The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 25, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Alite OK's "Knickers"
, Anothor iloulilo-lu'iulor In tlm
city litiiitiio In iirruni:il for thn
rutin tlmiiliiy ftitlriun mill with Hid
IiIi; tiurpiliio given lust Bundiiy
when thy "H'llnr iilurM" Htoppcd ""l
iiiul niiiiii'il up on tlm lenders,
not only winning easily litlt ill)
rlalvily - lliiil pulr nf giimes linn
not tlm finis on edge for nttinu good
ArrorilliiK to reports turn pluy
urn mill fmiM nlllio, with tliu pun
limit ami limiilMoiiiii Hllvnr trophy nt
ntnko mill n decision to ho rmid
itikJ hoiiii, Interest In tlio city
luiiituo hint revived mill now tint funs
want to huh Hi" ten in m pluy rent
luill until tlm clnsu of tlio iicunoii
A rumor lu iihruiul that n inn
Jorlly of Hi" players who loft tin;
li'iujii" ourlliir In tlio hoiimiiii will
uliow up In uniforms Huniliiy mull
nil fur "nil purpose, lu hulp win'
tlm piiiiiiiint fur Hi" I'luniholin. Ill
in hiiIiI tluil tliu I'liiinhiib fuel that
tlio poiiiimit Ik iIiih thrm mill tho
irrt of tlio luniiin Iiiivii no tit word
Hint If they deslro to have II ilo
xomo hall plnyltiK. not rng chew
ing. Thu rhnlli'iigo hint boon (irrupted
ami whim tlm 1'liiiiiliolin meet tint
l.'wniiimii Huuday, the gnmo, nc
inrdliiK to tho I'liiinbiihii, will ho
'aft JBflr-i WKA. ' 'iLSSfmJ
f!B Vfl jbMismbi 7W Yi'X ? ".' -wU tt i
HssHiu'l "" .M 'tP" ." b ""' &
PJslssfc V ' iJfj h . .
asSJjsWsasV. "--' '-umUnL.. .j mJtdi
MIh Allc Hobortaon, congresirwoman from Oklahoma, Inspect and
approve knJekcrbockor for trwt wear. Tlio young lady 1 Dorothy
Cameron. "However." says MU IlobcrUon, "skirt will do for tut."
Idaho Outlaw Will
Buck At Pcndeltoni
I'lINW.KTON, Ore, Ati. 2C
I'ihiI roluy strings, llvuly young
sl"ors, bucking "hronkn" whoso
dcvlltrlcn will try thu mcttlo of
tlio cowboy Uioho nro no'mo of tho
ntlrnctlons promised for tlio 1921
Itoiinil-tip to ho Ringed In I'cmlto
ton Hoploinhcr 22, 23 nml 24. Tho
ovciiIm of trnck nnil nrona glvo Jn
ilhallon of iiurpitHfllni: Uioko of nil
fiirmnr jmnrn, for nn nrray of cx-l
piMiciicnil rowhoyn mid cowgirls
will rompcto nnd It Is prohahlo
thai many world's records will hof
hroken. j
Onn liorno which has boon orcur
i'il from Idaho has thrown 21 auc-i
cpksIvo rhlors. Ho will buck nt thoi
rcndolton Konml-iip nnd a spec-
tiiciilnr rldo by contondcrii for tho
hiickini; championship Is oxpocted.
. kr -M m l
- m. H
V. u.
1 tV
tholrs. MnniiKor ItaMrtt of Iho "' vcrtohrnn had hoen broken INHllllS IT.IIStt.VAIA
I lie tiirti u low moini'iiiH aiirr ini
iporutlon DOItrtlH. Cnl , Auk 2G GcorKO
V W'rntiiur. ri'priHcntntlvo for tho
I.ONH IIKACII I'ollro JiiiIro
mill tuum tins u dlffiirunl viimlun
nml Btnti's thnl tho "hoys nro bruc
ellin loo much" hefnro tho Knnm
Tho Inncun tendont will (iiiikIii
Kuiiday nnd hIiich Inst Kiindny'H
NtiinnltiK dnfont, both tunms nro lu
un uniiry mood Itlvalry for first
plnco hns moiiio part In tho row us
well mid thin urnim will truly bo u
KlruKKlo fust mid furious. I lot It
truini durlnrn Hint thoy will win.
Tho Copros wrro thn onrs who felt
tho sting of dofoat tho hardest
Hunilny ns they flRiirrd Huty had
"imsy pIckliiKH." Hut Iho l'ltimhobs
worked tholr rabbits' foot hnrd nnd
when tint Kttino closeil tho l'lilins
weru victors and a hunch of truly
illKRiistod Copcos liitt (ho KrouiulH.
Tho I'lumbobs rubbed It In hnrd
ileclnrlni; tho next Hum Hint tho
(.'open miniiKvment try lo trado
their muitrot, Mftthcr, off to tho
Now York Innuruma company. Is
lu tfMii MdlcltlliKl buslni'sK. Mr.
Weill tier makes his heudiiiiartors at
Hnrriiini'tito and drives over his
territory h car.
Mth Hull nml itauchter Marv of
Klnmiith I'iiIIs luivo been vlKltltiB
Curl V. Hawkins has ojiencd u
school hero. Ills student wcro
nml nro to ho truffle rule violators;
his Itmtructnr Is it serRnnnt of po
lice Hereafter, ho nnnoQiiced, per
kiimm iirri.hliul fur itiltinr truffle 111-
rrnell,.... ......t ...t two rlueH nn ' '' -C l,,l,Mir uml fumly ,lurln
me Keen ni muir iiomu ni ino nin
th c trnffle rules before) tlmy up
penr for sentence, then they will
bo called to recllo. A perfect reel
tatlcn will brltiR n suspended i-ent-euro;
u Rrudn over 9C will brltiK
a nominal flnn; down to 80 per cent
tho fines -will Inrrenso, but thoso
who full will iv) to Jull. Cow fail
ures nro uxpeclcd, ho mild.
HIIItKlXKY HtudunU enrnlllnK
;il the University of California this
...!.. .... .1.-1- ..1.1 ,. ...I,..
"""'," '.r . V , fll Hud Hint thn hid. roi.1 of llv-
''"7 'n,r"l,r -,,,,,)r '" lo, ""iiik m.w extends llsolf to tlm mutter
ser mill.
Curl K. Adams, creameryman of
Mncdoej, drovo to Dorrls on busi
ness Tuesday afternoon.
II. l)nK Is ruahlnK his now tha
tre to completion for occupancy
Septumher first.
Mrs. lltirltt bus mummed tho diltlns
of tulephono vxrhnnRo oporutor re
llovlni: Mni. 8. I'. Hammond, who
hua hud cliurKO of tho local otficol
for tho Klamath Telephone, nnd
TnleKruph company for several
II. I'. Tuthlll. with n crow of
painters, Is RlvltiR Iho public
Wcstwood Plant Is
Putting On Larger
Crews; Stock Moving
WK8TWOOI), Col., Aug. 2C
Ordorn for lumber during thn pant
week nro reported ns inoro plontl'iil,
railing for I lotus such as No. 2 shop
nnd No. 4 boards and cut sash and
door stock. This Indicates that tho
Mirplus stocks carried by th sih
and door factories aro becoming ex
hausted. Jo tnko euro of tho Incrcaso of
btiRliiess tho four band snwi In tl.o
'.win band ripping department aro
beitiR opuraled night and day, ind
n Inrger crow Is bolng tmplo)0d
In tho box factor)') shook and sash
nnd door departments on tho day
shifts. A night shift will also bo
put on this week.
Two donkey engines will ho put
on In Iho woods about Soptombor
1st and theso will add 100,000 foot
to tho dally output of logs.
General belief among lumbermen
Is that a considerable amount ot
lumber will bo moving by Septem
ber 1st with a slight ndranco In
prlio i
' Tho largest landholder In tho Dri
llsh Kmplro U tho now Australian
controls over 32,000,000 acres, which
carry about 2110,000 cattlo and many
thousand horses..
1 i-
1A grade for
tarn type of
Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads.
", '' , , . I of public education. Tin. end of
Tho fans run bo nssurod Sunday, . ,. , . . 1W .,,
of two corking good games with nil ; , , ,, 7 i i ' K K '
the "friendly hi. Irlf eliminated nnd1'"1""1 " ,,wri,a" of 16 '"'r "' '"'rchool bulldltiR a thorough and
. o M Lr l. 1 "," u,ntcr "' now M,,,,""", """""Imueh needed painting, tho first
!..'..? ..!' ...'.....I" ' "nlvtrslty. Tho minimum U,,.,, )ul1nR , ,ml(ng hng cvcr
,mr niiuii-Buui '"'"' i.H.t.1., . , . uhlrh 111., nver- .. ... ....,.... .. .. ,..
' r 1 ;.: r... : " Z -l can got started In h.J llu, hlBll KheoI ,,,.
", .,', . , ' ' college, work Is 59, ns comp.ireil
the National loagun tho fiimous as- .... ,. .. .,. .. ,.
nun T.' .11 .i,,w .....n, ...
Hiiclntlim It Is
A rucheck ot tho Raines played
tills soiison from tho leuguo record
given Iho official stundlng of the
leutns and 'percentages.
Jewel ...
Kwnuna ...
I'lumboh ,..... .
W. U Pet.
. .. r. 4 .r.r.r.
r, 4 ,sss
4 C .444
1 5 .444
The First Sets In
Tennis Series To
Be Played Today
W. C. Van Kmon has unnouncod
that tho tennis tournament for tho
hundsomn sllvor loving cup hung
up by tho Elks' club will bo on
iiRuIn thin wook and that tho games
nr to bo played out as por sched
tilo given August C. '
Outside activities took many of
Iho players away nt tho beginning
of tba tournament hut now nil aro
home, In tine shupo and tho
weather hns Just "splco" enough
In It to make tho boys play tho
game hard and fast.
Mayor Wlloy and Fred linker
havo playod ono sot, Wlloy winning
despite bin handicap, Tho player
wbo roally labors tinder tho most
distinct disadvantage Is Charles
Hall, champion, and ho faces a
minus 30 handicap In his play all
through, Tho first sots to bo play
ed aro sot for 4:30 o'clock today.
rreime Is due In tho Inauguration of
n new fee of $25 a semester by tho
board of regents, starting this year.
Thirty dcllara of tho total covers tho
cost of thn military uniform.
SANTA ItOSA After working for
six yearn, Luther Ilurbnnk has fin
ally trained tho climbing plum, n
nattvo of Southern Korcn, bo thut
It will grow In thin cllmnto with Its
fruit porfectcd and enlarged. Tho
plum Is now tho slio ot a largo
goosoborry and ban tho richest of
YUIIA CITY Six thousand boxes
ot peaches dully aro being shipped
by members ot tho Sutter Co-op-
oratlvo growers from this county to
thn canning plant at Kmcryvlllo,
This 1 (according to Hoy Starr,
Hold manngor or of the organize
KKUDINQ Henry II. McKnrland,
28 years old, u carponter from Ash
land, Or., wbb run ovor and klltod
by tho south bound Bhsstu and
Delta. Ho was walking down tho
trnck from tho water tank to nU
dlnnor In tho railroad boardlag
bouso. Neither tbo onglneor '.or
mo iiroman saw mm.
(cargo Carter was In town from
his mill west of town yesterday af
ternoon on u huslnefcH errand.
Much Interest Is ccnterod upon
the approaching open season for
deer In this county I'cptombcr first.
.Mule tail deur, tho largest variety to
bo found, are plentiful In this coun
ty In tho trinity ot Medicine lake
nnd thn Modoc lavu beds. Numerous
partlcH nro being planned for a
plunga Into tho wilds an soon as law
permits tho nntlercd tribo to bo
Mrs, Charity Ilurkman has re
turned from a trip to San Francisco
whero sho spent u "week visiting rel
atives, . i
A. II. McDonald of tho J. F.
ranch was In town yesterday morn
ing on business.
I.OS ANGELES, Cnl Aug. 25.
Mexico, according to ndvlces receiv
ed hero, Is to bo "photographed
from tho air." Tho contract for tho
Job has boon turned over to a Los
Angolen ex-sorylco man, at tho be
hest ot President Obregon. Tho
photographs will supplement maps
to show tho topographical conditions
throughout the coJntry. All photo
graphs will be takon from airplane.
Practice With Wooden Rifles
MAIlYSVIMiE William Chtel.
15, ploudod that ho did not wnnt
to dlo, dosplto a fatal Injury to his
nplno, sustnlnod while diving at a
Feather rlvorrosort, and tho doc
torn mndo ft 'hard but unavailing
offort to aavo his llfo, Tho boy was
conscious up to tho moment that bo
wont undor tho nnaosthotlc, and
kept Baying tb,at ho would not gtvo
up tho' tight fo'r hlH llfo. It wns
found, "howoTcr, that thrco of tho
'- 3;'jlVll&9W-ltBBBW'?lMl
iiiii..-'VS'-ivi'lBlllM.J-BMi-T, ."IWtf ; Hllllia-.TTS:'!K
'"VSJrt&-4BBBBlBSBli !T t-'-BBBavJaB
""' " - " -" ..jwh .BIBJS
yd .m'1 JbBlBlBaHw AlL5ISIBsVJnNasv74SU l , 4 jSPLBf nMpjt
Si 'IffiWBBBBBWBBBBWjraSCjfSiLS'!-.. lifv'l
Wooden rods with tin sights aro used In preliminary Instruction of
rooktcs at the Uvlllan training camp at riattsburg-. N. Y. The fellow In
tho foreground Is Private John F. Carew, 16. son of Congressman Carew
of New York. '
What poor priming does
to your rifle barrel
It eats away the smooth
surface, digs little "pits," and
ruins the accuracy of the
Through fifty years of
effort the U. S. Cartridge
Company has developed a
priming that minimizes the
effect on the rifle barrel. The
famous N. R. A. .22 and all
U S Rim -Fires are made
with this priming.
It means a longer, a much
longer, life for your rifle. With
most ammunition, rifle barrels
become inaccurate very quick
ly. The U. S. Cartridge Com
pany has a rifle which has
fired 250,000 TJ. S Cartridges
and is still fairly accurate.
Be good to your rifle. Keep
it clean which is easy if you
use only U S Cartridges. We
sell all popular styles and sizes.
Money back if not satisfied.
Klamath Fulls, Or,
3. D. Chambers
Baldwin Hdwe. Co..
Klamath Hdw. Oo, Or.
ChlloQutn Hare. Co.
Main, Or.
1 Tbo KaUa Store
Merrill, Ore.
r. H. Anderson
Merrill Mere. Co.
Dorru,' call.
Hoy Tabar