PAOIO FOCH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUHT SK, 15U. Ii 1.1 I l I aASSiFIEOADVERTISEMENTS buuvyuyifu"u"inrrrri"" -j MISCELLANEOUS NVVVWM wwVW 11021 ISO-Chevrolet, fully eaulDDCd 'with accessories. Now car gunrnntco. 1 1918-DuIck Six. tires. Car A-l condition. Plvo now nUICK BALKS AND SERVICE CO. 1 1918-Bulck Four, guaranteed first class condition, noal bargain. Inquire of J. C, WRIC1HT OR 7TH. AND KLAMATH AVE. Anctlon Solo, 10 . m., August 87, 1021. Dick Btorc. Corner 6th and Kla mnth are. Household goods. Guns, shoes, clothing. Thousands other good things. Ladles cordially Invited. Come and see, you will buy. Our price aro right. Dick, corner 8th and Klamath. S4-2G fvn SALE 1913 Chevrolet Tour ing car, good condition, $300. Kla math Falls Auto Co. 224 Main. 24-27 FOR RENT Small cottage, modern. Klamath and. Payno Ave. 24-26 WANTED Clean cotton wiping, rags, paying 8c per pound. Klamath Falls Auto Co., 224 Main St. 24-27 FOR SALE Ford Speedster, good condition, new paint, a bargain at 1235. Klamath Falls-Auto Co.. 224 Main. 24-27 FOR SALE 1920 Dort, 5 passenger, run four thousand miles, good con dition, good paint. Klamath Falls Auto Co. 2 2 4 Main. 24-27 FOR SALE Ford touring car. Apply after 5 at 1405 Oregon Ave. 24-25 FOR 8ALE Ford one ton truck, good body and cab, four speed transmission. Klamath Falls Auto Co. 224 Main St. 24-27 NURSERY STOCK For Fall deli very order now. Tho Salem Nur sery Co., offers a splendid lino of trees, shrubs and vines for fruit, shado and ornamental purposes. Orders taken by W. S. Slough, Agt. 131 Washington St., Phono 464. 24-6 FOR RENT 5-room house In Mills Addition. Phono 273-R. 24-25 FOR SALE Lot, four room house, furnished or unfurnished, trado for small car and some cash. Doz L. 8. IX. Herald office. 24-25 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, bath and phone. "512 N. 9tb St 23-27 FOR SALE Ford bug, bargain for cash. See Melby, Winters Jewelry Store. . 23-27 FOR SALE 3 U Mitchell wagon, in good condition. Phone 19F1C. 23-29 WANTED Colored man wants work of any kind, phone 558-J. Ask 7or A. Maxwell. 23-29 FOR SALE One 2-hole electrlo plate, A-l condition. Phone 360J. 23-27 BLACKSMITH WANTED Apply C D. House. 622 6th St. 23-27 WINTER SEWING Do it now. Rent a machine. Inquire Singer office. 208 Main. Special prices on Used macmnos. uepairing, cleaning, nom stitching done. 23-5" wakteu JiWdie-oged woman ns chambermaid by day. Klamath rooms, 125 S. 6th St. ' ,23-27 WANTED YOUR FTRS AND HIDES TO TAN Send your trophies to us to mount. Wo mount, tan and mako everything in tho fur lino. Could use a representative at Klamath Falls. BrutoDs Taxidermy Tennery and Fur Co., Roseburg, Oreg. . 22-25 THE TURNER Apartments, 812 Oak St., Mrs. Lyons new manager. Two rooms, 125.00, single ? 16.00, wood light and water furnished. 22-26 LOST On Merriil-Malin Highway 1A Special Eastman kodak. Re ward. Standard Oil Co. 23-27 Mako that idle dollar work! Put It la the bank. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Things Were Going Along Too Well BY ALLMAN Rr ' HELEmSHAsI ES'I-VERV KET8JtHI3LETTER JUST , fek $ HpOOH. IT'S FROM OUR B fe V'Wb 9H mmr BEEN A PRETTY rWMG WORKED, Qf MM CAME FOR MR.DUFF.' 1 M W?) W LANDLORD- HE SAYS OUR B 'fig WELL CAM sH HEI good tTT ootallright? Er rr run rtl & if lease expires today i" mm 0? Trpa-S HHH Y? VACATION! ' WE SHOULD ; r' mmW!jmXSKL W& tm HE HAS. A NEW ONE READY I WM 9 ilSI L-fcSJC0M5BATt'LATE m DIT.J OH'A.NK illiP3 Wm ( 2$?WH AN INCREASE OF 1 THAT f CITY (MEHAGE When you want KartiiiRO removed, cull tOP.!!3. RENTS REDUCED Sleeping nnd housekeeping rooms. Phono 44S-W, McMillan Apt. 22-26 CUT-OFF men wanted, also common Inborors. Growers Packing Ware housing Ass'n. 19-25 PAINTS, OILS ANI VARNISH WALL PAPER W. K. AND J. K. PATTERSON Phono 196-W. 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 IS EL CENTRO, Col., Aug. 25. The Colorado river must bo put back where It belongs and kept thero. If tho Imperial Irrigation District 1 to thrive In the future according to F. N. Cronholm, chief englnaer and general manager for tho district. At presont, the south ern portion of tho Colorado, from a few miles bolow Yuma to whero the waters cntor tho gulf of Cali fornia, forms a delta similar In character to that of tho Nllo. Whon the river rises. It leaves tho small cuts nnd channels that scam tho delta lands, nnd -wonders all over Lowor California, sometimes threat oniric to break back along tho ir rigation system Into tho Imperial Valley, and always causing tho land owners anxious hours and largo ex penditures for protection. Mr. Cronholm told a recent moot ing of tho irrigation district dircc tors that it would cost about $2,' 300,000 to stop this trouble His plans contoraplato straightening tho river channel, defining It so clearly that it will stop tho river wators, and making assurance doubly sure by a constructing additional pro tective lovcos. At a cost of $275,- 000 ho would also divert tho riv er Into Pcscadcro basin, strength en tho thrco existing levees which lie- between tho principal streams and tbo valley lands, and would mako a com pic to land and aerial survey of tho wholo Colorado river for tho futuro guldftnco of flood fighters. Tho total ccst of theso changes would bo about thrco million dol lars, Mr. Cronholm estimated. That Is a lot of money, ho said, but as tho annual bill for preventing riv er ravages and repairing flood damages is cioso to ten per cent of that figure, It would pay event ually and In tbo mean tlmo would end uncertainty about flood losses. Plenty of Persons Still Love Dobbin LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Aug. 25. Horses may bo passing from tho stage, but horso lovers aro still numerous. Tho Los Angeles city council Is convinced ot that.. Recently tho tiro department re leased 18 old tlmo steeds from sor vlco, motorizing the equipment hav- C0L0HO DIKE PROPOSED ing been finally completed. Tbo proposed Improvement. Tho Improve council ordered the lire horses ment to consist of grading full width transferred to tho engineering de-lnnd hardsurfaclng 40 feet In width, n.,n, ..i .,,),,.. .,,.., Iwlth elthor bltullthie, concroto, Will partment to haul garbage 8n;iIto or aspuauic concrete, curbing nnd mem vuuiu u icuiiinuuuB uvi protost from press, pulpit and pub lic that swept the council from Its courso and landed tho horses In a safo haven. Fiory oyod women and earnest voiced mon desconded on tho coun cil in drown. Tnoy told that as tounded body a fow things. The garbage hauling order was rescind ed and tho steeds ordered turned over to tbo park departmont with instructions to work thorn enough to insure conditions, and lot them live out their days in ease. In the musaum of Trinity College, Dublin, Is a harp that belonged to tbo Irish monarch, Brian Borumba, who camo to tho tbrono In 1005 A. D. Twenty-five Year KYW jtlTSUn SL WtL Four Federal Men ArtAeil in Fnrrem r i r ii Xghting Beetle i John M, Miller, F. P. Keen of San Francisco. J. K. Patterson and F. P. Pollock of Ashland, connoct- cd with tho United States Bureau five percent of tho amount of tho of Entomology, havo arrived in this proposal to bo forfeited to tho city ... i . i .. i, ,,,, - upon falluro of tho successful bid city to assist In tho plno bottle con- ' . . . contrnc. aml uom, trol situation nnd will work In con- Junction with A. E. Jaonlcko, gov-' ornment expert sent hero to Inves- tlgato and outllno tho control cam - 7 " , , , .. .. palgn beginning In tho spring. Tho detail of theso men horo to Investigate tho sceno of their futuro activities means much to tho own- f ii fimw for crulslnc ors of private timber for cruising of tho Infested areas can bo mndo now and tho notes taken for camp locations In tho spring. ' Tho worst lnfostod portions of tho' timber belt will bo scourged of tho pest nt tho ouUot of tho campaign, Mr. Jaonlcko stated. NOTICE INVITIXO PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE ELEVENTH STRE17T FROM MAIN STllEITr TO KIiAM ATH. , Proposals will be recolvcd by tho Common Council ot tho City of, Klamath Falls, Orogon, for making tho Improvement of Eleventh street, from Main street to Klamath avonuo. j Tbo Improvement to do mnuo in accordanco with tho plans and spe cifications thorofor on fllo with the City Englneor, nnd In tho offlco of tho Pollco Judge, for atthor ot tho classes of hardsurfaclng mentioned In tho plans nnd specifications and In Ordlnanco No. 553, ordering ttio street to Hixrn street, inciuuing in Imnrovemont. Tho making of thoi torsectlons, nnd tho Intersection nt improvement will bo lot In ono con - tract. Proposals must bo filod with tue roiico Juago noi iair man o O CIOCK 1, 31. Ol uciuoor uru. xv-i at which ttmo and dato at tho city ; hall In said city all proposals will bo opened for consideration. Each proposals must be accom- panted by a certified check on somo I responsible banking institution equal! to 5 per cent of tho amount ot tho proposnl, to be forfeited to tho city upon falluro of tbo successful cin der to enter Into contract and bond for the faithful completion of the Improvement. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved In the Common Council. The award to tho successful bidder will be mode contingent upon the sale ot the bonds to bo authorized for financing tno ton foot cement sidewalk. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judge. Common Council. By order of tho NOTICE INVITINC! PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE WASHINGTON STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO FIFTH STREET, INCLUDING INTERSECTIONS. Proposals will bo rccolved by the Common Council ot tbo City ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making the Improvomont of Washington stroot from Third stroot to Fifth streot in cluding Intersections. Tho Improvement to bo made in accordanco with tbo plans and speci fications therofor on file with tho City Englneor nnd the Pollco Judgo, for either of tbo classes of hardsur faclng mentioned In tbo plans and specifications and In the Odlnanco, No. 557, ordoring tbo Improvement. The making ot tho Improvoment will Ago In Linkvillo j-l wfirjA a& jg S.lAMUI1 SKINNY TICDCT3 KCTUKNS HOMG re A VISIT AFTER CDNOAWAt MPTTCN VCA bo let in ono contract. Proposals P "'"K " " ,'"i h"Tr. i must bo filed xxlth tho Pollco Judge "J'""" Lfn ,,( nm , lnlnr .hn., jt nVlnrk IV M . nf'wltll OlttlCf UltUlltlltC. Concrete, and I not later than 8 o'clock P. M., October 3rd, 1921, nt which dato nnd ttmo, at the Council Chamber In said city, nil proposals will bo opened "" .. . nr .., b.. cortmc.i cwv on somo reliable banking Institution cqunl to for tll0 fnlthtul completion of tho improvement. Tho right to reject any and all proposals being hereby rrvod In tho common council. Tho aware to tho successful blildor will 0 mnd(J conUnBcnl upon mo salo ot tn0 bonds to bo authorised for flnnnclng tho proposed Improvement. Tho Improvement to consist of Krndlng to full width, hnrdsurfaclng 2(J fcol ( w,Uh w((h ((,thcr ,,. the, concroto or Wllllto. curbing, nnd laying of concroto sldownlk. A. L. LEAVITT, , . .. - Pollco Judgo. border of the Common Council NOTICE INVITIVtJ PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE JEFFERSON STREET1 .mitt Tiiinii ctiiimi'ti i.ifrn STHEirr. AND FIFTH KTREirT Jt hlch tlmo nnd dnto at tho city FROM JEFFERSON TO LINCOLN "nil '" niA "'J' n" Proposals will bo STREET. AND I.1.NC01.N.STREET I opened for consideration. FROM I'IFTII STREET TO SINTII V.utlx proposal must bo nrcompa-uTDi'-rn. ivi't'itiiivn iviri'imi'i'. ' ii led by n certified etieck on somo res- TinvV.wii Tin: iVTiiimECTlONiPonslblo banking Institution equal OF LINCOLN STREI7T. A N 1 SIXTH Proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tbo. City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, for mnklng tho Impovomcnt of Jcfforson street from Third street, to Fifth streot and Fifth street from Jefferson to Lin- coin streot nnd Lincoln street. Fifth Lincoln mid Sixth streets. Tho lm - povement to bo mndo In accordance wim nu jnuiin urn. hih-i:iiii.i.hmi murtiiur uii inn lvnu uiu k,uj i-.h- glncer and In tho offlco ot tho Pollco Judge, for cither of tho clnsscs of hardsurfaclng mentioned In tho plans and specifications and In Ordlnnnco No. 560, ordering tho Improvement Tho making ot tho Improvement will bo let in ono contract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not later than 8 o'clock P. M of Octobor 3rd, 1921, nt which time nnd dato nt tho Council Chnm Jbor In sold city nil proposals will bo opened for consldorntton. Each proposal must bo accompa nied by a certified check on some rosponslblo banking Institution cqunl to 5 per cent ot tho nmount ot tho proposal, to bo forfeited to tho city upon failure of tho successful bid der to enter Into contarct and bond for tho faithful completion of tho Improvoment. Tho right to reject nny nnd all ''Ids bolng harohy re served In the Common Council. Tho award to tho successful blildor will bo mado contingent upon tho 'sale of tho bonds to bo authorized for financing tho proposed Improvomont. Tho Improvomont is to consist ot grading to full width, hardsurfaclng 25 feet In width with olthor Illtull thlc, Concroto or Wllllto, with curb Ing and six foot comont sldownlks on both sldos, nil Intersections to bo paved full width. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo. By ordor of tho Common Council. NOTICE INVITINO PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE ELDORADO STREET FROM ESPLANADE TO PORT- " LAND, AND MELROSE FRO.M ELDORADO TO PACIFIC TER- ItACE. Proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City ot Klam- .rwK,::;,i:;tss,. Htroot, J-.,,. 1,'aiiiniiinii, in Portland Htroot, 11(1 1'l VI Will VII I. . "1"""". mid Molrono Htroot from Kldormlo to Pnclflo Torrnco, Including Intersec tions. " . . Tho Improvement lo ho nmdn in neeortlnnco with tho plans mul bpoc.1 flcotloiiB thorofor on flto wilt tho City Engineer nnd In ,tho office or (ho Pollco Jmlno, for either of tlin classes of linrdsurthcliiK mentioned In tlih plain nnd specifications and In Ordlnnnco No. BCD, ordering tho Improvoment. Tho mnklng of tho lmprovoiiieiit will ho lot In nim con tract. Proposals must ho filed with Iho Pollen Judge not Intor thnn 8 o'clock P. M of October 3rd., 1921, nt, .which date and time at tho city hall In said city, nil propoinls wilt bo opened for consideration. Each proposal must lie accompa nied by a certified check on some rospouslblo banking Institution equal to C per rent or tho amount of tho proposnl to bo forfoltod to tho city upon failure ot tho successful blddor to ontor Into contract nnd bond for tho faithful completion ot tho Im provement. Tho right to rojoct nny and nil bids being hereby reserved In tho common council. Tho award to tho successful bidder will bo mndo contingent upon tho salo of tho bonds to bo nuthorliod for financing the proposed Improvement. Tho Improvoment lo consist of curbing, A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judge. Ily order of tho Common Council. NOTICE INVm.NO PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE IIIOII HTHEET PROM TIllllD STREET TO CEDAR HTKEITT. AND UEDAIt HTHKKT PROM IIIOII STREET TO P1NIJ STREET. Proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making Iho luitirovomont of I Huh Htreut from Third streot to westerly lino of High street and Cedar street from iiign stroot to Pine streot Including Inter sections Tho Improvoment to bo mndo In nccordnnco with thn plans nnd specifications thoroforo on fllo with tho City Engineer nnd In tho offlco of thu Police Judge for olthnr of tho classes ot hnrdsurfaclng men tioned In tho plans mid specifications nnd In Ordlnnnco No. 553. oidb.-i'it: tho Improvement. Tho making of tho Improvoment will bo let In ono contract. Proposal must bo filed wi thn Pollco Jmlgo not later than s o'rlock P. XI.. of October 3rd. 1921, to 5 per rent of tho amount of tho proposal, to bo forfeited to tho city upon failure of tho sucrcMful bidder to enter Into rontnet nnd bond for' tho fnlthful completion ot tho Im- provomont. Tho right to rojoct any.' and nil bids being hereby reserved In tho Common Council. Tho nwnrd to tho successful bidder will bo mudo contingent upon tho snln of tho lion tin to bo authorized for financing tho proposed Iniprovomont. Tho Improvoment to consist in grn- )(,,n t0 fu wI(,th( nr,i,urfacliig to , tho w,jtn of 25 feet with either llltu- . im,Ci Conrrelo or Wllllto, with curb Ing and cement sldownlks. A. L. LEAVITT.. I Pollco Judgo. Ily order ot thn Common Council. NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE HIGH STREirr FROM THIRD HTREirr TO SIXTH STREirr AND FOURTH STREET FROM PINE TO JEFFERSON STREirr. Proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for mnklng thn Improvomont of High stroot from Third streot to Sixth streot mid Fourth street from Pine street to Jefferson street. Including Intersec tions. Tho Improvement to bo mndo In nccordnnco with tho pinna nnd specifications thorofor on fllo with tho City Englneor nnd in tho offlco ot tho Pollco Judgo. for olthor of thn clnsson of hardsurfaclng mentlonod In tho plnns and specifications and In Ordlnanco No. 6C1, ordering tho Im provement. Tho making of tho Im provomont will bo lot In ono contract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not Intor than 8 o'clock P. M ot October 3rd., 1921, nt which tlmo mid dato at tho Council Chamber In said city all proposals will bo opened for consideration. Each proposals must bo accompan ied by a cortlflod chock on somo res ponsible banking Institution equal to 5 per cent ot tho nmount ot tho proposal, to bo forfeited to thn city upon failure ot tho successful bid - dor to ontor Into contract mid bond for tho faithful complotlou of thai ,......... ml... -...-!.. 1 . . ' mprovomnnt. Tho right to rojoct nny nnd nil IiIiIb lining horaby resorvod in tho Common Council. Tho nwnrd to tho suecOHsrul bliMor will bo mndo contingent upon thosala of tho bonds moiit to consist of grading to full width, linrdHurfnciiiB Twniiiy iiu foot In width with ollhor llltiillthlo, Concroto or other ImrdHiirfnco pavo meiit, wllh curbing nnd comont aldo- WB,U": A. Ii. LHAVITT. Pollco Judge. Ily order of tho Common Council. T - sr .MAKE HTHKKT IMPROVEMENT Proposals will lo received by the Common Council of tho City of Klam. nth Falls, Oregon, for mnklng tho Iniprovomont iICiIkiipiI for Fourth ntroot from Kliiiiinlh avonuo to tho souliiorly lino of Oak nvoiiue: Fifth stroot from Klamiilli avonuo to tho southerly lino of Willow nvonuo; Walnut avonuo from tho northorly llnu of Fourth street to tho southerly linn of Sixth streets Oak avonuo from Iho. northerly line r Kourth streot to tho southerly linn of Hoventh street! Willow nveinio from tho northorly lino of Fifth stroot to tho southerly lino of HUth ntroet together with nil Intersections between tho rosportlrn termini not nlrondy 1m proved. Bald proposed Improvements to bo mndo In nccordnnco with tho plans and specifications of tho city engineer for cither of tho classes of Improvement mentioned In Bald plans nnd specifications and tho ordlnanco ordering tho proposed Improvement, which until ordlnanco Is numbored 510, adopted on tho 21st day of Fcbrunry 1921, and by tho mayor approved on thu 23rd day of Februa ry. 1912. Tho plans nnd specifications for such Improvement being on file with thn Pollco Judno and with tho city englnoor. Tho contract fob making tho pro posed Improvement will bo lot In one contract. Proposals must be filed with tho pollco Judge for submission lo tho council not Inter thnn 8 o'clock 1 M . on October 3rd. 1921. nt which tlmo nnd date, nt th council chamber in aniii cltr. nil proposals will be opened nnd considered Each proposal to bo accompanied by n certified check on somo respon sible hank equal to C per cent ot tho proposnl, somi) to bo forfeited to tho city upon falluro of tho suc cessful bidder to enter Into bond mid contract for tho fnlthful completion of tho Improvement Tho right to reject nny nnd all bids and proponls Is hereby resorted In tho city, Tho nwnrd to thn successful bidder will bo made contingent upon tho salo of thn bonds to bo nuthorlted for pro- ,,ing funds for flnnnclng tho pro- nosed Improvement. Illiln nro respectfully Invited on Illtulllhlc, Oil Macadam and concreto, In addition to grading, curbing, drain nr.n and x-'iHs. Dated nt Klamath Fulls, August l"lh. 1921. a. L. LEAV1TT, Pollro Judge, jij. Order of tho Common Council. . vhtii'i ivvitimi iuioiviiuiji to M.t(i( MiUTII RIVERSIDE utiiitt nttiAl Wi:ST MAIN TO riTVM"--! Wl Wl'.ST MAIN FROM END OF PAVIIMENT AT CONGER AVENUE TO WESTER. I.V LINE OF SOUTH RIVERSIDE. Proposnls will ho received by tho Common Council of thn City ot Klam nth Pnlls, Oregon, for making the Improvement of South Riverside street, from West Main to tho city limits, nnd West Main streot from end ot pavement nt Conger nvenue to westerly linn of South Riverside streot Including Intersections. Tho improvoment to bo mndo In nccord nnco with tho plnns nnd specifications thorofor on fllo with tho City En gineer nnd In thn nfflcn of thn Police Judgo for either of tho classoa of hnrdsurfaclng mentioned In thn plans nnd specifications mid In Ordlnnnco No. 569, ordoring tho Improvement. Tli making ot tho Improvement will bo In nnn contract. Proposals must bo fllod with the Pollco Judgo not Inter thou 8 o'clock P. M. of Octobor 3rd., 1921, at which tlmo nnd dnto nt tho Council Cham ber In snld city nil proposnls will bo oponod for consideration. Each pro posal must bo nrcompnnlod by a cer tified chock on somo responsible banking Institution equal to 6 por cont of tho nmount of tho proposal to bo forfeited to tho city upon fall uro of tho successful bidder to ontnr Into contract nnd bond for tho faith ful complotlou of tho Improvomont. Tho right to rojoct nny nnd nil bids being horoby resorvod In tho Com mon Council. Tho nwnrd to tho suc cessful bidder will bo mndo conting ent upon tho Biiln of tho bonds to bo authorized for financing thn propos ed Improvoment. Tho Improvomont to consist of grading to full width, hnrdsurfnclng .10 foot In width, with olthor llltullthtc, Concroto or Wllllto, concroto curbing, and sldownlks flvo 1 foot wlilo on west sldo of South Rlvor ililo streot mid from Main to south Una of pnrk on east sldo, and on ... ,.. .... - . .-..- loutborly lino of Main to enstorly lino ot South Rlvorsldo. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollen Judgo, ily ordor or tno common council. f f