The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 26, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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hmdat, august a, imi
Personal Mention
W. T. Ilopka ot Sacramento is
here rtowlng local Interests. Mr.
Ilopka la tho owner ot property nt
Main nnd Eighth stroota and son
rally makes an annual visit hero.
Re says each recurring visit shows
treat Improvement In Klamath
Falls and . this yoar Is no excep
tion. t
Robert Goett, principal of tho
Klamath county high school, and
family aro oxpoctod hero today some
time They aro driving in from
their homo at Portland.
Howard Wines and mother ar-'
rived last night from Eugene. Mr.
wines ii 10 do a commercial ioaca-
r In tho high school this year.
The Taclflc Coast Mint company
la harvesting Its crops on the, marsh
this week and It it reported that tho
, rye yield Is abovo the average.
' Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Maddron ot
Dorrla are in the city this "week
In order that Mrs. Maddron may be
, under the care ot Klamath Falls
I Mr. and Mrs. P. F., Chandler and
I eon, Oltnn. who hare been here for
j the past few dare as the guests ot
Mr. Chandler's brother O. 11. Co
' Md and family, left this morning
,' tor the Lake o' the Woods where
I . they will camp for a few days be-
' fore returning to their home In Can-
I yon 'City. Mr. and Mrs. Cosad ac-
i companted them. .
IMIss Myler Calkins left this morn
ing for Rocky Point for the day.
Thomas H. Ness ot the California-
Oregon Power company arrived yes
terday from Medford and Is attend
ing to company business hero today.
Ormand Rankin is a city visitor
from Portland, who la registered
at the White Pelican hotel.
O. M. Locko arrived last night
from Corvallls and is stopping tor
a few days at tho Whlto Pelican
Edward Geary was in town last
night from his experimental farm
on the shoro of tho Upper lake. Mr.
Geary reports that he has 27 differ
ent varieties of grass, ranging from
awect clover to tall meadow oats
growing at tho farm, in an attempt to
determine which variety Is most suit
ed to tho soil of the reclaimed
marsh lands. Besides the grasses
Mr. Geary has prize turnips, cauli
flower, beets and onions.
Mrs. Dodge, a dkughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Flnley. lett this
morning for Ashland to make her
future homo.
W. C. Lehman lett this morning
for San Francisco on matters con-
N nected with tho oil prospecting com
panies of Klamath county.
Don Colvig has gono to Medford
to make his homo after several
months residence hero In the em
ploy of the California-Oregon Pow
er company.
' Mr. W. W. MeKealy, who has'
am HI In Us hospital due to as
operation, was taken home today.
Tom Newton Is In the city today
after supplies for hit ranch in the
Cherry creek district.
Mrs. T. 8. Abbott and mother are
expected home this week, from Rose-burg-
Mr. and Mrs. Abbott have
purchased a home In Klamath Falls
and expect to make their permanent
Mr. and Mrs. Brice Martin and
ons, Jesse, and Percy, aro here
from Little Shasta for a few days
- visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Fos
ter. Mr. Martin is a prominent
rancher in northern California.
'Cllfford A. Dunn, general super
intendent for tho Oscar Huber com
pany, left this morning for Port
land after a business stay of .sev
eral days here looking after to
start of the new road work In the
Marion Nine was In town this
morning from the Nine mill In
Bwan Lake valley attending to mat.
era of business.
Dr. J. C. Elliott. King and son,
David, are at Rocky Point for a few
days fishing, from Portland where
Dr., King Is a promlmont physician.
He Is also owner of bo mo fine farm
lands In Klamath county. '
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jones ot San
Francisco are tourists here this
week-end. They aro registered nt
the White Pelican hotel.
4 Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Gates and
daughter Olivo ot Hilsborough, and
Miss Dorothy Schmer of Portland
are tourist visitors here today. Mr.
Gates was the originator of Klamath
Falls' light and power system.
Mns. R. E. Geary left yesterday
morning on the stago for Medford to
spend several dayB visiting with
friends nnd relatives.
Mrs. Ira Orom was In the city last
night from her ranch homo on the
Verrll road.
Jim Henley was in town' after sup
plies for bis ranch on the Merrill
road yesterday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Marshall were
city visitors yesterday from their
ranch near Olene'.
Ml m a"
II Neckwear M jfF J
H Xrf nnd Idle Comblna- JK fjr , J
llfl tlon Daintily trim- m SrW.rST .ssssf .bbVSW .sssssV f
H Inco In L gsg.sBMgT M .aH M .0SL M
IH cream or r KT m f K Lgr rk m
IJIjfl cadi fl.rtO r J OBSSsLSSsL BBi&BBBBVBBsfc SBBV ' .BBBBF
HI Collar Seta ssssflg g t 8P kssss ssBsssr
Ml llustor Ilrowu a f HJa , ggSjr
HH tlno rjuallty organdie. 1'ret- llinkaW- sssstsPjlr
H ty tallorod effoct. Set 91.1ft sssf ILsTssssh ssssssfTsff f lf
Chiffon Motor Veil
(loiui nuuiity veil: 2 yrd
by i yard. In brown,
taupe, gray, Copenhagen,
Inn, myrtle "ami black:
II urn nt Veil United
mesh vnlllng will) chiffon
bonier. May be hail l
brown, navy, while, and
blnek: each $1.00 to 9 l.nn
We Bought Them at a Trade Discount, of 20 Per Cent. We Save You From $10 to $20
As We Place the Entire Purchase in Our First Fall Sale
Fur Trimmd
Tailored models
Duvet de Lainc, Suedenes, American Velours, Tricotines
Plain and Fancy.
Silk -Lined
sVBsVJKXr sssV I
These smart suits are for practical and dress occasions and embrace
the graceful line characteristics of the new modes that discriminating
Women take keen delight in wearing. We were most fortunate in this
particular purchase, and, as we saved, you save. They're mostly brown,
black and navy; and some have fur collars or borders of beaverette,
mole or Australian opossum; while others are profusely embroidered,
and all are correctly tailored. In fact the elegance of. tailoring is ap
parent in every model. ..A complete range of sizes for women and
Falls most favored style as decreed-by New York's (JJ9C QAC flC
d Price Greupings: kw rxu yuu
fashion leaders.- Unusual, Undervalued
some aro deigned upon tho long, HiM'g'it lines, giving them n lopsn and flow lug appearanre, but charm
Ingly becoming. Jinny nevel touches in tin form of rollara slreVes, pockets and trimming help bring nut
their general homily Then there aro tho sports moduli which nro serviceable for every kind of stylish wear.
.Mnny of them aro silk lined Materials Include Hull vlnn. Trlcotlue. Huedlno. Polo, Yalama, Vrldynn.
Chamolsiyno, and other cloakings I fllMlsJIP
The dependable kinds that give long service and don't cost so
much but that you can afford the dressmaker's charge.
Roman Stripe Skirtings
Tho material that Is so nttractlvo worn by young womon, partic
ularly tho high school or college miss Navy liluu or brown grounus
with strlpeo and pleasing colors. 48 Inches wide and unusually good.
$5.00, $6.00
EXTRA SPECIAL DRESS SALE $12.50. Merchandise of wonder
ful Savings to clean up original values up to $25.00. Most any
woman can find a dress that will answer just the purpose she wants to
provide for. The assortment is very large. Many are quite plain
and many have more or less fancy trimming, but . all are a decided
bargain for Saturday.
Does your Corset tire you out?
Modart Cbrsets
i front Lucod
Our expert fitters have found
that the Modart Corset with its
scientific design and front-lacing
principle gives absolute protec
tion against undue pressure and
at the same time accomplishes a
definite figure improvement.
A trial fitting of the Modart is
most convincing, and will be
gladly given by an expert fitter
at anytime.
Corset Department 1 I
WW.MIWi"i',",WWW"V,'W''-r-VmJLlVJJ " I
The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Rice
have returned from an outing ot
several days at Spring crook.
Mr. and Mrs. Evorett Trefren ot
Macdoel aro hero to spend tho week
end with Harry Thrasher and fam
ily. Miss Margarot Barkeloy, who has
been here for the past month visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Ophelia Olonn,
at hor ranch on the Merrill road, re
turned this morning to her homo in
Phoenix, Arizona. ,
Mrs. D. B. French and son, Lawr
ence, have rot u mod from Rocky
Point, whore tboy spont the wook
wlth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moor
land at their summer homo.
Water Is Thirty
' Cents a Gallon
TONOPAH, Nov., Aug., 2C Water
isn't quito np to the prlco of liquor,
but it ,ls almost thero at Cow Camp,
th? drlott point on tho Silver Peak
rargc. They aro paying thirty ccnU
a gallon for it nnd residents ngrco
that it is cheap at that price.
Thereisn't any competition. The
waier man has a monopoly and no
one envies him his job. Tho nearest
watering place Is eleven miles away.
For five miles tbo water Is carried
in a buckbuard drawn by horsor.
Then tho road narrows In to a trail
and horses aro unhitched, the wator
bags tied over their backa and tho
remainder ot tbo trip la slow. It
takes about a day to make tho trip,
In tho old days, when eiloons
quenched thirsts, there wasn't tbo
demand for water that thoro Is now.
LOS ANOELE8, Caff, Aug., 20
The Bishop of Nevada has bought a
saloon building, a billiard hall, and a
storo, ho reported here recently. Kach
has been turnod Into a churchc.
Good Time for Ev-ryone.
Tho formor saloon was purchased
ton miles from Qoodsprlngs, moved
thoro and remodelled. Tho storo was
torn down and shipped 158 miles to
Calient. Tho billiard hall at Iloutty
was remolded whero It stood. Tho
three buildings cost t319.7G.
The Strand
Formerly tho Mondale ,
1130 Main St.
Tlio littlo liouio willi IiIk almus,
Tonight and Saturday
Bargain matlnco Saturday, Adults
inn. Children Go
mae murray
Tho maid of many, moods In n dual
rolo. Adopted from Wllklo Collins
famous novel tlui "Woman In
Whlto," also
Comedy and rathe
greatest raco horse, Man o' War In
the groatoit sport picture evor made
The Sport of Kings
For its wonderful tone!
TH AT'S why you'll choose the Sonora
JL for its pure, rich, magnificent
tone, which is of marvelous beauty and
which surpasses that of all other instru
The Sonora plays all
makes of disc records
perfectly without extra
$50 to $1000
Earl Shepherd Co.
fi7 Main Nt.
77ia Highest Class Talking Machine In thc)Yorld