The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 22, 1921, Image 1

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otff Ituntng Iteralii
$ A Class Ad Will
f Dolt
Totfei 1Y
Member of the Associated Press.
Fiftctrunti Vwir No. OOOH,
prick wvm
'A wonderful country iwllli won
rtorful opportunities, In on embryonic
statu of development," won tlia sug
utoncn of a statement 'miulu by Al
Ixirt II. Full, secretary or Dm Inter
lor, who was hero Hnturdny and yes
terday on a lour of Inspection of tho
various government project, under
wny, to n nitinbur ot tlm prominent
business man of this rlty attor
trip over thn Klnmntli llailn,
Becrotnry Fall was taken over tho
territory whore tho government work
w being ilono by reclamation offl
clnli nnd whllo on tho scone, tbo sec
rotary ovldenced thn greatest Inter
est In tho work being done. "What
la that for, whuro does It bolonK and
what does It cost?" wore quostlons
'which ramo rapidly from him to tho
superintendents and supervisors.
From thn humblest worker to tho of
ficial In charted, tho men connected
with tho work worn Intorvlnwnd on
tho progress and tho material se
cure'd atorod nwnr In thn mind of
tho man whoso word wl'l mean
much In thn futuro development of
this great basin.
At tho Henley flumn, whnrn a
modem roncrotn flumn la being
erected on a pre cant basis to sup
plant the wooden atru'eturo now con
veylng water for Irrlicatlon, Bocro
tnry Kail mado tho moat Intensive
an well as exhaustive Investigation.
The sections, benta and stringers, n
well aa tho manner In which tho
flumo will bo replaced with thn
Iravlriiig-ornctor, woro gono Into nnd
tho cost ascertained. On ooncroto,
coat, both hero unil nt tho Link rlv
or dam, tho aamo question was nak
ed ot tho superintendents. "What
doea concrntn cument coat laid down
here?" Whon tho engineer at each
placa replied "IG.CO n sack," It li
evident tbat at onco tho high price
was causing tho Washington man to
do soma thinking.
"Well, nt IS. CO n sack, both the
California Oregon Tower company
nnd tho reclamation forces must pay
thn samn prlcn su thoro la no l 1 f
forenco Ihero, but thnt Is very high
comparod to other projects whero co
ment la bolnic used, film mo the
reason?" was tho next question.
"HlKh frulght rates, Mr. Fall, that
Is what wo arn up against, ana I
presumo that Mr. McCormlck could
better ntiswcr tho question of why
thn rntn Is so hi Kb," wus thn reply
mado by ono of thn reclamation su
perintendent. With a amlln Becro
tnry Fall aald perhaps Mr. McCor
mlck could, und It was a vital que,
tlon that must bo taken up t onco,
looking toward socurlng a batter
freight rato.
Upkoop charges, overhead, wngus,
transportation, possible uso of water,
and minor details ot tho Irrigation
system In thn valley woro entertained
Into with reclamation officials but
when an attempt was mado to pin
tho secretary down to a posslblo re
port, thu answor Invariably came,
"I'm horn to ask questions, neo
things lit tho reality and mako ro
" ports whon I got back to Washing
ton." From this blunt statement, It
In nvldent thnt Secretary Fall wna
wary on bolng drawn out before com
pleting his Hurvoy.
Tho Indian resorvaflon was visit
ed" yesterday afternoon and tho par
ly taken to nil tbo points of Interest.
As thn party was shown place after
place, President Hull of tho cham
lio r of commerce Inserted nn ndrolt
question relative to thu mnttor of
roads In the reservation, and tho pos
sibilities of having tho government
bear n portion of tbo expenses At
tendant to building ntul upkeep,
"Mr. Hull, In my experience at
Wnmhltigton, I have soon money, ap
propriated by tbo millions for hnr
bon;, rlvorn uud both military nnd
nnvnl defense Those appropriation
would co mo before tho committees
und In tho couruo of two, weoka eo
through without trouble, but bring
up u matter ot an Indian appropria
tion, sayfor tho sum of $500,000,
and thoro would bo mora furore and
fuss over that small amount than
on a naval appropriation calling for
ton times as much. However,
N U(
Engineers of Two
State to Inspect
Shasta Valley Dist.
MONTAGUE, Cal., Aug. '22.
Btnto Engineer W. V McCluro of
California and Htnto Knglnoor I'ercy
Cupper of Oregon -will bo shown
over tho proposed Klamoth-Bhasta
Vulloy Irrigation Project during u
visit they ara scheduled to muko
here oarly In Heplombar.
A now contract with thn federal
reclamation scrvlco for tho projoct
Is now being drawn. Tho first con
tract submitted was unsatisfactory
hornutm It required thn money upon
signature of thn contract.
Dr. a. W. Dwlnnell, one at the
promoters of thu ilhnstn Valley pro
ject and C. K. Watson, tho projoct
engineer, woro hern Hnturday ovon
Ing for a conference with HccrcUry
Fall, relative to tho project. An a
result of tho conference A. I', Davis,
director of tho reclamation service,
after tho trlp(to Klamath agency,
returned hero last night and loft
this morning with Dr. Dwlnnell for
Montague to Inspect thn Hliasta
Valley project lie Intended to
reach MonUguu tonight and remain
until tomorrow afternoon, rejoining
Hecretury Fall's purty at Mod ford or
Af ac Had Been Dry
A Long Time
"Honest Judgo, I havo not ha'd n
drink, until last night, slnrn thu
country went dry, honest I haven't
and It Is my first offense" wub th6
plen that Wlllltm McDonald, u cook,
mado to tbo police Judgo this morn
ing when brought up on a cbnrgd of,
being drunk ami disorderly,
McDonad was found on the tldo
Hulk near With and l'lno sired by
p.ui.r.rli) talking tovhlmsolf. Thu
pollen then took hlm-fe'tho-rftatlan
for tobc'rlng up,
"Vi ii'vo been dry a long while ac
cording to that, ao I'll help quench
your deslro for tho futuro. Flvo dol
lars and coits, Mr. McDonald, uud sea
to It that you refrain from gottlug
thirsty for a long while," was tho
rourt's comment, McDonald paid.
WASHINGTON, Aug, 22, Great
Ilrltaln'a formal acceptance ot tho
Invitation to partlclpato In tho
Washington conforenco on tho limi
tation of armaments and far east
ern questions was rocclved today
by Secretary Hughes.
afraid that I'll havu to discourage
that talk but If this matter Is laid
boforo tho president, a different end
ing may bo mndo. I'll try It onco, any
how," waa tho way tho secretary
At I'ollcan Day Indgn tho party
rcstod yesterday evening nftor vlv
King tho reservation and while
thoro, Dr. Dwlnell. representing
tbo Shasta Valley project, pe
titioned tho socretary to visit thoro.
At tho special Instance of Secretary
Fall, A. I Davis, director of tho re
clamation sorvlco was dotnllcd to re
turn with Dr. Dwlnell and mako n
casual Inspection. Tho balanco ot
tho party loft this morning for Cra
ter lako.
Tho I. Ink Itlvor dam controversy
Is a doted Incident, Sccrotnry Fall
Indicated In conversation with a
Horald roproscntntlvo Saturday ova
nlng. "It Is tho policy ot thu govern
ment," bald Socretary Fall, ".when
n reclamation projoct Is established
to withdraw tho publfo lands about
tho reservoir, and thin Is what has
happened with tho approximately
10,000 ncrca of land on tho Crpor
lake, inundation of which by tho
TalslnR of tho lako-lovol called forth
tho Loglon protest.
"Flooding of this 10,000'ucrcn pro
vides water tor n much larger ncro
ago In thu projoct bolow the
public landM uround Tula
lako thnt will bo available for soldier
settlement. Hut It Is possible that
tho lands on tho Upper lako need not
bo sacrificed.
"I shall watch closely tho experi
mental diking ot Indian marali lands
on tho Uppor lako and It It Is succesa-
fill I shall ask congrees to appropriate
mmioy to diko tho government lands,
In that ovont the cx-hoivIco men will
beuoflt doubly, I discussed the mat
t6r with representatives of tho local
post nnd thoy apparently considered
this a fair arrangements , . .
n w
A well conducted creamery In a'n
active nasot to any community for
u number of reasons. It employs
several men who nro supported to
shipped out bring Into tho commun
munlty receives tbo benefit of tho
companies taxes and donations to
ono causo and nnother. It enables
thu dairy farmer to got a ready mar
ket for hlti cream without tho loss
that often comes from long dlstanco
shipping. Thn consumer Is enabled
to got a constant supply of buttor
and I Co cream trash for uso. The
manufactured products that nra
shlppod but bring Into tbo commun
ity monoy from tho outside that oth
orwlso would not get Into local cir
Especially Is this Iron In Kla
math county, which Is rather abut
,ln and far from tho outsldo mar-'
kcts. Wcro thero no creameries In I
Klamath county many who nro now
milking would. bo unablo to satis
factorily market their cream and
would bavo to discontinue opera
tions. ' At thin tlmo with thn prlco of
buttorfat on tho Incllno and tho low
prlco of hay and feed "with tho largo
surplus of feed raised this season,
It Is an exceptional opportunity to
go Into tho dairy business. Thoro
Is no lino of farming that Is so woll
adapted to this section of thn coun
try today. Tho lucomn Is regular
and good prlcas rulo all through tho
year with tbo posslblo exception of
about thrca months In tbo spring
when production Is the heaviest on
the- coast. At tbat tlmo buttor
prices urn always tbo lowest while
tho annual movement into storago
Is at Its height.
Tho dslryman receives a harvest
return each month. In addition to
tho monoy received fropt thu sale
of cream ho has tho skim milk to
turn Into pork or chickens. This Is
a real byproduct of dairying and In
considering tbo returns from his
cows each dairyman should not
loosn sight of this as It Is an im
portant rourco of Incomo.
Tho Klamath Falls creamery be
gan operations under now owner
ship April 1st, 1020. From that dato
until August 1st, 1921, thoro were
290,414 pounds ot butter and 16.
211 gallons ot Ico cream manufac
tured. For this tho farmers wero
paid In cash 112J.4H.2D.
Tho lowest prlco paid tor butter
fat during this tlmo was 20 conts
par pound which was In May, 1921.
At this tlmn tho dairymen in tho
north woro receiving ns low as 20;Moor. "anicA ln Knoxvlllo. Tonn..
cents at receiving stations and 23;
conts to 2Bc delivered in Portland.
Tho highest prlco paid was 69
etui IB
Tako In comparison tho prices
paid farmcrn tho past year with tho
prlco paid for buttorfat during 1916.
That year tho highest prlco paid was
27 M cents ami tho lowest 22 cents.
During this tlmo tho creamery
shipped out to tho San Francisco,
Portlaud und Seattle markets 43,
974 pounds of buttor which brought
$13,482.92 ot outsldo monoy Into
circulation horo and $13,092.G1
woro paid out iu salaries to em
ployees. '
Kurly ln Mny ot this year tho
Klumnth creamery moved from tholr
old location ut Seventh and Kla
ninth nvcnuo, to tholrnerw building
ut 1218 Main street Installing addl
tlonal now equipment tor buttor,
Ico cream nnd ico making ns wall
uu cold storago rcoms. All creaut
imed In butter manufucturo Is pas
tciirlteil also all Ingredients enter
ing Into tho ico cream aro pnstmirlr
ed boforo freezing -vhhMi Insures tbo
consumer of our Ico cream porfoct
safety In outing it, Ico cream should
bo handled Just (w carefully and un
der tho most sanitary conditions tho
Bumo as butter or milk, especially
during tbo hot woathor as it Is a
woll-knowu fact that milk and milk
products aro, easily contaminated,
All tbo equlpmoht used in tho man
ufucturo ot buttor and ico cream
is storllzcd with live steam before
Thoro aro about 250 farmers; on
tho croamory'a payroll.- This numbor
should ( bo Inrreasod very materially
in me next tow yoaiu. At present
if TO
ROMBUUItfi, Aug., 22, Tho sho
rlff today drew 31 names from which
an attempt will bo made to get Jurors
to try Dr. Ilrumflclrt. Tho trial start
Doxt Monday.
Ilrumflold became much agitated
when he w;irf Interviewed In his cell
heru today, declaring ho would ans
wer no questions In regard to tho
Dennis Russell murder, of which ho
Is accused.
Hi) protested to tho sborlff when a
reporter asked him' regarding tho
purchcaao ot women's llnrorlo on tho
j day of tho murdor.
Road Used For
Logging Will Be
Place in Repair
"As soon as operations stop at
our placa, about September 1, the
county rond for throe-eighths of a
mile, beginning at tbo Odessa school
bobsc, will bo repaired and restor
ed at our expense in accordance with
tho agreement mndo with thn coun
ty court thrco weeks ago," said
I'rcntlss Puckctt, ono of the firm
of Puckett Hrotbors, today. "Wo ask-'
ed permission to uso that road in
our operations and wo will llvo up
to our agreement. It will cost us
$200 to do It.
Wo havo cut about 4,000,000 foot
ot timber this season. Thorn will be a
domand for dimension stuff this fall
and I can say that tho lumber mar
ket I
s g-ttlng better. While there laity Mir board, outlined the board's
bbiidaifcn-oTbox'sho-o'krAlfl a!-Tvlti. for'tbo'comln-rlair afTd' tirged
an abbtid
mcnslon lumber must bo used boforo
Sheriff Goes After
Alleged Safe Blower
Shorlff Lloyd Inr nnd Doputy
Itoy Tnbcr of Dorrls left Saturday
aftornoon for Hoppncr In Tabor's car
to bring back Joieph Smtdl for al
leged cracking of safes In Merrill and
Mt. Hobron a coupto of months ago.
Tho Journey will tako about two
days each way and their return Is
cxpocted about Wednesday. Smldl
will bo taken to Yrcka.
TACOMA. Aug., 22 Mrs, William
II, Stubbs, nvifo ot a local hotel pro
prietor, It detained by local police
on suspicion and that she Is Maud
'ur '"" - ' -
,. n rr nvAW s m n w n
ait automobile dealer, Soptember 8,
1919. Tho girl Is said to havo Jump
ed a 110,000 appeal bond attor being
sentenced to 20 years In Jail. Mrs.
Stubbs today denied that she is Maud
Moore. She doclnreg she will bo re
leased whon two men who aro en
route from Knoxvlllo to attempt to
ledntlfy her arrive.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. With
sovoral amendments tho senate bill
making a billion dollars available
through tho war tlnanco corpora
tlon, tor stimulation ot the oxpor-
atlcn ot agricultural projocts pass
ed tho house today.
OREQON Tonight and
day, fair, '
thoro aro about 4000 cows
milked in Klamath county.
With tho feed produced and tho
natural meadow and pasture lands
Klamath cpunty could support 25,-
000 'cows. This -would moan many
thousands ot dollars added to tbo
monthly payroll, many thousands ot
dollars circulated among every busi
ness in tho county oach' month and
would solve tbo problem ot surplus
teed. It would support more fac
tories. Nothing will build up a
community fastor than tho dairy
Industry. Wo havo only o tuke
other aectlons us an oxamplo to
prove this fact. Tho Tillamook sec
tion of, Oregon, tho Modesto and
Humboldt sections ot California and
many other sections uro examples,
Bold Bootlegger
Plies Trade Openly
At Picnic, Alleged
It was reported this morning by
attendants at the bargo picnic giv
en Saturday night on tho Upper lako'
that when the start "wan mado at
8 o'clock, tho party started out fine
,but when tho bargo passed Modoc
Point, a launch crept out from the
bank and balled tho bargo occu
pants. A short heavy man with a whlto
straw and dressed In rough clothes
boarded the bargo. This man than
opened his stock in trado and sold
"moonshlnu whlskoy 'openly until
driven off. From then on, tho good
tlmo ot tbo people stopped s the
whiskey created disorder which was
hard to stop. '
It In reported that tho name ot
tbo alleged bootlegger Is known to
sovoral persons and that tho district
attorney will be asked to investi
gate and mako grand Jury caso ot
A largo crowd attended tho picnic
of county' Industrial club members
nnd tbelr parents at Lone Pine yes
torday. There wcro club members
and parents present from Lono Pine,
Merrill, FalrvieV, Mt. Laki, Mlllor
Hilt, Summers and Henley districts.
A program o'f songs and recitations
was given in tho Lono Pine school
houso by tho pupils ot tho district
under tho direction of Miss Mario
Dolan, their ttachcr. -
R. U. Wilcox, treasurer"Dttbe counv
all hearers to co-operato In tho mat
ter of exhibits.
Clydo Uradley, manager of tho fair,
waa busy throughout tho day explain
ing this season's plans and asking
tho co-oporatlon ot farmers.
Frank Sexton, county club leader,
talked upon tho yoar's progress In
club work. C. A. Hill, of the Falr-
vlow district, gave a very Instructive
talk on bettor farming and livestock
A splendid baskot dinner was ser
ved by the ladles following tho pro
gram nnd tbo afternoon closed with
a ball gamo between Mlllor Hill and
Lono Pine teams in which the latter
wcro victorious by a score of 11 to 6.
Puckett Bros. Say
Money For Truck
License Was Sent
This afternoon at 3 o'clock, the
jury trial of Prentiss, Manley and
Douglas Puckott charged, In a com
plaint sworn out by J. J. McMahon,
special state automobllo traffic dop
uty, with operating a motor vehlcfo
without a license also a ocml-traller,
will bo heard In Justtco Gaghagons'
Tho Puckott brothers oporato a
logging camp near Enterprise and
havo bcQn using two Sterling trucks
In their hauling operations. Tho
complaint was filed Saturday after
boon by Deputy McMahpn and this
morning tho Puckott brothers ap
peared for trial. Prontlss Puckett
statod that on August 9, a check for
$180 to covor tbo licenses was mail
ed to tho Becrotary ot state but to
date no plates had bo;n received.
Tho postmaster at Kntorprlso wns
suppoeuaod as a wltnoss in tho caso
in behalf of tho defendants.
Weather Probabilities
-zr. . . : :. .
Tho Cyclo-Storraagruph nt Under
wood's Pharmacy registers n high
barometric pressure today, although
tho tendency this afternoon was
slightly downward. While, It re
mains in tho present area, howovcr,
n continuation ot our pleasnut wea
ther may be looked for.
Forecast for tho' next twenty-four
heurs: Continued fair probably
TheTycos recording thormomoter
sIiowb tbo following minimum and
maximum temperatures for teday:
Low i , : 42
High 70
(Reading taken at 2 P. M.)
, MACON, (!a Aug. M. TfcrM
persona are known to havo lost their
lives In a flrn Vblch destroyed tk
Drown House, a framo hotel, Miiy
today. Firemen expressed the te
Her that tho death list, wouM lM
materially Increased when the ratM
were searched.
Twenty guest wcro Injured. Haay
Jumped when the flames threat 4
to entrap them In the burnlag bmlM
Ing. Men on tho sidewalks MTt4
many women from injury by catch
ing them in their anna as the
en jumped from tbo windows.
Med ford Drillers
Casing the Well;
Will Drill Soon
MEDFORD, Aug., 22 At the Trl
gonla the work of enlarging the hole
to set a long string of casing proceed
ed through last week without falter
ruptton and the Trlgonl oftleUb.
now understand the months ot delay i
In setting casing In the Siemens' test
In Klamath county. Few of the knew
oil fields havo such a depth ot tera
rlons, sandstones and conglomerate.
It Is confidently expected that this
week wtlf see this particular aaA try
'ing task completed at h'ch time
the gas and oil shows, now blaaket
ed by several hundred foot ot watar,
will be given a test.
Coincident with the arrival f the
noted geologist Wiley la the Klamath
field, the Tricon la honej ta.havs aa
foilMr4rK0em, Mrlflf i,,hy.
Drill, investigating the nuo itwi
sands of Jackson county.
Home and Contents
Destroyed By Fire
Fire, oarly Sunday morning. -!
trojed tho homo of John Nolaoa oa
nighth street, with all the contents.
Tho family wero away. The Carl
Wells homo next door caught fire
but tho flames wcro extinguished by
tho flro department.
Paul V. Mnrls, director of extension
work of tho Oregon Agricultural col
lege, and U. C. Seymour, state club
le.ider, arrived here Saturday after
neon to cLcck 'in the work cf tfcf)
county farm bureau and tho couiify
Industrial clubs for the season. Tfcsjr
wore satisfied with the progress of
tho work here and left early Sunday
morning for Josephlno county. An
effort was made to have them remajn
for the county club plcnlo at Lone
Pine but they wcro too pressed tor
tlmo to stay.
Collins of Medford
Chosen President
Elks' Association
MEDFORD. Aug., 22 Highest
honors In Oregon Elkdom were be
stowed by tbo state convention at
Marshtleld upon George T. Collins
of this city, hoad of Mason, Ehrman
company, and prominently Identified
with clvlo bettorment movements. He
was olected president of the State
Elk's association Friday. His candi
dacy received tho endorsement ot
all southorn Orogon Elk lodges, Mr,
Collins Is a past exalted ruler ot Med
ford lodge 1168, and one ot the best
known cltliona ot southern Oregon.
Department Called '
To Stop Crass Firm
1 Tho flro department was failed
out yesterday forenoon to put out
a small grass flrei which started oa
a plot near the home of H, p. New
oil ln tho ilot Springs addition. The
department reachod the scene ot the,
bluze' before It had a chance to
spread but had wind been blowing
a bad tiro might have developed.
Flro Chlof Ambrose urges people '
to be vory cautious with matches
or discarded 'cigars or cigarette
stubs and not to throw them dowalv
In grassy spots' near lumber ot any
sort , ,. (
t -
( t