or X i':'i,.. M 5tff EwnmgMvxalb A Class Ad )JMl DoH Today Hew Tmdmy Member of the, Aociated Pre e FlrtAtswatli'.Yrr - No. 114. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, .TUESDAY, 8KITEMBKR 0, 1021. MUCK FIVB OBflN ubm.it II N US FOR REBUILDING Plana for rebuilding tho lakeside Lumber contpany's plant, destroyed byjlre Into Saturday nlfht, aro still In'a formuUtltn Maitn. Nelson Rounsewnll, manager of thn compan), Mid this morning there wu nothing definite to aiiuouee regarding Imme diate plans (cr rebuilding, although It U certain the plant will bo replaced. Defective wiring may havo caused the fire which caused an estimated damage of between $70,000 and $7G, 000. Insurance I estimated at be tween .$35,000 and 140,000. The exact amount will be known when the aafe cools enough to be opened. The lumber stock In the yard wee aaved. Tho tiro fed br paints and otto, burned fiercely but the firemen put up n strong fight to keep It from spreading to tho adjoining plant and yard' of Ackley llroe., and were sue ceaiful, Thn water pressure wm good, reported Chief Ambrose. Thn alarm was tolophonod In by Alice tllehn, who Mid that she had hardly hung up thn Welter before ho heard thn fire truck leaving the engine house. The Lakeside company, In tho past year, had Installed much modern wood machinery and had a very com plnta plant. Tbore was a consider able stock or finished doors and (win dowa and other wood work on hand, Including the Interior wood work fr-r the Malln school, all of which was destroyed. m Insurance Man Say Fire Well Handled Joseph Lee, a San rranlsco Insur ano adjuster, who was'here on busi ness witnessed the work or the flrr department at the Lakrsldo Lumber company flro Baturday night. In speaking with Mr. Itounsevell yester day,' he paid high compliments to the manner In which tho loc.il flro depart stent handled the blate and to the adequacy of the water pressure. He aald he had norer neen hotter hand ling of a fire anywhere, There .eems to be an Impression current that Klamath Kails Is with out adequate flrn protection and suf ficient wntor pressure but Mr. Lee, whcn experience is wide, did not take tbla view. On the contrary ho appeared to think that the local flro fighting facilities woro on n par with most' country towns and ruperlor to many. Fill Silo From 9 Acre, Sunflower L. L. Arnett, Swan lako rancher, la the first Klamath farmer to .re port the filling or his silo this year to County Agent K. II. Thomas. Mr. Arnett started bis silo last year. It la built In octagonal shapo or 2 by 4 plsnkn. Lust year ho built It lfi feet high. This year ho raised It to 30 foot. It Is 10 feet across and hold abqut CO tons. Mr. Arnett completely filled the alio with sunflower ensilage from nine acres of dry land. He used a morn binder to cut tho crop, the first tried In. tho county. It worked very successfully. Last yoar be rod sunflower ensl lege to dairy cowH and young boor stock and Kot very satisfactory ro sults. Two years ago thoro was ono silo In Klamath county. Last year thoro were ten. At present seven aro building and by the first of the year there will be at toast 17 and perhaps 20 silos on Klamath county farms. Crater Lake Lodge , And Auto Camp 1 Filled by Viritor Orator Ukn daring tho past throe days bos bad one of the largest visit ation records of thn season, accord ing to Manager Karap. Baturday, cars from states as far east as New York, arrlvod In thn park, and Bun day tho camp grounds west of tho lodge was well rilled with" visitors. No accomodations have been avail able si ii co Friday at the lodgo, and many guests iwero taken caro or at Anna Creek. iROf GARDNER IN FMRVIEW SNOVIrS TRIALS SET FOR DING FL CRT HUNS U8ERTY GROWTH; STARTS BUSINESS II. COKING WFFK Tho Heptember term or thn circuit court will open on Tuosday, Heptem ber 13, and the list or rases set for hearing aro as follews: Tuesday, E. K. Ayers against J. Htolgors over an alleged uncompleted logging con cen tract: Wednesday, Rtate or Oregon against l'ort Hummers and Fred Duke, alloged to(havo stolen n rlflo from a prisoner named Alva Cox on May 12 when Bummorn arrested blm on the reservation; Thursday, State Oregon against Prod 0. Kompko, charged .with an alleged robbery of rooming house at 238 Oak street. Arthur Btaars, also charged with tho ssmo crlma escaped from tho city Jail In Juno. Tho following cI(Ixodn havn been selected for trial Jury duty: John W. Taylor, C V. Nelson, Geo. W. Max- woll, II. T. Oslernosu. J. E. Enman. II A. Thelde. Oco. C. Ulrlcb. C. A. Hill. William Bark. Kd Ilallri T. P. Hoggs. Wxo. Wright. George Stiles. I), P. Prlscoll, L. II. Streeter. F. Hill Hunter, Wra. Pampbell. J. O. Wight. Chss Burgdorf, and Dan Murphy, 8HATTLE Sept. .Roy Oard nor, super-bandit, Is again at large, after, a successful and sensational break for liberty yesterday while a ball game was In progress at the redoral penitentiary on McNeill's is Unit ' I Gardner today la supposed to he hiding either on McNeill's Island or on the Olympla Peninsula, just to the west of the Island. During the exciting part of the hall game Gardner, Everett Impya and Lawardus Bogart, the latter two former soldiers under sentence of lire Imprisonment for an attack on nurses at Camp Lewis, mado a daab. Oardner cut the wire fence that Impeded their liberty with ft pair of pliers stolon from the tool house. Pursuit started Immediately and Impyn was killed by prison guards, llogart was seriously woundod hut Qardner oscaped. Falrvolw addition Js coming rapid-M',l0--'D,ht Fire Hazard Will Be Council Topic i 'Tonight i Report Tonight, tho' common council will meet for tbo payment of current bills and tbo regular salary list of city employees. The meeting was hold over until tonight on account I of Labor Day falling 'on tho regular BRUMFIFLB IS ly to tho forn, Tho now, school and many newroalderico bulldlngs.'com plotod, during the post yoar have built np tho-eastern part of the city and now a business 'district Is start ing. Tho Falrvclw Grocery and Trans fer ,1s located at tbo corner of Pros pect and Upbam streets and bas been doing a good business all summer. Recently tho Union Oil company's service etatlon, In charge of M. S. Lester, opened up across tbo street and sow plans aro afoot for a store on the opposite coner, at the corner of Tenth and Pospect streets. Dan Perlllsrd, local contractor will erect the store building and Is nil ready to atart. It will probably bo up and occuplod within a month. It will house a grocery storo and raest market, in all probability, although tho tenants' havo not been definitely MCNEIL PENITENTIARY, Sept., elected. 'It was reported nt tho flro of the Lakealdo Lumber company Baturday night that a "delegation of cltlseas would be present tonight to talk over the fire situation, as a number of people expressed themselves as being In favor of increasing taxes to supply tho rire department with plenty of hoso and other needed equipment. UN N T OOTS WITH GIFE M C No trace or Roy Gardner had been round up to noon today. Offi cials think be Is still on the Island, hiding In the thick underbrush. A chock or tho boats has rovealed none' dlmlsslng. Two women who saw him rail when thn guards fired think that hn Is wounled. Mamnificent Dahlia Are Grown Locally Dahlias Mvon Inches In diameter and or wonderful coloring can be grqwn as successfully tn Klamath Palls as In California. This was proved by Mrs. Henrietta Moorland, who today presented the Herald with snvernl specimens grown In h;r rurd at 1211 Crcsctmt avenue. Mrs. Moorland's dahlia blooms nro coming along lai-t now. IJy project ing the plants with canvas she topes to save thorn until County Knlr wcok and repeat her performance of eight years ago, when her dahlias took first prlto In an exhlbltlou stagod by tho woman's civic club. There Is aulte a llttlo flurry in residence property In tho nelghbo hood at present J. T. Ward reports the sale or a bouse and four lots at Tenth and Prospect and several new homes are going up In the addition. Two Flyer Killed At Montague, Cat, SAUIIAMKNTO. Cal.. Bopt., 6 Palling 200 hundred root to tho ground while attempting to tako ott tho aeroplsnn landing rilod at Mon tague, 8lsklyou county, two aviators or tho forest patrol sorvlce In a stan dard Do Havlland piano, woro Instan tly killed Sunday aftornoon. Tho dead aviators are: Cadet Rober Noolp and Sergeant Thomas Whlsslol. Pioneer Resident of Klamath County i Called by Death Hans Stoobslor. for 32 years a resident of Klamath county, died iast night at his home In North Klamath :Palls addition. Ho Dad been bedrast for the paatyear and a .half. He Is sanrtver,'by"vwld ow, one daughter, Mrs. Oeorge Rlehn ot'Klsmath Palls, and a grandson, Martin 8toefasler of Dairy. Mr. Stochalor farmed near Dairy nntll about two years ago, when be retired and moved to Kla math Palls. Tbo funeral will be held tomor row morning. The body will bo taken to Donanta for Interment. Services will bo held at tho ceme tery thoro at 11 o'clock. s Convicted Slayer Will Appeal Case 'Gilbert T. Ingersoll, sentenced to life Imprisonment last December by Juries Campbell is tho circuit court here for killing Hoary Stoescbler filed notice of appeal to the su preme court, through "Ills attorneys. John P. Hall of Marabflold and O'Neill and Irwin or this city. Judgo Campbell hag granted a 90 day extension to file a transcript of tho caso. Farm Loan An. to Place $35,000 Here Secretary Hague of the Klamath Farm Loan association reports thst wltttln the next two or throe weeks. about 1 35.000 tn loans will be made to 1( petitioners, ranging in sumo from $1000 to 94000 each. Secre tary "Haguo also reports that checks aro-Dfling receivea aaiiy.uj.jnnimu- ers from tho Federal Loan bank at night from the dredget, Klamath Spokane, Washington. YARD JimUnPICATION KOHUM HUIUDOT TOMORROW Secrotary J. 1L Miller, or the local Culinary union, last night call ed tbo union employees of the Jewel Care, operated by Joe Pom Isll. out or the Pisco when the 10 o'clock shift was ready to report for duty. Miller states that this action was taken when the proprietor sur rendered bis union fair card to him A meeting of tbo culinary union was called this afternoon for 3 o'clock to consider tbo phaso which has de veloped. ' Joo Poplsll stated that the union card was surrendered last night alt or difficulty with his help about the class ot sorvlce given patrons. Pop lsll states that be was forced last month to cut tho exact union scale paid hero by other restaurant pro prietors, namely, waltea, i.zi. dlshwasbes, $4; fry cooks, 15.31; combination cook., S.72 and . fhsf. $7l Previous to last montbf Ira cMtm. that bo paid front 70 cents to $1 mors tkn 'the scale. Poplsll clarass that fome of his hotp have Intimated that If he paid more money than the scale, better sertlco would be give. IMPORTANT MEETING OP UXUON TOMORROW NIGHT QUORUM LACKING FOR O. OP C. BOARD MEETTING No meeting of tbo directors of tbo , chamber of commorce took place, at tnoon as per schodulo owng to the absence or enough to comprise a quorum, Secretary Stanley stated this ! afternoon. - The matter of an In ,creasolln his salary will cotno up latar, he states. A apodal session I nuy ixTcalled, J. II. Carnahan, commander ot the Klamath post ft tho American Le gion, announces that a meeting or tho post will bo bold tomorrow ovonlng at R o'clock at tbo city ball. Many Important matters will bo dis cussed. Among other business in tho distribution of tho soldier's loan and bonus blanks which will bo mado at this tlmo and all ex service mon who doslre. a loan Hhould bo present to get an appli cation form and Information. Labor Secretary Say 6 Million Idle DETROIT, Bopt. 6. Tho tfedlca tton ot Labor Day, 1931, to tbo re- Ilof or tho nation's unemployed was proposod by Secretary ot Labor Davis In an address to Detroit work era yesterday. "Tbla yoar Labor Day la a day that millions ot people would rath er celebrate, not by taking a hot! day, but by going back to work at their Jobs," said Mr. Davis. Ho es timated tho unemployed or America at closo to six millions. ASKING STAY JTRIALDITE ROSEBURG, Sept. r -The' first legal battle in tho Brum field caso started today before Judge Bingham of Salem, who mast pass upon the defendant's application for change . of venue and delay ot 30 days In the trial. Attorney Rife for Bramfleld pre sented a lengthy affidavit,' charging that opinion in Douglas eoantr was so Inflamed against. the dsatlst that he could not get ft fair trial hers. District Attorney Nswser' presented a dotes. sffldavKs to tfeo OMtrary. Sheriff Staraer, la hls'aKMavit. re cites that he took Brumfleld off the train before reaching Roeeburg merely to avoid the gaso of tho car ious crowd and not through fear ot violence. Ho said that lie moved Brumfleld from Jk, upper story ot the" Jail merely ' precautionary raesuwe. Tbo defsMe had laid groat stress oa tbo sbetlffa actloM as showing he bad .fear fof'ertlle vio lence against tbo prisoaor. Klamath Rider i FirU mt Lakeview "Doss" Rlchardooa. yourig rider from tho Btyi district, took first prlxe la both tho kroacho rldtaf and ball riding coatosta at the Lakeview rooadap. wTsle etosoft Mo throe day program ytotorday, ee cordlng to report roseolas feoro. Ho also was oae of. three vrke uoi la tho bareback kroaeho ridJat" 'oa- isot. Richards took first place loot Fourth of Jaly aad th proeodtas Feartk st tho My rods aad took first plaeo loot yoar. at Lake-Hew. Tbla year's Lakeview Victory atrab blm four atratgbt'rldlas;-triumph. W. A. Delzell xdll prosldo at tbo chamber of commerce forum tomor rev when tho subject, "Fruit Trees, Bbado Trees and Shrubbery" will bo discussed by Dr. C. V. Fisher and W. 8. Slough. Tho discussion will be mainly upon beautlflcatton or yards In Klamath Falls. Secretary Stanley has nskod cltl xons who haYO fruit raised In this city which Is ready for the table to bring It to the chamber so It can be exhibited. Ho states that It will be returned alter tho forum. Tho cham ber rooms will bo ornamontod with fult decoatlons. Three Airmen Dead In Coal Field War Large Sunflower Shown Saturday BONANZA FOLK HAVE SOX. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peel, Bonan za residents, aro the buppy parents or a 10 pound baby boy, born Satur day. Both mother and baby are pet ting along nicely according to Dr. R. U. Cravcr. tl.o attending phjslclan. Mint Will Make , Million of Dollar LOCAL CLIMBING PARTY REACH TOP OP MT. PITT Whon Father J. V. Molloy'of tho Catholic churcb, and Archie Mar shall, aeorgo Bertram and Charles Magulrro, local. boys, cllmbod Mt. Pltt( or McLougblln), Saturday, It was tho 56th tinio this year that tho tip has been reached by climbing partlos. Tho trip was mado without misadventure The party reports a magnificent view ' from the summit, ) MARKET REPORT PORTLAND, Sept. 6. Cattle steady; hogs 60 to 75 cents higher yosterday, prime light , $11.25 to $11.75. steady today at yesterday's advance; sheep steady; eggs and butter steady. HAVK BABY SON. A baby boy was born on Sunday to Mr. ana Mrs. William Swoet at their homo In this city. Dr. T. C. Campbell was In attendance and re ports that mother and baby aro doing nicely. HIXDEBIUND FOLK PARENTS Dr. E. I). l-amb reports the arrival ot an eight and one-half pound hoy In the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mlohaelson ot Hlldabraud, Friday, SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. . It will not bo the fault ot tho United States mints If silver dollars are not plentiful. The San Francisco, Denver, and Philadelphia mints soon will be turning out ono million bright silver dollars, running on a 4 hour basis. Already tho San Francisco mint Is stamping 250,000 dollars dally, wbllo tho Philadelphia mint saia to have twice tbo force, is turning out $260,000. at tho present rate ot coln'age, It Is said the government Is saving $5000 a day Interest on tho troasury notes thus cancelled. During tho vrar 279',000,000 Amer ican silver dollars were melted into bullion for sale to England, which In turn coined It for uso In East India, where the natives demand metal money. , F6r this bullion England paid tho United States $1 a fine ounoe, 1H cents charges and low rate of In terest. The United State Is paying 2 por cent on short term notes, which ore being replaced with the new coinage, .. " ' CHARLESTON-W. Va.. Sept.. 6 Labor day found tbo federal troops sent Into West Virginia's trouble area on tbo Boone-Logan county line patrolling tho district and clearing out such armed men as tbqy encount ered. A large number surrendered yesterday. AU who carried arms were forced to give themup. .They then wero sent from the region and to their homes. United Mine worker's loaders aided the troops In their work. Latest Teports indicated every thing quiet. Patrols aro searching every Inch ot the ground for burled weapons. Threo or tho five missing airmen .woro found dead today on Twonty Mllo croek. Anotbor was reported sovorcly Injured. No mention was mado of the fifth man, but officers thought ho was In tho wreckage of tho bomber that tell Saturday artor noon whllo traveling from Charleston to Langley field. m Labor Day Quietly . Celebrated Here Dale West, son ot Mr. and Mrs. L. A. West, won first prixe tor the largest sunflower shown at the pub lic market Saturday. He received $2. His sunflower won by a nar row margin, measuring 16 H inch es across while the next largest, ca tered by Frances Bennett, a Ninth street girl, measured exactly 16 Inches across. Frances will re ceive ono dollar as second prlxe. The Judges ot the contest wero John Brett, Chris B'.anea and I. O. Beardsler. I Labor Day was quietly observed In this city yesterday, a majority of tho people leaving the city for visits In the countryor taking motor trips to scenic spots in the nearby moun tains. Most ot the laboring men In dulged In deer hunting, having two days to tramp tho woods. The Central Labor council picnic was held about six miles up on the west shoro of Klamath lako and Chairman Conklln ot tho entertain ment committee, reports that nearly 400 peoplo were present. Tho day was given over to an old fntihlonod basket picnic. The trip was made on a barge pushed by the tug "Modoc." Tho afternoon was given over to dancing, music and an address the Rev. C .P. Trimble, City Scheml Start Anether Year9 Work a Klamath Falls youngsters .were on the street this morning with freshly scrubbed faces, dragging step and painfully new clothes, on their way to school. For 'two or three hburs this morning, these lovers of 'tong vacations, with nothing to do but swim, fish, play doll or Just tramp round, wero torcebly detained in school buildings about town, long enough to get their list of books and first assignments from their teachers and guides tor tho coming ninth months. Tomorow is to mark the real beginning with the bells ringing regularly at each morning, oxcoptlng Saturday and Sunday. by WEATHER REPORT OREGON -Tonight and Wednes day, fair. 4 Make that Idle 4oUr work I Pat ItUthoBaaki ' ' Shooting .Lead to Arrest; No One Hurt Prank Washington, colored, was arrested last night at 9:50 o'clock on Fourth street below tbo heating plant by Patrolmen Durham and McDonald. Washington is charged with having knowledge of tbo ori gin or some shooting which occured In front ot his home, Ho told tho patrolmen that ho thought It was "hacktlro" from an auto, then ad mitted tnero -were shots fired but dented being the party who,, fired them. Stanley Redkey and two oth er peoplo verified tho shots and stated that they originated la front Qt- the, Washington home., auordlai to the .police , rf - . J 1 I I