The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 29, 1921, Image 1

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A Class Ad Will
Do It
today Wmm
Member of the Associated Press
tirnum "Steroid
Fifteenth Year. No. OOOH.
Bunltary Officer llrandonbiirg tins
unnounood Ihnl ho Intontln to start
a crusndn on tlm persons, If ho can
approuend llintn. who mnko It a
practice of sticking rhnwlug gum
under aoatd In thnntros, restaurants,
nml othor public places, A I no tbo
practice of throwing gum nn tho
sldowalks nml In business houan en
trances. '
Tho practice of throwing tin cariN
nn Iota and In gutters has boon
another, sourco of grief In Officer
Hrandenburgs' llfo. Try in much m
ho can, be cannot, ho soya, Impreta
upon tbo pooplo enough ' of cItIc
pride to prevent dirty cam littering
the city loin and guttcri. Any per
non caught In tho act of scattering
such litter will faro badly If hnled
Into court, Ilrundonburg says.
One or tho sanitary matter
which a rl'.ld enforcement -wilt bo
Initltutcd at onco will bo the nntl
expectoration nrdlnnncn, Of Into,
peopln have Imiin spitting frooly
upon tho sidewalks and oprondlng
dlioaao rcrmi. Tho city ordinance
In Tory atrlct on thli aubjuct Mr.
Brandenburg states and an offend
er will bo picked up at onco on
thin violation. "Spll oulaldn tho
alrnot curbing If t Is nuccsmry but
not on thn alduwalk. A porion will
not aplt In thn houio on tho floor
ond tho snimi antl-spltting rule
nppll(M In tho diuretics nml moving
picture houses,"
Brumfield Before
Grand Jury Today
HOHKIIUItO, Aug.. 39 Tho county
grand Jury today began liuestlgiitlng
tho llrumflold csso with n view of
returning mi Indictment.
Highway Detours
Hard Traveling
'Ilrroro you criticize Klamath
roitda try tho dolotirn on tho Pacific
MRlinny from Hohbourg to Port
lami. says w I,, Valentine who
with Mm. Valentine ami two on.
haa Just returned from a , two
weeks trip aa far north oh Caatlo
Hock, Washington, whom thoy vls
Itcd hla sister, Mra. W. 0. Wutklns.
Many blowouta nro occurring along
tho highway whoro the. hot asphalt
In bolng laid, Mild Mr. Valentino.
The hot tuff Is hard on tiro fabric.
Plead Not Guilty
In L. A, Slaying
LOH ANGELES. Aug. 29.- Plena
of not guilty worn untorod In tho
superior court todny by Mra. Mado
lyne Obonchatn and Arthur T. Ilurch,
Jointly Indicting them on charges of
murdering J. Ilolton Kennedy nenr
hero Auguat S. Tho trial wna aot for
November 1.
Former Resident is
Dead, State Hospital
It. M. ItlchiiTrdson, formor Kin
ninth county court reportor and well
known to plonoor citizens, died Satur
day at tho Mate hospital nt Snlom
whoro ho had boon n patlnnt for
novo ml yoars, according to a massage
roceived by Cnptnlu J. W. Slomnns,
guardian of Ida estate
Mr. Illchardflon at ono tlmo owuod
tho property on Conger avenuo which
la now tho homo of George Ulrlch.
Ho 'la survived by n son who resides
In lllluolH.
Robert Oliver nttondod tlio dnhco
Bat'urdny nt Olene and Is allogod
to havo indulgod too frooly, In li
quor, resulting In his arrest and
confinement In tho county Jail Sat
urday mid Sunday, Tho nrrost wnii
raadn by Sheriff Low, This morn
ing Ollvor was rolonsod on a caiih
ball of f 1R0, his trial to bo sot later
on in Justlco Oaghagou'a court,
Should Have Had
A Medal, But Got
A) SP C. A. Lecture
"Our bout motives nro no often
mlsundorstood," wild w. If. McPhor
run today. "Mno" played bodyguard
to Carl Schubert yesterday when
Cnrl waa In n position whoro "a fnllor
noods n friend."
Cnrl wan elopped at llarrlay
Spring mimdlng a rarlmrutor valve.
Ho stooped In Invortod U ahapo abovo
tho mechanism on thn ground and
offered a fair target to a crippled
twill Hint wna loitering around tbo
truant. Thn bull changed nml atruck
Curl hard astern, acorlng a knock
down. Mac rushed to thn roacun
and ahoond the bull away and Just
at that time, along camo a party of
Mao's frlonda and aomn ladles gnvo
him hnll Columbia for paalerlng thu
poor, crippled nnlmnl.
It wna aald that thn K. 1'. train
had run Into n band of cnltln near
Dnrclny Springs, killing n couple and
Injuring aomn, but tho local offlco
today aald thorn waa no report of
audi uccldonl. "Mac" knowa, how
ever, that tho bull wna on tho Job
am) on Inn peck nml t tint hi, got n
acoldlng whom ho ahoutd have got
ten praise.
IXMHIH. Cal.. Aug.. 39 Advices
from thn Ran Vranclaco Hoard of
Trado havo boon received by numer
ous local creditors of tbo Poppers
Votton Lumbor Company Mating that
:i Tueiday, August 30,. a meeting
nlll bo called at their offices In San
Francisco for tho purpose of hearing
Tho IVpiKTH-Cotton Lumber Com
pany, oh nod by C. K. Peppers and T
II. Cotton, hits operated for tho past
aovornl years fourteen miles south
wet of Dorrls and this spring com
pleted nine miles of railroad from
Mardnnl (o their mill,
Action of tho Han Francisco Hoard
of Trado lg Interpreted locally aa
Involuntary bankruptcy Reports
from men In a position to apeak
nulhorltlvoly placn tho company's
llabllltlea at $250,000 without nnsota
to offset, Hlnco July fifteenth prnc
tlcally no payroll has boon nint. It la
stated, and thoao who havo recrlvod
checks have not been able to roallie
on them.
Jlcaldes tho payroll bills aro owed
by tho company to merchant)) nnd
others here and In Macdoel as well
as wholesale houses In Uacrnmonto
and Han Francisco, It Is alleged.
Heporta from Mncdool stato that
practically every article of property
poHsossed by tho company has boon
attached. Nino mlloa of railroad
built under contract by WJIIIa & Uurr
luat spring connecting tho Southern
PnclOc lines at Macdool with tho
mill and yards haa not boon paid
for It'la aald, and Is being held by tbo
What the outcome of tho present'
situation (will 'bo will not bo known
until after tho Hoard of Trado ses
sion on Tuesday, It In probable that
a receiver will bo appointed to oper
ate tho mill. This Is thought to bo
practically tho only solution for tho
prosont dlfflcuty unless thn owners
liquidate tho company's liabilities.
I'oppors-Cotton was ono of tho
largest lumber concern In this sec
tion nnd tho financial crisis coming
at this porlod la norloualy fait In this
locality. r
PORTLAND, Aug., 29 Tho cutter
Snohomish, tho Canadian Winner,
tho Canadian. Obsorvar nnd thn Algo
rlne, started nbreast todny combing
tbo sea for tho Canadian Importer's
survlvorH who havo bocn inlsslng for
eight duys In ono of tho vessol'a life
WASHINGTON. Aug., 29 Tho fal
lowing Oregon post offices havo boon
declarod vacant nnd lator examinat
ions will bo arrangod by tho civil
sorvlco commission for filling of tho
vacancies. Contrnl Point, Entor
prlso, Falls City, Oloudnlo, Lobuuon,
Mill City, Newberg, Salem,, Spring
field, Wnaoo, Wtutou and Woodburo,
WASHINGTON, Aug., 29 Plans
for President Harding's national con
ference on unemployment will pro
bably bn completed In tlmo to permit
tho delegates to gather hrr.o by the
middle, of Soptnmbcr, nald Herbert
Hoover, sneretary of commnrco, to
day. Iloovnr said It wnn hoped to limit
tbo conforonco to from 15 to 2C per
sons, representing tho country geo
graphically. Ho said that small num
bor was necessary to permit of con
structive iwork and avoid a "debating
society." -i
Tbo conference, he aald, would
avoid controversial questions such
an tbo cloned ahop, wages or condi
tions of tabor. Its aim Is the formu
lation of a deflnlto program for act
ion by representatives of Industry)
and of community Intornsts to relievo,
tho unemployment situation.
Strahorn Road is
Prompt in Cleanup
Chief Engineer Bend of tho Btr-4
horn railroad baa had all the sec
tion mon at work tbo. last two day
cloanlng off tho mass of high
woods which havo covered the ter
minal slto between Seventh and
Klghtb streets on Walnut.
In tho course of tho anil weed
campaign conducted by Flro Chief
Ambroso, notlco nas given tho Stra
horn road to clean off their torml
nala and a wrltton reply aald It
would bo done. Instructions given
to tho section men at work worn.
"Not only cut tho weeds, nut grub
out as many as you can so tho
ground will bo bare of both weeds
and grass." Chief Ambrose states
In Just such manner Is tho w irk
being dono. Also that should a grass
flro start In that section,
this baro spot will bo n flno
fire guard.
A. F. of L. is Hands
Off in Rail Strike
Tho nxocutlvo committee of th
American Federation, of Labor de
cided to tako no nctlon regarding
railroad wago reductions, Its mem
bers said today, but stood roaOy to
glvo aid In any way roqulrud by the
rauroau unions.
Refuses to Quash
' Todd Indictment
PORTLAND, Aug. 29. Kodoral
Judgo Dean today denied tho mo
tion of John W. Todd, formor su
porlntondont of schools at Salem,
n,nd Carlos J. Ilyron of Sonttlo to
qunsh Indlctmouts against thorn,
charging nwlndllnc In n timber laud
entry schomo. Trial of tho two Joint
ly waa ordered October 31,
Thero will bo no meeting of tho
council tonight according to thn In
formation glvon out nt tho city hnll
today. Only four mootlngs a month
nro nllowod by law and during Au
gust, thero aro flvoMondnys.
Tho nert regular moating-of the
council (will take placo Tuosday eve
ning, Sojitombor G, ono day lator than
usual owing to Labor Day falling
on Monday, September S.
. .
Undor tho, now tlmo (nblo of the
Southern rnclflc, effectlvo yesterday,
tho local passenger train will arrive
from Weed at C:C0, p. m Instead of
nt 7;00 p. mi, as formorly.
WABUINQTON, Aug. 29. Chnrlos
W. Pugsloy of Nobraskn has boen
soloctod as assistant socrotary of ag
rlcdlturo to succood Dr, Elmer D.
Uall, whoro resignation becomes
offectlvo Octobor 1, It was un
nounood today,
MOMMY, AUQUST 39, llpi, '
Vlllllll llll I 11 Yfe
unnn vfliitr
A mooting of tho directors of tho
Yonna Valley OH and (las company
was hold yesterday at Dairy for tho
pnrposo of discussing the recent de
velopments t tho well and also to
make preparation for a continuation
of tho drlllng operations,
According to Secretary W. B.'WIloy
who was present from this city, tho
directors waro much encouraged by
ho recent showings made at tbo well.
A report was read showing that tbo
drill now was nt tho 1130 foot depth
A strata of snnd 2C0 feet In thickness
was ponotrated In tbo lowest drill
ing. Investigation was made of tho oil
which Is being brought up and Secre
tary Wiley states that It undoubtably
i nines from abovo tbo point wberb the
drill Is now working. A sample was
brought In for analysis by Item But-
Tho dlroctora yestorday voted to
purchase 1200 foot of 8 Inch'plpe and
the order was sent off at once to San
Francisco. Whllo tho sand strata
does not show any signs of woakentng
at present. It was thought best to
prepare for emergencies.
Secretary Wiley odds that the
directors feel that tbey havo' faith
In 'their drilling and that thoy will
find the oil flow In this well. All ex
proiaed thomaetvea as wiling to keep
on going until this objective Is at
tained. Poe Valley Orchard
Is Producing Well
C, L, .Nlxoo. Poo Valley rancher.
h& proved lo hla own satisfaction
that Poo Valley will produce ap
ple. Ho says folk who laughed at
him for planting an orchard nlno
years ago nro not so suro now but
that ho will have tha last laugh
Mr Nixon was In tewn today to
get boxes for his apple crop and
brought some well dovoloped and
flno flavored apples with him. Ho
has about 300 trees .Including
pears, peaches and chorrlos as wetl
as apples. Peaches aro doing well
his year, he said.
Second Complaint -Issued
Traffic Officer
Porcy Tworabley filed a complaint
with Pollco Judge Leavltt Saturday
evening at B o'clock charging J. J.
McMahon, stato deputy of tho auto
mobile dopartmont, "with turning to
tho loft lu tho stroot without giving
any signs or Indication of a turn bo
tweon Intersections" on August 178,
the alleged act taking placo on Main
atroet between Tenth and Eloventh.
In pollco court Baturday. Judgo
Leavltt dismissed tho first complaint
tilod against Offlcor McMahon hold
ing that tho complaint na draftod
did not stato an offenso under tho
city ordinance.
McMahon Is out of tho city for a
fow days, It was said today and a
warrant has not yet been served.
H. 5. Wakefield Buys
Central Garape and
Is Moving Stock
Saturday afternoon, H. S. Wake-
.field., purchased the Control gnrngo
located at 420 Klamath Avenuo from
L. L. Drownell, possession to be
given at onco.
Tho Wakefield garago is being
moved Into tho now location today.
Mr. Drownell states that he will still
retain his Chandler agency and' the
tires and tubes agencies.
Leonard Q. Wlrx. California Oro-
gon Power company lineman, and
Miss Laura Qatmnan were married
Saturday ovenlng by tho Rev. 8. J.
Chanoy at tha Methodist parsonage.
Owing to Illness, Mrs. .Mary L.
Mallett, stato prosldont ot-tho W. O.
T. U will be unable to deliver her
schodulod address at tho M. E. church
tomorrow evonlug, It was anuouueed
- - - bbi wmm m m , -rw
Admits Lie hint and
.Can't Fathom Courts
Lack of Interest
Justice Gagbagen waa much sur
prised this morning to bavo T. L.
Cleveland, sometlmos known a
"Tom"ClovelnndfalIaa Jamos Sumpt
or any, "Judgo, I was In a. figfit this
morning with Johnilrwjn and I got
thn worst of IL I want to plead'
guilty and pay my flno."
"Thero' (b no complaint fllod
against you so I can do nothing for
you," Judge (laghagen replied.
"Uot your honor, I wns fighting,
disturbing tho peace and 1 want to
plead guilty, pay my flno and end
tbo trouble," tho man continued.
Rapoatcd assertions that ho could
do nothing for him availed tho Jus
tice no re Hot and District Attornoy
uruwer was cauod in. uievoiana anas
Bumpier .was Informed that tbo Jus
tlco court had no Jurisdiction In
tbo matter and m no complaint wi
mado, no action could bo taken. Af
ter this explanation, be departed
naylng, "It's funny thoy cannot do
something when I fought, got lick
ed and want to pay my fine like a
It appears that Cleveland bad
recently been bested li litigation. In
which John Irwin, loca,l attorney, re
presented tho otbor sldo. Accord
ing to Mr. Irwin, Cleveland got "tho
worst of tbo fistic altercatlonwhlch
took placo whon Clovejand openod
hostilities upon tbo'laarcr'when.tbo
mot on the streot jjeUr tbefpurthouso
this morning. mjtf Vtf.i
E. II. Hall has been appointed by
(iovcrnor Olcott as the representative
of Klamath county at tbo 192S Atlantic-Pacific
Highways exposition con
ference at Portland. September 8.
Mayor C.J-:. Gates of Med ford repre
sents Jackson county, C. S. Hudson
of Hend. Deschuts,eounty, and J. M.
Miller of Lakovlew, Lake county.
With few exceptions tho county de-
legatce aro tho former, county chair
men P tn Liberty Loan organlra
tfon. 1
Tho coun'ty deleaBtes and tbroo de
legates from the stlfeat largo Mar
shall Hooper of Klamath Falls, Les
lie Jlutler of Hood River and E. E.
Drodle bf Oregon Clty-r-appolnted
last week by Charles Hall, prosldent
of tho state chamber of commerco,
will meet with tho exposition direct
ors to discuss plnns of tlnanco and
administration. s
At this conference tho question will
bo practically decldod whether the
exposition will cost $6,000,000 or
$7,000,000, whether the stato will bo
asked to support tho fair by a mlllage
tax for tho next four years and whet
her tho public spirited cltlxons of this
stato will ,bo' asked to subscrlbo
directly to the stock of tbo exposition
New York Modistes
Give Gowns Names
NEW YORK. Aug. 29. Doslgnnt-
log gowns with namos as blzarro as
those glvon racahorses Is tho Jatost
trado deyico of fashlonablo New
York dressmakers.
This was revealed whon a large
firm brought suit for $11,306
against a wealthy man for raiment
purchased by hlswlfo but alleged
to be still unpaid 'for.
"Lady Fair," "I'll Sny Sho Doos,"
and "Patches" wero tho way throe
gowna wero Itemized. A snappy lit
tle dross wont down ou tho list as
"Country Mouse," while two street
suits wore charged up as "Bobby"
and "Reggie."
By way of paradox, an evening
gown was christened "Morning
siNftvrrs iulls pass.
.WASHINGTON. Aug. 29. Legls
latlon permitting the government to
exchange land outside the Deschutes
and Rainier national forests for prl
vatoly owned land within thorn and
a bill exempting 160-acro homostends
from Judgment for debts contracted
before issuance of the patent havo
been put1 through the bouse by RupJ
rosentattre Blnnottt , r '" '
prick nvB cum
CALTCUT, India, Ahg.) 29 Nearly
700 momborn of Hiwtgtnt blubta
who havo been, creatlag dlsorifora
near here, have been killed .In fight
with Drltlsb forces.' i ' " lt'
Sovcn Europeans navd been', killed
whllo seven men of toe Lelnster regi
ment nnd 17 native policemen aro
missing. Many Hindus have been
massacred by rebellious MoplalM. r
Indian troops are betas; brought
southward -from Naanaaore. t Tb
Insurgents hive felled. treea aad des
troyed bridge to interfere.-wlth the
troop movements.
QlueJIcketmand marine hv ar- q
rived Here: to reinforce th dUcIptl-'4o
nary troops. Moro British treopa
from, Bangaloro arrived Bunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd DeLap, SIIm
Ruth' DeLap and Charles P. DaLap
roturned home Sunday Bight from
Huckleberry mountain 'after ' a '
week's vacation. 'The pe.rtr gather
ed nearly 50 gallons 'of befrlea and
report that the fruit arrived hero In
fine condition. ' '
On tho trail leadlnr u to tkV '
patch, a party of Klamath IndUns
was ascending when ike DeLap par
ty were coming down ,aad four fine
buck deer were strapped 'lv the pack
hone's back, tho result of one dayc'
bunt In Jackson coanty.' The deer''1
werelo be ased In a feast hr ihw
Indians, held annually In the Im'ty"!
patches, huckleberries and di re
forming tho chief dishes. Llovd,D
Lap stated that about 300 Indiana
wero In the patches.
At tho bottom of the mountain.
tbo DeLap party counted nearly
300 cars parked. Dances aro held
about throe night's a week. After
darkness has set In, Huckleberry
mountain resembles a small city,
brllllajit with lights from tenU and
Refuse to Prosecute
Prisoner, Dismissed
Persons who complained, havtsjsj,
refused to appear against the prison
er booked at the- city hall aa alias
J. 31. Uhrlne, ho was released ThI
Police Chlot Wilson this mornljg.
Uhrlne was arrested Friday night
by Patrolmen McDonald and Brand
enburg, when thoy recolved a tele
phono call from tho Klamath Lum
bor and Box company's bunkhouse -that
ho was creating a disturbance
thero. Tbo police chief Instructed
patrolmen today to bring In a com
plaining witness .with tho prisoner
hereattor and get a signature to the
complaint while the matter is fresh
In mind, preventing Incident of the
present sort where Uhrlne got three
days' .board and lodging at public
U. 5. and Hungary
Sign Peace Today
BUDAPEST, Aug., 29 The treaty
of peaco between Hungary and the
United States will bo signed hero
this aftornoon at C o'clock.
WASHINGTON. Aug., 29 Mrs.
Mabel Walker Wllebrandt of Los An
geles hag been appointed assistant
attorney general, succeeding Mra,
Annetto Adams of San Francisco.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 29. Exam
inations for postmasters in Oregon,
at the following places aro sched
uled for September 24: Cascade
Locks, Cove. Helix, Maupln, Park
dnlo and Union, Salaries range
from $1100 to $1900. The examin
ations may bo taken on the date
named nt the following places:
Hood River, La Grande, Poudelton
and The Dalles. ,
1 '