SATURDAY, BEPTHMliKll 8, 1WI1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON RAGH rovn MMMMMMMAAMMMAAMMMAMMVWWWWWWMWMWVVWVMWVVVVWVWVWV WM' QAfimAMMNft WMWWOWOWWIWWWWWWVWWWWWV1 wMISCELLANEOUS Is 1018-Dulck Four, guaranteed first class condition. Ileal bargain. 1 1917 Hudson Super Six, a real bargain and guaranteed first class condition. Torms. 1 1920 SoTcn passongcr Chandler. 'Llko now. A real bargain with terms. Inquire of J. C. WRIOHT OR BtJICK SALTS AND SERVICE CO. 7TH. AND KLAMATH AVK. FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room, bath and phono. 612 N. 9th street. 30-3 FOR SALE Alrodalo "pups. 311 Cypress Avo., near Klvorstdo school. Ralph Morrow. 30-C Twenty-five Years Ago In Linkville 31 AUCTION SALE Everything must go, Saturday 1:30 o'clock. Sec Dlek, 6th and Klamath avo. 1-3 FOR SALE Lot 25X110 on Spring treet. Railroad Add. Bncrlflco $780 for quick sale. II. Kindred. 6661 Gtoto St., Oakland, Calif. 1-7 VIjAY school Mary E. Rail Modern klndorgarton open to all children of pro-school ago. Contra! location. Phono U4W, 124 Joffori son Strcot. 30-3 Tho Turned Appartments, 812 Oak street: Two furnished rooms, wood, rater, light Included, $25.00, Blnglo $16.00 29-3 AUCTION SALE Everything must go, Saturday 1:30 o'clock. See Dick, 6th and Klamath avo. 13 FOR RENT 4 room furnished apart ment. Phone 273J. 1-3 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed room In furnaco heated home. Two blocks from Main. Phone 244. 31-3 TOUNO LADY wishes position doing clerical work and bookkeeping. Phone 209W. 2-3 FOR 8ALE Threshing machine belt 150 feet long In good condition. W. K. Ross, 906 Main St. 2-tf Colonial one room cabins for housekeeping. 741 Walnut Ave. Odb cabin Tacant. 2 FOR TRADE 1 only 191G Modol Dulck with dollvery body, will trade for secondhand household goods. Perkins Furntturo House. 29-3 WINTER 8EWIN3 Do It now. Rent a machine Inqulro Singer office. 208 Main. Special prices on Used machines. Repairing, cleaning, hem stitching done. 27-6 VtXim 'WN-Sk 7 WK.WKfe AK?rfirrself CtXf?ietCK IS CONVINCBO HE MADST A SEROUS MISTAKE WHEN ME. . ..... ..-... .. r.nti..W M....I PAINTUV Mi3VY'4r unciiri nnuj during tho past few months when FOR SALE 1920 Dodge touring car. fuuu'" """" " 7",, """ New rubber, first class mechanical thought to thom their full share condition. Inquire Houston & Pholps. !Etf CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed, call 10P.88. NURSERY STOCK For Fall dell Tory order now. Tho Balom Nur sery Co., offer a splendid lino of trees, shrubs and Tines for fruit, shado and ornamental purposes. Orders taken by W. 8. Slough, Agt. 131 Washington St., Phono 464. 24-C FOR RENT 3 room furnished npart- mont. 634 N. 8th Street, Phono 413J. 2-6 FOR SALE Ford touring car. Ask for Dan at Ackley's Mill or 1406 Oregon Avo., after 5 p. m.. Phono 43W. 2-3 LOST Between Hunt Hospital and Johnson Avonuo, purso containing ten dollars or more In currency. Fin der plcaso return to Mrs. J. II. Co Tort. 1605 Johnson Avo. 2 CinLDREX'S DRESSES. Tho Ladles Aid of MerrlU will sell lorely Children's Dresses at Grand Central Market tomorrow. 2 BUSINESS TRAINING PAYS-i-Ono term with us and one year at a good salary in a business offlco makes tho best Two-year Course Winter term begins Sept., 15. Mod ford Business College, Mcdford, Oro. 2-16 of -worries. What It moans to tho gonoral public may bo realized, in a measure by tens of millions of American picture-lows during Paramount week. AT THE CHURCHES CHHIHTIAN Cinmcit. corner 0th and Pine streets, C. F. Trimble, pat tor, 2107 Wantland At. Phone 239-It. ZtKOOLUVION No cbangot will be made In this column unless tho copy Is at The Eronlng Horald offlco by 5 o'clock Friday evening. C The City Engineer pursuant to Resolution of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having on the 1st day of August, 1921, filed plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of Improving Oak Avenue from Sixth Btroet to Spring Street, Wal nut Avonuo from Blxth Btroet to Ninth Street, Boventh Stroet from Klamath Aonuo to Oak Avonuo, Eighth Strcot from Walnut Avenue to SACRED HEART ClOTtOU. cor. of Eighth and High, Rev. Hugh J. Mar-,0.?" AvJ)UAu nd Ninth Street from shall, Rev. J. V. Molloy. SUMMER SCHEDULE 1st Mass at 6:30 WANTED Placo for boy of 8 yoars to board whllo attending school. Address. Box E. H.. Horald. 2 UE TON HIT IEKMIIED In the motion picture Industry tho week of September '4-10 is Para mount Woek, and will bo celebra ted In no fewer than 7000 motlon'Btage and screen talent. Its writers picture theatres in the United States. .include mnnv of tho most widow the exhibitors of motion pictures in tho country, and they oro served by 250 salesmen operating from 30 branch offices, Tho vast studies and laboratories where this company produces Its Paramount pictures for tho enter tainment of Axnorica's millions are located in Los Angeles, New York and London. In these centers are gathered together the 'pick of the literary and dramatic brains and genius of tho world. Its directors are tho leaders In the profession, Its actors represent the cream of From Easton, Mo. to San Diego Cal.; from Seattle to Key West there Is not a town of importance that will not Join la this big an- read authors and most successful dramatists of the present day. Blr James M. Barrio, Sir Ollbert Park er, Edward Knoblock, Robert Hlch- nual demonstration of tho better' ons. Elinor Olvn. Henrv Arthur motion pictures. For a solid week, j Jones, .A very Hopwood E. Phillips '""' muusouas .oi weaires wiu.Oppenhoim, Samuel Merwln, W. show nothing but Paramount pic tures. t That this huge number of mo tion picture exhibitors can bo mar shalled for tho showing of a sin gle brand of pictures In their thea tres for seven successive days, to the Somerset Maugham, Joseph Conrad and Harvey J. O'HIggins are but a few of tho celebrities that this company has brought Into tho movies. Klamath Avonuo to Oak Avonuo, In cluding intorosecttons, and tho Coun cil having taken tho sarao under mlvlaftniimt nnil flnrilnir ant.l nlfltla. 2nd Mass and Benediction at 9:30. .ifi.tin. nmi ..m,,,.... m , No evening services. (satisfactory. CHRISTIAN; VlENCE society of I HEREUY RESOLVED, that w. ... r. ..... . . . ? mW Plans, specifications and ostl- Klamath Falls hold services In the mat0a tor tho mpr0voment of Oak lowor room of tho Library building, I Avenue from Blxth Btroet to Spring corner of Third and Main streeU, 'Strcot, Wntnut Avonuo from Blxth to every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock I 'nlh ,g,r71' 8oTC,ntn street from ... I w a . . . Klamnth Avonuu to Oak Avonuo, and every Wednesday evening at 8 E,Rhth 8treot from Wnlnut Avcnuo O Clock. In Oak Avrnuo nnd Ninth Htnot f rum The Sunday school session is from Klamnth Avonuo to Oak Avonuo, In-' thn'city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, :45 to 10:45 every Sunday morn1 Ing. The subject for Sunday Is: "Man." The frco roadlng room and froo lib, 10a, 10b, Da, 9b, Ha, 8b, also 16n, 1SU, 10c, 10a, 16b, 17n, 17b, 18n, 18b, 19a. 19b, 20n, 20b, 21a, 21b, nil In Bloek 0 Railroad Addi tion; Lots 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, 11a, lib, 10a, 10b, 10c, lOd, 9a, HI), 8n, 8b, nnd Lots 10, 14a, 14b, 10a, lRb, 16n, 16b, nil in Block 2 Rail road Addition; In, lb, 2a, 2b, Cn, 3b, 4a, 4b, Oil, 6b, 6a, 6b, 7n, 7b, 8n, 8b, 9n, 8b. 10n. 10b, also 39a, 30b,' 49a, 40b, 38a, 08b, 37n, 07b, 30n, 36b, 060, 30b, 04a, 84b, 38n, 33b, 31a. 81b. 81a. Sib. all In llloek 7 of tho Railroad Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; Lot 1 and 1 Block 1, and Loin 1 and 1 IMock I Railroad Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon and that aeroaga property bounded by Eighth aad Nlsta streets and Walnnt nnd Oak Avonuo; also Lota I, T, 8, 9, 10, Block 77, Lots 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, Block 83, Lota 6, T, 8, I. 10, llloek 78, Lots 1, 9, 3, 4, I, Block 82, nil In Klamath Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; and tho southeasterly half of that certain acreage bloek bounded by Block 78 Klamath Addition. Walnut and Kla math Avenues and Ninth street; also lots 8, 10, Bloex 3, and 7, 8, Block 6, Canal Addition to tbo City of Kla math Falls, Oregon; also Ixls 1, 10, Rlock 77. Lots 0, 6, Block 78, Lots 1, 10. Block 88. Lots 6. 6. Bloek 81, Lota 1. 2. Block 94. Lots 4 6. Block 90 Klamath Addition to the cltr of Klamath Falls, Oregon; also Lots 1, 10. Block 78. Lots 1, 10, Block 81 lots 1, 10, Block 95 In Klamath Ad dition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Lots 9, 10, Block 1, Hoi lister Addition to the City of Kla math Falls, Oregon; also Lots 8, 10, Block 8, LoU 7, 8, Block 0, Lot 6, Block T, Canal Addition to th City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, aad Lots 1. 1, Block 1. Holllster Add!- tlon and that certain acreage pro perty abutting 104 feet on Klamath Avenue and 110 feet on Ninth Btreet In the acreage block heretofore des cribed ss hounded by Block 78, Klsv mnth Addition, Walnut Avenue, Kla math Avenue and Ninth Street; and that said property above listed and described be and hereby Is deolsred to be assessed for the expense of said Improvement. And bo It further resolved that Monday tho 19th day of Sept., 1911. at the hour or eight o'clock I. M at tbo Council Chambers at tho City Hall be fixed as the time and place ror tho bearing or objections and remonstrances sgalnst tbo said pro posed Improvement and the Police Judge Is hereby directed to cause nottco of said bearing to be publish ed ni by Chartor Provided. State of Oregon, County or Klamnth. Cltr af Klamath Falls, ns, A. I Lsvitt. Police Judge of tho Inst publication being OotobiB lOlh', 1021. ... J This summons Is served by Pjuas tlon, by ordor of tho Honorable It. H. Bunnell, Judge of tho county court of tho Hlutn of Oregon for Klemat County, tinted Aug. 37, 1911, wala ordor required that summons M utibllsliDii mice a week for six cos- auccivibIvo weeks, tho first psbllcatloa being August 29, 1921 ,. MANNING A GANONG, PInlntlff's attorneys, iwhoso office? and post offlco address Is Loomle Building, Klamath Falls, KlamaUi County, Oregon. Aug. 29-5-12-19-26-Oct. S-10. m wg-ggggm NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In tho 'county Court or the State el Orgon for the County of KUstath. In tho matter of tho Estate of K. II. Edmonds, deceased. Notlro is hereby given that Warn Edmonds, Administratrix of the nbovo entitled estate, on the 11th day of August, 1911 filed hsr final ae count, and that Monday, the 11th 4r of September, 1921, at the hour of 1 o'clock In tho arternoon of asM day In thn Court Room of the above entitled Court In the County Covrt Honse, In tho City of KlamaUi Falls, of Klamath County, and BUte of Ores-on has been fixed by the Court as the ttme and plaos where It win hear objections to ssld account aaa sottln thn same and all persons desir ing to object to said account shall file their objections with the elsrk of said Court on or before said date, or shall sppoar at ssld hesrlof u4 9r sonslly object thsrsto. Dated Aug. II. 1911. MINA sWMOrfDt, Administratrix of the state of H. . Kdmoads, deceased. 11-19-17-M NOTICW FOR PCBUOA3305. (Publisher) eluding intcrosoctions, bo and tho ll0 hereby certify that tho foregoing same oro hereby approved, nnd. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That tho Common Council hereby de clares Its Intontlon to ImDrovo said lending library Is open from 2:30 to I portlona of said streets In accordonco 4:30 on Tuesdays. Thursdays and wh said plans, specifications and cs o.....j Jtlmatcs; said Improvements to con- saturdaya. iBBt ot paYnB ad portions of said .. I streets with Wllllto. Asphnltlc Con- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner 'croto, IUthullthlc or Concrete The Washington and Eighth. A. F. Sim- estimated cost of Improving of said mons, pastor. Residence 612 Calltor- Portions of said streets with Wll nin nvnnnn i "to Asphaltic Concrcto or Ulthullthlc rm. , ., . y. u . ' ,0 bo $92,154.95; tho ostlmatod cost Tho First Baptist church moots of tho improvement of said portions for worship every Lord's Day at their of said streets with Concroto to bo placo of worship, cornor of 8th and $96,764.95, Said cost Including grnd Washlngton streets. Mtwl'' CUtbl"e and wncret0 1 At tho First Baptist church Lords xND nE IT rURTHER REBOLV. Day, Septombor 4, 1921, will be ob- ED. by the Common Council that tho! served as follews: following described proporty bo and Preaching at 11 a. m. I1' " hereby deolared bonefltted by BYPUat7nm l"11 ,niP0eMnt, to-wlt: Preachlns at 8 d m 8 7 " 10 D,ock " ljoilt 1 reaching at 8 p. m. fl 7j g 9 10 n,ock g2 2 S. 4. 8. Block 94. Lots 1, 3, 8, 4, 6, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Block 95 all In Klamath Addition to Tenth and High, Rev. S. J. Cbaney, tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon; pastor, 1005 High St., Phono 637-W. &?.. V. ? ;' 8; 9; DJ0 J. '...V """ . " ' u Is the duty enrolled copy of a reso lution adopted by tho Common Coun cil on tho 22nd day nt August, 1921, declaring Its Intention in Improve Oak Avenue from Sixth Strcnt to Spring Street, Walnut Avenue from Sixth Street to Ninth Btreot, Beronth Strcot from Klamnth Avonuo to Oak Avonuo, Eighth Street from Walnut Avonuo to Oak Avonuo, and Ninth Street from Klamath Avonuo to Oak Avonuo, Including Intersections. A. U LEAVITT, Pollco Judge. 8-19 I Bloek 7. Cana! Artrtlllnn S S vnuvr PiM.-nnvrPTiiav rminmii m n i m..L . I Twenty separate producing units.. Mrnal. Bllth M, PlnB -M... n. dltlo ' xlL '. .' WRtaVv e" cX ------ . - ..vv. aw .17 .' -w w p f H-int each with Its own players, director exclusion of nit nth am u miifiA nn.i.1 y ' -- ---., ., uhuu uwo--nn1 sis)laiein iHwam m a..- a. rem f !8 ,ref.UrCe1,aud V'w 8Conar, wrlt0"' constantly tern of an organization which. leisL .i. .. ... ....j... t . i ""' "i iue biuuiub. ineao worK- organization which, less than ton years old, is ono of tho wonders of the business world. Tho Famous Players-Lasky cor era are augumonted by an army t architects, Interior decorators cos tumo llcslgners carpentors, electrl"- poratlon, the company that produces ifln nmm.r.v .n 1 . lT2-!!r.!r.J2"' e1"!.1"-"- ,n " "-' "oporty is an organization or more than 8800 permanent employees. It Is a union or several or tbo larger companies which were pioneers In tbo produc tion and distribution of tbo modern, or multiple-reel, typo ot picture. It Is backed by millions in capital and transacts a third of -what may be called tbo wholesale business of the film Industry. Its retail clients Arthur Rice, minister. i.v Tnsn CIRCUIT COURT of tub KTATE OK OREGON !OH KLA MATH COUNTY. Summons. Equity No. 1889 Adsl Williams Rodrlguei, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Rodriguez. Defendant. TO FRANK RODRIGUEZ, DEFEN- DANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint riled a gainst you In tho above entitled suit, on or boforo Tuesday, the 11th day Dnsutmrnt of the ' U. H. Iari Office Not Coal i nt Lakevlew, Ore August 11, 19SH. Notice is hereby given that William Henry HudUy, of Merrill, Oregon, who, on January 17th, 1917, suae Additional Homestead Entry, No, 09616, for liWKBBU. Section II, Township 40 8. Range 11 . Wllllsmstte MertdUn, has Olesl tiotko of Intention to name final three-year Proof, to establish data to the land abovs described, before O. It. LoLap, Clerk of tbe County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, oa the 21rd day of Bsptembsr, 1911. Clslmsnt nsmos as witnesses: A. a Sutherland, William Coram, Frank Hedrlck, Eugene Hammond, all of Merrill, Oregon. Notice will bo published for five consecuttvo weeks In tho Klemata Horald. JA8. r. OUUOHM, 13-30-27-3-10 Rsglster. 'addition; Lots la, lb, lc. Id, la, 2b,iOf October, 1921, and for failure to rooms contain hundreds ot tbou-i snta hIkaab .. u-uo ui, ifum rare antiques ixbo Holy City." mu y.i-wuua uki uujects aown 10 tho simplest utilitarian artlclo. What this Immense orgonlzatlou, with Its unlimited resources, nnd its constant flow of product, the best that tho market affords, means to tbo country's exhibitors, has been thoroughly appreciated by thom from 2c, 2d. 2o, Lots 3a, 3b, 3c, 8d LoU in ih An AA T t K. KK I. K.A ruuivrci, iiimriini nu....v. J " 'T' -! '" "yy "i ' "" ..-..w .. .. vuu.u ju on Bl) Bc B(J Lo,, 7n 7b 7o Eleventh and High streets, Rov. J. 7d, 8c, 8d, Lots 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, all In H. Dickson, pastor; High St.; Phone Block 6; LoU la, lb, lc, 2a, 2b, S02J. I3 8b 4 4b 6- 6b 0c- 0I niblo school nt 10 a m Ileulah Za' 7b' '" ,b' oIa0 3Ba 89b uibio scnooi at 10 a. m., ueuinu 89C 40o 40b( 3g0i 38b( 87fti 37b Jarvls, supt. S6a, 36b, 86a, 85b, 34a, 34b, 33a, Morning worship at 11 o'clock, 33b 82a, 88b, 81a, 81b, all In Block subject of tho pastor's dlscourso Railroad Addition to tho City ot mamma sviis, urgeon; iots 130, 1QS lDi. Hit r... u- Ul. t- Holy Communion at tbe close ot ui 14e; 180( 12b; ,M this service. (Lots 11a, lib, lie, lid, Lots 10a, Evening service at 7:30 p. m. 10b, 10s, lOd, LoU 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, Subject of the sermon "Life's Drama u 8a' 'b' .8c M. In Dlock 4 ot iviuiroau aamon to ino uuy or embrace nearly .three-quarters ot alltlmo to time, ana- never more than ... is. n...U n... is """' "" -" , n , Mtnuith Falls. Oregen: LoU 18a. Why so much crlmo? Come and i8b, 18s, LoU 14a, 14b. 12o. 12b. lot us reason together. Bible study 11a, lib, 10a, 10b. 9s, 9b. 8a. 8b. and prayor meeting Thursday oven- ftlo LoU 16a, 16b, 15c, 16a, 18a, snld complaint, tho first publication ing at 7:30. 13b 13c lin lib J2n lab' lln.thoroof bolng August 29th, 1921 and appear and nnswer nlalnttff will apply to tbo court ror tho rellof pray ed for In her complaint, to-wlt: for a Judgment and decree or tbo abovs ontltlod court as follews: 1, That tbe bonds or matrimony now existing botween plaintiff and defendant bo dlssolvod, on tho grounds or cruol and Inbumnn treat ment rondorlng plaintiff's life miser able burdonsome and unhappy, 3. That plaintiff's maiden name, to-wlt, Adal Wlllams, be restored to hor, and that plaintiff have such fur ther roller as to oqulty and good con science may appertain and as to tho court may seem moot. October 11th, 1921 Is tho last day or the tlmo prescribed In the ordor ror publication or this summons In which you may appear and answer NOTICE TO TAXPAYKM. You srs hereby nottrtsd that the Hoard or Equalisation will attest est Bnptomber II. 1921, (the eeoMt Mondsy In September) at the totaty Judge's iifflro In the oldest eeart house, snd w" remain In seealM fer thirty dsys from that date for Ue purposa of examining the asesessaeat rolls ror tbo year 1921, aad correct ing all errors In valuation, dsscrts tlon or qualities or land, loU or other proporty assessed by the assessor. II shall bo tho duty or all persons later- estcd to sppear at the time aad flees appointed. All protests sgsinst Vklustloas ste ed by the ssssssor must be files' wll the bosrd during the first Ua 4ei ot said session. w. t. vmm, Assessor of KIsmsU Ostatr. 26-11 . DOINGS OF THE DUFFS NOTICE OF BOND OFFHsUNO. Seated propossls will be receive by tbe Common Council of tbe Otty of Klamath Falls, Oregon, fer the purchase of an Issue ot $60,000.09 gonsral obligation boads, In deno minations of $1000.00 or $609.01, maturing In fifteen years from Au gust 1st, 1921, without right of prior redemption. Ssld Issue to be known as "Klamath Falls, Sewer Bonds" bearing a rato of Interest of per oent per annum, oarabls asml an. nuolly. Both principal and laUrest payable at tho Oregon Fiscal As-ane in Now York City. Bald bonds are Issued and dlsposod of under the chartur of satd city. Each proposal to purchase mast filed with the Police Judge of sals city o or bofore 8 o'clock P. M., of Ostober Ird, 1911, and be aoooaw anted by a certified check oa soss responsible banking Institution for 6 per cont or amount of the proposal. Bald issue will be disposed of at mm leas tbsn par and aeoured latereat Tho council reserving- the right tn reject any and all proposals. .. , x' L- uulvtpp, Police Judge of th City ot KUmata Falls, Oregon. tl-ll The Bom Never Missed Him I SUPPOSE THE BOSS WILL BE PEEVED AT KME BECAUSE I STAGED A WAV SO LONG' "m i o4 SJ - 'J t c amW fr&W saw "1 yFL JL'ii SSSjapyTt wu-fflL-aBi JASSSBBBBBBBBSea'la"" fcMesMU1 HELLO,MlSS EATON! WELL, I'M BACK ON THE JOBA3A1N! IS THE BOSS IM? BYALLMAN eU. tSwSItTM THE BOSS IS HERE NOW! -J flS&iSJP' I ' T, ,!Jr k L HE'LL PROBABLY START 2, SM M- ' TTV 5W " JjL E MORNING RIGHT BV W yMiA?0 lakL i.. --. " .. PANNING ME FOR STAWS ' e VACATION ? -JjK. " " auaaasssssssee. mj li wis i ws i Bss.MsssssssaesSBSBSSSaws.esjawsssssssssse-J saeayssMMMeMM ..