THUIWDAV, HKPTKMHKR J, 1021, mm fcwo THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON U The Evening Herald r I. MUllRAT VRCI HOULK . - ..Edltor ..City Editor Publlshod Vllr except Sunday, by 0fke Herald Publishing Company ot Klamath Fans, at lis Eiguib etrcot. ntered at tlio postottlco at Kin Math Falls, Ore., or transmission through the malls u iocond-closs utter. 11 E OT 0 T (Continue-., from Vngo One) fKMDUW oP THh ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tho Associated Prea It exclusively kntltlod to the use for republication et U nows dispatches erodlted to It, r not otherwise credited In this yaper, and also the local nous pub Maker heroin. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER' 1, 1021. I MlW.-fiATisTRe FAsTesT covywa I M HINO I EVER .SvN. J V.j 'x.W-iJ. I K YSt Tldunls outsldo tor their hearty co operation In this work. Question naires woro nout to 14 towns and 13 were returned. Tho finest cooporntlon wns riven by locnl pooplo In securing the local tlaln nnd all Is submitted without comment or rccommomlnllon, but with n bono that tho dotlulto In formation will suffico In bringing nbout any solution necessary. Yours very truly, T. L. STANLUY, ' Secretary NEWS FROM THE STATECAPITAL Hmld Salem Bureau. SALEM, Ores., Sept., 1 H. H. Fomeroy and Gilbert Allen, two In vestigators oftho stato tiro marshal's department, recently Investigated some tires at Bend which woro nt- tenflcd by suspicious circumstances City Ashland Mcdford Albany Pendleton Marshfield Grants Pass Salem Eureka Eugene llond Fresno, Cal. Baker Astoria Klamath Clly Ashland Mcdford Albany Pcndloton Marshfield Grants Pass Salem Eureka Eugene Fresno Bend Uakor Astoria Klamnth group Business Hents $15 to $75 125 to ISO 76 ' 7B 7C 50 to 80 90 to 100 100 to 126 50 to 100 40 to 125 76 135 50 to 5U0 NO. 1 RENTS. Itcsldonro Rents 130 25 to 40 32 35 20 16 to 26 40 12.50 to 46 40 16 to 40 20 td 45 25 25 20 to 75 I Iluoiu Bents $3 to 16.00 2 to 6.00 2.50 4.25 2.60 2.50 3.25 6.00 2.60 to 3.00 3.00 to 6.00 - 2.50 to 4 13.00 3.60 to 10 Respectfully Submitted, A. L. Wlshard. C. F. Trimble. Fred A. Baker. GROUP NO. 2. 1'JltOVIHIO.NB Flour ?3.60 3.50 3.10 4.10 3.60 3.60 4.50 4.30 4.10 , 4.60 3.60 2.50 4.50 6.00 Hug. 100 lb. IS. 00 7.60 6.45 7.50 6.50 7.75 6.90 7.50 7.40 6.60 6.90 8.60 7.25 9.25 9.50 Cor. lb. .36 .35 .30 .35 .30 .60 .45 .36 .35 .30 .40 .40 .40 .28 .60 Bonns 100 6.25 4.00 6.00 6.00 7.60 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 S.OO 15.00 D Pen. lb. .25 .18 .20 .25 .20 .20 .25 .26 .30 .20 .26 .30 .36 .21 .27 GROUP U 1'llOVISlONH Motor rehlclo registration In Ore gon for this y car already has exceed ed tho registration for the .ntlre twelve months of last year, accord ins; to figures from tho office, of $am A. Kozer, secretary of stato. Regis trations from Januarr 1 to July 30 totaled. 109,299. The state emergency board, nt a Joint meeting with tho World War Tcterans' bonus and aldrcommlslon, agreed to provide whatever fund arc necessary to administer the bonus and loan act up to $90,000 In exeem of tho $30,000 appropriated by the legislature. No additional m-jney has yet been provided but It will bo forth coming whenever necessary. City Ashland Mcdford Albany Pendleton Marshfield Grants Pass Salem, Eureka Eugene Bend Fresno Baker Astoria Klamath Can Corn 15-20 12H-19 15-25 16-25 12H-26 15 20-35 20-30 20 20-25 Can Peas 20 14-29 15-30 15-35 Can Tom'ts. 20 12H-19 16-20 16-25 12tt-26l 20 25-35 15-35 20-25 25-35 20-25 16-20 17M-26 20-35 15-25 15-40 : 13-30' 19-40 H-20 20 16-20 8-20 15-20 20 15-20 15-25 for 25 14-23 Cam. Milk 2 for 15 largo .11 2 for 25 12tt 16 16 ,2 for 26 1214-15 16 124-16 2 for 26 12-15 2 for 25 14-14 1 Itlco lb. .10 64-8 .06 6-10 6-10 .10 .19 .08 .08 .06 .13. .10 .12 .09 12 Vi (font.) Hound Pork Steak Chops But. Ico Crm. lb. .45 .40 .45 .60 .45 .45 .45 .50 .48 .48 .45 .45 .45 .43 30) .25 .30 .28 .25 .28 .32 .36 .25 .25 .30 .35 .30 .36 .27 25-35 .26 30-35 0-OT 22-30 .30 .3U .25 .28 .20 .26 .28 .28 H'eou 25-65 29-60 45-60 25-75 .40 .40 .55 45-50 30-35 40-50 40-45 40-45 40-45 38-60 gal $1.76 1.65 1.50 2.60 2.00 1.50 2.25 2.00 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.00 2.40 3.00 Egg .35 .36 .32 .40 .38 .35 .36 .45 .30 .46 .30 .36 .45 40-46 county, $0000:chool district No. 10, Morrow county, $20,000. (ja.ollno salon In Oregon for July of thin year exceeded by. 538,128.3 gallons tho largost quantity sold lu nny other month slnco tho first gas ullno tax law becamo affective In Oregon In Fobrury, 1919. Total salon ot gasollno In July woro 5,827,517.3 gallonn, and distillate Mat(w nmountod to 367,742:3 gullons. M City Ashland Mcdford A. J. Voyo. Lawrcnco Phelps. Mrs. Harry Ackley. GROUP NO. S Public Service KMnMUhmonU nnd Wngtx Wages Wages Wages Harbors Cut Shlno Common Carpenter Hest'rnt Uuaranteo Sbavo .25 H. Through the efforts of tho United 8tates forestry service, the old Ore gon, highway that has been closed for many roars, has again been open ed. "- It extends from Eugene across tho summit of the Cascado mountains to Klamath Falls and greatly short ens tho distance between those points. The Scenic Preservation Associa tion of Oregon was temporarily or ganized at a meeting In the offlco of Governor Olcott Wednesday. Tho object will bo to prcsorvo tho scenic bcnutlcs or tho state, particularly along tho blghwys, for tho primary purjioso of attracting tourists. Paving of tho Pacific highway south of Salem has been competed, making a hardsurfaco road practical ly all tho way from Salem to Jof-ferson. Tho peoplo of Oregon nre urged to Join In tho natlon-wldo celebration ot Constitution day, September 17, in a letter issued by Governor Olcott. Albany Pendleton Marshfield Grants Pass Salem Eureka Eugene!" Bend Fresno Baker ABtorla Klamath .25 .25 SS .25 .25 .25 .25- I . .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 , '.60 , .60 -60 .50 .50 I .60 t v .50 .50 .75 .65 .16 .15 .16 .16 .r .16 .16 .16 .IS i : .15 .15 .IE .15 $3.20 3.20 3.6U 3.00 4.UU 2.40 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.26 2.60 4.0U 3.20 $4 to 5 $2.00 6.26 3.00 C'k 30-40 wk 5.50 W 10-12 wk. Cook $6 day 8.00 W 3 day Cook $6 day WIS wk. ti.00 $16 wk 7.15 .25-35 hr. 8.00 $l-$5day Cook $6 day W $3 day C'k$ESOday W $4 day 8.U0 10-18 wk. C'k $3.50 day 5.50 W 2.67 1 Cook $7 day 7.U0 W 3.6U d V. J. Bean. Ross Nlckcrson. James Stevens. 25.00 22.00 18.00 per ct. nono 22.00 22-28 25.00 30.UU 31.00 30.00 27.60 Writer of Thrilling Tales Delight in His Flower Garden SAN JOSH, Cal.,7 Sept., 1 -It Is n long way from ilarlug dives from cliff to cliff; from quelling denporato out laws and bringing thug of World re nown to bay, to peacefully tending blosHoms of tender huo and bringing them out as n blessing for mankind. Yet thlrt is tho leap that Eugcno T. Sawyer, famous author ot tho Nick Carter nnd Hough ltldor stories, writer of tho thrilling tales of Buffa lo Bill, tho Log Cabin and Diamond nick, has made. Sawyer, nu old time resident of San J one, Is well past seventy years of age. Each day ho pauses bis hours In his well cultivated garden at his home here nnd seoins to glvo little thought to the fact that In days gone by thoumimlrt ot young readorit hung on his talcs ot Nick Cnrtor, the dar ing and resourceful dotcctlvo who solved mysteries that held tho great est minds appalled. Forty years ago 8awycr was a pro lific .wrltor of the sousatlotuil school. That was before tho Nick Carter series had ntartod, but oven In thoso dnn ho was famous oh a writer ot the Imaginative field, and had con tributed many stories to the New York Weekly and other publications of that description. "My vidians bavo always met their just desortK," ho says, "and virtue haH always triumphed. Now I nm satisfied to glvo up fiction writing nnd tend to the flowers that izrow about ray homo." Sawyor won Induced to tako up fic tion writing by meeting Col. i:. 7.. C. Judson, (Ned Buntllno) who was the pioneer wr!Vr of American sensa tional stories and dltno novels. Jud son camo to California In 1SCS and remained for somo woka in Sao Jose. Later, on hl trip oast, Saw yer met lluffalo Bill, and later still, J. H. Hlckok, "WJtd mil." and othor famous characters who became heroes of )U novttU. Bawyer took up his writing soon after I ho deparluin of Colonel Jud son, niut continued It until u fow yours ngil. lie Is now a unlet tjtlion, howvjvor, pnyH no nUonlon to nlorliMi ot crime, or doWxllvn work, but toll you, If you wish to know, Uo history of every rose that blooms k ."hfit K'lrdan and ofovory Vlolot Dial tpnoprt ltd head above tho grawi. D 3Z7 MAIN 3T, Arf'.ts' MIBS GEIlTIttlDE ECKMAN HAH YORK AND ANNOUNCES THE IlKTUHNBI) FHOM NHV FALL OPENING FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPT. 2ND AND 3Rp. N Kodak Work ILeavebur Filtws 'Mm 9 oyocK-Your (Jderwooift nanKiry W'sL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON thS! uRiT.r, 9 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY TMEIH DRUGS fftcj;wMy;v WWWMWWMWWWWWWWWWWWVWWMWMWW LAST CALL FORr- Block Wood Prices on blockwood qro low at preseut bat will advance a fall weniner comes, uur hiock ui uiuwiuti w nui niw mm td i filling orders promptly with BIG BLOCKS Buy now! for fall weather means hlghsr prices. " GREEN SLAB-WOOD Phono In your order for ton cords of green stab at $35.00 tor a year's supply of wood the cheapest wood available. O. Peyton & Co. it 'WOOD TO BURN' 419 Main St. Phone tl jj-(j-1j-1j-(j-j-ij-ij-U-j-JI City GROUP NO, Shoes 4 DRV Oftonn AND CIXrTIHNG Collars Business Black Overalls Gingham Walkover Arrow Suits Aihland ,$7.50-12.50 .25 $36.00 Mcdford 7.00-10.00 .26 45-75 Albany 8.00-8.50 .25 37-50 Pendelton 6.00-10.00 .20 45-60 Marshfield 7.50-12.50 .20 37.66 Orants Pass 6.00-9.00 .20 36-50 Salem 8.00-12.00 .25 35-50 Eureka 10.00-14.00 .25 40-06 EuKcno -"" 40.00 BeSd 8.00-12.00 .25 35-40 Fresno 6.00-10.00 .25. 35-45 nakor -25 37.60 Astoria 8.00-10.00 .25 50.00 Klamath Falli 9.00-13.00 .25 45.00 Sateen .40 to .60 J!0to.40 .59 .60 .30 to .39 .36 to .65 .26 to .60 .60 to 1.00 .63 to 1.00 .60 to .80 Jit, to .CO .20 to .50 .50 .60 O co. h Mrs. E. S, 11. II. $1.50-2 00 .22 1.111-1.45 .19-.: 1.50 .26 1 76 .36-.8S .89-1.19 .16-19 1.15 20-.1 1.00-1.75 .19 1.26-1.75 .25-1 .75-1.76 .25-.1 1.50 .-J 5 1.26 .26-.t 1.00 .18-.5 1.75 .19-! 1.46-1.65 .18 p. Forgo. , Henry. ' Dunbar. gaged as security by ex-bervlco men applying for loans. Tho Multnomah appointment Is held up pending an opinion from tho attorney genoral on tho quostlon (whetuor tho county can bo divided Into districts, with an attorney for each district. In tho action of tho Beayor Port land Cement company ngalnst the Southern Pacific Railroad company tho public sorvlco commission has Is sued an ordor reducing from 40 to 22 cents a ton tho freight rato on rock from, Zachor to Gold Hill. Tho history of Oregon will be studied in schools throughout tho state this winter, according to Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian. Books aro being shipped from the state library for tho purpose. Development of a stntowldo plan of Americanization Is tho purposo of a committee that has been ppolntcd by Governor Olcutt. The members are: W. B. Ayer, Judgo Jacob Kanzlor and V. V. .Torallnson, Portliyid; Herman Wlso', Astoria; Senator Ira S Smith, Marshflold; J. S. Horlch, Tho Dalles, nnd Miss Margaret Coaper, Salem. Funds of tho Htato accldont com mission totaling $40,5,00 bavo boon Invested by tho stato bond commis sion In school district bonds. Tho In vestments are: School district No. 18, Jackson county, $5500; school dis trict No. 31, Klumath county, $12. 000; school district No, 14, Lak C. E. Gates, mayor of Mcdford has boon appolntod by Governor Olcott . a member of tho state fair bord Ho succeeds E. V. Carter ot Medford, who has resigned. The world war yoterans' stato bonus and loan commission on Fri day announced for all counties ex cept Mnltnomn the attorney who will servo under the bonus act as exa miners of abstract on land mort- Suction Coal Mining THE SACRED HEART ACADEMY KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ' CONDUCTED BY The Sisters of Charity Without Cost or Expense to the City or County The Courses of Instruction are according to the Oregon School Law, and are entirely without Religious prejudice, and the advantages, of training and educa tion are accorded to pupils without regard to Creed or Belief. - Thn imitnm of tho Busauehanna River at narrisburg. Pa., Is covered with flno coal that can bo burned with a forced draft. Queer looking boats, like tnu, equippca who bucuoq pump, waw u wtu uvui wt 'river bed. --'.-"".ITST TERMB Tmltioa, Day Hcholars .'. .....; 8.00 w monm Board and Tuition (SO.OO per menth This Include board, laundry and ordinary medicine. For two children, 98S.00 per month. For doctors' calls tho local fee Is charged, Mule UmooM I 7i00 e, umU! Boys from 0 to 14 years, Boarding Department SCHOOL REOPEW SEPTEMBER 6, 1921 Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR for further information. t I Aft. -i' mmm,4mmi imimmm- m. !- &- '""win ' A immwmmmmmmm (U?tftLI