SATUHDAY, ATJGUST M, lSaH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OftEGON l'AO" HIX I " r Personml Mention Up. inA Mra. Robrt I. Sloan and mb Junior MX, this morning for Ashland where they will Ylsltjtor few days. R. E. Smith It spending the day I. lha Malln country with tho delo awtlon that accompanied Secretary Fall. Mr. and Mm. Fred Petowon and family were early morning visitors in town from their ranch near Mer rill. Mrs. Qeorgo Chamber In left this morning for nn xtended yUlt In Cedar Rapids and Chicago, and It her son Is not ahlo to obtain a furlough; and moet her In Chicago, Mrs. Chamhcrlln will go onv to Maryland and Tlslt him there. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Roams will leato tomorrow for San Francisco after BCTcral weeks Tlslt here. MY. Estollo Carrlor, ono of tho coDular teachers In tho high school .. 4I.A ttflHt fAV ' vium ntt thill. morning for San Francisco where j she may spend tho greater part of tha winter. ' Miss Betty Gaddcs rotnrned to Iter homo at Eaglo Rldgo tarcrn this afternoon after a two days stay hare. Davis Tonng and Qeorge McLeod are Klamath Falls visitors today from Stockton. They aro register- d at the white Pelican hotel. Mr. and Sin. H. O. Smith ftre registered at the White Pelican ho tel from Redlands. California. Mis Myler Calkins and Miss Maria Ohenchaln. who have boon visiting -with Miss Obenchaln'a par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oben- chain, at their ranch near Ely, are axnected home tonlcht. Phil Slnnott and Androw M. Col lier, who left day before yesterday for the lava beds are back and Mr. Slnnott Is spending tho day visit-ina- with old friends. M'ts Bernardino Hannon will ar rive tonight from South Bend, Washington and from Portland where sho spent a two weeks vaca tion. Miss Hannon Is employed by the Standard Oil company. Clay Ratcjttf, ono of the older of Klamath county a pioneers, Is spend lzifl a few day -In town from Mer rill whoro he Is now making his home. Mies Harriett Lawrence was a city visitor yesterday afternoon from her horn at Merrill. Miss Oladys Kllgore arrived last night from Bly to visit with ner atster, Miss Bee Kllgore, of this city. ' Mrs. B. R. Jewett and E. K. Jew ett are tourist visitors here today from Plalnfield, New Jersey. B. W. Paul is In town on busi ness this week-end from Medford.' Miss Grace Hoagland and Miss Pearly Relnle, Rez LaPrarlo and Stanley Hajlcek will spend Sunday at Crater lake. Mrs. A. J. Lyle and daughter Atax ia left on this morning's train for San Francisco where tboy will visit for en Indefinite time with Mrs levies cousin, Mrs. Huntington. Edwin Drlscoll, son of Mr. and Mra. James Drlscoll, left this morn lng for Santa Clara, California, where he Is attending college. Miss Clara Calkins spent lost evening with Miss Ina Graham at her ranch home on the Algoma road. Mr. and Mra. Patrick E. Hannon left yesterday for South Bend, Washington, to visit with their daughter. Mrs. M. M. Fisher, and family. Mr. Caldwell was a county seat visitor yesterday from his home at Merrill. ' Floyd. Brandenburg was in town on matters of business from hla home at Malln yesterday. 3. A. Jacoby was In tpwn from the Cblloqnln country yesterday af ternoon on matters of business. Mr. Allen of Worden made a trip Into town yesterday after supplies for his ranch. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gooding are the parents of a son bom yesterday. The infant weighed ten pounds. Mother and son are doing iwell re ports Dr. R. B. Craver, who is In attendance. Mr. and Mrs. O. Matton and son of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kant and two daughters of Portland and Mrs. Belle Bridges of Oakland, Ore gon, left today after a short stay here." They are on an auto camp ing tour of tho stato and camo In by way of Crater lake, leaving by tha Topsy grade and Ager. Mr. Matton is a nephew of it. J. Matton and his wife 1 a alitor of Jesio Bcckley, of thle city, whom they visited whllo here. Leon D. Lawton, son of D. T. Lawton, who was with tho Oregon- California Power company nt Kln- mnth Falls, has been transferred to this city. Mr. Lawton, accompan ied by his wlfo, nrrlvod In this city last night. Ho will sorro In tho of ftco of T. II. Noss, general super intendent of tho company. Medford Clarion. ,QHltjTl Mrs. L. B. Hague, public stenogra pher. Is reported seriously 111 at hor homo on the Keno road. Mr. and Mrs. Paul II. McKee nr rlvod yesterday morning from San Francisco on n combined business and ploasuro trip. Mr. McKco Is vlco president of tho Cnllfornta-Oregon Tower company. Miss II. C. Huntington arrived last night from Sacramento and is reg istered at tho Whlto Pelican hotel. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rlggs aro hero for a brief visit from Roso burg on their way to Crater lake. B. II. Hurd of tho California Oregon Power company, who nrrlved yesterday- with Mr. and Mrs. McKee, left this morning for tho roturn trip to San Francisco. D. D. Llskcy pu'. tho buslnoss of harvesting his crop nsldo long En ough to como Into town for supplies this morning from his ranch at Ma tin Gorge Stevenson returned fester day morning from Diamond lake whom he went for a few days with his brother, Don. George loft last night f;r Bly expecting to return again this evening. Mra. B. M. Igl will entertain the Bridge club at tho homo of Mrs. Roger C. Dovroese, on Wednesday of next week. A good bed and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th nonr Main St., and at Colonial annex, 741. Walnut Ave. All outside rooms. 20 FOR SALE Will sell nt cost n deli very bod for Ford or other light car. Boo Tracy, Central School. 30 ,WWV...W.W.-.N. WM.1l .WO.-.. V . y. ....'.' j L .. - - '" yiilMwwnilllln " WANTED Experienced hand Ironor. French Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4th street. .2023 Exams, for Annapolis And West Point to Be held October 29 Congressman Nick slnnott will mako his 1922 appointments to tho naval academy at Annapolis and tho military academy at West Point by means of 'a competitive examination. This examination will bo held for Mr. Slnnott by the U. S. civil com mission on October 29, 1921 In Baker, Bend, La Grande, Klamath Falls, On tario, Pendleton and The Dalles. , Appointments will be mado by tho congressman according to tho grades mado by the candidates taking the examination, as reported to him by tho examiners of the civil service commission. The second district of Oregon will have three vacancies at tho naval aca demy, three prlnclpalsblps and nlno altcrnateshlps; anr ono prlnclpalshlp and two altcrnateshlps at the military academy during 1923. Tho official examinations to Annapolis aro held during February and April 1922, and for West Point March 7th, 1922. Mr. Slnnott has set the date for the com petitive examination far ahead In order that tboso successful therein may have plenty of tlmo to prepare for tho official examinations. - Any young man of tho required age who is a bona fldo resident of tho second district of Oregon is ollglblo to tako tho examination. Full par ticulars regarding same may bo had by writtlng to Hon. N. J. Slnnott Room 347, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. FOR RENT Threo room furnlshod house. 933 Washington St. 20-23 FOR RENT Partly furnlshod 4 room houso and bath, flno location. S13 Lincoln. 20 FOR SALE Oood cooking and Jolly apples. Cth and l'lno. Mrs. Vhlt- Inrfc. ?n All persons deslrlug tossona on band Instruments nro requested to bo at tho old Court houso Monday night nt 7 .10 eharp. Ask for band direct or. 20-22 Children don't forgot tho Free Swim Tucsay nsnrnlng nt tho Now- Hot Knrlnir tmlh hnmn. 5(1. "" WANTED To trndo n lot of Inch lumber and dimension for Oats. Call wrltd or phono. Nino Lumbor Co City. Phono 23F2. 20-23 WANTED To trndo Pine nnd Fir lumber, nil dimensions for hay and oats. Call, phono or write Whlto Pine Lumber Co., City. Phono 23F3 20-23 See thoso $1.00 Children's slippers In tan and whlto nt tho Evans Shoo Co. 19-20 FOR RENT Now 3 room houso, partly furnished: closo In. Rent rnngnnnhln. Ifi!t2 TVftll itrnnt. fTnll Elrt. Phnnn 2R0.J. nffnr l n. in. nr - I - -" w -- -, --... w r. .... v. call in person tui joircrcson. 19-20 11921 490-Chovrolo'.. fully equipped with accessories. New car guarantee 1 1918-Bulck 8lx. Flvo now tiros. Car A-l condition. 1 1918-Bulck Four, guaranteed first class condition. Real bargain. Inquire of J. C. WRIQHT OR IJUICK HALES AND SERVICE CO 7TH. AND KLAMATH AVE. tf FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished room at cornor or 4th and Pine streets. St. 19-20 Boys Mule Skin Scout Shoes from 12.00 up at tho Evans 8hoo Co. 19-20 WANTED Position as cook or wait ress on ranch or in camp. Call Box 2, Herald office. 19-22 CUT-OFF mon wanted, also common laborers. Growers Packing Ware housing Ass'n. 19-26 Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notlco Is hereby given that tho copartnership horotoforo existing bo tweon Albort Plasll and Robert Kctt ner. undor tho firm namo of Kcttncr & Plasll, at Malln, Oro.. has this day been dissolved, tho business of said firm bolng henceforth conducted by Albort Plasll, ufto has ossumor nil li abilities and to whom all accounts duo and owing to said firm aro pay able. Signed: ALBERT PLAB1L PELICAN HAY BUS Fare 2 So each way Leaves Rez Cafe Leaves Pelican City 7:45 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:45 p. m. 1:00 p. ta. 5:00 p. m. 0:30 p. m. Reckard Reat Service Phoae 77 26-tf NEW TODAY I WANTED Young experienced wo man for hotel work, out or town. $60 per month. Employment office 741 Walnut. 20 Colonial one room cabins for housekeeping. 11th near Main St., and 741 Walnut ave. 20 FOR SALE Astrlcan. apples, 2 and 3 cents per pound. 834 conger Ave. 20-22 FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished four room apartment, also garage. No children. Phono 192M. 416 S. River side. 20 FOR SALE At a bargain; lot and furnished cabin. $176 If taken at once, also ono now six room modern house, less than cost. Phono C45M. zu COOLEST THEATRE IN TOWN Hie Strand iwwivwvwwv'wiiw'v..vnr vhiwwi.kiw-vvwwv You re Looking Better Usually keen for a fresh start, too, when you return from your vacation. We can help you make next year's play time even more successful. Those wonderful .X? v,viSA" ' -a.1' tr- -ret-' u.r ar imiori " i.1." plans, conceived in the last days of this vaca tion, can be made realities. Why not start next year without a financial care? Deposit one or two dollars more if you wish with us each week. This systematic plan will provide a vacation surplus which' will add greatly to your pleasure. fW We will supply you with a saving device if you desire A neat little book Bank. Start this account now, and remember that we add infm-Aa1 nil vrtu anf aeirlV. ..A.. J wwv w..ww 40 The First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. -(VJ-trJ-xru'U'ijunanrirvvt''V'i'ii"' firrT - . ... -,,-,- -, ,-,- -,-,-,-, , Ho ready for school with a pair, of Boy's Buckheclit Army shoes, i light, comrortnblo and strong. Evans Shoo Co. 19-20 RENT REDUCED 6 room housw.i 1310 Munxanttn St., $20 per month.; Inqulro C12 N. 9th at. iv-u- FOR SALE 1 ton truck, many other cars. Will trndo. What have you. Seo Dick, Cth and Klamath avo. 19-20 FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room, bath nnd phone. 612 N. 9th St. 19120 SELLINO OUT All goods must bo sold In tho next 10 days. Many good things wo enn show. Seo Dick Cth and Klamath nve. 19-20 i?L4 i ia. rODAK WORK LeayeYour Rltws Mm 9 OclocK-Your A.M Pictures dm ready af 5 lifC Pvf naerwooQ! lz umaraiiM rcwal MLY r7n7 " KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE: PARTICULAR PCOPLC lUr,T-l UY Tt" DRUG3 Ug?UffAvl FOR SALE A-l paying buslncsi, ' now and second hand goods, Right, man. Snap. Must quit. Boo Dick, Cth and Klamath aro 19-20, Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads. Ballads of the Day THEATRE Formerly the Mondale 1180 Main St. The little houso with big shows. SUNDAY TID3 IDOL OP THE SCREEN Chas. Ray in "Honorable Algy" Ray at his boat and 'you know what that moans, action all the tlmo, also . Ford Educational Weekly ' AND A Good Comedy Continuous show Sunday starts "t 1 o'clock. , i PLAYER ROLLS Sentimental selection! and love songs of today. Pop ular favorites with pood musi by well known artists. n 1 "Music LiSUi Headquarters" Shepherd Co. Fine Pianos Players Victrolas, Grafonolas Sonoras WVAAMaaVMAaVJ N. C. O. WWWVWVVNMMMWMAMMMMMMAMaAMAIW DL C l7F7 I and our rllOne OZ-JsalesMgr., MR. WRIGHT will call on you with full details of our Stock offering. . OFFICE: 532 MAIN HOUSTON & "INSURANCE SERVICE" HOUSTON? J.MVif Inheritance Tax Insurance, Child' Educational Pol icy, Fire Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Life In surance, Accident and Health Protection. i ' . ? -x . c c r Qiioarmm Rlrlflr.. Klamath Falls. Ore. i, "'"" """" " - ( ' w r l :rrxsrr ir- - trr-"-. Vf , !j . .4' A 1