PAOH THllICE THE EVENING HERALD, KJLAMATH.FALLS. OREGON WJCDXEAHAr, AUGUST 34, 1U. ; 444-44M44 CIGAR STAND Portraits and Enlargements j rtUmk . i Art frames and framing. iillENLINE PHOTO SHOP I Opposite) cuurthonso ; ; Phone no 3S7 Mala ' MMIMNHHnMMHMMMHMNBHMkMMHBa i -ri rxtsr.-Tm ' w i n a irrirn ar i - c I I f lllf KlllBfa fr KirnfAtl' Twtvn Dt TamJam i '. - w .... Ota vra ivai.i. ague UJTVUUUUI1 I. SBW K. m -"-""---''''---' ---------.-- r MoHHF fhu.J-mL:? ; waVsK'KQaVsaVkuRr Hk fW'W'MMilVx no -to?ta- tasisM-r ' 5 OBftaniAm. i , ,i. j Mi,micyrrVirr mi, tAv-a p 'i r E 4-4444444444444t44444 i ' i Mk IIV JUNIUS . i- u A Itlf; Difficulty Onn or tlio illfflciiUliiR nbout tlio prosont elylos In Hint In observing women lomliiK down the streets, you rnn't toll wliutluir Its your llttlo nln-tt-r or your grandmother, Iloy Durliln save nn efficiency ez port I n man who Hots that fnt sal ary for tolling $8 u wook rlnrks liovr to' save money, A toiler tells us thnt lie sow somo hevxus from ttiu colyum iiuotud In th Literary Digest flllum tho other day. We must to getting rotton. Tlio moro noarly square tho foun dation of your business, tho longer It will itand up and the tailor It will grow. "How old are you?" asked Judge of a womnii witness, "Thirty," aim rnpllvd, "Thirty 1" uxclalmud tho Judgo. 1'to heard you glvo tho mrao ago In till court for three years." "Yes," returned thu witness, I nm ono of thoso persons who t-ny onu thing today ami another thins to morrow," Jim Mllno atka why do k many pretty girls havo audi frcckloJ-fnciJ llttlo brothora? Wry Hlfiy, Thank Vou! In all my travnli over tin earth, In thin or any other nation. Of comic paRfs I'vn four! a ilt-srth. Kieept for tho Offlco Cut- my In spiration, This poom. abort thouRh It may seem, Is filled chuck full of ri-al dnvotlun IIoIIoto mo, Junius you'ro n tcream, At leant such Is my ardot. notion K c n . i Our Idea or no pluco to make loro Is over a lolophono on tho rlly tdl. tor's desk. Am sliver dollars losing tholr pop ularity, ono of our onternrMni; re porters writes? Well, of coursothvy aro, but no wonder they don't vlck around long enough to tveii get friendly. Our Otm UaII Of l'inio Oug D, Wiser lives at Mlchawaka, Ind, Tho dato of bis wedding has not boon announced, Ionrn a Uwh-f Thing Knrh Day Tho polar beur 'Is a grunt lover of almon. BUwllnjc Scjuciiiuor Morn's Hluff. Jefferson Co., N. Y. Journot A band of girls, early risers and full of Joy, Joined tho crowd. Women nppuarod, somu fully dressod, others with shawls over their heads. If epidemics follow tho styles, you may look for an outbruuk of knoo monla this winter. Hour Heavenly. Dear Ed. Offlco Cat Would you raro to know thnt l'oart E. Gates llvos at Kenosha, Wis., I mado this startling discovery during a rocont visit to that city. . U. IL W Alas! "Of all tho would-bo highbrow birds, Tho worst," said Dolly Strong, "Aro those who uao bucIi great big words, And nlwaye uso 'em wrong." Tho Iowa farmer who hangod him self with a log chain wasn't taking any chuncoa on not completing tho Job. KUOKNE3 Tho work nt canning Ilnrtlott poam will bogln at tho cannery of tho Eugene Growers' as sociation this wook. Tons of pears huvo urrlvod at tho plant during tho last wook and aro rapidly rip ening In storago. It Is oxpoctod that botwoou 300 and 400 womon and girls will bo employed pooling poars, ' L- rliC V"viwY PBaBaBaBaBaBanvY Sji '" S y VAXV' bWbWbWbW ivl"; kl.ATire c Lzn .Bia-v ,, f m-Brm L-LL . 1 ft,.iJ W J OREGON MMN NOW DEJOICING i' nr-sii)i:.NT havh HIIK COULD HIIOUT lOlt JOV OVKH llfTOllATIO.V 'W JIKALTII. "When I roallzo what this -won. I dnrful Tnnlnc has donn for ran I ' ould Just shout for Joy." said Mrs. Mhfla Davidson, CM Mnrkct St., l'endloton, Oregon. "I had an awful attack of tho 'flu' two years ago, and It left mo atmoil us weak ami helplcs ns a baby. I had no appctlto and ata barely enough to keep body und soul together and was so weak I couldn't oven sweep tho floor of my room. I was on a nervous ten sion all tho tlmo and finally got so 1 could hardly closo my eyes at night and In tbo morning felt worn out and miserable. I sufforcd so much from nouralgla In tbo faco' that I would almost go distracted at tlmor. ' In a short time after I began taking Tanlac I was feeling llko a different person. I havo a splondld appetlto now, sleep all night long without waking once and get up In tho morning feeling frceh and hap py. I nover havo neuralgia and, In fact, am Just In perfoct health. I know a modlcliio that could help mo In tbo awful condition I was In can help anybody olso, and I Just wish I could put a bottlo of Tanlac In thu hands of every sick man, woman and child." Tanlac sold by druggists every where. Adv. SAN KHANCI8CO Edwlu R. Qrnnt, President of tho California Law Enforcement Loaguo has tolc grophsd Wayne D. Wheeler, LogU Ifttlvo Counsol of tho Anti-Saloon Loa guo nt Washington, D. C, uglng nbnn donmont of efforts to pass tho Door mil If to puss tho mcasuru It was necossary to accept Houso amendments concerning Usunnco of soarch wurrants. Why do soino men awcar to lovo boforo marrlago an lovo to swear nftorward? Household Furniture GOODS OF ALL KINDS oun piticEs nioiiT We Duy, Soil and Exchange Cor. Sixth and Klamath Avo. DICK'S A CO. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVEK UNDEKWOOD'b Phono B80-J. Sovonth & Male - s i .c" ., I c xuzsi: NOTICK INV1TINU I'HOPOSAI TO IMl'ltOVi: PINK KTItULT, lltli TO KKPIiA.VADIJ. 1 Proposals will bo rccclvod by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Knlls, Oregon, for making the Improvement of Pine stroet from Ulovonth St., to Esplanade Tho proposod Improvement to be lade In accordanco with tho plans and specifications of the City Engineer, on fllo with tbo Engineer and In tbo offlco of tho Pollco Judge, for ettbor of tbo classes of hnrdsurfaclng men tioned In tho plans and specifications and In Ordlnanco No. C02, ordorlng tho Improvement. Tho making of the Improvement will bo let In one contract. Propo sals must bo tllod with tho Pollco JudRo not later than 8 o'clock P. M.. October 3rd, 1921, at which data and tlmo, at tho Council Chamber In said City, nil proposals will bo open ed for consideration. Each proposal must bo accompa nied by a certified chock on soma roini,0 taking Institution equal to & per cent of tho amount of tho pro posal to bo forfeited to tho city upon falluro of tho successful bid dor to enter 'Into contract and bond for the faithful completion of tbo Improvement. The right to re Joct any and all bids being beroby reserved In tho Common Council. The award to tho successful blddor will bo mado contingent upon tbo salo of tho bonds to bo authorized for financing the proposed Improvement. Tho Improvement to consist of grad ing to establish grndo, hardsurfaclng with either Illtullthlc, Concroto or Wllllte, and laying of cement side walks. A. U LEAV1TT, Police Judge. Ily order of tho Common Counucll. rtWWWWWVW AN INVESTMENT I havo sovcral blocks of lots surrounding tho Mnlln high school thnt I will soil for btialposs nnd roildoutlal pur poses, thus fferlug to iho people of Klamath county an opportunity to mnko a rial In vestment. I will soil these lots for $75 and up, on tho Installment plan, tho terms to suit tlio purchaser. No Inter est will bo chnrgod and I will pay tho taxos until dcod Is de livered to buyer. Malln Is sltuntod In tho con tor of ono of tho rlchost dis tricts In tho world. It Is back ed by progresslvo ind conser vutlvo clttzons. It has a futuro that assures dovolopment to n dogreo that will maku this proporty worth many tlmos tho prlco I am soiling It for. When oil Is discovered, Malln will bo found to bo In thu very heart of tho flold und the biggest producors will be at Its dour. If you are looking for some thing that will pay you big returns, you can tnako no mis tnko In buying Malln proper ty. For furthor Information, write or soe A. KAUNA MALLN, On. FILZ' SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC I havo constructed thru years of oxporienco the only course that teaches you to play the plano-br NOTE nnd by EAR In 10 tn 2 o lea. sons'. Write for particulars, 701 lltb St., Klamath Falls, Ore. Phono 3C7R. DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND BURGEOff L O. O. F. Salldlag Phone HO Residence I'M Vino St I'liono dr. a A. massey Fourth and Pine Hi. In Warren Hunt HoiplUl Off. Phone 497 Rm. Phone 8(11 IMWMWMMMMMWt Offlco Pbone 177W Re 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Pbjslrian and flnrgeon White Building Klamath ralli Oregon MAMMAAAAMrfMAMMMMMMAMMMMMMM. FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phono 4S4W. X'FUy Laborator IooBsla Bldg KltBuilk raUa J. C. CXEGIIOn.V CIVIL ENGINEER AND 8UItVEYOH Phone 192J 133 S. Riverside Klamath Falls Plumb ittg & Heating Co. 1178 MAIN BT. pnO.VK (MS-W ''MNs'MsyatnswSaavas Coe's Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars f Country Trips a Specialty PHONE 108 United Cigar Store 020 MAIN STREET """ """"j"j"-"''vimrysnrLnjrisij EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION" 9 Klamatn Post Ho. S, American Legion meeta at tbo City Hall on the first and third Tuosdays of each mooth. Ex.servico mon are Invited to at tend tho meetings. For membership cards or Informa tion ex-scrvlco men are requested to seo or write tho following efficers: J. II. Carnaban, Commander. Roy N. Foucb, Post AdJutnnL For relief of employment see or write tho Chairman of The Relief and Employment Commlttoe, Francis Olds, caro Lakcsldo Lumber com pany. PELICAN BAY BUS Faro ISo each way Leaves Rex Cafa Leaves Pelican City 7:46 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:46 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p. m. 6:10 p. m. Reckard Resit Serrleo Phono 77 26-tf L. D. Gass, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED Warren Ilunt Hospital Phoae 497 Res. White Pelican Ho. Phoae 0 Klamath Lodge No. 1S7 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets Chas. Newman .......... ......N. G. W. C. Wells V. a. a. B. Mangue ............. ....8ecy. W. D. Cofor .. Trofts. ENCAMPMENT IL V. Brown C. P. J. V. Brewbaker S. W. L. J. MeClure Scribe Nnto Ottorboln ................ Treasurer The CENTRAL HOTEL GUY GARRETT, bbVJB bbMV Steam Heated RATES Transient 75 cents up By Week $4.00 A L L N I G H T NEWSSTAND all the NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY Tut Your Dud. In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Mafn and Confer Take jpt Cellar or Fill 1st Lota CON MURPHY 017 Mortimer St. Phone B41-W Klamath Falls Cyclery Wa aro hero to servo you, and aim to serve yon right. Motorcycles and Bicycles. Parts and Aeesaorles. Tires and Tubes, that will stand your Inspection, as we carry the best In our lino. Repair shop lo connection with Harley-Davldson Service. Phoae 179 1610 Mala St. Klamath Falls O. H. BISXARK Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OCR CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING WILL MAKE XODB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATH lUfHLOCKEl) Goods Called for and Delivered 481 Mala Street Klamath Path DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located In K. D. Block, 1313 Main. Phone 263-M. A1n0U00W DR. a A. RAMBO Deatist L O. O. P. BaUdtafl PHONH SI satfsssssagOjsaifSwsksstsaMSjAcSMStfssiMM CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lois C. Bridges Over First Btato and Savings Bank Sulto 105 Phone 102-J Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine P E N A L L N I G H T latest newsi DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 821 L O. O. F. Temple GLOVER makes' yoor Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls 8AW MILL KNGINBERINa CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers aad bmUdero at era saw mills, plaalag asHU aad bos plaau. Drodclag . POo Mftaf. PhoaaoSCW Office Corner Bprtsuc aad Oak Near 8. P. Deyot DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phoae, 4S7 Night Phoae, 5t E. D.LAMB j PHYSICIAN AND SURGJKUf Phones 17W Boons t aad a 17R White HalWag ' , Excavating Teamins; Let as make yon a prlco oa dig ging that basement, or other ex cavating you contemplato. Wo also do team work of every description. Phone 426-J DENTISTS E. a WUsjcanrar PHOlia SM Dr. Dr. P. M. Noel PsrONH Over Cadorweoors oToath aad Mate WMAnAMWAMIMWWMmBV If It's Loose We Will Move It O. K. TRANSFER CO. m & Jt Phone 87