ATTJIUAV, HKITKMllKU .1, 1021 rscm wo THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald r i. mummy VRCP SOULE ..A Kdltor City Kdltor n i mUta Published Vally except Snndnjr. by i Herald rubiiihins Company or ath Fails, at 119 Eighth Stroot. Battered at thepottofflco at Kin aaath Valla, Ore., for transmission through the malls a socond-class atter. I1IUU OF THte ASSOCIATED x PRK8S. The 'Associated Pro's la exclusively titled to the nse'tor ropnbltcatton a an news' dlsfiatcbcl credllou to it r not otherwise crodltcd In this paper, and also the local news pub- after herein. RA.TURDAV, SKlTKSIUKIt St, ll2l i KAMK OLl 8TOUV. Mcdford Is a pretty good town and looked to roino folks, as It It would support two dailies'. So Fhlppj trlod It. with his Dally Clarion. It costs him about eighty dollars a day to PNduro his four-page dally, and the pact wcok It has averaged less than twaety-tlro dollars a day in gross ail tertlslng business". Thoso good, now, newspaper fields do not always prove as good an they look. Besides that It takes niorv than a good writer and reformer to mako a good newspaper nan. The mat tor of cost In relation to, Incorao has more to do with news paper success. Looks oa though wise Mcdford buslnoss'mon had already tumbled to tho fact that two nows jtaper doubles their advertising ex pense .without Increasing their bust jicks. and refuso to encourago Phlpps' otherwise very good llttlo newspaper. Ashland Tidings. Society Mrs. James Watklns Jr., was host ess Wednesday at a baby party, at . which, sho entertained seven babies aid their adoring mother.. Tho hosKQ was decorated In sweet pens and dahlias and dainty refreshments wvro served. Thoso present were: Mcsdnmcs Warren Hunt, Hoy Ourbln, (lien Jester, James lllshop Foster, llyron N'oud, F. T. Andrews and Mrs. Frank Wacnor and tholr babies. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. James Walking entertained, at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Eccleston .who are ok their way from Drain to Lakevlew far a vacation visit with frlonds and relatives. Friday night Mr. nnd Mrs. Recloston were the dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred. Wygunt nt their borne hero. Last Saturday and Sunday a group of society7 folk left town In tholr cars for Clear lake on a picnic, camping and hunting trip. Those who made the' trip were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilrockcribrough, Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Albertaon, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Wait, and Mr. and Mrs. Durge Mason. . One of' the charming affairs of the week was the brldgo party given by Mrs. Hardin Carter honoring Mrs. John K. Enders on her birthday. The affair was held In tho sun room of the Hall hotel annex which was a Klow with bright sweet peas and gladiolus, Tho list of those present follews: McBdamc-s E. D, Hall, Ruy Manning, J. C. Ilrockenbrough, T. C. Campbell, C. Drooklns, Thomas Wal ters, It. a. Van Dellen, Golden Lin coln, O. U. Cozad, James Bishop Fos ter, Rlchadson, Floyd Meadows, Itoger Doweeso, Charles Moore, H. D. Lloyd Stewart, .Charles Martin, H. W. Henderson, (lion Jester,, 0. W. Houston, Leo Houston, J. S. Elliott, Fred Dunbar, F. U. Patrick1, Leallo Tnrwlllli;or, E. D. Lamb, Enders, nnd Misses Verda Coad and Mario McMillan. . Socloty wl.ll be clad of tho news of Mr. and Mrs. Ceorgo Stcphonson's decision to movo back Into town from Dorrls for tho winter. Tho Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church mot Thursday afternoon la tho church parlors for a combined nodal and business after noon. Plans wcro discussed during the meeting for a bazaar to be given early In December. f Great was the Joy and surprise of John Foster, pioneer employe of tho California-Oregon t Power company, Wednesday evening when bla fellow Copoo workers Inspired by the thoughts of their companion's sixty- fifth, birthday appeared at his- home la Hot Springs addition. They were armed with several cakes, one of which was larger than the other and decorated with 6S raisins and bear tag In tho center a yeast cake or a reminder, It Is said, of the way blrth dayB wero often celebrated in tho eld days. Those present on this oc casion were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Thompson, Mr. aid Mrs, Al Westfall, Mr, and Mrs. O. B. Manguo, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Dalmoy, Mr. and Mrs. K. J.Lcnnor, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 11, Jones, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I). Foster, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Foster, Miss Fnyo West, 8. It. Itodloy, Ed Llnvllle, a II. Nor- mui, K. O. Klatm, L. McCluro, O, II. Dow s, (1. F, Mather nnd Dnd Wilson. St. Paul's Episcopal build w,IU hold tho first meeting of tho season nt tho. homo of Mrs. O. D. Uurkc, Thurs day afternoon-t :30 o'clock. Work for.tho coming year wilt bo planned and a good nttondanco of tho mem bers Is desired. , Another out of town guest to bo entertained this week was Miss Vir ginia Wlthrow, sister of Mrs. It. V. Mallory, who has boon visiting here, but who departed for her homo Fri day morning. Tho occasion was a lawn party given by Mrs. Mallory on Wednesday afternoon. Tho guest list follews: Mosdamcs Hanlon Crump, W. Wtnnlngham, C. Hlmor, Mlssos Vol m a Hall, Gwendolyn Clay, Doro thy Dunham and tho hostess, A week-end party of Interest was tho launch party given by Bob ilyau In his motor boat for a number of friends. Tho party left Saturday evening and camped out over night, returning to town Bunday Those present were. Mrs. Allen Jones, Mrs. Hanlon Crump, Bob Ross, Charles Hill, Miss June Dick nnd tho host. Harry Richardson was tho Inspira tion for a surprlso birthday party at tho Tllchaxdson homo on South Riverside nvcnuo Frldny night. Friends and neighbors camo In for nn ovenlng of COO and brought re freshments along. Participants In tho affair follew: Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Cummlngs. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goellor, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruconlch, Mr. and Mrs. Ilex Renncr, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Km mitt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Propst, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. J, Bhootsl nnd Mr. and Mrs. 0, 1). Qnrcolon. A most delightful llttlo affair was tho Joint birthday party given Friday I afternoon tor two year old Mary El len Wright, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. 0, R. Wright, and three yenr old Norma Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Henderson, at tho homo 'of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wright. Tho hostess was assisted by Mrs. Hondor- son nnd Miss Elvira Call.' Tho houso was beautifully decorated in pink nnd green nnd pink umbrellas were" used to mark tho guest places nt tho prettily docoratcd tablo. Tbo color echomo was carrlod out In tho re freshments and each gurst of honor had a big birthday rako nil her own decorated In pink candles. Qamra wore played during tho.aftornoon nnd Judging from tho Joyousneas of tho llttlo guests, It will bo many years before they will forget this birthday party. Tho following wore present: .Norma Henderson, Tholina Hen dricks, Gcrtrudo Smith, Eloanor Ma- gtilre, Elvira Call, Dorothy Hanson, Estella Hilton, Wilson Wright, Lois Souto, Elroy Call. Qeorgo Hondorson, Gcorgo Hendricks and Louis Porter, Mrs, Sid B, Evans was hostess Frl dny afternoon to a number of society folk at a COO party. Ton tables wero In progress throughout tho attornoon. The houso was a riot of color created by a profusion of old fashioned flo wers, marigolds, sun flowers nnd tho like, with roses on each tablo. At tho closo of tho card gamos light ro frcshmunts wcro sorvod, Birthday surprises haro prcdomln-i atcd this week with the surprlso par ty list far In advance of othor nodal functions. Among tho parties qfl this typo was tho surprlso for Miss Nolllo Ellott on her fifteenth birth- School Begins Next Tuesday Why not get books, pencils, tablets and all neces sary supplies Monday? If you know the grade your child will be in the list below -will tolKyou what books - are necuurv. Rv. vat tin or them nnrlv vou will avoid the rush and 'crush that alwnvs takes nlace the' first ' ? day of school. FIRST GRADE SIXTH GRADE Natural Mothod Primer Deacon First Reader Natural Prlraor , SECOND GRADE Natural Method Reader, First Natural Mothod Iloador, Second Primary Writing Lessons THIRD GRADE Ks'ontlnl Arithmetic, First .'.. Natural Mothod Header, Third Now World Spollor, Urst Business Writing FOURTH GRADE Essentials Arithmetic, First .- - Ural and Written English, First . .. Natural Method Hondor, Fourth Now World Spellor Becond Geography, First Book Business Writing FIFTH GRADE Essentials Arithmetic, First .... Stories American History Ornl and Written English, First Healthy. Living, First Natural Mothod Reader, Fifth ueocrapny, First jiook ....... New World Spoiler, Second iiusiness writing' ..U4c .Mc ..nie ..noc 4(k ..trio Essentials Arithmetic, Second 70a (luography, Book Two' ....... ft. SO American Beginnings In Europe 77o Oral und Written English, Second - 74a l Healthy Living, Book two ... t. ..0o Everyday Classics, Sixth ... ......... ..70o Now World. Spellor, Second IWW Business Writing 1M SEVENTH GRADE Essentials Arithmetic, Second 70c Geography, Book Two - Sl.ttfl Mbco History U, H , M $1,011 Oral nnd Written English, Second 7to New World Spelter, Book Three -..SHo Business Writing Brtc EIGHTH GRADE Essentials Arithmetic, Second ........... Civil Government, Hughes Maco History U, S Geography Second Book Oral Written English, Second Everyday UIusnIcs, Sovonth Ereryday Classics, Eighth .....,., New World Spellor, Third -.. Business Writing -...70c ,.$ ..s. so 740 .u..74c . 7to .1KC 26c Free Balloons! Every child buying school books at our store will be given a big "water melon" balloon FREE. Make the children happy by buying their books here. THE CLUB CAFE Serves you right We are not satisfied unless you are. Your happiness is our happiness. CLUB CAFE On 6th St. Near Main. Open S a. m. to 1 a. m. I JiT.X.J in x-rVfAnnxjr'-niKT T"o irTMiryj jjLtirjtt.i 11 iaij1ji3 vFRjuiuuii :rr7 JMZ3 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE 'BUY THEIR DRUGS day given at tho homo of the MIiwj Hansen. A largo number of friends wero protont at this time and en joyed music and a flao birthday feed. day dinner Including U fried chicken, fl.OO. Tbo Qonoral Bxocutlro Board of International Association of Machin ists has decided to adopt a plan of llfo Insurance, subject to tho approv al of tho membership. SPECIAL - Crater Lake Picture for Sale at , GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler 622 Main St. Phone 72 University of Oregon CONTAINS: The College of Lilersture, The Graduate School. p5 Science and the Arts. The School of Architecture and Allied Arts. The School of Ouiineas Adminiitration. The School of EJucation. The Extension Divmon. The School of Journalism The School of Law The School of Medicine. The School of Mutic. The School of Phyiicol Education. The School of Sociology Fall Term Opens September 26 A Hlfh stsndsrj of utturt1 ont prof stlonst scholarship has bcom one of fh outtisndir murks ol iheStst Unlvs rsily For a cststofur foIJrson the vsrious schools or (or any Information, vnit THC BCCISTRAH, UNIVLKSITY OF OHCGON. Uer Ore MSWWWVMVVWMWAWWAW' The Rex Cafe $1.00 Special Sunday Dinner $1.00 1 Fruit Cocktail Largo Illpe Olives Spiced Boots Asparagus Tips Mayonnaise I , Cblckon With Rice Soup I Choice' of . One-half Fried Sprint; Chicken, Country Gravy Chicken Fricassee, with Dumplings. Dreaded Veaf Cutlet, Paprika, Sauce t Mashed "Potatoes Steamed Head Rica Don't Cultivate Extravagant Habits - f Wild Cherry Punch I Choice of ' Vanilla or Strawberry Ice Cream l Chocolate, Marehmellow or Butterscotch Sundae Assorted Plea Iced Tea Coffoe Tea Chocolate Milk MWMIMMMWWWWMWM,WMWW(WWWIWWWIi They slow up finan cial progress and very often bring disaster. Acquire the habit of saving a portion of your earnings each week. DEPOSIT IT WITH ('., First State & Savings Bank Klamath Falls. Oregon l" aa "a""'"""v'''vrYTnfuwvvwvw 1 T