"-W :1 MM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKD.1JMDAT, AUGUST 8, 1031. l The Office Cat gjgjjMMgjBlglgjff tSsflBBBBBBBgtKtKf gtKf Bl'Tfc Jfcmjiiock Xntlt Thhhs ' Open. The Eskimo sloepn In his llttt btaf skin, And keeps' vnrr wann, wo aro told, Lost nlgbt wo slopt In our little bar Kin And caught helluva cold. Tmffy Andsmon tmjn bt often won dere who' bat tho school-teacher during vacation. Hknr j ohlcksu baa crossed the road to tiro ua an objoct lesson In t be; perils of jaywalking. r T) man who will not tako advice I aan not be holpod, ssy Uoo. Mots. IlerfdoU news It alo becoming second-band 'tuff. It John I). Ilockofollor, 8r., can grab off a spouso at tlm ago of 84, theo ioouib to bo no reason why wo should despair. Hut, nnyhow, comma, John has noma trlfllnic advantages thai wo do not enjoy. Long Iitaud Judgu orders man to o bay wife ono day each wook. If she's wlso-sho'll choono lnydar. A successful fool alwayii has plenty of fool admirers, snorts Arthur Col An Anrlnnt Inquiry. The old complaint rewound anew Our nympathlm to touch When dothM appoar to bo no fow Why should thoy coat no much? n boy of flro, Tbo woman hug boon thoro for two years. Ud to tlm tlmo of tho earthquake thoro had been no fllfcnn of lovo bo- twoon the two. Hut tho nnrlhqunko threw largo rocks nKnlnsl tbo open ing to, the -woman's cave, and dur ing tbo man' frantic and succossful effort to remoTo them a reallsa tlon of their mutual love oamo to each. Vltngmph has glvou tbla strong play by tho Hot. Cyrus Townaend IJrady u iplendld production, tho earthquako bolng especially reallatto. Antonio Moreno In foatorod In the play aa the castaway and Kdlth Htoroy la tbo girl. ' Voluntary Gift of $10 to Help Band To giro Director Hoolak of tho Klamath Kails band substantial on couragomont, also to yoIco hi ap proval and ahow Appreciation, Dr. Fred Westorfold hni sent a $10 check to tho ban ddtrector to further the Intercut of music here. Dr. Weetcrfold ha offered to duplicate the chock If the band plays ono afternoon at tbo county fair and compliments the director for tho Me morial Day muulc furulshod by the local organization. Route Over Cascades Is Much Travelled EUOKNE. Org., Auk., 31 Travel over tbu now road Into Klamath county by tho old mllltnry route la now qultu hwy, uccordfng to W. C. Yornn of this city, who, with Mrs. Yoran and their won-ln-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. flwook of Portland, arrived In Kugeno from a trip to Crator lako by way of this road. Not less than SO cars wore seen by tho party on the upper rlvor along this road, said Mr. Yoran, mint of tho occupants having driven up thcro to hunt deer. Quito a number of cars wcmvaleo seen on tho short of Crvsront and Odell lakes, which have been rescbod this year by motor for tho first time. Itub Out Our Name. Thirty mon ooutd persusda tho two thousand womim studoats nt the nor mal to Isnghton their skirts by refus ing to walk with them until thoy did. Normal Uullotln, Kmporla. To which one of tho "women" stu dents, who probably wears 'em short so oho won't bo lonely, replies: "Mebbe. ao. Hut first flndjrour thirty men." lUdpe For Booses. JUep your hesd cool, your foot warm, your mind busy. Dont worry ever trifles. I'lsn your work ahead, than stick to It rain or shine. Don't wast sympathy on yourself. It you are gem some one will find you. Don't whine tell people you are a feature and thor will believe you, Talk and act llko a wlnnor. and In time you will become one. A young man will promise a girl to share all .her troubles (when he knows blame well bo can't wear hor hoes. Dog days aro bad, but cat ulshts are worse, says Nols Hounsowoll. What A Chance. Remember tho tlmo whim n girl thought a bathing suit, ovon with skirt vms porfoctly schecklng: Now they go around with O. V. D. suits and feol perfectly at oaso. Tho KHngti.h Way. An American gob In England had stepped on a weighing machlno and was studying It with a puzsold eyo. 'What' tho matter, don't you know what It moans?" inquired a friend, raoro ozperloncod In matters' BrIUnnlcal: "Let's soo It." Ho Inspoctod tho Indicator and an nounced preudly: - "Yon weigh oloven stones, two bricks, one ploco of throe by one-halt Inch board and a couplo of shingles." STOW TOLO B THIS MEHCHANT IS REHHLE IT IlKALLV HOITNDH INCREDIDLK IIUT WKLL KNOW.V MAN TE8 TIKDM TO TRUTH LS AX VN HOLIC1TKD LKTTKR. Writing from Mazeys, Gs., A. J. Otllen. proprietor of a large de partment store at that placo, says "1 havo a customer horo who was In bod for three years and did not go to a meal at any time. She had flvo physicians and thoy gavo hor out. Ono boltlo of Tanlac got hor up, on tho second bottlo sbo com menced keeping houso and on tho third sho did all tho cooking and housework for a family of eight." This sounds realty Incredible, but It comos unsolicited from a highly crodltablo sourco and ts copied vor batlm from tho totter. Tanlac Is sold In drug stores everywhere' RESOLUTION Mr. Parrot; "This Leaguo of Na tiona Is supposed to ond all wars, Isn't U?" , ' Mr. Rat: "J dunno. I'm sure I could never trust the cat." ITUB STRAND , t An earthauako Is rather a nov elty in motion pictures, a Hold' that baa eovored about every sort of disaster',' but a violent quako, such as are froQUont In tho South Sea Is lands, plays an important and, roal Istlo part In "Tho Island of Regen eration,"' which will bo soon at the Strand theatre tonight. In this en grossing story by Cyrus Townsond Brady- a man and a woman aro castaways on an othorwlso unin habited Island. The man has beon there for 20 years since he was Tho City Englnoor pursuant to Resolution of the Common Council horotoforo adoptod. having on tho 1st day of August, 1921. tiled plans, specifications and estimates of tho cost of Improvtng Oak Avenue from Hlxth Street to Spring Stroot, Wal nut Avonuo from Stzth Street to Ninth Btreet, Bevonth Stroot from Klamath Avenuo to Oak Avonuo, Klghth Street from Walnut Avenuo to Oak Avonuo and Ninth Street from Klamath Avonuo to OaK Avonuo, In cluding Intersections, and the Coun cil having takon tho aamo uader advlsomont, and finding said plans, specifications and estimatos to bo sat isfactory, DBIT HEREBY RESOLVED, that said plans, specifications and esti mates for the improvemont of Oak Avenuo from Sixth Stroot to Spring Stroot, Walnut Avonuo from Sixth to Ninth Stroot. Bovonth Stroot from Klamath Avenuo to Oak Avonuo, Eighth Stroot from Walnut Avonuo to Oak Avenuo and Ninth Stroot from Klamath Avonuo to Oak Avonuo, In cluding Intersections, bo and tho samo aro horoby approved, and, DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That tho Common Council heroby do claros Its Intention to improvo said portions of said stroots In accordance with said plans, specifications and es timates; said Improvomost to consist of paving sntd portions of said stroots with Willlto, Asphaltto Con crete, Dltallthle or Concroto. Tho ostlmatod cost of Improving of said portions of Bald stroots with Wil llto, Asphnltlo Concroto or Dltullthlc to bo $92,IG4.9G; tho ostlmatod cost of tho Improvement of said portions of .said stroots with Concroto to bo $90,7G4.9G. Said cost Including grad ing, rolling, curbing and concroto sidewalk. v AND DB IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, by tbu Common council that tho The exclusive specialty shop for feminine apparel. Gar ments of style, quality, popu lar prices. ANDROSS-GLOVER STYLE SHOP 707 Main St Phone 341 W MMvsrwMWWWyVsa n You will be interested in viewing our wonderful as sortment of Blouses and Sweaters. SHOP IN KLAMATH FALLS fiiTTr " "ii i'iii "i i - - --- ---------. - ri 1- -1-r--nnr n- --JllLL j-uuitxtrLi"L'X"inrLt .itt.'.ti n iii "" " " "" " - ..... Authentic Showing of AUTUMN APPAREL WOMEN WISHING TO BE INDIVIDUALLY COSTUMED IN VARIABLY TURNS TO THIS SHOP WHERE THE ATTAINMENTS OF FASHION ARE CERTAINTIES ESPECIALLY AT THE BE GINNING OF A NEW SEASON WHEN AUTHENTICITY IS A NECESSITY. Coats and Wraps Moussyne, Veldyne, Moch atex, Marvella are the fa brics one finds in the Aut umn Coats and Wraps. Marmot, Taupe, Volnay, Red, Navy, Blue, and ' Black, the colors. The tftyles evince fullness some where, with full cut sleeves, Fur collars that look well worn high or low. The em broideries often profuse and always beautiful, bring to mind the days when time was plentiful and needle work was a fine art. Priced from $29.50 $125.00. ' W - 11 SLgmmmmmmm"! 1 stWsk'. r?Tv.f j Autumn Suits Dignified, plain tailored Suits, and stunning novelty Dress Suits, long coat, and short box coat models. New materials include Maus syne. Veldyne, Twill Cord, and Tricotine. The favor ite new colors are Malay, Sphinx, Marmot, ana Tor toise Shell ,as well as Navy and Black. Priced from $39.50 to $110.00. Autumn Dresses vvwMwwwiw Motorists ore Canton, Crepe, Soft Satins. Georgette, Crepe Meteor, Plquotlnes, Pol ret Twills, Tricottnes, and of course no wardrobe is completo without a blaek frock. Othor' colors aro Navy, Drown. Mode, and vivid tones. Priced from $28.75 to $79.50. juuu-u-TiAAxnru-ruuuxrtr " MILLINERY New hats just received by express, which means they are up to the minute in style. So many styles and colors, and so many trims. New lurbans, mushrooms, ivouea oiior., Straight brimmed hats, and other smart shapes, in Autumn's fayored colors such as Brown, Beaver, Tangerine, Peacock, Henna, Harding Blue, Navy, Fuchsia, and plenty ot black. Priced from $3.95 to $23.50. Andross-Glover Style Sh nil i following described property bo and It la horoby 'doclared benotlttod by said Improvement, tewlt: Lots C, 7, 8, 9. 10, Illock 83, Lots C, 7, 8, 0. 10, Dlock 82, Lots 1, 2. 3. i, S. Dlock 94, LoU-1. 2, 3, 1, S, Illock 9C, all In Klamath Addition to the city of Klamath Falls, Oregen: LoU 1, 2, 3, i, 6, C, 7, 8, 9, Ulock 1, Hollllstor Addition, Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, C, Dlock 7, Canal Addition, Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Illock C, Canal Ad dition, Lots 8, 0, Dlock 0 Canal addition; Lota la, lb, lc. Id. 2a. 2b, 2c, 2d, 2o, Lots 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, Lots 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. Lots Ga. Sb, Cc, Cd, Lots Co, 6b, Cc, Cd, Lots 7a, 7b, 7c, 7(1, 8c, 8d, Lots 9a. 9b. 9c. 9d, all in 8c, 8d, Lots 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, all In and Oak Avenuo; also Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Dlock 77, Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, S. Dlock 83. Lots 8, 7. 8. 9, 10, Illock 78, Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 6. Dlock 82, all In Klamath Addition to tho City ot Klamath Kails, Orogon; and tho southeasterly half ot that certain acroago block bouudod by Dlock 78 Klamath Addition, Walnut and Kla math Avenues and Ninth Street; also Lots 8, 10, Dlock 3, and 7. 8, Dlock C, Canal Addition to tho City ot Kla math Falls, Oregon; also Lots 1, 10, Dlock 77, Lots C, 6, Dlock 78, Lots 1, 10, Dlock 83; Lots G, 6, Dlock 82, Lots 1, 2, Dlock 94, Lots 4, G, Dlock 95 Klamath Addition to the city ot Klamath Palls, Oregon; also Lots 1, 10, Dlock 78, Lots 1, 10, Dlock 83, Dl'ock 'gj LoU la. lb. lc, 2a, ZM' l 10; "'"J os; 'n.,KIamntS. Ad 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, Ga, Gb, Gb, Ca, Cb, 7a. 7b. 8a. 8b, also Lota 39a. 39b, 39c, 40a, '40b, 38n, 38b, 37a, 37b, 36a, 30b, 3Ga, 3Gb, 34a, 34b, 33n, 33b, 32a, 32b, 31a, 31b, all In Dlock 6, Railroad Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Orogon; Lots 13n, 13b, 13c, 13d, Lots 14a, 14b, 14c, 14d, 14o, Lots 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, Lots 11a, lib, lie, lid, Lota 10a, 10b, 10c, lOd, Lots 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d. Lots 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, In Illock 4 of Railroad Addition to tho City ot Klamath Falls, Orogon; Lota 13a, 13b, 13c, Lota 14a, 14b, 12a, 12b, 11a, lib, 10a, 10b, 9a, 9b, 8a, 8b, also Lots lG.a 16b, lGc, 16a, 13n, 13b, 13c, 14a, 14b, 12a, 12b, lln, lib, 10a, 10b, 9a, 9b, 8a, 8b, also IGa, 15b, 16o, 16a, 16b, 17a, 17b, 18a, 18b, 19a, 19b, 20a, 20b, 21a. 21b, all In Dlock 3 Railroad Addi tion; Lota 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d. Ua, lib, 10a, 10b, 10c. lOd, 9a, 9b, 8a, 8b, and Lota 13, 14n, 14b, IGa, 1Gb. 16a, 16b, all in Dlock 2 Rail road Addition; In, lb, 2n, 2b, Ca, 3b, 4a, 4b, Ga, Gb, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, also 39n. 39b, 40a, 40b, 38n, 38b, 37a, 37b. 36a, 36b, 3Co, 36b, 34a, 34b, 33n, 33b, 32a, 32b. 31a, 31b, all In Dlock 7 of tho Railroad Addition to tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon; Lots 1 and 2 Dlock 1, and Lots 1 and 2 Dlock 8 Railroad Addition to tho City ot Klnmath Falls, Orogon uml that acroago property hounded by Eighth and Ninth streets and Walnut dltlon to tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Lots 9, 10, Dlock 1, Hoi lister Addition to tho City of Kla math Falls, Orogon; also Lots 8, 10, Dlock 3, Lots 7, 8, Dlock 6, Lot 6, Dlock 7, Canal Addition to tho City ot Klamath Falls, Orogon, and Lots 1. 2, Dlock 1, Holllstor Addi tion and that certain ncreago pro perty abutting 104 foot on Klamath Avonuo and 110 feet on Ninth Stroot in tho acroago block horotoforo des cribed as bounded by Dlock 78, Kla math Addition, Walnut Avonuo, Kla math Avenuo and Ninth Stroot; and that said proporty above listed and doscrlbed bo and horoby Is declared to bo assessed for the expense ot said Improvement. And bo it 'further reBolrod that Monday tho 19th day ot Sopt., 1921, at tho hour .of eight o'clock P. M nt tho Council Chambers at tho City Hall bo flzed as tho tlmo and placo for the hoarlng or objoctlons and remonstrances against tho said pro posed improvement and tho Police Judge is horoby directed to causo notlco of said hearing to bo publish ed as by Charter Provided. ' Stato ot Orogon, County of Klamath, City o Klamath Falls, ss. 1, A; L, Leavltt, Pollco Judge ot tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do heroby certify that tho foregoing Is tho duly 'enrolled copy ot a reso lution adopted by the Common Coun cil on tho 22nd day ot August, 1031, doclarinc its Intention to Improvo Oak Avenue from BUth Street to Spring Street, Walnut Avonuo rrom Slzth Street to Ninth Steet, Soventh Bmn frnm Ivlamnth AVCDUO tO Oak Avenuo, Eighth Street from Walnut Avenuo to OaK Avenuo, ana iNinin Street from Klamath Avonuo to Oak Avenuo, Including Intersections. A. L. LEAV1TT Pollco Judge. S-10 SAGE TEA EPS When Mixed Willi Sulphur ltrlngs Rack Ills DeauUful Lustro At Once It Gray hair, howevor handsomo, do nntos advancing age. Wo all Jcnow tho advantages ot a youthful appear ance. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars tho face. When it tados, turns gray, and looks streak od, Just a few applications ot Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Us np poaranco a hundredfold. Don't stay grayl Look young; Elthor prepare the reclpo at home or got from any drug storo a bottln of "Wroth'a Sage and sulphur com pound," which is, merely tho old- tlmo reclpo impro "ed uy me anm tlon ot othor Ingredients. Thou sands ot folks recommend this ready-to-use preparation, because it dark ons tho hair beautifully; besldos, no one can possibly toll, as It darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a spongo or soft brush with It, draw ing this through tho hair, taking one small strand at n time. Dy morning tho gray hair disappears; after an other application or two Its natural color Is restored, and It bocomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear ears younger. Adv. Consclenco makes than It does cowards. moro bluffers U KIDNEYS T Kt Less Meat, Also Toko Glass of Baits Ueforo Eating Dreakfast Uric acid tin meat excites tho kid neys, they bocomo overworked; got sluggish, ncho, and feol llko lumps ot load. Thd urlno becomes cloudy; the bladdor Is Irritated, and you may bo obliged to seek rolls! two or threo times during tho night. When tho kidneys clog you muit help thorn flush oft tho boilr' urinous wasto or you'll be a real sick per son shortly. At first you feel a dull nilsory In tho kidney region, you suf fer from backache, Blck headache. dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you foel rheumatic twing es whon tho weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of wa ter; also get from any pharmacist four ounces ot Jad Salts; take a tablespoonfol In a glass ot water bs foro breakfast for a fow days and your kldnoys will then act fine. This famous salts la made from thd acid ot grapes and lemon juice, combin ed with llthln, and has beon usod for generations to clean clogged kldnoys nnd stlmulato them to nor mal activity, also to neutralize tho acids In urine, so It no longer Is a source ot Irritation, thus ending bladder woakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In jure; makes a dollghtful effervescent llthla-water drjnk which overyono should tako now and thon to keop the kldnes clean and active. Drug gists here say they sell lots ot Jad Salts to folks who bollove In ovorr coming kidney trouble while it Is J only trouble. Advv M