1JI c XUHftDAY, AUUVHT IM, ltfai. V-) w Jfea illSCELLAMEQUS- , I Aiifbotl bed and a good bath at Cololiilal rooms, 11th near Main St., andlafc Colonial annex, 7 4 L Walnut AvoJII'JUl atMdefalry'tQxwui. M 22 11 I WAITED vd&S wJiiARUimnw 8Bd your trophies to us to mount! Wo mounts Jtanjrind.imake everything In W 'fur line.' ' Could' uso ! representative at -Klamath FalU.ttl DrutonB Taxidermy Tonnory andlFur Co., Rosoburgi'Oreg.' J ' - - i .- Jj w WANTED A clerical years cxperlenco In 10, Herald office. , position. G offices. Box 22-23 iJ THrJlTURNER; Apartments, .13 OaK SfcV Mrs.' Lyons now manager. Two room; 25lOO single. '$16.00, -wood light and water furnished, 22-26 WANTED Woman experienced ns tibial c66W7dr 'pantry'' wom'tin wouM.Uko position. Address -or phoM Room 7, Turner Apts., SIS OaklM. 22-24 WAK1TED.Tp.DUV Oaiollno. Saw, RJ. Pacific Coast Mint Co., Phone 80 O-jIt'Or HFC -,! ll tJ "n W t trr. -1-:."- cmitJARBAdB-WIwi1 you want Wltsw removed, call t OF 2.1. UNIVERSITY OF OREQO.V, Eu gendlljj! Aug., 23 (Special) That praoijteally oxery Unlterslty of Oro son jiitidento-tantacod ln'somo.ktnd of Work ukSoiiiior iofholp pay-o'x.-nsCslforLke'xtteoilcci yca rorciMd by sVsurroy of their occupa bero-4eTka anions-the' workers. Salesmanship lsanother profession which recruits a good following from amosr Untterstty tt Otdg'.-fa'stu'dohts'. Nearly all the major students In the .School of Journalism are work Ins; tin newspapers for the summci Somj are juststartlng out 1n their and iothera arov acting in ie4Itorlal capacities. The department of phy sical'- education for women has group of women students acting as playground directors for-tboVsum; murf Th trrotit fnnrtlnn nf thl schoel Is (6 train rphyslcsl'ednctlon lnstnictors and graduates of It havo Uttls dlftleultrla ncuiinK-posItl6hs: In! the forestry serrlco aro a num hereof meBtTnd'wtmenBCtlng hi' Taridus s capacities. Five men are en-1 gaged In therrork ofthe Serial forest' patrel, one being llason officer at. tho tloni ThtfTtlna'df Wit k? being dbno' varies from salmon fishing In Alaska to fifing wltEthe- atrial fdrest p'ifrol in Oregon. A large numbetof the men are working in the harvest iojds'df Jtho atattV Not a-feW'of tbewomen.Vtoo, are engaged In somoirsortof Jigrlcul tural work. One'glrl Is ' running' 'a' traclor on her father's farm and says, it la fun. Others are cooking'1 for barveet hands, picking borrtes and working In orchards. , n f r , Logging camps furnish work for a numbefoflho mon,"n1thoughlt is not thought that as jnany!,found employ ment atthli-'work'ag during previous vacations. Sawmills also havo a con siderable number of University "men In their employ this summer. Various kinds of construction camps claim their quota of workers from tho stu dent body as'wolrt About equal numbers 'ofrrnon and women are working in offices. These Include offlces'of banks, stores', doc tors, state departments' and general businesses. There aro also a num.- l'll JfcKM ri JL A I lit -XI I A,I.11m1 I ll II L ImL mm I & ilFILlAUVLKIIMIiriLniJ MMW I . , . . . i-ir ' i i r. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS HCWS tlTTLE BlLiN Tto0v MRSPRAKEV djBn(JLr- SriPS.m:- mm fa parSif ri. ea wmmtt y r vfejw.j r : w&i noa . THE . u m IV gagiaa McMillan Ant . 32-36 WANTED Woman for' wash 'room. French llnnd laundry. 123 N. ,4th St. " ' fi ' I ,&'iS-2lUl WANTEDriKnQ.rlc,rt(,(ini8nu' lronor i Frntirh Hand I Laundry. isam. 4thetrcot, , ,. 20-23' i-bh" 'n'E'ST.Three'Voom furnished , liousg. j33 Washington, tjt. 20-23 ,WANTEDfnTotrado,a, loUot .Inch lumber and dimension for Oats. Call Iwrlto or phone. Nino Lumber Co. City. Phono 23F2. 20-23 CUT-OFF mon wnnTcd. also common laborer.,, Growers, IJackUiK orc housing Ass'n. i--i .Mr' J : i ! WANTEDt-To trade. Pine nnd Fir -lumber, till dimensions for hay and pats,-i Call, phono or write. Whlto Pine Lumber "Co.? City' rhorie'23F3: 5 , 2023 I, ' , , ? Agcnu' Wanted. County Agents" wanted, Dig money maker agents can clear Ten dollars per day, wrlto at onco for our agents proposition. .A. J. Mollis, 123 Vi 1st St.', Portland.' Ore. 10 23 PAINTS', OILS AND - .VARNISH 1 , ,- WALLPAPER HO,5 W. K. AND J. E. PATTERSON' " Phoniil6-W.- ' 127 N. 4th St. , 1-31 Herald 'cltMl fle4"'a par T. ,Eugene headquarters and tho other four observers. Two University wo fa en art! acting as lookouts tor forest fires, from ponks In tho Cascade mountains. OJhnre of thu Krol,ia,!JD, actfng as rangers, f Iro wardoni uuid 1 other forestry' workors. Carpenter, work Is being dono by several men and, a few aro working In ' bJacKMnun snops. .mcciiuuicui work, palntjng. garago work, rall rba'd cmpIoymonCtnicK "dlrtlnersdr1-' raying andlroad'vork.aro some,, of tho other manual occupations of tho Unfversltf'man for tho vacationers lod. rsovcral men havo gono to sea lor mo ' summer. ; (tj nj ,'lt Jifcstlmatcdithat 70 'per cunt of the s'tudort'tg atjlh'oTInlvbrslt'y of Ore gon earn thglr own way olthor wholly or partly. Many find employment during the school year as well as In yacalpntlmo and Jn this, way narc ablo to nay. tholr entire oxpenses. A frco employment bureau Is maintain ed by the campus Y. M. C. A., for the purposo of finding work for tho stu dents. jTho YW. C. A. alsoToopSr atea wlthrtne'!womcn stuarota in flnd lag positions. Sinnotfs Former '"Secretary tpGet t - . i-LandCtiHce Job "Ilerald -Washington Bureau. WASiriXOT'OS'. Aur.. 23 Edward D: (Ned) Baldwin, offTho Dalles, for several years sccrtary to , Congress- 'man 8Innott and for three. ytut clerk to tho public lands commltlecof the hdutfOWllPbo appointed to tho va- nr in thn iinHi.m intwi ATriA n(.Tr He has-been Indorsed by 'both Ore gon j senators, and the appointment would' havo been announced with the other patronngo Information but for "the fact that tho vacancy does not occur till spring. 1 Baldwin Is regarded by tho land offlco and interior department of ficials hero as an expert and has ou two occasions been unusually lion oredby the public lands commlttoa by 'resolutions commending bis' work and special ability In land matter. Bcrtcd a Secretary. He was for six' years secretary of the Oregon Republican state commit teo and for somo tlmoactlng chair man, , FebWwhen the termor (ho l..t. ZX &n His appolntmonf has the, lndorno- 'rv.- . .., Mil. vino.' """" luunywiuviu ...o .-..... over the work' Of tho PortWnd office will place It ln tho hands ot an expert His appolntmonf has tne, inuorno-1 fIcaliomj thorefor on file with tho moh't not only of Spnojqr McNnry and. city Englneor and the Pollco Judge. Sonator Stanflolo, but also of tho 'for either of tho classes of - hardsur - k4MMW'A BOBB WA5 SICK I oH,Vu DOM'T WM AWMfflW. AIL MlGriTl 1 WAS tp, mE . B mo . i i a in Ar-i a EVENING HERALD, Twenly-five Years WUTHIIMII ' f .1111 " " L iFTli nOflQLWjph ! s !I?i piayw a ajhn trljhiy t Jca' h3")5"r a i avcty'mott -me "WutNTEP guita Player fioorsTbi- KNTWRTXINEP T BOYS AT JIM CARLY TWS V4UK , lii land law and procedure who has had the benefit of yeaWof Intimate contact with tho departments lmna- ling nil theso matters and with tho formation anfr paisago of all tho prln- clpai; legislation "referring to tho public lands of tho country. 0 '' Kuuifh-Id Kn Itouta ; cn.ncnflnt I nnur nn bin wnT ,0 Oregon and t.r N, -will leave hero somo tlmo between August. 25 and September 1. M... .. v kw 1a twin tvravsTlTUTlON'll. referred In tho common council. Tho IIKLD U.COSTlTUTIUAi.!nward J(j t,o ,uccoalful ula,i0r will I :., 23 f nnKKNSHORO. N. C. Auk. Tcdoral Judge lloyd today held tho new child labor law unconstltutlon-, iVl-wMlVh-MmirlnB al. Judgo lloyd, two r, years ngo, 2C fMl n wdth wltl( 0tllor nitull also held tho Owen-Keating child tnc Concreto or Wllllle. curbing, labor bill to bo unconstitutional and and laying of concreto sidewalks. ...- . ... ., l!n TTnllnil. A. L. IjHAVITT, ins BUirvui " - ----1 Stitespheld hla ruling p Mako that Idle donor work! rut It In tlio bank, c o. vntlCK JNV1T1NQ. PllOI'O.'i.lLSiTO 1 mPROVKJ KLKVKXTHBTRBr TrMmAti rivtcfflVlWrA 1Tt4Af. ATir." v '' 'v" tx: A Proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of the City of Klamath .Falls, Oregon, for maklngi the Improvement of Elevonth street from Main, street to Klamath nvonuo. VTho'lmDrovoment to bo mado In adcordanco with" tho. plans and spo cltlcallons' therefor on flic with the City Engineer, nnd In tno otiico ot'tiio Impoyomont or jenorson jiroei tho Police Judge, for clthor of tho from Third streot. to FIRirstreet and classes of hnrdsurfaclng mentioned ' Fifth street from'" Jefferson to Lin In the plans and specifications and1 coin street nml Lincoln street. Fifth In Ordlnanco No. SG3, ordering tho'itrcot to Sixth street. Including In Improvement. The making of tho torsectfons.1 nml tho Intorsoetlon nt Improvement will bo let In ono con- Lincoln 'nnd Sixth streets. Tho Irn troct. Proposals must' bo fllod wlth'pmcment to Tie mnilo In accordance the Police' Judgo not later than 8 with tho plans nnd specifications o'clock' P. M. of Octobor 3rd. 1921,,'thnrefor on fllo with the City En- at which, time and dato at tho cltyjglncer and In thn offlco of thn Pollen nan in saiu cuy an iroposnia win uu opened for consideration (Each" proposals must be accom-jnnd panlcd by a certlf lod 'check on rome rosponslblo banking .Institution equal prop0sal. to bo forfeited to the city 19 (1 per com 01 1110 auiuuui ui iuy upon failure of tho auccessiui urn der to enter Into contract and bond for tho faithful completion of the. Improyement. Tbo right (o reject any and all bids Is hereby resorved in inn i.nmmon council. ljiu uwan to bo authorlxedfor financing the proposed Improvement. Tho Improve ment to consist of grading full width and hardsurfaclng 40 fcot In width, with either bltullthlc, concrete, Will Ite or'aspbaltlc concreto, curbing and ten foot 'cement sldowalk. A. h, LEAV1TT. Police Judge. nr order of the Common Council. NOTTCK IWITIXC1 PROPOSALS TO 'IMPROVE WABlirNOTO.V - STREET FROM TIIIRI hTRKirr TO FIFTH STREET, INCLUDING INTERSECTIONS. Proposals will bo received by the Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon for making tho Improvement of Washington street 1 from Third street to Fifth streot In- eluding Intersections. The ImDrovoinont to bo made in accordanco wlh the plans and spocl- facing mentioned in tuo pians una ... . ,, ,, I (l.o n.llnnnro Vn r,r- nTltRTinr ,hn Imnrnvnment. Thomoklng ot the Improvement will Tom Displays a -U A'.vmI.u wVir'ABVku KLAMATl Lin rftLw, vivijvvri Ago IiLinkyillc, STAWty WAT30N6 BWUiur w bo let la ono fentrnct ProposaM ",OT ff "-? Oc,0jjr 3tJ 1931, t which dato and tim0( nt tho Council Chamber In said city, nil proposals will bo opened ns.dmj.on. nnlcti by 'a crtlfUd phoek ou somo reliable banking Institution equal to flvo nerctnt of tho amount Of tho tiMffi?lZ b!! . , ,.,. contrncl nt,a bond for tho faithful completion or tno Improvement. Tho right to reject nny and all proposals being horoby bo made, contlnpent upon, tho salp of Iho bonds to 1m' ulithorlwd for flnanclns.Uiy.rrouQsod lm;irovcnnnt l'ollco JudKO ny orJfr of tho coirnnon Council. VOTICIl INYITIMJ ritOI'OSAI.S TO I contrnct. Proposals must bo Illwi IMtOM Tlllltl) STIHSirr TO I'llTll ! o'clock V M., of October 3rd. 19-1. HTKIIITT. Al PH-TII STKCirrInt which time mid itnlo nt the , city from .ir.Ki'i:nst). to i.i.ixii.i" 8TRi:r.T..XH LINCOLN .STIti:r.T FIIOMT'IITII STRI IIITTTII HIMII KTiti:irr inoludino intf.iwkc. tions AN'it.Tin: i.vrniini:oTioN OF LINCOLN AND SIXTH STREOT. Pxopoinls will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, for making juugo, lor emivr ui iiiu iwh" ' j hardsurfaclng mentioned In tho plans specifications nnd tn Ordlnnnce No BfiO, ordering tho Improvement Tho making of thn Imprnvomont wltl uu ini m unu viiuirnvi. rroposan musi uo man iui two Pollco Judge not later thnn 8 o'clock P M.. ofOctobor 3rdi 11J1, nt which tlmo nnd date at tho Council Cham ber In said city all proposals will bo opened for consideration. Each proposal must he accompa nied bv n certified check on somo responsible bnnklng Institution equal' to C por cent of thn nmount of tho proposal, to bo forfeited to tlio city upon failure of thn successful bid dor 'to enter Into 'contnrct nnd bond for tho faithful completion of the (mprovomont Tho right to reject lnny and nil Jilfl being nernny re- 'served In the Common Council. The nward to tho successful blddor will bn mado contingent upon tho Bale of tho bonds to bo nuthorltcd for rinnnclng tho propoicd Improvement, Tho Improvement Is to, consist of grading to full width, Imrdfliirfnclng 25 feet In width with olthor Illtull thlc, Concreto or Wllllto, with curb ing and bIx oot enmont sidewalks on both sides, nil Intersections to bo pavod full width. A. Ji. LKAVITT. Pollco Judgo. ' By ordor or the Common Council. 1 NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE IUDOHADO STREET' ' FROM KSPLANADE TO PORT- ' LAND; AND MELROSE FROM nunuiuwni -ut ivh-imij -i-ihi- I VPArTTr Prondsals will bo received bv tho Common Council of' tho City of Klam'- Fatherlyrlnterer I WAS GOMC, "TU BOTHER BETTER THIS HORNING JI-' OMERrTilF! Ly -m ' ' jftws. -MIL v, ff " rvAr W.W ' " ifrlN ife- xwmm miMZhrtwIL-JhL , ' -Til 1 1 ih-i I (nnrtk , i. Mi 1 1 Mmmmmk mmmmVmmKi ALa itVU. Ml JLLff jIss'II ' 1 l " nth Fnft, qroKon, for mnlilijR tho from 'Esplnnndo to Torllniid Htre(Ui iiml Melrose Blroot from llldurmlo to Pnclflo Turrnco, IncludliiR intersec tions, Thu Improviiment to bo miulo In nccordnueo with tho pIuiim nnd sped Jlratloiis therefor on (lie with tlio City Kiigliieor nml In Iho offlco of .tho Pollto Judge, for either otj tho vlimnes of ImrdsiirfhcliiK niontlnned ln tho plans nnd spoclflcatlonn nml ,1ft Ordinance No. 5GG, nrdnriiiR tlio ilmtiroemniit. Tho mnklgg of thu .liuproMtiiH'iit will bo lot In 0110 con tract Proposals must bo filed with tho Potlcg Judgo not lntor than N o'clock JVM., of October 3rd., 1021, nt which dato and tlmo nt Urn city hull In tu I (I city, nil proposnln will hq Aliened for coisld,eratlonv , . ICach iiroppsnl .must bo Accompa nied by A eofttflod chock 'oil' imirth riispnnslblo bunking Institution equal to G'per cent of tho amount of tho proposal tn bo forfeited to tliii, clt upon Mtluro of tho successful bidder to untor Into contrnct nnd bond for tho faithful completion of tho Im provement Tho right to reject any nnd nil bids being hereby rosorvod In tho common council. Tho award to Iho successful bidder will bo made contingent upon tho salo of thn bonds to ho mithorlted for financing the proposed Improvement, Tho Improvement 1 to, .consist pf grading street 'to full width, hnrd surfacing to the width of 3(f foot with olthor UltUllthlc, Cpncrtlo, and curbing. A. L, LEAV1TT, Police Judgo. Ilj- order of thn Common Council. NOTICi: 1NVJT1XO IMlOI'OSAIJi TO tMi'itovH.iuoH HTitr.trr ritoM Timtii KTniurr to ckoau HTItKinr. AND CintAll KTIIERT rnoi man htukkt tii ri HTiiKirr. Proposals will bo received by tlio Common council or uie viiy 01 iiam nth Falls. Oregon, for making the lmproement of High Street from Third street to westerly Irno of III5I1 ir..r nml rVilnr ilrnot from I Hell street to Pin ttot IncludhiBifntei sections, Tho, luiprooniont. to ,bo made In ncrdanco, with Mho plavm mi. I muicirirntlonA thurofore. tin file wllh tho City Engineer and In the offlco of tho Pollco Judgo. for either of tho classes of hartlsurfaclug men tioned in the plans nnd .specifications and In Prdlnanco No. G58, ordering tho Improvement. Thn mnklng Of tho Imprdvomont will bo let In.nnn ' ""," "" i'ii' oponcu mr rnnsiuorau .11. rntii, jiiifiu., ii . nccanipn nled bv n certified clieck on somres ponnlbln banking Institution cqilnl to l per cent of mn amount 01 inu nronosnl. to bo forfeited to thu city upon fnlluro of tlio tmcrctafnl bidder to enter Into contact and bond for tlio iniuuui compiouon 01 1110 1111- provoment. The Tight to reject nnyi and all 'bids bulng hereby rcsereil In the Common Council. Thn, uwanl to tho successful bidder will bo mado contingent upon tliii snt of thn bonds to bo nuthnritcd for nmincing tno proposed Improvement. The Improvement to consist In gra ding to full width, hardsurfaclng to tho width or 25 feet with either iiitu llthlc. Concrete nr'WIIlltri, with curb ing and cement sidewalks. A. L. L11VVITT. Pollco JudgoJ ny order or tun rommon uouncn NOTICE1 INVITING I J-riilV LtVim hTllhlW WlOM IMI'ROVH HIGH THIRD KTHCKT w . ... wmi. STREET AND IH)IJRTII STRELT ITtOM PINE TO .lin-TERHON . HTRKET. " Proposals wltl bn received by tho Common Council of tho City of tKlam nth Falls, Oregon, for making tho improvement of High Blroot from Third street to. Sixth street nnd Fourth street from Pine streot to Jefferson street, Including Intersoc ttons. Thn improvement to liaynadnjbrr In said city nil proposals will be ico"wlth thV'plans ah ill Opened lor consideration, Each pro is therefor, nn flip wlth'posal must bq arcoinpantocLjiy, a enr iglncef'nhd'ln tlio offlco 1 tlfird check on somo responsible In accordanco niiL.iiiiiitiuiin s.auiiiwii tho City Engineer nhd In tho offlco of thoJlQllcoiJudKQfor cJther.of tho clauses of hnrdsurfaclng1 meritloned In tho plans nnd specifications nnd in Ordlnanco 'No. EC1, ordorlng the Im provoment. Tho making of tho Im provomont will bo lot In ono contrnct. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco' Judgo not lntor thnn 8 o'clock P. M., of Octobor 3rd., 1021, nt.whlch tlmo nnd dato at tho Coundl.Chambor In said cty nil proposals will bo opened for consideration. Each proposals must be nccotnpan led by a certified chock. 011 somo res ponsible banking Institution nqunl jo C per cent ot tho nmount of tho proposal, to bn forfeited to tho city upon fnlluro or tno succcssrui uiu dor to enter Into contract and bond for tlio faltl(ful completion of thq Improvement. Thn right to reject nny ana nil limn ueing iierony rosorvou in I II. r........n. f'nilnnlln Tim nu.nr.1 in thn miei-nKiriil-lililiinr will hn mndo contingent upon tho salo,ot tho hpndy.Hy order of the Common Council. rMHlWlSli: ' aknthimg for. , iKSrry ,ra jti ufn t auB'.vaa . . mrm VcW I'AOR to bo luthorlroa for financing thtr 1 hiropcjiK d liAHfovombiltThO iniproTe t iiiiint to consist of grading to full I 1..1I ,...umi..m Vwfinlv flVft Wllllii. iiiiriinuiiiii,in """ ...f. f.ni 111 width wlth'Telthor llltullthlo, Cpiicrotu or other liArdMurfneo pvo iiiont, with curblngtniid'ceiUBiit'ilao- A.I,LldAVITr. I )'ollce Judi. Ilj.' order of Uiq. Common CuubcH! ,t err 1 ii'iia .i..n ,.i". '.;ix! Vft IMPItOVIJHKNI 1MAK chtiiki;1 . Proposnln wlll.ho tocolvod br th' Ciiiniiion Council of tlio C(ly of Klarn n li FiillttjSarouou. ror imkiw, v Ii ipnivoniUnt dtdgnbd ifor Kourttt s met friim'Klaiiiatli.nvonne to tho s iiithorly lino lif'Oak hvenuni ITIfth si reel from Kliimiith iivenuo.to3 thn spiitherly lino of Willow ATonuo; , Walnut nveniio from the' northorly Him of Fourth ntreet to thn southerly linn of Hlxth street. Oak nvonuo from tlio northerly line f rourtlj streot t( thn sniitiarly linn of Kovonth streets WHWw nvpuuo from the northerly l(np of Fifth strent to thn southerly linn of Sixth ntreet together With nil Intersections between tho rS'spnctlvr termini not already Im jroveil Snld proposed Improvements tp bit mndo In accordance with tho lilans nnd specifications of thn city engineer for either of tho classos of Improvement mentioned In snld plans and specification!! nnd thn ordlnnnce ordering tlio proposed Improvement, which ald Ordlnnnce Is numbered R40, ndnpted nn thn 21st day of Fohrunry 1021, nnd by ,tho mayor Approved on thn 23rd day of Februa ry. 1012. The plans nnd specifications for such Improvement being on fllo (with tin Police Judgo and with the city uiglneer. j Tho contract for mailing thb pro posed Improvement will be let In one contract. Proposals must be fltl itllli tho pollen Judgo for submission to the council not Inter thnn 8 o'clock l M. on Oftohnr'3rrt, 19X1. nt which tlm nnd dnto, at tho council chamber In said city, nil proposals will be m1nt11.1l nml considered. JJnch proposal to be accompanied by A certified cheek on somo respon sible bank equal to 0 per cent of thn proposal, samo to bo forfeited to tho rlty upon failure of tho sue- Mrsuful bidder to ontor Into bond and 1 contract for thn faithful completion of tho Improvement. Tho right to reject any and nil bids nnd proposals Is hereby reserved In thn city. The award to tho successful blddor will be mado contingent Upon the sale of thn bonds to hn nuthnrlied for pro vldlng funds for financing the pro posed Improvement. Illils nro rotpeciiuny invucu on lllthlllhlc, Oil Mnrndum and concrete, In mid It Ion to grading, curbing, drain age nnd commit .t.!'.xi Dated at Klamath Falls. August 12th, 1921. A. L. LKAVITT. Police Judge. Illy Order of the Common Counrll. . : .-.-, - - -...-7 oTlt'l; IN I TING rilOif),VW.n nt IMPROVE MltlTII RIVERSIDE HTIM'FT FROM WEST MAIN TO CITV l.l.i:i .".' AND WEST MAIN FROM END til' IMVl-MENT.AT CONGER AVENUE TO WESTER- I.V LINE OF SOUTH IIIVKIUIIUK. f Proposals will bo received by the Common Council of tlm City of "Klam ath Falls. Oregon, for making the Improvement of South Riverside street, from Wnst Main to tho city limits, nnd West Main street from end of pavomont at Conger avenue tn westerly lino of South Riverside strret Including Intersections. The bo made In accord- ,anM w'111 u,o Plans nnd 1 1 ... on f,ln wi,h . specifications tUmntnm tn lln will. til f'ltw ITtl . i.V ,J,V..!ir.'Klnoer and In tho offlcn of thn Police' , ' UtU .... ...U n.. ..u . ..M- Judgo for t'llhor of thn cIbmos ot hnrdsurfaclng niontlnned In tho plans nnd specifications mid In Ordlnnnce No. CTiO, ordering thu Improvement. Tho making of thn improvement will bo In ono contract. I'ropowil.i must bo fllod with the Pollco Judgo not later than 8 o'clock V. M. ot Octobor 3rd., 1021, at which tlmo and dato nt thn Council' Cham- banking Institution equal to B por .cent of tbo amount of the proposnt -to nn loriciiou 10 1110 cuy upon inn uru of tlio successful blddor to ontor Into contract and bond for H19 faith ful completion ot tho Improvement. Tho right to reject nny nnd all bids being hereby resarved In tho Com mon Council Tho award to tho suc cessful bidder will bp inadu conting ent upon tho'snln of tho bonds to be nutlforlzod for financing tho propos ed Improvement. The Improvement to consist ot grading to lull .width, hnrdsurfaclng 30 fuet lu width, with olthor llltullthlc, Concreto or'Wltllte, roucrnto curbing, and sidewalks five foot wide 011 west sldo of Houthilllvor-. ildo streot ami frpm Main, to south iu nf park, pn oast sldo, und on southerly Hno of Main to easterly" lino of South Rlvorslde. A. L..LEAV1TT, Pollco Judge- BY ALLMAN i " j i f 4 1 1 M i