The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 07, 1921, Image 1

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D'K3'Y3 3.H7
,!(. .Ji JfiflWfl J iHji"Vflt
A Clou Ad Will
Do It
Member of the Associated Press.
1 j&clijifni'li icMRTI.
nniiiM'tiih vmi No.oii i.
4 -' w ' ft nriiwir""1!
IlOHnilUIia, Kept , 7- Tim trial of
Dr. Ilruinllnlil on tlm clinrgu of kill
In i: Dnnnlns Kilnnnll will vnlnrl In
Douglas county Wednesday, October
firth. Judgn IHiiKlinni nnnounrod thin
inernlni: nftor donylng tlm ilofonsu
motion for a clmngn of venun to Lane
county, lit fixed tlm (Into nftiir A.
N. Orciitt, llrumfluld's cnuunol asked
for italny.
District Attorney Nnunor ntinoun
cfl tint proiuicutlon wus.rondy to
proceed nt onrn and suggested that
two weeks would ho long unoiiKll do
lay, but did not Insist on mi enrllor
data, Ho Raid tlm ntntn nlno exported
to bring wltqcsson from Canada.
Judgo lllnghnm In denying thn itio
llon for cuango of vuuuo mild "I
bollnvn thorn nrn many imiti In Dou
glas cnutur who hti'vn not titlkod with
wllni'-mw, who did not nttend tlm
Inquest, nnd havn not read tho full
details of tho case, I hnvn of ton visit
of (til county. People horn nro
much tho mhio ns In Mnrlnn county.
Thoy am good, UirlKht citizens who
hollevo In fnlrnoss and will glvo It
to others
Among the Hum considered by
tho council lait night and"rtMl on
wiro tlm allowing of G ' day rent
al to ownors of buildings for poll
ing place fnl tho special election
August 12 ,nlo l"0 of M a
Iny to clorkn of tho election. Thn
Ukenldn Lumber company bill unit
tho Mnllory gnrago account woro
laid over until noxt moetliiK for
proper ondorsomont. Tlm claim of
tho Herald lubtUliliiR company for
publishing notice of InvllInK bldn for
nawer bonds wus disallowed an tho
notlcn had not run sufficient tlmo.
Counrllmnn West moved that all
claim bo allowed except that tlm
namo of (loorgo McDonald bn strlck
im off tho regular payroll for Aug
nnt undor tho 3 day ralo of pay,
as ho wan now drawing $140 per
Tho following permit-; woro
granted, .Hugh J. Marnhall to rcmod
id hall lit KlRhth and High street,
ennt J 200; W. W. Conncra ,to build
hM addition to houno at 1327
Sargent nvonuo; Dan rorlltnrd, to
build storeroom 24x40 In Nicnoin
nddltlon. cont 12000; Ij. W. llardln.
permit to build throo room liouso,
electric -wiring, brick chimney, city
water In Knlrvlow nddltlon, coat
$300. Tho tfouncll rofuaod to nl-
low deary Harlow u llconso to run
tho Mooru llcomlng houno until tho
illy o'rdlnnncca woro compiled with!
Kred IIuohIiib wna nrnntcd a ponnlt
to remodel und ropjilr framo build
InRS nt 1022-24-26 Main atroet, on
tlnmted .com $1000, nnld com to
Includo plato Klnaa windows; u
permit was granted Hons Chrlat
lannon for building n boat houno
nnd garngo on Trout Btroot, Ship
plngton, coat $400,
An nrdlnnnco nuthorUIng n con
tract with tho Loronz rompnny for
' repair work on Sixth Btroot, con
noting of drnlnngo Item, $7,878.85
nnd pump Installation Item $1,226,
una passed; contract with samo
toiupnny for Mills Kowor bomls nlso
adopted, coat ostlmutod nt $G0,
088. IB, Ordlnonco nuthorUIng con
tract with Warren Construction
company for scarifying Sixth slroot
ndoptod. CHtlmatcd 'cost $1,086.80.
Orillnniico declaring lion on pro
norty llnblo to Improvomont adja
cent to alloy In lllock 37 pnssod to
socond rondlng. '
Councllmnn Hawkins inovod that
tho city uttornoy draft an amond
mont to tho vohlclo ordlnanco pro
hibiting "turning botwoon Intor
RocUona" on Uio stroost of this city,
following' tho recant trattio diffi
culty arising from no ordlnanco to
covor this, dofoc Tho wpton enr-rliil.t
Sanitary Condition
Improved GO Per
Cent Says Physician
l)r II I. I) Ktnwnrt, niinllnry offi
cii r; stated IiihI night In regard to
tlm Improvement of n'lnltiitlnii In
tlili illy tlml lining zoro (in ii point
to gungii liy, tho Habitation Im-
priivoiinmt In IIiIh city itlnco tlm In-
cuptlon of tho campnlKn hud roach
eil tho 00 degree point, and thnt
thin point represents thn IioIk'X
nmched whoro no outlay of capital
had linen required un either tho
part of tlm city or tlm householder.
l)r Blownrt Mated that he wun
plonnod to report that tho poop'o tt
thin city hid nioro than ronchol thn
"half way point" In regard to as
sisting tlm officer In their cam-
palKti. Mnny housoholtlorH had no
forn tfio Inspection of thu city bo-
Kan by Officer Hrnntlcrihurg had
cleaned up and ImprovoJ tho out
houses which had been In bad con
Saturduy inafnlng at 10 o'clock
In tho DUtrlct court at Jackionvllln,
bnforo JudKo V. M. Calkins, thn mo
tion filed by tho county court to
dlsiolvo thn Injunction null, Insti
tuted by Frank Ward against tho
Klamath county court last Decem
ber, will bof argued by Charles
Stone, attorney for Frank Ward and
Krcd Mills, representing tho county
' Iast Doctmhor.Judga Calkins
granted an injunction tho effect or
"which Is to restrain thn ccunty
court from completing tho Hot
Hprlnxs eourthuuso. On July 11,
following a supromu court doclslon
at Siilcm madn by Judgo Ilcan, tho
county court filed n motion asking
tout tho Injunction bo dissolved In
order to proceed with thn comple
tion of tho Hot Springs building
Loan Meeting Called
By Legion Tonight
Instruction for filling out appllrn
tlons for thn statu uld to rx-scrvlce
men, cither loan or bonus, will bo
glvon at n special meotlng of Klu
ninth l'ott of tho American legion
In tlm city hall, nUrtlng at 8 o'clock
tonight. Application blanks havo
Just boon received from tho ttuto
commission. All former sotdlors who
wish to tako ndvnntago of tho state
bonus measure nro urgod by J. 11.
Cnrnnhnn, post commandor, to bo
ou hand.
Starting at C o'clock yesterday
afternoon, Culinary Allinnco pickets,
bearing placards declaring tho Jnwol
Cvfo unfair to union in on, patrolled
until midnight In hn effort to de
tract trndo from tho enfo pending
sottlomont of a labor dispute.
A slgnod statement from tho ox
ocutlvo committed of ho -Culinary
Allinnco, Ed Wild and Charles Mc
Millan, glvon to tho prosH today
statos that far two yearn past n work;
lug ngrooirent hns oxlsted In tils
city with tho enfos, expiring Novom
bor 1, Violators of rulco In tho
union Woro fined. J, PoRplsll, pro
prietor of tho Jowol, notified union
waitresses Hint Monday ho had re
moved tho union houso card nnd was
"open ahop," It Is said. No with
drawn! of this decision could bo mado
and tho oxocutlvo commlttoo con
atritod PosplBU'n action n flagrant
violation of tholr contract. A special
mooting of tho union .was hold nnd
n voto was tnkon forbidding mombara
to work undor such conditions.
Douplto tho plketlng of the cafo,
I'osplsll doclaros that business Is
continuing fair and that he Is having
nil his help can handle,
i nt m
"With Its enormous stand of
whltn plnn timber, tho most beauti
ful I hnvu over seen, and with tho
lakes nt Its doorstops' offering such
firm manufacturing sltos, It Is ob
vious that Klamath Kails Is destin
ed for great development," said
Thomas J, Humblrd, president of
tho Humblrd Lumber company,
which operates four big mills In
Idaho, Washington anil Hritlsh Col
umbia, and president of tho Wo'y
orhaousor Hales- agenry, thn largest
lumber distributing corporation In
thn world. Tho agency normally
handles mora than a billion fcot of
lumber annually.
"Hut we'll not do It this year,"
said Mr. Humblrd with a whimsical
He refused to glvo an opinion
as to thn length of tho readjust
ment period. "What do you think,"
ho counter questioned, Intimating
that It wan u ranttor of guess work.
"Hut don't think I'm a pessimist,"
ho qualified a moment later. How
ever, hn said, thoro was llttlo llkll-
hood of a normal resumption of tho
lumber business while frolght rates
romalnoil high and wages In tho
building trades stood at tho war
Mr Humblrd caught bis first
BlImpKo of the. plno bcctlo nt work,
whon ho mado a trip Into Infested
Klamath timber with J. F. Kimball.
Ho had heard of tfao damago before
anil has taken tho matter ud with
tho congressional representatives
from Idaho, urging tholr support
for tho McKary bill.
It'sVoIng to tako n loUof ef
fort to mnko tho congressmen soo
It," said Mr. Humblrd. 'Tho re
publican administration seems- to
fcl It Is pledged to economy, and
they will not let go or a dollar un
less they seo whero It will mako a
bundled. However, It scorns that
thoy arn willing to spond money for
rcforestratlon. Docs It look like
good business to spend millions to
plant now forests, and retuso thou
sands to preserve trees that havo
been growing for 600 yoarsT"
Mr. Humblrd vlsltod tho Pelican
Hay Lumber company's plant, and
praised tho efficiency of tho oper
ation. Ho said tho Ewauna Hot
factory was u revelation to him, and
he considered tho speed with which
tho plant turned lumber Hnto sash
nnd box shock llttlo short of marve
Orogon Tonight and Thursday,
I , l- " .-- r ,w - v "i 'i ,
i;imer Patterson, ngcil eighty fears,
was Instantly Ifillcd lasiisvcnlng at
l'ellcnn City when ho was caught be
tween a backing wagoBjjJilKYln by
tlcorgo Isham, anMptoyeflVof thu
I'allcun Hay Lumber comM&y, -nnd
tho loading platform. Hlsjiltull was
crushed. Ho Is tho ion .of Mrs). Mr L.
Patterson and Is also survlvW by two
small sisters and a youngerbro'tbHir.
Tho family camo hero Uirtte' weotfs
ago from Coqulllo.rcgon, joy visit
Mrs. Patterson's brothorCat Ifoucan
City. -. S;2J
According to tho reoprljo Vne cor
oner, 'Klmcr, his slitfrV Marcrpt
and Vera, and MariJtaV-ond Thco
doro Cooper, had boon fV'nrnctl by Mr.
Isham to cease playing round tho.
wagon. Thoy woro jumplng'otr andl
oft and bo feared for.Uiir.Mtl.-lI
thought, they had obeyed tho. warn
ing and gave all his attention to back
ing Into the platform. Klmer vldr
ontly was trying to climb Into, the
wugnn bed from ,tho rear And pr
tably slipped and was caught bo
tween tho end of the wagon bed and
platform. Tbo screams of tho, other
children attracted Mr. (sham's At
tention too lato. The boy probably
dlod Instantly, according to Dr, K. D
Lamb who was summoned to give
aid. "
Tlmo for tho funeral has not been
dotlnltoly fixed but It will probably
be held tomorrow.
nrilllnc' was resumed at tho
Siemens well today. The bolton
of tho well was cemented for tho
third tlmo recently and tho drill Is
now going through thojeoment had
not hardened, lato reports thU af-
tornoon wero more favorab!oanil It
Is said It Is set.
However, It will not bo definite
ly determined until the drill peno-
tratos tho cement. Should tho cc
ment fall to hold this time It Is
nnnounced that no further .attempt
will bo cement It but the
drilr -will go down. In expectation
that a gushor of sufficient strength
will be discovered to force .the w
tcr from the woll.
A seven and one-half pound baby
girl was born last night .to Mr. and
M,rs. Edgar Pomroy of Fort Kla
math. Dr. a. A. Massey wa la at
tendance, .
Warden Thinks Roy
Gardner is Still
On McNeil's Island
TON', Sept. 7r Hoy Oardnor, ei
capcit bandit, was still at largo this
morning, although Warden Malonoy
believes .him .to 'bo hiding on tho
Island. Guards aro watching- to pre
vent him escaping to tho main land.
Tho 'denco growth makes tho beat
ing of brush Impossible.
Lowardim Dogart, tho convict
who was wounded when Gardner
escaped, Is recovering. Ho tbld of
ficers that Oarndor said he had
arranged with guards to , permit
tholr escape and that i the guards
would .shoot but not to ktll.'v
this wee
"klvcr tolklUr'i whin'thi BhnogncU-
meni .was mio max tno unevroiet
hni(dpied)iipolrfpriU bringing
thaf. machlne;iojC5lf.-o.BJ. KtaMath
FflJrJnKji!tfIU)ibov'o whaUthe
Ford sells ;for here. At this price
Iberu jeason why tho sales, of
tho Chevrolet should. not jump ahead
by leaps ani bounds. -Already thlrty
on Chevrolets havo been sold this
year, add U will be surprising It. this
flguro is. not doubled before the sea
son cloaca. i i Mi
In speaking of tho new price 'to
day; Mr. Arcns of the White Pclicn
garago said: . -
"This new price brings the Chevro
let to a point -whero It can bo pur
chased 'hy 'anyone wishing for-"an
aUtomol-lle. The 1S22 Is unquestion
ably far In the lead In its class and
may bo 'considered the ery best -car
over built by the Chevrolet company.1
ii has spiral bevel gear rear end, ra-
dax bearing drive shaft, externally ad
lustatile, French typo zenith car
buretor, Improved Ttoniy Ignition,
Wiltard battery, honey comb radiator
and dimmer adjustable headlights.
These Indicate what the buyer real
ly gots for his money. ' At
tho new price, I expec i to sec
morn Chovroleta sold In Klamath
county this year than any other make
of car, for tho value Is there."
Naturally comparisons aro
- fi
hetunnn mm In thn simo class, nnd
while Mr. Arens "cUlmflnho.ChevroIet
la In a. class bv-itself.i buyers are
proneWexamlnij IntoMh? merits of
Its nearest competitor the Ford
This examination discloses the fact
that with the Chovrolet there''Is a1
real Ignition system, high class car-
r ni niii' iTni"n'nn
d IrtinsJott tttTiJdylulow'
j m.i - 1. 1 1 1 .i.i iii
JldlUmjUlBUt slllver-trimr
111 .! ',H4 III I .IT"
1 ' i l. f i H "
The deadlock whlcn fits exlstes)
In tho city council since last Feb
ruary over the question of paylflff
H. S. WHon a salary as chlet ot
police -was broken last night whe
tho absence ot Councilman BogardV
usjnadejt possible for Mayor Wiley,
to cast.tbede,cldlng voto, and. there
by break tho trluravlrato rule wktcjb,
has, .faced him. jln the' past (aU
months.' , ...",
After rpatlne 1siffiajra1 'baa b
kcn(car,pf, t'be' salary bills of tb
.t cmuiuTen cjuhd id ana cosi-
cllman'Vollmer in 'his nsuaf moBta'-,
ly statement'1 moved ''the salary ot
1.''H.; Wilson and the back oV e
Oeorge"rMcbonald be' ' disallow
This motion was seconded by Cdua-
cflirfsn VcCollum.' '' A roll calf 'by
the polfee Judge round the roto tie1,'
diSunCllma'n Vollmcr afld"McCbiriiinj
f8r tho motion. Hawkins andf'Woirtf
against IU A stllln'ss''relfne'44r
tho 'room and all eyes of the coa-
ell were 'upon Mayor Wlloy who af
one cast the negative bote, 'Th-'
motion was then declared lostr'aat
by that action. Chief' .Wilson today
will receive a warrant for1 C0S
Last night, the salary duerChtot
Wilson had reached the, l,l
point. ..
Judge Kuykeadall In the xlreolk
court recently overruled a-deaarreo
In tbo case ot. IL S, Wilson asalast.
tho city of Klamath Falls la..tas
matUrKof,, back. aaUry ,de U
plalntlff-.ajaounUns; t,otl,f37S, aad,
gaye defesidants actlce, that ,te.
daya, would-be allowed, to, file, a
answer. Tbo tlase elapsed wlthMt
a reply . - ssid after tlfm,
vot tjrokli-&je;'c MiqsJu4 Ual
this suit filed by Wllscn would a"ls"
terminate the back salary question.
Among spectators Vbo bad watckL
ed this deadlock' from Its beginning?
a number remarked that they ex
pected tho confirmation of II."1 fe?V
Wilson as chief ot police followsV
tho. disposal of tho salary question.!
Had this question been raised last'
night, It Is said, all the troubles ot
Mayor Wiley In Tcgard to bis ap
pointment 'would have terminated as
the balance ot power was shifted to
tho administration forces. '
Chief Wilson In a statement after
tho voto was taken and his salary
allowed saldrt"lt Is some relief fsr
both McDonald and myself and thai
policy of the antl-admlnlstratloa
members to literally starve me oat
has failed. The .opposition members
thought that I'd resign rather than
starve and I've dono neither.! I eaa
take up my work now unhampered."
Why did they not prefec charger
against mo and accuse, mo of Im
proper conduct ratbor, than pursue
the tnctlwineydia? Well, It Is
ovorlomporarlly -n.tJeat?,'
Fine Buck Bagged '
By Local Hunters
E. O. DavU and -Jim JCearns woroi
very fqrtunato Sunday when they
both tire,!) at a four point black tall
buck. A kill was registered and
both men, sharp tho. honors veryireadf.
Ily as to "who killed It,'
,Tho deer was secured midway be
tweon, Keno nnd Rpeqrer Creek
about IX o'clock In the foronoou and
.whon dressed. wQlghQtl 207 pounds.
Mr. Davis will havo the head mount
ed. ,,, , r
buietor, pump water cooling system,
pump fores feed oil system, a four
door body, rondorlng It 'accesslblo on
tho drlvnr's sldo.' three' speeds for
ward and o.i3 bai;k. thus permlttjnii"
of thn negotiation of hills bn intor
medlato Keriri with Its consequent
8alng 'of oil. gas and wear on the
motor. Heretofore tho only critic
ism of (ho Chevrolot has boon thht
tho engtno was'too' powerful for the
rest' of 'the car and 'it has been 'tho
aim ot the company to make tho rost
of tha car as good' as the 'motor. This
hns been' accomplisheil In the '19JJ11
model, n the 192" model tbs.bigh
(lore!: of lmproYen)cmt ,has been
mnlntalimdvaqd,Jn addition, has beei
added, thoso( llttlo refinement and
luwrAvenjeqtsthA,,, eareaea ,04
d(nad,,paao(ecasarjrjto.,ke(ip) the,
Chevrolet, fai; la tlw.leadt itajaaaiH
est competitor. --
-ei' -wSi tUKf ittuJK !ir.2 'a3
Ui VUJI , !, I..
k' is.r
"tif .6fl tUM H'i.