taqe jkkk JHjEJEVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1IHI1 The Office Cat ' c IIY JUNIUS ' ' Tho Shine. Wearily I clamber To Iho dlxxy holght Of the loathor notice; Not ,al(wojrd la spoken Lanquldly tho bootblack .Applies 'the polish To my s,npos. Ho make few Keablo puma over tbom With 'a clolh imparling a duU glow, Wearily I elnntber ijuwn And hand hltu 1C cents, Not a word Ii spoken. Hand that grasp too much hold but lttle,,viiB7jri' Word. Tho Drmon Mako-Up Man. From too Warren, III., Hontlnol , HuruliI Harry, Crouso, residing north ot War mo, was overcomo by tho heat n few days' Jigo. (Vou should wear either a Henderson or Gosaard Corset sold at Frank Jowelfi. flutti AMlnlty. Atjuiq ot tho special events, n Imly had responded bonutlfully to soycrnl ncoroi. Another woman silting on the (Ida turnod to a friend ilttlnR near her nnd remarked "8bo has ciultn a ruportolro, hain't she!" "Tea." nnsworcd the friend. "Hut aha dreams no Kho'doesn't show It." I om' Hivw tAmlUhncM. I loshT'mV ll'l vn'ri' I'm 'frn'ld ho got In Jnll, Ha icol too nay and sassy And , Clipped his I.t'l lull. lie twirled Ms roguish whiskers, And flapped his flipper fin And yot so, sweet nnd guileless. How1could they run him InT Havo you sheen my ll'l walrus, You'vd know him )r hi salt, A sinuous rollinc motion, A wriggling huxhltatu. I know some cop did spy him And thought his danco too crude, And took, blm to tha boshgow Now wouldn't that bo rudo? And Nowl want my walrus, I've loah my ll'l pot, Jus' ono drink or maybo two, ''Twaa that mado mo forgot Bho(lf you ehce my walrus. Jus bring, him. back to mo, I'll bo waiting for him, molstly, Vlth my arms around thlsh tree. ,11. C, Qroosbock asks what occupa tion did tho army of bootloggora foN law before prohibition gavo them n chance to earn a dishonest HvlngT Will Again Conduct Local Play School ,s1,lii Mary E. Hall will roopon tho play school "which was successfully conductod last fall and early win ter. Tho splondcd support gtron was grontly 'npproclatod and has mado this second term possible, nays MUs JjuU. Tho same modern mothods prac tised f at v San Joso stnto toucher's coUego'nnd 'University 'of California play aohool aro uuod In developing tho child throo fold mentally, mor ally,', and physlcully. Llko'inany school today tho cry for truo ' doraocracy Js tryng to bo answered In tho socialization of tho child, teaching him' adaptability and rospoct of othors' rights and pro perty. (Tho day's activities consists of rhythms, handwork, songs nuturo study and games. Things both beautiful and usoful aro lonrnod by interested children, The present location of tho Mary Ball Play School Is in iho baso- w.. .. Outbursts of Everett True By Condon f mAaAmmmim s. rnont or tho Presbyterian church nt tho cornur of Sixth and I'lno street. LOANS READY 8AI.K.M, Oregon, Keptombor 2. Kitty thousand application blanks for muklng application for tho Oro gon stnto loan nnd bonus which "wan toted to Oregon's cx-servlco men by tho people last Juno, aro now' being distributed to uyery part of tho statu. Those blank forms, upon which tho applicants must estab lish their eligibility for tho bonus, nro being sent to American Legion posts of which tnero aro 104 in (bo state with tbo request that tho posts clre tbem io all ellglbto ex-sorvlco men. This action waa takom by tho stato bonus commission in ordor to savo considerable tlmo in getting Iho bonus and loans Into the bands ot tho ox-servlco men. Tho Initial bond tssuo of C,000 000, already la being floated. Illds aro to bo opened October 10th and tbo com mission expects to havo monoy ready by November 1st. Dy having the applications como In .early tho commission hopes to havo 'a largo number of chocks roady for dis tribution tbo moment tho funds aro ronllted from tho salo of bonds. 8teps 'hnvo been token by tho com mission to Intorcst tho bond buying market of tho notlro United States. Tho bonds nro to bo sold nt or above and not to exceed six por cont Intorcst and tho commission expects to sell at an Interest rato ot about flvo and ono-half per cent. 1 Tho ndmlnlstratlvo forco to han- dlo this big tnsk of passing upon applications has already been cro atad In tho U. 8. National Dank llldg. nt Salem, headed by Harry C. Urumbaugh, an overseas votornn. Tho necessary funds for on enorgotlc administration of tho law havo nlso boon prpvldod. Commissioners say .that Jho lonn fenturo, which nppeals to a majority of tho ox-Borvlco men, nocossarlly will bo n slowoc process but .that tho commission -will con tlnuo to follow ItH past policy of avoiding any and all nvoldnblo de lays. Only" un unoxpoctod sult to test tho constitutionality of tho law wilt now provont payment of sovornl thousand claims In Navonibor. such u suit hnH not boon launched by tho commlsslonurs becnuso ot tholr hollot In thu constitutionality of tho law and falluro of tbo bond to sell alouo might make such u suit ne cessary. , Make that idlo dollar work! Put it inj Uio bank, 'A ml . V, iMGWipAPefC. NOT OH MY APPLICATIONS FOR SOLDIERS' .!. -i-i-, i--vifvr(Anru'uvun.nj-uLariA ,. - - m m ,- "yV--u-ynnAJ-UVVVVVl. peculiarities of Stature. Stature depend 'i good ileal on ell mote. The HiiMitncn lle In tho grent Knlnhnrl desert, the tnll Poljnrslnns on the I'nqltlc Islnuds, end enjoy nil the iMhuntiiKcs nnture enn bestow. The lliittenlots, of the sntmi nice as tho lluIim'n. hut Inhabiting more fcr tllo country, nru upprrclnhly tnllcr. On tlm higher ground tho teople are usually shorter, so thnt the Httl's nnd rentrnl Kurupenns gciifrnllynre stocky rather than tnll. Sometimes stature tm with the clnst of men. Hnrly emigrant to Amerlrn beforo things were inuile riuy by the stiiunshlp com pfllitrs, were awnjp tnller Ihnn the rncoi from which they hnd sprung. Thoy were picked men, full of physical lgor nnd counigv. Stnturu varies nlso ucctinllug to prnferslon. About half the profeMloiuil nnd ecrleslnitlcal rlnises uro tnll men. but only about one In ten of the roblilers, wenter and tailors renrh tho height of five feet sot en Inches, I Orrjoo'i llitlicr Intlltutlon ol TECHNOLOGY Elfht Schools; Setrnty Deputmtnlt FALtURM OPtNS SEIT, 19, 1921 lula'oiniiiuaiiKltiki Rcritifir Orcppn Agricultural College COUVAULIS DR. T. C CAMPBELL PHYHICIAN AXD BCKQltOII I.O.O. r.Salldijgt Phoe,BO ' Itcsldenrc VM Tine St. I'hono SOO.R. DR. & A. MASSEY roBrth ud Pine lis. t In Warren Bunt Uosplui Oft. Phone 7 Res. Pbpne lai m0 Offlco Phone 177W Res 177R ' Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Uulldlng Klamath "Falls" " " Oregon IMOWtfWWWWMWWWftWWMWMrtW HfifW j. o. ci.Konon.v CIVIL ENOINEER AND BUnVHYOH , Phone 192J 133 S. Riverside : t Holliday Dairy Wholcsnlo and Itetnll ..PiUiturlKd Milk anil Croain.. Phone 501-J. )'': Portraits and ; Enlargements , , Art frnmcR nnd framing. 1 HENLINE PHOTO SHOP Opposlto oourtboaae Phone 80 087 Mala Mtjj FRED WESTERFELD UBNTMT Pkone 4I4W. X-IUy Laborator Uwsala Bid., KlaauiJi FalU Premium, Dairy Otdtet IteUil Dairy la Town Phone 22-F-2 Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1178 MAIN 8T. PIIO.VK JM-W Cos Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars Country Trips a Specialty PHONi: 108 United Cigar Store 020 MAI.Y STREET s m . iii"vjtnjTj-uT.refAj EX-HERVICE tns, ATTENTION' Klamatn Post No. 8, Amorlcan Legion meets nt tho City Hall on the vKKV first and third Tuosdays of each month Hx-scrvlco men ari Invited to at tend the meetings For membership cards or Informa tion ox-ecrvlco men are requested to seo or write the following efficers: J. II. Carnahan, Commandor. Roy N. Fouch, Post Adjutant For relief ot employment see or write the Chairman of Tho Relief and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, care Lakeside Lumber com pany. PELICAN BAT BCi Far He each war Laaraf Sax Cafe Leaves Pelican City 7:41 a. aa. 1:00 a. am. 11:48 p.m. 1:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:10 p. m. Kackard Real Phone 77 18-tf L. D. Gass, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE" AND THBOAT GLAS8ES FURNISHED Warren Hunt Hospital Pboae 4S7 Res. Watte Pellcaa Hoard. Pboae B Klasnath Lodge No. 117 L O. O. F. Meets Friday nlgbt ot each week ai I O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets Cbas. Nowman ........ N. G. O. n. Manguo .... .... ecy W. D. Cofor .... ...Troas. ENCAMPMENT II. V. Drown ....... . C. P. J. V. Drowbakor S. W. L. J. UcClure Scrlbo Nato Ottorboln . . . Treasurer CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND 'MALLETT prncn over vndkrwood's Phono riUft-J. Seventh & Main FII,' SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC I hnvo constructed thru yoara ot exporlonco tho only course that teaches you to play tho piano by NOTH and by EAR in 10 to 20 les sons. Wrlto tor particulars, 701 11th St., Klnmnth Falls, Oro. Phone 367R. Household Furniture CJOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RIGHT We Buy, Soil and Exchange DICK'S & CO. (Cor. Sixth and Klamath Ave. Excavating Teaming Let us make you a, price on (dig ging that basement', or other , ex carallngyou contoraplate. Wa ateo do team work of every description Phone. 426 J" " NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put ,Your Duds In Our Sud." PHONE 154 Corner Main and Conger Klamath Falls Xyclerjr We are here to serve you. and aim to serve you right. Motorcycles and Bicycles, , Parts, and Acessoriea, Tires. and Tubes, that will stand your Inspection, aa wo carry the beat In our line. Repair shop la connection with Uarley-Davldson Berries. i Phone ,7a 1910 Mala St. . Klamath Pajla C. E. BI8XARK Klamath Dye .Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, PRESSING AlCf) REPAIRING WILL MAKE XOUB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATH. RBBLOCKED Goods Called for aad Delivered 481 Mala Street Klawata Fatal DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located In K. D. Block, 1313 Main. Phone 263-H. WWW00 ; DB..C. A.RAMBO I Deatiat 3 L O. O. F. Balldtafl 3 PHONE SI MMMMWm CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lola C. Brldgea Oror First Stato and Savings Dank Suite 106 Phone 102-J Let Your GLASS trouble, be Mine C E.STUCKEY iRa-GIazing and Cabinet Makinf ' " Phone 477W tEeyenth.and Pine r jaGAR STAItJ' , adsf -asfasS'Ssf aBBSSSSSsM " " ' - r O i ' 1 9 jP J i r I ,E The ' ,E , a N CENTRM-: H: a- HG1HL ; L JL ' f GUY GAKRETT, Jn. ' "if i r f - I JCAFCfi I C, Transient.75.cents.up . .Q -- By Week $4.00. t . H H , J T T LJ I I . fill the kUst newt . . ' f WILL- Take out Cellars or Flit ta Lota coiy murphy 617 Mortimer St. Phone 841.W DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon " """ , Office, and Residence Phones 321 I. O. 0.F.-Temple ' GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time, ' 511 Main St. Klamath Falls : SAW MUX EXGCTKERlll-a A I coKsimtrorioir , 06. Deatgaere aad bsuldera af era saw aallla, alaalag HHJsaad box riant.. Dredging. Pile drljlag. PkoaaadtVW t rf Office Ooraer Batting aad Oak ' Near 8. P. Depot "DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Pboae, 07 Nicht Pboae,iM E. D.LAMB . - PHTSICIAN AND sWUOaWN PaoaealTW 17B -Roeeaa 1 aad -Walla Battdsaa, DENTISTS 1 Dr. E. a uWisdcarrtw traoNa.aM -Dr. P. M.Nal d -on M "I ! 1 X fit's Loose We -WiU -Move It O, K TRANSFER GO. m & Phone 87