The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 30, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    paoh rtva
Burns Takes Oath of Office
J" -.-...-..-.-...-.. ..".-.vincinn jyuxiyurLn-ruTjuxnijnArtLU--rLr jinnt,
',.S77j7JJX ' lf!llJJBlMZimiMIJlilM
Hiign Muiiit nro llkoly Ik !k tin vx
Unci :ih tlio r.irrlor pigoin In it fw
1'iirn uiiliinn hIcpm urn tiikmi for thiilr
protection, mrorilltig t It. N. Ilurh
wullur, xcoroturjr of Din llotid Km)
miiI (Inn cluli, wlui wrllni In a rvriiil
liwun of (Ini lluuil J lu I lot 111 nr fn)
I. Il o t tin wild pli'iMinit of tu mid
dlo wunl wlilch nro now lint n iiimnory
In tlio ulruU of our fnthcro there
til n itiitijp lilnl of C'lulrnl Oiccmi
willed Ih Mwlftly illnitH'nrlurt fniin
(hit itrrut platinum of Urn mi rnllnl
Tfin ilnyn of tlm nni;n boa an it
r.nniy lilnl uro nuiiihurfd. TliU fart
In. Irrefutable, hut t ramiot blnmu iho
ktnlorH for tlm rapid decrease In Uinj
llnckH of this ilciHirt lilnl.
They still thrive In great nnmlnTi
In n fw Isnltitod miction of Central
Oregon wlniro I Imrn soon them rlun
! niicti numhorit an to olutcuro tlio
an like a great cloud, nnd llioy inir
kikin will Urn nnd thrive Ilium for
onntiMe provided them nren nrr
"t nildo ns fed urn I Kama prosorve
Only a, few yonrn ueo Hportmnen
rim ri'cull wdan angii hens wuro plon
llfil only n fow mid from Horn)
when u li'ti uiltii trip would m.t onn
II tlio birds do wonted. Tdrno yoara
r,Q I liny wuro nt III numerous forty
or fifty tnllea out on tlm desort TliU
rivnr them nro only u few acaitnrlug
flocki within nlily mllcn of'llnnd
unit tli n bird diivn only beon found In
oiuitltli'5 at n,dlntniic of oun bun
Irod mlleit out. In other wordn trtn
sportsmen of llend hnvo now crowd
ixl tlm sngo dim out to a polut wlmro
do linn no rnngn Inft uudbiturbod, an
wo nro now.liuntW la country nl
wnit i over ml dy shooters frsm older
tonnn ami I onttir to My tdnt an
othnr throo yearn will rw tlio ond of
Ao sago den In Central Orvron an n
Knmn bird. And I mill eontitud tdnt
It In not duo to llin numlxint killed
wch reason tdnt tlm bird ar do
minting. I
Tlm vnluo or tlio old custom, now
liocomlfig Koinowdnl obsolete, of
kipping a cnmplnto family history
in tint family Illliln, In utrlklugly
shown In "Tlio Island of Ilij;onom
Uon,' n uplendld ittnry by tdo Hot.
(Vtiih Townmiiil llrndy, which Till
bo nliown lit tlio Strand Ihnatro.
Thn hero, John Cbaroock, bi
wuit on on uiilnhntiltrd Hoatu Hon
Inland when do wnH a boy of flvo.
Twenty yenns Ijilor, wdou rescued,
tio dnd forgotten dow to talk. Ho
could wither road nor write. Ho
did not oven know Ills nmo, A flro
at n dnd rimullnd In bin lmlnB n
cjuitnwny nnd liln motdor dad plnmil
tlio fnmlly lllblo In tdo boat willed
fcrouKht dim to tltn Uland. And tdn
family history In tdo Hook iicrtnil
to I'Stdlillih tils lilontlty wden do
rtiturnnd to bin boino In Vlrclnla.
In tdo Hereon vornlon of tdo atory,
which dan boon mndo by Vllanrai'hi
Antonio Moreno npponrn a tbo cnt
Awny. Tdo piny Ih roploto with
(i.riiitnt? iiltimtlona with a bncK-
Krouml of bonutlful tropical ot
rr4 I
A woman clerk In a Now York
atoro Invuntnd a pnrrol Unlivery Hyu
lam willed nutted dor MUlmtantlal ro
MTim.m t. Ttiim'ral--ii Jil hnnd to .tako oath aa director 'of th
bureau of Invoatlaallon of tbo Deportment of Justice. Tbo path m
ndmlnlaltrMl by Chnrlea U. Hornbori:r, appointment clerk (kt. Aal.
I .ant AUoraaar OtneraJ UoHand wltncaaed th ctrcraonr.
A womnn hon Minlled to a aluirlff 1, t. S, 0, 10, lllock 82, Lola 1. 2,
In Kiir.dind for u poaltlon nn offlclul , B,' ,ll(k, 9J;.IoU.11, ,?., ' ?
h,.,..nn. "lock 9S, nil In Klamath Addition to
thn city of Klnmath Kalla, Uronon;
UaiU 1. 2, 3, 4. 0. C. 7. 8. 9. lllock 1,1
.. . m. M .!
iioiiiinior Auuiuon, ixia i, z, , , o,ri
lllock 7,, Canal Addition, Lota 8, u.l
in t m n til.k n rirt-Ma.1 Al.'
1V 11 U, ld ihuvh V UIIkl fA-
dltlnn, I ota 8, 9, lllock C Canal
addition; Ixit,i la, lb, 1c, Id, 2a, 2b, i
9i. 9,1. ?n. jm. 3m ?lh. So. HA. tlta
The Muff of HuckltiKluim I'nlnco In. 4b. 4c, 4d. Lota Ca. Cb, 5c, Cd,
Includi'H a bend housekeeper, nix na-'lrfitu Ca, 0b, Cc, Cd, Lota 7a, 7b, 7c,
Mutant houw.keei-.ra. und fifty mld.',,' 8BC; 'f'M '".'W' B,V J?
;8c, 8d, Iotn 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, all In
IMin"'Iltl'' I lllock B; Imh la, lb, lc, 2n, 2b,
..- , 3n. 3d, 4a, 4b, Ca, Cb, Cb, 8a, Cb, '
Ui:sOI.UTION 7n, 7b, 8a. 8h, alio Iot 39a, 39b,,
1 39c, 40a, 4 Ob, 38bi 38b, 37a, 37b, '
Tlio City' Knclncor puraunnl to -JJ". 3'. "a, 3Cb. 34a, 34b, 33a.
lUiiolutlon of tbo Common Council "l. . 3h, 31a 31b, all In lllock
horetoforo adoplod, bnvlnit on tbu ? Hnllrond Addition to tho City of
Int day of Auguat, 12. filed pinna. K'?mal.h v.ain' .0rL'' ?? l3M
apoelflcotlona and ottlmatca of tho 3b. !. 5. t ", 14b, 14c,.
coat of Imprevlni: Oak Avonuo from Jd. 14o. Lota 2n, 12b. 12c. 12d,,
Hlxth fltroet to Hprlnc Street, Wal- ' "n. Ib, llo. lid, Lot 10a,
nut Avunuo from Sixth fitreot to 0h, 10c. lOd, lain 9a, 9b. 9c, 9d.
Ninth Htroot, Bovonth Stroot from 'hi 8n. 8b, 8c. 8d. hi lllock 4 of
Klamnlh Avenuo to Oak Avenue. Knllroiul Addition to tho City of
KlKbth Blrool from Wnlnul Avonuo to Kl-imnth Knlla, Ororen: Uita 13a,,
Oak Avonuo and Ninth Hlrcot from '3. 3(". '' '. b, 12 12b(
Klnmnth Avunuo to OaK Avenuo. In- H. HI', 10a, 10b, 9a. 9b. 8a. 8b,
cludlnn Interaectlona, nnd tho Coun- ' ''n' ICi1 15b, ICc, Ho, 13a,"
ell having taken tho aamo uador l3'. He, 14a. 14b, 12a. 12b, lla.i
ndvlaomont, und flndlnK auld pinna, lib. 10a, 10b, 9a. 9b. 8a, 8b. alo
apoclflcatlona and estimates to bo aat- lr,l lib, ICo, ICa, 16b, 17a, 17b,
Isfnrtnry, , IBa, 18b, 19a, 19b, 20a, 20b, 21a.
Il IT HKHIMIV ltKSOI.Vi:n. that 21b. nil In lllock 3 Hnllrond Addl- :
said plana, apoclflcatlonn and nil- Hon; I.ot 12a, 12b. 12o, 12d, 11a,
males for tho Improvement of Oak lib. 10a, 10b, lOe. lOd, 9a, 9b, 8a. ;
Avenuo from Sixth Htroot to Spring 8b. and lota 13, 14a. 14b, ICa.';
Struct, Walnut Avonuo from Sixth to 1Gb. ICa. 16b, all In Block 2 nail
Ninth Street, Sovonth Street from rond Additien: la, lb, 2n. 2b, Ca,'
Klamath Avonuo to Oak Avonuo, 3b, 4a. 4b, Ca, Cb, Ca. 6b, 7a, 7b,
Klfthlh Stroot from Walnut Avonuo Si. Rb. 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, also 39a,
to Oak Avenuo and Ninth Street from 39b, 40a, 40b, 38a, 38b, 37a, 37b,
Klnmnth Avnnun to rink Avnnun. In. 2 fin. 3Cb. 3fia. 3Iib. 34a. 34b. 33n.
cludlne Intnrsoctlona, bo nnd tho'33h, 32a, 32b. 31a. 31b. all In Block' -
Johnston Furniture Co.
aamo arn hereby approved, nnd,
'7 of thn Addition to tho,!
II B IT KUKTIIKIl HKSOI.Vi:i),Clty of Klamath l-TalM. OroRon, I-ou'j, jo mock. 78, IxU 1. 10, Block 82.
That thn Common Council hereby do 1 and 2 lllock 1. Und Iot 1 nnd 2 , . , ,n nli, Qr. i.-inth ,i
clarrs Ha Intention to Improvo said lllock 8 Itnllroad Addition to tho , X, 1 ",.,,
portions of uald atroeta In nccordnnro t'lty or Klnmnth Falls. Oregon and "'"" '" "" " ' "'"' "'"'
with unld plans, ancciricatlona nnd tbnt acronco nrnportr lioanded by Orccon. and Ixits 9. 10, niock 1. Hoi-
tlmatm; aald lmprovnuuat to consist Klghth and Ninth almoin and Wnlnut.llator Addition to the City of Kla
of pnvliiK snld portions of aald mid Oak Avenuo; aluo l,otn 0, 7, H.fraath falls, OroRon; also Lots 8,
strcetM with Wllllto, Asphnlllc Con- 9, 10. lllock 77. IOtH 1, 2, 10, lllock 3, Its 7, 8, lllock G, Lot
croto, llltullthlc or Concroto. The 3. 4. C, Ulork 83. Iota 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, C. lllock 7, Canal Addition to tho
estimated ront of Improving of said Work 7S, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, C, lllock City ot Klamath Palls, Oregon, and
portionn or until uireots wild Wll- R2. all In Klnmnth Addition to tho Ita 1. 2, lllock l, Jioiiutor ahui-
llto, Asphnltlc Concreto or llltullthlc City of Kbmnth -Knlls, Oregon; nnd Hon and that certain ncrcago pro
to bo $92,1 C 4 ST.; thn ostlmntod cost ' llin southenstorl)' half ot that certain party abutting 104 feet on Klnmnth
of tho Improvement of said portions arrongo block bounded by lllock 78 Avonuo and 110 feet on Ninth Stroot
of said streets with Concniln to bo Klnmnth Addition, Walnut nnd Kin-'In tho ncroago block horetoforo des-
jac, 7C4.tif.. Snld cost Including, grad-i innlli Avenues nnd Ninth Street: nlso crlbod as bounded by Dlock 78, Kla-
Ing, rolling, curbing nnd concroto, I.ola 8, 10, lllock 3, nnd 7. S, lllock math Addition, Wulnut Avenuo, Kla-
sidewalk. fi; Cnunl Addition to tho City of Kla- ninth Avonuo nnd Ninth Street; and
AND III IT KUUTIIICIl HKSOLV- mnlh Knlls. Oregen: nlso kota 1. 10, that aald property nbovo listed and
l'.I). by tho Common Council that tho i lllock 77, l.nU C, C, lllock 78, Lots doscrlbod bo and horoby Is declared
following described property bo nnd. I, 10, lllock 83; Iotn S, C, lllock 82, to bo 'nssossod for tho oxpenso ot
It Is boroliy declared benefitted by Lola 1. 2. lllock 94. Iota 4. C. lllock said Improvement.
unld Improvement, lo-wlt: 1 0t Klnmnth Addition to tbo city' And bo It further rosolved tbnt
Lot C. 7. 8, 9. 10. niock 83, Lois, of Klnmnth Kalli. Orvgon; iiIbo I.ota Monday tho 19th day of Sept.. 1921.
II v
lloroattor Tdu Hernia will publish
tdo mean and maximum temporn-
uroa and precipitation rocord as tnk
on by tdo U. H. Heclamatlon aorvlco
tntlon. Publication will covor tdo
doy previous to tho papor'a Isauo, up
to u ,0 C10CK oi iiiu um.
, 88
. 8G
Aug: 3 8
Aug. 4 89
Aug. G 00
Aug 0 94
Au'gT7 ,.., ,.. 36
AiiK.t BZL.A.: 87.
Angj 0'-i.".ifi-' 88
t" ' .Al
AUg. f
Aug n '.
Atis. 13'.
AuiVS u .
Aug, in ,
auk.1 iq :
A"ui i7 ,
Aug 10 :
,42.' ,
.rri ihaX '
AB.-,2l.J... 34
Ag- 23 v....... M
AubM23...,'.... 80
n . Aw1
A ii !Ti
Xu'g4 'Sll
Augr 27
Allg,' 28
Aug. 20
nn , . a
.a.... I O (k,i
t - LI; k "'
. 85
. 87
'ifl i -ar-
at tho hour ot olght o'clock P. If., Is the duly enrolled copy of a reflo
at tho Council Chambers at tho City lutioa adopted by the Common Conn
Hall bo fixed aa tho tlmo nnd place jell on tho 22nd day of August. 121.
for the hearing ot objections and ( declaring Its Intention to improvo
remonstrances against tho said pro-iOalc Avenuo from Sixth Street to
posed Improvement and tho Pollco Spring Stroot, Walnut Avenuo from
Judgo Is hereby directed to cause Sixth Street to Ninth Stect, Seventh
notlco ot said hearing to bo publish-. Street from Klamath Avenuo to Oak
ed as byhartor Provldod,
Stato of Oregon,
County ot Klamath,
City ot Klamnlh Fulls, as.
1, A, L. Leavltt. Police Judgo of
tho City ot Klamath Falls. Oregon,)
do hereby cortlfy that the foregoing 17-27
Avenuo, Eighth Street from Walnut
Avonuo to Oak Avenuo, and Ninth
Strcot from Klamath Avenuo to Oak
Avenuo. Including Intersections.
Ppllco Judgo.
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
iVS:3A -. "
tssK.vsi r- ii
t'-ir 'vs
Sliii .- 'i A i
8 rs2s!
IflsaaiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBMBliaBHB -3ilsBt -K S . I ft
. " Pi.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.vraBi.B.T SKXHeuMtjHW VyT - V 1 V
1 u- mmm ..imjum;vti&s t
" TailHfPiiBiBiBHvi9HrM)ttyKiO
... .- 7-. wvT'?Ibw7$" SSBaaaasifi')apaaait,H bJtiBu 8
JjJ B s ti i K'jj " vt VJPv wf Vi jfaisiub'BaisisBt. B?'isw'i?C3isish Ss
To look ouc'a best and feet one's best
is to enjor nnJnaUo lath each morning
to initn iroui me system wo previous
t'a wait p. toiir formonLitlnna and noli
soqous toxins before it la absorbed (nto
the blood. Just as coal, when it burns,
Waves behind a certain amount of in
combustible, material in tbo form of
nsiH's, bo uio iooi nna.urinic iiixen eneu
day U-avq In the ollinentary organi a
certain amount of indlgeitlbla material,
wlileu 11 not ellmlnatcil, form toxins nnd
poltona which are thru sucked iuto tlie
"blood through the very duct which are
imunueutvu suck, iu ouiy iiouniuiinem. iu
sustain the body.
If you want to see tho clow of healthy
bloom in your ejieiks, to sea yeur ektir
rt clearer ana ciourar, you ara win w
drink ircry morning uion arising, a
Class 'of hot water with a teatpoonful
of Umcstono phosphate In It, which is a
harmless nrt-niwof wuahing the waste
iDoiorlal and toxins from the stomach,
'" liver, kidneys aiul Wnvulii, thus cleans
ing, sucetaiing and purifying the entire
alimentary tract, before putting mora
food Into tho stomach.
Olrla nnd women with sallow skins,
liver spots, plmplca or pallid complexion,-
alo tlioso who wake up with a
coated' tongue, bad tate, nasty breah,
others who are Lotheretl with headaches,
litliuus spells, acid stomach or constipa
tion should begin this phohated hot
water drinking and nro assured of very
uronouiiee'd rnults, In one or'wo"ntfk..
A quarter' pound of limestone phoa
ninto costs very little at the drug store
but la sufllelnit to demonstrate that just
as soap and hot water cleanses, puriQea
and freshens tho skin on the. outside, so
hot water and llmestono phosphate act
on the Inside organs! Ve must always
consider that Internal sanitation Isvast-
ly more important than outside. clcanlL.,
ncas, Utauso tlio skin pores do not ab
sorb Impurities into the blood, while the
bowel pores do, ..-
Women who desire to Sfihince th
brautv of their comnlexlod should iusi"
try this for a week ami notice result.