The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 02, 1921, Image 1

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Today's WmH
Member of the Associated Press,
Hftatath Tear No. ttl&
price nvionm
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WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Orders
tor tha Immediate aatralamsat of
troops for' tha West Virginia coal
trlks ion war Ueued early today.
Action wh postponed this morning
on declaring martial Uw, howsfar.
Federal .troops, began' moving to
day from Camp Dlx, Now Jersey,
Camp Bkerman, Oklo and Camp
Knox and Fort Thomas, Kentucky,
following receipt of ordara to an
train at one for tbe atrlke cone.
Tbs ordara ware Uaaed ai the
raault of a telegram from Brigadier
General Bandboltx urging that
troop be Mat at otic. General Band
kolta bad been aent to tbo atrlke
ion to dlacorer wbetber the arm
ed bands of miner would observe
tbe preeldent'a command tbat they
disperse before noon yesterday. Gen
era! Uandbotti ia to command tbo
troops. '
The president' proclamation de
claring martial law In tbe atrlke
district Is signed and require only
lasasBo to make It effective at
LOGAN, W. Va., RepL, 2 After a
morning of uncertainty, In wblcb re
porta from Sprure rldgo told of spo
radic fighting since day break, It waa
officially announced at noon tbat
heavy fighting" waa taking plaeo on
lllalr Mountain, Mill Creek and
Crooked Creek.
Colonel Bubtnks said tbat one
Logan man waa wonnded on Blair
mountain and five of the opposing,
fort were seen to fall.
AtrnlanM rnrannnllarlns east Of
tha ridge reported Increased activity
!.mrmed.adtaoel4nlJltOnJhee: a, eoapl otjdny
said ta'sre was a "continual -roar a
long tbe en tiro line."
Tbeeo report lnllc)o the heaviest
fighting slnco tbo lino was establish
ed along tbo Spruce Fork ridge. Now
men bavo been sent In and the lino
of battle la now 10 mile long. Ro
Inforcomenta continue to reach Logan
from the southern part of tbe slate.
LOGAN, W. Va., The situation
confronting the people of Logan
county la tbo direct outgrowth of the
long controversy between orgsnUed
and unorgnnliod miners. All of Lo
gan county oast of Spruce Fork
Illdge Is unorgnnliod, but .the little
section botwecn tbo eastern slope
of the mountain and tho Boono
county line Is filled with union
minors. , '
Those men last woek prepsred to
Join tbe march of other union men
from Marxnet to Mingo county to
protest against tho enforcement of
martial law In Mingo country.
Many of march minors who
abandoned tbo march aro said to
have retracod tbolr stops and start
ed for Joffery whore tho union min
ers of Logan worn gatherod until
It is estimated fully 5000 aro In
that region.
Free Transportation
To Landing Will be
Provided Labor Day
All people who plan on attend
ing labor's old fashioned .baskot pic
nic Monday will find free trans
portation at tbelr norvlco by going
to tho Central hotol at Ninth and
Main street at 0:15 and 11:66
o'clock a. m whoro busses will tako
them to Shlpplngton to tho bargo.
Tbo barge leaves Wlckstrums' wharf
at 9:30 and 11;30 o'clock for tho
picnic grounds. No aftornoon barge
trip will bo mndo, Chairman Conk
lln of tbo entertainment commlttoo
announces, '
There will not bo any chargos for
tbo transportation features and at
the- picnic grounds, free cotfoo will
bo served. An orchestra will bo tak
en along and In tbe afternoon, danc
ing will take ptaco on tbo 'barge.
Tbo Rev. Fathor Marshall and Rev.
C. F, Trimble will dollver addresses
Monday aftornoon.
NEW YORK, Sept, ?, Babe
Ruth, 'poled out hi 49th homo, r,un
In today's game with Washington
Fire Chief Would
Adopt Portland Plan
For War on Weed a
Plro Chief Amoroso may bo ablo
to solvo tbo problem of having tbo
iweods cut In tbo Hot Springs addition
and 1 ntbo flats, If ho can prevail on
1'ollro Judge Leavltt to adopt tho
plan followod In Portland by Chief of
I'oll-e Jenklna. In tbat elty, aoeoTd
Ing to the Portland Telegram, prison
ers confined In tbo city Jail who can
not pay a fine are put to work clear
ing tho wood nuiaanoa aa described
In the following clipping.
A scorn of trusties, direct from
pollco hoadquartere, will con
stitute an array of municipal
scythe-swingers In sweeping
down on un-cut woeds on lots
about the city, starting tomorrow.
"Alloged vagrants, drunk, and
drug addicts will mnko up Cap
tain of Pollco Moore's "special
detail" squad lo rid tbo city of
noilous wcods.
"Thoro promises to be somo live
ly scything, Chief of Police Jon
kins believes, with each truaty
assured of lopping off two daya
' of his sentence for oach day
spent In lot harboring.
"Two husky patrolmon will
direct uctlvlllc of the slackers
nnd see that there Is no loafing
on tho Job. Tho prisoners will
work eight hours dally until all
Iota about 'tho city aro cleared.
Klamath Falls Jail docs not have
many prisoners but oven ono man
at u limn putting In 8 hours on
patches In the Infested districts
might relievo the fire situation, citi
zens say.
Tbe public appears to be In need of
protection from vfclous and semi
vicious dog Mrs. Addlo Walker, of
IIS Ncrth Fifth street, was severely
ago or a ax ray aog wnicn sno was
trying to chss from her garden. The
dog' owner at first refused to be
lieve tbat bis dog bad Inflicted the
Injury, so suronra be of tbo animal's
good nature. Finally, ssys Mrs.
7lker, he wss convinced and pro
mlsti to shoot tbe dog, but last eve
ning, aba says, she aaw tbe animal
on the street again.
Mall carrier and milkmen, It Is
said, find a number of dogs on their
routes that it is safer to avoid than
take chancea with,
Itussell H. Griffith, superintendent
of carrion at tbo local pootofflce,
says he bss recelvod msny complaints
from hi forco latoly and thnt covoral
of tho carrlors have been bitten.
Herald carrlors also roport attacks
,by dogs along their rout from time
to ttmo. The boya have been In
structed to tako no chancos by untor
Ing yards where dogs with threaten
ing disposition aro kept.
LONDON, Sopt. 2. Lloyd George
has sent the Irish reply to his latest
communication on tho peaco pro
posal to London for circulation
among cabinet mombors ,and owing
to a aorlos of Issues Involvod ho
summonod a cablnot mooting Wed
nesday at Ivorness, Scotland.
Tho bid ot'John Hampshire, $103,
133, for grading 14,3 of tho Ash
land to Klamath Falls highway bo
tweon Jenny Crook and Hayden
Creek, was referred to tbo highway
onglnoer by tho state highway com
mission at Its moating In Portland
NEW YORK, Sept. 2. Kllhu
Root today declined tbo nomina
tion as member of the International
court of Justice- under tho league
of nations, because of his advanced
age, it is reported,
OREGON Tonight and Saturday,
probably showers.
PORTLAND, Sopt. 2. Livestock
steady; eggs firm; butter unsettled.
City school will open next Tues
day, September 6, announced J. P.
Wells, city superintendent, today.
Thorn will be a balf-day session
only Tuesday.
I Tbo school board last night an
notated two mora teachers Miss
Tonnoy E. Frakes for tbo Fifth
grade of tbo Rlvorsldo school, and
Miss Ruby Fetrwlck, of Boise, for
tbo Fourth grade of tho Control
school. Miss Fenwlck succeeds
Mr. Lou Martin who resigned on
account of III health. Miss Fen
wlck took Instruction at both tbe
Monmouth state normal and tho
University or Oregon and baa
taught In the city achoola at Eu
gene and Ontario, Oregon. Mis
Frakes is a graduate of tbe Cali
fornia normal school at San Jose
and for tho past tbbeo years has
taught at Lokovlew.
Superintendent Wolls announces
thnt beginning pupils will not b
admitted to the city schools after
the first month of school ante
thoy bavo had enough prevloua In
struction to enable them to enter
classes that commonced at tbe first
of tbe year. '
Ho also calls attention to' the
fact that children who w!ll be six
years of ago on January 1, 1933,
may enter now. Tho school author
ities are anxious to have alt pu
pils, and especially beginners, atart
work at tho first of tbe term.
Boundaries for tbo aoveral
schools aro aa follew: Riverside,
Eighth street and tbo Southern Pa
cific railway tracts (except for the
first grade for whom tho boundary
la 8lxth street); Central school, tbe
district bounded by Eighth street.
lbs. Southern Pacific'', tracks, 1. East
Main street, Crescent avenue and
Lincoln street; Palrviw. tho dis
trict bounded by Eighth street,
Lincoln street, Crescent avonue and
tho government canal; Mills echool,
the district east and south of tho
Southern Pacific tracka and eaat
Main street: Pelican Bay school, no
boundaries established.
Marion Co. Judge
To Try Brumfield
SALEM, Sopt. 2 Judge Ooorgo
O, Bingham of Marlon county was
named by Supreme Justlco Burnett
to prealdo over the Brumfield trial,
It waa announced this afternoon.
BOSJDBURG. Sept.. J Proceedings
In tbo, Brumfield case marked time
today, awaiting tbe appointmont by
Chief Justlco Burnott of a trial
Judgo to succeed Circuit Judgo Ham
ilton. Tbo prosecution declares it
Is ready for lmmediato trial. It is
said the defonso will ask 30 daya
Mr. and Mra. W K. Vsnrru, 1126
Main street, havo sent postcard to
frlenda here announcing tholr dopart
uro from Vancouver, British Colum
bia. One card sent was quite humo
rous aa Harris writes that while
thoro is "much rain and a porson
can got wot easily still there waa
sunshine In the dark cloud for a per
son could get wot Insldo oa woll."
The card also states that there has
boon an oxces of rain on tho coast
region, slnco their arrival several
weeks ago.
LOS AN0ELE8, Col., Sept., 2 A
new highway 260 miles long between
La Pax and Magdelona Bay, Is bo
ing constructed by Mexican soldiers
and laborers under tho direction of
President Obrogon, according to Capt.
F. D. Saraiea of tbo French steam
ship Provldoncla.
Tho road will open for develop
ment a largo mining territory which
has heretofore been closed on account
of lack of transportation facilities,
Captain Sanuea stated, and is only
one. of ,tho .several projocta contem
plated by the Mexican govornmont lu
Its development plan.
Hamburg residents wbo havo ap
plied for cottage rights at Diamond
lakn aro reported to bo unfavorable
to Including Diamond lako In tbo en
Urged area of tbe Crater Lake Na
tional park. A bill for annoxatlon
Is now boforo congress for considera
tion and at proeont la In tho hands
of tbo Public Lands Commlttoo. Tbe
bill introduced by Senator McNary In
tho Senato, and passed by that body,
proposes to add a territory 13
miles oast and ,wost and 9 mile north
and south, Including Diamond lako,
ML Tblelaon, Mt. flslley and a num
ber of other scenic points.
Four objections were raised to tbo
proposed enlargement from timber,
grating, sportsmen' and reservoir
Interests. Tbe timber clalma have
been overcome as tho government
.his always thrown timber open on
reservations when necessity arises;
tbo grating featuro has been found
1 to bo email and only possible In Iso
lated districts; tbe sportmen have
boon convinced that tho Inclusion of
Diamond lako in tbe park district
would bo advantageous for spawning
and fish resorvo and tho doer Includ
ed would be offered a refuge in
which to Inarease, while tbo reser
voir proposition bas been discounted
aa a negligible factor In retarding tho
Inclusion of tho proposed aroa.
Tho Roseburg citizens opposition
is said to arise mainly from tbo fact
that they have planned a resort there
and the Forest Senrlco bas repeated
ly refused cottage site. Rosebtrff
folks fear, with the Inclusion of Dia
mond lake in tbe new district, that
they would bo forever barred from
falfllllng their plans. It Is. said tbat
Lby Inclusion of tbo area,;, sanitation
would bo facilitated-and tho waters
of Diamond lako freed from sheep
or animal pollution; refuse of all
sorts kept clear of tho shores; des
truction of foliage and shrubbery
stopped and tho sourco of trout and
other fish spawn increased. Diamond
lake waters are warm and bathing is
aid to be fine.
Tbo Inclusion of the lake in the
proposed area is said by authorities
to bo of groat advantage in oncourng-
I ing tourists to linger In tbe park for
at Crater Lake park Itself, tho 90
day season Is too short, while Dia
mond uko ana lis lures wuuiu uia
It possible to detain tho tourist In
the park and section practically
doublo tho present timo.
Boy is Recovering
From Bullet Wound
r sisaaaaaaaas)
Howard, 13 year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Al Graham, Is out of the
hospital and will return to his home
on tho Algoma road today, well on
tho road to recovery from an acci
dental bullet wound received lost
Tho' lad attomoted to shoot a
squirrel from horseback with a shor.
barrelled .22 rifle. Tho horsobo-
camo excited as Howard raised the
weapon and In some manner it was
discharged, tho bullet passing clear
through tho left forearm entering
the Inner side near the wrist and
emerging on tho back of the arm
halfway to tbo otbow. Fortunately
no large blood vessels or bonos wore
Robert Hunsakor, street commis
sioner, reported today that his 'crre
of workmen who have been fixing
up the Pelican City road along Ore
gon avenuo wero about half finished
and that the worc waa prog-owing
rapidly. This stretch of road was
passed upon" for repairs at the last
two meetings of tho city council r.nd
a contract was made with Capt. A.
Wlckstrum for cinders at ."..J5 a
yard, payment to be mada for the
cinder next spring.
NEWPORT, Oregon, Sept. ,3.--Th
launch Freemont, with 27 passen
gers on board, which waa held out
side tho Yaqulna bar last night by
rough seas, arrived here sat this
morning, I
Prospects for More
Variety at Market
Tomorrow are Good
Mrs. Ben Bend, markotmaster,
stated today tbat tbe Grand Central
market would open at 8 o'clock to
morrow morning In the Central
building and tbat reports from
farmers, wbo plan on being pre
sent tndlctated a full supply of
standard vegetables, including green
corn and somo strawberries and
blackberries, would bo for solo.
Mrs. Bend requests people who
deslro to secure Dutch choose and
mustard pickles at tho market to
bring container with them as
many of tho farms aro not provided
with cartons to put their product
Tho farmors of tbe county aro
awake to this opportunity to sell
their, produce, Mr. Bend says, and
many havo applied for, a regular
stall in the market. Farmers tell
nor tbat next year, with a public
market bore, a great variety of pro
duco will bo raised, something that
has' not been done In tbe past a
thero was little market for any sur
plus sbovo homo needs. '
MEDFORD, Sept 2. Tho trial of
Bert R. Greer, editor of the Ashland
Tidings, charged with assault upon
H. G. Enders, merchant of Ash
land has been postponed in Jus
tice 'Gowdy's court In Ashland nntll
Mr. Greer returns from California.
Ho 'gave bonds to Insure bis appear
ance whon ho returns about the
middle of September.
1 The row Is tbe culmination of a
feud of many months' standing be
tween tbe two men, which raawlted
In a warm dispute In The Tlclsgs
office on Tuesday morning ending,
it Is alleged, by the editor striking
at 'Enders with an iron bar. It is
claimed that he struck at- the mer
chant's head with tbe improvised
weapon, but Mr. Enders ducked to
ward off trie blow, tbe bar striking
tho hand and bruising It somewhat.
"An I understand tbe affair from
Information given me by Hr.,Enlers
said County Prosecutor Moore, "En
ders wont into tbe Ashland Tldin
ottlco to request tbat the personal
attacks on him in tbat newspaper
teaeo. Warm words followed, durltg
which names were exchanged, Jnd
I am unaware as to who started
the wordy altercation.
"Anyhow, Enders clalma that
Greer became Infuriated, picked up
tbe Iron bar and advanced towards
him In such a threatening manner
tbat he thought it best to leave the
office until tho editor bad calmed
down somewhat. Later they resum
ed the dispute out in tho street
In front of the ottlco, and Greer,
so Enders claims, struck at his
hood with the iron bar."
Alleged Holdup's
Hearing Postponed
Jack Morrison and Glenn Rey
nolds, tbo alleged highwaymen who
robbed Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kre
mers and Harry Hall August 6 near
North Beaver marsh were sched
uled for a hearing in, Justice Gag-
nagena' court mis morning at 10
o'clock. Lilllo Bennington, who was
captured with the two men, appear
ed this morning aa a witness.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon, Dis
trict Attorney Rrower bad not ap-
poarod In tho Justice court. Justice
Oagbagen stated that the trial may
bo beard later In the day. i
MANILA, Sept. 2. Major Gen
oral Leonard Wood has announced
his caceptanco of tho post of gov
ernor general of the Philippines,
which was recently "tendered 'by
President Harding.
. BELFAST. Sept.. 3. Two bors.
wounded when they climbed a wall
to watch tho street fighting, died
today, bringing" the totaP death toll
In tbe Belfast disorders slnco Mon
day up to 18,
m m T
Paul bovBTv, age- r year, sen
ior In the local high school, died
at 3:30 o'clock this morning m a
local hospital a tbe result of In
Juries received aoout 6:30 o'clock
last evening when be fell beneath
a heavy wood truck, driven by B.
Enders, and owned by Frank Frank
ford, wood dealer.
Tbe lad had been working dur
ing vacation at the Ewauna box fac
tory and from details gathered by
tho coroner it appears tkat he was
riding home from work oa tbs
truck. At the corner of Sixth sad
Main be attempted to alight while
the truck waa in motion, and trip
ped and fell under the rear wheel.
Tho truck was a heavy vehicle
with solid tires, and the wheel pass
ing over hi body Inflicted Internal
Injuries. An autopsy this morning
by Drs. Massey and Truax result
ed in a statement tbat death waa
caused by crushing injuries and in
ternal hemorrhages.
Witnesses told tho coroner this
afternoon that the boy waa sitting; on
a tool box on tbe left band aide of
tbo truck. As the vehicle approach
ed tbe street corner be started to get
off, stepping backward. Ho fell and
rollod beneath tbe truck. Hs was
picked up by Traffic Officer Mo.
Laugblln and Bert McDonald and
rushed to the nospltal. Witnesses
held the driver entirely blameless
for the axddsnt. Tbs driver, Stan
ford Enders. lives at 343 Math,
street. '
The parsaU ot tho dsad key. Mr.
sad Mr. James H. Covsrt, rsM
aU'.l0Jsoa-avM--T-Hs tta x
also survived by a brother, Darrall.
Tbe family came here aboat thro.
year ago from Everett. Washagtou. -
Paul waa born October 8, 1904, .at
Napa. California.
The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon from the Whltlock chapel.
the Rev. A. F. Simmon officiating.
Tbe dead boy waa a member of Bap
tist church. High school elass
mates will act aa pall bearer.
Make that lBe dollar work! Pat
It la tho teak.
Asks County Court
To, Review Decision
Of. Justice Court
Attorney WHUam Marx bas filed
two sulU In Has county court ask
ing for a writ of review of the re
cent Justice comrt findings in tha
thomas L. Cleveland, sometime
known as T. L. Cleveland and do
ing business under tbe name of
Jamea Sumpter, cose fllod In Justice
Oaghagon'a court last woek.
Two writs of review wero filed
with Judge Bunnell, ono directed
against Roy N. Fouch, who does
business under tho firm name of
tho Business Service Bureau, and
tbe other against attorney John Ir
win. Attorney Marx states that owing
to the absence of Circuit Judge Kuy
kendall, aa a matter of expediency,
these writs of review were filed in
tho county court to secure a quick
decision aa the amount of money In
volved was small and a procedure
in tbe circuit court would delay tha
action 'too long.
Tbe writs are filed In view of the
recent difficulties which havo beset
the plaintiff Cleveland (or Sumpter)
In regard to alleged unpaid obliga
tions. Last Saturday, tbe two de
fendants attached bank accounts at
the First Stato and Savings bank
and one of tho elleged accounts,
claimed by the defendants as being
tho property of T. L. Cleveland,
belonged to Richard F. Cleveland, f
a son of the plaintiff, Attorney. Marx
claims. The write of review ask
for a oertlfle dcopy of tho proceed
ings In Justice Gagbagens' court and
also for a Sheriffs' Jury to deter- '
mine the ownership of the money,
alleging that Richard IV Clrfalaad)
waa at no time a party to the suit.
Bf Or McKee and Ed, Propat aro
sureties on tha writ for T. L. Cleve
land. ,
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