L 3f x iiz Sunfnn Mvtnlh AClaMsAdWill Do It Today1 9 i tri 1 Jl J Today I 1 t a Member of the Associated Press. :r Fifteenth Venr. No. fioon. KLAMATH VALUi, OIIKOON, WEDNIHIIAV, Al'OUHT !H, Ifttl. prick nvu cxtm PUBLIC WANTS THE REPORT ON LIVING COSTS Thorn In much Inquiry among pooplo of this city about "what hag happened to tbo high cost of living commlttco's, report on living condi tions horn" and some wonder has boan rxpreeeod that no statement linn boon matin rulatlvn to tbo nltuiv tlon. The mooting, ut which tho com mittor to Investigate tho living coil here wnn nppolntod, -was hold Juno 17 mid tbo membership wan Incronv id from 11 to 13 an Juno 30, with Jnmmt Htnvvm an pormanont chair man and T. L. Blnnloy nn aocrotary. Olnco that ttmo reports bavo boon received from cltloii within n 100 mllo radius nnd Chairman Blevnns stalod In an Informal Intorvlow omo two weeks ago that all tho material wan In for a ropurt. Chairman Htovomt wu asked yen torday when tho mattar would bo brought up nnd stilted that ho bud understood that It would bo rnportud upas ut it forum of tbo chamber of commerce. In vlow of tho fact that bn baa boon nollrltcd n number of time for thU report by cltlienn of all cIumcii, C'linlrmnn Hlnvonn stated that n nnwspapor report would bo mado of thu matter for everyone's benefit. , Klamntb Kail la getting a grow ing reputation ns a city where tho rout of living la high. So far no pubtlr showing has been mado to Ktipport tho continual assertion that hnvn been made. How- nror, horn la it sample from tho Medford Mall Tribune of the Im pressions that are carried away ties hrii by tdilton-fcOej'-cr fro 'a lady who think Melfard prlcos aro alto high: ' To the Kdltor' I have Just settled In Medford after tour ing throughout tho stato. Do you know that uoxt to Klamath Hit 11m Medford la ono of tho highest priced plncea In tbo atato, And It hna that ropu , tatllin. Everywhere I wont I hoard about tho high' cost of ' living In Medford. If tbaro la noma roason for this It might be a flno Idea- to publish It. If not tbon thta la a problora for your civic organliatlona to olvo Ouch a roputatton hurt a placo for future aottlera. MHO. C. THOMPSON, Medford, Aug. 21' Tho editor of tho Mall Trlbuno discussed the letter with a Medford morchant, ho suld, and thn merchant donlod thnt cost of living thoro was higher thim elaowhere, In propor tion to freight ratos. Tho merchant said Investigation would dlsdoso tbo facta supporting his statement. The, Mall Trlbuno suggests that whon tho Medford delegation romos hero next month that tho cost of living bo ono of tho matters gone Into. In tho meantime It tan commlttoo nppolntod by tho chambor of com merce, has any Information that will throw light on Klamath Falls Hying coata, In comparison with costs elsewhere, thu publlo In de manding It. Tbo sooner It Is mado public, regardless of whothor It Is favorable or unfavorable, and a sat isfactory explanation of this vital problem, tho sooner will adjust montH bn mado It adjustments aro noccssary. It conditions horn com pare, favorably -with conditions olso whoro It should bo oasy to show tho' pubflc that tho talcs of high p'rlcoH horo are hurtful propaganda nnd nil good cltliona will Join in suppressing such n harmful chock upon tho growth ot tho community. t Story of Gruesome Find Discredited (The Btory prevalent In this city today that thrao bodlos nnd a wreck ed Dodge enr worn dlscovorod at Cas tll'n, California was found to bo with out foundation, Tho Horuld, with assistance of tho Southern P:icflc officials invostlgntod. Tho rail way's agent at Castolla reported tho story m bnsolovu rumor. f The story spread In Dunsmulr, Weed nnd far north ns Kirk. . No man can mako a mountain, but Home mon can mako u big bluff, 1 2 Dead, Score Hurt In Wreck On Rio Grande and Western ailANI) JUNCTION, Cobj, Aug. 24. Knglnoor Douglas Armstrong nnd ono pasaenror was klllod. and 'morn than 3G passongors woro In jured, when a Itlo Qrando nnd wostorn train plunged Into n crook near Oolo oarly today, as tho rn sult of destruction of tho brldgo by cloudbursts, ' ASKS BIOS FOR PT. Thn stuto highway unglueor's of ficii hern was Informed today that tbo stato highway commission will opon bits nt Balem', August 30, for tbo surfnclng of tho six nnd ono halt mllo stretch of road from Bnr clay Springs to Lnram's mill. Hlds for both macadam I ted nnd cinder surfnen will be received, nnd thn commission wilt choowi the class or paving that appears satisfactory. Tho road, known as tho Modoc Point road, was recently opened to travel, after being closed for con struction nil summer. It Is rough nnd rocky for virtually Its ontlro leikgth, very hard on automobile. Tourists nrn advised by the cham bor of rommorco Information bur eau to nw tho west sldo of tho lako routo to reach Crater lake Nat all tourists visit tho Information bureau, however, nnd n fow try tho east aide and carry away n very lm d Impression of Klamath county roads becauso of tho Modoc stretch, Ilesldenls ot tho Fort Klamath and Cnlloquln districts, nnd local residents who havo Interests In those dUtrlctN that requires frequent visits ulfo will bo ploaaod to learn that It It fitaiiicd to 'speedily Improve If. Woman's Hand Is Terribly Lacerated In Electric Wringer Mrs. Sarah Oowen, well-known resident of this city was severely In jured this aftornoon wbon her loft hand was caught in tho wringer ot nn cloctrlc washing machine. Neigh bors bearing her scream ran to her omittance but wero unable to abut off tho powor. It was nearly 20 ralnuton boforn an electrician ar rlvod to shut off tho powor and by that time Mrs, tlowen's hand was ntrlppod of nearly ull tho flesh nud ono finger wan gone, It Is roportod by tboaa who witnessed tho nccl dont. Sho was rushed to tho hospltnl nnd Is under tho enro of Dr. U I.. Trunr. No Arrests For Traffic Violations For Past 2 Days taws rotating to automobllo rules and regulations bavo had n strenuous onforcomont In this city slnco J. J. McMnhon arrived from Salem, stated Traffic Officer McLaughlin today. Thoro havo boon no arrosts In tho lust two days duo to tho fact that automobllluts nra complying with the regulations. Tho last word hnn boon said rela tive tp tbo matter ot speodlni; in this city, also tho crosnlnK nt In torsoctlona, ho said, Tho nutoists ot this city havo hud warning al most dally from tho proas nsktni thorn to cross tho Intersection? nt a spood less than 12 mllos nn hour An Intelligent driver, Offlcor Mc Laughlin states, will cross nn Inter section very slowly nnd cautiously, Tho man passing thon can do so in watch out for him." School will soon start. During va cation tlmo, tho nutotsts havo not had to slow down to 10 mlleo nn hour when passing school buildings. Now tbo ordinance will bo observed nnd fair warning Is given not to hit It up boyond that snood as a chock will bo kopt on tho nutos passing BChools. Ono othor Injunction. At night, whoa an autolst turns out his lights or "flicks" thorn to nn oncoming au tolst, nnswor tho samo way and thon whon within 50 or n 100 yards, turn out anl stop, Lonvo on tbo dimmers, Tho man passing them can do 3 In safety. M N T IE TBI TRIP; LESS THAN TEN OF 49 ON BOARD SURVIVE THE CRASH HUM, England, Aug. 24. Fatal ities In today's dlrlglblo dlsastnr bavo not been dofinltoly ascertain ed, but It In believed tbnt not loss than ton of tho 411 persons on board weru savod. Twelvo bodies wore re covered. Tho disaster occurred while tho craft was on her final trial flight before being turned ovor- to tbo United States navy, Tbo crash camo Just aflor tho ulrshlp bad mado a sharp turn, ovor Hull. Apparontly tho strain placed upon tho ship In tho turn was too groat. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. Twnty one Amorlrann woro on the dlriglblo 7. lt-2 when It was wrecked todtt) during tbo trial flight, said a re port to tho nnvy department. A' 730 tonight it appeared that only GERMAN TREATY IS APPROVED WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. Details ot tho pence troaty botwoen tho United States and Germany -woro laid before, tho republican mombors of thn senate foreign relations com mitter today at tho Whlto House by President Harding and Secretary ot Rlnto Hughes. Tbo majority ot mombors aro reported to havo given cordial approval to tho terms. Tho president hopos for ratifi cation of tho troaty at an early dato, but will not opposo tho 30 day ro- cess ot congress which Is to be gin tonight, Inasmuch as it la do strod that the German retebstag and tbo United States sonato consider tho mattor simultaneously and tho rolchatag doea not moot until Sop tombor 20. Tho treaty la reportod to bo a comparatively short documont. It Is primarily a peace treaty and Its ratification will bo followed by a treaty of commerce and amity. The text Is not to bo disclosed un til signed today by Commissioner Dreaol for American and Foreign Minister Iloson for Gormnny. Remedy For Canal Leak Is Up To District Directors Conaont of thn dlroctors ot thn Klamath Irrigation district to charg ing tho cost ot Improvement to op oration and malntonnnco Is noccs sary In nbatlng tho nulsanco cauBod by tho soepago ot water from tho govornmont's main canal near tho end of Pine streot, says H. D. Now ell, projoct manager, In n letter to Dr. 1 1. D. Lloyd Stow art, city health officer. Dr. Stownrt wroto tho projoct mnn agor on August 18, asking co-operation In rollovlng tho condition, which ho descrlbod as Insanitary and a nulsanco. It wag asscrtod that nn Impnssablo Btroot was croatod by tho mlro ot tho soopago and that bata. monta In tho nlghborhood wero flooded. Mr. Newell In Ills reply dlrectj at tention to a similar complaint made last year by Mrs. D. D. Grimes, l.Sr Pine Btroot, which was referred to tho director ot tho reclamation ser vice Ho rulod that as no fundi wero available tor dralnago nny remody must bo charged to operation and malntonnnco and thoroforo would como under tho Jurisdiction of tho district dlroctors. It Is suggestod that it tha city would permit ubo of the sowor, a tllo drain could bo built from the flood ed nroa. A fow hundred teet of drain, It was said might solve tho difficulty nnd would bo much less costly than comontlng tha banks of (he canal. MM TT 1 six of tho ontlro complomont ot pas songorn bod nurvlvod. Tho Unltod State wa to pay 12. 000,000 for tbo dlrlglblo on final delivery. Tho loss falls on tho Eng lish contractors who built (he craft. LONDON, Aug. 24. Tbo giant Z R-2, purchased by the United Stntes from Orcnt Britain, explod ed ovor tho city of Hull, according to advltos rocelved horo, Tho air ship Is wrecked In tho river num ber. ' The airship was passing over Hull when suddonly It broka In two. There woro terrific explosions fol lowed by flames as tbo dlrlglblo J dropped. Thrco parachutes left tho craft, with thrco men clinging to ono I parachute. Tbo explosion en u sod a panl.; In . Hull. Tbo wrcckngo fell ovor Vlc- torla plor. Many windows woro I broken by tbo force of tbo explosion. 10NG HANS. CALLS SHERIFF Lato Monday evening, Frank Schraldtz, proprietor ot a storo at Deatty arrived in this city and re ported at tbo sheriffs' oftlco that bootleggers had visited that place during tho showing of a traveling carnival troupo nnd had sold wbls key to Klamath Indians. Some brawls had occured nnd a poolroom proprietor named Johnnlo Hutchl son had been forced to uso a billiard cuo on two Indians on Saturday night In his placo to preserve or der. ' C. C. Low, Jess Walker. Henry Stout and Jets Hunsaker at onea wore deputlzod to go to Bcatty and investigate. Arriving tboro, tbo shorift's party found the placo quiet and no "outbreaks" as first rumors bad namod It. A search In the vi cinity ot tho district notted them nothing In tho way of the names of tho nlleged bootleggers. It -was reported to tbcm that slnco tho recent nllotment ot $200,000 by tho government had been mado, the In diana had been securing "firewater" from somo source A raid was mado on tho ranch ot Gcorgo Honderson nnd Matt Lowry last wcok by W, G. West, Indian agent, netting a quantity ot alleged moonshlno whiskey. It has boon reported to tho sher If fit' oftlco that tho raid made on tbo Hondorson ranch tallod to got tbo full supply of liquor which was said to havo been mado a fow days before. An Investigation was mado ot this mattor yostorday by Deputy Sheriff Hawkins -who loft at noon for tho Hondorson ranch. In connection with tho moon shlno, it has been rumored that whiskoy merchants aro working in tho vcllnlty of tho Huckleborry mountain among the campers thero. Mon with full "cargoos" of tho moonshlno liquor bavo boon seen In tho berry patches by plckors from this city. SKTTJiKMENT FOIl FJHB 108S 18 NEGOTIATED An appraiser ot tho London In' nurunco company from tho San Fran Cisco oftlco was ill tho city yester day inspecting tho ruins of the Mars pbol room nnd bofore ho left, a set tlement was mado with John llmnn and Jalmar Knkhonon for $5,892.14 on tbolr policy calling1 for 16000. WWMWWWWWWWWWM,W)W Tho government, says Mr. Newell, spont about 000 In blanketing tho ditch slopo In 1919, but remedied, tho loaKngo little Whon tho water roaches Its Its maximum height It seeps through the bank, Mr,' Newell said tho health offi cer's, protest had been referred to tbo district directors. ' T State Will Ask Death Penalty In. Brumfield Trial ItOBBOURU, Aug. 24. The stato will ask tbo death penally In tho casn of'Dr. R. M.Drumfleld, accused of thn murdor of Dennis Itussoll, District Attorney Neunor announcod toduy. Ho said that the prosocutlon has evi dence that has not been published Tho district attorney expoctn tho defonao to( bo Insanity or lapsed memory. It Is known tbat prone Inont alienist will attend tho trial. Because ot difficulty tbat ts ox-, poctod in obtaining a Jury in' Doug gifts county a change of venure rnay bo asked. Davo Shook, residing near Dairy was In tbo city today on business and stated tbnt the Yonnn Valley oil wolt was being operated stead ily in tho search ot oil. Shook Mid that when bo left tho rig yesterday, tbo log showed over .1100 foct penetration and that thero we. e in dications of oil. A bucket ot tl.o water withdrawn from tho.woll had an oily substance on It and when this scum was sklmmod off and flame applied, the substance burned freoly. A sampio was to havo been brought bcro frr sending off to a chorals! but was loft at tbo rig. Rosa Sutton was cnt bark to get it today. Mr. Shook stated that a. (.00 feet, ono ot tho finest artesian well ever struck In that section was faun, the water icy cold and of al'i-nar bluo color. Tho water brought up yesterday at 1100 teet as warm and had, Shook tonnecf It? "a frlKTat'tul smell, Just like the smell you g-t around a wharf where the water from tho ocean has recedrd from ItV and tbat a black oil substance was on tho surface Thn drill has boon kept going steadily, Shook said, for the past month, two mon remaining en" tho Job nil tho time. Tbo promoters of tbo company, alj of .iWhora J aro residents of tho valley, say thiyr In tend to keep on until they find oil. Women Have Close Call When Auto Goes Over Bank Sadlo Hartley and Qusslo Voss, proprietors of the Klamath Rooms at 125 South Sixth street today owo their liven to the .strength which was in tho top of a closed Dodge coupo car. ' Yesterday evening Just at dusk thoy were driving on tho Algoma Flats and -when a car approched them going towards this city, In nn effort to glvo plonty ot passage spaco, Mrs. Hartley drovo to tho odgo ot the roadside. A steep bank lay undor the edge ot the road and Just as sho attempted to stop, a heavy .layer ot dust permitted tho loft whools ot tho car to "roll" and the car turned turlo, smashing tbo right sldo ot tho'coupo in Its down ward flight. Qloss nnd portions ot tho frame work fell upon tho oc cupants but did not cut clthor ot them. The rolling over however knocked both women unconscious. When tho drivor ot tho car who was coming tnwarJs them reached their sides. consciousness "was returning. First aid was given both ot them and thoy were brought to this city nt once. Tho top of tho coupo was com plotoly smashed except tbo left hand corner behind tho drivers' seat, tho fenders in front smashed and tho rndlntor loosened. Tho fly wheel was bont so tbat it could not bo usod. Tho car was brought Into the city last night by H. S. Wake field, tho Dodge agent hero, undor Its own power. Mr, Wakofiold es timates tho damage to the car nt botwoen $900 and $1,000. WHITE ItOlllX FOUND WORCESTER. Mass.. Aug. 24. A puro whito robin, tho first tbat Is known to bayo been seen In Worces ter county in 30 years, was report od to tho Worcester natural history museum by Ci Sj Richardson, ot Auburn. INDICATIONS OF-OILPROMISING r-T77- iiiaiuifiiiHis. VISITOR; SCENIC WONDERS GrDDINI Development of Orecosi'e scenic at- 'tractions, and Industrial rnonreos go band In hand, asserts "ProfHor J. B. Hornir, bead of the department of ' history at tho Oregon agricultural college, who accompanied by bis wlfo and daughter, i on an automobile tour ot Iho state and was a visiter hero today. ' Tho Lewis and Clark exposition, said tho professor brought many per sons to tho northwest, to whom U.4 northwest was an unfamiliar land. They saw Jts many resources nnd re vised their previous conceptions. As a result E. H. Harrlman, th railway builder, found their pursei opened for railway Investment, and. an era ot omplro. building. was begun. ., Southeastern. Oregon, 3.17.1, Prof i--sor Jforner,-has"Tnany attractions"' for ' tho searchers for tbo unlquo and j spectacular InNature. Many ot thoso I who are attracted by tha scenlcjuro y find opportunities for,lnfesiment and tho dovelopment of commercial enter prises. And so aa the tldo ot 'ravel grows stronger, now flnanrUl streams pour into tbo channels of commerce and Industry. Communltlo-t must not estimate tho value of iconic, at tractiveness merely on a basis hf tho money spent in passing by tbe tra veler, the professor holds. Professor Horner is completing a' work on tbo history of Oregon, In which some of the marvel ot "tho state will be deal, with. Thj first . copies will be ready in a few week. It will be a.text book that will supply "JjPSA' frtfeowpjefcenslblp, hjstory ' of the stato in tho Btito ichoiTiT In preparing tho history. Protestor Horner had tbe collaboration ot Capt O, C. Applcgato in gathering data regarding this section of Oregon. ' , The professor visited the raves of the Deschutes country. Crator Lake and tbe Sand Creek pinnacles on hit trip. While Crater Lake is a marve' ot nature, ho says, tbe pinnacles are unique. Crater inko Is recogntied as one of tbo 'sis sconlc wonders of the continent, but tbe p'lnnacle region atands alone In the world as a scenic attraction. And tha Bend eaves are n wonderland tor tbe scientist and tho explorer ot Nature's oddities, he declares,, that, wlthv other natural attractions, will drawt!-oninds to southeastern Oregon as they 'bo- como more widely advertis ed. Professor Horner wa a speaker t at tho forum luncheon'of tbe cham bor of commorco today. PBElNlTOF FIRE IS TOPIC 1 ln tbo year 1919, 15,219 doaihs occured In tiro losses, ot wblcti 75 epr cent were preventable, and 177,864 women and children wore Injured, stated Fire Chief Arabrosa nt tbo forum ot the chambor of com morco tpday. Over 8X per cout wore children undor school age and the monotary value which flamoa licked up In proporty was $275,000.0001 en ough to build a Panama canal every yoar. L Tbo chief gave an 'in'teresttngibts tory ot tiro prevention, aai'lhe methods best suited for this city Mayor 'Wiley followed by substant iating tho fire chief in his plana 'for tire prevention and stated that a, uumbor of citizens had asserted that thoy were willing to stand additional taxes to Improvo the fire situation plan here, also Increase the fire fighting equipment. ' LOH ANGELK8 PRISONER TOLLED LOS ANGELES. Aug. 24, Horace Box, county Jail prlsonor, was shot and klllod by doputy sheriffs In 'a gun tight today, after Box waa dis covered attempting to break Jail. He struck a deputy ovor the head with the log of a cot and seised all gun, but was shot by another dep uty, I " "