The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 24, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Personal Mention
T. N. Cunningham arrived In
town yostcrday from tho Aipen lako
country whoro ho haa boon tor tho
past wook or ao rounding up bis
cattlo on that rnngo.Mr. Cunning
ham roporta that ho roundod np
about 260 head ot cattto and brand
ed 80 calves.
Miss Qoraldlno Watt who Is
upending two weeks 'with hor fam
ily at Rocky Folnt droro Into town
with hor father yeatordsy and will
return to tho Point today. '
W. K. Brown la In town from tho
Uppor Klamath lako.
WosIoy Frators. a Itlddlo boy, who
has boon (pending tho summer In
Klamath Falls, loft this marnlng tor
hlB homo In Rlddlo and latter wilt
SO to Portland, and from thero by
way ot tho Canadian Pacific will no
to Now York for tho winter. Mr.
Fraters expects to enter Columbia
Unlveslty In. order to tako an ad
vanced course In Foreign Trade, In)
which he majored at the University
of Oregon.
Mr. Elisabeth Bunge arrtred last
night from Ban Francisco ts visit
for about a month with her sister,
Mrs. Eugene Fisher, and family.
MIm Bees Pickett arrived on last
Bight's train from Son Francisco for
three weeks visit with her parents.
Miss Pickett la ft Klamath county
girl who has been making great ad
vances in the music world of San
Francisco for the past few years.
K. F. Sinclair, of tho Warren Con
struction company, is in town on
Traastora from Portland for a few
Mrs. William Bailey, who has been
hero for several weeks as tho guest
of Mrs. C E. Solomon and M's. Elmer
French, left this morning for Porto
la, California, where sho will spend
the winter with he'r husband, who is
in business thero .with tho Pacific
Fruit Express company.
Mrs. A. J. Landon and baby left
this morning for California after a
brief visit here with Mr. and Mrs,
C ' O. Whitney. Mr. Whitney, Is
Mrs. Landbn's brother.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mortenson left
this morning for Bon Francisco for a
brief business and pleasure trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse HltcEcox and
on," Grant, ot Napa, California, are
here on a visit with Mrs. Hltchcoz'a
mother, Mrs. S. H. King at Fort Kla
math. Ther motored np from their
home-la Napa.
Percy Dixon is in town from the
Dixon ranch on the Merrill road.
C. B. Brown, of the Kirk Lumber
company, is a business visitor hero
Mrs. Alice Gray, who has boen
visiting her sister, Mrs. H. H. Ed
monds, during tho summer, left this
morning for her home In San Fran
Cisco. Mrs. Edmonds accompanied
her as far oa Weed.
George Dlrkey Is in town for a
couple ot days from his ranch south
ot town.
P. F. Chandler, publisher and own
er ot the Blue Mountain Eagle, of
Canyon City, is a visitor here. The
Eagle U one ot tho oldest papers in
Oregon having bees founded In 18U8.
Mr. Chandler Is accompanied by his
wife and eon, W. Glen Chandler. Mm,
Chandler U a sister of O. B. Cc
Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Coxad took
their guests for a ride through the
Merrill country and a visit at the
Crater Oil company's works
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Morris are
leaving this week for Nowman, Cali
fornia to spend the winter Klamath
county folk along Rural route No 1.
wilt miss Mrs. Morris very much as
he has been along with their mall
very day, rain or ahlne, for tir.
two years.
William Pashte ot Eugene is here
for a few days' vacation.
Mrs. Gene Robinson is here for a
few days from her home at Bonanza
visiting her sister, Miss Boss Kilgore.
Dr. J. C. Elliott King and son,
David V., are here for a vacation
visit from Portland, where Dr. King
la a prominent physician. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Combs, and J.
R. Combs Jr., of California . were
weok- end visitors at tho homo of
Mr. "and Mrs. E. J. Barrett on Mich
igan avenue. They left- in their car
for'Lc-s Angeles Monday morning.
'Mr. and Mrs. L. C. B. Bmlth and
family stopped over here lost night
'from Portland on their way to Crater
W .H. Gaddes of Eaglo Rldgp is a
city business visitor today.
Frank Eexton was In town this
morning from bis ranch on the Mer
rill road attending to matters ot busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Applegate,
Jr., arrived loot night -from their
home-in Sacramento for a visit with
Mr, Apptegate's father, , Captain O.
C. Applegate and other relatives and
Mrs. Leland Haines arrived last
n'ght torn Yakima, Washington to
spend the winter with her father, and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Houston
an dwlth her slstor, Mrs. J. II Car
nahan. Mrs. Hnlnos wna Miss Kllxa
bcth Houston before hor marrlngo.
Mr. Hnlnos will Join hor Intor In tho
Mrs. C. A. Hatcheldor, who wns Miss
Gcrtrudo Wlrtx botoro lior marrlngo
this summer, returned to her homo In
Dorrls this morning nftor n two
weoks spent horo In chnrgo of Kla
math Fnlls Music houso whllo hor
mother and father wore nt'tho ber
ry patch.
Mrs. Androts, of tho Andross Olo
vor shop, left yostorday for Ban Fran
cisco to attend to matters ot bunlneeo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell wore
in town this morning nftor supplier
from tbolr ranch nt Lorclla.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Sugarman and
famllr loft this morning for Portland.
Mr. Sugarman expects to return with
in the next few days, but Mrs. Sugar
man and daughtors will spend the
winter with relatives and friends
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pnrkor
spent yesterday at Glass mountain
and Medicine Lake. On tholr roturn
Mr. Smith exhibited several samples
ot Glass mountain whtch ho chlppcJ
off this well known piece of scenery,
Mrs. George Morryman and small
son, John, left this morning for
Portland where they will visit for a
week with friend and relatives.
D. M. McLemoro arrived last night
from Oakland on a brief business
Mrs. Levi McDonald and daughter,
Jean, drove Into town yesterday
from their home In Upper Langoll
valley and will return today some
Miss Evelyn Applegate, who was
operotod upon for appendicitis some
days ago was so much Improved that
It was posslblo to movo her from
the Klamath General hospital to tho
Baldwin hotel yesterday.
Frank Dltsworth, a pioneer of
Ashland, was In town yeatorday on
bustnoss and visiting old friends and
Mrs. Coerce Walton and daughter,!
Katherlno. are In town today shop-1
ping from tholr homo In Merrill.
No Boxing Bouts
Here on Labor Day
LINDSAY, Ontario, Aug. 24.
Sir Snm Hughos, formor Canadian
mlnlstor ot mllltla, died horo early
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Stormagnph nt
Underwood's Pharmacy contin
ues to show n high baromotrlc
prossuro and this is favorulilo
for moro fln,o weather.
Forecast for noxt 24 heurs:
Continued fair, with raodnrnto
Tho Tycos recording lhor
momotor registered maximum and
minimum temperatures today,
an follews:
Low, 38; High, 70. (Reading
taken at 2 p. m.)
FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart
ment. $30. J. T. Ward 4 Co., 884
Main Bt., Phone 875. 24
WANTED LAND I want to purchaso
a tow hundred acrca In Klamath
county. Land In irrigation district
preferred. Olvo full particular,
price, terms, etc. J. M. Odell, 428
Boyd Bt., Los Angeles, Calif. 24
No Labor Day bouts will bp held
here on Soptembcr 5 this yoar as
the promotion ot tho Labor Day con
tests has been given up by "Bob"
Robertson. This announcement "was
made yesterday when, asked by a re
porter if thero wero any new de
velopments. '
Robertsons' answer waa somewhat
abrupt for he stated, "You know
what tho old nigger bootlegger said
to the Judge in court when haled
up for selling boeze: "Jedge, thalr
ain't no money In that gome these
days, no elr-eo. Jedge. Thalr Is an
awful demand but competition Is
simply tierce, yes serle-so I guess
I'll Jest give it up before the sher
iff gets me."
"Bob" says that conditions for
the present are such that a bout
here on Labor Day would not ma
terialize nor pay promotion expens
OREGON Tonlgfat and Thurs
day, fair.
All the Ice Croam you
can eat nnd good croam
too a cold, rich flavorod
confection that tickles your
"tasters' whllo it molts In
your mouth.
Haro you tried our yum
yum flavor? It l rapidly
coming to be a favorlto
among the children who
usually "beat tho older
folks to It"
Every Ingredient used In
our Ice Cream Is pastourlz
ed beforo freezing, insuring
a pure and sanitary cream.
As for Ice croam made by
NUIIBHUY STOCK For l'nll doll
very ordor now. Tho Salem Nur
sery Co,, offers n uplomlld lino of
trees, shrubs nml vim's for fruit,
shade nnd ornamental purposes.
Ordors taken by W B. Hlonglt, Act.
131 Washington Ut I'hono int.
A good bed nnd n good built nt
Colonial rooms, 11th nonr Main Bt
nnd nt Colonial nnunx, 741 Wnlnut
Ave. All outsldo nlry mums, 24
FOR RENT B-rnom houso In Mills
Addition. Phnno 27.1-R. 21-ar.
KOIl BALE Nearly new
houso and bath, largo Int. Prim
$1700, vtiry unity tonus. J. T. Wnrd
& Co., 834 Mnlu. 24
i - -
FOR 8Ali: 1020 Dorl, fi passmigor,
run tour thousand mile, good con
dition, good paint. Klnumth Falls
Auto Co. 221 Main. 24-27
FOR BALE Ford touring car. Apply
nftor 0 at HOG Oregon Ave.
LQ8T Bmnll leather sultcnso, be
tween Fort Klamath nnd I.nmma
mill. Howard. Call 017 Jefferson
Bt.,-or phono 220M, 24-27
FOR BALK lxt, four room houso,
furnished or unfurnished, trndn'
for small car and some cash. Box
L. B. It. Herald office. 24-2B.
FOR 8ALE 1018 Cliovrolot Tour
ing car, good condition, $300. Kin-1
math Falls Auto Co. 224 Main. 24-27
Auction Hnl to it. m., Auguit 37,
Dick Htoro, Cornor Cth nnd Kin
math nvo, Hounohpld gondii, duns,
shoos, clothing. Thousands other
good things, Ladlos cordially Invited.
Conio and roe, you will buy. Our
price are right. Dick, corner 0th
nnd Klnumth. 24-26
FOR SALE Ford one ton truck,
good body and cab, four speed
transmission. Klamath Falls Auto
Co, 224 Main Bl. 24-27
Good Time for Ev-
uowwyxyiVi w"''""" " y
Make that lilln dollar workl Put
It In tho bank.
FOR RENT Small cottage, modern.
Klamath nnd Pnyuu Ave. 24-28
WANTED Clean cotton wiping rags,
paying 8c por pound.
Falls Auto Co., 224 Main Bt. 24-27 ,
FOR SALE Ford 8peedstor, good'
condition, new paint, a bnrgaln nt
I22S. Klamath Falls Auto Co.. 224
Main. 24-27
Colonial one room cabins for
hnu.nkitnntnr. 11th tinnr Mnln Rt..
and 741 Walnut Avo. 24
The Strand
Formerly the MondMo
1180 Mnln Ht.
Tho Ilttlo limine with big shuws.
Clilrkrn Piim-v l in Town
Dorothy Dalton 'in
Miss Dalton-n character as tho'
Bowery tough Is wonderful. Boo'
this plcturo, It's full of surprises.
Gumps Cartoons and
A Good Comedy
Coming Friday MAE MURRAY
Gone Forever
Is Caruso
Tho Olvor of All Good and Perfect Gifts also
tnkcth uwny. No more will the opera-goer looK
upon the heroic figure. iMnd Jn knightly armor
nnd plighting n l.nvo In thu wonderful Cnruson
tenor rnnlnlilli'.
Vet tho Almighty 1ms not removed that VOICE.
It hns been prcrvcul for us yes, for our child
rim's grandchildren It will LIVE In tho Victrola
11 ns bo grateful that the art of this greatest of
l-Arnlloth century Tunnrn has been preserved for
nil time; nnd thnt tho aamn Eurico Caruso can be
hoard In tho Shepherd Bloro or n our homes the
lutna clear, notable tenor oven tho ho annuel'
haa gonn from us forever.
lino Kiiuu nun, w ..,,.....
Earl Shepherd Co. - 507 Main St.
1848 Mala St.
i " ' l.-ggg ' '- g '
N-.C O.
Phone 577-J
and our
Sales Mgr.s
MR. WRIGHT will call on you
' with full details of our Stock
532 MAIN
The Hudson 7-Passenger and Speedster
Has Dropped in Price-$750
. pit
Price $2280 in Klamath Fall now
Compare these cars with their 72 horsepower mo
tors with any other make of car within $1,000 OF
More car miles in the Hudson at these prices than
any other make in the market today.
Essex Holds All Trans-Continental Records
running from New York to San Francisco in four days,
14 hours and 43 minutes.
A stock car was used in this test, the same as you
buy from us.
i J St.
tW swlljsmswsm B!Ba5HBHBBH EMHeH W
KlL TT?.TsyiffBr.
Price $1625 in Klamath Falls now
Phone "264" for demonstration.
Phone 264 Klamath Fall., Ore. 400-16 South Sixth St.