The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 04, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Vinn.rLruxAAAAAnriri'yvv'rv'iryw-r'ifvv'B ',
1 1918-Rulck Four, guaranteed
tint class condition. R,eat bargain.
11917 Hudson Super Six, a rent
bargain and guaranteed first class
condition. Terms.
11020 Savon passongor Chandler.
Ltko now. A real bargnln with terms.
Inquire ot J. C. WRIGHT OR
AUCTION SALE ETorythtng must
go, Saturday 1:30 o'clock. Sec
Sick, 6th and Klamath nvo. 1-3
FOR BALE Lot 25X110 on Spring
street. Railroad Add. Sacrifice
I7E0 for quick sate. II. Kindred,
6661 OroTO St., Oakland, Calif. 1-7
FOR SALE Threshing machine belt
ISO feet long in good condition.
W. 1L Ross, 90S Main St. 2-tf
FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart
ment. 631 N. 8th Street, Phono
413J. 2-6
FOR BALI: French Hand Laundry
and Cleaning business. Good pay
ing proposition for man and wife.
Price 1760.00. $500.00 cash, bal
ance terms to suit French Hand
Laundry, 123 N. 4th Street. 3-7
been sold and those who axe owing
tho landlady their room rent pie.
leave at the Herald office. 3-6
Head of Veterans
Bureau on Tour of
National Inspection
' Herald Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON. Sept., 6 Colonel
Charles R. Forbes, director ot tho
war veterans' bureau, who Is com
ing west on a trip ot inspection, ex
pects to reach Portland about Sep
tember 16.
His trip Is to roorganlzo tho ontire
'war veteran activities on 'a' new ba
sis of several regional offices and
more than hundred branch offices,
one ot which will bo located at Fort
land. Dr. Long, representing tho public
health service, Chief Consul Cramer
of the veterans' bureau and Colonel
Forbe's secretary, will comploto the
The first stop was Chicago.
He will go to Minneapolis, Hel
ena, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, and
Portland, after which ho will go to
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
When tho new plans are in opera
tion the work ot the bureau which
has heretofore been centralized here
In Washington win &e largely dis
tributed over the country throuch
the various offices.
lumber Cut of
' Coast Mills Grows
The weekly lumber review of the
West Coast Lumbermen's association
says that for tho week ending August
27th one hundred and seven mills
in Western Oregon and Western
Washington report production at 61,
752,322 foet, which Is twenty-four
per cent below normal. New business
totaled 63,881,706 feet. Shipments
totaled 64,969,683 feet.
'For delivery by rail, new business
Included 1,440 cars; rail shipments
1,412 cars. Unshipped balance In
tne roil trade was 3,037 cars. Local
business totaled 4,776,563 feet.
In tho cargo trade, domestic orders
totaled 10,011,153 feet; export 5,
894,000 feet. Coastwise and Inter
coastal cargo shipments totaled 14,
893,800 feet; export ahlpmouts 2,
929,830 feot.
Make- that idle dollar work! Put
U In the bank.
'" --.------...
FOR 8ALE Alrcdnlo pups. 311
Cypress Avo ncnr" Rlvorsldo
school. Ralph Morrow. 30-6
' a machine. Inquire- Singer office.
308 Main. Special prices on Used
machlnos. Repairing, cleaning, hem
stitching done. 27-6
FOR SALE 1920 Dodge touring car.
.Now rubber, first class morhanlcal
condition. Inquire Houston & I'holps.
CITY GARBAGE When you want
garbage removed, call 10F.S3.
Tcry order now. Tho Salem Nur
sery Co., offers n splendid lino ot
trees, shrubs and Tine tor fruit,
shndo and ornamontal purposes.
Orders taken by W. S. Slough, Agt.
131 Washington St., Phono 464".
term with us and ono year nt a
good salary in .a business office
makes tho best Two-year Course
Winter term begins Sept., 15. Mod
ford Business College, Medford, Ore.
BEING OBLIGED to move to dryer
and higher altitude on account ot
sickness, will ezchango our property
near Salem, for property In or noar
Klamath Falls, or would consider
stock. Implements and lease on good
farm. Doz B. B., Herald office.
FOR SALE Fine show case In first
clasa condition. Inquire at the
Rex Cafo. 2-6
Veteran of Civil
Aw WE 'tfJk
IkY fifflsBBBBM1 . M
sJHsfssssssssssssas7jlssl VQK-W
JsssssssssssHflsssPCB r.i
BsfVsssssssssssSsV-'tVssssssf S- T V
Mm sssssssssssssssssssssssssiSBkjlir
GEORGE D. HHAW, Springfield, Mass.
"To say that I feel twenty-five so wondorfully built up, I now
years younger, twenty-five years;
stronger expresses what Tanlac has
done for mo better than any other
way I can put it," said George D.
Shaw, veteran of tho Civil war, -who
now lives at 321 Walnut street,
Springfield, Mass.
"i am now seventy-eight years
old and I don't hosltato to say I
havo never known a medicine to
equal Tanlac. For fifteen years I
was subject to attacks of indiges
tion that wore so bad at times I
would have to lay up for a week
or two. For a long time I lived
on crackers and milk alone as noth
ing else agreed with me.
"When I started on Tanlac I
weighed only one hundrod and sev
enteen pounds and my days were
thought to bo numbered. I've boon
Twenty-five Years Ago In Linkville
fipilir tU'A ill Jt- flyL&TO9 L5
jmqla m.
DOIUUH PEHSONALH. Vreku this week nttvndtng teacher's
DORRI8, Col., Sept. 3 Miss Leo- Institute,
ta Fall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.) K. B. Taft of tho Dorrts barber
C. B. Fall, has returned to her homo shop Is hunting for door In tho rtcl
hero after spending sovoral .weeks at nlty ot Stltxor'a mill this week. His
1'nclllo Qroro, California. ion Frank Is conducting tho tonsor-
Air. and airs. Lester Terwiiugor lal establishment duriug nis nusonco.
woro in Dorrls again Thursday evs-. Henry Tuthlll has comploted paint
nlng in the interests of tho Star thoa- lng tho public school building thus
tre which has Just mo rod to new! greatly enhancing its appearance
quarters here. H. W. Mitchell motored to Dorrls
Mrs. B. F. 8belloy, Mrs. Oertrudo ! from his Willow Creek ranch yester-
Mooro and Miss Pearl Rakor are In
Still Hale and Heart,
weigh one hundred and forty-three
pounds and my stomach Is as
sound as a dollar. In fact, I be
lieve I could cat the old army
rations again without It hurting me
In tho least .
"I novor miss a chance of saying
a good word for Tanlac and I
would llko to urge the boys of tbej in tho name of the Stato of Ore
"Slxtes" -who are not fooling right gon, you aro horoby required to ap
to give It a trloj for I am sure "j"
would put them in line again Justfo or b'eroro Tuesdoy, tho 6 th day
as It has me. For a man of my of Sentembor. A. D. 1921. that being
ago to have no physical ailment, to
be well and strong and enjoy life
aa he did twenty-five years ago, is
cortalnly something to be thankful
for and there is nothing too good
I can say for Tanlac."
Tanlac Is sold by druggists ev
erywhere. Adv. r?Hl
Lonesome. Oh So Lonesome
) day morning on business
(For publication.)
Contest No. 1307
Department ot tho Interior, United
States Land Office.
Lakovlow. Ore. August 20, 1921.
To Oscar D. Gorman, of Tokoa, Wash-
lnton, Centestea:
Tou are hereby notified that
George O. Wllshlre, who gives Cms
cont, Oregon, as nts poslotflco ad
dress, did on July 6, 1921. file In
this office his duly corroborated ap
plication to contest nnd socuro thn
cancellation of yuur Homestead Entry
No. 010829. Serial No. 010829 mndo I
July 9, 1918, for BHBWH. oc
18; NV4NWW.SWUNW14. Sec. 19.
T. 26 S., R. 10E.. KttKKtP. Section
24, Township 2CS, Range 9E, Wllla
motto Meridian and as grounds for
his contest ho allogos that said entry
man abandoned tho lnnd In July
1919. last past, and that tho aban
donment has not been causod by his
being upon tho bordor ot Mexico, In
the Military or Naval sorvice ovor
seas, nor in any ot tho Training
Camps ot tho United States Govern-,
You are, thoroforo. furthor noti
fied that the said allegations will be
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will bo cancelled without fur
ther right to bo hoard, cither bofore
this offlco or on appeal, it you ran
to fllo In this office within twonty
davs attor tho FOURTH publication
of this notice, as shown below, your
answor, under oath, specifically res
ponding to theso allegations of
test, together with due proof that
tou dato Barren a cui'r ui jum uo-
iwer on tho said contestant either In
person or by registered man.
You snouid state in your answer
the namo of the post offlco to which
you desire future notices to bo sent
to you.
Aug. 22-29, Bept.6-13.
EqU No. 1808
George Tollman, Plaintiff, vs! Ray
Wlldey, Dofendant.
TO RAY WILUtir, uoionuo.1-.
!,. nnmd
the date of tho last publication ot
tho Bummons In this suit, and the
int iiav within which you aro re
quired to answer as fixed by tho'ord-l
cr ot publication of this Summons
If you fall to appear nnd answer,
tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court
for tho rollef domandod In said com
plaint, said suit la .brought to dls-
solvo tho partnership horotoforo ex
isting botwoon yoiirsulf nnd thu
plaintiff undur Ihn assumed namo of
"Door Head (Irlll" and for nn no
counting between youroolt nnd tho
plaintiff In rcgnrd to thn trnnimctlqns,
proporly, nssotn, mid uffocts of snld
cn-partnnrshlp, including nil moneys
rocotved nnd paid out, that tho prop
erty ot tho firm bo soldi nil dobts
imlil, nnd tho surplus bo divided be
tween plaintiff uud dofondnnt, ac
cording to tliolr Interests. That a Re
ceiver bit nppolntod mid such other
nnd further rqllot as may bo Just.
This Bummons Is puhllshod In the
Hvonlng Herald a wookly newspaper,
printed, nubllshod and clrculntod
dally nt Klnmnth Falls In Klnmnth
County, Oregon, by tho order of tho
Honorable D. V. Kuvknndall. tlmtito
of the Circuit Court of tho snld Kla
math County, Btnto of Oregon, dated
July 26th. 1921. tho first publication
to bo mndo on the 26th day of July
1921 nnd tho Inst publication thorn
of on tho 6th day of September, 1021.
., , Atty. for Plaintiff.
Buslntss nnd I O. address, 409
Main St. Klamath Fulls, Ore.
The City Engineer pursuant to
Resolution of the Common Council
heretofore adopted, having on thn
1st day ot August, 1921, filed plans,
ipoclftratlons and estimate's ot tho
cost of Improving Oak Avenuo from
aixtn Btroot to Bprlng. Btrcet, Wal
nut Avenuo from Blxth Btroot to
Ninth Btroot, Seventh Btroot from
Klamath A-enuo to Oak Avenue.
Eighth Btroot from Walnut Avenue to
unic Avenue and Ninth Btreet from
feiamath Avenue to Onk Avenue, In
eluding Interactions, and the Coun
ell having taken tho same under
ndvlaement, and finding said plans,
specifications and estimates to bo
in i u pians, specifications and ostl
mates for thn Improvement of Onk
Avenue from Blxth Btroot to Bprlng
Biroci, walnut Awnue rrom Blxth to
Ninth Street, Sovcnth 8treot from
Klnmnth Avonuo to Oak Avonuo,
Eighth Streot from Walnut Avenue
to oak Avenuo nnd Ninth Btroot from
Klnmnth Avonuo to Oak Avenuo. in
cluding Intorcsoctlons, bo and tho
snmo nrn hereby approved, and,
That the Common Council hereby do
rian Its Intention to improve said
portions of snld streets In nccordnnrn
with said plans, specifications and es
timates: nald Improvements to ran.
slat ot paving snld portions ot snld
strrots with Wllllto. ABphnltlo Con
crete. Bllbullthlc or Concrete The
estimated cost of Improving of said
portions of said streets with Wll
llto, Asphallln Concreto or Blthullttilr
to bo 102,161.96; tho estimated
of tho Improvement of snld portions
of said streots with Concrntn to bo
$96,754.95. Bald cost Including grnd
lng, rolling, curbing nnd concreto
ED, by tho Common Council (hat the
following described property te nnd
it la horoby declared benofltted by
said improvement, to-wlt:
Ixits 6. 7, 8. 9.' 10. Block 83, Lots
6. 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 82, Lots 1, 2,
3. 4, 6. Block 94. Lots 1, 3, 3. 4, 6.
Block 96 nil In Klamath Addition to
tho city of Klamath Falls. Oregon;
Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 6, 6. 7. 8. 9. Block 1,
Holllstor Addition. Lots 1. 3. S. 4. r.
r Block 7, Canal Addition, Lots 8. 9,
- iu, ii, is, 13. mock 6. Canal 'Ad
con-jdltton, Lots 8, S, Block 6. Canal
'additien: Lots la. lb. lc. Id. 2a. 2b,
2C, Id, Zo, Lots 3a, 3b, 3c 3d.. Lots
4a. 4b,4c, 4d, Lota 5n. 6b, 6c. 6d.
LoU 6a. 6b. 6c, 6d. Lots-7a. 7b. 7e,
7d, 8c, 8d, LoU 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, all In
Block 5; Lots la, lb. lc, 2a, 2b,
3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6a, 6b,
7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, alio Lots 39a, 39b,
39c, 40a, 40b. 38a, 38b, 37a, 37b,
36a, 36b, 35a, 86b, 34a, 34b, 33a,
33b 32a. 32b. Sla. lib. all in Block
6. Railroad Addition to the City of
Klamath Falls, Orgoon; Lots 13a,
13b, 13c, 18d, Lots 14a, 14b, 14c,
14d, 14e, Lota 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d,
Lota 11a, lib, lie, lid. Lots 10a,
10b, 10c, lOd, Lots 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d,
Lou 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, in Block 4 of
Railroad Addition to the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon; LoU 13a,
18b, 13o, Lots 14a, 14b, 12a, 12b,
11a, lib, 10a, 10b, 9a, 9b. 8a, 8b,
also Lots 16a, 16b, 16c, 16a, 18a,
13b, ISo, 14a, 14b, 12a, 12b, 11a,
lib, 10a, 10b, 9a, tb, 8a, 8b, also
16n, 15b, 16c. 16a, 16b, 17a, 17b,
18a, 18b, 19a. 19b, 30a, 30b, 21a,
21b, all in Block 3 Railroad Addi
tion; Lots 12a. 12b. 12c. 12d. 11a.
lib, 10a. 10b, 10c. lOd, 9a, 0b, 8a,
d, nnu ixtis is, 14a, 14b. 16a.
15b, 16a, 16b, all In Block 2
road Addition; la, lb, 2a, 2b, Ca,
3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 0a, 6b, 7a, 7b,
sa, bd, im, ud, iob, 10b, also 39a,
39b, 40a, 40b, 38a, 38b, 37a, 37b,
36a, 36b, 36a, 35b, 34a, 34b, 33a,
33b, 32n, 33b, 31a, 31b. Ml In Block
7 of tho Rnllrond Addition to ths
Olty of Klnmnth Falls, Orogon; Lots
1 and 2 Blook 1, and Lots 1 and I
Block 8 Railroad Addition to the
City ot Klnmnth Falls, Orogon and
Hint ncrongn proporly bounded by
Elittith nnd Ninth streots and Walnut
nml Onk Avenue; also Iols 0, 7, 8,
9, 10, Block 77, LoU 1, 2,
3, 4, 6, Block 83, Loll 0, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Block 78, Lots 1, 2, I. 4, 5, Block
82, ntl In Klnmath Addition to thn
City nt Klamath Falls, Oregon) and
tho snuthnntlorly half of that certain
norengn block bounded by Block 71
Klnmnth Addition. Walnut and Kla
mnth Avenues nnd Ninth street; also
I.otvS, 10, llloex 3, nnd 7. 8. Block
0, Cnnal Addition to tho City of Kla
ninth Knits, Oregon; nlno I -ots 1, 10,
Block 77, Lots 5, 6, Block 78. LoU
1, 10, Block 83, Lots 6, 6, Block 81,
IilB 1, 2, Block 94, Lots 4, 6, Bloek
96 Klnmnth Addition to thn eltr of
Klnmnth Falls, Oregon; also Lots
1, 10, Block 78, LoU 1, 10, Block 81
lots 1, 10, iiiock vo in Klamath ao
dltlpn to thn City of Klamath rails,
Oregon, and LoU 9, 10, Bloek 1, Hol
llstor Addition to tho City of Kla
math Falls, Oregon; also LoU ,
10, Black 3, Lots 7, 8. Block 6, Lot
6, Block 7, Canal Addition to the
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and
Ixits 1, 2, Block 1, Holllster Addi
tion nnd thnt certain acreage pro
rmrjty shutting 104 foet on Klamath
Avenue nnd 110 foot on Ninth Btreet
In thn acreage block heretofore des
cribed ns hounded by Block 78, Xlsv
math Addition, Walnut Avenue, KU
math Avenuh nnd Ninth Street; and
that said property above listed and
doscrlbod be and hereby is declared
to bn assessed for the expense of
said Improvement. '
And be It further resolved thai
Monday the 19th day of Sept., 1111.
at tho hour of eight o'clock P. JsT., at
the Council Chambers at the City
Hall be fixed as the time and pUsc
for the hearing or objections and
remonstrances against the said pro
posed Improvement and the Polio
Judgo Is hereby directed to cauae
notice of snld hearing to be publish
ed ns by Charter Provldod.
Btnto of Oregon,
County of Klamath,
Cltr of Klamath Falls, ss.
I, A. L. Unvitt, Police Judge of
the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do hereby certify thnt the foregoing
Is the duly enrolled copy of a reso
lution adopted by tho Common Coun
cil on tlio 22nd day of August, 1911,
declaring Its Intontlon to Improve
Oak Avenun from Blxth 8trot to
Bprlng Street, Walnut Avenuo from
Blxth Btroot to Ninth Btreet, Seventh
Btroot from Klnmnth Avenuo to Oak
Avenuo, Eighth Street from Walnut
Avonuo to Onk Avonuo, and Ninth
Btroot from Klamath Avenue to Oak
Avonuo, Including Intersections.
a. l. i,i:avitt.
Police. Judge.
You aro hereby notified that the
Itonnl of Equalization will attend on
Hoptcmlior 12, 1921, (thn second
Monilny In September) at the ooanty
Judgo's offlc- In thn oldest court
house, and will remain In session far
thirty days from that date for the
purpose of examining the assessment
rolls tor tho year 1931, and correct
ing all orrors In valuation, descrip
tion or qualities of land, loU or other
property assessed by the assessor. It
shall bo tho duty ot all persons InUr
eMod to appoar at the time and place
All protests against valuations fix
ed by the sssessor must b filed wlta
tho board during the first Un days
of said session.
W. T. LBB,
Assessor of Klamath County.
8oaled proposals will be received
by tho Common Council of the City
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the
purchaso of an Issue of $60,0 00.0 9
general obligation bonds, In deno
minations ot 11000.00 or 4800.00,
maturing In fifteen years from Au
gust 1st, 1921, without right of prior
redemption, Bald Issuo to be known
as "Klamath Falls, Sewer Bonds"
boarlng a rato ot Interest ot 6 par
cent per annum, payable semi an
nually. Both principal and Interest
payablo at tho Orogon Fiscal Agency
In Now York City. Said bonds are
Issued and disposed of under the
charter of said city.
Each proposal to purchase must be
fllod with tho Police Judae ot aald
city on or bofore 8 o'clock P. M., of
uciouor ara, iszi, and be aceomn
antod by a certlflod chook on soma
rosponsiDie Banking institution for
6 per cont of dtnount of tho Dronoaal.
Said Issue will bo disposed ot at net
loss than par and accured interest.
Tho council reserving the right to
roject any and all proposals.
Pollco Judgo ot tho City of Klamath
rain, uregon. 31-10