The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 01, 1921, Image 1

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A Claw Ad Will
Member of the Associated Pre.
rif(Htli Year.-No. 0011.
rates fmi cam
SEATTLE, Hopt., 1 Tho missing
freighter, Canadian Importor, ha
been found with too crew on board
safe. No trace hs. yet been found
of the missing lifeboat with two of
floors and nlnnmon.
The Canadian Importor mun dis
covered about 10:30 o'clock last
night (00 mllna wont of Ban Fran
oIko. The Importor bad drifted 80
mile aoutb and flrn mitoa west of
whera she wu alghtnd by tbo steam
er Cordova two week ago,
Tba Canadian Importer baa 34
paraona aboard. She la now un
dar Ww aad on tha war to Bs
qulmault, D. C.
Warren Co. Get the
Modoc Pt. Contract
PORTLAND, Hopt . 1 Anion tha
contract Ivt yiutordny by thu alnln
highway commtsslon was tho gravel
ling of thn Dnrclay Spring to Utnm'i
Mill unit of Tho Dallos-CaWornIa
highway, which won awardod the
Warren Conslrucllou company at an
approxlinntn rout of $3R,000
Robert Oorlx, principal of the
Klamath county high school, today
announced tha naim-a of tbo fac
ulty for tho coming year, which
opena next Tuesday, September 6.
Tho teachers, wjth their subjects.
colleges from which they gradu
ated and. year of graduation are aa
llobrrt Goetr, principal, 1' hi lo
rn a tb college. 1904, University
of Oregon. 1900.
J. n. llees, sclonrn, Lombard col
lege, 1903.
Rachel Solomon, language, Unl
voralty of Oregon. 1013. '
E. O. Ileaucbamp, manual train
ing, University of Ohio. 1901.
Avis Dougherty; homo economic,
McKendrlll college, 1910.
Evelyn Applogatn, music, Pacific
rollege, 1(03.
Mary M. Craig, English, Unlver
ally or Missouri, 1913.
Elizabeth Koya, muthcmatlra,
Moran college, 1908,
' Howard Wlnos, commercial de
partment, Unlvoralty of Oregon,
Wanda Ilrown, ucleuce, UuIvcMlty
of Oregon, 1921.
Elmor Pondell, history, Unlvoralty
of Oregon, 1921.
Iluth II, Wllaou, history, Grin
noil collego, 1919, Unlvoralty of
Chicago, 1921. '
Fruuk Z. Howard, mathomotlca
and Hpanlsh, Whitman collego,
Flvo teachers, Howard Winea, El
mer 1'ondoll, Frank Z. Howard,
Miss Ilrown and Mlaa Wilson, aro
new on tha local faculty. The re
mainder of tba list named are re
appointments. William S. Ketadever,
for many years janitor of tbo coun
ty high school, again fills tho posi
tion. A night school will again bo main
tained this year, said Mr. Oooti,
probably starting In October.
Thn county Instltuto will bo held
ut tbo high school October 12, 13
and 14.
Man Loses Life
In Forest Fire
Near Spokane, Wash.
SPOKANE, Sept.. 1 John Auu
cher, rancher, wan burned to death foreHt tiro west of hero, It was
reportod today.
Fires In Stovona county aro report
od to bo tbo worst of tho county's his
tory. Many of them aro beyond con-trot-and
realdontH In tho threatened
district havo boon warned that all
must look out tor thomsolves.
ciPjORTLAND, Sept., 1 Wheat
11.01 tdifl.H.
Friends Tell Tales
Of Queer Hunt of
Four Local Nimrods
Tho "wlldost hunt over staged for
deer in Klamath county wu put on
thin morning, It la aald, by Mix
WoIm, W. L. Valentino, Fred M.
(larlch, and toy Orem. It wa a
"wild hunt for safety' of the counlv
road nenr the McCormack ranch, it la
added by tha relator, for tha entlro
bunting tarty, Just at sunrise.
The story run that tho four nlm-
roda led last night elated oor thn
prospect of securing a fine buck
which has boon seen repeated I." hear
thn ranch. Camp was atrui'ic In thn
McCormaik barnyard and drMm
bad of an early morning, start, the
buck sprung, four cracks of the rifle,
a mighty leap in tbo air by the doer,
then a crumpling up of tho noblo ani
mal. Each man dreamed that ho
would bo the "lucky man." Just at
daybreak, a tbey were preparing to
steal upon their prey, a lady, aald
to bo Mr. McComack, appeared on
thn scuno.
"Am you aware that you aro on
private) property?" h Inquired.
"Vr, Indy, but wo want to get n door
wblrh Is here," Max Weiss Is alleged
to have remarked.
"(let off tho place at once and
don't you daro ahoot that deer It's
our pot." i
Four nlmrods, with shattered
IdcnU and heavy heart trekki'd meek
ly off tha place, looking disgustedly
and sheepishly at each other. It Is
iald that each party blame the other
for tho "easy way to got a deer"
What Klamath county school dis
trict, will-succeed In having, IU faN
vorlte farmer's daughter Installed
an tho queen of tbo Klamath Coun
ty Fair October 6. 4 and 7T Tho
fair daughter, who helps mako tha
living and assists in the work on
the average Klamath county farm
and who will win this coveted hon
or, will soon be known, for tha an
nouncement waa mado by the fair
board that ballota were being pre
pared for tbo printer today so as
to Mart tho contest within a fow
An entrant In this raco must bo
the daughter of a bona fldo fsrmor,
who Uvea on a farm or ranch In
this county, atatea tho fair board,
and thcro are no lines -drawn, just
so abo has resided In Klamath coun
ty nt least a year.
Tho conteat, tbo fair board an
nounced, will be conducted along
the lines followed by the Fourth ot
July commltteo and votes will be
aold at one cent oach, on ballota
calling for S, 10, 25, and 100 votes,
respectively. Each echool district
will havo ballota sent to them for
disposal and anyone desiring to
nominate a candldato must pur
chase a 25 vote ballot, wrlto tbo
numo of entrant on tho nominating
lines and doposlt It In a box at each
school or mall It directly to tho
Fair Hoard, "Queen Contest Com
mltteo," lloom 208 Wlllltta Dldg.,
Klamath Falls, Ore.
1 Further particulars will be given
out this week, say tho fair board,
on this subject but it Is suggested
that oach school district at once
pick their candldato and "groom
hor" to win ono of tbo highest hon
ors that the. fair board can offor
to tho daughter .of a Klamath coun
ty farmer.
HAiimrva not looking
WASHINGTON, Sept., 1Prcsl
dent Harding, spoaklng today at tha
opening of tho fall term of tho Army
War collego, declared that "no mat
tor whoro tho best aspirations of the
world lead ua, thero never may bo a
time without tho necccaslty for armed
SALEM, Sept., 1 Tho stato bonus
commission is today mailing blanks
for application for loans or bonuses
to all-tho American toglon posts of
the stato.
OREGON Tonight and Friday,
Comparative Cost of Living
In Klamath Falls and Other
Cities Is Shown By Report
Following Is tba report of tho com
m It loo on tho coat of living, which
started Investigations last Juno,
following a public mooting at which
tho members of tho commltteo wera
To tha Cltiiens of Klamath Ceunty:
At a mass mooting of cltiiens at
tho chamber of commorca auditor
ium In Juno thero waa appointed a
committee consisting ot Chas. W.
Kborlnln, Frod Houston, Fred Da
kar, A. L. Wlsbard, and Jamas Ste
vens whoso duty "was to appoint a
committee to Investigate tho prices
bora as well as elsewhere.
1 Tho following wera appeinted:
Fred A. Baker, attornoy; It. 11.
Dunbar, Insurance; A. L. Wlshard,
printing; C. F. Trimble, Clergy;
Hose Nlckerson, restaurant; L. J.
Ilean, barber; A. J. Voye, factory
(Continued on
CHARLESTON, W. Va Sept. 1.
Govornor Morgsn's office, soon
after noon today, announced re
ceipt of report from Logan of the
resumption ot firing on Blair moun
tain In Iloone county.
WASHINGTON, Sept. lv Three
regiments of United Btatos troops
were prepared at noon to leave
Camp Dlx, Now Jersey, and Sher
man, Ohio, tor the Weat Virginia
coal fields at a moments notice.
Thirteen airplanes war earoato
from Langtey Field, Vs., to tho
coal fields as a precautionary mea
sure. '
Messages poured Into the Whlto
House from West Virginia officials
and cltiiens. saying that tha ak-med
bandlta were disposed to disregard
the president's call to disperse.
Tho president baa a proclamation
declaring martial law ready to sign
at onco It thu situation demands
CHARLESTON, W. Va., Sept.. J
Effort -will bo mado to Induce the
armed banda in Logan and Iloono
counties to disperse beforo further
stops are taken to bring in federal
troops, William Potry, Tlro-presldont
of the United Mine Workers announ
ced attor a conference In Governor
Morgan's offlco this afternoon. Gene
ral Uandbolts, utato adjutant gcnoral,
was present.
A special train carrying off I com
ot tho miners union and Major C. F.
Thompson, U. S. A., will leavo Char
leston, for tho disturbed area this
afternoon. Tho officers plan to ad
dress tho men and urgo them to dis
perse to their homes.
Value of Wholesale
Trade Drops' Daring
Year in 12th Dist.
Wholosalo trado during July was
loss In value and pr&bably In vol
umo than It was In July a yoar
ago, It was said by John Porrln,
chairman ot tho board ot (ho 12th
foderal resorvo district. Reports
from 186 representative wholesale
flrmH In ton linos ot business In tho
district, ho said, showed decreases
ot from 17.1 por cent to E0.1 per
cent In tho valuo ot not sales In
July, this year, compared with
July, 1920, In all linos except auto
mobile tires, in which an increase
ot 8.1 por cont was recorded.
Compared with June, 1921, tho
net valuo ot July suIcb ot report'
Ing stores was less In all oxcopt au
tomobile tires, automoblla oqulp-
ment and groceries, Agricultural Im-
plomonts roglstored tbo largoat do
crease, 46 per cent.
Present prices compared with
tboso of ono year ago aro sub
stantially lo-wer in all reporting
lines ot business. It is indicated
that the physical volume of mor
chandlso bolng wold at wholesale
manager; (loo. L. Forgo, Insurance;
Lawrnnco Pbalps. grocoryman;
James Slovens, president labor coun
cil;; Mrs. E. Henry, president wom
en's auxiliary, C. of C; Mrs. Harry
Ackley, former county- snpt. of
schools. '
This commit Ice met and selected
James Stevens chairman and T. L.
Stanley (secretary of tho chamber
of commerce) as secretary. The com
mittee then dlvldod Into four groups
to Investigate as follews: Group 1,
rents; Group 2, provisions; Gronp
3, public establishments; a roup 4,
dry goods and clothing. Tho report
is mado In groups In accordanco
with the abovo and submitted with
out comment.
Tho commltteo wish to tbsnk tho
chamber ot commerce labor org
anisations, civic bodies, and indl-
Page Two)
DORRIS, Col., Sept. 1. Naming
"Eddie Rums" aa tho master direc
tor ot operations, Joe Smldl, 17-
year-old boy arrested as a member
of tho gang which blew, two safes
In tbls county In Juno, has mado a
complete confession to tha officers.
Hunts has not yet bean captured
by the officers but Allan Houchlngs,
another alleged member ot the gang,
Is s)io In Jail at Yreka facing a
grand larcency ebarge.
t ( Loot Piaaalaed
' Smldl, according to his statement
to Deputy Sheriff Tabor, was pro-
tailed upon by Burns to participate
in the operations of tbo gang by tbo
promlso of tho loot to bo secured.
Although the ro sates blown at
Ml. Hobron and Dorrls tho night of
Juno 22nd netted tho gsng only a
fow dollars In actusl cash, Smldl ex
plained that theso operations wore
only the beginning of a list of rob
beries planned. Sovoral banks In
northern California and southern
Oregon wcro slated aa wall as nu
merous mercantile establishments.
Klamath Ftolb Robberiea Coaf eased
Mystery surroudlng several bouse
and sloro robborlcs in Klamath Falls
during tho past six months was
cleared by Smldl, who narrated to
great length tho details ot the
gang's operations there.
liurns, tho mastor crook of tho
gang, had chosen him, Smldl told
tbo officers, bocauso ho was cool
and dependable.
Officers aro still In search ot
Hums. Ry capturing Smldl and
Houchlngs officers bellevo they havo
broken up tho most formldablo ring
that has operated 'In this country
slnco tho days of tho stage-coa'ch
Brumfield Indicted;
Pleads Not Guilty
ROSERURO, Sopt. 1. Dr. R. M.
Rrumtleld was indicted for tho mur
der ot Dennlss Russell by the coun
ty grand jury this afternoon.
Rrumtleld was taken Into the cir
cuit court this afternoon and plead
ed not guilty. Tho court overruled
a motion to quash th indictment.
Drumtlold's attornoy filed an affi
davit ot projudlc against Judgo
Hamilton and askod tho supremo
court to appoint another judgo. Ho
also announcod he would ask
change ot venuo and a delay ot the
trial so affidavits might be obtain
ed from California, Ohio and Can
ada. '
Mako that idle dollar work! Put
it In tho bank.
la somowhat 'less than it was a year
ago . In July, however, prices wero
reported ns steadier than they had
been hitherto for a year. Somo fur
thor reductions In prices wero ro
portod In hardwaro and furniture,
but previous doclines in these lines
had not been so targe as other
Property Dispute
Leads to Eviction
By Main Strength
Jay Mitchell, living near Rly, suf
fered a very peculiar sensation last
Thursday night when bo returned to
rlo ranch, openod tho door and enter
od. Tho hour wan 3 o'clock a. m., and
somehow ho foil tho premonition that
"all was not well," states D. K. Col
lar, of Yreka, Mitchell' attorney.
uoing upstairs, aiiicneii openea nis
bedroom door and waa astonished to
sea a stranger In bis bed."Wlio aro
you and what aro you doing in ray
bed?" inquired Mitchell.
"Trying to sleep, close tbo door
as you go out," was the reapons said
to havo boon made by tbo Intruder.
"No matter about explanations
pllo out and get out immediately,"
was tbo injunction of Mitchell. ,
"Not on your Ufa, I was sent bare
to take charge of this" ranch by.D.
M. McLemore," was tbe-aHcgod ro
ply made by the stranger who it de
veloped waa Jack Lewis from Califor
nia, i
Mitchell did noO'walt to answer
but pullod the Intruder'' out of bed
dressed blm and 'then when Lowfs
refused to budge, carried him down
stairs and put him in hla automo
bile. Lewis refused to drive ana"
Mitchell tfooked a towllne on his
car and took bjaa to the highway
whera Ja left blm. (
According to JJJr. .Colllor jtho dis
pute over property1 "ownership be
tween Mitchell and1 McLemoro has
not yot roacheir tbo courts and
Lew in' presence waa net backed by
any legal authority.' Tho attorney
waa hero In tho Interests ot a settle
ment and said that whether or not
his client brings suit dopends on
tbo next movo by McLemoro.
The ranch involved in tbo contro
versy is mid to 'bo one of the best
In tho county, of an estimated value
of 160,000. '
a n "
N. D. Glnsbsxk and WJlmot Sand
bam lay claim to bringing In tba first
buck of tho season in District Two,
claiming this honor by appearing at
tho Herald office at '9 o'clock this
morning with a fine specimen. They
stato that this morning south of Long
Lake, a bunch of threo dear wcro
sprung and as both fired at about
tho same tlmo, the honor of tho kill
is evenly dlvldod-between them.
Tho buck was a black tailed deer
weighing about 150 pounds with two
well defined prongs. A shot through
tho neck brought tho animal dqwn.
Tbo deer was taken to thn Lincoln
Market where tbey availed them
selves of tbo offer advertised In the
Herald by C. F. W. Werner, who will
dress, cut up and place tho
In cold storage free ot charrc.
Fred Zlcgler last night overboard
Glnsbach and Sandh'am assert In
tho Rex Cafo that they would se
cure a buck In record time. In fact
within 13 hours after thoy loft
tbls city. Zlegler asserts that ono
ot tbo bystanders who overheard
tho remark wagered a dinner that
such would not be tha case.
Local Garage Man
Moves to Chiloquin
Tho Mallory garage at 133 South
Sixth stroot has been discontinued
and tho stock and fixtures aro being
moved to Chiloquin, whore tho busi
ness will be conducted under the
sarao managomont. Moving Is under
way today .
DUBLIN. Sept.. 1 The reply ot
the Irish republican cabinet to the
latest communication of tho British
government on poaco proposals was
dispatched last night to Promts'
Lloyd George, who Is In Scotland.
' PORTLAND, Sept. 1. Tho egg
market has rallied and oggs are
firm and highor. Buyers aro offer
ing farmers from 29 cents to 30
cents for current receipts. Tha sell
ing price, case count, ranges from
30 to 32 cents, 36 to 38 cents for
solect. Other quotations steady.
Roy B. Johnson, aged 31, was ar
rested at Medford Tuesday sight by
Sheriff Lloyd Low of Klamath eotuv
ty" ob warrant sworn oat by Harry
B. PslU, of Klamath Falls, charglag
Johnson with tha alleged embenla
ment of approximately 93,000 In
'cash, by padding of books of tba to
bacco agency conducted In Medford
by Pelts, since February 1.
Pelts discovered tka discrepancy
Bunday nlght'whlle checking over tba
Medford ageacy books and awera oat
a complaint beforo District Attorney
C. C. Brower of Klamath eoaaty.
Pelts and Low traced Johnson to
Grants Pass Monday whera inquiry
devefoped that aa affinity naasad
"Julian" resided with whom. Jews
son was alleged to have bean Infatua
ted, i
Learning that Johnson bad depart
ed earlier In the evening for Mad
ford, Sheriff Low made a flying trip
there and arrested Johnson. When
placed under 'arrest, Johnson admit
ted Sheriff Lew says, that ba had
raised tiro accounts 1100 each but
denied that ale defalcations had
reached 13,000. Sheriff Low claims.
thatJobaaoB admitted that most ot
the moaey embesaled waa spent on
tha Grants Paaa affinity.
Pelts swore out another complaint
before District Attorney Rawlins
Moore ot Jackaoa county alleging tha
same charges, and Sheriff Low sur
rendered tba prisoner to tbo Jackson
county authorities, at tho reauett of
the plaintiff. Tho alleged crita waa
committed la Medford aad all wit-,
nasaea reside there. Sheriff Low
stated that whIW ta-.oria1na com-
pjiiaVwrtglnateJI lavKtamaMi tosmtr.
to return the prisoner-hir aad hava
the circuit court subpoena tho wit
nesses from Medford would cost tbls
county at least $1000. Pelts re
quested the surrender to tha Jackson
county authorities ot tha alleged em
betzlor. Sheriff Low complied with
tbo request.
Sheriff Low stated that tho Mad
ford agency established by Pelti bsd
been in operation since February shd
that an Involco ot the agency was
conducted by Pelts in June. At that
time, no errors were discovered but
when Pelts employed another man
to assist with the books, the discrep
ancy waa discovered. Tbo, alleged
system use'd by Johnson was to' in
crease the customer's account before
Involco then erase the extra figure
when the! customer settled the bill.
Johnson Is married and has a wlta
and two children living In Medford.
He was af tobacco salesman for four
or five reara before worltnK for
ion mm
Pioneer Citizen is
Here on a Visit '
Henry Parish, an old time resi
dent, was In town this morning tor
a get togethor (meeting with all his
trlonds and particularly with Judge
Leavitt. On his way hero from his
home In California Mr. Parish vis
ited Lundy, a famous old mining
town well-known to both ho and
Judgo Loavltt, which Is now abso
lutely deserted. Bodto was anoth
er old town visited. It once had
10,000 people but the population is
only 35 ot tbls time. Virginia City.
Mark Twain's old borne, another
mining tpwn which the two man
knew well In their youth, ts com
ing back Into lta own, aald Mr.
Parish, In the old days mining
methods wore so crude that low
grado ore could not be worked, but
new processes mako it profitable
and will prove tbe salvation ot Vir
ginia City.
Mr, Parish was accompanied by
Charles Kerner, who resides near
Mr. Parish In Rtpon, California.
Dr. L. N. Gass today. waa instal
ling his effects In the Wlllltts build
ing In rooms 202-03-04. Dr. Oaas
states that he Intends to. arrange fate'
offices with all the latest equip
ment for the practico ot his pro
fession! ' '
" l-1,lA "tJWl U!l.ltfP2r"