The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 25, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    pack ntx
mvnutAX, august an, loai.
New Fall Hats and Caps for Men Now Ready
Several large shipments of the latest styles, colors
' and shapes in men's hats and caps received in the last
few days. We are now prepared to give the hat you
have been looking for.
Prices are lower, materials are better, and styles
are the kind that you will like. It will soon be time to
think of your fall and winter clothing. Come in and
look over our extra large stock whether you intend to
buy now or not. We will be glad to show you the
' , many new things we are getting and help you to
choose the clothing you will want later on.
A large shipment of leather vests, leather over
coats, and sport coats just received. Lots of new
things in this bunch, and at surprisingly low prics.
Get yours while the stock is complete.
r. .f
Personal Mention
Wi. C. Dalton was In town lost
renins from his ranch homo near
E. L. Hopkins, was hero yesterday
from While Lake making purchases
from Klamath Palls merchants.
Mr. and Mm. Jesso Bailey, who
hare boon spending a couple ot days
here with friends, left this morning
for their homo In Hilt.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Holmes made, a
business trip to MaUn last night. Mr.
Holmes said this morning that It
,w astonishing the progress that
only a few weeks could show In that
new and thriving little town.
Mrs. H. Rt Harrison left this morn
ing for Southern California points
fop an Indefinite visit.
rMrs. N. O. M,oneyhun, who has
been here for a few days as the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McWIlllams, loft
this morning for Palo Alto for a
Ttstt with her son thero boforo going
on to her home in tho oast.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson and
throe sons left this morning for their
home in Geneva, Illinois, after a visit
ot a week with Mr. Johnsons brother,
O. O. Johnson and family at their
summer home' on necreatlon creek.
Arthur B. Johnson, another brother
of Mr. Jobsaon'a who oame here, with
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, from
his home in Colorado, has decided to
tax here and perhaps make Klamath
Valla his future home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ludden aro'bome
from aa outing of two weeks at the
Lake o' the Woods.
T. J. Downing ot Worden was In
town this morning r'lrcbaslng sup
plllee for his hay hand
H. Johns was In tho fit ; ester
day spent near Merrill looking after
his cattle boforo rotitrnli'g to his
home In Granada, Cntlforn! t.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lane loft yu
terday for Medtord to vlsttwlth Mrs.
Lane's parents. Tho Lanes came
here from their homo In I.akevlew
Mr. and Mrs. Loo Houston nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Lcello Terwilllger re
turned last night from a three weoks
vacation trip to Crator lake and Cra
ter oreek, Diamond lake and Medford
and other Rogue river points. Mr.
Houston Teporta that they had smnn
fine fishing, got a lot ot fish and
aw a good many door but were not
lucky in getting a buck.
Sheriff Lloyd Low returned yestor
day from Heppner where ho went
with Roy Taber of Dorrls after Joe
Smldl who la charged, with cracblm
safes at Dorrls and Mt. Hobron.
Mrs. R. E.. Smith loft this morn
ing for a two weeks visit In San
0. Bowman and family passed
through town the first of the "week
on their way to the berry patch
from their home near Merrill.
J. T. Cotman was a city busl
"Bess visitor from bis ranch In Sand
Hollow Wednesday for the pur
pose of purchasing supplies.
' John, Ratclltf a rancher from the
Merrill country made a business
trip Into town this week.
Mrs. Clara Seech has returned
from Slsson, California, whero she
attended a six weeks summer school
Una. ,
Bdmoad Qowen arrived In town
late yistsrday in response io the
9J tangled in nn electric "washing ma
chine Friends ot tho injured wom
an will bo pleased to learn that sho
is resting easier today and it Is
believed by attending physicians
that her hand can bo saved.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Evans and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. I. Larkoy
havo returned from tho berry patch
with 80 gallons ot huckleberries.
Mrs. Herman Foster left this
morning for Weed whoro she will
visit for a few days with her moth
er, who is preparing to movo to
tho Murphoy ranch homo near
Mrs. Frod Bryant bos roturned to
hor homo after two weoks outing
at tho Lake o' tho Wocds.
Mrs. Dora Leonard is home attor
a month spent at Crater lake.
Mrs. H. Bradley, who bos boon ill
for some time, is reported better
this "week.
J. 0. Madden arrived last night
from Portland for a tow days busi
ness visit.
Miss Marjorlo Grlsez is spending
a few days In town from her home
at Bonanza.
Mrs. Tod Whlto is the guest ot
her brothor this week at his ranch
In Langell valley. '
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wilson ar
rived last nlgbt from Crater lake
and left this morning for their
home In Rochester, New York. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson ar
rived this morning from Porterrlllo,
California, for a visit with Mr.
Thompson's sister, Mrs. Will Lee.
While In this country, Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson will make a trip to Crater
lake and other points of interest,
besides enjoying the wonderful hunt
lng and fishing Klamath county has
to offer.
Mrs. L. Gorbor arrived in town
last night from the Oerber ranch at
Horsefly in response to the news of
Mrs. Sarah Gowen's accident. Mrs.
Gowon was living iB the Gerber town
bouso at tho tlmo ot hor Injury.
Levi Griffith and brothor woro in
town yesterday afternoon from tbolr
ranch In Toe valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hardenbrook
Io'ft this morning In their car for
Grants Pass whoro they will bo Join
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Craln of Port
land before going on to Crescent City
and other coast points for a three
weeks' vacation.
message) sent him ot bis mother's
injury 'when her hand became en-
Charles E. Hall, prosldcnt of the
state chamber ot commerce, has do-
cllnod the Invitation of Samuel E.
Hill, president or tho Pacific high
way association to attend the' dedi
cation of tho peace, portal on the
highway at tho Canadian boundary
near Blaine, Washington. Mr. Hall
was unablo to accept because of de
mands of business.
1"ho peace portal will commem
orate tho signing of the treaty of
Ghent, between Great Britain and
tho United States, December 24,
1 Tbo observances at tho border
mark tho formal dedication ot the
Pacific highway, 'which now ox
tonds from tho Canadian to tbo
Mexican border and paving of
which' Is expocted .to bo virtually
completod by 1926.
It's a wise man who knows how
to live on bis wife's rotations.
crans difficulties In obtain. ns gov
ernment aid are expected to bo
greatly minimized by tho consoli
dation ot all governmental agencies
administering soldier rollct under
ono head tho votorans' bureau.
That Is what Colonel Charles R.
Forbes, ot Seattle, director of tho
bureau, promises. Tho day ot dual
responsibility, of divided authority
In the government's dealings with
former service men Is ended, ha
savs, and troubles ot long standing
among tho votcrans will rapidly
Responsibility for adjusting claims,
attending to medical needs and ot
educating disabled vetorans, Is def
initely fixed under tho law creat
ing tbo veterans' bureau. It rests
squarely upon the director, rather
than between the war risk Insur
ance bureau, the fedoral board for
vocational training and the public
health service, the three agencies
that formerly administered aid In
dependently. The problem ot providing medical
facilities, Including hospitals, is re
garded as the most difficult ot all
those coming within tho Jurisdic
tion of the .bureau. Plans already
are underway for its solution. The
bureau announces that the f 18,
000,000 appropriation for hospital
construction wilt bo 'supplemented
by uso of authority given the di
rector to enter Into contracts with
stato, municipal and prlvato hospi
tals for tbo immedtato accomoda
tion of votorans in need" ot hospi
tal care. Tho announcement says
that 6800 new bods will bo placed
in uso for soldlor patients by Jan
uary next year. '
Other dutlos of tbo director in
clude, inspection ot all hospitals hav
lng soldlor patlonts, guardianship
or so.oau war risx patients now
being cared for In 800 prlvato and
90 government hospitals, command
of all public health service doctors
and nurses engaged In soldlor re
habilitation work, education of men
whose earning capacity was Im
paired by sorvlco and who must be
taught new means of support, ad
ministration of an Insurance busi
ness with 651,054 actlvo and 397.
890 term policies with a computod
value of 12,980,660,235, and the
average 31,000,000-a-day expendi
ture by the government in meeting
the compensation and Insurance
claims and which are increasing at
tho rato of 800 clalmB a day.
WANTED Stcudy petition by reli
able young man. Addoss Box Y
Herald office. 2S-26
WANTED airl or woman to help
out with housework, will glvo room
and board for this help. 739 Ninth
St.. Phono 251W. 25"
FOR HALE 250-3000 SnvoKc. Now,
Bargain. 1C lxioml llldg. 25-31
FOR RENT 6 room furnished house
modern, close In, 45 per month.
Inquire 512 N. 9th St. 25
CHAD APPLES 6c per pound. 51 :
N. 9th Street. 25
Lcavo orders at Central Hotel
;C-30 j
FOR SALE 3 room cottage on .Mich
igan Ave Only S50, nlso
WILL TIlADi: or Sell my 34 ton
Gary truck. Equipped with nil
new parts, new tires, cab, dump body
and hoist- Used forty days, your own
terms. E. L Cramblltt, Klamnth
Falls. Ore., (Irtiernl Delivery. 25-20
FOR KENT Swoll llttlo 3 .room
Apartment on tho ground floor, i
125.00 wntcr Includod. J. T. Ward
& Co., S3 4 Main St. 25
WANTED Sorter nnd bundln work
er for grain exhibit for Portland
I'nlr Work vnty. woman preferred.
Apply Mrs. L. II. Ilnguo. Willlls llldg.
FOR UALi: liiSO Dodge touring car.
New rubber, first tins mechanical
condition. Inquire Houston A Phelps.
1 26tf
FOUND A blcyclo nonr K. F. Cream
tnory, ownor may havo samo by
railing nt Herald office nnd describ
ing wheel nnd paying for nil. 26
A good hod and n good bnth at
Colonial rooms. 11th near Main St.,
and at Colonial annex, 741 Walnut
Ave. Al outsldo airy rooms. 25
PUYALLUP. Wash., Aug., 25
Whon Mrs. Rosallo La Planto, of Puy
allup was ablo to sco for tho first
tlmo In eight years, rocontly, the first
thing she exclaimed was, "Oh, this
kimona Is lavondor."
Mrs. La Plante'a sight wa restor
ed whon surgeons removed a growth
from ber oyea. . Sho immodlatoly
asked that all hor clothing go brought
to her so she could seo tho colors.
FOR SALE Ono milch cow, coming
fresh In about two weeks. Apply
O'Connor Ranch, one mllo below Lost
River bridge 25-27
FOR SALE Remington Typewriter,
Now, Bargain. 1C Loomls llldg.
Mnlcn that idle dollar uorfc! Put
it In tho bank.
Colonial one room cabins for home
keeping Uth near Main St., nnd
741 Wnlnul live. 25
- - -. .
FOR 8ALE Two gross rugs. English
benkfast tablo, center table, 3
chairs, 2 sewing rocM'rs, dresser,
single cot, mattress, smnll ntovo nil
for 165. St. Francis. Apt. 11. 26
FOR RENT Furnished Apartment.
Loronz Apt.. 125 N. Cth Bt. ' 25
You are hereby notified that the
Board of Equalization will nttend on
September 12, 1921, (the iucond
Momlny In Keptember) al tho county
lltilpit'a nfflrrt Iti tint ulitn.t rnlipl
hoimo, nnd wilt remain In session for
thirty (Injrit from tlint dutn for tho
purpose, ot examining tho assessment
rolls for the verr toil nnd correct
ing nil errors In valuntlou, descrip
tion or qualities ot land, Iota orpther
property assented by tho nsnosior. It
shall bo the ituty of nit persons Inter
ested to nppcnr nt tho tlmo and place
All protests ugalnst valuations fix
ed by tho nrtar must be filed with
the board during tho first ton day
ot said session
W. T. LEE,
Assessor of Klamath County.
All the lee Cream you
can eat and good croam
too a cold, rich flavored
confection that tickles your
"tasters' while it melts In
your mouth,
Hnvo, you trlod our yum
yum flavor? la rapidly
coming to bo a favorito
among tho children who
usually "heat tho oldor
folks to It."
Every ingredlont used In
our Ico Cream is pasteuriz
ed boforo freezing, Insuring
a puro and sanitary cream.
Ask for ico croam ma do by
1218 Miiln St.
"That is where I go
now and all my friends are
accustomed to gather there
for a social time. Fine ice
cream, ices and tasty
drinks served while we
'talk. Go there now, sure!"
7th and Main Sts.
Phone !77
Block W
Prices on hlockwood liro low nt present but will advanco as fall
weather comes. Our stock ot blockwond In not 'largo but wo aro
filling ordors promptly with '
Buy now! for fall weather moans higher prices.
Phono in your ordor for ten cords of green, slab nt 135,00 for a
year's supply of wood tho chonpost wood uvullublo.
O. Peyton & Co.
419 Main St.
Phone 681
ASK a i , v y v.h