SATURDAY, AUGUST JI7, 1M1 fMWVMSWVWMVMWWVWMWWWMWWMMWAAAAAAAAAAAAA CLAtFEDADVERTISEMENTS unjyjivru-innj-wn-i-ri'ii-i--rrri,, -i-n i- - - MISCELLANEOUS lvwywvnwwwww FOIl SALE Piano. Bargain. Wrlto Betty Qaddos, Eagle Ridge. 26-30 FOIl SALE Btcyclo, call 117 Kldo rado Ave, J6-31 FAIHVIJ,W TIIAXSFKK W1U aavo you 1-3 on lUl your trans ferring. Wliy pay mono? Phono 20011. sto-ao FOR SALE Lots In Nob Hill Addi tion to Klnmath Falls. "Will somo- ono make offer for any of the follow lnglotsv Hlockl, Lota 1 to 6 inclusive. Block 3, LoU 1 and 3. Dlock 7. Lota 3 nnd 4. .' mock 11, IOte 7 to 1 Olncluslvo. Dlock 20, Lots 3 and 4. A. Walter Word, Box 1004, Hart- ford, Conn.- 26-29 FOR SALE One Adrlanco binder In good condition, worked ony two weeks. Coroo an dace. Jack Cheo- choT, T. O. Box 67. 26-31 I i or clerical WANTED Bookkeeping position. Experienced. Call BlGK, J6-27 FOR RENT 5 room modern house on Orogon Ave. Inquire United Cigar Store. 26-27 WANTED Contract with 5 ton trucks, ntngs. hauling grain Call 328R.evo- 26-1 HUCKLEJ1ERR1ES FOR SALE Leave orders at Central Hotel. 25-30 FOR SALE Ono milch cow, coming fresh In about two weeks. Apply O'Connor Ranch, one ratio bel6wTbost River bridge. 2B-27 FOR SALE Remington Typewriter, New, Bargain. 16 Loomls Bldg. 2C-31 FOR SALE 1920 Dodge touring car. Now rubber, first class mechanical condition. Inquire Houston & Phelps. 25tt FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet Tour ing car. good condition, 1300. Kla math Falls Auto Co. 224 Main. 24-27 Advertising pays. Try it and tee. I OREGON BREVITIES I o o COTTAOE GROVE Jeaale Fergu son, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Ferguson, came near being drowned whllo wading across Mosby creek on the Qulmby place? She step ped Into a hole and had gone down twice before rescued by Dorothy Qulmby, also 14 years old, the only one near at hand. Dorothy had to dive to recover the girl. PORTLAND The war on glaring headlights reached huge proportions when '93 motorists were arrested Tuesday night. Quite a number of recent accidents have been lnjd to "bright lights." and the traffic bure au Is. out to ollminate them, so they will conform with the law. PORTLAND On" complaint f Archie F. Roth, chairman of the Ore gon state board of aeronautics, a war rant was Issued Tuesday for the ar rest of Lieutenant V. U. Ayors, a local aviator, charging him with operating an aircraft without having obtained a etato license. Roth states that Ayers virtually had defied the board to mako him secure a license, but that tho arrest is no reflection on Ayers' ability as a pilot of aircraft. PORTLAND Babies In all tUrce of Portland's baby homes havo deve loped cases of diphtheria and the Waverly Baby homo, the Albertlna Kerr home and tho White Shield home of the Salvation Army aro un der quarantine. PORTLAND Confirmation of the $7,000,000 timber deal, announced last week and involving' tho transfer of 27,000 acres in the Nebalem dis trict, owned by the Oregon American DOINGS OF THE MY. I WISH I COULD SWIM LIKE YOU CAN ' MRS. DUFI! DID YOUR HUSBAND TEACH YES, AND He? D BE GLAD TO TEACH YOU.MRS. GREY! voo.y THE - -- " FOR SALE 250-8000 Savage. Now, Bargain. 16 LoomU llldg. 20-11 WANTED Colored man want nvork of ony kind, phono G58-J. Aik for A. Maxwell. 23-J9 FOR SALE Ono 2-holo oloctrlo pinto. A-l condition. Phono 360J. 23-27 WANTED Mlddlo-nged woman as chambermaid by day. Klamath rooms, 125 S. 6th St. 23-27 PAINTS, 6ns AND VARNISH WALL l'APKR W. E. AND J. E. PATTERSON Phone 196-W. 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 LOST On Morrlll-Malln Highway 1A Special Enatmnn kodak. Ro- ward. Standard Oil Co. 23-27 CITY OARUAOK When you want gnrbngo removed, mil 10I.S3. NURSERY STOCK For Fall deli very order now. Tno s.iiom ur- sery Co., offors a splendid lino of trees, snruos nnu Tinrs iur irun, shado and ornamental purposes. Orders taken by W, s. siougn. Agt. 131 Washington St., Phono 464. 24-6 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, bath and phono. 612 N. 9th St 23-27 FOR SALE Ford bug. bargain for cash. Seo Melby, Winters Jowolry Store. 23-27 FOR SALE 3 VI Mitchell wagon. In good condition. Phono 19F16 23-29 FOR.SALE 1920 Dort. C passenger, run four thousand miles, good con- dltlonf cood paint. Klamath Falls Auto Co. 224 Main. 24-27 FOR SALE: Fold ono ton truck. good body and cab, four apeod transmission. Klamath Falls Auto Co. 224 Main St. 24-27 WANTED Clean cotton wiping rags. paying 8c per pound. Klamath Falls Auto Co., 224 Main St. 24-27 FOR SALE: Ford Speedster, good condition, now paint, a bargain at $225. Klamath Falls Auto Co.. 224 Main. 24-27 7 Lumber company, to tho Central Coko & Coal company of Kansas City, was announced by Charles T. Early, r prosentlng tho local company's inter ests. t """" MEDFORD Pilot Andort and Ob server Todd wero sovcroly shaken up, though not seriously Inured when forest patrol plane No. 8, Inbound from Roseburg, crashed from a height of about CO feot whllo landing at Barber field. An air pocket was the cause of the. accident, according to local patrol of ficials, who report tho plane badly damaged. POBTLAND Seven drunks and ono lost dog. This, in itself, isn't a bad record for the Sunday day police shift, but when tho dog answers to tho somewhat novel name of "Prohibition" nnd bis dis appearance Js conlncident with lha arrest of seven drunks, it mado a Sunday record which tho veteran desk soreeant thought was above tho average. MEDFORD W. O. Jacks, ex-town marshal of Eagle Point, Ore, and prominent In nnti-llquor crusades last spring, was arrested hero charg ed with selling Intoxicating liquors, and is now lodged in tho county Jail. This Is the fifth arrest in a Tccent antl-mooshlne clean-up carried on in Jackson county by special state agonts in tho past ten days. SALEM Oregon's star was placed upon tho Unitod States flag bilng mado by all Oddfellow and Robokah lodges of American capital cities with special coremonics at the Salem Ro bokah lodgo rooms. Tho flag has now traveled through 2C states. It was received In Salem from Olympla, DUFFS TOM, MEET MRS.6REV. SHL WOULD tmii TO HAVE W TEACH WtR HOW L TO 5WIM! ORt DIDN'T. SAVTHATT chuxjntII ssssss - - - a. 1 . e n-vj -ru rxr - . KNCWM1XH EVENING HERALD, Twenty-five Year y? Bfl fC TsTsssssZTlK'- !!U".siiW il ni . ... TRAW NUMBER SIX WASTTN MINUTC3 W f J $ LATE TOWY. '" -v .r. s sis' I .1 Wash., and will bo sent from here to the Reboknh lodge ut Boise. It will Journey to 23 other state be fore bolng complotcd. EUOENE A can of giant powder,) said to bo enough to destroy tho plant was found In tho furnace of L. N. ! Miller's largo pruno dryer on tho outskirts of Eugene. ' I m ;in-.y Mr. Mller said ho believed somo ! Almost overyono known that Sage ono placed the explosive thoro with 1 Tca and Sulphur, proporly com tho Intention of blowing up tho plant Pounded, urlnca back tho natural col- when tho furnace was fired up fort tho season's run, but as usual Mr. , Miller clcanod tho furnaco out lie- foo firing It, so tho powdor was, found. STATE W. O. T. V. LEADCTt WILL SPEAK TOMORROW , -" " Mrs. Mary L. Mallett, president of tho Oregon Women's Christian Tomporanco Union, who Is hero ..itin. t,.. . n. n., m.i. i. in ,.i.,..'. ,' .n vi (dampen n sponge or soft brush with lett. will address tho women of KU,.t nnd dww thg throU(;U yolf ,mri amia raws oaiuruay uuornoou ai 2:30 o'clock In tho Mothodtst church. Her subjoct Is "Child Wolfaro.' SLASHING WAGE RAISED BY LONO-nELL COMPANY KELSO. Wash., Aug.. 27 Tho Long-Bell Lumber company advanced wagos for Its slashing' crow from $2.50 to $3 per day, effective tho first of the week. The mon are work ing undor tho management of James Goodyear. In addition to tho re gular wago, tho company is offering tho men tho option of taking con tracts for five or ten aero tracts. Con tractors are making $4 and $S per day slashing, and those contracts are opon to any of the men. About 1C0 ae employed with the crew and on contracts. The company wants to get tho entire tract of more tUnn 2000 acres slasbod this fall, SULPHUR soon ITCHING S Kill Tlio First Application Makes Skin Cool and Comfortable. If you are suffering from eczoma or somo othor torturing, ombarrasB lng skin troublo you may quickly bo rid of It by using Monthc-Sulphur, doclarcs a noted skin specialist. This sulphur preparation, becauso of Its gorm destroying properties, seldom falls to quickly subdue Itch ing, oven of fiery eczema. Tho first application makes tho skin cool and comfortable. Rash and blotchos aro hoaled right up. Mentho-Sulphur is applied like any pleasant cold cream and Is porfoctly harmless. You -can obtain a small jar from any good druggist. adv. Tom Has a Job u KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ago In Linkville Ill OLD RECIPE Tl Bngo Tca Ony, ninl Kulntiiir Turns ( anxv r.,,i,.(i 11..1, nllrk or and luslro to tlio hair when faded, stroakod or gray. Yenrs ago tho oiily wnv to rnt this mltxurn was to nin0 jt nt j,0mo, which" Is mussy and troublesome Nowadays wo simply ask t any drug store for "Wyeth's Sago and ! Sulphur Compound." You will get a largo bottle of this old-ttmo rcclpu I Improved by tho addition of othor jlngrodlcnts, nt very little cost, Kv- orybody usos this preparation now, becauso no ono can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, ns It does It so naturally nnd ovonly. You taking ono small strand nt n tlmo, by morning tho gray hnlr disappears, and after another application or two, your hair boaomosc beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years youngor. Adv Eat Less Meat, Al Toko Glass of Salts Before ltliif; llrtNlkfllkt Uric add In moat excites tho kid neys, they bocomo overworked; got sluggish, ache, and tcol llko lump: of load, Tho urlno becomos cloudy; the bladder Is Irritated, and you may be obliged to seek roller two or three times during tho night. When the kidneys clog you muit help them flush off tho body's, urinous waste or you'll bo a real sick per son shortly. At first you fed a 'lull misery In tho kidney region, you suf fer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tonguo coated and you fcol rheumatic twlng os when tho weather Is bad. Eat loss meat, drink lots of wa ter; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; tako a tablcspoonful In a glass of water bo foro breakfast for a fdw days and your kldnoys will thon act flno. This famous salts la mado from tho add of grapes and lemon Julco, combin ed with llthla, and has been usod for generations to cloan cloggod kldnoys nnd stlmulato thorn to nor mal activity, nlso to neutralize tho adds In urlno, so It no longer Is n nourco of Irritation, thus ending bladder wonkness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In juro; makes a dollghtful effervescent llthla-wator drink which ovoryono ohould tako now and thon to kcop tho kidneys cloan nnd active. Drug-, gists here say thoy sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who liollove In over coming kldnoy troublo whllo It Is only troublo. Adv. Wished on Him OV4 I HEARD VOL) WERE A WONDERFUL SWIMMER! YOUR. WIFE TOLD ME ! 1 . 9 DUN HI H 1 T I OH,5HE WAS , I KIDDING WOO! SsssssssssssssPsC5SSWSSB!!J??S''"' -s-sJ BsPB!TTiimTr" 1 S 1 - 1 1 - - ' 11' il ' II ssiiassiass-il 1 1 '" siss s- s.swsssSsisSis.sswaassT STATEMENT of tho Flnt Natlonnl Bank f Klnmntli Kails, County of Klamathi BUU of Orogou, showing tho amount Maudlng to tho credit of oyory ' o"""1 tor July 1. 1921, who has not mado n deposit, or who has not wltuoraw any part of his deposit (eommmliil deposits,) principal or nl," l.p n period of nioro than seven. (7) years Immediately prior t w. with tho mime, last known placs of rvnlduuco or postofflos ssdrsts or. such depositor, and tho fact of his death. It known. Nairn) of DAmoIIw ltosidenw or INistofflea Address lluetlnor. Karl, Klamath Falls, Orogon dllbort, J. V., Klamath Kails, Oregon llnrrls. J. II.. Klamath Kails, Oregon lluntor. O. II., Klamath Falls, Oregon f, lfvi., tiout-liiit. Klamath Kails, Oregon Lanu. Miss Tlllle. Klamath Kails. Oregon Mnyborry. Kinmltt, Kliinmth Kails, Oregon ii.. .,!..... tfin....itl. t.'nll.. Oriiuiin Odonnoll. J. P.. Klnmath Kails, Oregon ... , . inivnm. A. a. Klamath Kulw. Oregon Riddle, Mrs. ..1 Klamath Kails, Orogon Bhark, Martha, Klamnth l'alls, Oregon Smith, J. (J., Klamnth Kails. Oregon Bummoronor, Anton. Klnmath Knlls, Oregon .. ..v. Weskley, E. E Klamnth Knlls, Orgon I State of Orogou, ' Connty of Klamnth, is. , ,. ih 1, J. A. Oordon, being first duly irworn, Uoposs mid soy upon oath, that I am tho Cashier of tho First National Hank of Klamath lulls, Connty of Klnmath, Btato of Oregen: that tho foregoing statement Is n. full, tras, correct nnd complete statement, showing tho immo, last known residence or poHtoftlio address, fact of death. It known, and tho amount to tho credit of each doposltor os required by tho provisions of "JC,1?",,J," 10163, Inclusive Oregon Ijtws. J- A. UOHUUN Subscribed and sworn to hefnro mo' tills ISth day of August. A. 11. iWJ. I.I.OYI) L. PORTER, Notary IMilillo for Oron. My cnnimlsflloii expires August 29, 1923. 1 19.3611. 9 Hot Water Each Morning Puts Roses wotxdkwraseMraaa To look one's ltt and fi! one's t In to Nijoy an InilJo bsth rach inoriiltig to tluih from the 'ytcm tho jirevimif day's wat, xur fcrmrntstlons ana iol annus tntlns lfort It U ubwrll Into thr blood. .Tint as roal, vlirn It Uirni, kavrs nriilnd a certain amount 01 in cvmbuitlblo material In ttm form of stint, so the food and drink tnki-n each ilsv Ipp In the alimentary urinns a certain amount of indigestible msterlsl, which If not eliminated, form loxins anj loitons which are men ucktu inio 1 iilood through the yerv duett which are Intrndcd to suck In only nourishment to luttain tlio body. If you want to seo the glow of healthy Moom In vour rlieekt. to seo vonr akin get clearer and clearer, you are toM to drlnK -Try tnoming Umn oriung, a pIm of hot water with a testnoonful of llmestono phmphstv in it, which Is a lisrmlew means of wnslilnir the wste mtterlal ani toxins fum tlm stotudch, liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying tho entire rL-L'uj-ui-nj-unn.nnririrr-iii-i-i-i-i- - - - - - - - - - - e(''f bbsssssssssKS 1 &'--'. " .sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtV SJ , .tj;" .sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUSl g .;":w-A'- sbbbbbbbbbbbbbBHsK-SEvV CT ., 1 sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV?VbbbbbbbbHb1bCBJ v7v JiV a Ll LAST CALL FOR- Block Wood Prices on blockwood aro low at prcsont but will ndvnnco as fall we'athor comes. Our stock of blockwood Is not largo but "vvu aro filling ordors promptly with ' BIG BLOCKS Buy now! for full woathor means hlghor prlcos. " GREEN SL AB-WOOD Phono In your ordor for ton cords of green Blab at $3G.OO for a year's supply of wood tho chonpost wood available O. Peyton & Co. 'WOOD 419 Main St. WHY ONLV LA5T NIGHT V0L SAID THAT YOU COULD TEACH ANYONE I SHALL GRATEFUL TO mo mtPP I r., Tf) .SUIIfA u. S- TEW MINUTESl T' i'Aqh romd Amount. , .$ i.Ut ll.Ut .. a.7i .. 7,I , .. Is.Ui .. 10,00. .. .ot 10.00 10.08, tMtstMl l.l .4t 30.00 0.00 7.0 $119.74 in Your Cheeks alimentary trset, beforo putting more foo.1 Into the stomach. (llrlt and women with sallow skint, Ihvr po lnide or pallid eotnnlsx Ion, lo tho"o who wke up wlllt a routed tongue, lud .lute, nasty breath, olliera vIm aro Nithereil with b- sdaehea, blllotn t1I. arid totnac!i or conitltia tlon ahoiiM l?ln tbla iho'l atcd hot water drinUufi o" nre naiurtd of very nronouneed reaulta hi one or tw weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phut nhato routs very l!ttl at the dmg (tors but Is ufflelrnt to demonatrAto that iuat a soap and hot water cleanaes, purifies and freshen tlm skin on the outaldt, so hot water and llmettonn photphaU act on tho Inahle organ. Wo mutt always' consider that Internal sanitation Is Tart ly mora Important than outalds cleaall neai, Ursuta the okln pores do not ab sorb Impurities Into the bloud, whllo tho bowel pores do. Women wl desire to rnhane U beauty of their coniplexlon aiioulj iuat try thla for a week aiut notice result. - - - - - - - - - - - - w - "w TO BURN" Phono BIS BY ALLMAN ErVTT VOO BE VERW NOVELET'S , sap Vnt DDovP VOUR STATEMENT