PAm wo Z&" tvmday; august m, imi. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 TheEvening.Herald r j: MtmiuT- NU0V8OULK ...Editor ..City Editor Published mllr exoept Sunday, by The Herald' Publishing Company of KUautk Falli,at 119 Eighth Street. m stared at the poitottlce at Kin ath Falls, Oro., for transmission Uroagh the malls aa socond-clasa auttar.. OF THW jkSBOCIATKD .-'- FRK88. Tha Associated Prea 1 exclusively Mtltlad to Ua use for. republication of all nawa dispatches credited' to It. er not otherwise credited in this per, and alto the local sows pub-Uaher-herelB. T m ra HUMBOLDT OIL RECEIVED HERE TUBSDAY, AUGUST SB, 1031. Plant CpmpUted By: Labor Council For Outing Sept. 5 Tha. plana aro all mado now for tha Labor Day picnic about alx mile from here on the Upper Lake and according to the deflnlto arrango Benta made by the .committee, two morning barge tripe, bcaldei launch tripe, will be made to conTey parti ipants out to the grounds., No cost will be made for transportation to or tram tha picnic ground on that day. Chairman Conklln of the arrange: ment committee stated that a num ber of men had volunteered to holp clear away the underbrush on the elected alto but that twenty Volun teers were wanted for Sunday, August 28, to go up the lako In his launch. The band has boon socured to play on tho picnic grounds and the barge fixed so that any one who desire to dance will be able to do so. Free coffee will be proTlded for crory one. The Iter. C. F. Trimble will de liver a short address and either tho Rer. Father Marshall o.r the Rev. Father Molloy will be InTited to apeak as well. The day will bo spent after the fashion any ono desires, with no effort to havo a systematic program. THE STRAND. Dorothy Dalton, Thomas If. Inco's new. and magnetic star, is the horolne of "Chicken Casey," which will bo aeeo at the Strand Theatro, tonlgh. Tha play has to do with tho ad vestures of an actress who plays a elerer trick on a young author to con Tlaee hism that she is fitted for a role which she desires. It is necessary for the accomplishment of her pur pose that she disguise herself as a girl of the slums and undergo a series of startling adventures. She is "game", and the eventual discom fiture of the author la complete. Th,e play is said to b extromely amusing .and offers excellent oppor tunities JJot only 'to Miss Dalton, but also to Charles Onnn. the newThoma8 S. Inoa leading man. who appears M the author. Lob Angeles Will Entertain Realtor LOS ANOELES. Cat., Aug.. 23 For the first time In the history' of the Association, California will en teftain the twenty-alrth annual con vection of Insurance agent here on September IS to 17. Ten thousand delegates are expected to attend. Among the speakers who have, agreed to appear aro John B. Morton, President of tho National Board of Fire Underwriters and Piatt Whit man, Insurance Commissioner of Wis consin. Dinners, Informal dances, sightseeing rides, the usual trip "to see them make movies," a b'arbocuc, and visits to the beachces are includ ed. In the entertainment program. Board Walks in Bad Condition Complaint la being made by citi zens that the board walks In tho down town section aa well as the outlying districts are In bad shape, also boards which are laid for crossings in tho streets. On many- crossings, tho planks have been torn from place by travel and nails protrude. The same con dlton prevails on masy sidewalks In th- city. Boards fly up and crack peoples' shins when one person with draws to tho side to permit another person' to pass. School children will soon havo to use the walks' leading to the various educational institutions here and the complainants say thai tbo "city dads" should in' some manner havo the nails driven down in tho sidewalks, and the loose boards, ropaired bofore now time comes. There Is usually more danger In aa elopme-n't than in any other kind of runaway. A sample of tho oil which wns struck in .tho course- of drilling on tho Ettor placo nonr Potrola in Hum boldt county sftvoral wooks ago was brought to tho office, of the Herald by Charles Olacomlnl, a resident of Petrola who la visiting with bis daughter, Mrs, Charles Garcolon of this city. & This samplo of oil from tho well of tho North Countlos oil company will bo Rent to W. C. Lehman at tho headquarters of tho Northorn Cali fornia Oil company for analyzing and n report mado upon tho quality. The samplo contained In a clear glass bottlo when held to tho light has a reddish cast nnd when taken away and Inspected In tho ordinary light shows n grayish green color. The bottlo shaken vigorously creates a brownish bead which holds some time before disappearing. In all re poets from looks, the sample reeom dries a thin lubricating oil but one wbltf at tho stopper or at the "un- corkod end changes. tho Investigator's mtad as a strong smoll of gasoline Is detected at once. a Tho lnflamablllty of the sample sent was tested In the ordinary way and no ooner was tho flamo hold near tho arising vapor than It broke into a blazo and burned strongly. After the fire had stoppod, the smoll of " coal oil" was distinguishable nbovo tho-othor odors. Tho residue left upon the test was greasy, and as an evidence that gasollno ,was pre sent, the bottom of the container was hoatod to an extent In tho briot per iod of burning so that tho flngortlps could not bo hold on It. Gasollno Is said to throw its heat downward like alcohol when burning. Thtg samplo of oil resembles close ly tbo oil taken from tho Jules Fcr raud "fault" at Vontura, California. Ferraud has a water well in tho rcac of his merchandise storo which was giving fine drinking water until after a slight carthquako disturb ance about Dccombor, 1920. When the water was wlthrawn tho well was found .to contain a high grado oil, having' a specific gravity of 64, nnd In all respects, very simitar to tin sample sent from the Humboldt fields. The parofino boso of tho Fer raud oil, however, iwas found to bo much lower than Is claimed for tho Humboldt product. Ono ot the pecu laritlos about tho Ferraud welt Is that no regular flow Is received. Ono day perhaps ton barrels of oil will be taken out and then only about one barrel a day for a week, then sud denly a big flow will occur. The waif however never falls to net Fer raud 110 a day. The sample of oil received here by Mr. Olacomlnl was taken directly from tbo well of the North Counties well by Daisy R. Lytla who is one of Mr. Giacomlnl's neighbors In a let ter, Miss Lytle states that the com pany Is going to stop drilling and perforate tho casing in the well. As soon as tanks arrive, pumping will begin to estimate the flow of tho well. It Is evident from tho lettor that the North Counties pcoplo ex pect a groat volumo of oil for she states, "they are making a concrete foundation for two steel tanks which will hold 22,000 barrels of oil." Mr. Olacomlnl statos that, accord ing to nowa from I'etrola, exports pro nounce tho oil to be of tbo samo quality of high grado paratflno case lubricating oil that Is found in Suma tra, in the Dutch East Indies, and as the price has boon estlmatod to be $35 per barrol, even a C0-barrol output will pay handsome Teturns to tho Investors. Tho same kind of oil la said to bo found In Pennsylva nia' but In limited quantaltlos. Ex ports pronounce tho field In Hum boldt county to bo about 35 miles In length extending from near Brlce land to tbo Capo Town'dlstrlct. I ' ' st-.,tA. 8S7 MAIN ST. 5Tv$P;lMiS$FT?5w J NKW LINK OF FALL ILVTS JUST IIKCKIVKI) ' mtf' V 'If' .IP - --- - UaaajeAai I krf ksW ' r , $250,000,000 Western Reclamation Measure Is Ready for Action WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 23. VJicn tho regular session of congress convenes In December tbo McNary $260,000,000 western reclamation bill will hold nn unusual and fort unate status. Tho extraordinary fea-'i ture of its status will bo that It will I bo beforo both house of congress with n favorable report. A favorble report was mado by the senate many rwoeks ago by the Irrigation commtttoo of that body. Tho house committee on Irrigation. has complotcd hearings and probably within a fow days tho house bill, which was Introduced by Addison T. Smith, representatlvo from Idaho, will be reported In identically tho same form as tbo McNary bill tn tbo senate. Tho last .testimony was taken by tho houso committee during the past week. The principal and by far tho most important witness In tho final summing up ot tho caso of westorn reclamation, was ex-Oovornor Spry of Utah, commissioner ot tho general land office but formerly tho official roprosontatlvo In Washington ot tho western states 'reclamation association. Portraits and Enlargements Art frame nnj. framing. ! KENLINE PHOTO SHOP NEW TODAY FOR RENT Nicely furnlahod front room, bath and phono. 512 N. 9th St. 23-27 FOR SALE Ford bug, bargain for cash. Seo Molby, Wlnlors Jowelry Storo. 23-27 A good bed nnd n good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main St., and at Colonial annex, 741 Walnut Ave. All outsldo airy rooms. 23 11921 490-ChovroIci. fully equipped with accessories. Now car guarantee. 1 1918-Bulck Six. tires. Car A-l condition. Five now BUICK SALES AND SERVICE CO. 1 1918-Bulck Four, guaranteed first class condition. Real bargain. Inquire of J. C WRIGHT OR 7TB. AND KLAMATH AVE. FOR BALIS A new four room house with bath. Close In. A small pay ment down and balance liko rout. Call at 1023 Main, upstairs. 23-24 FOR SALE 3 Mitchell wagon, in good condition. Phono 19F16. 28-29 WANTED Colored man wan ta (work ot any kind, phone 568-J. Ask for A. Maxwell. 23-29 LOST On Morrill-Malln Highway 1A Special Eastman kodak. Re ward. Standard Oil Co. 23-27 WINTER 8EWING-S-DO It now. Rent a machine. Inqulro Singer office. 208 Main. Special prices on Used machines. Repairing; cleaning, hem stitching dono. 23-6 WANTED Middle-aged woman as chambermaid by day. Klamath rooms, 125 S. 8th St. 23-27 No attention Is paid to a chronic liar when ho utters an occasional truth. liTTi Oitgon's Higher Initllution of TECHNOLOGY Eight Schooh; Seventy Departments FALL TEUM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 For Inloiltlllioq Wlllf 10 lb RtiUllir Oregon Agricultural College COKVALLIS FOR SALE One 2-boIe eloctrlc plato, A-l condition. Phone 300J. 23-27 BLACKSMITH WANTED Apply C, B. House. C22 6th St. 23;27 Reward. For return or Information of sam plo caso stolen from Ebllnn Camp, Cblloquln, Ore., August 20th. Ad dress, J. R. Rlttor or Shorlft'a office, Klamath Falls.. 23. Household Furniture GOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RIQHT We Buy, Sell and Exchange. Cor. Slxtb and Klamath Ave. DICK'S OO. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALqSTT . AND MALLETT OFFICE! OVER VNDERWOOD'B Phono BM-J. . . Seventh Hals Opposite Courthouse Phone 30 97 Main AN INVESTMENT. I havo several blocks ot lots surrounding tho Malln htgh school that I will sell for buslposs and roitdeutlal pur poses, thus 'tforlug to tho pcoplo ot Klamath county an opportunity to mako n real In vestment. I will soil these lota for $75 and up, on tho Installment plan, the tortus to suit tho purchaser. No Inter est will be charged and I will pay the taxes until doed Is de livered to buyet. Malln Is situated in tho con tor ot ono ot tho rlchost dis tricts In tho world. It Is back ed by progrosslvo ind conser vative cltlxons. It has a future that assures dovolopmcnt to a degrco that will malco this property worth many times tho price I am selling It for. When oil Is discovered. Malln will be found to bo In tho vory heart of thu field and tho biggest producors will bo at its door. If you aro looking tor some thing that wilt pay you big returns, you can mako no mis tako In buying Malln proper ty. For further information, write or soo A. KALINA MAUN, Ore. Gillette Safety Razor PATENTE D JAN. 13, 1920 Note carefully the absolutely frtf th ingedge which is the gwate ft advance in shaving comfort since the original Gillette was inventxd.We have a fine dis play of this new invention which every nun who shaves will be interested in seeing iMvmSi V WN. IM-ATTAl n fMlAO ' r7 WHEWt PARTttUCAfj IPIOPIC I muCTV I BUY TMtlR DRUGS wwmacY ; OREGON Whir TF707 132373221 i ii .-i-i.i-i. -i -ii-1 'i UIMWW WOOD! Don't bo deceived on a doublo load of BLOCKWOOD Our wagons hold 102 cubic feet or li cords. Measure the load and bo sure. Wo xuarantco 1 Vt cords. Measure our wagona. Buy ot an established firm and bo euro. Our choaper wood la GREEN SLAB-WOOD Tlio Pxr Man' Wood" 10 cords for $35.00. A year's supply for two stores. I O. Peyton & Co. WOOD TO llUKN" Phone III THE SACRED HEART ACADEMY KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CONDUCTED BY The Sisters of Charity Without Cost or Expense to the City or County The Courses of Instruction are according to the Oregon School-Law, and are entirely without Religious prejudice, and the advantages of training and educa tion are accorded to pupils without regard to Creed or Belief. TERMS ' Tuition, Day Hcholnrs .'. - 9 0.00 per monW Board nnd Tuition .... ............. $j80,00 per mentli This Includes board, laundry and ordinary medicine. For two children, 920.00 .per month. For doctors calls the local fee Is charged. Music Lessons 97.00 per month Boys from O to 14 yenrs, Boarding Department SCHOOL REOPENS SEPTEMBER 6, 1921 , Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR for further information. i In