The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 26, 1921, Image 1

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i. 'O- .
iflrjj lvmum Urrald
Today9 a Hexes
- Do 1
Member ot the Associated Press,
Klft'-entti Year. No. 8007.
HERLIN, Auk. 26, Matthias
Krzberger, former vice premier and
minister of finance, 'wi found mur
dered today near Offonberg. linden.
There were 12 bullet -wounds In
hi body.
This wm tha second attempt at
assassination atlomptod In a year
and a half. Krxbergor was shot and
wounded on January 26, 1820, a
Jin wm leaving the criminal court
bltdlng In llorlln after attending a
hearing In n libel suit bo bad
brought against Dr. Karl Holffer
leb, the former Oermau vleo-chan-cellor,
Onn bullat glanced off tba
minister's watch chain and another
entered hi shoulder.
Kriberxer roused a storm In Ger
many In July 1917, morn than u
year before the annsllco, by pro
posing a resolution In tho Oerman
Rolchstng In furor of a pciico with
out annexation and for parliament'
ury reform. Chancellor Ilcthmnnn
Hollweg declared thin formula was
unacceptable and Dr. Ilolfforlcb tub
soquontly blamed Krzbnrgor's peaca
propoMl for tho moral collnpno of
the Herman people. Tho former
vice-chancellor accused Krzborger of
high treason .denounced him aa "u
menaro to the purity of our pub
lie life" and Invited him to bring
mill for libel Ho declared that
Krxborger must bo removed from
public office "It our political III"
U again to become hcal'hy nnd nor-;
mal." Ho assorted also thnt Er
bergor's fortune had been made
during the war lyr utilizing hl no
llllcal Yntfparilamehury position.
Erxberger accepted tho challengo
nnd instituted unit for libel. The
hearing wax acrimonious aud as
sumed much political Importance,
Dr. Ilolfforlcb delivering denuncia
tory speeches In court while Km
berger vigorously defended hlmielt
and hla action In seeking peace In
llerr Krzberger was for many
yosrs leader of the Unrman Can
ter party and onn of tho leading
figured In Oorman public life After
(lormany'i defeat In the war Hla
peace move of 1917 had mads him
the storm renter of attack by re
actlonarlea; but when (lornmny'n
mllltnry power collapsed ho wua
made mlnlsltor without portfolio In
the rablnot of 1'rlnro Maximilian.
' Aa a member of tho (lonnan arm
istice delegation ho conducted ne
gotiation with Mnrshnl Koch nnd
later headed tho majority socialists
In a movement to form a now min
istry nnd sign tho poncn trouty His
attltudo throughout tho armistice
negotiations aroused agnlnst him tho
Indignation of (Jormati military uu
thorillori and In Juno, 1910, It was
reported thnt his residence had boon
flrod upon by a llorlln mob. A
plot said to havo boon formed by
mombom of tho offlcorn' corps at
Potsdam to nssasslnato him was re
vealed In Boptembor following.
Horn In Iluttcnhaus, September
20, 187G, Erzborgor was tho son of
a poor tnllor. Ho becamo n school
master, obtalnod n unlvorslty edu
cation, studlod International law and
political economy, writo aavoral
books on polltlanl nnd oconomlo
ubjects and beenmo n brilliant
sponkur and politician. Ho was
elected to tho ltolchstng In 190S as
member of tho Center (Catholic)
party, as ropresentatlvo of small
farmorH and becamo ono of tho load
ers of n small liberal wing of that
party. Ho Is said to havo boon a
Pan-Oorman during tho onrly Vrt
of tho war and to havo ongagod ac
tlvoly In spreading aorman propn
gnndn. Ho wan accused of having
rocqmmendod tho uso j by Gorman
troopH of tho flamo tbrowor. Later
he rtr-clnred Oormnny's U-boat wnr
had fulled and advocated It' aband
onment. Bomo time prior to tho
armlstlco ho published u book
in which ha outllnod a plan for a
league of' nations,
Mako Uiat idlo dollar work! Put
It In tlio bunk.
' i
OREdON Tonight and Saturday,
t '
Threat of General
Halls March of
Protesting Miners
MADISON, W. V., Aug. 26. After
Oonornl llandholtz, commanding fed
eral troops that woro prepared to
movo horn from Chllllcotho, Ohio,
had warned union loaders that troops
would bo dent to tho coat flalda If
tho march of minora from .Marmot
as n protest agulnst martial law In
West Virginia continued, Presldont
Kimey, head of tho mlno worker for
district 17, and Becrotnry Mooncy
hastened hero and stopped the.mon's
Assistance of Klamath Falls ship
pers In cutting down loan nnd damago
to frolght Is bolng sought by J. J.
Miller, ngont of tho Southern Pacific
company here, who today mndo a
r.poclnl npponl for proper packing,
marking and loading.
Mr. Miller pointed out that Ions and
damugn claims, which on Class 1
railroads mounted from $23,346.,96G
In 1910 to $104,39K,930 In 1920, re
present nbiwlutn economic wasta.
"Attar settlement has been made,"
he said, "no onn Is better off than
he was beforo tho loss or dnmagn
occurod while tho country Is poorer
to the uxtenl of thu vnluo of tho pro
perty destroyed, and tho shlppor Is
annoyed at tho failure of his goods
to reach him In good order."
Tho Southern Pacific company lll
Inaugurate nn Intensive campaign
among Its employes during tho month
of 8iptambor to demonstrate what
cua 4dono to eliminate joss, and
damage, and Is asking shlpysrn to
Join In a common effort to reduce
this dead lose.
"Carload frolght Is packed, loaded
nnd braced In tho car by tho ship
per." said Mr Miller. "The function
of tho carrier Is to transport tho car
with reasonable dispatch, aa directed
by tho shipper. It tho frolght Is not
properly packed, loadod and braced
In tho car. damago Is liable to oc
cur, "Less than. carload frolght It pick
ed nnd mnrkod by tha shipper. The
carries are forced to depnnd largo
ly on the shlppor to properly pack
nnd clearly mark felght In compli
ance with tariff and danlflcitlon
"We appeal to shippers to assist
us In dellvory of frolght lit good or
der by ARHurlug thonmolvcH that
sound shipping rontalnora nro bolng
used, that classification requirements
for marking aro being compiled with
and that carload ahlpmenta nro pro
perly loadod and braced,
"Our Freight Protection. Depart
ment Is ot tho eorvlco of shlppen
nnd Is ready to render any asslstauc?
useful In solving theso shipping pro
blenui." Hearing of Alleged
Bootleggers rToday
Matt Lowry nnd Ooorgo Homier
son, alleged bootloggora, from tho
Dly district, aro scheduled to havo
n hearing this afternoon. Tho tlmo
was set at 2:30 o'clock but It was ro
portod at United States Commis
sioner Thomas' office that both Matt
I A) wry and Indian Agent West had
not nppoared at that tlmo,
Ooorgo Hondorson appeared at-' 3
o'clock this afternoon with two real'
dents or tho Dly district, K. W.
Whotstono and O. W. Elliott who sig
nified tholr Intorontlon of furnish
ing ball.
Tho defondnnte aro charged with
hnvlng manufactured and sold liquor,
nlso with tho possession ot a still.
Liquor was found by Indian Agent
Wcjt on tho Honderson ranch. '
POJITIjAND, Aug. 26. The egg
market horo Is domorallzod. Thoro
Is no domand for tho product. Quo
tations are: buying price 36 cents;
soiling, selects, 34 and 36 cents.
Hogs aro 25 cents lower, primelight
$10. Cattlo aud'sheep steady,-buttor
LONDON, Aug. 26. "We havo
not nought war, nor do we seek
war, but If war Is made upon us
wn must defond oursolroe and we
shnll do so," says Eamonn D Val
orn's letter to Lloyd Ooorgo.
Tho letter nnyn that tba Urltlsb
government's proposals were laid
beforo tho Dall Hlroann, which re
jected them unanimously but .Is
willing to contlnuo negotiations on
tho basis of a government by tba
consent of tbo governod.
Tho letter propoios that Qroat
llrllalu nnd Iroland appoint repro
sontatlvos with plenary powors "to
ngotlato details on , this princi
ple. ' t
Lloyd Ooorgc, In replying to Da
Yalorn, warnod him that "orwjng
to action that Is being takon In
rertnln quarters It la dnngorous to
prolong negotiations. Ho declined. t
prolong tho exchnngo of notes but
said ho would bo glad to moot I)u
Valera and his colleagues again. I
Two Truck Dealers
Brought to Court
Tho trial ot Allen S. Benner, em
ployed by tho Acme Motqr company
Is sat for botoro Justlco CUg
hagon this artornoon. Senner is
charged with ' hauling grain In a
truck with a dealers' llcenso on It.
Tho arrest was made by J. J. Mc
Mahon, deputy stato automobilo traf
fic officer, at Dairy yesterday.
D. S. Hamilton pleaded guilty In
Judge Oaghagorui' court yesterday to
operating a truck without a llconso
unit paid a flno of $25.
Free Market Will
Get Another Trial;
Urge Farmers Aid
Tho freo market will bo bold again
tomorrow in tho roar of tbo Control
botol, opening at 8 o'clock. Tbo
nntrancn Is from tbo Klamath aronun
Mrs, Dond reiterates br request
today that sho expected a guod supply
of farm products would bo on hand,
Including greon coir, barrios und
plenty of chickens.
Mrs. Dond roltcratoa ho request
that mora fnrmora bring In products.
Tho market has now boon In opcia
tlon nearly a mouth. Experiment
has shown beyond question inys Mm.
Dond that there Is a demand for .'iome
grown products, as every murkot day
has brought a big crowd ot consum
ers. Tho producors, however, nro
not showing tho intorest necessary
to Justify tho outlay of time :t tnkos
to keep tho market In operation and
uniosa thoro is n decide! Impro-o-mont,
tho mnrkatmoftar said In a
rorcnt published statement, the ex
periment will havo to bo nbundonod.
Title, Attorneys are '
Named to Examine
State Loan Security
SALEM, Aug. 26. Tbo stato bon
us commission today nnonunced ap
pointments of attorneys to oxamlno
tho title ot real estato which formor
sorvlco mon may offer as socurlty
for loans aa followH. Donton county,
J. L. Lewis, Corvnllla; Clatsop, Gar
not L. Oroon, Astoria; Coos, Don 8,
Fisher, Marshfleld: Curry. James, V,
Johnson, Goldboach; Douglas, Wal
laco Denson, noodshort; Josophlno,
J. y. Johnston, Qranta Pass; Kla
math, J. II. Carnahan, Klamath
Falls; Linn, Willard L. Marks, Al
bany; Umatilla, Harold J. Warner,
Pendleton; Union, Henry L. Heat,
La Orando. Noarly all aro ex-sorvlco
Tho last children's story hour of
tho aoason tvlll bo hold tomorrow at
tho city library boglnnlng,Bharply nt
10 o'clock. MrsArthur L. nice
wlirtoll storlos ot Japanoso chlldron
to oldor visitors In tbo library, whllo
Mrs. Molllo Defdlng will entertain
tbo Jlttlo tplk vflth stories ot birds
in tbo courthouso park. An invitation
to" ovorybodv is oxtondod for this
last day, , 4
PORTLAND, Aug., 26 Son 20,
000 acres of tho finest laud this' side
ot Oaten Ajar wll bo opened for. sot
tloment about a year, from now, ac
cording to Arthur P. Davln, director
of tho United Stains roclnmatldn ser
vice. Ths land in a part of tho Klamath
projoct, whlchc will bo ready In about
Iwolvo months, and will bo populated
with thousands of bomo builders. Tho
land Is part of tba delta thnt was
for conturlns tho upper part of Tule
tako, one-half ot tho roclalmed acres
being In Oregon, tho rest In Callfor
Mr. Davis Is mombor ot Secrtary
of tho Interior Fall's party, but the
reclamation diroctor reached the
Multnomah hotol several days ahead
of tbo chief.
"I have nqdoa when tho stvrotary
will bo In,' replied Mr. Davis to an
often askod question. "It all depenls
on how well ho likes Crater lake
and overyono who goes thoro likes
it flno."
Tho secretary and tho director
mado a caroful inspoctlon of tho Tulo
lako country and aro delighted with
tho progross of tbo work. Tho direct
or also Inspected tho sites of tho now
Irigatlon projects to bo known ns tho
Deschutes, tho Powder river and tho
Owybco. Ho would not comment on
these, other than that tboy look pro
mising. Reports ot those Oregon pro
jects will bo mado as soon v. pos
sible But Mr. Davis Is as happy as a lit
tlo boy who, has just given dear
teacher a red appio wbon he- talks
about tbo Klamath redemption. Ho
soema to sea a big city down that
way, with people from all parts of
North Amorlca trcklng in to tako up
llttto farm homes where watem of
Tula lako splashed so many genera
tion. Tbo visitor alio reported that tbo
California-Oregon Power company is
at work building tbo dam at upper
Klamath lako. The American Legion
poat at Klamath Falls protestod a
number ot times against tbo building
of this dam, and tho state, convention
ot tho legion adopted tho Klnmnth
Falls resolution, but Mr. Davis soya
tho dam la needed and that It Is be
ing built by a prlvato concorn, but
will greatly aid tho govern mont pro
ject. Mr. Davls'sald that at present thero
Is no money In tho reclamation fund
to aid now projocts. tho appropria
tions being so much greater thnn o
Incomo has been that now mattors
will havo to linger a whllo In plgoon
holoo beforo roal work can begin.
Medford Elks Tennis
Players Coming for
Return Engagement
Tho tonnlfl enthusiasts of this city
aro to havo another opportunity to
get "even" with tho Medford win
ners ot tbo tournamont bold during
tho Klamath Falls-Mcdford lovo
feast staged by tho chambers of
commerce ot tho two cities Aug
ust 10-11.
Tho Medford experts aro coming
to Klamath Falls on September 3
for a visit and n real night's rest,
thon play all tho individual and
colloctlvjs tennis stars which thts
city and county boast of, accord
ing to tbo wlro received this fore
noon by W. C, Van Emon, mastor
of ceromonlos on tho Elks court.
Floy will begin nt 9 o'clock, Sep
tember 4, and contlnuo until tho
following evening.
Mr. Van Emon has sent out the
S. O. S. call for all the tennis
players, old or young, in this city
and county to como hero und be
gin warming up for tho visitors.
As Van Emon. said. "Tho words
'tennis playors wantor,' has a now
meaning in Klamath Falls' tennis
history we need them now, tell
them nil to como."
Tho local Elks will tako caro ot
tbo eight players who aro coming
over, according to the information
recolvod today, and plans to show
Klamath hospitality are being ar
ranged for so that ths Medford-
Lifeboat it Still
Missing With 11
Of Importer Crew
PORTLAND, Aug. 26. Klovon of
tbo Canadian Importer's crew, In
cluding Laird, second main, and
Watt, third' m&to have been afloat
since Friday according to , radio
messago from Captain Westerlund,
ot tho steamer Cordova, who early
yesterday offered assistance to tho
waterlogged freighter.
All votsols' are looking for the
missing llfqboat which may be some
where off the coast opposite Harokn.
Tho steamer Manaku Is expected to
reach tho Importer today.
Doer season opens next Thursday,
September 1 and- lheJ Klamath
Sportsmen' Association has taken
one of tho Safety First stands In
Its advlco given out this week, es
pecially to hunters who will try
for their doer this season.
"Beo what you aro shooting bo
toro' you pull tho trigger ot your
rifle be suro it is a door, not a
human being. After you are sure
It Is a doer, look again and notlco
If It is a buck or a doo. Be sure
beforo you fire, for If it Is a hu-1
man being, and you mistake the
movement In tho brush for your
quarry satisfy yourself beforo that
fatal shot rings out. If Is better
to let an animal get away than kill
a person and rcgrot It for all
tlmo to como. Remember that tbo
law allows only bucks to bo killed
whoso prongs fcshow and a heavy
punishment awaits the slayer of a
doe." i "
.Hunters and campers aro askod
to bo true sportsmen In tho obser
vance of flro rules in the woods.
Tho sportsmens' association asks
every person to be sure to exting
uish ovory omber of their tire when
brooking camp. Pour water on tbo
ashes to mako euro! Fire losses in
tho forests aro enormous yearly and
In this country, the futuro prosper
ity, to a groat extent, lays in pre
venting fires.
Wbcn tho doer season, as well
as tbo wild fowl season, opens, a
largo number of deputy gamo and
fish wardons will bo on tho Job all
over tho county so It will be policy
for any hunter to bo suro that his
llcenso is on his person at all times.
Ono doputy gamo warden has an
nounced that during tho deer sea
son, bo Intends to do actlvo patrol
ling In tho deer regions to seo that
no game hog violates tho kill at
lowed and It ho finds out that by
collusion, ono huntor has exceeded
tho limit and has given the extra
kill to another mombor of tho par
tythat typo of "hog" will bo bis
1 Tho Klamuth Association asks
tho hunters to rospec their request
about making euro of, the object
which tho rifle is pqintod at beforo
firing. As a lato Instance, Taes
any ot this week, a blacksmith
hunting dcor near Eugene saw a
"flash" In tho brush and tired. With
a self satlstiod mood as to his prow,
ess, ho walked over to his kill. In
stead of a deer, a man lay there,
torn to ploccs by a soft nosed bul
let. Observo "Safety First Rules"
In tho woods.
Comparative Cost
Report Wednesday
Noxt Wednesday, the public of
Klamath Falls vAll bo given the
roports of the living cost obtained
from cities within a radius of. 200
miles ot this placo stated James
Stovens, chairman of the commit
tee nppolntod to Investigate nnd re
port upon tho subject at tho mass
mooting held in tho chamber ot
commerce Juno 17. '
Whllo a number of cities failed
to reply fully upon tha points re
quested In tho questionnaire Bent
them, Btlll there' Is enough mater
ial In tho reports received to gain
a fairly accurate report and com
parison ot prices with tbo local
Ites can return homo with a good
impression of sportsmanship, even
If they do' lose the seta here.
Mu story aa tn motive surrounds
the suicide last night of Roy O.
Nortbrup, about, 40 years old, ower
of a small clothes cleaning and prstw
lug business at the corner of Eighth
and Malt streets. .The coroner's In
vestigations disclosed hcvorsl empty
bottles, said toTiave contained liquor,
in tho establishment and there was
some testimony that the dead Man
had been drinking for sevoral days.
Deyond a note saying, "Please don't
blamo Jonesy for this," there were
no papers left by the suicide. At
tho York rooming- house, where ho
bad lodgings, the coroner found no
personal effects beyond a salety
razor, a bank deposit book and some
receipts for dues to tho culinary al
liance. Northrop came here last July 17
from Fresno, California- He worked
for n while as a waiter. Later he
purchased the cleaning and pressing ,
outfit from C. E. Sparks, borrowing
$37 from S. A. Smith, proprietor of
tho York cafe. Ho repaid this loan.
He ia said to have worked as a tailor
In 'Modesto, Marysvlllo and Venice,
California and Rono, Nevada.
Nortbrup was tf reticent disposi
tion and friends hero appear to have
moager Information of his anteced
ents. He is said to havo been educa
ted as a chemist. Ho appears to
have had a checkered career and ia
said to have once owned string
ot race horses, a saloon and gamb
llng.ljonse, and other property la y
Nevado. '" " . v T "
Tho coroner is awaiting today for
a visit from a woman who, it Is
said, mny throw some light on the
coso. It was said by friends that the
doad man bad mentioned tho arrival
of this woman from Fresno.
Nortbrup may have been an as
sumed namo an the bearer or it told
K. S. Jones, who bd been helping
him In tho shop, that his real name
was either DJar, Dwar or Dynr. Jonee
could not exactly determine; I which
whon Northrup wrplo It down for '
his inspection. ItiVs supposed to be
a Dutch name. Northrup said that
"ho had never had'tnuchiluck under
his real namo," ao.'changed U 4
Ho mentioned agistor named Ag
nes, wlfo ot a butcher in Allentown.
Pennsylvania, and authorities are ex
pecting reply to a reque'st" tor'ln- ,
formation sent to tho chief of polct"( v
at Allentown.
Ho also mentlonWl a brotbur, with
whom he appears to have 'hod some
difficulty over an endowment policy1,
that ho (Northrup) curiTed. 'no had
discussed tho insurance "polity much
of Into.
Tho, sulcldo occurred about 7
o'clock last night. An hour or no
previous Jones discovered tho noto
Northrup had written and a gloss
ot water with somo crystalllno sub
stance at tho bottom. Ho threw the
contents ot the, glass away. North
rup then wont out to supper. He , .
ato at tho Eagle pool room. Ho
Is supposed to have had mora
strychnine, which was an ingredient
of a cleaning solution, and possibly
might have takon it with his food.
Uo returned at once to the clean
ing shop and went inside. Posserbys
almost 'Immediately heard tho thud
of a fall and called assistance but
Northrup died In the ambulance on
tho way to tho hospltnl.
Deer are Reported
Fairly Plentiful
Deor nre reported fairly plentiful
this soason nnd tho sportsmen's as
sociation has advlcos from Crater
luke. Rocky Point, Odessa, Jenny
Creek and tha drecn Spring moun
tain district and in tho Lake o' the
Woods soction on thts subject.
Barney Chambers bus had some in
formation given him this week on
tho subject. Rim Rock in Lake
county has been u favorite spot (or
years with, a number of sportsmen i.
from this city and fair. -numbers of
the animals havo been .reported
over there .this yean- K