The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 23, 1921, Image 1

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    ' 1,
Wnp lEutfttfttg Iteralft
in as"
A Class Ad Will
D6 It
Member of the Associated Press.
rlfUTiith YtMir. Nil. (I(XM.
(lovoriimrnt control of tlin Klinntn
Valley Irrigation illVrlct, estimated
In tentative survey ut approximate
ly 120,000 seres, making It part of
tho Klnmath Irrigation projoct, In
now tho aim of Its promoters, who
In eonferonen with Hecrntnry I'nll
Sunday secured mi Investigation by
A. !. David, director of tho United
States reclamation sortlco.
It U planned to lako water from
the Klamath river a short dlstanco
below Keno throuih a Innx canal
syrictu that would carry It ovar iho
iiuiuntalm and drop It Into tho
Shasta Vulloy. Tho nurpltu toft for
Irrigation of tho Bhasta Valioy lands
would tun off Into tho Shasta rlvor
and again luto tho Klamath,
Kitty thousand dollars aas boon
ruined for .purposes or InvestlKittlon
$20,00" hy upproprlatloit af tho
Callfornlii legislature; $26,000 by
assessment of thn property In tlio
district, and $5000 hy donation of
tho U 8, reclamation service,
This fund will be used to dolor
mlno tho feaslhlllty or tho plan,
thn Investigations of engineers so
far having failed to reach thai
point. Thn cent has been turiously
estimated In the punt IS cnrs by
reclamation ncrvlcn siirvnjs and pri
vate) engineers at from $4,000,000
to lir.,000,000
E. C l,n Hue. hydraulic onglnoer,
of Pasndrnu, California, examined
tfca district, as a representative of
tho I' H Geological survey In 1920.,
Ills letter to C. W, Watson, dls
trlrt engineer, Is In tho records of
a hearing looking toward formation
of the Klamalli-rlltb)tft'1fn(Uilon
project, held at Yreka, May 10 to
14, last, lln says In part'
I note that certain Interests In
Klamath Palls uro lining up
against thn proposition to dlvort
tho Klamath Itlvnr water Into
Shasta Valioy Tho Khusla Vol
toy prnjocl will probably- cost
from $10,000,000 to $10,000,
000. You suraly did not ox pec t
to carry through a development
of this magnitude without oppo
sition. It tho project la feasible
It certainly should lo developed.
Tho people or Shasta Valley nro
vitally Intoreslud In tho den
lopment or this projoct It li
therefore to their Intorost In
take steps nn will dutermlno its
If tho people of Shnsta Valley
arc looking for advice from
Klamath Falls, It la soir-evldont
that Kbnstn Valley will miter bo
1 perhaps Imvo as much or
morn knowledgo regarding this
proposed development thun any
other engineer. I spont threo
in out lis In tho Klamuth River
line In this summor- A con
nldornhlo potion ot this time win
spent In thn study or problems
directly and Indirectly related
to the 8hasta Valioy project.
No engineer or any other or
nou, with tho diitii uNnllublo nl
the pre no lit time, would ho Justi
fied In suylng thut tho project Is
lint foiuilblo,
Tho feasibility or tho project
cannot bo dolormluod until n
through study bus been iniulu of
tho available water supply and
dolallod surveys huvo been made
1 to show definitely tho amount of
' laud that can bo Irrigated, nnd
tho cost of tho Irrigation aystouin
necesHury to put tho wator on
tho land,
It Is my opinion that tho peopln
or Hhnutii Valioy should causo
Investigations to ho uiado In or
der that tho feasibility of thin
projoct may bo dotormlncd at
thn ourllost posslblo dato.
It must bo apparent that tho
right to divert tho Klamnth
rlvor Into Shasta Vulloy can bo
obtained now at Iosh cost than
, 'at any future dato.
Just how fast tho projoct would
go ,abnud It it proved fenslbla In a
matter of conjecture. It would
probably bo flva or six years, say
engineers, baforo tho Shasta Valioy
district could iiiuko uro uf tho Klu
m nth rlvor water, Thoro Is a stu
pendens engineering proble'm Involv
ed. n tho building of tho canal sys
tem. , There uro throo Interests at pro
sont Involved, whono Idons Imvo, not
boon reconciled, tho Klamuth Irri
gation projoct land owners, tho Cal
Ifornlii Oregon Power company 'and
tho' Shasta Valioy residents.
Quo thine uppermost in tho
minds ot local persons who tako any
interest in tho matter is tho ab
sence ot drainage problems It tho
Sheriff Threatened
For Alleged Favor
To Dr. Brum field
UOHKMMtn, Aug. S3. Hborirf
Htarmer today received a Inttor
sfgned "I W. WV" from Portland,
thruatenlnc him with douth for his
nllrgod good treatment of I)r. Ilruni
field, Thn thrcnt, penned In red Ink, nald
tho I, W. W. would Invade Itosuburg
seven million jtroug. Sheriff Btnrm
or toro up tho latter, saying "Lot
thorn como, lie denlod Ilrumflold
had I ecu favored
Thn Klamath llnsln Oil & (las
company Is thn latest to entor tho
local field. Announcement of Its plant
was madn to'day by II M. Johnson,
onn of tho Incorporators, who nald
drilling on their location, 400 yards
southeast of tho Siemens' well,
should start not later than Thanks
giving day.
Thn Incorporators, If. M, Johnson,
II. W. Ilaldwln nnd W. A. Cloud, nro
men who have had experience In tho
oil fields In Nnvudn and Imvo been
hern ovor a month looking Into tho
Klamath llasln as a field to exploit
Many leases havo boon secured which
Join tho Slomonn' well nito on the
northwest. Tho location where tho
tint well will bo drilled has been
selected on tho (Icorgn Orlxzl place,
selection being made after a cnrcful
study or thn conditions In That vicin
ity. Mr. Johnson stutc thn evidence
of oil, structure In this locality can
not bo donled and with this fact self
oklilNlt, dlffoient geologlitg havo se
lected this stto and territory for the
lest hole to ascertain thn apex or
structure. They hold that their
theory Is proved by tho gns pocket
and ell discovered In tho Siemens!
well, showing that thn center or tho
alloy Is tho antl-cllno. This theory
Is responsible, they key, tor tho se
lection of the land on this structure
for their drilling operations. Credit
Is given for tho Investigations con
ducted at Iho Slcruons' well for tholr
location and Mr. Johnson feels that
from his survey in other localltlos,
undor similar conditions, lliajt tho
Hlimrns' well will provo a rood pro
ducing woll.
Tho Klamath llasln company la
capllalUod for $200,000 and tho first
Issue of stock will bo sold at ten
I'ritn a sharo This moo Is made
to onablo the small Investor to so
euro stock at a price rwlthln his
A. largo slzo Okell rotary combi
nation drill will bo used 'In thn op
erations here. Tho offlcecra and di
rectors will ho comprised of local men
nnd will bo a representative company.
An organization meeting In expected
to tuko plucn soon.
Banker Back From
Long Vacation Trip
Charles Halt, prcsldont or tho
First National bunk, and family, re
turned today from a vacation lslt
to Murshflotd and othor cities on
tho, and between, Thoy cov-
erod 1G00 piles on tho trip.
While away Mr. Hall attended tho
Elks convention at MjirHhrtold, hla
former homo. Others who attended
said that tho "Hull for governor"
topic was much In uvldonco in con
vocation. Mr. Hull himself said to
day that ho was Just where ho was
when ho loft hero regarding, tho gov
ernorship flattered that ho would
bn considered fit for thn otflco but
with no nnnouncomont to maka.
Shasta Valley district bo taken ovor
by tho government thero would
como u tlma In Its devolopmont
when, becauso It wnu unhnmporod
by drnlnago difficulties, it could
mulco beneficial uso of tho waters
of tho Klamnth wator shod, and In
face ot audi bonetlclnl uso Kla
mnth- could not rotnln tho wator by
any claim of priority ot water
Tho power company, in caso irri
gation took alt tho water available
would bo forced off tho Klamath
rlvor. with componsutlou, ot cdurso,
tor Its plant und powor sltca,
Tho attention ot tho rlty council
last night wan devoted to paving mat
tern and ono of tho contracts let last
night will bn hailed with great do
light not only among local nutomo
blllstn but among tourists, tho scar
ifying or thn rough ntrotch ot pav
ing in front of thn Kwuuna Ilox'fae
tory on Sixth stroot. This contract
wus let to tho Warren Construction
company for tho scarifying of three
units of 5,434 yards ut 20 cents,
nmountlng to $1,080.80. Among tho
audlenco at thp council last night,
much comment aas created by this
contract as thn roughnoss of the spot
in front of tho Eweunn Box company
hat been a "soro spot" with many
people in thin city.
Thn contract for Installing drains,
inunholrs, catch basins and tho mov
ing nnd installation ot punipa in tho
south Sixth street district near tho
railroad crossing, was let to Lorcnz
riumblng company aftor two votes
on tho proposition by tho council.
ThL first voto taken on the matter
showed tho voto standing Council
man Hawkins, McCollum and West,
nay, nnd llogardus and Vollmer, ayo.
Separation of tho units followed and
tho voto to lot tho scarifying Job to
tho Warren Construction company
nnd tho drnlnago and piping Job In
I.cronz Plumbing company carried. It
developed after the bids were let
that l.orcnz company wero ablo to
socura. plpo at 70 cents less than the
Warren Construction company yet
botn firms purchase supplies from
the tnmc company. The Lorenx' con
tract was let for $11,113 for Install
ing 24 Inch plpo at $3.C4 per foot;
K, Inch at $; six Inch vitrified
plo at 7S cunts; man holes nt,, catch basins nt $22.70,
crushed rock at $5.25 por yard and
tho moving and Installing of the
pumB, $1,22,.. Tho prcsmt location
of tho pumps doos not permit tho
scwago to dlslntogTalo sufficiently
for pumping out and the now loca
tion of tho pumpa will bo a beno
flclol sanitation movo.
A delegation ot cltlzons Interested
In tho Bow-crago conditions of the
Railroad district, with W. T. lc as
spskcunnn, mndo a Mrong plea to tho
council for Improved conditions and
tho street committee was Instructed
to confer nnd work out a solution
with tho Interested persons. A reso
lution was adoptod for this sumo dis
trict In regard to tho cqultablo dis
tribution of assessment ot paving in
this district on Oak street. Owing
to tho blocks being narrow, tho lots
oxtcnJIrg to the center of tho ad
dition aro included as It would bo
unfair, tho council hold, to throw tho
entire burden on tho owners ot lots
abutting thq street.
An ordinance was passed to Its
ticcoud reading providing for tho pav
ing of nn alloy In Illock 17 to co-it
$'1259, Iho material to bo olthor can
croto, bltullthlc or wllllto. At this
point In tho proceedings u reboluutlon
to lucluudo asphaltlo concroto bono
In tho specifications of all futuro
work was pnssod.
A conference will tako place vilh
Capt. A. Wlckslrum today relative
lo having cinders placed on tho Pol-
lean City road and thn payment of
$1.25 a yard doferrod until tnxos
come, In noxt spring.
The balance duo George Tugnot
for payment In advan'co on tho re
jected High street unit was passed.
Mr. Tugnot paid for tho paying in
front of property beforo It was ro
Jertod. Kred llueslng pntttlonod tho .coun
cil for permission to ropalr his p-o-perty
at 1022-24 Mrtln stroot nnd the
mutter was referred to tho flro coin
mitten for a report on tho extent ot
thn damage dono to tho building,
Tho following pormlts woro issuod
J. 4. Houston to oroct two wood
sheds on lots 9, block 47, First ad
dition, and lot 5 ot block 5G, Nich
ols nudltlon; V. J, Satorlco to en
closo a back porch and build an ad
dition on tho wost sldo ot houso on
lot 3, block 76, Klamath addition;
and to J. N, Guthrie to move a frnmu
barn from 204 Michigan avenuo to
700 Plerco Htroet.
ACM in
Tho month ot Hepterabor will wlt
nnsft much activity In Klamath coun
ty Masonic circles and It Is ovl
dent from tbo announced plans,
that an effort towards making the
stranger nnd tho homo people well
acquainted, "will bo mndo. It Is
nvldont that soclallblllty and lodgo
work will , accomplish tholr pur
poses, for postal cards aro Includ
ed In Invitations sent broaduut to
Masons in this county yesterday for
Tbo list of activities set for this
month Includes tbo First Masonic
ball on September S;, work In tbo
Fellow Craft degroe at both 2 and
7:30 o'clock, Septoraber ; work In
tno Master Mason aogrco at 2
('clock p. m., dinner at tho Whltu
I VI leu n hotel and renewed work in
(ho Follow Craft degree at 8 p. n.
011 Septomber 12; examinations In
tho Master Mason 'and work In the
Entered Apprentice degree on Sep
tember 16 at 1:30 p. m.; exam
inations in alt degrees at 7:30
o'clock September 21; work In the
Follow CraK degree at 7:30 o'clock
September 23; stated communica
tion at 7:30 o'clock, work in Mat
ter Mason degree at 8 o'clock Sep
tember 26 and on September 30, at
7:30 o'clock, work In tho Fellow
Craft degrco.
Tho Masonic ball to be given Sep
tomber E Is the first annual ball
ever to be held here and tbo
Masons aro very anxious to have
every Kastern Star as well as Ma
sons from the "blue" to the 33rd
presents The dunce will be given
at tho Scandinavian hall and tbo
decorating committee aro instruct'
ed to glvo tho hall an autumn touch
In their decorating. On September 6
and 7th, a crack degree team from
Orcnomuh lodgo at Multnomah, Oro.
gnn, will bo present to exemplify tho
work In tho Pellow Craft and Mas
tcr Mason degroos.
Elks Back, Report
Grand Convention
Kxaltod Iluler O. A.Hayden, Mayor
Wlloy and Charles Hall returned yes
terday from Marahflold whoro they
attondod tho state convention of the
Elks. All mon roported that tbey
had a wondorful tlrao nnd that the
convention vtns a great success. En
tertainment ot all kinds wero afford
ed thorn and tho trips In tho regions
of Mnrshtlold woro flno.
Mayor Wiley stated that noer In
tho history of Elkdom in this stato
had a convention passed so smoothly
nor bad so much business for tho
good or tbo order been accomplished.
The saruo roport was mado by Exalt
ed Kulor Hnyden.
Play to be Staged
For Church Benefit
A hcoiio from "I.lttlo Women,' one
of tho Ella Wheeler Wilcox's most
famous books, will bo given by Mt.
I.akl talent nt tho church benefit
which will lio given by that commu
nity Saturday evening, Augunt 27.
Thoro will also bo a place on tho pro
gram for rovera! vocal and Instru
mental numbers as welt as roadlng
given by loci:! nnd outside talent.
Tho admission will bo 25 and 10
Tho nntcrtulnmont Is under the
direct auspices of Iho Mt. Lakl or
A demurror was filed In circuit
court today by Attornoys Stono and
Wlcst in tho suit ot Henry K. Jack
son against It. E. Spink. Tho pialn-,
tlft alleges that no consideration nor
return of deeds tor 160 acres ot land
near Chlloqutn were made by Spink.
A rocesB was taken by tho council
until word can bo rocelod ,from a
Portland bonding houso 'relative to
tho Bttlo ot tho MJIls sewor bonds.
Should an answer bo rocolved ahead
ot tho noxt meottng, Monday August
29, another session will be held by
tho council this wook.
Wanton Slaying of
Dee Reported; Fawns
Starved to Death
A party of huckloborry pickers
from tho region of Diamond lako
who returned homo this wook re
port that whllo hunting berries thoy
camo across tho body ot a frosh
slain doo also tbo omanclatcd bed
Ion of two fawns who evidently
stayed near their dead mother un
til starvation took thorn.
A numbor of similar cases where
deer are killed out of soason havo
been roportod this season by berry
pickers and nearly always, tho
nlaln animal has proved to bo a doe.
The Klamath Sportsmen's associa
tion hnra also had cases reported
to thorn ot deer killing out of sea
son. In tho case of the doo and her
two fawns, such action Is classed
among; hunters as wanton murderi
for in this caso a natural Increase
was broken 'six. fold, as the two
fawns wore botn -does.
HONOLULU, T. H., Aug,, 23
Mainland newspaper men arrivlnr'ln
Honolulu for the first tlmo to attend
tho World Press Congress sessions
hero In October will find It hard to
bcllovo at first that thoy aro trod
dlng Unltod States territory.
' For In idiomatic language, cus
toms, many foods, traditions, vegeta
tion and climate, this far-flung out
post ot tho United States differ from
the mainland a night .'differs from
day. -
As befits Its position "at the
crossroads ofthts Pacific" Hono
lulu probably Is tho most cosmopoli
tan community under tbo American
flag. Here aro Filipinos, Japanese.
Chlneso and natives of alt other Pa
cific Ocoan lands and Islands In pro
fusion. Dearded and turbaned Hin
dus stalk iflajostlcallr tho narrow
streets and representatives of prac
tically ovory other race and nation
In tbo world aro seen In town or
along the exceptionally well built and
maintained automobile boulevards
that thread the Island of Oabu, on
which Honolulu Is situated.
Visiting newspaper men will walk
through shaded lanes ot giant royal
palm trees, crowned with bunches ot
green cocoanuts. In other districts
tbey will crunch fallen dates which
carpet the earth. They (will cat
"pol," to which is attributed tho
mighty athleto prowess of Hawaiian.
"Pot" is mado by crushing tho roots
of the taro plant, which resembles
tho sweet potato or yam of tho main
land. Hawallans eat It with tholr
flngorn and tho varlotlcs range from
"ono finger Pot' to "four finger Pol.'
tho ariatlon bolng In tho consistency.
Tho newspapermen will find alliga
tor pears, which are a raro and ex
pensive luxury on tho mainland, com
mon and comparatively cheap In
But" perhaps tho greatest dltteronco
botweon Honolulu and the mainland
Is In tbo adoption by nearly oil real-
donts of several dozen native words
which aro used in preference to En
glish equivalents.
There Is, for Instance, no North,
South, East or West. Instead ot
north it is "owa," toward tho Ewa
plantation in tho northern portion
of Oahu. South is "walklkl," tor
the famed beach.
11ERLIN. Aug., 23 Final Instruct
ions relatlvo to the peaco treaty be
tween tho Unltod States and Oorma
ny have boon received from Secretary
Hughes by Eltts Lorlng Fresel, Unit
ed States commissioner here. The
treaty la expected to bo signed In a
few dayo at a special meeting ot the
Gorman cabinet.
1kikh paiimamkxt 18 piiopohaij;
DUBLIN, Aug., 23 Members of
tho Irish republican parliament, meet'
Ing hero to (frame a reply to tho Bri
tish government's offer ot a domi
nion status tor Ireland, dlvldod Its
activities today between a secret ana
slon ot parliament nnd a meeting ot
the' executive committee ot the Sinn
customs in iKe
roriTLAND, Auk. 23. The ma
jority stock holdings In the1 Or- .
gon 'American Lumber corapaay;
which owns 24,000 acres of' tifebW
In northwest Oregon counties, and
lie subsidiaries, the Portland 'At?
torla and Pacific railway and the
Nchal'm Doom company, hare beia (
purchased by the Central Coellarit
Cc-'ko company. Tola Is according to
U wire 'from D. C. Ecclee, president
of "tho lumber company who l ta
KahtMi City handling- negotiations,
k' "Charles D. Keith, president1 of the
Central Coal and Coke company, re
cently Inspected the property. He U
n largo operator of the southern pis
bolt. Tbls deal represent hi entry
Into the woetern field.
Fire Prevention to .,
Be Forum Topic
"Flro Prevention" Is the them;
for the forum tomorrow at the
chamber of commerce luncheon aa4
a large crowd, la expects. Ttn
Chief Ambrose wUl describe the
best methods ot protection, and will ,
outline the situation here. .
Mayor W. fi. Wiley will talk on
the same subject from the mayor'
standpoint and it I expected that
It. E. Smith will 'have obm re
marks to mk from the' Insurance
ag-eata'' view.
The women ot the city, whether
members or not, are asked to at
tend for thero aire many ways' ta
whteh they can help prereat- Una.
RwnvHmehscfi Is ope ;o tastef
the chamber official state. ,,
Should Fire Marshal A. C. Bar
ber ot Salem come In tonight or to
morrow forenoon, tho program may
bo changed but the samo subjects
will come up for discussion with the
threatened fire Insuranco rate raise ,
as an added feature.
Dimming Law Is
Alleged Violated
In Case on Trial
The Ulal of Luko 3. Walker,
charged with failure to dim the
headlights- on his automobile, was
set for2 o'clock, this afternoon la
Justice .dagbagen's court. .The
complaint "was made at tho Instance
ot J. J.. McMahon, deputy sUtas.a
tomobllo traffic officer.
The trial-of the Puckett broth
ers charged wltat. failure to provW
llcenso plates for two Sterling
trucks, set for trial yesterday at
tornoon, was continued ,utlnl 8ep
tombor 3, at the instance of. both
District Attorney Brower and At
torney W. II. A. Renner.
1 Friday, August 26, the trial ot
Johnnie Hutchison will tako place
In this court, Hutchison being
charged in a complaint with using
a billiard cuo on the person ot Os
car Barkley and Floyd. Brown 'on
August 20.
WASHINGTON.- Aug. 23l Clar."
enco It. Jlotchklsa of Portland was
today nominated by Prosldent Hard
ing as United States .marshal for
Ruth today bit two more home runs,
making tho season's total 48. ' "
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. High
grade ore ot a good contents freelyl
sprinkled with' the yellow metal and
visible to the naked eye, wa ea-
countered last weok In the Gold
Chain mlno, at the new mining
camp ot Katherine, Union Pas! dis
trict, 35 miles northwest ot Kins
man, Ariz., on the Nevada-Arizona
boundary. Picked samples carried
gold values running Into the thou-.
OROVILLE, Aug, 23. There are
5000. acres ot bearing .ollvo trees
tributary to Orovllle, according to,
Information obtained by Roy Parsons ,
traveling freight agent for the Sac
ramento Northern Railroad.