The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 25, 1921, Image 1

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f&ty lEumttg Itoatfi
A Class Ad Will
' Do It
Today's Nm
Member of the Associated Pre.
FlfUvntli Ytvir. No. MM.
HKATTLH, Aug., 26 Tho frnlKltt
er, Canadian Importer, wus reported
sinking nt 8:20 o'clock thin morning,
three mile southwest of I ho Colum
bia rlvnr moiitli, while llio steamer
Cordova, which renrhod tlm disabled
vessel UiirltiK Inst nlKlit In headed for
Astoria wllh (liu survivors from all
but unit of tlm life boat.
Tho Canadian Importer's englno
room was flooded mid she was drift
liiK helplessly. I'urt of (hu crow set
out for tlm Unit In Ilfobouls.
A broadcast appeal wn Mont out
thin nftornoon to ship alt over tho
north Pacific to look out' for tho mis
sing boat tomt of turvlvorii. Tho Cor
dova win unubln to locate tho mis
ting boat according to a message ro
colvod thU morning
The Cordova was from Honolulu
to Astoria ,nnd Portland nnd picked
up tho distress rail when hIio tionrod
the pot v. horn the Canadian Im
portnr win drifting hint nlRhl
Thu mcsRngo Man "Wn aro sink
ing fast. Hurry llnvo seventeen
"feet of water In tlm englno room,"
Thn Cordovn U exacted to rcncli
Astoria Saturday morning. Cnplaln
lllssott wired tho homn offlro In
Vancouver of Ilm accident, hut did
not glvn thn nunc.
VANCOUVER. II. C . Auk. 2S. Tho
stnnmshlp, Canadian Importer, car
rlml a crow of 45 men Captain HI
sell and mwl of tho craw signed
from Vancouver. Tho vcnsel Ik a
sister ship of thn Canadian Exporter,
wrecked recently at Willnpa Harbor.
PORTLAND. Aug. 25. Tho Can
adlan Importer I afloat and In no
danger of sinking, according to a
radio mvftsago from Ihe Cifrdovo.
which, said that Captain IHimoII ro-
f lined a tow ns tho water was not
gaining. Hn sold ho preferred to
wait for thn tug from Vancouver.
Thorn was no word from llio life
boats. Geological Survey
Man Here to Take
Test of Local Oil
C. K. Vim Orstruud of Washing
ton, 1). C, reprosontatlvo of tho
United Hlntes (loologlcat survey, Is
boro making n test of local oil wells
to obtain Until for tho annual ro
port of the geological survoy.
Mr. Van Orstrund loft this morn
Ing'for. Yonnn volloy to mako, n test
of tho well there. Tomorrow ho
will visit tho Crater Oil company's
rig and later, -when tho cap Is re
moved, will mnko a test nt tho Hlo
mens well,
Tho visit of tho geological survey
representative Is not known to havo
niiy ' especial significance, except
tbut It shows that tho oil duvolop
moot In Klamnth Is attracting wide
attention and lias reached a point
where thoro Is mifflclont showing
on which to banc tests.
Capt. Applegate to
Start on Annual
1 . Outing Tomorrow
i '
Captain 0. C. Applognto Is all
aglow this afternoon with tho
thoughts of preparing for his an
nual! camping trip with his Bon,.
Oliver Jr., and wife who 'lira hero
from Sacramento for, n two wooks
vacation. Tho party plan to leava
town early tomorrow morning for
tho very summit of " tho Casrnda
moiintnlnu with plans, to pitch camp
tho 'Biiinn day at Cnscado springs.
On tliolr trip Inst year, far along
In yearn nn tho Captain Ib, father
nnd son cllmbod all tho big ponkn
ndjacont to Crater Inlto nnd walkod
many miles carrying tliolr packs.
Tho 'year boforo tho font of scaling
Mt. Pitt, was accomplished In record
tlmo with tho Captain coming out
In bottor shnpo than Oliver. This
year,' duo to tho prosenco of Mrs.
Applegate, tho plans for long hik
ing Jaunts aro not so elaborate but
an' Interesting wook of "roughing
it la- expected," I.
Banker to Represent
Southern Oregon at
1 925 Fair Meeting
Marshall Iloopor of Klamath
Falls, Lnnllo K. Duller of Hood rlv-
or unit B. K, llrodlo of Oregon City
tiavo boon appointed by Charlm
Hall, president of tho utata chambor
of commerce, an delegates .nt largo
from tho statu to attend tho 1026
nxposltlon conference at Portland on
September 8.
Tho .DurpoMi of tho conference In
to discuss detail of udmlnlstratlon
and flnnnco of tho com In world's
fair, and by cnlllng Into council rap
representative of tho state, 1'ortland
Hiipportor expect to enlist thn buck
lug cf Din entire, statu In I lin en
terprise. Resides tl)o delegates uppolntod
by tho president of tho iitato cham
ber of commerce tho stato will bo
represented by one delegate from
each county uppolntod by tho gov
ernor. Mr. Hooper snld today that bo
hud accepted tho nppolnlmont as
southern Oregon's roprosentnt'lvc,
subject to his ability td ntlrnd thn
Tills evening at 7 o'clock, mem
bers of the county fair board will
meet with tho commlttco appoint
ed by tho chamber of commerce
consisting of II. N. Moo. chairman,
Kd Ynnnlco and M. I. Kvans, to
tjko up tho advertising proposition
which tho fair board has underway
ti rill their program for tho coming
fulr, Octcbor C, 6, and 7th Inclus
ive, i
It ituvelops that somo nilxundcr
ntandlng has nftscn oer tho (jura
tion of support for this tonilng fair
through raising money by the pro
gram advertising. Somn of tho mer
chants hnvo objectod to n commis
sion being paid a solicitor, and oth
ers declaro that such ndvotrUlrrg
does thnm no good. Thoy would
soouor puy tho amount solicited Into
tho coffers of the fair board In
stoad, they say.
Instructions to the solicitor. Paul
O'Dowd, wcro given by tbo board to
solicit no advertising among tho
motnboni of tho Merchants Hureau
or among chamber of commorco rep
resentatives until permission was so
cured from tho chamber. Tho fair
board say that their solicitor has
compiled with Initruetlons nnd from
pooplo not nllgncd with oljlior organ
ization, advertising has boon secur
ed. Owing to nbienco of tho cham
ber of commorco secretary slnco tho
fair was announod, no formal per
mission was secured In tho wny of
n clearance enrd to solicit advertis
ing among their momborshlp thoy
say. Slnco then, oncn tlmo any mom
bo r of tho fair board ban called,
unfortunately no Intorvlow has boon
nocurod to pross tho mnttor until
this weok,
A mooting v,as hold yostorday nf
tornoon to consldor tho proposition
by directors of thn chambor and tho
commlttco of throe solectod to or
rnngo for n satisfactory settlement
tonight. It. B. lirndbury nnd R. II.
Wilcox will moot tho chamber com
mittee ns representatives or, tho fair
board. Clyde ltrndloy Ib absent from
tho county nt prosont. ,
Muko that Idlo dollar MOrkt Put
it in tlio bunk.
Irish Reply Gives
Ground for Further
Peace Negotiations
nUHMN, Ab. 2G. Tho Irish re
publican cahlnut's roply to tho lottrr
of Llyod (loorgo of August 13, In
which tho liritlsh promler denied tho
Irish right of soccosslon and docllncd
to rofor tho Irish dlsputo to foreign
arbitration, loaves an unmistakable
opening tor tho continuation of peaco
negotiations, nrcordlnu. to it roport
rocolvod horo.
LONDON, Aug., 35 Tlm IrUh
cablnofs roply was dollvorod to the
premlor'a official rosldonco ' 1
o'clock today,
. II
UVLU, Hngland, Aug. 25. Tho
ca nun of tho disaster to tho Z,K-2,
In which all of the crow except
five, Including nun American, per
ished yesterday, was reported to be
dun to tho breaking of, a longi
tudinal girder nrnldnhlpn, cutting
tho nlrshlp in halves, Tho girder
wan insdo of an aluminum alloy.
Norman Walker, a rigger, was
thu only survivor of tho Americans
on bourd.
' Divers today began tho explora
tion of tho flro twisted wreckage
HOWDKN, England, Aug. 2C.
Norman Walker, solo American sur
vivor of tho dirigible wreck, today
gavo tbo Associated Press tho first
clrcumstnntlnl account of tho disas
ter Ho said that tho girders brokn
uiuldslilps and tho craft split In into Whcuttund and wjcA. to Casper,
halves Just nftcr tho control test ' () nald Klamath county xoads, corn
was begun above Hull ' pared to that soctlob',woro llko a
Ho tried to got hold of u para-' boulovard. A southern' trip to San
chute but failed nnd clung to tho i Francisco and Los fA'ngelcs was to
gns bug fabric as It descended. As
It nenred tho rlvci ho Jumpod,
landing In tho wator, and was pick
od up by a tug.
Federal Troops Are
Asked to Guard the
Mingo County Mines
WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. Tho
war department today received an
urgent appeal for troops to restoro
order ,ln tho Mingo county coal
Holds, West Virginia.
IIACINK, West Virginia. Aug. 26.
A rrowu of more than 0000 per
sons reached hero today from Mar
met whore they havo been In camp.
They declared that thoy camo to
protest mo establishment of inar
tful law In Mingo county.
Alleged Burglar
Is Brought Back
Jofeph Smldl, alleged to havo been
Implicated In tho sfo blowing at Mt.
Hobron and Dorrls on Juno 17, was
brought back from Heppner, Morrow
county, Inst night nt 11 o'clock by
Sheriff Low nnd Deputy Roy Tabor
of Dorrls. Tnbor loft immediately
with tho prisoner for Yroka, Califor
nia, us tho alleged crlmo occurcd In
California. Hmldl will bo tried there.
Smldl maintained sullen sllenro ro
carding tho part ho Is alleged to
hnvo played, Btntes Sheriff Low. Ho
rarely spoko except when addressed
on commonplace subjects.
Wilbur T, Olltette, chlot operator
of thn Detroit Kdlsou company, of
Detroit Michigan, accompanied by
his family worn visitors hore today
on n wostorn tour. Tho party loft
Detroit on May 28 nnd trarcrcd
tho Lincoln Highway to Cheyenne,
Wyoming and nftcr n brief visit
in thnt city followed tho highway
to Ycllowstono park nvhero on July
2, 3, nnd , they wcro snowed In.
Leaving tho park by tho westjon
traneo the wont to Pocatello', Idaho
then through tho Dluo, mountains
to Lo Grande, thence to.Pondelton
nnd Into Portland via tho'Columlla
highway, then here.
Tho roughest roads; struck on
tho trip, Mr. (Ullcttostatos wore
In Wyoming, from ctitryonno norm
ibrnuch llono Creek."
como after IcavlngvE'oro then east
by the "way of thoSanta Vo trail.
Mr. Olllctto Is a'i"'32nd degrco Ma
son, and a member of Moslem Tom
pin In Detroit. In connection with
Masonry, ho stated that last year
Acacia club was built nt an expense
of $125,000 for snenbors of tho
Masonic fraternity whero club,
lodgo, social duties aa woll as noon
luncheons wcro avallablo. Tho din
ing service was one, that attracted
much attention from members tbore
and visitors. Tho stranger was wel
comed and Introduced' to tho mem
bers by an attendant especially blr
ml for thnt purposo. Masonry was
flourishing thero due to 'this fact
Masonic ladles woro frequenters of
tho rlub and held many social
events there.
DKJU.LN, Aug. 25. Tho r-cace
treaty between Germaar and toe
UalUxl H tat en via slgncil hro at
H o'clock this crrnljijr.
l'orrlgn Minister IlotiCn, lit sign
ing, iwprcwMxl gratification for tlio
nvtuniptlnn of friendly relations.
.mcTjrnn CommUsloner Drcwl ro
plkl ulth rcclproral scntluicnts. The
treaty conjJU of thrco Article and
a preamble.
Oregon Tonight nnd Friday, fair.
fTiisM hvV i- C oPbA ft F
Injunction Case
May Be Heard in
Next Two Weeks
(Krod Mills returned yostorday
from Jacksonville, wboro ho fllod the
motion for tbo dissolving of the
courts' Injunction forbidding-r con-j
structlon WQrk on tho Hot Springs
courthouse. This motion will bo
heard boforo Judgo Calkins' when
Charles Stone, who represents Frank
Ward In this case, returns from his
Canadian trip, perhaps about Sep
tember 2. v
District Judgo Calkins at present
Is away on his annual vacation and
Mr. Mills stated that It might bo In
the middle of tbo first wook In Sep
tember boforo thn case was nrgued.
Mr. Mills says that ho believes tbo
Injunction will be dissolved a-tdthoLpolJt Is prepared to reader the
H)ot Springs court house finished.
The following division superin
tendents havo been appointed by thu
county fair beard:
Horaoe; WJlllara Tlngley, N. J. Ny
hart. Cattle. Hoof; L. A. West, Warren
Cattle, Dairy; Will C. Kiel!, Samuel
P. Dehlingor.
Sheep; Tred McKondrcc.
Hogs; H. Nylander.
Poultry; Elmer Applegate.
Rabbits; Elmor Applegate.
Farm Products; Walter Zetzman.
Potatoes; C. A. Hill.
Fruits; Frank Armstrong.
Flewers: Mrs. E?;syirenry, .Mrs.
C. W. Kberleln."
Don-tftlc Ait (Adult); Mfi R; Y.
Culinary (Adult); Mrs. Mary Mc-
Club Work Division; Frank Sex'
Open Juvonlle Divlson, Domestic
Art, Domestic Science, Farm Pro
ducts, Miscellaneous, still to bo ap
pointed. Algoma Hotel
Will Open Soon
Tho $7000 contract for plumbing
and heating tho new Algoma hotel
nt Algoma was completed this -week
by the Loronz Plumbing company
and from reports received, tho dedi
cation of the hotel will tako place
within a few days.
Tho hotel Is tho property of tho
Algoma Lumber company nnd Is
Bald to bo tho only 100 room hotel
In thnt section of tho country. Tho
hotol Is equipped with hot and Cold
water and Is said to havo nil the
Improved tiro protection appliances.
What ore the people of Klamath
Falls going to do about supporting
tho band which was formed early
this season under tho direction of
Fred Scelak? That la the question
which baa been asked about the
city within the past week and the
genoral opinion prevails that alnc
a first class organization haa been
whipped into anyer-and this
greatest service to the community.
It should not be permitted to die
from lack of public appreciation and
Is Klamath Falls such a" moaa
grown city with ancient Ideas that
a ban'd should exkt on the wind
they blow Into their instruments?
In this day when Klamath Falls
Is emerging from a tight financial
situation and Is about ready to be-
ln an area of prosperity and ex
pansion? Such expressions are beard
when a discussion arlsea regarding
tbo present band.
Fred Soelak, tho leader, claims
that when be first camo to Kla
math Falls from Idaho, ho held a
conversation with tbo officers of
tho chamber of commerce about the
formation of a band ' and reeolved
enconragoment sufficient to Justify
him moving' his family here. All
summer, the band has met re
ligiously and practiced and outside
the Fourth of July enaagemeat,
have never been recognised In any
civic movement where financial tap
port could be bad to coatmae their
orsanltloa. v " S
A conversation with the secretary
of tho chamber or commerce yes
terday Indicated that Mr. Seelak
came here on his own responsibility
and formed the band. After he was
here, a commlttco composod of A.
J. Voye, chairman, Fred Houston
and M. S. West were appointed to
solicit funds from the merchants
and others to further tho Interest
In the band and defray seme of the
Incidental expenses attendant to
formation. According to the sec
retary of the chambor of commerce,
no rojlort has been made whether
the funds were raised.
Tho band has answered all the
calls made on It for public service
both at the chambor -when the Port
land Ad club were hero and when
tbo Elks had visiting brothers here
a couplo of woeks aro Darin
tho Fourth of July, the band at
tracted much attention and when
tho street dance was staged on
Main street, the dancers had a
groat tlmo whirling and tripping on
tbo paromont to Ita music. The
band monitors say that they are
qulto willing to do thoir share at
all times. Ono member said, "All
of the musicians are local mon, not
floaters. This city Is large enouah
to support a good band and our
follows aro not greedy for money
wo want encouragement."
Fred Soelak, the leader, states
that this season he has spent $125
In promoting tho band and that ho
his no return of tho money up to
prosont. Ills time, he says can be
given gratis but ho would like to
bo reimbursed for the money ho
oxpeudod. Soelak atatos he has paid
soverol visits to tho chamber or
commorco and has held a number
of conferences with Secretary Stan
ley relatlvo to tho settlement of
this mnttor. Seelak, It seems, holds
tho chamber of commorco respnosl-
bio for the collection of this money
and for his coming hero to nro-
moto tho band.,
Mrv and Mrs. W. C, Ezell, who
reside on the Merrill road, became
tho parents of boy twins this morn
ing at 7 o'clock, according to a
roport by Dr. George I. Wright, who
is in attendenco. The boys weighed
H and 7 pounds.
PORTLAND, Aug, J5. Cattle
stoady; hogs 50 cents lower, prime
light $10 aqd $;o,75; sheep steady;
eggs weak and uusettled, butter