The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 31, 1921, Image 1

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MiBSSSSStSialal "1,
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A Clou Ad Will
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Member of the Associated Press,
KiftocnUi Yiwr No. 6010.
Hocrotary C. It. l)map of tbo Kla
math Dralngn district hit announc
ed tbat on Tuosday Hoptombor ,
the' builRot commltbto appointed at
tbo odjorned meeting of thn dlroc
ton bold August 25, will meet at tbo
old oourthouno to prepare a budget
for' tbo year of 1923 a provldod by
Tbo meeting bold August 26 wan
an adjourned mooting from Ma? 24
and wm called at tbo Instance of
President M. MoUchenbacher who
mot with director It. C. Zuekorman
and L. Jacob to consider tbo final
draft for tbo contract with tbo Unit
d State government for a watar
right, upon tbo lands of tbo dUtrlct,
submitted by tho government Aug
ust t. The. price aot by tbo govern
ment wa ICO.OOO In ten equal In
atallmonta, tbo flrt payment to fol
low after flrit use of tbo water. This
contract waa ordered executed br
tho president and tho secretary waa In accordance
with tbo resolution paiued accepting
tho government' offer.
In the matter of certification of
tb bond, voted a year ago, amount
tng to 2200,000, thn secretary wm
ordered to have them certified by tho
Irrlratlon Securities commission of
the atatn of Oregon so aa to become
Wal Investment for certain trust
fund provided under Boctlona 734S.
7346 of tbo Oregon lawn. A chhIi
depoalt wan ordered subject to the
ratlfot tbo aecurltle committee to
' cover cosi of Investigation. A bud
got comraltte consisting of II. B.
Bmltb. P. L. Fountain and K. Sugar
man waa appointed for tho district.
v i '
C. of C. Secretary
Will Stay; Raise
in Pay Proposed
Decauao of a lack of quorum at
yesterday' mooting, tbo matter of an
Ineroaae In aalary for T. L. Banley,
scretary of tbo chamber of com
merce, waa continued until next Tues
day. K. II. ilall, president of the
chamber, aald thn directors, bad re
fuaod to accept Mr. Stanley's real
nation, tvblcb has been on fllo since
tbo chamber wna rrorganlted under
tbo American City bureau plan. Mr.
1U1I aald he felt certain that the
director would vote tbo aalary In
croaae, but refused to divulge the
amount of the proposed 'aalary until
the board had taken action. The
secretary now draws 2S0 a month.
The president Indicated that Mr.
Stanley had attractive offers else
where but aald that It waa tho do
alro of the director to keep him
hero until tbo first of the coming
year, when ponding project will bo
more nearly cleaned up and It wilt
b easier for a nuccetsor to manage
the position.
Geological Survey
Man Ends Work Here
C. K. Van Oratrand of tho United
State Oeologlcal Survey, who baa
been taking temperature teats at local
oil wells, visited tbo Siemens well
yesterday and charted tho 'tempera
turo at tbreo depths. Tbo data ob
tained will be usod in the annual re
port, Issued by the tmrvoy.
Mr. Von Oratrand loft yesterday
ond Is on hi way back to Washing
Development In tho oil field nro
quiet. Tbo 13 Inch casing for tho
Crater' Oil company' well at Mor
rill 1 now on tho ground, It wsaro-
ported today,
VANCOUVKIl, B. C, Aug. 31.
Hope ho not altogether vanished at
the office of tbo Canadian govern
ment merchant marlno, that the Can
adian Importer Ib still afloat, Offi
cial bold to a probability that tho
vestol bM drifted outside of 'the
vrea searched. Vels are still urg
ed to io on tho lookout.
Million Dollars
in Contracts Let
By Highway Board
PORTLAND, Aug. 31. Tbo etato
highway commission today awarded,
or referred to tbo comnilwilon's
englneur with pownr to net, 1,
000,000 worth of road and hrtdgo
contract In 20 counties of tho
Most of thn work to bo done dur
ing thn nrlntor I wmtt of thn Cas
cade. ,
Thn commission announced that
signs would bo placod along tbo
state highway within tho noxt few
IXXJAN, W. V., Aug. 31. John
(lore, logsn county deputy sheriff,
and a miner aru reported dead In
fighting on Blair mountain today.
A border patrol on Illalr moun
tain wa fired on early this morn
ing by men station on the east slop
of the hilt. Tho fire wa returned
and tbo attacker were driven back
by tbo Logan county deputlc who
nro holding tho sector.
All quiet waa tbo report from the
front held by tho McDowell and Min
go county force.
Airplane distributed throughout
tbo district today oople of President
Ilardlnc' proclamation, commanding
all engaged In tho "Insurrectionary
proceeding, to return home before
noon tomorrow.
RmcJtv Man Back
"-w -. - 4 -
From. Auto Toar
Mr. and Mr. K. M. Chlleote and
family 'havaf returned home aftnr
three weeks absence. TJuIng their
Journey -which wm -made - by auto
mobile. Mr. and Mr. Chlleote visit
ed In Southern Washington and
northern and eastern Oregon. Mr.
Chllcoto said this mooing that the
Yakima valley waa beautiful and
that the fruit and potato crop was
wonderful iwlth a good market and
fair price, but that bo preforrcd
Oregon m tbo more dependable
country. Tbo Yakima valley, la a
woll Irrigated one, but water charg
es In some place run a high a
28 and 8.76 per arm for tbs year
be said,
Anti-trust Suit
Against Film Co.
mous Players Lasky 'corporation and
affiliated concerns, which the fed
eral trade commission bos formally
charged with unfair competltloand
monopolistic policies, "comblnod and
conspired to suppress competition In
Interstate commerce In motion pic
ture film," according to a summary
of tho official report given out today.
Taxes Coming in 1
Faster is Report
Uert Hawkins, deputy tax collec
tor, stated today that during tho put
month, the taxes vero coming In very
nicely and were a decided Improve
ment over tho month previous. The
amount turned over lut month to
the troaaurer waa IC.842.S7 and
whtlo th total for this month has
not been added to date, indication
point -to It doubling this month,
Hawk In added.
About 0 o'clock last ovenlng a sur
prise party was given to John Fost
er at hi home by tho member of
tbo division offlco of tbe Copco org
anization. Tho affair wm in honor of
bis 05th birthday.
Thn guest Included; Mr, and Mrs.
J. 0 Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. O. n.
Mnngue, Mr. and Mrs. Al Woetfall
and daughter, Mr. and Mr. W. If.
Dabney, Mr. and Mr. E. J. I-on-nor,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jonos,
Dabney, Mr. and .Mr. A. B. Jones,
Mr. and Mr. J, B. Foator, Mr, and'
Mrs. q. II. Foster! Mr. and Mrs. J.
II. Foster, Miss Fayo West, .6. R.
Redkey, Ed. LInvllle, C. II. Nlrman,
K, a Klabn, L. McClure, O. B. Dewa,
O. F. Mather, and Dad Wilson.
' Officers Who
mMMMr ' 'assssssKv&-'"flfls1lifsB , sa SMMMMMSwSMMPmMMMMMWti
ssssswieeesssssssssMSJKts 'ssisssissMKBeSMSMSS&sss3esssssSm? ssssssssm
PBCllssssvri 9PJUeMSesto2&MSm& ' LK'7'isVl sBsbpv'sh
PJife!lQvJsg1rB. ",'.SkSmmmfBlkmKSmtrilif'P
S-Sawr alsVssstaT'. I'kW mSstn.xTtiiSmnBSA'SiiTieMwjKLBkttiMKKtSl
iTFji SMMMMMMritL'4i2tM7feKTrmiP 'JH WE. '-z9nB3SWWWWBASs''iXtmLWl
l mswsf&
rHIHBHiniHHv L rTaVsskWHh sjsbj aasBfc vdbVVbW1b' r H
smmmmmmmmWZP&jstMv&Kirs:' ' rFv' PmSJdsMswSM
Bx&i''fT4gltSMMMl' "9feflBiBBSBllBBv9lBBTC
tWLjLiKii , i W sssiaiassaac-sT-sslliMAMaVi--.
The pick of tho Am.rlcJVi Navy mr wcro loit Whrn tho 2H-2 went down In IUm. Tha ZIU2 onj-r
tn thU picture. Trading from left tu right, nre: Top rtnv-Ucutenant M. II. Etrly Oost) not dntind; Dr.
Taylori Ueiutnant T. D. Null: not Mntint. Bottom row Uiuunant II. W. Hoyt Cost): I-lut. Com. E. CoU
jlQst)ommnJcr U II. Mexflt-W (i'D; Wui Com. V N. Ulrs Oost); Lieutenant IU y. JPennoyer.
Where Fliers
- mwsWi'-
m ;i' if" tr HB 1 '
ft i '.''('ssssssssssssssssssssV 'T t . ' ' WT-r
BO ssssssssssssssPal' rMtW -----ft"
feaistvisPLJjaMaW'---MK:li jH
iv'iBiswl1gBBpBC"T1B?"' Fr',-w M
ssPMlsVBBPV'BHgS9Klcss-ivNf'T '
r,w'.-'' sssssssLbbLbbLsWI rX? Jfc, i
1 llmlwijQPI
This on of the Um mciurv of Ltcuu Com. Maxflsld who waa to
nave commanded th Zlt-i in Us nlKht across tho Atlantic. MaxHoId Is
here shown d hi was about to ntcr the tondola of tho dirigible, where
many flier mt dath Standing u the dour of the cabin ts Lieutenant
R. O Pcnnoycr
important meeting
Of Wool Growers
Here September 10
J. H. Carnaban, socretury of tbo
Klamath County Wool Grower's Asso
ciation, has notified member that
there will bo Konora mooting of tho
association at tbo city hall bore, Sop
tombor 10, next. Tho quoBtlons of
allotmont of rango In tho Lava Bods
country and of grating on other to
sorvoa adjacent to tho Klamath Val
ley will bo takon up. As It is llkoly,
say Mr. Carnaban, that tho recom
mendation mado at tbl moetlng may
bo adopted by tho Forout Sorvico
It Uj Important for all monitors to
bo on hand.
"Tbo chlof of grating of tho U. S.
national forest service, Mr. Nelson,
will bo out hero nomotlmo' In tho lat
ter part of October1 or. early Burt
of Novombori to BOttlo for all tlmo
tho quostlon of rango on tho Modoc
reserve. Theroforo, tbo Association
should have this matter woll thought
out and disposed of beforo presenting
It to blm," says tbo notice'
PORTLAND, Aug. 31. Cattle and
bogs steady; lambs 60 cent low
er; snoop steady, oast mountain
lambs $6 to 16.50; eggs steady; but
ter firm.
Were to Bring ZR-2
Met Death
Grower Develops
New Dwarf Tomato
A now and llttlo known species
of tomato was being introduced to
Klamath folk this morning, by F.
Schmidt, a farmer near Dlllard,
brought In a sample of currant toma
too, a small, rod, borry-llko fruit,
or vegetable on a atom very much
llko a currant cluster, but with a de
cldod tomato tasto. "Thoy woro only
an oxperlmont this year." said Mrl
8chmldt. "but uoxt yoar I will grow
thorn for tbo market.'' Mr. Schmidt
brought a load of cantaloupe Into
town ono day last week, that waa a
aurprlso to many who saw them. Tho
melons woro far larger than tbo gen
eral run of melon and tbo meat was
a rich orange color jwltli flno fla
Klamath will bo overrun with
tourist whon tbo road system la de
veloped, says Ira F. Powers, prom
inent Portland furniture dealer, who
stopped at tho Whlto Pelican last
night en routo to Lake Tahoo by au
tomobile, II Is accompanlod by
Mrs. Powers. Mr. "Powers is an ar
dent angler- and said he got aoino
fine fishing at Diamond lake(
Rural Route Out
Of Olene Will Be
Opened October 17
Beginning October 17 tho territory
oast of Olene will bavo rural postal
nervico from Olene postofflco, ac
cording tb Information from tbo post
offlco department to Congressman
S. J. Slnnott. Tho lottor of h. M.
Dow. fourth assistant postmaster
general to Mr. Slnnott says:
For your Information, I tako pleas
ure In advising you of tbe establish
ment of rural service at Olene, Kla
math county, Oregon, eifectivs) from
October 17. 1921. Lw1'
Tho now route wiUTM'2f
longtonro apprordsaatslx "tiVS:
ille and' oporato east from the post
offlco. Tho petition for this servlco wm
signed by Mr. E. O. Young, Joseph
E. Cox, A. L, Marshall and oth
R. C. Oroesbock today made a
very flno address upon tho subject
of tbo highway situation In this
county at tho forum of tho chamber
of commerco and at tho conclusion
of the address a resolution wa pre
sented by J. J. Furber and seconded
by W.'c. Van Emon, moving that the
chambor of commerco appoint a com
mitter for outlining a detlnlto pro
gram of road building for Klamath
county In tho future. This wa car
ried unanimously.
Mr. Qroesbeck stated tbo reason
for tbe forulatlon of tbo Klamath
County Automobllo association. Its
purpose and Idonls. Ha said It
should be kept separato from the
chambor of commerco to best pur
buo Its activities m It has a distinct
function In the lite of tbo commun
ity and could werk: to greater pur
poses through It alignment with the
American Automobllo association.
Over 20,000 road .map had been
circulated. Only 12S member out
of a total of 2200 owner In Kla
math county wero member of tbe
Klamath association. t
Post, market and commercial
roads woro dwelt upon, tho' source
of revenue for1 their upkeep and
building. Jackson county had more
roads that were kept up bettor than
Klamath county despite tho fact that
taxes were lower In Jackson coun
ty, sold tbo speaker.
"Forgot California and build your
own roads, complete thoGroon Moun
tain road io Klamath Falls; com-
ploto both tho roads from Medford
to Crater lako and from hero to the
lako and tho tourists will tiock here.
Klamath county losses countless dol
lars from tourists son account of the
roads, but let us attend strictly to
our own road building and let Cali
fornia alone," the spoakqr urged.
Make that Idle dollar work" lut
It la the baali 4
IlEfABT, Aug. 31-By old af
ternoon, with fighting still proceed
ing In some of the' mala thorough'
faro of this city, between TJlster
loyalist and Slan Felner, ta total
toll ulnco tbo fighting begaa Moo
day nlgbt ha roadbed 14. There are
scores of wounded.
Ixrd Hayor coates today mauo a
Strang representation to General
Campbell, commanding British troop
In Ulster, of tho necessity for pro
tection of citlsen. ,
The Ulster special constabulary,
nearly all former soldiers, were in
action Ust night In the Stanhope
street area. Snipers, using field glass
es, wore active. Lat night wm de
clared to bavo been the worst for
rioting tn tbo history of the city.
A two dollar prize for the largo
un flower grown in Klamath county
will bo awarded at ths Orand Central
public market Saturday, 'Mid Mr.
Ben Bend, market matter, today.
Farmers are Invited to bring in the
sunflower. There is no conditions
attached. The blggsat gets tbe
prtxe. 4
The market will opesv m usual at
8 o'clock. -The eatnstoa la. on the
Klamath avwu aide of the Ceatrat
hotel btiiMlBsf.- v-
i. t:'W' . I .Ukta; aa la-.
iritm.i in amiOiovnmu. n
ket. Mid today thaf 'farmer were
being' urged to bring in sufficient
variety of produce to keep the mar
ket operating until evening in order
to give the person employed In fac
tories and, mills during the day 'a
chance to buy home grown produce.
-, He also Mid tbat a special effort
will bo made to Intorest tbe Indian
farmers of the reservation and they
are Invited to avail themselves of
the markot. not only for produce
but for basketa and needlework. In
fact anything tbat thoy have to dis
pose of. Thoro is domand for goods
of Indian workmanship.
SALT LAKE City, Aug. 31. Tho
Los Angolcs 11 ml tod of tbo Union Pa
cific was hold up by two armed rob
bers this afternoon about 2 o'clock
wbllo on tbo way from Ogden to
Salt Lake. AU tbo mu.o poaaonger
wero robbod.
Three Changes in
Staff of Hospital
Dr. Warren U. Hunt is authority
for'the announcement tbat tomorrow
at the hospital, a number of, change
wilt take place. J. E. Brat ton, wel
known In this city will bo installed
m offlco manager; E. W. Radko of
Portland will succeed Frank Robin
son aa pharmacist and that Dr. L.
D. Cats, who has spoclallted In oye,
oar and noso treatment will leave
tbe institution to tako prlvato offlcea
In tbe Odd Fellows building.
Dr. Hunt stated that the move
was made by mutual consent of all
parties concerned and tbat the ser
vices of tho departing members wero
satisfactory. Mr. Bratton succeeds
Mr. Frank Robinson, who will re
turn to work for tbo tbo California
Oregon Power company.
Tbo tiro department was called to
Juniper and High street this after
noon to extinguish a 'grass fire on a
vacant lot Tbe cause of the blase
la unknown. No damage wa reported
to nearby property;