IMH nvn THUrtHDAY, flUlTKMnKR I, 1MI I ML ew I The Way It Happened t . THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IE SUND y Official Aiiumincumonl wiih inniio tnduy by both MnmiKurH Thompson undil'iHililHll of till) Copco nnil Jnwol trams hftor cmiforonrii with Hocro- twrjrMathor n( tliu city bfimilinll Inn- Kill) tllUt OWlllg Id IIIIIHt f tllU 11)0111- l)iro of tlio two liiiiinii nlnnnliiK on being abiiit from tlin city Hmiilny .September 4, thorn will bo no gaino played iin til iliitu. Tim doer noiiHon opoml toilny and loony npnrtHiiiou huvn an opportuni ty 'to took this plrnNtirnlilo outing, while, n majority of llio league mem born nm iinntiln to go on account of tliijlr work, but will tin given n banco' to loavn Hutit rilay and coino liftck1 Tuesday owIiik to Labor Pay falling on tlin Glh of tlio montli, It wfi uvnr thrt'o weeks iiko (lint tint plnyorit consulted with tlio Imikuo of ficial regarding 1' general layoVf fo; tlild date. It Isjsald that n layoff will benefit nil loatnii nnd when tliu contests lira taken up again on Hoituintiur 1 1, with the pennant looking IiIk lu tlin plnr iV 0)111, thn league flnhih will tin a whirlwind affair. Mmdtord Team All Ready for Contest MKIIKOItl), flopt , 'l- M.'.lforil li mlii loam which goes forth to do hattlo with tlin Klninuth Kalta "rac ntiut wlnldum" nml Haturdny, will probably connliit of tho following members: Hiiyinond Kith, (loorgo lln'borts, It. W Ituhl, C U. Union, P. .It, Davis, Ilinil'iir Coleman nml lloraro llromloy Tlin team will li'itva Medford Saturday afternoon, arriving In Klamath I'liln that night, whore they will inuko their hood 'liiartem nt tlio Wblto I'cllran holnl Tho tournament will bo hold Bun day and l.nbor Pay at tho Elks' club rourtii, tho Mmlforil tuam returning homo Monday night. O- A. OREGON BREVITIES J, I'OHTI.ANI) All previous record of tho Spoknitn, Portland & Hentthi rullroad In trnfflr to and from Hon dido worn brokn Sunday, when thn trulns. handled 37S7 passengers, as u direct rCHilll of tho low pnimonror rate that bocume nffoctlvo with thn declaration, of u rntti war against the rlvrr stoamert and nutomobllo stages (n days ngo. BT. IIKI.KNB Uomarkoblo clover ncm In employment of camouflnKo fulled to prurunt Bhorlff Wellington and a party from discovering two caches of liquor Into Monduy, estim ated to bn worth $10,000 nt prowmt prices. '. Mnrnrci paid a flnn of $500 for baring nlnn (it gallons kegs and fUo .tt cnllon kegs of wlno In a room In bid barn. HIvDMONP-Declaring Hint tour in In who 'winded to lt Itodinond found difficulty In tho lack of proper hlRhwny hIriih, I.. U. Hmlth volun ti'orcd to furnish lumber nnd put up hIriiii nlong tho hlghwny between Itodmnnd nnd (Intowny. Tho com mercial club Tuesday accepted liU offer nml agroed to puy coat or paint Inn tho alcuiJ. )t Ik planned to make them tinlforin with thoso rorcntly placid nloriK tho rotito by thn Mute, hljfhwny couimltlon. lyj.NDl.lTl'PN Chct Emory n found guilty or breaking gins In tho strut t and wiih flood $20 and costs, tho l"Uy iiinlclnR a total or nbout $3S. - KAI.P.M-Wcut Bnlom Is IoIiir with Columbia county for honoru In on foreoinnnt or tho apood InwH, At lo'aHt l'brllnnd uiotorlHtH who have fomontn tlino piiNt complained of tho activities of tho Columbia county Hpood copu nro n6w turning tholr "klckH" In tho direction of tho llttlo l'olk county town acroHU tho rhor from tho 8tato capital. i - ' CALIFORNIA NEWS n ' BAN FRANCIBqO Sam Morion and ' kMay Wllllnmii, nlloRod Illi cit druK Jeulors, woro bound ovor to tho Federal Grand Jury undor $C00ft bondB oAch on ft charge of violating tho Fodornt An'tl-Nnrcotlca lav( In that they conspired with others to BmugRlo drugs into San Quontln pri son, BAN WOIINAJIDINP WJillo San Bernardino Bwoltored In a lompora turo of 108 doBTOos vacatlonlstB In iiig Hoar Valloy, n'bovo this city, woro ire'atod to froak anowetorm which I C 'til fompoalt ptctur maJlo nd from Utnrraphlo dcrlptiott fir. miUng moat of tbo crw. eovnreil the Rround to a dopth of morn than half mi Inch On thn nouth tilde of IIIr Ilnnr Inkn n heavy rain roll lal nlghl tho Kky w-uh clnur and thn weather In thn mountains much warmer It Ik do dared thn flrt time on record that nnow hn. fallen at 111k Hear In Aiiguat. ItKDDINC -Thn Weed l.umbvr lomuany hn purchaod throe curloudH of wlnn grapoti to bo retailed to Itn Him workmnn employed by tbo com pany, to bo iiftod In making wlno for home cotmumptlnn, It wan announced horn, Thn Italian wilt make tliu winr undor Koicrnmont llconwi Tho nnioiinl will bo controlled by mCani of npportlonlnK thn Rraiwn to each omilo)o according to tho Hire of bin family. Till: HTItAMI. "Tho Inland of HeRnnrnllon," u VI tugraph production featuring An tonio Moreno, which will bo xhown nt tho Btrnnd theatre tonight, koch to nliow that tho toachlngi of childhood remain with u longent, and a chango or environment doc not drive r.irly ImpreiMlonK from thn mind a n re- nult ot a nhlpwreck. John Chamock and bin mother were ruil on a lonely South Boa Inlo when thn boy wan only nix The mother noon died or e- lion ii re, nnd thn boy, tmbtUtlnK on . thn natural fooil of tho pl.'co, i,rbW In manhood half tiavagn I Tho cantawny lout power of puech J and wait nearly Ignorant of thn Ian Kiinco of hl fathora. Hut ono thing remained In 'tils mind, Alj through I tho jonrs ho remombcrcd thn prajcrl that ho had learned nt bin mothorV knno and never forgot to repent each I night, "Now, 1 lay mo" before glns I In ntoep. That childhood habit m tho nolo remaining chnrncterlslic of hli prior connection with clvlltration Hli reclamation by the beautiful girl who wan cant onto the kudo Ulaml aftor ho had grown to manhood Watch Your Sleeve! Tho alcove"" tho thing after tklrt length. And a Very original thing it It. too-taking on many atraimo and caprlclout turnt. Tbo very beat If there can t a best to the IntiiBiiliiB tleeve fathlona la tho big angel alcove. In tmntparont materlala especially thlt full Btralght tleovo folia over tho orma, bcto timet reaching to the wrltta, aomctlmoa Jutt below tho elbowa. The largo alcove It soiwtlmca caught part way In a cuff-again It It gathered In like n'blthon'o alcove, nven tho very tiny alcove can't be almple It haa "cutouta" and alaiihct. Tho thing la to watch your alcove. by tb a'rtlit from photo of tho ZR-: i Jlluttraton how th ZIVI iplcxlod In I create extraordinary Inlerent. Cyrtln TiiwiiHend Ilrady wrJto tho novol on which tho play U bi"-d Berries, Vegetables Thrive m Arctic ANC'IIOItAttn, Alnnkn, Sept., Tbo iiummnr m.axon In thifin porlhorn la- Box Coat PtAHMim.nrvintta. ThU handsome navy bluo Mourf yn, the now wool fabric, bat th nw flare lx coat. FIcata from tha ahoutder glvo tho rraceful awing. Tb coat It handed with molea akin tho aamoifur bring uted In tba high choker. The aktrt la atraUht lined. you get through deciding nbout tho smsmsmsmK smsw V HIV CARTRIDGES VBAND SHELLS Your rifle is your friend You treat it as something more than cold metal and wood. You couldn't sleep if you had used it and not cleaned it thoroughly. Buy only US Cartridges. They have a special non fouling, non-erosive prim ing. Every expert knows Klamath Falls, Ore. J. D. Chambers Baldwin Hd-wo. Co. Klamath HSwe. Co. tltuden Is abort, but lu tbo days of sunlight, TegoUbloe and fruits ripen rapidly, and many persons havo es tablished canning outfits at their homoA. Among vegetables canned, nro beets, cauliflower, gtcen pons, nplnacb, mushroom, Virginia kale, Swiss chard, and carrots. lied nnd black currants and bluo berries grow wild, and children have gathorod as much as-100 pounds of them In o day along tho United States railway. Much attention Is being paid to tho growing of strawberries nnd green peas lu Southwestern Alaska, and n small cannery lit being established nt Anchorago to tako euro of theso crops Tho cost of living Is being well kept down by hardy residents who, Instead or visiting tho butcher shop muko llttlo excursions Into noar by mountains and return with inooso, wild sheep und goats for the family lurder. A new linoot non-dtvorco weddlug rings at tho now price nt Davenports, Just around tbo corner on 6th street 30-1 Says Ice Cream is Lower Here Than Committee Reported J. J. Furbor of the Klamath Croamory has boon asked, regarding tho price ot I co cream In this city, why tho Coet of Uvlng commlttco reported It at $3 a gallon, which Is high compared to the reports In other surrounding cities. Mr. Furbor stated tltat no questlon- nalrro was to Bent to his firm ror tho prlco which ico cream was sold boro. "I.ost summer, tho wholeenlo prlco to retailors, paokod and delivered was $1.50 a gallon. This yoar, tho whole sale prlco iwus lowor to the retailor and wo deliver toe croam by tbo Kl Ion lot to consumers for $"2.15. That prlco has prevailed all sumraor and Is tho prosont prlco today. Our Ice cream teats about IS per cent but ter fat, 4 per cent more than re quired by law DURADNAUOIIT AFIX)AT CAMDKN, M. J 'Sept. 1. The Bupor-dreadnaught, Washington, one ot the tour Urgent battleships In tho United States navy, was launched hero today. priming won't ruin your that, ordinary priming causes rust and in time digs little "pits" that destroy the accuracy of the bore. If you value your rifle, treat itwelL Give it the am munition that will protect it from the ravages of rust Money back if not satis fied with US Cartridges. UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE COMPANY, Nw York, Ctdloqnin, Ore. Chlloquln Merc. Co. MaJln, Ore, The KalUa Storo Htr First Thought. A woman from the middle West spent a few weeks in Gloucester last cummer nnd In conversation with a new acquaintance she iitde known the fact that It was her very first glimpse of the ocean. "It roust have been quite a treat," remarked the other. "And how did the ocean Impress you J" "Well," was the reply, "when I saw the amount of water they havo hero It struck mo that fli"h might bo a little cheaper." Iloston Transcript NOTICK OF ItOXD OFFEIUNa. Scaled proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klamath Falls, Orogon, for tho purcboso of nn issue ot $60,000.00 gonernl obligation bonds. In dono-i mlnatlons ot $1000.00. or $500.00,' maturing In riftcen yonrs from Au-I gust 1st. 1921, without right of priori redemption. Said Issuo to bo Known xi "Klamath Falls, Sower Uo'nds" bearing a ralo of Intorest or 0 por cent per annum, payablo seml an nually Doth principal and intorest payablo at tho Oregon Fiscal Agency In Now York City. Said bonds nro Issued and disposed ot under tho chnrtor ot said city WVWWVNMWWWVVrrAAMAAArrM AN INVESTMENT I havo sovoral blocks ol lots surrounding the Malln high school that I will sell for bustposs nnd residential pur poses, thus fferlng to tho people ot Klamath county an opportunity to maka a real in vestment. I will soil these lota for $75 and up, on the Installment plan, the terms to suit the purchaser. No Inter est will bo charged and I will pay tho taxes until deed is de livered to buyer. ' Malln Is situated In the cen ter fit one ot the richest dis tricts In the world. It U back ed by progressive tnd conser vative cltlxens. It has a future that assures development to a degree that will make this property worth many times the price I am selling It for. When oil is discovered. Matin will be found to be in the very heart ot the field and the biggest producers will be at its door. It you are looking tor some thing that will pay yon bis returns, you can make no mis-' take in buying Malln proper ty. r For further Information, write or see A. KALINA UAUH, Of. jiVXlVVVVVVVVVfVVVVgni , aaaaaaiaat . rifle 1 1 Manutactmn Merrill, Or. It. II. Anderaau Merrill Mere. Co. Dorru, Oalgf. . Hoy Taber Each proposal io purchase mast fee filed with the Police Judge ot aaU city on or before 8 o'clock P. M., of October 3rd, 1921, and bo accomp anied by a certified check on sotaa responsible bonking Institution tor G per cont ot amount of the proposal. Said Issue will be disposed ot at sat less than par and acenred interest. The council reserving tho right to reject any and all proposals. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Jddge ot the City of Klamath. Falls, Oregon. 31-St Premium, Dairy Oldest IleUll Dairy In Town Phone 22-F-2 -real CoTee .jrrW pipind hoi wfitt pure crtmm nrvA pr&e ffw nrw $p serve & it i , . rt TokeHome && IkH&nris & t 1