PABR TWO SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 W81 the Evening herald, klamath falls, Oregon The Evening Herald ." J. MUltRAV Wliai 80ULH .. .....lClJtor .City lMltor Published .ally except Sunday, by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Streot. ntered at tho poitofflco at Kin Math Falls. Ore., (or transmission through the malls a tocond-class matter. MKMBKU OP TIIH AflSOCIATKD PltKSS The Associated Pro's Is exclusively tntltlcd to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited to It, r not othorwlao credited In this aior, and nlso the local news pub lisher herein. SATtlllOAV, A1KJC8T HT. 1021 Oil Excitement in Merced County, Cat. V. L. Founutatn Is In receipt of n letter from hi daughter-in-law, Mrs. K. It. Fountain at Morocd, Califor nia, stntlng that qulto an excitement prevails there In tho Inst tow days over tho reported oil find near there. A man named Poto Uhollly, living six miles out of town on tho Los llanos road boyond tho Catholic cem etery brought In n lot of oil which he secured In an unused well near his place. Ho drew .water for tho cattle to drink and thoy refused. In vestigation showed It to bo crude oil. Tuesday nomo nakersflold men went to Khollly's placo and offered him H.GOO for tho well or $40,000 for tho forty acres about tho well. The oil men announced tho belief that there was oil under that section and. that tho pressuro was so great that tho oil wus forced up and with drill ing deeper, 'they will got a guhcr. Great excitement provallod In Mer ced following this announcement by tho oil men, the letter goes on to say. TUB STKAXD A photographic sensation In -which the motion picture camera caught and registered with amaz ing detail, the death of a Jockey when tils .horse suddenly fouls and crashes through a .fenco In tho third quarter of a race. Is ono of tho extraordinary episodes of action which local "movie" wans will sco on the screen of the Strand theatre, wen the Buffalo Moton Picture companies version of "Tho Sport of Kings." by Arthur Somers Itoche, begins Its engagement there Sunday. ' Tho accident that resulted In tho Jockey's death occurred at a far southern track, during a race es pecially organized for the Buffalo, Motion Picture company producing staff: A prize race horse, pur chased- by the company to tako the part of the spirited, vicious tem pered VIvsudlerc, -cqulno herolno of Mr. Ilocho's famous story, was be ing ridden to victory. Tho jockey's Instruction, prior to tho raco', woro to carry cut the action of tho story itself, wherein tho horse is whipped heavily at the third quarter, caus ing It to foul and ho is disqualified, thereby bringing heavy profits to the men who had planned tho crim inal act. Dixon, Vcrda Cornd and tho houor guest. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Doltell woro hosts on Friday night nl a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Del Clnmmon, nt thflr homo on Crescent avenue. " Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Urockonbrough entertained Sunday with n sago-hen supper on tlclr lawn In Hot 8prlngs Addition. Their guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Stevenson of Dorrls, and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Albortson. Plcnlci woro a popular form of social diversion this Inst week and qulto in keeping with tho spirit of things was tho midnight picnic given for Miss Kttlo Duko of Portland Sat urday night and Sunday on Lower Klamnth lake, nobble Uyan's speed boat carried tho young pcoplo to their destination whero breakfast was pre pared in tho approved camp stylo and an nil together Jolly time was passed by tho company. Sunday aftornoon lltilo Mnrguo rlto and Gertrude tloylo, daughters of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Doylo, wcro charming hostesses at a fnrowotl party for tho threo Mistresses Dodges, who left Friday morning for tuelr home In Ashland. ' Mrs. V. C. Hall assisted by her daughter, Miss Mary, entertained for tho Itcv. and Mrs. E. P. Lawrence, during their stay hero, with n lawn supper. Many old ' bcrs of Mr. Ijiwronce's congregation wcro present. N A delightful luncheon was enjoyed at tho Rex Cafe Friday nt twclvo thirty by Misses Clara Calkins, Mnr Jorlo Delicti and Maybolle Lvavltt, who entertained for Miss Margaret Worden, Mlsa Mnrgnrot Ilargus1 nnd for Miss Ollvo dates of Hllsborough nnd Miss Dorothy Schmcor of Port land, who woro hero on their wny to Crater lako.wlth tholr parents. Miss Atlco McCourt will bo hostess nt an outing party to bo hold nt lfnr rlmnn Lodgo today. A number of young pcoplo left tho city for tho Lodgo nbout noon. Mr,, William (lanong entertained for tho Lolsuro Hour Ilrldgo club on Tuesday. Thoso who attended wore: Mosdames T. C. Campbell. M. S. West, J. S. Klllott, C. llrooklns, Fred Dunbar, Guy Manning. Henrietta Molhnse., K. 11. Hall, Jack Slater, H. D. Lloyd Stewart, Fred Uakcr, and Mrs. Ganong's slstor, Miss Mildred Oleson, who Is visiting here. One of tho social events among lodgo pcoplo will occur tho ovonlng of September C nt tho Scandanavlan Hall when tho Masons of this city hold their first annual dance. Tho impression wrs curront that this danco would bo formal, but tho of- If You Would Write Right USE a FOUNTAIN PEN. Wo have In our stocV a lino of PENS that nro durable and guaranteed. Not tho kind that blots and falls to write when you most want It to. Call and see our lino oPjBENS;.and let us explain their good points. H. J. WINTERS GRADUATE OPTICIAN 700 SIAIN STREET Make The OREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND mil:. - "J POPULAR SPACIOUS LOBBY 'At the Center of Everything fleers of tho lodges any that It will bo strictly Informal. Howovor If Shrlnorn wish to nppcnr in tholr uni forms, It Is pormluabto. Invitations hnvo boon sont out county wldo In viting Masons nnd tholr frlonds to attend, Tho social olomeut of this city plan to attend this affair as it is oVen to tho puhllo and Is not u closed lodgo ntfnlr. Tho Auction Ilrldgo club met Wed nesday afternoon at tho homo ot Mm. Oscar Bhlvo mid two tables of bridge woro enjoyed throughout tho aftor noon, Tho houso wns dor-orated "In golden glow nnd pantiles, thus com bining early miring' with Inter fall In tho motif. Tho guest follews: Mi'sdniui'H G, A, Krauso, 10, II. Hall, George I. Wright, U. V. Wtllltts, Charles 1. ltoborts, and Mrs. llrock eubrough, ' On Wednesday tho Ilrldgo club was entertained by Mm. B. M tgl al tlm homo of Mrs. Roger U. Dowoose. Tho. houso was lovely with big boquols ot sweet pons as decoration nnd'rofrcsh- iiiontn worn served to, tho plnyors by tho hostess. Thoso prcsont wore! Mo dailies II, I). Lloyd Htownrl, Olmrle Martin. Krncst Ilulili, llyroli Harden, brook, Fred Dunbar, Charles Moore, Hurdln Carter, Roger W. Dwepso and tho hostess, 4 Make that Idle dollar nrk Put It In tho bnnk. BROADWAY at STARK ST. Wo suggest jov write, phono or wlro for reservations Arthur II. Meyers, Manager i Take Notice! Time is money. The individual who does not waste time, and man ages his money to the best ad vantage, is the one who prospers. Don't lose' time by wasting money. Wasted money is lost opportun ity to acquire competence. Deposit your surplus earnings with this bank and cultivate the SAVINGS HABIT. First State & Savings Bank Klamath Falls. Oregon nniLUUUW" '-'-"l-ftf ljyM-Ww-sysls"i"i" i , - ; ii iWWWWVWWWAMr. Ill lull Mill nil 1 nil Nl m Rnl HUH mil ii ' nni 111 Hm ' 111 Hi usj Hffl ni a M 4t Society Club meetings, Informal dinners and afternoons wcro the things which occupied tho tlmo of society folk this week. Tho bargo party by moon light on Tuesday given by Mrs. Will iam Duncan and Mrs. G. A. Krause wns one of the larger affairs, though strictly informal. A long list of In vitations wero sont out. Tho barge wag towed Into tho middle of tho lake about nlno o'clock and anchored there. Tho evening was devoted to dancing and several prizes woro given for tho best waltzes nnd fox-trots. The climax o'f the evening was the serving ot doughnuts, elder and np ntes. Decorations were Cblneso lan terns, confetti and paper streamers. "A child's party for grown-ups" was Klvon Thursday evening by Mre. Koy Orom, honoring her sister, Miss Barbara Goeller, who Is leaving Mon day for Portland. The tough little freckled boy was there, the little Miss Mutfett with her hair how and raffles and tho jolltest ot all, a wee pickaninny -with an uncountable num ber of braids sticking out like a windmill all over her bead. Special games were played during tho eve ning and milk and cookies were serv ed by the hostess. Present on this occasion were: Mesdames James Bis hop Foster, .Floyd Meadows, Fred Dunbar, Leslie Torwllllger, John E. Enders, Hardin Carter, Charles Moore, Leland Haines, Byron Har fenbrook, Harry Goeller, J. I. Beard, Marjorle Gallagher, Ira Orem, Don Balding, Misses Madge Dixon, Ruth Cooking Electrically the ideal method Electrically equipped kitchens hold . no terrors for the housewife. They are cool, cozy, and comfortable ih the summer.. They eliminate the drudgery, the grime and the nerve racking tension caused by wood stoves. The expense is surprising ly low. Let us tell you about it. t MMAAAMAAM The California Oregon Power Company "Let us be your servant9 llilll INI ' 111 III I Mm ' aAJv 111 Csf J' I 9x ilLA rOPAK WORK Leave Your Filttvs 'Before 9 OclocK-Your am. Picilirds are r eadr at 3 P.T UUKrwooas WV KLAMATH FALLS UKEGOnWTrn V I WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE ttU .tilff v I UY THEIR DRUGS UMjk pnarmarv THE SACRED HEART ACADEMY KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CONDUCTED BY The Sisters of Charity i Without Cost or Expense to the City or County ii The Courses of Instruction are according to the v Oregon School Law, and are entirely without Religious prejudice, and the advantages of training and educa tion are accorded to pupils without-regard to Creed or 'Belief. y. wvnxy TERMS TBlUosi, Da Scholars Board Mad Tostiom ..... ! ......J$ 8.0 per saoaui yei Bssatti Lr?WJTY I This laclndM board, Uuadr and ordlaary nedlclae. For two chUdrai, SSS.e per boobUi. For doctors' calls the local fee Is charged. Maato Lessons ................................................ .....l........f 7.00 per momUi Boys from 0 to 14 years, Boarding Department SCHOOL REOPENS SEPTEMBER 6, 1921 Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR for further information. i