i r i THfe EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wrm BATUltlAY, Hi:iTKMltKR , II Diamond Deserted While Horaehide Toaacra Seek Deer UumoIiMI temporarily in forgotton nuy ttin nmnilitifa of the city lonRiio, alnco (hn deer Mnnion oonuil. Why Tfnnto tlmn bIiikkIiiiC nt n horsohldn rovjr'l otijuct hurled liy moro man when tho cntl of ilia wood In strong nml thoro In royaf sport to ho found within thorn?' With tho bringing In or door tho past two dnyo by nuccossful hunters, early ovnry hall playor who can secure a Kun hn announced hi In tendon of hitting for iiocrot spots whero door fiavo boon reported noon hi fair numhorn, It In unlit that nearly every player of tho flopro toam bus announced bin Intention of nooklng sport In tho weodn "Tor Hiimlny and It In said that tho Jewel loam faol tho iinmo way, A. mi tn tier of tho Kwauna toam also have planned hunts and several Plum hohri hiito loft to bo gono nt loost a week. Mndno park tomorrow will bo u deserted denotata plaro without tho city leagun tnamn within Its eon fraes. , IIKAITH TAIKH, Ilafilnnlnir today, and oncli Monday liercnflor, thoro will npponr In tlilil papor "Iloaltli Tnlka" hy I)r, Mnllolt, inttliiif forth tho curntlvo principles of OlilroprAOlIc treatment, Nothing In thu hlntory or tho human rnco has mado such strides In nllovlatlnr tho IIIh of mankind as linn Clilropractlo, llocolvod at first with skepticism, It baa won lis placo In tho vory front rnnhH of rurallvo agencies hy tho nhcer foreo of It triumph over din naso, Whothor you bolluvo In such n method, whotbor you nro or nro not suffering from some nllmnnt, tho In tellectual nonoflt to bo Rained from thene articles hy Dr. Mnllot will Justi fy your rondlng them and becoming familiar with tho underlying prin ciples of what bids fair to bo ono of llin rent ruratlro agencies of futurn generations. 3. It Q 6- NEW TODAY Colonial ono room cabins for houKokonpliiR, lltli near Main Ht., ono mbln vnciuil tomorrow, 3 TOiniX'CI-Proncli JUrul Uundry anil Cleaning bus ncss. (lood oay- Ing proposition for man and wlfo. Price I7C0.00. inOO.OO cash, bal- nnrn lornm to milt. Frnnrh Hand Laundry, 123 N. 4th Street. 3-7 FOIl HAL,B Flno nhow cniio In flrs'f TOW. HKNT 2 room npartmont, fur nished for light housekeeping. 1 2G por month, G27 Klamath Avonuo. I'hono 401, 3 a TIIJ TUB NEW ItKX for your Hun day dlnnor including fried chicken, 11.00. WANTKD Hmnll socond banded ! rlnriN condition. Hex Cufo. Inqulro at tho z-o FOR HKNT Furnished 4 room house nnd hath. Call 813 Lincoln. 3 cook ntovo. near Main Bt. Colonial Iloomn, 11th ! IiniNO OIILKIBI) to movo to dryor' and higher nltltudo an account of sickness, will exchange our proportyi near Halom, for property In or noar Klnmiith Fall, up wnnM rnnfilflnp stock, Implement and lonso on Reed ' rami, iiox IK n iiorald office . 3- Three Deer Bagged' By Dorria Hunters DMlltlB. Cal., Hopl,, 3 Throo lucky sportsmen returned to Dorrls the first dny of tho dcor season with three blR huekn killed In tho vicinity of the "Nigger Holo." lions .Wllklns, Htanloy Huns nnd J00 HorxoR each brouitht In fine bucks. Ilorzog bag- god a fliiro pointer One of the three wan n Iiiiro mule tall welKliltiK '219 pounds. Kuineriiui liiintnr are In tho woods thin week nrmed with n rifle. Deer nro reported to be wry plenti ful In Hlsklyou county thin enon, especially In tho Medlrlno lako nnd l.n-a lied regions. Kuvoml barn been killed already by Miicdoel hunters Other sportsmen nro eipicleil to re 'turn with tin) limit before the week I1 nut ' Hotel Under New Management Till: KTItAND. 'Die Htrand tbeatro will abow Hun day nlmi full Teelii of Itox lleiirh'ii fiiinoii!) northern utory, "Tho Hpoll cm' und nn(i of the rtronr.ent nrtor on the -.liver ncretn, William Pur num will piny tho IcndlnR rolo of "lloy Qlonlntor." Too much cannot bo nald Ot thin never tlrliiR and eter ItitoreRtlnR intory This tbrllllnR romnnro nf the koUI flrld of our Kreut norlbwvit, la HtronR In iwmtlmont, In nteeped In florro primitive rrnihlonn Inspired by InsldlouH evils that Invert tho clou InR colls of u Rruat conspiracy for robblniTTionent toll of Us Rolden fruits,' a'fter It bus braved privations with doath ever Imminent, day by day or IhrouRh tholonR nlr.ht of tho mltlnlnht snn. It has tho bettor and brlRhterrthlnps In rnntruHlInn flK ures'to tho ruRReil miners, Is sweet nnd' refreehlnR mi rellnnt nnd Im perious womnn hood, to Klvo It In ternet In unusual ways, soberlnc nnd'HurprlaltiR as It touches tho hf arts nnd ncllons of riiRRed nnd bnt tllOR mon. 'These stronK elements In tbo meltlnR pot of this romnnro, fum to mnko a grcnl work Intense, pIctufcBHUo and potential bejond romp.iro, on far ns current production nt motion pictures In conromed. Chicken Dinner Served Sunday Evening from S to 7 BONANZA HOTEL Bonanza, Ore. Auto parties especially invited You Would Write Right UBE a FOUNTAIN TEN. Wo bavo in our stock a lino of PBNB that ro durablo and Ruarantood, Not tbo kind that blots and falls to write wbon you most' want It to. Call and aco our lino ot PKNB and lot us explain their Reed points. H. J. WINTERS GRADUATE OPTICXAir 766 MAIN BTRKET A Reed bod and a Reed bath at Colonial rooms, 11th nonr Main ,flt and nt Colonial nnnox, 741 Walnut Avo, AJt outside nlry rooms, 3 THE 1IOMR JtOOMINO HOUSE BM boon sold nndithoso who nro owlac tbo landlady their room ront pleas. loavo at tho Herald offlco. 3-6 FOIt HUNT t room furnished apart mont, RaraRo, telophono and bath. 41C S. IUvcrsldo. Phono 192M. a Make Deer Hunters Attention! MMAAMsiAAAMAk BRING YOUR BUCKS TO ME! I'LL DIHl'LAY IT IN MY HHOW WINDOW, D1UJKH IT, CUT IT AND PUT IT IN (OLD HTOItAOK FREE OF CHARGE! LINCOLN MARKET C. F. W. WfCltNEn, Prop Tclephono Sll-J Klamath Falls, Ore Mnln at Third Hie OREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN" PORTLAND fkiutv't, . 4 mi HEALTH THAT REDUCES GOITRE jMAAMAAAMWW u-. .Saturday Health Talk No. 1. Dy Ih OKO. K. MAUW7T2 Ooltro Is a swolllng of tho thy roid Rland. It Is usually accompanied by stomach weakness. There nro sev eral varlotlcs of goitre. Tho watery type Is oaslly and quickly subdued, but tbo other varieties aro moro stubborn In yielding to chiropractic spinal ad justments. A .,,icA Uaela He Bays: "Better mu sic than tho ring ot money Is tho ring ot health In your voice." (MMAMMWWW $4 Cooking Electrically O V4 Cake& LikeAhfher mkei &fiy! how ecouF with j J pure,cr,9m.. the ideal method Electrically equipped kitchens hold no terrors for the housewife. They are cool, cozy, and comfortable in the summer. They eliminate ' the drudgery, the grime and the nerve racking tension caused by wood stoves. The expense is surprising ly low. Let us tell you about it. t The California Oregon Power Company i "Let us be your servant' POPULAR SPACIOUS LOHDY 4 At the Center of Everything IinOADWAY at STAItK ST. Wo suggest yov write, phone or wire for reservations Arthur H. Meyers, Manager HEALTHFOIWWS CHIROPAACTIC corneas PRESSURE ON SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES Of THE rOUXmiNG ORGANS: HUB HEART "LUNGS UVEH STOMACH 'PANCREAS J SPLEEN IDNEVS 3WELS gJv 'APPENDIX 6 NNAIAOOFD I Spiiul GliunHO WR UHSI The lower nerve UNOER THE MAGNIFY NO CLASS IS PINCHED BYAMIMUGNED JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL Re- MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS rREEASHATUMHrmwS. Tho causo Is removed by ad justmenta of aplnal bone affect ing tho nerve Impulses to the thyroid gland and the stomach. When such adjustments are fol lowed through to the point whoro tbo spinal nerves are freed ot tbe pressure caused by the dis turbed alignment of the spinal joints, the normal flow ot mervo Impulses restores a normal, con .Healthful Agaia. "For two years my wife had one of tho worst kind ot goitres. It affected her broatblng, and mado her nervous. Sbo took adjust ments for cloven months and now does all ot her. own work nnd feels good all tbo time." A. L. Da kcr, Chiropractic Research Bureau, Statement No. 12C0IL ACT TODAT Why delay when eonaal tatlon Is without charge. 9 Find out. DRS. MALLETT &MALLETT Office Over Underwoods Drug Store Phone 539-J for Appointment. Something That Will Grow AH Winter in This Climate YOUR MONEY i!L4 Kodak Work I Leave Your Rlttvs 'Before 9 OclocK-Your AM: PictUfas am ready at 5 ft ' I w Tfk Homta torn mghnute 30 HhiWffV) Gp4 I'l I J p PtWIIMfY rTTrrel & 3B4 !l Money is something that knows no seasons. It grows all the 'year around when deposited at interest. Open an account with this bank and your money will yield a nice income during the winter months and will be ready to meet your spring expense. We pay 4 interest on sayings deposits of any amount. Have you m of our New Book Banks ? KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE naJTOCOLAft PCOPLK UY THEIR DRUGS The First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. SBSl '" IK Ibis! H f vm H I 9 wkwkwmMMMmmMMMMmmMmMmmBsmkmBmWm