8, IMI THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TASMSlk i MATH FALL joins in the national demonstration of the better motion pictures a f & lbsbk 4-Annual fl W .sAv sW km kW B Hatmw B kW m -PTMBmr n bTJBBBBBBjbt kmwSlSmrSw arJBV bTJbbTS SBBbbStSBBbPKv ssHSBBBs' TiyCPr5Tr?y J rv-strJ"C(TLffM.rW culnintnrwt L - Slsa-ssw SjfJ ?5T?vK.rJijie. - CVEfti iCW &qrvI3 tXrS hflP A'JfSkWtJIttJa'. p.ear ! V . JWA jQTi f " ALRVfrVSvJamg2)tft. WltTWKCCTgtifcXQailITCB itwnwnti and V JyjjYK" vljSiiYxk)&M the Poster eKuJot Ola iOL the Banner hS!B ' AX'K AxDSL In front of theatre! mCSmToafjid "" -T2simtf5?RfcJ aK C JBJBV BNSSsohOw mJ immtS .as. "Jrv yO wntX HSiT,J.Vjr tl T" llltHH lffJJP;c'aP,G,7rft3tf i. lL2SftfO7 1 COME IN - IT'S B I Paramount 1 -"I rtf WEEK MEXT WEEK is Paramount Week the greatest days and nights of entertainment since the day when you saw your first circus. It's the fourth annual Paramount Week at that : and when anything hap pens four annu.il tltnctf in, the motion picture world you can wcger there's value then, in thrills and laughs and all the' marvelous sensations you get when you see a Paramount Picture Nothing lees than a national screen carnival that's what Paramount Week is I The greatest talent of the entire world prepares it for you I Paramount writers, actors and directors in Cali fornia, New York and London the largest organisation in filmdom, which works on a scale so huge and so suc cessful as to supply more than 11,200 theatres in U. S. A. alcntrwilh their photoplays year in, your out. In Paramount Wtk jou all lh bMt Paramount acl)Uvunms of Iho jor, Iha, graatut to at. But auch tl tha awift profrass of tha younf art of tha acratn, tucb ara tha alriklnr Ini provamtnta tvtty yaar, that tha aaaaon 1911-22 wilt brinf you aansatlonaj Improvamtnta In Paramount Plcturaa, graatlj outdliunclnc all past afforta, Improvcmanta In all thoaa vital dataila of a photoplay which maka your braath ccma qulcktr, and your j ahina brighur. And youll dadarc "TAafa tha baat ahow In town I" That'a what a Paramount Picrora' aiirajra la. BUgruTmtJUPpajaunoi f Si theB aaT In Cwxv r ifc UK, , b: It iuhki ih ilwatia tll U H, It U Jlnln IniUU g rt uriouuikii immii Ivr monun riciurea. Whan you iltla Imnncr bpH0 lu. ft t -(? " l If! .1 ).V t Jt .SSI" r .T! ' .JIM, j'l I I. I ' I , j At all these theatres, all next week Paramount Pictures will be shown STAR THEATRE:- September 4th and 5 th "BREWSTER'S MILLIONS" with Roscoe Arbuckle 6th and 7th-."WHAT'S WORTH WHILE" with Claire Winsor 8th "THE PRICE OF POSSESSION" with Ethel Clayton 9th and 10th--"THE INSIDE OF THE CUP" with Wm. P. Carleton FALL RIVER MILLS PARAMOUNT M'CLOUD OPERA HOUSE MONTAGUE PRATHER'S ' ? i u ti DUNSMUIfc-STRAND ETNA MILLS PHOTOPLAY REDDING REDDING WEED-CLUB HP f To Per&onal Mention o " Jaafe anf Mrs. D. V. Knykeadall aaa sorm. John, Bill and Vernon. aurlTed home last sight from a aioatli's motor trip to Creteent City and Hanhfleld. ' Richard K. Hannon Is In town this week-end preparatory to taking ap bis duties as principal of the Matin school. Miss Mary Craig arrlred last night from Knob Nosty, Missouri, and will Teeame her position as a teacher In the high school. Miss Helen Elliott of Berkeley who Is to teach In the city schools arriTed on last night's train and 'Is raalatsred at the White Pelican ho tel. James Perry. George Kite, Bob Jjnlsk and Winn Southwell will leare tonight for Diamond lake and lass mountain to spond two days a a eamplng trip. ' B. A. Alford accompanied by his stater, Mrs. L. F. WlllltU .left this morning by automobile for Taleat where Mrs. Wlllltts will re main for ten days. Mr. Alford will go on to California points where he will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brockonbrougb left this morning for Crater lake and Medford. They will be Joined by Mr. and Mrs. Potor A. Albertaon In Medford, who will leave here Sunday morning. Miss Anita Lawrence is spending a few days Is town from her home ht Merrill. Mr. Edward Weeton states that he will leave for a visit to Dea Moines, Jowa, Saturday September 10. Mr. Weston will go to Los Angeles then via the Santa Fe to Denver' v and Omaha, then to Dos Moines. He ex pects to be gone about a month. ' Miss Lois Sailor departod this morning for Salt Lake city where she will make arrangements for at tending the University of Utah. Miss Pallor Is a graduate of the Klamath eounty high school and her depart sr for Utah caused the regret of her many friends .here. Miss Nan Siemens, who has been aare , for ,, the, summer with, her guardian, Captain J. W. l.meaf, left this morning for her home In Portland. Mrs. H. J. Turner and small ton were passengers on this morning's outgoing train bound for Portland. Mrs. Turner has been hore tbls summer visiting her son, Alfred Cas te!, at Fort Klamath. J. M. Martin is a city business vis itor here this week-end from Port land. Frank Qlover is registered at the White Pelican hotel today from Potland, Oregon, having arrived on last night's train. D. M. McLemore and Luke E. Walker' left this morning for Lake view 'for tho round-up. They ex pect to see all tho races and most of the bucking contests, they re ported this morning before leaving, Ernest H. Lister wife and daugh ter. Helen, snd Miss Lida Flfleld all of Orants Pass, drove through Kla math Falls this morning on their way to Crater lake. L A. Whitney, watarmaster for the U. 8. It. S wbo resides op a farm on the Merrill road was a city visitor yesterday attending to busi ness affairs. O. Q. Johnston wm leave this afternoon .for Recreation creek where he will join Mrs. Johnston for tho next fow days, at their sum mer home on the creek. Miss Meta Chastaln left this morn ing for Weed where sbe will spend tho fortnight as the bouse guest of Mr. ssd Mrs. Rax McMillan. Additional Society Monday evenlny Miss Ilutb Lin sey entertained for her brother, Vern on Llnsoy on bis tworty-flrst birth day .with a surpriae party. A number of friends camo in for tho oYcn'lng andto help celobrato tho occasion. Tboy were: Misses Eva Jenkins, Inos Jonklns, Mary Jonklns, Myler Calk Ins, Teddy Durbln, Bcsslo Tuil, Qrota Madison, Marie Obonchaln, Vail, COOLEST THEATRE Df TOWN The Strand THEATRE Formerly the Momdale 1180 Mala St, The little bouse with big shows. 4 SUNDAY WILLIAM FARNUM -1 m Rex Beach Alaskan Masterpiece "The Spin" The greatest-Alaskan plcturo ever roaae in me nisiory or. moving pic tures and the Plctur -that made WILLIAM FARNUM. Also tho greatest fight In this picture over put on the screen. This Is a brand new Issuo of "THE HIHHLKIIH," 9 full reels. Don't miss It. Contin uous show 'Sunday starts at 1 p. m. also FORD WEEKLY Always interesting Basket Picnic -AT- BAKERS POINT ON UPPER KLAMATH LAKE Auspices Central Labor Council MONDAY, SEPT. 5TH. Barge will leave at 9:30 a. m, and 11:30 a. m. from Wickstrom's landing, Monday,' September 5th, ' Transportation free on both barge and bus. Bus leaves Central Hotel at 9: IS and 11:15 o. m. Special music to be arranged. Coffee will be served free Bring your cups, DANC ING ON BARGE. Rev. Trimble and Rev. Marshall will speak. fCars can get to Baker's .Point by turning to right on West Main and going past Cal. Ore. Power Co. Station. COME EVERYBODY WELCOME COME Clover and Marguerite Llnsoy, Mea dames L. Llnsey, Jack Herschberger. Kay Hunsakor, Messrs. Kenneth Meyers, Robert Cornish, Perry Wil son, Vernon Linsey, CI I ford Ilogue, Oeorge Stevenson, Dslos Mills and Frank Driscoll. Mrs. Charles Martin was hostess at a luncheon honoring Miss Cpu stanco Scballock, Friday of last weak at tho 8. K. Martin homo. Aftor lunchoon the guosts and hostess at tended the matlnoo. A list of the gueats follews: Miss Scballock, Zapha and Jean noger Tblrza andlfclon Andorson of Merrill, Edna Dunbar, Dorothy Dunham and EUa Maseey. Mrs. Leslie Rogers and Mrs. O. W. Robertson will be boetessea next Tuesday afternoon for tbe KUpi ladle's elub. ThU afternoon 'tjfl mark the opening of club activities for tho fall and winter and the host esses roquest all Elks wives to attssa and If tho have friends visiting them tbey will also be welcome at the Tomple on Tuesday." THY THE. NEW REX for roar Boa. day dlnnor Including U fried chicken. 11.00. Fruit Canning Time Last of Peaches A carload of Alberta Peaches, Bartlett Pears', Italian Prunes,. and Tomatoes from Rogue River will be here Tuesday. All Grocers Will Have , ! x Them on Sale; T This is the last of the Peaches and your last opportunity to, get them for 'canning, so order from your grocer now. , Wood-Curtis Company "ir