h ,: . , -. Of A Class Ad Will Do It Today9 a Nmon Today Member of the Associated Press. rilfceMtli Yivir. Nil IIIMM). KLAMATH KALLH, OltlXJON, TUIXHAY, AVUVHT flu, 1DSII. I'lIICR FIVK OBNTI & IferaUi 4wnum PUN GENERAL HON BEETLE NEXT SPRING J oh ii M Mlllnr, assistant forost entomologist n( thn fodorul bureau of entomology, with headquarters nt Hun Francisco, linn been In tlio rlty fur tlm past fow days to talk uver thn proposed southern Oregon- narthnrn California ItiHort control prsjoet with J. F. Klmtmll Tho fndornl bureau of entomology hM developed tho method of con trol which will liu used on tho gov nramont areas next spring In tho event that tho McNary bill carryln 1160,000 becomes Uw, Mr. Kimball hw hncl ton years of practical field nsporlonco with thoso mothods and It I hli Intention to follow tho bur eau's recommendations on tho In fested pine timber under his Juris diction. With tho AKMlntiinrw of tho local chamber of commerce and thn In forested prlvatu owners ns wnll ns thn local nnwHpnporn, Mr. Klmtmll hud bam aulu to secure thn support of congressional delegations of a number of wehtnrn Males for tho MsNary bill. Unless control work In carried on simultaneously on both government and privately owned timber In thin ronton, no cffcctlvo control work can bu undertaken by tho private Interests. In an Intorvlirw, Mr. Mlllor raid; "Mr. Kimball deserves a great deal of credit for arousing such wide spread Intercut In thn protoctlon of tho plnn timber of thin part of thn. ntato ngalnst the plno bootlo. There ha been u wide-spread tend ency to regard tho enormous Ion i entiled by tho plnn bottle an In evitable and beyond control. Ah a mutter of fact fc thin destructive boot to ran be controlled nnd tho rncarrenco of heavy louden prevent ed at n rout which Ik well within tho range of careful business p ruc tion. It Is n inotlor of much en couragement to mo that tho forest norvlcn, thn Indian service nnd tho private on tiers hnvo agreed com pletely on n uniform plan of attack against the depredations of tho plno bootle. Only by audi uniformity of notion can a largo project audi on tho proposed ono bo sucresaful." During Mr Miller's stay the an riUlcd sun-drylng and trnn-treo methods of klllliiK tho plno bootlo woro tried nut with thn holp of tho Klamnth-I.ukn counties foreat flro association. InfcHled Iroea In tho vicinity of Clover creek wero chos en for tho oxperlnlents. Of thoso iiiporlmonts. Mr. Klmbnll said: "Iu tho Insect control work cjirrlod on by thin nssoclntlon. It hna boon our film to maintain n trained Insoct control personnel permnnently. With tho beginning of tho flro season thn usual method of cutting nnd burn ing had to bo discontinued bocauso of tho dnngor of tho spread of fires. Mr. Miller has domonstrntod to my satisfaction thnt during the flro noason tho heat of tho sun la iuf riolnnt to kill all singes of tho boctlo whon tho Infested yollow plno bark la pooled nnd oxposod to tho sun. It mny thoroforo ho pos sible for us In the futuro to con tinue our control work through tho flro eoanon without tho uso of fires. I, am also much Intorostod In tho trnp-troo method bocnuso It offors n possibility of" ntlrnctlng booties Into nowly felled trocir of low com mercial valuo, thoroby reducing tho number of booties bolow thnt -which Is posalblo by tho regular control mothods," Mr. Millar loaves Klamath Kails thn latter part of UiIh wook with m VyiYf)YLnffnAlVllM MtMN KAHMKUH MAY JO in for mint cultuui: (I , Jamos Wntklns, Jr., manngor of tho Pnclfln Const Mint company, called ut tho Herald office yester day to display n spcclmon of mint Brown on tho' Gregory placo noar Matin. Tho plants woro more than three foot, tall, honvlly ,loaved and Mr. Wntklna said nn ucro 'of lilBillar mint would produce . n slmum oil yield. Ho snld that Mtdln 'poophi had shown conslde'ddr ubhv Intorost' in tho small, experi mental mint patch nnd might culti vate mint In commercial' quantities. Advertiser Finds The Herald Gets Desired Results Thii llonilil's editorial doparlmont for several days has wondered at I thn sleek, well fed nppenrnnco of the advertising staff, but tho mys- .lory Is u mystery no longer. They have been living high on tho fruits of rare fortune. They hnvo ills- j covered nn appreciative adrortlsor. Tho news end has finally secured t tlio documentary evidence of thin rare occurrence and hero It 1st Thn Evening Herald, Klamnth Kails, Uro. Dear Mr: ' We nro sending you by express today n small crate of poaches with our compliments. In so doing wo arc prompted by our appreciation of tho excollont re sults In advertising our busluoss In Tho Kvenlng Herald for a fow weeks' during tho past season. Wo trust the fruit will fill n want If not n long felt want " Yours truly, MAYWOOI) POULTRY KAItM Per W. If. Harris. COAL FIELDS CHAItl.KSTON, W Va., Aug. 30. Conditions In tho Hharpks-Illatr section where all mnlos from 14 to 80 yours old nro under armn and women nnd chlldron uro flaelng In panic to iioono country, arejlctcrlb cd bb compared to lll(lum In' 'tho early dayit of the war In a report by A. C. Torlor, eiecotlvo member of tho United Mine worker, tn C. T Keenoy, district preslllcnt rorter has Just returned from nn Inspection trip over tho trouble xunn with Adjutant General Cbarnook. flencrnl Charnook reported to Oo-. nrnnr Morgan that ho had ordered the armed bands to dlsporso but that they had rofusod. Tralna hnvo been commnndt-ered and wires cut by armed men. The governor naked Secretary of War Wcoks to no ml federal troop to the disturbed area. I'crter's report said tho miners wero entrenched on nnn aliln nt a Mil nnd county doputleu and s'rto po'.lco were Intrenched on iho oth er sldo. A clash, ho said, would draw 2fi00 mon futo battle Livestock Experts To Visit Klamath K. II. Tbomr.H, county agricultur ist, received word yesterday thnt Prof. K. Ii. 1'oltor nnd H. A. Llnd gren, uttnehed to tho Livestock do pnrtmont of tho Orogon Agricultural collogo nt Corvallls, -will speak nt both Kt. Klamnth nnd Merrill on Heptomber 3. At 1 o'clock tn tho tfftornoon on September 3, cattlemen will bo ad dressed at Kt. Klamath on tho sub ject of "Fattening and Marketing of Livestock" and "Uso of Sun flowors for Unsllage." The aamo subjocta will bo usod at 8 o'clock that ovonlng at Merrill whoro cnt tlomeu nnd llvostock breeders will hoar IccturoH on thn snmo topics. County Agrlculturnllst Thomas wilt accompany tho visitors on their vis- Its. Doth visitors nro roturnlng from nn enstorn Iccturn tour on tho abovo subjects. td A MArfMMMWWMV J. V. Klmbnll, II .II, Ogle, Clmrlott V, King of tho Weed I.umbor com pany nnd 'A. J, Juonlclto pf tho .for est Horvlco, for tho Inuect control camp of thn Wood Lumber1 com pany near Ilray, California, K. W. I'orklns of tho mntloit plcturo lab oratory of tho .department of agrl- ulturo will u n dor t alto tho illmlnK of tho comploto Insect control op eration. It ia bopod that tho result ing film will bo nuido avallablo for ubo In tlmo to aid tho prlvnto tim ber ownora of southern Oregon and nortborn California to socuro fur ther suppprU fort tho prenosedrcon trol projoct,n well aa arousa more gbneral Interest 'In tbo neceaslty ot bootlo protoctlon In tbo plno stands throughout tho Pacific coast. BLOODY CUSH THREATENS IN HEIIIY YIELD OF N I T Volunteer rye, yielding 40 bush oIh to tho ucro nnd In some parts of tho truct reaching GO bushels, wns hurvosted on the Caledonia mnrsh, says James Wutklns,' Jr., mnnngrr of tho Pacific Coast mint company, today. Harvesting of tho Pacific Coast company's crop and tho adjoining tract ot tho Klamnth Mint company, nbout COO acres In nil, will be completed this week, said Mr. Watklns. The Pacific Coast Co's. combined harvester will then bn moved on a barge down the lako, unloaded and hauldo thru this city, loaded on a bargo below town and taken to Keno, near where (Jeorgo Watts has cloao to a thou sand acres of wheat and barley to hnrvest. Klfty buiholx an aero Is conxld- nrcd an amazing ryo yield from vol untoor ground. On tho Hagolstoln tract, north of tho Cajcdonla marsh, Votchatzor Ilrotbers harvester la cutting sown ryo that Is yielding 65 bushels to tho aero, said Mr. Wat klns. Mint llarvoftt .Vrat In about 16 dayn tho Pacific Coast company will start harvesting their mint crop. A modern distilling plant, excelling any In tho etato has boon Installed, with a capacity of 2C0 to 300 pounds ot mint oil every 10 or 12 hours. If nocossary tho still can bo operated night and day. It I so arrangod that, when tho mint acreage Is Increased, the distilling capacity can be doubled by adding mora vats and replacing' the present boiler with a larger one. Tho spring planting ot mint la not expected to produce a full crop this year, having been planted late It la on excellent stand howover, snya Mr. Watklns, well rooted and should yield from. 40 to 60 pounds or oil an aero next .year. About 100 acres was planted In tho spring. Last fall's planting Is expected to yield 60 pounds to an ado this year. Ono hundred ncree are now ready for mint planting In Octobor und tho company expocts to have half us much inoro ready by thon, bring ing tho total acreage In mint next ear to approximately 400 acres. Similar Names Causes Local Man Embarassment John A. Uhrlno, or 32S Michigan nvenuo, employee of tho Kwnuna Ilox company, wonts tho public to know ho Is not the man arrested lost week for creating n disturbance In tbo Shlpplngton bunkhouBO. Tho poaco disturber, booked under tho name of alius J. II. Uhrlno, was rolcaseil yostorday. Ho wns n man nbout 2C years old. Tho Michigan nvenuo resident Is nn oldor man nnd his friends Vouch for him as a stnld and woll-bohaved citizen who would nevor bo led Into such conduct as scandalized tho bunkhouse. Police bellovo that tho man who did tho femalo Impersonation net at Shlpplngton was mentally deficient. They woro unnblo to ascertain any inoro of bin Idontlty than ho told them nnd thoy booked him undor tho nnmo ho gavo, with a preceding "alius" to cover their doubt, It Is possible that ho might have appropriated tho name of tho Mlphlgun nvonuo resident, who on Friday night, when tho Shipping ton rumpus occurred, was on n trip to Crater l.kc, COMMITTKn TO HOSPITAL ThJs morning, Dora Krooslng, ex amined Saturday by physician ns to her sanity, wns talton to Salem for troutmont by Catherine Klssano nnd another attondant. Tho order for her cpmmlttment wne Issued this morn ing by tho cqunty court. For some tlmo, Mrs, Krooslng hns had n vory hard etrugglo for an oxlstence horo nnd this subjoct has proyod on hor mind, It Is alleged, until-her mentality waa. at footed. It Is also statnd&that- tho .attempted sul cldo of hen 'son Robert Kroeslng about two months ago, has caused her much worry, 1,1 IT N count BOARD SEEKS Tho county fair hoard Is now at work on tho notlcltlntlon of exhibits and othor fair objects ot Interest from tho farraern of this county nnd many requests aro being sent out urging tho agricultural districts of tho rounty to tako part In tho com ing fair, October 6, 8, and 7th. Today, Secretary Hoguo is enlarg ing and Increasing tho scope ot tho domestic baking In tho cullnaryedo partment and arranging this Item so that tho housewives In tho rural sections can display their culinary art to tho best advantage 'In tbo fair dates. With tho completion of this Horn, tho printer can have tho copy for tho premium lists for publica tion. Ono of the most Important meet ings prior to the fair wilt bo held Saturday) when thoj fair board will meet the superintendents ot the dif ferent departments. Tho superintend ents who will bo present nre: Jt llorsosj William Tingloy, N. J. NyJ hart. Cattlo, Meet; L .A. West, Wnj; ren Patterson; Cattle, Dairy; Wjll C. -Eiell, Samuel P. Dohllnier 8heep;.iKred McKendreo; Hogs; .')L Nylandor; Poultry; Klmor Ap'ple gato; Ilabblts; Elmer Applegate; Farm Product; Walter ZetzsWi1, Potatoos; C. A. Hill;, Fruits; Fta'pjc Arrruitmnv Plntrnr If p fl Henry, Mrs. a W.' EberlelnfTo? westio Art (Adult); Mrs. It. P. Wat FDR EXHIBITS tenburg; CnUnary (Adult; MrjrfUrs, tn all departments, with In jury MeCIure; Club Work Division ;Tvlte4 friends", embarked .la vlsAtt- Frank Bex ton. - The meeting la called tor 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon In Room ZOI, WllUtta bulldmg. The fair board will outline the work and suggest plans for the exhibition of livestock to the' best advantage. ' It. C Oroeebnck, president of the Klamath Connty Automobllo asso ciation haa been aaked to submit tho proposition of an auto parade to tho association and ask their assistance in giving tho fair n decided boost In this ono particular. Tho fair board ha asked Mr. G roes beck and tho association to tako over the de tail and work of this feature entire ly into their hands. Tho chamber of commerce haa notified tho fair board that they will tako chargo of tho first days' program, forenoon, noon and evening details. "Stunt night," tbo amuse ment featuro ot tho first day will rest entirely in their hands. Secre tary Stanley Is authority for tho statement that, providing sultablo nrrangements can bo made, the noon forum, will be hold on tho fair grounds. This featuro deponda on what catering arrangements Is mado and Is only a tentative featuro con sidered by the chamber of commerce. Tho lodges In this city, Soerctnry Stonloy statca, may confer with him ui prevent regarding any amuse ment feature which they wish to stage, pending the appointment of committees to handle this section. Tho. fair board state that from tho indications today, the county fair will bo an "exceptional show con sidering tho short space of tlmo In which-It was tnrmulatod, and that tho farming community ot this roun ty aro onrnostly requested to par ticipate. "Savo you best exhibits for tb county fair wo want them," Is tho slogan from now ou for tho fair enthusiast's. M1W. ANITA lanARKt: LOWIIY HUKI) ON WAGK CLAIM Alleging thnt ho earned $1,470 ns a laboror on tho Labnree ranch near niy and wan only paid $500, Carl Knabnor haa fllod suit against Mrs, Anita Labaroo Lowry to col loct f07G. Knabor claims ho was employed by Mrs. Lowry from JulH 1910 to April, 1931. HOIK1HT HOLIDAY JKWKUIV W. O. Davonport returned homo from San Franclsooiyostorday whoro ho spent tho- week, previous j, While there, r. ' Davenport purchased a largo etock of new Jewelery for tho holiday trade ' 5. P. Bridge Foreman Killed at Kennett By Backing Engine Advlcos wero received at 9 o'clock thlt morning from Dunsmulr, Calif., that Mlko Donahue, Hou thorn Pa cific brldgo foreman, was run over and killed this morning at Morloy, near Knnnet, Calif., bra light engine. leath wns Instantaneous and Jt Is re ported that the body swim terribly niuiijaicu, , From facts obtained this r fore noon, It seems thai Donabua was standing on a passing track at Mor loy waiting for passenger train IS to pass on Its sonth bound Journey. As It went by with a roar, Donahno was unaware of tbo .backing up of a light, onglno on the' passing track and did not hear Its approach, It Is said. i Donahue was well-known nil over the 8. P. System as he has been cm ploy od Jn bis present capacity a number ot years. In thU city, Dona hue has a iwldo circle of friends who will regret bis untimely death. Don ahue won said to be about SO years P. T. & T FOLK EW PICNIC 1 Tho first annual outing ot tho lo cal employees ot tho Pacific. Tele phone and Telegraph Sunday was an cvenMbat will be long remembered, to hen tho participants tell about . .. Suaifar. mornlnr soma IB wark- tomoblles for fiDencer creek'and tha manner In which thp day was' spent would require a book length story for description. There were 23 persons in tho picnic crowd In all. Tha Igenulty of E .T. Ludden, local manager, and others had provtdod a program ot contests, tor which Mr. Ludden provided prize, and the ladles ot tbo party went equipped with over flowing hampers of sandwiches, cako and other edibles, which the manager reinforced with five gal lons ot Ico cream and a quantity of lemonade. Coffee was browed over bonfires. The featuro ot the afternoon's program was easily the pio eating contest In which Miss Cocella Mc Mnhon emerged triumphant but smeary from a gastronomic mara thon with Mrs. W. ,E. Deck. Mrs. Gcorgo Mong nnd Mrs. Fred Wy- gant Tho pies wero extra-sized huckleberries, baked in deep pans, especially prepared with regard for Juclnoss. Knivos, forks, spoons nnd fingers were barred In their demol ition. Tho contestants attackod thorn as a kitten' does a milk bowl they waded In with a will, but were almost forced to swim out, A kindred, sport, requiring almost equal skill, was tbo prune hunt, wherein K. a. Klahn, Floyd McM.ll tan and JacK crinsnaw Hunted a single' pruno concealed In a milk pan ot flour. The gace Is to locate tho prune by nosing and salvage It with the tooth, depositing It on the ground beside the pan. 11 three rooted valiantly In their respoctlvo pans. Klahn located his pruno first and, by a daring dive, solzed it firmly and got It to land ahoad of tbo others. Then thero was tho three logged race, in which Mrs. Mang and Miss Jones led tho tlold; a cracker oatlngJ contest won by Floyd McMillan; a hundred yard dash, in which K, O. Crinsbnw wns winner; a Back race, won 'by Gerald West, an ogg race, in which Misd Cecelia McMuhon crept up from bohlnd in a field of aeveu and carried hor ogg across tho lino whllo her ovor eager op pononts splllod theirs ono by ono within a fow feet ot tho finish rs, neck disproved tho old fal lacy that tho hammer that Is, the carpentorlng kind cannot be used by tho fair sex with skill. Sho seated five nails In a block ot wood In quick succession, never missing a stroke. Prison werec awarded) foriaacb con teat,' ranging- from $2.00 merchan dise orders for tho ladies to cigars and necktW for the men. ' HALL TO QUIT IS PRESIDENT - 1ST NATION! A report that has been quietly cur ront, for a, day or so that Charles W. Half wns about to sever his connec tion with the First National bank gas confirmed today by Mr. Hall, who stated that his rcslgntUissn would bo acted upon next Tnrslsr evening at the meeting of the bakc directors and that he expected It Ui be accepted. C. D. Crlsler, stockholder and di rector, said today that the bank1 director would regret the neesa slty of accepting tho resignation nasi be bettered the bank and comma Ity would suffer a distinct loss In ta departure of Mr. Hall. In view the tact, -howover that Mr. Hall's) Interests at Mnrshfleld are sufferkac from lack of personal direction, ho Indicated that them was little chaae ot persuading the president to recca slder his action, aa they sueeeaOe in having him do on two previous oc casions. r Mr. Hall said that ho expected t loave Immediately for Marshtleld, af ter the directors had tilled bis plaea. then go to San Krancisco where bns Incss demand his attention. Hs will keep his home hero for a tlxna and return about the end of fles tember for a ten days stay, which will. close his affairs here. Mr. Hall la heavily Interested la Coos connty, aa president ot tk Coos and Carry Telephone rrnaissrr and in banks at Marshtleld and Baa don. "The neceaslty of the s'ltantlaa? leaves no other course," he "much as I regret leaving Klamath' Falls. I am glad, however, that 1 can resign at a time when the bank's affairs aro in such prosperous ooa dltloh. Deposits have grown greatly tn the last month and loans are hi a healthy condition, When I ate out my successor, whoever he may be, will take the head ot aa sound aa institution ns there is In the state," Jackson Co, Mine Sold for $30,00 MEDFORD, Aug., 3Q Tho Reve-i nuo mine, In the Kano's creek dis trict, owed hy E. L. Coburn ot Orants Pass and O. W. McClendon of Gold Hill, hns been sold to N. E. Conk lln and A. L. Conklln of Dakerstleld. Cal.. for $30,000. Tho mine, which Is better known as the famous Rhotun Pockot mine, la located one mllo south of tho Gold Ridgo mlno and was traced up tha hill mora than 20 years ago by Al lthoton and Jack llutlor, who due a hole 20 feet deep and between the surfaco and tho bottom ot It extract ed moro than $140,000. After get ting tho gold tho miners abandoned tho mine and visited Grants Pass. Gold Hill aud Jacksonville, spendmr freely n sthey went, staging gay par ties tn one-night stands In tbo wild est spending episode this section ever know. The mine has not been workod for some years, but operations will be resumed In the noar futuro. Traveled 3000 Miles Yfithout Accident Moro than 3000 mlleu without a puncture, blowout or accident ot any kind, savo a small scratch to n fond or, is tho pleasant record reported hy Mrs. W. C. Davenport and daugh ter, MUs Marie, who returned last night from n four weeks'trlp through California. Thoy went as tar south as Tin Juana, Mexico. Mrs. and Miss Davenport woro ac companied ns tar as San Francisco by Miss Albors and Mrs, William Toll of Minneapolis, who had boon their gucats horo, and on their return last night woro accompanied by Mrs. Frank Murray ot Vallojo, California, who will visit at the Davonport home. Mc. (Davenprt, metfcla,,' M & daughteciln-.BnVrasjclaco axtd. re turned, with them. Ho was away tar u, week, " MX . M