The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 04, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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, TVMDAT, ErnCMBEn (I, 1U21.
Patrick Mackinaws, Overcoats, Leather Vests
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ssssssi Mk .aik
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and woolen wear of all descriptions now ready. We are exclusive agents in this territory
for the famous PATRICK-DULUTH woolen mills products. The foremost manufactur
ers of heavy clothing in America.
We have a wonderful assortment this year including Overcoat's, Mackinaws, Sweaters,
Leather Vests, Leather Overcoats and numerous other things. The name Patrick, on a
garment assures you that you have something which cannot be surpassed in quality and
Come in and look over the excellent assortment of winter wear we now have, on dis
play. It won't be very long until you will need it. The early purchaser get the first choice
of patterns and sizes.
niu ' r- '"J , r,.
Personal Mention
David and John Turner of Langell
valley are business Tlsltors today.
David Turner, -who Is proprietor of
the Turner Hot Springs, said that
he had many guests this summer.
Beginning tomorrow a special auto
service will bo In effect botween this
city and tho hot springs, running
Very Wednesday, or oftener It
there Is a demand for It.
Captain O. C. Applegate and Sir.
tad Mrs. O. C. Applegate Jr., of
Sacramento, California, have arrived
from a week's outing In Crater lake
national park. The party were to
have camped at Cascades Springs,
but taelr plans Vera changed and
they stayed only a tew miles from
headquarters and made their hikes
from there. Some of the peaks
eJiabed by the Captain and his aon
are Garfield, Applegate and Watch-
man's peaks. Six of the nights of
taelr stay In tho mountains Captain
Applegate entertained the guests at
the Crater lake hotel with "early
day" stories of the lake and sur
rounding country.
Miss Wanda Brown arrlvod last
nlcht to take up her duties as a
teacher of science In the high
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Shepherd re
turned from a month's business
aad pleasure trip In Lake county
Bid othar eastern Oregon points.
C H. Llppert and eon, eo. have
some from Baker City, Oregon, to
.make a prolonged visit with his
.mother, Mrs. E. A. Rutherford. Mrs.
Llppert will Join her husband in
about two weeks.
Miss Helen Paxon, who has been
employed in the postofflco for sev
eral years, left Sunday morning tor
a six weeks visit with friends and
relatives in Wauseon, Ohio.
Mrs. A. J. Hozelet and Mrs". J. J.
Saint left this morning for their
homes In Los Angeles, after a brief
visit here and at Crater lake.
Eileen McVeigh, Myler Calkins,
Lloyd Porter and George Stevenson
drove to Medicine lako Sunday for
the day. '
Mr. and Mrs! C. V. Holmes and
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fox were visi
tors at Hilt over the week-end.
Miss Allco McCourt, Geraldlne
Watt, Vera Thompson, Ray Harlan
and Kenneth Perry spent tho week
end at Crater lake; leaving horo
Sunday morning. ,
Leo Fluneran and L. Durbln spent
three days "at the Lakevlew round
P. Miss Ruth Dixon left this morning
on the Ashland stage.
J. H. Wise and daughter are Kla
math Falls visitors this week from
Fort Klamath. '
Miss Lorotta Jennings arrived last
night from Portland and will assume
duties hare as teacher In the Riv
erside school.
Grace Farrand, a teacher in the
city schools, Is back after a vaca
tion in Los Angolca and San Fran
eieeo. v
Miss Elisabeth Keys, another of
the city teachers, came in on lost
night's train from Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan, Jenkins and
daughter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. W, Werner and daughter,
Louise, Mr. and Mrs. F.ranU Kemp,
and Mr. and Mts. Frank Freytag
Jr., made up a party of Klamath
folk that Journeyed to Crater lake
over the weekend. They .report v"a
delightful time and that the "wreath-
cr was perfect for an outing.
Ml Bernadtne Hannon and broth
ers, Murray and Walter visited with
friends and relatives In the Maltn
country over Saturday and Sunday.
1 W. C. Thompson and Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Thompson of Pine Ridge
wcro In town yesterday to moet A.
M. Thompson of Whlttler. Califor
nia, who arrived tor a visit. They
stayed over at tho White Pelican
hotel last night.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Houston and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert With row took
advantage of the holiday Monday
and spent three days in the lava
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Johnson are
home after an extended vacation In
1 Mr. and Mrs. 'I. J. Humblrd of
Sandpolnt, Idaho, are stopping' at
the White Pelican hotel for a few
days. ' "
M. Cunningham arrived last nJght
from Corvallls and la a guest at the
White Pelican hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shlve were
at Crater lake for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAulIffe and
family are in town today from
their home at Fort Klamath.
Mr. and Mrs. L." B. Decker, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Welle and Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Colvln spent three days
on a deer hunting expedition, re
turning Monday night without e
Earl H. Sehrader.'of Portland, a
sltant part hating agent for the
Spokane, Portland and Seattle rail
way. Is here for a visit to Crater lake
and to see the Klamath country.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen V. Wlmberly
and small son, returned last night
from a two weeks vacation to their
old home In Roeeburg. They visited
In Giants Pass and Medford
while away.
Mrs. Everett Griffith was In
town this morning from her home
on the Merrill road making arrange
ments for nor daughter's school
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. KUngenburg
and family have returned from a
two months trip east. Mr. Kllng
enburg is manager of the Big Ba
sin Lumber company's plant in this
city. -. '.
Mrs. Orvllle Elliott is in town
from the Klamath agency today
with her two daughters, Florence
and Clarice, arranging tor their at
tendance at tho Catholic academy.
Mr. and Mr. J. F. Ooeller, Mrs.
Roy Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Meadows1 and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
(Joel lor 'motored to Crater lake Sat
urday and returned homo by way
of Medford Monday.
R. C. Spink Is In the city on
business today from his summer
camp at Idlereet on Spring creek.
Mrs. Charles Woodard is here
from Portland for en extended visit.
Mrs, H. B. Loosley is a county
seat visitor today from Fort Kla
math. Clay Radcllff la in towm from his
homo at Merrill purchasing fruit and
other supplies for the coming
months. '
L. Hoagland accompanied by his
sister, Miss Grace Hoagland, re
turned Saturday from San Francisco
where they went in their car on a
combined business and pleasure trip.
A marriage license was issued Sat
urday to Walter Canfleld Smith and
Miss Helen Bertha Klem. Both are
residents of this city.
' Z Etui Foster came -Into town last
night from the dredger, Klamath
Queon, and will go on to Swan lako
valley for a visit with his sister,
Mrs. Alfred Collier.
Miss Annie I. Wight, of Lawr
ence Kansas, left this morning for
California. Mlsa Wight Is making a
tour of six national parks, tho first
of which Is Crater lato.
Mrs. Schult and daughter. Mar
garet, left this morning for Kelso,
Mr. and Mrs. .Max Chllcoto and
Miss Mollle and Zcna Donalson spent
Monday at Round lake.
R.E. Wright who left Sunday on
a hunting trip In tho Eaglo Rldgo
country, sent In word this morning
that he desired to prolong his' stay
there In the hope that another day
would soo him with a flno buck.
' Sheriff Lloyd Low Is confined to
his homo with a severo case of
tonsllltls contracted Saturdsy nltbt
when assisting the firemen in their
duties at the Lakeside Lumber com
pany tire.
Musical Show is
Coming to Strand
175 Couplet Enjoy
First Masonic Ball
Ol'TINO IIY ll.tll m:vh
The Masonic ball hold last night
at 'tho Scandinavian hall was. one
of tho pro-winter seasons' social
events which attracted 176 counlos
and to tho stralnn of Cochran's or
crostra, the ovonlng was pleasant
ly spent. '
Tho Patrons and Patronesses of
tho En torn Star, also tbe Masters'
and Past Mnstors of Klamath lodgo
ot Masons worn tho entortalnmont
and reception commlttoo who greet
ed the guests nt tho hall. Thoy
wcro Mr. and Mrs.W. C. Van
Eraon, Mr. and Mrs. George llurtoh,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Deltetl, Mess
ers Oscar Peyton, Frank Ward, Art
Leavltt and L. L. Gaghagen.
The ball was Informal In charac
ter and so satisfactorily conducted,
(hajl It Is, tho plan ot tho Masons to
jiold ono every 10 days.
Mr unit Mrs. Nelson Itounsuvell,
Mr. and Mrs.'O W. Robertson, Mr.
nnd Mrs. II. W. Henderson and Mrs.
Ida K. I.ako, Mrs. Hounsovoll's
mother, who is hero vIslttnK her from
Cl.uknvllle. loan, "ore at Rocky
Point for the weekend, They all.
came home Sunday when they heard
of tho flro at tho lakeside Lumber
compau)' plant, In which All three
men woro Interested, eicept Mrs.
Rounsovoll and her mother, who bad
sturted on a horseback trip to Four
Mile lako and did not hear ot tbo
flro until latn In tho day.
The "Calvin World ot Follies." a
New York Musical comedy show con
sisting ot 22 people will appear at
tho Strand Theatre, Tuesday Septem
ber 13, with a clever two act musical
skit entitled, "The Bell Hoy," In
which Johnny and Irene Calvin will
be featured in some very catchy and
clever songs and dances. "Dainty
Tootsle,"a 15 year old girl, will also
appear in classical dances, Italian,
French and Russian folk dances as
well aa buck and wing ateps.
Tbe Galvln shows carry their own
wardrobe, orchestra and scenery.
Mr. Galvln states that It Is a bona
fide $10,000 display ot tho latest
creations. He adds that a different
wardrobe Is used In each play. Tho
show will appear Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday in a new show each
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned for ten cords ot 16-Inch
Ifve body wood, dry, delivered at tho
school house In district 37. Midland.
All bids must be recolved by the un
dersigned before 12 o'clock, noon,
Soptomber 16, 1921. Tho school
board reserves tho right to rojoct
any and all bids.
Clerk, School District No. 37,Mld
land, Oregon. 6-8
Let's Talk Piano with Earl Shrp.
The Strand
Exceptionally strong feature
'Seena Owen
IN '
A stirring oxporionco that taught
a young wife to turn from tho r lure
OI social tames lu lug oiwyiu ju
of life, e
neurs big sensation picture called
Formerly the Moadala
rv 11SO Mala St.
Tbe little hoBee with bis shows;
Arrangements aro bolng made for
a danco to be given by residents or
Mclln as a benefit for the Union Utah
school. The dato has boon set for
Saturday, Boptcmbor 10, and it Is
hoped a big attendance ffcm Kla
math Falls .will be out for the good
tirao that Is rrorolwd Those In
charge guarantee good music by a
Jin orchestra which wlil r engaged
for tbe occasion.
sssfvilssHlrflmr rSnsLBilH
The flavor of coffee
largely, determines
itt value. The better
the flavor, the better
J'ou like it. Ifyou en
oy good coffee you
will enjoy the flavor
JUlfinAmVATriVl'I'l' 'I " - - - -- - - - m-mmd
uli-ull-j-jtj-1-Jui-a-.r.-u-Li-iri ' ' wiwwiwiwwwwwiiwiwiwwi
'AgHCoBlBma Tetf 'IbssssssssssssH I assssssssssssw
MrnT irTissiBBBBBBsij TBsf
1 ssssssssssssL LlJsssssssssssssssssi - HgsHfFMs
Schools are opening anil this Is the time of all Ufljee to start
the children In mimic.
Hpocliil prlcwi and lowea terms at tbe Shepherd store enablo,
you to purchoHO now. Don't say "next year will do" bat "Jet's
talk piano."
fl07 Main St.
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