My kidneys wore out of or der and my back hurt me liko it would break In two. I won bo ner vous I conldn't got any restful sleep I and .In tho mornings would drag) myself out of bed, feeling weak and miserable since WKing Tanlac I nave a; splendid appetite and although I cat thjco hearty meals a day my) stomach nevor bothers me a bit. My. friends tell me that I am the picture' of health, and I know I never felt! better In my Hfo than I do now. I cannot help having faith in Tanlac and have started my son taking It." Tanlac is sold by druggists ev erywhere Adv. Sea Shipment of Calif. Fruit Heavy SAN FJtANCISCO, Sept., 7 Tho J heaviest water shipments of ennnod fruits and vegetables In the history of San Francisco havo gono from this port this year, and tho peak of ship ments will not bu reached until Octo ber, according to estimates of ship ping men. Approximately ono million cases of canned goods havo "been shipped slnco January 1 through tho Panama Canal to Atlantic ports, principally to Now York, Philadelphia and Boston. United Kingdom ports havo taken an additional hundred thousand cases. It is bald that buyers with short stocks of goods havo put In rush Packlirg Corporation, but much of this summer's fruits and vegetables are being moved, II Apply Sulphur as Told Wliea Yoar Skin IJmvks Out Any breaking out of tho skin on face, neck, arms or body is overcome Quickest by applying Mentho-Sul-phur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a no ted skin specialist. Nothing bas evon been found to take the place of sulphur as a plmpls remover. It Is harmless and Inex pensive. Just ask any dr((ist tor a it Ilk Hit raaat. A9r. ffl HEALTH M SUE Li PIMPLY 1 HAVK A BABY DOT. Congratulations aro bolng extend ed to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wann, of Yalnax, upon tho arrival of a llttlo sou, Thomas Wculcy, born August 28. Let's Tulle l'lono with Karl Shep-NO-' Prl'' Imitates Dad "Bill." son of Wallace Beld. movU star, has already learned to nuU hleh sliced on his three-whaler. His ral naroo Is William Wallace field, Jr., and ho apparently Inherits his love of speed from his father, horo of many a movlo automobile rocs. , Bnj;o Ten Mini Kulplmr Turns Gray, Faded Ifnlr Durk und Glossy Almost ovoryotio knows that Sngo! Tea ond Sulphur, properly com pounded, brines back the natural col or and lustro to the hair when faded, Ktreaked or gray. Years ago the only way to got this mltxuro was to make It at homo, which is mussy and Jroublesome Nowadays wo simply ask at any drug store for "Wyoth'n Sago and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-tlmo rnclpo Improved by the addition or othor Ingredients, at very, llttlo cost. Kv erybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkeuod your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw 'this through your hair, taking oho small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becomesc beautifully dark, tblak sod glossy sad yos loak yaari yaaagtr. Atv. Ml OLD RECIPE TO MIEN iR Rattlers Have No Terrors for Waldron PltESCOTT, Arlx., 8pt. 7 J. P. Waldron of Wnldron of Sawtolle Cul walked Into tho office of a lo cal newspaper the othor day and Informed tho "boys" that hu was propared to give them n thrill, A largo Arlzonn rnttlesnnko wns coll ed about ono arm of Waldron. Without warning, tho replllo sud denly burled Its fangs In Wnldron'a wrist, and when the oxclted specta tor oxprossod foar for his safety, ho calmly replied that ho had been bit ten by rattlesnakes boforo. ' un. 'em blto," said Waldron, "It's foar Mil not tho poison, that kills!" Thus Wnldrop uxplalncd his tntlmocy with the droaj snake Tho snmo sn.iko was rcportod to hape bitten Waldron oarllcr In tho dny when ho picked It up a few miles from this city. Calif. Treasury in Healthy Condition SACRAMENTO, Civl., Bop! , 7- All records on Interest collodion on stuto deposits worn shut!, rod last month when State Trouhurcr Krlond W. Richardson, took In H8,8CI'.o Tho state hns on depoilt in banks, subject to call at any tlmu nnd secur ed b7 first class bonds, inoro than fifteen millions dollars. Tho Inter est rate runs from 314 to i'A por cont, wltlf most of tho money nt i per cent. Lct'H Talk I'tiHii) ultli IjuI KIh-ji- KTll. TAKE ITS Tl Eat Loss Meat If Vou Fori Hack ocliy or Unto lllnddur Trouble Meat forms uric acid which ex cites and overworks tho kidneys In their efforts to filter It from thu systom. Regular eaters of moat must flush tho kidneys occasionally. You must rollovo thorn llko you rcllovo your bowols; removing all tho acids, waste und poison, olso you feel a dull misery In tho kldnoy ruglon, shurp pains In thu back or sick hoadacho, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is contod nnd when tho wontbor Is bad you liavo rln-uinatlc twlngos. Tho urlno la cloudy full of sediment; tho channels often got Irritated, obliging you to get up two or throo times dur ing tho night. To noutrallzo theso irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous wasto got about bur ounces of Jnd Salts from any pharmacy; tako u tablospoonful In a glass of water bo foro breakfast for a few days and your kldnoys will than act flno nnd bladdor disorders disappear. This fa mous salts is made from tho ncld of grapes and lomon Julco, comhlnod with llthla, and has boon used for generations to cloan und' stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop Madder Ir ritation. Jnd Salts Is Inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful of fervescent llthla-wator drink which millions of men and women tako now and then, thus avoiding serious kid r and bladtsr diseases. Adv. -.- m Make that Idla dollar work! Pat U la tfia Bank. Are Planning that new home or remodeling your old one 6c sure to specify a beautiful hardwood floor. t t At -the following rock-bottom prices, you cannot afford to deprive yourself of the pleasure and convenience and beauty of a Long-Bell Forked Leaf Oak Floor. t.l.KU'-MJ (1xnr Quartered Wlillo uk l-IUUi tliMr I'liilu Whllo Oik i:t-inU)i .No, t Com. o.k Hi5 Clrnr QunrtiMTil Ulilto ()W ix'J Clour Plain Whlto )kk 11ho exceptionally low prlrs n ! lin ou Mould wy for it r."l atm. 'I tilt, flooring mil jiIko tx laid llfc'il over j'olir old IIimim wltli nut ti outdo mid lllW of tirlnj; out tlio "Id rlmirhiK. Wn lun IliU t4K-U .lirtNt In lut nnif fiioMunt proof bin' ininlllni: uur Iii(h lion ji1 I plioin-or nillo for llliitrntot iMMiklet on tlio earn nml fluMi of "llio IS-rftN l I'loor," BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. Our lumlMT hloro In lorn lot nl fnln nml Hprintf HI. 1'lionn 107 jyyWWWAA CCKTZZOtt 9 You Need An Alarm CIcck To Get The Youngsters To School On Time "LET George Do It!" GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler 622 Main St. Phone 72 rHot Water Each Morning Puts Roses ryowaa00)w ir'v. i To look one's U-U and feet one's lst Is to enjov an Intldo luth each morning 10 mna irom tno sritem me previous day's watte, sour fermentations and poi sonous toxins before It Is absorbed Into the blond. Just as coal, when It burns, leaves Milnd a certain amount of ln combuitlblo material In the form of sslicii. so tint food nnd drink taken sch day k-avo In the alimentary organ a certain amount of Indigestible material, which if not eliminated, form toxins nml loUbns which aro then suelcvd Into the blood through tho very duct which art Intended to suck In only nourishment to sustain tho body, If you want to sea the glow of healthy bloom In ydur elieekt, to sm your skin get clearer and clearer, you art told to drink vtrj morning upon arising, a frlui of hot waier with a tMtpoonful of Utneatons phoaphaU in Is, whUh is a banal hwsbs otiwasmnir ssi wasss naasruU aa4 toalsM from tM stocassli, llvor. kidass's axd bovsta, tkaa slai tag, swattsjsnf aaa puruywff m Pi aaaaaaaaaaK.'Wfc 8 'awsiii..HRMi:;. Rr&&. sllllllllllBsHBarF 2 09k "ii w iliiiir H s7aBaa,J?Jr.o ... L-JKK&.i, n. f'JIKI.OII ,.. 7rt.K ... IIMl.tXI ... iiulou WMWMVtWMWXWWWVWWywVwW tr7!CTrras.rTrtirirnntiWii in Your Cheeks i Y ?: , alimentary tract, before putting more food Into tlio stomach. Girls and women with sallow skins, liver spots, phnplns or pullld complet ion, alio tliiMo who wako lin with a contod tongue, bad taste, natty breath, others who aro bothered with headaches, bilious spells, aeld stomach or conitlixi tlon should begin this phoiphatcd not water drinking and arc attiired of very pronounced rrsiixs in one or '.wo wecm, A ausrter pound of llmcstons phot- Cnato cotts very llttlo at the drug store ut Is suWcleiiR to demonstrate that iuit as soap and hot water cleantcs, purifies and freshens tlm skin ou the outside, so hot water and liniettono ptyiphate act on tlio inside oruant. Wo mutt atwavii emslder that Internal sanitation la vast ly more important than outside oioinll nes,r because the fckln pores do not ab sorb Impurities Into the blood, walls Wis bows! pores do. Wosbm who desire to anbaaas taS bsaatgr of tasir eoatplsKloa shotiU lass) sass. wtxst mv nwwer rtsans,r J