The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 27, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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1 -
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mm. William Hyde -wltl
.leave tomorrow for Portland on a
TBoatlon trip.
Mrs. P. B- Flakier left this
morning for tho dredge on Upper
Klamath lake to visit for a low
darn with bor husband.
C. T. Dartcy waa a passenger on
the morning train bound (or Loot
whero bo la engagod In survey
work. '
'A. h. Marahall and family woro
In town this morning after supplies
from tbolr ranch near Olene.
Obarloa Adams and family -wore
otbar Olene people who visited roro
J Draco Bailey, a nephow of Dr.
George Morryman and Harold Mor
ryman, arrived yeaterday from Port
land on a bnslnesa trip. Mr. Dalley
Is' agent for tbo Btevens automobllo
T. L "Nleh" Chapman, who won
tame ns a college football and
basketball star his four years at
the University of Oregon, la In
H. J. Ttcknor was a county seat
visitor here today from his farm In
Langsll vnlloy.
Charles E. SptaeU of the Spring
lake section wna In town this nttor
noon purchasing supplies for Ills
hny crow. "
T. N. Cunlnngham or Tlno Qrovo
was In town this morning transact
ing business.
Mr. and Mm. 1'orcy Dixon, who
resldo on tho Merrill road, woro
county esat business visitors this
Walter Ward, nn omployo of tho
Shaw-Dortrum lumber company who
was lnjurod somo tiny ago whon a
log rolled on him, was so far Im
proved that he was removed from tho
hospital today, but It will bo somo
before ho Is nblo to walk.
Lestor Hoggs, who operates a
ranch at Lorella Is a county eoat
visitor today.
D. D. Drown of Crystal Is attend
ing to business affairs hero today.
John and Henry Cox camo Into
town this morning from thstr ranch
FOR HBNT Furnlshod apartment,
Loruox Apt., 135 N. Oth St. 37
LOST Blubber, boot on Chlloauln
road, finder please call 144J or
leave) at 133 3th iitroot tor rownrd.
i . . i
1 1918-Dulck Four, guaranteed
first clash otondltlon. Real bargain.
1 1917 Hudson Supor 8lx, n real
bargain anti guaranteed first clas
condition. Terms.
. 1 1930 Boven passonger Chaudlor.
Llko now. A real bargain with torms.
Inqulro at J. C WillOHT OR
Colonial on room cabins tar
housekeeping, 11th near Main at.,
and 741 Walnut oto. 37
WANTHD l'nsiangors to kci to San
Francisco In cur. Heo Ij. tlonglnnd
boforo Monday. August 3Dth. 37
I'HONB the finger offlee when yoa
want to rent or buy n machine.
roil RKNT 4 room urulslicd'aparti
mont gnrago, tolophono and bntli.
41SH. lllvorsldo. l'liono 1U2M. 27
FOR UALB- Lot, four room house,
furnlshod or unfurnished, trade
for small oar and some cash, llox
I,. H. II. Hornld office. 137
ROOM AMD nOAnD 110 por week.
30B Pine Ht phono 353. 27-30
town for a couple of days on busl-inear Merrill with a load of potatoes
for tbo market.
he waa accompanied from Eu
gene by Waldo Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Daggett and
little daughter returned last night
from month's camping trip in
the Wood river country.
Henry Anderson, a Merrill ranch
er, waa la the county aeat yeaterday
attending to tuislnees affaire.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomp
aon who are visiting here from Por
tenrllle, California', left yesterday
for Crater lake where they expect
to spend several days. Mr. Thompaon
la Mrs. Leo's brother.
1 Will Fraln, a pioneer of north
ern California, Is spending a few
days hero from Topsey grade.
Mr. and Mrs. Zlm Baldwin, who
have been spending tho week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gordon at their
summer home at tho Lake o' tho
Woods returned to town yesterday
and expect to leave for tholr home
In Lakevlew some time today.
F. C. Coleman of Swan lake was
a. city visitor yesterday aftor sup
plier for his ranch.
Charlee Hogne la expected homo
tonight after an absence of several
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Plko, Low
.Prltehard, Andrew Egan, Florence
Porter and Anna Dlas of the Pell
ea Bay Lumber company's office
force will leave aomo time today
for Medford and Ashland. They
will return home 8nnday by way
of Crater lake.
1 Andrew Collier will leave in his
ear today for Medford whero he ex
pects to meet Mrs. Collier who has
been visiting In' Portland for the
last month.
Rev. W. E. Bobblt and wife are
here from Woodland, California, for
an outlag In Klamath county. Aa
soon aa the deer season opens the
Jtev. Mr. Bobbltt will take out hie
frosty rifle and attempt to bring;
Sow busk.
C. D. Cnorpeaug waa a city visl.
tar thla morning from hle'ranoh In
Lasgells valley.
D. h. Sutherland and R. L.
Schmidt are registered at the White
Pelican hotel from San Francisco.
Dr. R. S. Stearns and wife are
city visitors here today from Port
land. Mrs. Mae L. Shute and Atella R.
Bbute are tourist visitors In the
county this week-end from Wor
cester, Massachusets.
Carl Nelson of Portland Is reg
istered at the White Pelican hotel.
marriage license was Issued
thla morning to Robert R. Lytle
and Margaret Daniel, both of Bo-
Mrs. Ben Oleeon, of Malln, who
has been HI for some time, Is re
ported to be very much Impov
Jack Forber left this afternoon
for Cbiloquin on a business trip.
Before returning to town he will
go on to Crystal creek where his
family haa been camped for a
month and bring them home with
Bird Loosley is In town from Fort
Klamath for tbo week-end.
Gilbert Anderson of Dairy droTo
fato town this morning aftor supplies.
FOR RENT Two 3 room furnished
apartments. 444 8. Riverside. 37
FOR RENT 2 room apartment fur
nished for light housekeeping, and
one sleeping room. 627 Klamath
are. Phone 461. 37
A good bed and a good bath at
Colonial rooms. 11th near Main St..
and at Colonial annox, 741 Walnut
Ave. All outside airy rooms. 27
a machine Inqulro Singer office.
208 Main. Special prices on Used
machines. Repairing, cleaning, hem
stitching done. 27-6
FOR RENT Apartmont. 634 N 8th
St., Phone 413J. 27-29
Thero will bo a moetlng or tbo
Women's Relief Corps Monday attor
noon. All mombcrs are roquostod
to bo present. 27
The Strand
Jeonaerly the Moadale
1180 Mala Bt,
Tho Uktlo house with big allows.
Sunday and Monday
One Tnomaand People in the Oaet
The World's Greatest llaco Horso
"Man o? War"
The Sport of Kings
Tho greatest sporting picture ever
niado. See the ocean liner afire,
tho leap on horseback from a 40-
foot deck, sonsatlonai raco sconce,
tho fall that klllod a Jockey. Sen
sational thrills from tho greatest
racing story In the history of
American fiction by Arthur gomors
Rocho. Don't miss It you'll boo sen
sations enough for flvo big picture
Don't miss this plcturo, also
Ford Wetfkly and a
Good Comedy
The Rex Cafe
$1.00 Special Sunday Dinner $1.00
Persian Melon, Iced
Large Ripe Olives Spiced Beeta
Chicken, Supreme
Asparagus Tips, Loulso
Choice or '
Fried Spring Chicken with Corn Fritters,
Chicken Fricassee, with Dumplings
Baked Sugar Cured Ham, with Candled Swoet
Potatoes, Londo Berry. H
Cream Whipped Potatoes
Steamed Head Rice
Orangw Push
CuoJse oa
Vanilla or Strawberry Ise Cream
Mafshmellow or Butterscotch Sundae
Assorted Plea
Huckleberry Pie
Iced Tea Coffee Tea Chocolate Milk
'jjuijvtnnnnnjTJinnnjinnn - -.- """""An'
Crater Lake Picture
for Sale at
GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler
622 Main St. Phone 72
Ton are hereby notified that the
Beard of Equalization will attend on
September 12, 1921, (tbo second!
Judge's office In tho oldest court
house, and will remain In session for
thirty days from that date ior tbo
purpose 01 examining me assessment i
rolls for the rear 1921, and correct
ing all errors .In valuation, descrlp-
tlon or qualities of land, lots or other
property assessed by the assessor. It j
snail oe me amy or an persons inter
ested to appear at tho tlmo and place
All protests against valuations fix
ed by the assessor must be filed with
the hoard during the first ten days
of satd session. ,
j w. -r. utsta,
Assessor of Klamath County.
Hotel Under New Management
Chicken Dinner Served
Sunday Evening from 5 to 7
Bonanza, Ore.
' J Auto parties especially invited
The One Way to Succeed
Is to Be Successful
Sounds ridiculous but it's true. Un
less you can practice the principles
of success in a small way You nev
er can in big ways.
Successful men invariably are thrif
ty and saving. Many of them start
ed in business with a ,few hundred
dollars saved from small salaries.
This bank welcomes the man who is
trying to get ahead.
The First National Bank
I-jrr lUDSONf
Average Reduction on All
Models Since Last Year
Price Now-$1895
And remember that for five years, including last year,
when it sold at $2600, the Hudson Super-Six was the
largest selling fine car in the world.
At its new priec of $1895 doesn't it represent incom
parably the greatest value in the fine car market?
No judicious buyer today makes his choice without
comparing not only the present price of cars, but also
their relative values as indicated by the position ancl
reputation they have held for years.
Such comparison today directs . intensified interest
upon Hudson.
The Lowest Prices for Which These Models
Ever Sold
7-pnssenger Phaeton
4-iiuM'iiKr I'liaoUm
Kcdan ..........
.'ouo -
Touring Lltuoustiio .'
1'iltes lOflO
, 9200O
a too
. . . suso
. 4875
!'. . II. Ik-troll
I'rirte Now Saves Yon
1808 S705 ,
, 1805 . 70ft.
SM09 005
EJ770 HOft '
S IDS 03ft ,
uiao sob
.140ft 780
Phone 264 KUmath Fall., Ore. 400-16 South Sixth St.
Hi. i.i