I I I W1CDNKSDAY, AUGUST 314, 1VU1. MVWWWWWWMMAAMAMMMM OASgHEDADVEMENTS IjUJUIJUtVir " Miscellaneous mum umj-mnrrii "' ---- 1 1921 490-Chavrolo'., fulty oqulppod with accessories. Now car guarantee 1 1918-nulck Six. tiros. Car A-l condition. Plvo now nuicK sales and 'service oo. 1 1918-Dulck Four. guarantood first class condition. Ileal bargain. Inoulro of J. C WRIGHT OR 7TH. AND KLAMATH AVI.'. FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room, hath and phono. G12 N. 9th St. 23-27 FOR SALE Ford hug, bargain for cash! Soo Molby, Winters Jewelry Stort. 23-2' A good bed and a good bath nt nnlnntal rnnmr 11th nftr Main St.. and at Colonial annex, 741 Walnut Ave. All outsiao airy rooms. a FOR BALE A new four room house with bath. Close In. A small pay ment down and balance like rent. Call at 1023 Main, upstairs. 23-24 FOR SALE 3 U Mitchell wagon. In good condition. Phono 19F16. 23-29 WANTED Colored man wants iwork of any kind, phone 558-J. Ask for A- Maxwell. 23-29 FOR SALE Ono 2-hole electric plate, A-l condition. Phone 360J. 23-27 BLACKSMITH WANTED Apply C. D. House. 622 6th St. 23-27 FOR RENT Three room furnished house. 933 Washington St. 20-23 E PULLS m Pulling a slow local passenger train in Georgia Is tho "ten wheeler" ja?hfY nt Anv 4ttAntv vnfira ntm lrn N ENGIN 1 Telcd at a speed greater than that'Uno absorbed tho Plant System and of any steam locomotivo ever built, ' No- m became A. C. L. No. 210. 120 miles on hour. This englno, now Atlantic Coast Line No. 210, was Plant System No. Ill when it set the world's record for sprinting. At the same tlmo it won a United States mall contract I between Washington, D. C, and Jacksonville. To Seaboard Air Lino and the At lantic Coast Line-Plant System In March 1901, were conducting tests under observation of postal autho Dscrrauon or posiai auinov Each road, it was agreed rities, should run throe trains to deter-1 mine which could handle tho Florida Southeast as "Tbo speedway no and, Cuban mall tho quicker. It wasi cau,e ot the fa8t tlmo tbat has bccn while pulling the third test train be- on u- N- m Blad8 hor not ween Savannah and Jacksonville lo run in 1901, and after the At- that No. Ill of the Savannah, Flo rida and Western, just delivered to the railroad by her builders and still stiff from lack of use, unexpectedly set Its record that still stands. Shortly after leaving Savannah, No. 107, a new locomotive, assigned to the test, developed a hot driving box and tho Seaboard test train pass ed It at Burroughs, eleven miles out, the two railroads paralleling to that , point. ' At Fleming, twenty threo miles from Savannah, No. 107 was still ex periencing trouble and when passen ger train No. 23, southbound, .with engine No.- Ill in charge of Engineer Lodge ovortook tho test train, offi cials substituted the 111 for the 107, ordered dispatchers to clear tho road between Fleming and Jacksonville) and Instructed Lodge to push his onglno to the limit. A firo somo years ago destroyed the Tccords on tho run between Fleming and Waycross but reports DOINGS OF THE DUFFS I POSTCARDS' iVlGOIWG HERE I llfj ' HFOV DRIVER A RACE HORSE THE (AiWVNVVVVV'VWVV'NVVVV '.'..'..'""'"lllll""""' WINTER SEWING Do It now. Rent a machine Inquire Slngor ottlco, 208 Main. Special prices on Used machines. Repairing, cleaning, hem stitching done. 23-5 WANTED Mlddlp-nged woman ns chambermaid by day. Klamath rooms, 125 S. 6th St. 23-27 WANTED YOUlt Vims AND 1I1DE8 TO TAX Send your trophies to us to mount. Wo mount, tan and mnjco everything in tho fur lino. Could uso a representative at Klamath Fnlts. Urutons Taxldormy Tcnnory nnd Fur Co., Roseburg, Oreg. THK TURNBR Apartments, 812 Oak Bt., Mrs. Lyons new manngor. Two rooms, f25.00, single 115.00, wood light and water furnished. 22-26 WANTED Woman experienced as hotol cook or pantry womnn would llko position. Address or phono Room 7, Turner Apts., S12 Oak St. 22-24" 'LOST On Morrtll-Mnltn Highway K spociai Eastman xoans. lie ward. Standard Oil Co. 23-27 CITY OARHAOE When you want carbngo rrmornl. mil 10P23. RENTS REDUCED Sleeping nnd housekeeping rooms. Phono 448-W, McMillan Apt. 22-26 WANTED Woman for wash room. French Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4th St. 22-24 CUT-OFF men wanted, alio common laborers. Growers Packing Ware housing Ass'n. 19-25 PAINTS, OILS AXI VARNISH WALL PAPEIt W. K. AND J. K. PATTERSON Phono 19C-W. 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 show that No. Ill made tho 70 miles between Waycross and Jacksonville In 69 minutes, an avorago speed of 78 miles an hour. The world's record was set near Screven, On., twclvo miles south of Jcsup, whero No. Ill and her train covered flvo miles in two minutes and thirty seconds. No. Ill arrived at tho Union Sta tion in Jacksonville ahead of tho Seaboard test train und tho Atlantic Coast Line and Plant System was awarded tho mall contract. Somo time. later tho Atlantic Coast Thero Is nothing out of tho ordinary In tho design of tho englno, which is of the typical "ten wheoler" type,, threo pairs of drlvors and four pony truck wheels. Sho has nineteen Inch cylinders with a stroke of twonty- eight Inches, seventy-two inch driv ing wheels, and carries a boiler pres sure of 180 pounds. Tho engine weighs 160,600 pounds. Her rated tractive power is 21,480 pounds. Thn nltl Plant Hvntem track bo- " ,. : tweon Savannah and Jacksonville Is known amonS rMnai mon in tho lantlc Coast Lino took over tho Plant System a special train was handl at the rato of 106.06 miles an hour. This instance was on March 9, 1903 when a train chartered by tho family of George Gould was run tho 172 miles from Jacksonville to Savannah In 152 minutes, or at a speed of 70.7 mllos an hour. Englno 271, with Engineer Thomas Leako in charge, which pulled tho train, ran tho sovon miles between Walthourvillo and Mc intosh, Ga., In four minutes, exceed ing 105 miles an hour. I OREGON BREVITIES I o o MARSHFIELD Whon n raid was mado by officers on a crap garao they secured in tho Chandler hotel cash amounting to $760 was taken from the table. Thoro wero sovoral (50 bills In tho currency. ALBANY After a bullet from n high-powered rifle bad shattered a EVENING HERALD, Twenty-five Year fcoTTeJ awning ropes were ACCIDENT AT ROBINSONS bono In his left leg, Gilbert Lvv- roncc. 4$, of Portland, was carried out ot the mountains over a 12 mllo trail, and then brought 44 miles to Albany. He reachod tho hospital horo at 1 o'clock this af ternoon, 29 hours attor tho acci dent occurred. Lawrcnco was shot by George Hughes, on Albany boy, who mistook htm tor a bear. EUGENE Otis Pitney of Junc tion City was shot and Instantly killed by II. M. McKecn of Alva doro whlto hunting deer In tho Coast mountain nlno miles from Not! and about 30 miles west ot Eugene. McKco said ho mistook Pitney for a dear. PENDLEOTN Louis Ragalns, u cowboy, was shot and killed In a lonely cabin In tho winds ot tho llluo mountains, 40 miles south ot Pendleton, ns tho result ot an al leged quarrel bom con ho and Jess Ilrunn, another cowboy, who, ac cording to Umatilla county sheriff's officials, has confessed to tho shoot ing. PRINEVILLE Tho Oregon Inter state Fair association, through their manngcr, R. L. Scheo, havo obtain ed an amusement company to fur nish 'tho downtown attractions dur ing tho fair, Octobor' 6, 6,7 and 8. Tho premium lists havo boon com pletely revised and (7600 will bo given out this year. Ot tho (3000 appropriated by tho last legislature for tho Interstate fair, through tho efforts of Senator Upton, 60 per cent or 11800 wilt go to prlzo-wln-ners who also exhibit at tho Port land Livestock exposition. Tho oth or 40 per cent wilt be given out in premiums with no restrictions. EUGENE Only nine flros wore roportcd In tho Cascade natlonnl for est during August, according to n report sent from tbo local office to tbo district offlco in Portland. Ot the Urea roportcd by the lookouts, six were in tho McKanzlo r'.vor dis trict and threo ia tho Oakridgc area. ALBANY A bug which may bo tho long-sought pest to destroy Can ada thistles has boen found oper ating in thistle patchos in Linn county and Fred N. Williamson,1 county club leader, has sont spocl-l mens of tho bug to tho Oregon Ag ricultural college to got data re garding It. It Is a spoclcs of bootlo. XOTIClTlNVITLNa PROPOSALS TO ISirilOVE WABHINOTON STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO FIFTH STREET, INCLUDING INTERSECTIONS. Proposals will bo received by the Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making tbo Improvement ot Washington street from Third street to Fifth street In cluding Intersections. Tho improvement to bo mado In accordanco with tho plans and speci fications tborefor on fllo with the, City Englnoor and tbo Pollco Judgo, I for ottbor of tho classes of bardsur facing mentioned in tho plans nnd specifications and In tho Odlnnnco, No. 557, ordering tho Improvement. Tho making of the Improvement will Tom Takes a i ifuwoii iw?$C B ii I mM ' . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ago In Linkville rcsponsiOle for TO PAY - bo lot In one contract Proposals must bo filed with thn 1,'ollco Judgo not later than 8 o'clock P. M of October 3rd, 1921, nt which dato nnd tlmo, nt tho Council Chamber III said city, all proposals will bo opoucd fo consideration. , Each proposal must bo accomp anied by a cnrtlflod chock on somo rcllablo banking Institution equal to flvo percent ot tlio amount ot the proposal to bo fortoltod to tho city upon tnlluro ot tho successful bid dor to enter Into contract and bond for tlio faithful completion of tho Improvement. Tlio right to rojoct any and nil proposals being huroby reserved in tlio common council Tho award to tho successful bidder wilt bo made, contingent upon tho snto ot tho bonds tn lm authorized for financing tho proposed Improvement. I Tlio Improvement to consist ot f grading to full width, hnrdsurfactng 25 feet In width with either Itltull- thlc, Concroto or Wlllltn. curbing, nnd laying of concroto sidewalks. A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judgo By order of the Common Council. xeTin: invitivo phoiwalh to improve .ieiterson vritinrr ritoMTiiiuiKTiii:iri'To rirrn sTiii'in", ai rii'Tii sTitKirr ritoM .ir.rn iisov to Lincoln NTitr.irr. ani Lincoln strei:t ritoM pu-rii sweet to si.vrn SWEET IXCI.UOtXd IXTERSI.C TIOXS AND Till". INTERSECTION OP LINCOLN AND SIXTH STREI7T. Proposals will bo received by the Common Council of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, for making tho Impovement of Jefferson street from Third street, to Tlfth street nnd Fifth street from Jefferson to Lin coln strcot and Lincoln street, Fifth Atrcct to Sixth street. Including In tersections, and tho Intersection nt Lincoln nnd Sixth street. Thn Im povement to bo mndo In accordance with tho plnns and specifications therefor on fllo with tho City En gineer and In thn offlco of tho Pollco Judgo, for cither of tho classes of hardsurtarlng mentioned In tho plans nnd specifications and In Ordlnniiro No. 560, ordering tho Improvement Thn making ot thn Improvement will bo tot In ono contract. Proposal must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not later than 8 o'clock P. M of October 3rd, 1921, nt which tlmo and dato nt tho Council Cham ber In said city all proposals wilt bo opened for consideration. Each proposal must lm accompa nied by a certified check on somo rosponslblo banking Institution equal to 5 por cent of tho amount ot tho proposal, to bo forfeited to tlio city upon falluro of tho successful bid der to enter Into cont.trct nnd bond for tbo faithful completion of tho Improvement. Tho right to reject nny and nil 'das being horoby ro sorvotl in the Common Council. Thn awnrd to tho fturccBsfu! bldtlor will bn mado contingent upon thn sale of tho bonds to bo nuthorlnd for financing tho propoiod improvement. Tho Improvement Is to consist of grading to full width, hnrdsurfnclng 25 feet In width with either llltull thlc, Concroto or Wllllto, with curb ing and six foot cement sidewalks on both sides, nil Intersections to bo paved full width. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollen Judgo. ny ordor of tlio Common Council. NOTICE INVITI.VO PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE lIMHHIAItO STREET FROM ESPLANADE TO PORT LAND. AND MELROSE FROM ELDORADO "TO PACIFIC TER HACE. Proposals will ho roeelvcd by tho Common Council of tho City of KInm- Trip to the Poutoffice VELL.HI.VGURVACATIOM YEP. BACXTO MUST Dt OVER.-ISEE J THE OLD YOU'RE BACK OH Cf STAMPIM GROUNDS imc p 'IOimin; nth Knits, Oregon, for limiting tlio Improvement nt Eldorado Htroot, from Esplniiiulo to Portland Btreot, and Melrose Htroot from Eldorado to Parlflo Torrm-b, Including IntorHoc lions, Tlio Improvement to ho inrxilo In accordance with tho plans and npocl tlrntloiiH Ihorofnr on fllo with tlio City Engineer nnd In thn offlcn of thn Pollen Judge, for either of tho eliiRKon of hnrdsurfucliiK montlound In tlio plnim niul specifications nnd In Ordlnniiro No. 65(1, ordering tho Improvement. Thn limiting nt tho Improvement wilt bo lot In one eon tract. Proposal must bo filed with thn l'ollrn Judgo not Inter than 8 o'clock P. M., of Octobor .Ird.. 1021, nt iwhtch dato und tlmo nt tlio city hall In nald city, nil proposals will bo opened for connldoratlon, Knelt proposal must lm at'cnmpn tiled by a certified check on some responsible banking Institution nqunl to 5 por runt ot tho amount ot thn proposal to be forfeited to thn city upon failure ot tho successful bidder to outer Into contract nnd bond for tho faithful completion ot thn Im provement. Thn right to reject nny nnd nil bids being hereby rcsnrvod In tho common council. Tlio award to tho successful bidder will bo matin contingent upon tho snto ot tlio bonds to bo authorized for financing thu proposed Improvement. Tho Improvement to consist of grading street to full width, hard surfacing to tho width of 25 feet with either llltullthlc, Concrete, and curbing. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judgo Jly order of tlio Common Council. NOTICE I.WITl.VfS PIIOPOMAI.H TO IMPROVE HIGH KWKITr PROM THIRD STREET TO CEDAR STREET. AND CEDAU STREET PROM HIGH STREET TO PINE KTHEITT. Proposals will bo received by thn Common Council of tbo City of Kliim nth Falls, Oregon, for making the Improvement ot High Street from Third street to westerly lino of High street and Cedar street Irom High street to Pine street Including Inter sections. The Improvement to bo mado In nrcordanco with thn plans and specifications tbercforo on fllo with tho City Engineer and In tbo offlco of tho Pollco Judgo, for either of tbo classes of hnrdsurfaclng men tioned In tho plnns ami Hpeclflcntinns nnd In Ordinance No. 668, ordering thu improvement Tho making of thu Improvement will bn let In ono contract. Proposals must bit filed with the I'ollru Judgo not later man H o'rtork P M , ot Octobor 3rd. 1921, at which limn nnd date at thn city hall In nald rlty nil proposals will bo opened for consideration. Each proposal mint bo accompa nied by a certified ctieck on somo res ponsible banking Institution equal to 6 por ront of thn nmount of tho propoanl, to bo forfeited to thn rlty upon falluro ot tlio mirconnful bidder tn enter Into contact nnd bond for thn faithful completion of thn lm provomont. Tho right to reject nny and nit bids being hereby reserved In tho Common Council. Tho award lo tho successful bidder will bo mndo contingent upon thn sain of tho bonds to bo authorized for financing tbo proposed Improvement. Tho Improvement to consist In gra ding to full width, hnrdsurfarlng to tho width of 25 feci with either llltu llthlc. Concrete or Wllllto, with curb ing and cement sldnwnlkn A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judgo. Ity order ot tho Common Council. NOTICE INVITIXO PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE HIGH STREirr I'ltOM THIRD STREET TO SIXTH STREET AND FOURTH STREET I'ROM PINE TO JEFFERSON STREirr. Proposals wilt be received by thn Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for mnklng thn Improvement of High street from Third stroot to Sixth street and Fourth strcot from Pine strcot to Jefferson strcot, including Intersec tions. Thn Improvement to ho matin In accordanco with tho plans nnd specifications therefor on fllo with tho City Engineer nnd In tho offlco of tho Pollco Judgo, for either of thn classes of hnrdsurfaclng mentioned lln tho plans nnd Rpoclflrntlons and In 'Ordinance No. 601, ordorlng thn Im provement. Tho making of tho Im provement will bo lot In ono contract Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not later thnn 8 o'clock P. M., ot Octobor 3rd.. 1921, nt which tlmo and data nt thn Council Chamber In snld city all proposals will bo opened for consideration. Each proposals must ho uccompan led by n cortlflod chock on somo res ponsible hanking. Institution nqunl to 5 per cent of tho nmount ot tho proposal, to ho forfeited to tho city upon falluro of tbo successful bid der to enter Into contract nnd bond for tho faithful completion of tho Improvement. Tho right to rojoct nny nnd all bltls bolng hereby rcHurvod In thn Common Council. Thn luvartl to tho Niiciesnnil blildur will ho mado contingent upon tlio nnlo of tho bondv mm Mv OM friend iH wS HI. IS SOME H$ 'LLf'Jfr iniPO 'cu O faff V7,trzzi, aaui rrinfi imi '77W, L r-r ' 1 n ''r4i wi.... 7 mmm uiixl. r. a i n iw. rovii PAC1H lo bn ntithorlzotl for financing tho proposed Improvement. Tlio Improve. ineut to consist ot grading to full width, hnritsurfaclng Twenty flvo feel In width with cither llltullthlc, Concroto or oilier Imrdnurfnco pavo iiient, wllh curbing nurt commit ldo wal Its. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo. Ity order of tlio Common Council. MAKE STREET IMPROVEMENT. Proposals will ho racolvod by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam- nth Falls, Oregon for mnklng tho Improvement iltrtlguml for Fourth street from Klamath avenue to thn mitlinrlv Hum llf flillj nVlmlln! Fifth street from Klamath avonun to tho southerly lino or widow nvonun. Walnut nvnntiu rrom tlio norinoriy ii... ..r t.'.uii-Mi ir,nil tn thn Hnuthnrlr line of Sixth street; Oak avonuo from tlio northerly lino or Fourtii strcei tn thn noutherly lino of flovonth street: Willow nvenuo from tho northerly line of Finn street to inn southorly linn of Sixth street together with nil Intersections betwocn tho respective tormlnl not nlrondy Im proved Hnlil proponed improvement! to be mado In accordance with tho ilt... iKifl utnflflfiitlnna nt thn cttV ,'M(n ..,'..... w. . engineer for either of thn clnssoa of Imprtivomnnt mentioned in sam pians and specifications and thn nrdlnnnco ordering thn proposed' Improvement. WHICH snni ormnnurn is nuranotru 541), adopted on the 21st day ot l.il,riinrv 11)51 nnd liV tbo maVor opprotod on tho 23rd day of Februa ry, 1'JIS. Tim ttlniiB nnd nnHflrntlnnA for (.(.). Iinnpnvntiliinl tmfnir ntl flln with (...VI. ( (II . . w . M ... . .. Hiring .... ...w ...... thn Pollco Judgo and with tho city engineer. Tlio contract foi- making tho pro posed Improvement will bo lot In ono contract Proposals must bn filed wllh tho pollco Judge for submission to tho council not Inter thnn 8 o'clock P M , on ucioiior 3rd, lvzi, at wnicn time and date, at tho council chamber In mid rltv. all nroiioinli will ba uponnd nnd considered. Each proposal to bo accompanlod bx n certified check on somo respon sible bank equnl to 6 per cont ot thn proposnl, same to bo forfoltod to thn city upon falluro of tho suc cessful bidder to enter Into bond and riiiitrnrl fnr I tin fnllhfiil comtiletlon iif the Improvement Thn right to reject nny nnd nil bids nnd proposals in llireny reserved in inn city, i tin Inward to thn siirrrsstiil bidder will bo I matin contingent upon tho snto of tin bonds to bn authorized far pro- tiding funds for financing tho pro- tinned linnroYninnnt llltls nro respectfully Invited on llltullthlc, Oil Macadam and concrete, In nddltlnn to grading, curbing, drain age nnd cement wc'!: Dated nt Klamath Falls, August 12th, 1921. A L LEAVITT. Pollrn Judgo, Ity Order of the Common Council. .NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE SOUTH RIVERSIDE STIM'IT PROM WEST MAIN TO CITV I.IXl vi WEST MAIN FROM END OI PAVEMENT AT CONGER AVENUE TO WESTER I.V LINE OP SOUTH RIVERSIDE. i Proposals will bn rerolvod by tho Common Council of thn City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for mnklng the Improvement of South Riverside street, from West Main to tho city limits, nnd West Main street from end of pavement at Conger nvenue to westerly linn of South Riverside street Including Intersections. Tho Improvement t bo mndn In accord nncn with thn nlnns nnd aonctfleatlons Ithnrofnr on fllo with tho City En iglnoor ami In tho offlcn of tho Pollco IJudgo for ottbor of thn clnsscs of bartlfurraring mentioned In the plans nnd specifications and In Ordlnnnro No, 659, ordering tho Improvement. The making ot thn Improvement will bn In one contract. Prnpnauls must be filed with thn I Pollco Judgn not later than 8 o'clock ! P. M. of October 3rd., 1921, nt which tlmo nnd dnto at thn Council Cham ber In sntd city nil proposals wilt bo opened for consideration. Each pro posal must bo accompanied by a cer tified chock on soma rcsponslblo banking fnstttutlnn otiunl to 5 Pur 'ront of thu nmount of tho proposal to be forfeited to tho city upon fall- I uro of tho successful bldtlor to ontnr Into contract nnd bond for tho faith- ' rul completion ot tho Improvement. 'Tho right to rojnct nny nnd nil bids being hereby resorved In tho Com mon Council. Thn award to tho sue- 'rcssful bidder will bo mndo conting ent upon tho sale of tho bonds to ho authorized for financing thn propos ed Improvement. The Improvement to consist of grading to full width, hnrdsurfaclng 36 root In width, with either llltullthlc, Concroto or Wllllto, concrete curbing, nnd sidewalks flvo feet wldo on west sldo of South Rlvor ildo Htreot nnd from Main to south Mini of park on oast side, and on southerly lino of Main to oastorly lino or South Rlvnrsldo. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo. Hy ordor of, tho Common Council. BY ALLMAN