The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 29, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
J.r Muntuv.
Kr.n hoiii.k .
..City Kdlinr
Published Jally except Sunday, hy
("be Herald Publishing Computi.v of !
CJsmatb Falta, dt IIP KlKlilh Street !
Jtntered at the postnfflre at Kl
,aatb. Falls, Ore., (or transmission
tha malli as aucond-ulns
ins Associated rre-s it nxeiuaiToi
intltled tot the use tar republication
it all new dispatches cred'lod in It,
vr not otherwise credited In thlai
taper, and also the loel news imh. (
Uaher herein.
" '
MONDAY, Aim'KT 20. tffJt I
mi m
i i i
aarolaiatSaiaiaB5a5S!,i''wW T'l M W.MiIaUyH fl iTltMttitt HKSfl
Herald WsathlBgton Bureau
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. AVhtlo
Senator McNary made no effort to
poah the reclamation bill daring tho
pedal session In deference to tho
wishes of Prealdent Harding that all
fforta be devoted to the tnoro
pressing matters of tariff and tax
atietu the Baeasure la In good shape
and will be brought to effective
conitdaratlotn In the regular bos
Senator McNary was responsible
for baring enacted tho substitute
for the Norria bill which brings re
lief to the fanners of the coun
try. In rerlew of this moasaro usual
ly known aa the McNary agricul
tural relief bill, Senator McNary
"Sine congress baa passed tho
bill enlarging the actlrttlea of tho
war finance corporation, I believe
that there will be an improvement
In business generally, starting first
with the farm.
"The president's prompt signing
of the measure within a few hours
after It paased the congress, Indi
cate: bis confidence In the ef
ficiency, of the explanation.
Advance la MJUIoas
"The adrances about to bo made
by the corporation to tbe agricul
tural interest of the west run Into
millions of dollars. I think the
grain and fruit growers of the west
will recelre a benefit that will bo at
once noticeable.
"Conferees of the senate and the
house had considerable difficulty In
arriving at a decision whero they
could compose the differences with
respect to the taking of foreign se
curities. It was' finally agreed that
no foreign securities would bo con
sidered adequate unless they had
tha Indorsement of some reputablo
institutions or associations In this
BjU la Acceptable
"The hill is practically in the
form in which I ottered it to the
state, and it Is acceptable in OTery
way to the secretary of tbe treas
ury and other members of tho war
finance corporation.
"thbak tbe people of the north
west should be very happy at the se
lection of W. Ix Thompson of Port
land to an advisory position with tbe
board. He knows the agricultural
and livestock conditions throughout
that territory and Is sympathetic
with the effort being made to bet
ter business conditions. I am sure
he will prove of great value fn the'
exocutlon of tbe law."
if Secretary of tho Navy Dcnby can'l cot away from naval matters even on bin vacation, Witness, lilnt In
his private battleship" on Iko Oakland. That body of water adjoins hU farm Ml Cllnlom Wo. Mich., mid tho
jeseritai x.s.baUllngthe,caaVnnitcr denizen with hook, lino and sinker.
The foundation for tho boundary volutin retorted she would lay claim
dispute una laid, according to Mr. i to Chicago anil overythlng to tho
The feature offering at tho Strand
theatre, tonight will be "The Sport
of Kings,' an adaption by tho Buffalo
Motion Picture Company of the colo
brated norol by Arthur fiomors
The production Is a sensation in Its
action and story volues. Its thrills
and exciting drama Includo tho burn
ing of a liner In mid-ocean at, night,
with tbe escapo of hundreds of pas
sengers in life boats, tho Jump of a
race horse from its decks forty feet
above tbe water, and, In tho later
action, too actual death of a Jockey
at a Southern track, riding tbe horao
in an epfsodo of the story which calls
for It to foul bacauso of Whipping.
The producers also haye included
in their effort a very thorough plc
turelsatlon or tho Illegal methods em
ployed by a large bucket shop opera
tors to fleece hundreds of thousands
or dollars a year from tho pay enve
lopes of people whoso Incomes oro
extremely limited, and who, therefore
are easy proy to the temptations of a
little extra money through betting
on hone racos.
MAD1S0IN, Wis,. Aug.. 29 Michi
gan Is threatening to sue Wisconsin
to obtain possession of Hurley, tho
"richest village" In tho world nnd
360 squaro miles of Wisconsin terri
tory; Illinois and Wisconsin arc in
dlsputo oxer their boundary llne.'nnd
tho Upper Peninsula of Michigan
wants to sccedo and form a now state
of Superior, while Wisconsin hopes
to annex tho rich pontnsular country
to herself.
And a mapmakor's error In the
year 1755 is responsible for all tho
trouble, according to Reuben 0.
Thwaltes, secretary of tho state his
torical society of Wisconsin. Tho
mapmakcr, a man named Mitchell,
made tho mistake of charting tho
foot of Lake Michigan in degroo ac
cording to Mr. Thwalto, was rospon
slbluo for tho "Toledo War" between
Ohio and Michigan, for the placing
of Chicago and it8 rich north shoro
suburbs In Illinois Instead of Wiscon
sin, tho annexation of the Upper Pen
insular to Michigan, and all the
boundary disputes which havo grown
out of theso events. Subsequent map-
makers and surveyors who followed
In Mitchell's footsteps made one or
two other mistakes which contributed
to tho general contusion.
When the congress of tho -thirteen"
states. In session at Philadelphia,
July 13, 1787, adopted an ordlnanco
for tho government of tho Northwest
Territory embracing tho present
states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Il
linois and Wisconsin, Mitchell's map
was used as a guldo. Tho ordinance
provided that two of the flro states
should Us "north of an east and
west line drawn through tho southern
bend or extromo of Lake Michigan.'
The preamble of tho ordlance stated
that Its articles should "forovor re
main unalterablo unless by common
A' pencil lino drawn on this copy
of Mitchell's map, still on fllo In
the state department, passes about
midway between tho River Raisin
and tho settlement of Detroit.
Thwnltv, In 1S02, when tho pcoplo
of Ohio held their constitutional con
volition at Chllllcotho to demand eii'
trance Into tho Union. A trapper
who happened to bo In tho vlllagu
told the delegate)! that tho actual foot
of Lake Mlchcgau was no mo distance
south of tho point shown on Mitch
olt's map, so tho canny delegated stip
ulated that If tho proposed east and
west lino laid down by congress
should fall so far south as to miss
t.nko Erie. Ohio would then claim
all territory to tho northormest capo
of Miami bay.
In 1S0S congress created the te:l-
tory of Michigan and fixed the south-
orn boundary as provided by the- or
dlnnnco of 1787, with tho result tlml
tho now torrltory claimed a strip somo
six miles wldo across tho vntlro south
ern sldo of Lake Erie. lncludi.i tho
port of Toledo. Tho dlsputo Usee I
until 1835, when Michigan became
a state and sought to enforce Its
claim on tho Lake Erlo strip. Civil
war between ftho two states threat
ened, and scmo actual fighting oc
urred before congress sottlcd the
dlsputo by recognizing Ohio's claims
and compensating Michigan with tho
gift of tho Upper Peninsula. Michi
gan did not grow enthusiastic over
the now territory until a dozen years
lator tho first copper and thon Iron
oro was discovered In tho peninsula.
In ISIS, when Illinois was cro.itod.
north under the "forever unalter
able" clause of tho ordinance of 1781,
nnd tho matter was dropped.
The question of the Michigan-Wisconsin
boundary wan rained recent
ly when tho Wisconsin legislature re
jected a resolution Inviting the peo
ple of tho Upper Peninsula to nocodo
nnd Join this "lata Representative
from tho Ponlnsula In the Michigan
legislature followed with a resolution
proposing they bo permitted to form
a scparato stato, to bo called Super
ior. Finally tho Michigan legislature
appointed a committee to Investigate
tho stato boundary, nnd appropriated
$10,000 for Its oxponses. Tho com
mute recently rocommended to Clov-
ornor Stoopcr that Michigan bring
suit to recover 3C0 square miles of
Wisconsin torrltory on tho ground
that surveyors choao the wrong fork
of tho Montreal rlvor when they ran
tho stato bordor lino. Tha recom
mendation followed n refusal by Gov
ernor John J. lllalno. of Wisconsin,
to arbitrate tho question.
Another map. maker's mistake Is
Involved In this dispute, according !
to Mr Thwalto. A committee of the I
United States senate fixed the hound-!
ary line, using a map published hyl
I,. Judson, which represented tho
Montreal and Menomlneo rivers both
rising In I.ako Vlnux Desert, thus!
making an Island out of tho northorn
peninsula, Senator William C Pres-
waters of the Wisconsin rlvor, unit
has no connection with either tho
Monlroal or Menominee, and Captain
TIiouiiui Jefferson Oram, ot tho topo
graphtrnl cnglneem, reported to con-
I groan that It took nn Indian without
pack eight days: to travol from tin:
lake to tho Montreal rhor.
Eventually congrenii snloulud n
, boundary following In part "tho main
I'linnnel of tliu Montreal river" Mich-
, Igan now claims thu wrong I'hiititiel
was followed.
In connoctlon with the boundary
' illsputen Mr. Thwalto hu:i recalled n
, plan proposed by Thomuit Jefferson
In 1784 tor tho division of tho north
I west territory Into ton stated, with
such classical n King's ns Hylvnnla,
' Mlchlgatila TMsunlspla, tlllnoln, Poly-
I pntiimln, HhorsonosUH, Molropotninla,
Saratoga, I'ellnlpla, and Washington, I
i Ills report nnd map, In his own hand
writing. rn In tho archived of the
Mate department.
Statu boundary disputes are not
routined to tho middle west. Okla
homa and Texas had dispute lant
year over their Hod rlvor boundary
nnd residents of tho northern neck oti
Idaho recently proposed that they
Join Washington, with which stato
their Interests nro closely linked.
Anil hi South Dakota there Is n move
ment on foot to chitngo tho namo
ot the stato to Roosevelt.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. Hall
raton on Northwest lumber finished
and roahlpped In Mlunoiuila hnvo been
round roaictmblo by tlm Intorslato
cHiiimirco iuiiviiiImIuii.
.-1,, . .iij.hi jj-au
Baked Bms
& LaneA!
- baked hjust-fhe
Hie vrav
The Western Union Tolegraph
company anuounccs that their exist
ing direct money tranafor services
with Franco havo been extended ,
so an to cover an eastward nnd
wealwnrd service through tho Cher
bourg offlco as woll as through
Havre and Paris, This sorvlco
through tho Cherbourg office be
came effective August 15th, 1931.
Advertising brings efficiency.
Doitfhfwte 3i
lHn4 IX iAi
I Leave Your films
before 9 OclocK-Your
AM Pictures are f eacbf aV 3
Nathaniel Pope, her delegato In ron- ton- ot goull, Carollnn. proposed this
gross, argued for u northern bound- n0ged river highway as n fair dlvld
ary whoro Mitchell's may showed InK Ilno aml hlg ,,jan wnll npprovod.
tho foot ot the lake, Instead of wLcro
tho southern bend actually Is. Ho
doclared tho new statos's commerce
must becomq Identified with tho
northern lakes or else flow south
down tho Ohio and MIsslslppi rlvors
with tho result that tho state might
Join a southern coufcrucy In cuku tho
union wuro disrupted. Congross
beedo d his plea and gave the now
stato Chicago and a strip ot terri
tory running CI miles north from tho
foot ot the lake, and west to tbe Mis
Surveyors who ran (bo new lino
mado another mistake, with tho re
sult that a wedgod ploco of Illinois
Is actually In Wisconsin at one end
o tho lino, and a part ot Wisconsin
Is In i Illinois at tho othor. Illinois
claim's that tho city ot Oololt, Wis.,
bolongs to that stato, and tho Illinois
constitutional convention last fall
considered asking a new survey. Wis-
Surveyors ovcntunlly found I.nko
VIoux Desert Is really tho head-
ff It sMllfsfarafl7af
Champ Swatter Beats Champ Castef
Bad weather often proves a bless
ing In disguise by affording, people
something to talk about.
The Sisters of Charity
Without Coat or Expense to the City or County
Harold O. Lentz, world's champion surf caster, tried to beat Bab
Ruth'a swat record of J0 feet in a contest at tho Polo around. iJenti,
tutor a. fouwiunze lead, cast 449 feet. The photo shew both la action.
The Courses of Instruction are according to the
Oregon School Law, and are entirely without Religious
prejudice, and the advantages of training and educa
tion are accorded to pupils without regard to Creed
or. Belief.
Tuition, Day Hcliolaia '. 9 U.00 per month
Hoard nnd Tuition .'. 9:10.00 per innuth
Tli In Includes board, laundry nnd ordinary medicine. For two clilldreu, 923.00
per -month. For doctors' calls tlio locul fee is charged.
MiihIc I.i-HsonM $7.00 per month
Hoys from O to 14 years, Hoarding Department
Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR for
further information.