The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 30, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I The Office Cat
nwny llijlilfil mutnlio nml clitur nlilm
whim In (Iml iiocllon," xnlil Flro Clilof
AmhroHO whllo iIIim uiwlm; tliln unit
707 Main St
Phone 341 W
The exclusive specialty shop
for feminine apparel. Gar
ments of style, quality, popu
lar prices.
You will be interested in
viewing our wonderful as
sortment of Blouses and
Advertising pays. Try It and noo
Interettlna Opeeulatlon Concerning
Poulble Competition of Cor
poreal Atom of the Oody,
(Hill HTUl-'J'
Wo editor limy dlK nml toll
Till our tliuinr-tlpn urn norn,
Hut n(iiiii) poor (IhIi Ih Hiiro to iy,
"1'ro lifiitnl tlint Joko beforii "
Tliu tiliiviitor limy Imi lowered, hut
tlm hoy who run It Ih hlrmt. ohlrns
Arthur CuIIIiik.
Alton, ldiim, linn rulseil n (unit of
1 1,000 to shoo iiwny hoollcKlinrK. Tim
ilriiunlit come high. t
Ileal li" In only nkln tittup, nml luta
of -wisdom In In tlm Kiimu cIiiiih, norts
Doc, (loildnril.
hluw I'rouri'HN,
It U roIiir nu twenty-olio ceiiturlc
slnro Hid hi'KlniiliiK or tlm Christian
cm. Vet tlmro nro ioplo of hoth
koziis who will orcitpy four mm In In
ii day-coach nml permit n woman to
ht mid In tlm ululi) with n h.ihy In Imt
HlllV ('(III Von Ahll
My Inmlloril llko to ho nddroe'ied
tin "Colonel" hut. In view of thu fact
tlint hn linn (minimi my rent thrro
Union In tho Inst four month. It
strikes mo that "LiM-teiinut" would
ho a moro npiiroprlntu tit Ho.
Aro ) on with mo or iir'Iii moT
Dlil you know tlint perhaps wimo-
whurii In jmtr hoily In n hit of .liillim
(.'iii-nnr, or perhaps Klntr Huloinou,
Nihil I'lMi InitlHl, In hid "Km en I'm".
lion of Ht li'iitc," unj Ht "J'roni hlrth
to ih'iitli hii hnu Iivi-ii rontlniinlly hor-
rowing, lontlminlly puling hnrk. 1'iirt
of our plijxlciil oiK'iiiliitliiii tuny Imvu
cciinc n nm thu fruit of tho triiplm,
purl fi diii lint moiiii'H or lliu friiren
North, Wo limy hold In our hnno.
iiiiiM-Ifn nml hrnlih iniitorliil which
unco funned piirix of sheep, wnhe,
nml In nil thu nilllloiii of cj rn ilur
Ins iihlih t'oinponllhiu nml ilccompo
,liliin of ou'iinlc mutter linn (,'oimi on,
It In ipillo prnlinlilu Unit moiiiii portion
of our p!i)elcnl kjkIciii mny liuo form
til purl of llid mutcrlul oruanlriitlim
of thiiiiHiinilM or other niiliniilK, men In-
clinhil, Tho linhi'cllo limy linwi In III"
hoily ntoum which onco foruii'il purl
of limner, of I'lntu nml of Arclilnnili:.
In tin fniliio or (ho hi'L'Knr inny ho
hulll iiiiitorlul tv IiKIi oni'u forniiil piirt
of Kohiiiioii, nml onino ntoum wliMi
enabled Alexander or llrticn to mlili-tu
Ihi'lr fume, mny now form nrt or Iho
hoily of n luztir. liven nuioiic the
rurpori'iil ilium uhlch now inul.o up
four own hmlloN mny lie, pnrllch'n which
helped In Itieiirnnte tho punwil of
Join Chrltt, or which lent phvnlrnl
ciieriiy In tho hurnliiK 'loiii'iico of
Ml, I'nul. Organic life ImH Kimnjin
unri'imliiRly for unlolil mro In titer
rectirrlnu' ryilon. Wo innnot mme
hiiii-clo, or j;lve wny to nn emotion or
even think n tlinnnlit without hiiniliu
up hour' piirt of our rorpnrrnl frame,
and tho imed up mniorhil Ii Fpvvtllly
cji'ileil nml I lien iriuiitftirmod Into tl,t
clothing of ii new life." ,
Authentic Showing of
and Wraps
Wo often wonder what would hap
pen IT nn nnrlent ruvcmnn worn to
mnrry n modem fotiiltilit
Llnr On UlMiitrrlnc Tlnil A
I'ntorllc I'owl N A. W.
Mttlo hit or hrt'mt crumhi,
l.lttlo firm pi or Kruh
Patten up n chlckou
To food boiiio other duh.
O. U
Ancient City Had Syttem Which Al
lured the Marriage of All
the Femalei.
Tlm first known iiuclloim of tho
world woru held In Ilnhylou ninny
centurlen ln-foni Clirlm. Tlio nrtlcloii
uctlmieil coimlititl or nil the virgin
In Iho clly. nml the nln wn held onco
ii wir. On the dny delected tho rIHh
wcro hroiiKhl to thu tnnrket pluru nml
ll.cro onlercil to rcmoo their Kiir
inrntx. All tho Tnuni: men of tho city
tiere qUo unthered mid the innldt'iiii,
inio hy one, wcro ltd to n hlock whero
lliu jnuth of tho rlty could linpoci
tluiil. Tho honulltiil girl woro wild
flint mid cory effort inmlu to cot u
much n ptoutlhlo for their chnrtn.
Tho jeiiiii: men or tlnc ilny woro
n enter lo win the fnlret ninld ki
nlhlc hy hlddlnx nn men of n Inter nc
were In win thorn hy hrnvo dewls or
plondlncs. A n reMilt fortuncii woro
In the hundi of tho micilonoor hy tho
Miowinu orr.
Tho )oiiuk iniiu nnd hi hot Rlrl
Ko to thu iliow,
Whnt tho yotinK man thlnkit tlint
tho other think ''Buy, hut I pnttn
noncli of it rlrl tenlalil: hut ovory llmo tho homely nlrl woro ronched
Ruy In tho houno I wUliln ho wnniThli fortimo wiu then divided pp nml
hero In my kIiom y her l.lo I r.uem J1" nfll''"rl..R took n now lire rho
i .. ,i i i . i.i , ..., lioincIloHt Rlrl wn Riven tho Inrcmt
h nln't tlcklo.l with her little olf )(r, (lf , I0npJ. ,.,, frillll
lo linvo mo hrlnR her hero nnd Ret iunly nml ninny n poor imin found
ivutH right up In front Mnylin I himself wihn very homely wife hut
nln't no Adonl hut I fit till null n cniiiforlnhlo Mnrt In lnwlnoiw. Tho
like It wn mnilo for mo. (Intln to kn1imh nt lonit ilin nwny wmi oi.i
;ct mo onn .omo dny " I """," "' ''''chelor nnd Iniure.l n
wh.i .1... i.-., ,.i,i .M..W .i,, ..... I -! Krowll. of pnpuhitlun nml few
olhor think- "I havn to linnd It la
Illll for kunwIiiK oiioiirIi to Ret tho
orchf strn nont when Im'b got n kooiI
InokliiK Rlrl with him. (Ice, but I hat
theeo dnmu would Ilka to lmvu my
Reed look. I riichh I nmdo n IiIr lilt
When Diner Ate Their Plate.
Tho word fritter, which with cooler
Iwcnther will hecomn xpulnr onco
more, nriRinnio irom nn oiu rrcncu
I wont inenuliiR to fry, which come
with Illll tonlRht, hut I'm not KoliiR.from Iho I.nlln pnt pnrtlclplo of tho
to nccopt him, thon mnyho I enn Innd T,'rh "oro. frtciun.
dependent on the ktnte.
n man with n million or two, Nobody
Slmllnrly, frlrniwo taken It nnme
from Iho wiino I.nlln verb or from the
Han koi nnythlnR on mo In tho wnyn nch ..frll0nMt,r.. ,nenIllnB t0 urcflV
of looks, nnd thoy know It, too. I'll lnl0 pI,Wli or, nH g0II10 experts he-
Autumn Suits
Dignified, plain tailored
Suits, and stunning novelty
Dress Suits, long coat, and
short box coat models.' New
'materials include Maus
syne. Veldyne, Twill Cord,
and Tricotine. The favor
ite new colors are Malay,
Sphinx, Marmot, and Tor-'
toise .Shell ,as well as Navy ,
and Black. Priced from
$39.50 to $110.00.
Autumn Dresses
Materials arc Canton, Crepe, Soft Satins,
Gecrgctte, Crepe Meteor, PIquetlnes, Pol
ret Twills, Trlcotlncs, and of course no
wardrobo Is completo without a black
frock. Other colors nro Navy, Drown,
Mode, and vivid tones. Priced from
$28.75 to $79.50.
New hats just received by express, which means they are up to the minute in style. So
many styles and colors, and so many trims. New Turbans, Mushrooms, Rolled Sailors,
Straight brimmed hats, and other smart shapes, in Autumn's favored colors such as
Brown, Beaver, Tangerine, Peacock, Henna, Harding Blue, Navy, Fuchsia, and plenty of
black. Priced from $3.95 to $23.50.
Andross-Glover Style Shop
Moussyne, Veldyne, Moch
atex, Marvella are the fa
brics one finds in the Aut
umn Coats and Wraps.
Marmot, Taupe, Volnay,
Red, Navy, Blue, and
Black, the colors. The
styles evince fullness some
where, with full cut sleeves,
Fur collars that look well
worn high or low. The em
broideries often profuse
and always beautiful, bring
to mind the days when time
was plentiful and needle
work was a fine art.
Priced from $29.50 to
ixmitiH i'i:itso.Ai.s.
and Mrs. I
he: a lot of them nro rnvliiR about
my complexion, too."
What tho niidluiico thoiiKht about
"Not a dawRono thlnK."
Patren: (critically). Walter, this
plate you brought mo has n spot on
Waiter: (npolocotlcnlly), Thnt
Isn't a spot, sir, thnt Is tho hnlf por
tion of btonk you ordorcd.
Men aro eleven of coats. Kvon on
these warm days, thora aro a lot of
fellows In Klnmnth Falls who ooislst
In wearlnx thu hot tnlngs
Wnnila In Ihn flnt nnA In thn Unl
n.,i. .,,.,.,. . ,. like batter, which was filled with Ualn
fiprlnga Addition aro still a source ,. Mjl .' ,. . , . .., ...,.
Neve, from tho Latin "frlrnro," to nib,
Any incut fried In n pun Is frlcnusecd,
ncconllue to French ciillnnry dcllnl
Another word of Kronch nnd Latin
birth I Inrt. Tnrt Is n culinary cor
ruption of Iho word "tourto" (Krcncli),
derlveil fiom "Inrtlno," n slice of
bread. Till come from the Lutln
"torquco," to twist, henco tho word
"tortn" means n rwlst or roll of brand.
In the middle necs thero was a de
ficiency In plates, and sa, for n sub
stitute, nn undercrust of bread served
ai a plato. For a long time In France
this undercrust of tho "toarte," or
"tnrte," was the moii common of
plates. After eTerythlnf had been
served diners ato even their "pistes,"
In tlmo thoso dinner plates, made
of dinner rolls, came to bo prepared
specially and developed Into a cake-
l'utrick of Klamath Fall woro citizens of Klnmnth Falls, wero Dor-
Dorrls yesterday Inspecting tho.rls visitors for n row hours Sunday
whllo in thl ssectlon with friends on
an outing trip.
Canvass Is spread In tho city park
ing nron by Frank Adams' California
Shows, ono of tho typical dog and
pony shows that carries Its entlro
oqulpment on a broken-down, Lizzie.
They will appear hero only one night.
tw tnnA Anit mn Ihfiv waia mill,! I.ila
of trouble to tho flro department, and 8nd tartlettee, and were served as a
un they bolong to abiont ownors dos
plto all tho precautions that tho do
purtmont can tako to safeguard ad
jacent property, thoro Is no way to
provont fire from gottlng Into thesa
Chief Ambroso stated that tho
blazo last Saturday forenoon wus of
a sort which may occur In tho Infest
ed districts nt nny tlmo and that tho
Saturday blazo might havp boon dis
astrous had a wind boon blowing.
Tho city council havo been unnblo to
provldo rollof. Tho matter was placed
In the hands of the flro comnvtttoo for
a report about three wooks ago. "Ask
iwoplo to be caroful about throwing
distinct dish. Oa Logic.
Stradlvarlue Violins.
Htrnillvnrlus was born In 1014 nnd
died In 1737. He worked until ho was
over (X) years of age and turned out
n largo number of violins and violon
cellos. Altogether It has been esti
mated that about ono thousand violins
are attributed to him nnd about throo
hundred other Instruments, mnong
them different kinds of viols, somo bass
viols and also somo lutes, guitars and
mnudorns, very exquisitely wrought.
Rugono Ysayo and Jnn Kubellk are
both the owners of genulno Stradlva-
rlus lollns. The label In a genuine
Instrument la supposed to nave
made of tjaper,
DOItltIS, Cul 30 Mr
F. U,
new Star thoatru which will gl Its
first show to tho local cinema runs
this oveulng.
Claudo Norman, formerly In chargo
of tho California-Oregon Power com
pany hnro nnd Interested in a local
pool hull, wus a visitor In town Sun
day. Mr. Norman Is now with tho
Power Company In Klamath Fiiln
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Clayton arrived
Runduy ovonliiR from Pacific drove,
Cnl where thoy have mndo their
homo since leaving Dorrls Inst spring.
Dr. J. P. Ilowman of tho Dorrls
Hospital was u passenger on yester
day mornlngM train for San Fran
cisco whero ho was called suddenly
on business.
Charles Mcssick, merchant of 'Mac
dool, was a business visitor In Dorrls
WJIIam (I. Hagelstoln, cashier of I
the Ilulto Valley Statu Ilank, with
Mrs. Hagelstoln returnod yesterday
from o wcok-end visit at the Hagol
stein Itunch near Atgoma. Harvest
Ing of tho bumper ryo crop on the
Hagohitelu marsh tract Is in full
progross. Mr. Hagelstoln states that
his ryo will threali between fifty nnd
sixty bushels per aero.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles (1. Twohy
spent Saturday and Sunday In Kla
math Falls,
Camlnottl & nfnohnrt, who have
been trucking lumbar from tho Gra
ham Mill, havo secured a now con
tract with the McCollum. Lumber
Compauy situated bolow Keno on the
Klamath river. The McCollum lum
ber will be hauled to Dorrj for box
manufacture, In one pt tho local
Mr. and Mrs. II. Orem, prominent
J. F. Kthrldgo has secured n part
nership in a threshing outfit and
will depart boon for the grain fields
whero ho will spend tbo threshing
season. Mr. Kthrldgo Is proprietor
of tho Happy Home pool and billiard
Make, that Idle dollar work I Pat
it In Uio bank.
Hope Is a dream man has when
bo Is awake. 7
A pretty nurse In a Richmond, Va,,
hospital has been threatened with
suspension unlesg she lengthens her,
Bag Tes and Sulphur Turns
Gray, Faded Hair Dark
and Glossy
Almost everyono knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly com
pounded, brings back the natural col;
or and the hair when faded.
streaked or gray. Years ago the only
way to get this mlUuro waa to
make It at homo, which Is mussy
ana troublesome.
isowauays we simply ask at any
drug storo for "wyoth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound' You will get
a large bottle of thts old-time recipe
improved by tho addition of othor
Ingredlonts, at very little cost. Ev
erybody usc8 this preparation now,
becauso no ono can possibly toll that
you darkened your hair, as it does
It so naturally and ovenly. You
dampen a spongo or soft brush with
it and draw this through your hair,
taking one small s,trand at a tlmo;
by morning the gray hair disappears,
and after anotbor application or two,
your hair becomese beautifully
dark, thlek and glossy and you look
Tear yoonaer. Adv.
When Mixed Wltb Balphur
Urlac Back IlU Besmtlfal
Lsmtre At Once
Gray hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age. We all know
the advantages of a youthful appear
ance. Your hair la your charm. It
makes or mars the face. When It
fades, turns gray, and looks streak
ed, just a few applications of Sara
Tea and Sulphur enhance, Its ap-1 of Jad Salts from any good
We Eat too Much Meat Which Cloga
Kidneys, Then the Back
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and
clogged and neod a flushing occa
sionally, else we have backache and
dull misery in the kidney region, severe-
headaches, rheumatic twinges,
torpid liver, add stomach. alecDlesa-
nesa and all sorts of bladder disorder.
You .BlmDlv must kenn vnnr VM.
neya active and clean, and the mo
ment you feel an ache or pain In tha
kidney region, get about four ouncea
Of Jad Salts from anv rmul 1i
pearance a hundredfold. . I store here, take a tablesiioonfnl'in &
Don t stay gray! Look round a-lasa of wainr hAfnm k,..vr..i -
Either prepare the recipe at home) few day and your kidneys will then
or get from any drug store a bottln
ot --wyetu's sage and Sulphur Com
pound," which la merely the old
time recipe Impro -ed by the add!
tlon ot ether ingredients. Thou'
sands ot folks recommend this ready-
to-use preparation, because It dark
ens tbo hair beautifully; besides, no
one can possibly tell, as It darkens
so naturally and evenly. -You moisten
a sponge or aoft brush with It, draw
ing this through the hair, taking: one
mall strand at a time. By morning
the gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two ita natural
oolor la restored, and it becomes
thick, ilouy tad lustrous, and yo
WW mra yoaager. Adv.
act fine. This famous salts la mad
from the acid ot grapes and lemon
Juice, combined with llthla, and la
harmless to flush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to normal activity.. It
also neutralizes the adds In the urine
so It no longer irritates thus ending
bladder disorders,
Jad Salts la harmless; inexpen
sive; makes a delightful effervosceat
llthla-water drink which everybody
should take now and then, to keep
their klndneya clean, thus avoiding
serious complications.
A well-known local draggist say
ha sella lota of Jad Baits to f4ka who
baliev la overeemUg kidney" trtw
! walla u la ottly trawU.