TUESDAT, SKPTKMIIICR 0, 1021. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON VAOK TWO The Evening Herald " J." Murray. WIEI) SOULU. .. Editor -City IMitor .Published .ally oxcopt Sunday, by Tie Ilorald Publishing Company ot Klamath Falls, at lis Eiguih street. ntered at tho 'postofflco at Kla math Falls, Ore:, tor transmission through the malls a socond-class Batter. 1 j D5MHKU OP TID ASSOCIATED v pkkss. The AMoelstcd Pre -a U exclusively entitled to the' use (or republication ol all news dispatches credited to It, r not, otherwise credited In this paper, and also tbo local news pub Maher herein. TUKSDAY, SKPTEMUKR 0, 1021. T.V ' S x& vki)-'?.6 ..-. G HlUEE ' 1 ! i - ILLP i I V Lnnm yy- - " Mtai siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH r L. P -. . K sflLi V ... If3 I sT-V- , OF- H?2 VPl n.". lis , i '&&" r : 1 PLAGES FILLED . Following 4s a, list ot teachers tor Klamath county this yoar, compiled by Mrs. L. D. Hague, secretary ot the county fair board, which Is or- ono slue, men me owcr oi mo tree. Ono shot trom the 25-35 rifle In tho hands of ycung Noah termln ated tho bear's oxlstence. When dressed, it weighed nearly 200 pounds. The hldo was poor and tho fur camo out readily. Tho hoar was said by Noah to bo tat Tho meat ., - . .. , n u.at. .... v.. ...mw.. .. . gunning a county wmo campaign ... , - v ,i- ...- .., ..... ....friends. ' seemingly playing "bide and seek" WHY CHANGE THE OLD NAMES THAT with them. He wonld peer from .. ........-.. . ., .. . mv-.n FIUINbLKS BK5 1 UWLU AdKO ULL 1 1MLK each for boosting the fair with school district as a unit. Rorianzu," J, B. 'Hatch, principal, James1 Luebke, assistant, high school, Mrs. Audio S. Chancy, Miss Nellie Dryden and Alice Hadley, grades; Topsey, Helen ' Briscoe; Chose, Miss Robertson; Olcno, Mrs. Nora P.' Dondy; Dairy, Annie J. Young; Galo, Gladys Motsker; Ft. Klamath, Elsie Howell, high school, Mrs. M. E." Miller, Ella Trlrabergor and Ituth Prico grades; Keno, Mar- guerlte Crank; My," Mrs. Ona Wal-f lace: Pine Grove. Aucusta Puclcatt.l Y.nrf.119 Ura f1.nAvn A . ni.M. .. t i..m ' :V ", ',Tm?: i .IV "Jf.: WW t the homo of her daughter. auji; UppLangell's valley. Fran-, J?, TVan' hi xtkuxiKi i-iorna, .irs. Kay ,. , ... , . . ,, , ' , ' . ' . 'i Mrs. Uower wl)l ,make a short ivcuu uuuu t-inc, .Mario ueian: i ,. ,.L t ... . .. w;,.i "i ,,..,.!.. .,.' VI vlHlt with her daughter. Agnes Drls- """ "' ", .wuiiii. . n.., ,,-. k. ,.,. , o,i TfilnlA ni,Y NF.WH Tho Dly grade and high school opened Tuesday, September 6, with a' complete chango ot teachers. C. E. Pady has been selected principal and high school teacher; Mrs. Claranco Wallace Intermediate and Miss Pauline Cliff, primary. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Glran and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas GIvan were -Dly visi tors at the Lakeview round-up. Mrs. O. D. Bower, who has been has returned to Hannon. Mrs. Eva Klvetta Glacominl and Mrs. Thomas S!egol;l T ......... c . . ... ijucr owaa, .iiargarei smitn: Spring Lake, Mable Crosby; nound Lake and Orlndale. Katherine Ess; Klamath Agency, Rosemary Con- -way; Merrill, Fred Peterson and Juua loung. high school, Alma Wilson and Mrs. Minnie Dlllard, grades; Crescent. Rayburn S. Pot ter; Summors, Mar- Z. Williams; Chelsea. Mrs. Charles Darnell; White Lake, Lena Trovost; Shasta View, Merrill P.O., Florence DIN lard, ShasUVlow; Malln P. O. Wm. B. Freer: Hon lev. Mr. i.an ami LOrace ;Lytle;: Midland, Emma MKIUUIjL ikt.g.s. . R. C. Groeebcck and family from Klamath Falls spen tho week end visiting at tbo Burr West brook home. A new building Is being erected as a post office, to take the place of th'o one which recently burned. The post office Is temporarily located In part of the White House grocery. Gorgo Walton and family made a trip to Klamath Falls yesterday. Miss Eva Dlllard has accepted n position as bookkeeper In the Merrill Mercantile store. Merrill school opened Monday with Editor of Herald: something that tends to contrast his "Kings havo come and gone, and sltuntlon, with that of tho modorn generations tourtet as he slowly and 'laborious- ,, . ly rounded tho "Point" and vlowod And there Is a new map from wWchltho Bpcnd,,, panorama spread bo- old names have been dropped. - hlrat Ho named It tho name he did for Penilelton Tailing on t Appearance of Old Frontier Coui4 Town PKNDI.KTON, Sept., fi I'onllotim Is rondy ouco iiriiIii to xtttKo ttiut great" out-door itrnmn, the Hound-Up, September 22, 2.1 mid 21. Tim nt monphoro cf tho'"lilKKcst llltlo city In tho world" Is permeated with Humid Up spirit. Dignified ('IttrunH Imvo donuod tholiroad-brlmmi'il luit of tin cowboy nnd thesowltli tho brilliant shirts, long hatred iluips and riding boots worn by horsemen, glvo a fivi tlvo air to tho "Let 'r lluck" city. Each year tho show acllpsos that ot tho year before and there Is no doubt that tho 1021 premutation will break nil records. A galaxy of star porformtrs, including the famous Charles Irwin family" of 20 cowboys nnd cowgirls, ns wull us individual ,'porformiTii, atndng thorn, Vale 1 "djj t Kilty Ciinutt, Vrnnk McC'urrc'll. r-al-' rl'o Hoku nnd Johnny Judd, Vlll bo lioro. Tom Mix, ilnrodovll cowboy screen hero, and his company! wilt compete In oumln ot track and iironn llnnppy Bteoro, fast relay ntrlngs ami hot tomporod buckors nro ready for tho thren big days. Thirty-five ot la Hound-Up'M own string' of horsoa are hero, and soma rout i Among Ham' a n&w horso from Idaho,' who has Utkereinonfounly dlspatchod II consecutive wnuld-hn riders. ffom,hU ever-moving hiirrkatio dock and who will battle for aupomacy with cow boy riders this year, lrfiii,lrMno various events are tho greatest ever offered. n own string' or norsoe are with tlnijryioutmxt.w.ook, sonrks ,wlll fly. , ' ' i I " C tlvf bupkers la J'Hojblooi I'n Tnlk I'liOio with Knrl lin ont. II ' ' U H WICDMCHDAY HPKtTAIiV' I I TAlliOHKII HATH 1 $3.95-14.95 ' j Knnpp; Swan, Margaret Elliott; Mt. Ftel Peterson ns principal. This JaKI. Mrs. Hello McClellon; Falr- tIow,, Olive. Kirk; Algoma, Mrs. Nelllo Wall; Miller Hill, C. D. Cor pennlng; Bryand Mountain, Win frej McCormlck and Mrs. Mattle McFall; Horton, Elvlna Flury; Llb by, Bessie Walker; Howard, Joso phlno Elliott; Modoc Point. Winnlo1 Grizzle nnd Ilnrnl Shnpnr- nhlln.! quln, Blanche Goodner and Vivian Carr; Ynlnar, Alice Walker; Union high school, Malln, Oregon, Mr. Smith. Teachers a'ro still to bo appoint ed for Dodd Hollow, Langoll's val ley, Lowor Poe Valley and Uppor Poe Vnlloy. year's work promises to bo a groater success as a now commercial teacher has been added to the usual force. Thero Is to bo a house warming, at the school houso Tuesday evening, the objoct being to oelebrato tho com pletion of tho building previously oc cupied by tho High school, but which Is this yenr to" bo occupied by tho public school as well. Ft. Klamath Hunters Slay Large Bear Ope of tbo largest bears killed recently In tho Ft. Klamath regions was slain Wednesday last by Roy Noah nnd a party ot sev&n people from tho fort near tho Huckleber ry mountain. I Marlon, Bonny, Roy and Charles Noah, Ed and Jack Briscoe, Ida Brlscoo and Motilca Pomoroy com prised tho port which set but to 'hunt bear' enrly Wednesday 'morn ing and after a vain hunt In the vicinity ot the huckleberry patch, a grouse drumming In tho top of a tree' attracted Roy Noah and Ed Brlscoes' attention. While circling the tree In which the grouse was sitting, tho boya happened to look over about a 100 yards and saw a big black bear Pretty Ceremony Unites Bonanza Folk in Wedlock BONANZA, Sopt., C A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. H. M.' Daniel on Thursday eve ning at eight o'clock, when Miss Mar- .garet Daniel became tho wife of Mr, Robert R. Lytic. Both of the con tracting parties nro members of very highly respected families of the Bon anza section. Tho decoration wero exceedingly tasteful, tbo color scheme used being Pink and white. The bride was charming in a gown of cream satin and georgette and sbo carried a mag ntflclent bouquet ot fern and white astors. The ceremony was performed hy Rov. S. W. Hall, for years tho pastor and friend of tho families. Bountiful rofresbmente wore serv ed at the conclusion of tho cere mony. The presents were numorous, and while useful, wero very beautiful, Those present at the wedding were inero s an .DaB..n..o .. Hh ft rCfl80n ,hat ndmlt,oa of no co. rampant In my make-up, Irres lit- trov Tho po 0 foot or Ibly Impe ling mo to tako Issue w h on hor,oback( W08 not dolcrrCll by recent adioeatra the necessity tho pngonc;, of ropl0 frora yW am. aU,5au,mjr o. vUunK.,,B ,.,- , th(J g(fono b)m; h(J haj cer names ot prominent mountains,. nn(, WM ,0 mootf probably ftl rivers, points, roads and scenlp lhoulnni nnt, ono mofo torr,fylnB Spots throughout the StntO. IWnrlo. In tl.n ..nlrn.t .ll,t. of II... To my mind It Is a dellbera 6 a - stn,0 ha WM ,,,, nnd ln cx. m""1". 0f. S? !. J m,,lyc,0 Ploring and naming the other scon die. the Idealist and the sentimental-, c nUractom, nlonK ,no coaat and 1st to cast a reflection upon tho n th(J ,ntorlor. pioneer for his want of or lack of, nno . .,,,, , ,.,,.,. ,h-t ,. fappreclatlon ot tho eternal fitness' . nrn-nv or ,h ,,..,,,.,, nf of audi econltlon of nature's handl-'tnu pr0Bcny of Oregon's pioneers, work In selecting namei. In the'who aro aUomplllf tuU Tandallsm. long ago. for particular land marks ,ug wpnB 0t of an hator0 ,lanl0i and advantageous points ot obsor- the j.towal ot which was unques vutlon. mountains, rivers, roads nnd tlcnably Justified by tho facts, scenic spots. j wt !ts rrtcnton detrart ono To me there Is nothing that so Jota frora tbo raaKnficanl iweup of tugs at tho heart strings, In mo- donsoly tlmbored shoro-llno bordor- menis or resircspecuon. as memory lnc tho ,ako oa tho wcst and norlh. links orcnts, fast growing misty WCl)t wlh snow.capp,j mount rltt! with time's Inceesant and lrrcslst-'and raaMro 0d p0Hcan rising ma-i nliln nnnrnncli nml wnrlfl.wMn rn ,. .i-.i , .. .. . .. ... ' ,r .. ijcaucnny in jno Qisianco; itattio- pute today Is Indication completo ,nnko rollt ,. not a part of tbo oi me eany painnnuers selection. Bconlc panorama but a vantagej It Is at such times that tho liardl-l point from which It may be viewed hood, the Mmple unalloyed wUdnni to advantage, of the early pioneer, solectlng his Changing the name to any one names for prominent natural ob- of those suggested amounts to ap Jects along tbo tortuous lenely trails proprlatlng a pamo used in. a bun and wagon-ways, appeals to tho red- ,ired different portions of the coun- blooded American. try for a llko roason, nnd carries It is colnc far a.fleld to Imaelnn no suggestion of Indlvldunlltv. Mm. I j---- tinctlvoncss or historic relativity, . ... - TI.A.A I- ....A-.. ,.l. -- . . uvuui ui iuu bvuuu uuiuiiiuu (u jus, vtv is utui uiv as tuftum a roa- view from Rattlesnake Point tban,son ror Insisting on changing tho Is the modern tourist comfortably) uauio. of Adams Point, of Topny reclining against tho latest In tho Bradp, Huckleberry mountain, dipt, upholsterer's and vlowlng tho same Jack's strcnghold or Rocky Point or scene from an automobile travors- Pelican Hay or Yam soy mountain to Ing leisurely ovor tho same "point" ( conform to somo tondorfoot'a Idoa upon a modern highway. Why nott the oternul fitness of things, leave to the pioneer, die little ' ' OLD TIMRR. "LET George Do It!" School Opened Today You'll need n pocket-knife to keep your pencil ns sharp as your teachers expect your wits to be, Koi lolnuro bourn ro our Tmldlr) Tup. GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler 622 Main St. Phone 72 m !L& ., rODAK WORK I Leave Your Tilths before 9 OclocK-Your AM-PictiirflS am ready air 3 11 X I pf llHAIMIIAArC 1 1 una fiwii rtz KLAMATH FALLS OREGON naiMY r7rr7l I PUWITvl WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUCS IaccuhVvI tho Rev. and Mm. S. W. Hall, tho Rev,' and Mrs. A. A. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Daniel and family, Mr. and "Mrs. II. Y. Lytlo and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, E. Scott and family, Hcber James, and MIm Nelllo Day-den. The Rev. and Mrs. G. . Hall who wero ln Bonanza for tho wedding of Miss Margaret Daniel and Hobort Lytlo loft Frlmody morning for their homo In Salem. Miss Nello Dryden who Is to havo cbargo of tho intermediate grades at tho Bonanza school arrived Tuesday morning. Mnko that idlo dollar werk: Put It In tlio Imnk. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer1' on Genuine GET CIXXSE TO HATTIiEK Mr, and Mrs. George Reed and family yestorday had an exciting oxperlence In tho vlclqlty of tbo old Redflold ranch east ot this city. Tho party had Just loft the car and wero walking down tho road when the angry whirr ot a rattler's but tons was hoard. Within four foot ot Mrs. Reed, a colled rattlor lays. The make was killed and found to have six buttons. Advertising pays. Try It and see. "NOW-A-DAYS" ' says the Good Judge A man can get a heap moro satisfaction fromasmall chew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. He finds it costs less, too. Tho v . good tobacco taste lasts so much longer he doesn't need to huvc n fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew vill tell you thut. Put uf in two styles ' W-B GUT is a long finc-cnt tobacco " RIGIIT.GUT is a short-cut tobacco AAAAAAMAAVAAMAAMAWAMAAWWWWWVW Bowaro! Unloss you see the name "Bayer"' on package or on tablets you aro not getting genuine Aspirin pro scribed by physicians tor twenty-one years and proved safo by millions. Tako Aspirin only ns told in tho Bayer packago for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Ilhcum,at!sm, Earache, ToQtbacho, Lumbago, and for Pain.' Handy tin boxes ot twe'lro Bayer Tablots ot Aspirin cost tow cents. Druggists also sell largor packages; Aspirin Is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcactd. adv. LAST CALL FOR- i-V-'aVW Block W Prices on blockwood nro low at prcsont but will advanco as fall weather comes. Our stock ot blockwood Is not largo but wo are filling orders promptly wlth I . BIG BLOCKS . ' Buy now! for fall weathor moans higher prices. "" GREEN SLAB-WOOD Phono in your ordor for ton cords ot grcon slab at 136.00 for' a1 years supply ot woou mo cnoapost wooa available Vol O, Peyton & Co. 419 Main St. WOOD TO DURN" Fnona 611